The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, April 05, 1902, Image 2

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SATTKDAY. : : : : APH. 5. UW2
Published Every Saturday by the
Mail Publishing Co.
One Mr. (In ndniticc) ji.50
S.s months., , .,
Three months jo
i.oo will be charged when not paid Jn advance
V. J. Furnish, candidate for
Governor, after icceiving favors
from the Democratic party, not
so very long ago, became more
ambitious and joined the Repub
lican organization. Still full of
energy, this former Southron, de
sirous of demonstrating the sin
cerity and permanency of his con-
Version, announced that he would
sacrifice him?elt and serve the
people as the Governor of Oregou.
Our Republican friends, in order
lo cucourage desertion to their
rauks, should reward the hun-
gricst of the impattcut turncoats
with thf hiohft nfrTr: uiflim
their gift. They should kiek!llou a3 lor of l,IC churclK
,, tW ctnoh p,nMiM ! This was a surptise to all, and
w.. ...... ............. .M-..w......, ,
yvtwtuwi a. 4. vj t.w iiu wtio
maue rue uesr, executive uregon .
ever had. and install in his place
Mr. Furnish. -Woouburn i
dependent '
An incident which has but
little bearing op the South Afri-
can war is the death this week of
. M m J XT 1 t 1
Cecil Rhodes. Vet he was prob-r
ably the prime mover in the pir-
atical Jameson raid, which led to
. ,,.
ttlows out the gas and furnishes
the newspapers with a jest and
an obituary notice. "Didn't
kuow it was loaded" may be.
an honest plea, but it never
brought a victim back to life.
Those who let a cough run 011,
in ignorance of the danger,
find no escape from the con
sequences when the cough de
velops into lung trouble.
The best time o kill a snake
is in the egg. The best time
to cure a cough is when it
f tarts. Ordinarily, a fev doses
of Dr. Pierce's Golden lied- b
ical Discovery will cure a
cough at the beginning. Hut
even when the cough is deep
featcd, the luuijs bleed and the
body is wasted by emaciation,
Dr. Piorce's Goldeu Medical
Discovery will iu ninety-eight
cases out of every hundred effect
a perfect and permanent cure.
"Mr husband had txen coughing for years tnd
inojif'- frankly told mi- that he would go tutocou.
Mimption," write Mrs. John MUtcman, of No.
465 ?5th 1'lnce. CUIC2JW. 111. "He had iich terri
ble co-Jijhlnfr fcjw'U we not only ure much
albmied but luoLcd fur the bursting of a blood- '
eiRel or a hemorrhage ntmott any time. After
three days' consilium he w.u too wcaUtnTrCin ,
the room. Tile doctor did him no .rood. 1
Mated the case tondruxebt. who handed me a
bottle of l)r I'ierce' aoldeu .Medics; Ihscovery.
My husbaudh rtcovtry w remarkable. Jn
tliree days alter tie Lrgan uslnt; lit I'lercc's
tar jfrarv r-fl"ffiw- jSV iWvfe'
vv CM
V yrtl
r.nm.n ui.niini niinMi.r.i tt .unii m ) tm . . - - w
ZZSriintvowiaiyi&Z&tifwSZ "K ollieers. iJrcs. Air.-;. U AI. ivertciitly stepped into a steel Imp nmiosi mr 1110 nouor. .juugo iiiiam
Two bottles cured him," V1.U. l'i . t),,j,t, . Mr., t: u ' ...i :i. n u 11.. ookor.oue of the HUprenie cotut com-
Th common nMir.1 h.oh S ? l "'"l ""'J' . ' ,l,ch 1In"y ' ,,c ha. ,ut ?wL. nslouers Is ,,., m.m'itinced.a.pirm.t for
iooS pages, in pajwr covers, is cent ret XNorlo"i l rcuiiuer,. iir.s. j. J. tie was a nice, medium sized Jiulgo .Maiuy'n noitl 011 the supr 0
on receipt of 31 oue-cent ctampa" to pay! McCormucj Secretary. Rev. Hors- brown bear, but ho is a uuumled ",ts,- "V'r 1"- ""'i'.1' Vr '''"'H? vv:,11,
expense of mailing only., Atldrcsa Pr, ' fnl rtiiiains noiv I .V,l,"-'!!r ,,U'H',.,!VJMo ,H '"intituled ill
k, V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. ' rtmanifr rjo I flio huiiio voiliifcttoi ii
this most iniquitous war. lie is
dead, and he dies a much-hated
man; prooaoty no man is more,
bitterly hated bv the lloets and
1 many British than Rhodes, unless
it be JosephChambeiluiu. Rhodes
practically brgati the war, but
Chamberlain carried it oh. lloth
men will hand down their names
to posterity, but we do not envv
them the kind of odor which will
cling to their names. Aigonaul.
We respectfully call the attent
ion cf our county exchanges to tin
example of the Snlcm Weekly
Democrat, which copies our item
regarding the sale of the Chad
wick tract nud gives ctedit lo the
Daily Coast Mail at both ends
of the article. This tends to
I rvn tlmmc tin.
"- - f" "i"
Rjv. S.B. .McClelland Resits
At the regular annual meeting
of the Presbyterian chuich, held
evening, Rev. S. !J.
McClellaud handed in his resigna-
expressions of regret
wpti. Iw.fiV. Tr f 1i..f fr
at bwa.f
Clelland has received a good. Tho Inn:i Vi ,,,, lw1 lnlu( ,
j ofier from Uouldcr, Montana, and niSW tin- tiomiuathm hun for door.
'as he thinks the change will be ( Krnnl: Daw. of Fnlcm. ban wlnil that
beneficial to the health of his "..t cmo ..ivh,B to tli critical
'-.,,, , , , , llllnttwof hid llttlt.MlaiiKbtor Voia.
family, he has concluded to make Tl(J Iortlum, nmi!U!lMN( w,, ul,
the change. He will stay until navi. iliv stnto rnnveiitloii eoiiiilitvly In
the last of this month and it is haml. aro proparhiK the public iiiiml for
!i.vniilml llmf rnn 1. ' FurilNIl lid till) ItOpllbllnill Caillllllllto
c.pectecl mat ins place can ue
. for governor. It Id thrown out for pul-
nllcd by that time. e t.OIMim,(t!oIl ml a, ,u.,08nlloll
'i,!,e various Teports read at the from Multiibinisli has not yet ilwlilml
'meeting showed a satisfactory who It is for nml It may finally bo for
state of aflairs. The membership
... ,
has increased during the past
year, and the report of the trus-
tecs showed that all liabilities had
been met and there was cash in
the treasury.
After the meeting a social was
held and light refreshments were
Cruelly to Animals
A gang of boys were amusing
'themselves on Front ftrect
evening by tying firecrackers to
the tail of every dog that was tin-
, . - . . . . ..
lucky enough to get into their
clutches. Many valuable dogs
arc ruined by just such nefarious
tricks and it would be hard to
prescribe punishment too severe
to cover a crime of this kind.
Guild Officers.
The ladies of the Kj.iscopal
Guild he)d ihcir annual election
vesterday and elected the follow-
Cream of the
Published livery Day
Ibvobttrg, Apr, I Tito llrnt eongiiw
lonal convention was held hero today.
Judge Hewitt of Albany wits chair
man mid L Y. Stewart of CiniiiU Pitw
Tongue wim ic-noiulunted by iieoluiu
utloti liy a rising vote.
Dr. Harris, of Kurimio was ro-lictil
chairman of the congressional commit
too. The entire nwloit lusted but thirty
Portland, Apr. 1 liy the tut It rttlo tht
Multnomah dclogutlun decided to cant
Its d7 vote for Williamson of I'rook for
cmigreA mill defeat Cougrewiuati Moody
of Wasco for ro nomination.
I'ortliuitl. Apr. 1 -Today dovojop
wonts tiro favorable to tltiriviioiiiiim
tloii'of T. T. (!ftr, tin' present gnornor
wln claims Unit he will win oit the ee
ond ballot.
Tlio delegation from Mtiltiiouinh will,
by the unit rulivigreo one after ntiottif r
'otta state tlckota fint us n slate pan
be iiiaik' that will pi through '.ho ntnte
convention tomorrow.
(leer hits a ktroiig delegation hero
from Marlon county doing their uliiitwl
?r him ami they tlj;i:r out that he In
the Strongest ItMll ill till' HICO today, If
lutt t tin. fr.-o pIkiIpk of tin. miim.nthiii.
mmMU " WI lfvu u,,u ','0
probably moniiH the will ot one man or it
very .mail m of men. who have n.a.lo
the v.huli'Hlatel.otii ntart tollnlsh.
It ban been mi ly dropped today that
the deloffailo1( cannot Ik made dolid for
(ieer, which meaud It Ii.ih never been
anything but x.Hdly agfilm-t fiecr. mid
ho might in well have consigned 11 car
go of tee to the nortli pole mid expect
leturiiH a to go for nomination at their
They are showing great window In let
ting tlio (ieer people down oany ami will ,
thus bo able to keep them in lino after
tlm ronvi'iitliiii. fiincMr its ill salt wntir
hai boon rubbnl in on the defenti'tl emi.
II Ih "mv whiilttiil that tlio .Miillno-
mah delegation hold the power to muni
, .,
nuta (lui fviii'nHiinr' M'lt.t (fill ..1.111.11,1
'' V f)"ll- "Wl I il'J Mill Vtllll liO
tonight, (ioer Ih hopeful ot favorable
nctlon by the delegation.
New York. Apr. 1 Stitto Senator N'e-
vadiiN.btrmiiiliitii, of Fulton, Oswego
county, today Hucceeded fieorgo it. ill,,,
well u collector of the. poit of New
One of Ihe Sumner bean me
his fate Saturday when he inad-
Week's News.
in flic Rally Coast Mail.
Fust St. Louis, Apr. I -William A.
Hodonburg'H. uwlgnutlnn us civil' forvleo
coininNslouor beoiiuie olfootlvii toiluy.
Mr. Hodonholg wart appointed by I'rosl
tlout Mi'Klnloy, In UK) I. to IiIm present
portion. It Id thought that Mr. Uinlon
bore liuil not boon In strict record with
Dmlloy I'ottllio, Prottlilont KookovcICn
representative on the commission, ami
thtit tlio president Inn Intimated that
hid io.xli;milloii wiuthl hi accepted.
I.oiiIhiIIIo, Apr. I The national con
foreiico of the Allied (l'opullnt) putty to
he held heio during the next tliree ilii)n
Ih the talk of the hour.
The pntieiit couforeiico U the ronult of
tlio convention of the reform element).,
that U the organiitioii opposed to the
prlitclploit enuiiclateil by the Ltwo groat
partlef. which was hold at Katirwrt t'lty
lat September.
.N'nttir.tlly the llvelimt lnUnt 1
nmninteil In the platform to be adopt
od. The loaders of the .Satioual IVuto
crncv do not attempt to conceal their
Intercut In the coitferolice, while ageiitM
of the St)i'inllNU mid Social HeiiiocrtttH
are u!h openly working In it tt emleiuor
to Influence the deliberation mid declaration-:
of the Allied parly. The rank
nud (lie of the reform element, lometcr,
under (he leadeinhlpof ('hiilriiiaii Jo-oph
I'arker, belleie t.'iey are .strong enough
lo krep the party In the middle of the
load mid .steer clear of nil entangling
allbiiico! with other partlt. If their
ciMiiiM-l prevails, It is probable that an
entirely now platform will be adopted,
It will not dliler materially from the
old platform of the .Mlddlo-of-thc-ltoad
I'opulist.s. The resolutions will decline
fur government ownership of public
utllltloH, Kleiitlflc paper money, oiiilt
able taxation, it mouther of the cabinet
to look after liiltor matters mid other
tilings which the reformer bclicic are
for the public good.
Political Situation in Florida
Tnllaluiwe. Mar. Lti; TIiIiikm poll
t Ion I in the IVuinmila State are begin
ning to look up with the approach of the
big primary to be held this summer, mid
citudidates are miuoiiitciug theim elves
for tie Hi.oral ollloos lo bo rilled. The
chief Interest ccntcro ipilto naturally In
the contest for Culled States Hiiator.
At preM'nl there are but two announced
candidates, Hon. S. N. Mallary, of 1'eii
Hiicola, the iucumbaiit mid former Sou
ator WHkinsau Call. The names of
fcvoral others are mentioned in con
nection with tlio honor, Incliidlne C011-
gro-Mmau Spiirl.-Hninii of Tmupa.niiilMou,
riiiiih aiiiiuin 111 ni"iri, ,-ii Mini. nin
gOthor the eiintOHt U likely to bo an lu-
No (ioveruor Is to be rliiwn this year.
but there are a number of other Htate
OllicoH to be lllled, For the piMltlou of
fiecielary of Slate, to till out theiiuex
peeled term of Hon. John I,. Crawfoid,
di ceased, tlnio is but one avowed can
didate lit present Hon. II. ( lay Crawford
the ml Interln apnolnee tof (ioveruor
Jennings. While it Ih bebeved there,
will be or more oilier candidate for this
place, the prevailing opinion is that
Mr. Crawrord will ho nouiiuaied (0 com
plete the term Mr which Ids father was
elected in K0. State Comptroller A.
Church ('room, another ml Interln mi
that Mr. Croom will have no opposition.
One .Justice or tlio Supremo Court Is to
II..... I., ..I... I I.. II..' r...l I i
iijnry ami as Justice Mlltoii II. Mabry,
whose term is about to expire, announcer
that he will mil be a candidate, It Is
1111 iiwiiiiiiuirii 111 iiie mi iiirniiiiiiK iri
probable that there will bo Homethlm; 11
HucreHHont to two of the tallroml t'oitt
misslinicrt) iiImo will bo Holl'Ctod at tlui
prlmiiry. The two torum will ex.
iilre at the end of the year urn .tohn
llbitry K. Ihivmbl Cointnwlonor .lohu
M. Ilrymi. Mr. Ilrymi. oil account or
his health, um decided not to Maud for
re-election. Among the rmidldateii for
his place 1110 .lohu I). Ward or IViihiiooIm,
Stats Senator II. II. linker of Sumtei
county. II Is bollooil goiif'Ially that
Mr. Hay will not be oppohmI for le-olcc-
Atlanta, Mar. 'id In rexiioiiRO lo the
call recently lotted by Cliiilniiiiu 1I11
lllgiiou, the Di'inocralle state exeetitlvo
commltiee imelii In Atlanta today. Tlio
put pose of the meeting Is to artmige for
the eli'ctioii or governor mid other Mute
Now York, Mur. !!l The Ciilon Trust
Company or lliiltlmoio hi llniinciiig 11
sndlcalo to nnitilK' upwards or KHMkxi
(icroH of laud In Southwest Vltglnln
mid to build the old Virginia and South
western and Ohio Ither and Charleston
rttilioiids. The plan Is to orgaul.e a new
'-ouipnuv, with a capitalization of from
Mi.MM.U'Un SI'J.imi.OUI. The liillroad
lines tb- completed will rroitt it short
route rtotii the null Holds or Who county
to Mucolnton, N.C. From thoro they
will tun oer the Seaboanl Air l.lue to
oiitlinott,N. (' wh'TO large cool pirn
mid docks will bo built to liillldU thu
coal nud other hiisliitis.
Washington, Mar, !ll Tlio war depart
itieut has ordered mi luventlgalloii Into
chargcM iiiade by the Manila AiuorkMUi
to the elfort that private Kdvrurd llich
tor while a prisoner In the guard hotiso
at Dim Miirluiis wis turtttiisl to death
by llie lienteiimit commiiiidliig the do
taehmoiit. It Is wild that he was boiuul bnml and
foot mid several gallons of w.tter was
IHiured on his face drop by drop nud
that when releiuicd he was tleml.
Wa-bliigton. The Philippine
clll goieriimeut bill was rmorahly re
polled t.i the Semite today. A minority
report was also presented.
The latter proposes 11 subslltute bill
ileelarltig that the Cultcd States relin
quishes all claim to Hovvrelgiity over
mid title to the Philippines, and pro
vides for the occupation of the IhI mils
until Hie Paris treaty obligations are
carried out, pence has Ijoii established
ami mi election held for the adoption of
11 coustltlon for the archipelago.
.Vow York, Mar. .'II The Mcnuier.
Noordlmnl with 17 passengers taken olf
the burning ship Pretoria. Hi,) miles at
nea, arrived this morning. The lire In
the hold of the Pretoria, which arrived
last night, Is out,
Washington, Mar. 3i -Secretary Hay
announced today that the Columbian
government had pic'ciitod a definite
proposals for a treaty between the Cult
ed States ami Columbia by which the
latter glveri itri uuiiialfflcd roio-cltt to
the sale of the Pniiama en mil lo the
Culled States and provide for 1111 ado
fjuiitu mid H.'itisfactory guarantee of
maintenance, operation, control mid
protection of the canal by this govern
ment. The IIoum' eonnnitto on Ways ami
Means Inn ordered a favorable ronoit on
the Payne bill, providing iccipioclly
with Cuba.
Llttlo Rock, ArkH Mar. ! I - The l.itoit
returns hoot doubtful roimti.-s nhow
that Senator .Iiiiiioh K. Jones hart boon
defeated for reel -clloi. by .las. P. Clarke,
In addition to carry In the doubtful
cotintli"., Chrkti has can led the county
niiuerio kiiowii iih .ioiiov urongiioiii.
brrn -rnnvfrrrrrt ti
r rl A
ViJWYM Don't tin tin
hn I n it vniii
Jolly nml 1 roivrvu Jan. In
llioohlflililoneilltiiy. Krul
tliuin by tlui tii'w.ipiliih,
obuliucly Nitr.iuny-hy
1. nun uiiiini,-111 iiirn
Ktllnvit I'linilllnn. Jin:i
1111 lunlo or "l"r. In
nlr 1 1 it lit it ml ncld
li roof. J.anlly 11 piil led,
Uiiofuliii ml ioiintlicr
WfLVH llhflllL th( llftllkll.
I'll! 1 illruutloni wltli
0110I1 rnUv
1 . ' ywhiirc. Jlodo liy
'M",i,'"v 'ivu'iir-r -r
w&tfjafj&nwr mv
v ' 1VV ACi. .