T. I jK ., V .'& i i BEST FORfkE m ' WELij If ymi Jim I i rrautr, tifulllijr m fi-tnnit nr Hut l.ii. H tf il, jimiih III ur .,( lie tr mii r I it III put I'ulr HI III. lmi mil tl., " I ' . -I' ''I I M.UiUiiitMiii. Tim .iimnthl r.'.'r;,,:. jc wmkiv' "' v"vin ib" t", OANDY OATHARTIO 'mcy EAT 'EM LIKE OANDY llm.ahl, I'aljLM.. I'ntaM Ttif Itnllncit, hick' Uiliii . r mlt.a i) t, -i rmU irr l"u. Wrli fur If iu..., 'utiA liuoklei n lirllll A'lillill (J4 intuitu nearer lo-irm, riuricti r xrir toiu. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Surprise Parly Mm Mniitl Mill win treated to u Miriiri"t parly Friday etenlng lit the tcafilciico of It, (J. Aiuitclu, by n num ber ol Ihi filcinlH, Tint evening nan hponl in guinea, mmdc mill dancing uhieh wuh fnllnned liy a lcliciottH reput in midnight. An excellent time i repotted and hud it iHit In on for tin" Midden illni'hx of mil of the iiiirtiripiitili, after p tying lint penult) forfeit in iiiitof Hie k'linti'vv'-ryililiiK would liuM gouooiriereiicly,ii iluu. iho young iiimii Hiiir..fi. tlire.eniclni illg l.illl nf tllltlllK III III! (lil'IIK) in tint piciin'o of tint cntiiit riiiiipiiiiy ui twill it i lit after Hirt lair mi. 'I'lni wlio porlicipMted in the event worn : MoMr Frank Wickman, Victor Wiokiiitii, l.tmnard Miuy, IVrry iMmify. .Iii-pcr Mhiui-v , .lueoh Fj.h it, V.tiu -I ntatitr, it. C Amnion, Coll Unity. MiMf .Uiinie WirkiiMtt, MhihI MIlli, M.ilii-1 M IU7.IIV . ('iiri l.in grmi, .Ii4ii .N'iImhi, Mvrtle llivne-, Muuil S inf.ird, .Mnrv (iiritrd. M tin in MilN MitniuHiiil Mary Anialein M-hIkihc Trinoite, It. (' . Aui ilein ami .NVIIiti J lurry FOR SALE run bred Mammoth lliotizo Tin key- fioitt the famuli Wood nrd ami Miiiikii -iiu1ii Tom .".mciicli. Trio IM. Ksjir for hatching I3.WI for a wulu of '.i, Itm red Plymouth Itoi'k ( m-kcrcN Sl-V) to $.. i. Ilitrrt'il i'lyiuoiitli ltM'k Ami S. V Itiouu Leghorn ' M.5H Hr Hvttluj', or 1 1 Selling from tin f.uuoiH In llttti ft tut tier Duck I.Vi for l. llatcliliiKH from tlins- liitporti-il lliirnil Itoi'l; limn uMli ic niU of loMSMM fjaf In I-"H ila irJ'O Mr eottliiL'. lmN'('tliiii lliMtiil. AiMristt MtANX ItouKliN MMISHFIKI.I) OKKOON wytiiuHjCTjmariKiwmjnmiCJwwtantiinfiniMrnniaLiM WM Fliinaiiii A' Ituiiuoll ' HANK, lilUKCTOUS- T It .sliori ilan, .1. W. Itoiiiii-il; I'ltl's j ami. II. riuiHtf.Mi. VliT PICKS.: It. I' WiI.iuiik, rASMIKIl Capital, $150,000. lU.TvrtMirBG'.N.E) . . ninit'.au? mmmx CO YEARO' EKPERIENCE Trade MARKa rtunvninuTR Ac. AnTono cni m n uliclrti nmt itcf tlntu n niT niUoklr lucurtnlii (Mir i)iliiltm froo wliuthor mi ViIV iitlim iimlmblr iwli'iilulilu. C'lHiimiuilfv ". ".'..I..I i,.fi(.i ll.niillKX.iiiii I'ulnnU (Kilt Ircn. t'ltlost HL-uiioy fi)i-Ki'ciirlii.M'Utiil. I'ntVnlii liikcu Ifiroimli Muim p Cu. iccolTO lixrliil unllcc, vrlttiout cliurwo. In tlio smtm mmnm, A liMtrtoiimlr lllmtriijMil nooktr. If recjt ilr. Ml)NN&C0.3O'D,ad New York mltieU Olllco, h, V Ht, Whluiitoii. I. C. fw!Lft to'r K vOi O 1 MUU& ftfeM&4 li I vfl'7n?fflffWnl I J iSM fcTcr ".jjiti :ljitw STAIE AND ClINnRAL NEWS.) .M'o fJoH'iiiiii anil Artlmr Waril lifiyHaiil 1H anil 1( yonrw worn fnioii In ilttnili liiNt Momluy in lint lull', while KoiiiK from Tillamook lo (Jlut Kop noiiiity. t Im CRtluiiitod that 7fl0() immiKritnlH pinio'i iIimiiikIi Mimii'iipiiliH. went wuril IjoiiikI.Tiii'mIhn anil WciIiii'mIiiv Aflcrri'xi'iat diiv ilclilicnillon I Inn. (Ivn. II. Will i II III rt ll IHIKIIIKHIltl'tl III lid conic iH-atifl(.'iato for fllajor of Port ion!. Mo iiiiro win Attoinoy Ocnurnl in (Iraiit'd Caliiiiot. linker KnpiilillratiK ant for .IoIoik lor Kovurnor ami Monly for coni'icnn anil (ifcr for hucomiI ulioit'u. Wm. Millor.JaiiicH (Inhvdll nml Hoi I llailcy nro in jail at IluriiH Ou'iton, rlnirucil Willi killing. I. W. (Jitrtiu, at ' lie Xarrmn on .Match 'J2. Tim Allinny cruel: iIioih Im a ron toNt with iho iimno iiionlior from the Salem (toil ami (inn clulxleff uteri the later hy '7 poiulii. It. Jt. Itymi llie fiocialicl raniHiiato for governor of Oregon lnm licen uhIcciI to withdraw from the Dulcet. (I. M. Sherwood, of Pendleton wuh M'titeucud to .'I yearn in the peniten tiary for obtaining nioiiey tinder falne preteuccH. Iowa with Hevoti tinie-i tlio poptilu lion of Ontpin mid fniirteen timeH ili wualln approprtitlitu auotil tlio mime ammotoi; ol inoiiiiy lo run tlio Ktatf Koveriiiiiuu:. Su'otii Ulolslian FcenitislH- iiave I m 1 1 1 k I t a lot ami will htiilri : now ehti.'ch. ;. Salem flux mi!l will be put in oper ation this (tearou. The xnrvivern of the haltto o Mal nhon incut in Portland .Moudiiv eve niiiK. Tlio Hriti-h KteaiiMhip Oceano Iiiih heeu liholed for t'.K, (K). Tliootiit wun 15 led in the Admiraltv conn in Port land hy Daniel Kuril, who in a OV oriimeiit uontructo-. It ii wondered if tlio initials it. U It., for the .Socialint eamitdato of gov ernor of Oregon do not Htand for tint hiiiiiu tiling which defeated .liimex (! Illuino "ltiin, It niianiiin and Hehell- 1011." W. II. Itilinitii the HoKfiio mini who ii4 mi id to have kidnapped hU own daiilm i' wan capitircd in Itobebnr' .Saturday. CANUV CATHARTIC. Genuine stamped C. C C. N'vtr sold In bulk, Uewarc of the dealer who tries lo sell "something fust s good." (Jrilil's Disease Tho lar;oit Mini over payed for n proscription, cliani,'ed haiuN at Sail KramilHVO, Auk J10, 11)01. Tho trans fer involved in coin and htoek fll'J.ftOO.ODanri was paid hy a partyof. liiiHinei-rt men for a rpccillc for HriKht'n. Di-iuiM'uiid Dtabctef, hitherto incurable lliHI'llCOH. Thoy uommonned tho Hurious inve.s 'iatlou of tint HpocillcXnv lo. 1000 Thuy interviewed rcorod of the cured and tried it out omth inciitH hy puttiii; over threo dozen oai'e.s on tl o ttcat inoiit and watchiiiK them. They aUo KOt phyidoiaun to name cliroi.tc, iu cnrahle caoe", and udniinHtured it with tho physicians for judges . I'p to Auk- UTi, eighty m'Vcii pur cunt of Iho (est nvo.s were eitlur well or projjros hoik favorably , There boiiiK only thitteon per cent of failures, lliu iiarlicrt were HiUullcd and closed tin liansaotion Tlio pro eediuKi of tho inve.Uinlinj,' com uoteo mid Iho clinical repot-tti of tint lent riitte.s worn publislied ami will bo mailed lieo on application, Addiea- .lOIIN .1, Kt I.ION COMI'ANV, -I'Jl) MoiltS Komory St., San Kiancihco, Cal. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE P IN NEWSPAPERS ( ANYWIIURO AT ANTIMQ 1 1 Cull on or Write E.CDAK17SADYERTISIH9 AGENCY 61 & 6s Merchants' Epbanso kan v'n ANCiaco. cal. I 8 )90Ct)QOW9Q09 y it L'R t;t. t0fT'"n't2Iii3ltt;alratilti. itMMMMMWMMM iTAirvwr win be o a. ru.. a &A ttrunK hiloh Consumption tiT 4 . ttv ohm In o Ptron trc 1 valSTtT Kuarnntccncurcorrrfuinl - a " monrv. mid wc feint ion f ri( trial loltlc If you wr' s lor It. HUM nil'tl rn.ln''. ri-nl mid will ciltp Coil. Mimjilloti, 1'iicuiiiniiin, Ilroticliltlj nml nil I.iiiit; Trouble. Willctire n roncli or cold Inn ilny, nml tliuo jnevent Krlou rciiH. It lia frcii iloliti; lliCKStliliiKi for U) yean. H. C WRtt-n U do.. J.c Kov, W, V. k'nrl'a CAnvrrVnni Trn rnrrcrU Ihi Slomflch ttOTriMMMWIHMiaaMIMIMIMNaWH(r DANE EVIDENTLY GOT BADLY BUNCOED Proposal to IMace new Philippine Coinage on the Silver liasi.s WnMilriKtnii, Mnr. 2H- At the Hlnte do partiiiint today tlm cliuruiM iiiade hy Cupt. CliriHtmitH in coiineetloii with tlio Hiilnof the Danish West IiuHc wimclitir ncteri7.el as "IniicleN-i, iiiimitigiUed, Hi'iiHolesH faliercalloii." It in apjiarant to tlio nfllcinls of tho Ftate ileparttiietit that miiiiu tiucrupiil oiis Individuals u't hold of ClirlHtmaH pud made him ImIIovc that the ime of money win n mei"wnry iiurt of tint nogo tiathuiH for the fiile of tlio iNlaiids. At a iitcetliiKiif the Jtcptililfcnii iiii'tn Ihth of the Hi'iiitte Pliilippiiie coinmittee (lie nineiidiiH'ii'.H to the Phi ippiuo Civil (hneriiuieiit hill providliiu for tlio elec tion of u popular IIoico of the logiHln tlvo iisKi'inlily and fixing a iver Imnia for the coliuigo wero decided uioii. TIiIh pnppr inlsht bo filled with Items llkjt the following, mid every one ho the iilwiilnto truth. 1 had rheumatNiii for jrars and tiled ahno-t everjthinjr. hut nt no permanent relief until 1 used niitmberlnlirt Pain Iltilin, three battles of which cured mo. It If the het modi cine I eer used.- Philip K. IlliomN, Pen iivilte. .Mo. Pain Diiliu is for cnlo by .lohii Preuss, Kaiser's Yacht Ready .Vow York, Mur. liS: - Tlio Kutor'n yacht Meteor left the TowiiKftiul Downey shipyards today for her trial trip. If the nplii I" Mticco.sxfiil the yacht will bo rlKKotl w Ith her criiIniiK('iiiivus nml will Mart under convoy fur tlio other fide early in tho coinlujj week. Health for 10 Cents. A lively liver, pure blood, clean skin, bright eyes, perfect health Cascarets Candy Cathartic yill ob tain and secure them for you. Genu ine tablets htampctl C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Committee Tries TO BRING OPPONENTS TO AN AGREEMFNT Coal Slrlke Would be Serious Matter Miners Ilnve Upper Hand Now York, Mar. 128- Quiet but deter mined efforts boiritu today by tho inoin hersofthe conciliation committee of tlioNatioii'il Clle Federation to bring together on a permanent agreement tho rival forces of tho anthracite miners and employers, What tho plan la tho members ot the cominittt'o refmo to say. Tho minors Room to havo tho unpor ham! at present. Thero h only about two weeks' supply of coal hi tlio markets of tho country today, A strike would he serious at this time and tho operators nro anxious to avoid It. The electric lights wtrc turn ed on Thursday night, the ueces siuy lepairs having been made to the plant. Myrtle Poiut Enter prise. i ... FULTON'S CANDIDACY ENDORSED BY CLATSOP AttoriiiMar. 2r, - Tho Clatsop county llenubliean convention met this morn ing and effected tempoiary organiza tion, Thero win no IlLdit on committees, hut a contest is ONiicctcd on county Judge and representative. Tho conven tion will endorse Pulton for United! Stutes senator, ' your. I Otirtlfyoii try Bright Prospects for Von foorliis Zimcavllie, Mnrclt 20:I'olUlcnl in tercut centorH In tho Republican con grcHilonnl pritiinrleH beiiif; hold In Otienihoy county today in it ti conceded Unit the ro.itilHvIll mean victory or do feat for CotiKrcM'tinn Henry Clay nn ViKirhU of the Fifteenth dlntrict. Con- KreHSiiittn Vitti Voorhis In lilt Horviiifj Its fifth term and irt it ciindtduto for renoiit- J illation. It It tlio general opoiuioin that . If he capturcij tlio (itierney county dele gntion today, or n largo portion of It, IiIh rcnonilimtlon will ho n foregone con cliifiou, and tlio threatened oppostlon In tho other countlert will bo uselous. DON3T TOUACCOSPIT and SMOKE YourLIfcawayl Voti can be cured of any form of tobacco ulne C.illr, be made well, utroup, fnasnrtlc, full ol new life rnd vigor by taking KO-TO-DAO, that make wc.k mtn ltong. Many gate ten poumlf In ten days. Over 000,000 cured. AlldruKKitL. Cure jcuarautred. Hook let nml advice I'KHIt. AddteM STI!IU.INU iUUUY CO., Cuicauo or liew York. -u ELEOTRCOITY Arc you Hiirferltig from Klummatlsni, Weak back, Nenom trouble orOenerally run-down system? IVo Klectrlc Holts ami IlattcrliH. For men and women. Klectrlc Insolet keep tho feet warm and prevent catching cold. For booklet and circulars, address, JiLKCTItlC API I.IAXCE 10., Medford, Oregon, SUGAR $4;25 For 100 lbs. California or Spreckol's Fine, Dry Gra.nulo.tcd. BLSenestacken; -Wholesale and Retail Druggist DKAI.Klt IN DltUtlS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE Marshflcld , Oregon. Prescription Skillfully Compounded nt all hours. Agent for Wells, Fargo Ss Cc, t i 'tlluj Fiiv. Llfd.ml Accident Companies. sasmsssiaim.BSMsmassmOTssffiZHfjas mn vn ifiunw I Xfl vUr W inucnuuT) nml we UUN I ttl.muL'l I - m' .MMMBP.WmMta.MMWMiMWM turned in ta noiir. nner receipt. Kenicmuer we employ wane labor only, follow- w ! lug are some oi our anents: George Lorenr, Rtndon; N. I.orenz, Coquilk: li, A. Dcdge, ;Mtlle l'o.nt. N", Hanson, North Bend; J, Morgan, lunpiie. inn no niu omy i iniinnu imW!aWMZS2S8S8SZSiaB2SMa2SZSfflmSZi&M W2a2m3SmSZS?S2S2S3SE5SK385JS!K2aSPl f Tho Old Koliable Firm, EB.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT dMM&IE U coiismmly adding to ito; stocK of Gnneral Morchon diec, already tho largest ip Martdiflcld. yiienyoubny at tho lill Store you knoy; tho goods nro first class and the pnoo is nil rigbt. All kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail, Ralilnx. JO-lb. box desert duster for JJJOl I rrunei. none finer or tweeter. 103 tb.for 2.7J 1 IRplcei. hlch sracle. full wcltf it. Mb. tin 1.00 Oyttcri. eae of 4 iloten tlna for - - - - 4.U) , fSoupi. Mb, ttm, aborted, txr dozen - .75 1 ' Pmpk.fl. rvtrs ulaf. nuarterciBeA for- .551 i Our huperb Cream. cae of 4 dozen for - K1 cornburcn.40.iu. dox lor - - - - - - i.wi Rolled wheat, a nucar barrel lull lor z.i lllrnni. nrw clnk. ISO Ibl. for . . - 1.50 1 iMrfearonl 50-lb. eae for - . . . 4 2.U fMackerel. new. bright, fancy, kit for 1.75 J Balwon, per half barrel - - - - 4.251 Codfiih. Jaib box (tnuelcfi) for ... l-bi niitri. i-iiion Kre. itncv.nor i .; 50-ib bundle lor ...... j.o i It..... I.HJU. .k.. hn - . . . . 1 ll Green I'ea. dried, new, 100 lb. for - 2.75 Table I'nilt. caie of 2 dozen of cither peacltei, pear, plums or npriroti for 2 JO Tomatoes, ouedozeu cation tint for 2.55 i Vlnecar. 4cUon kcefor 9C 'MYTHIC? iJL'AA 3L SLSL. CASH STOR.E NO. 2B MARKET STHCET, 8. F. tan we pncoiur rou r Kest ami Comfort. These tUibstiutfrRl mattresses nro sleep Inviters. They are comfortablo and will retain their "eprlngl ne--s"for years. Mmlo in two pieces or nil In ono piece. These husk matresscs, with cotton fnco aro equal to nlMniir and cost n grea deal less money. QllRISTEtfSES &, nJoilNSON t it l u ma no mjurlouu cliciiilcals nnd S orly the very best of soap and we guaran W lio mr unrl: W. nci. nprfrlfl n,Arl.rn 55 tie. Cl.OIIlUb. Laundry work can bere-gj " 7 ' I " "T " ....V... Jr -xsssft