a (Jens Bay f lolosale Lipr i. 'i ' House, IIKADQUAHTKIl.S FOIl II I (III IIIIAM! LKjUOUK ( HOICK WINKB AND I't'ltK HK A Will KM. LRADINCBRANDS OF BOTTLED BCIiR pQtuily Ordorj Solicited. -OI.K A(il'.NT I'Oll T1IK CKI.I. 11HATKD Ranier Beer. 'iitiiily onlcrs for Pop, pint niir, quarts, ilclivunul liy tliuciUT. Robert Marsden. THE STEAMER AROATA.. t. XHI.xO.Y, Muhlo. Will Mttlir, ett'Biilnr 'I'llni -IIKTWKKK- CCOS BAY AND- SAN FRANCISCO, -UA mm. Na- PAS&ENGEflS AND FREIGHT -AT- - UOWE3T RATES. (Jreiroo Coal & I'!viRaton Co., Proprietors. I:. 0. Manaan, Acnt, Marshficld y O. Company, A-ccnt, Empire City. Past nutl Coymnoilioits Stcnnisliij) ALLIANCE sir "I ,s Hl TTATP-n-nnnTr Master MaLrt ti'Kutar l.i:'t.t",l,ct,n .San Jr.im.ltco md I'oriUud tii I InmlMilpt andCoo6'Uy, 1 .illiiij; ut nlMne mjii4 e.ah vtay. TI10 ALLIANfJi: Id . Ilrl Ulllrtil lliK0lll;t!l' lldllt, llltll III)! nil tlio iiinili'i'iioiiuvcnliMirca mid a olio of the fastest Ktcniuci'H of lior cltu?. SW lMC'ijllt and l'asscnger Kates or Sailing Dates, Apply to X 4- tw zsr AIARSIIFIJ.UtP, Oregon "summons In llm ClrVill Conn of lliu Slate of Oregon, In Hd for tlic Coniily of Coos. Cliirta .Snuff. i Plalnlllf, v, C. II, AtUiTinai n. I Iclenil.int . Acllon nt l-iw to Kccovvr Monty, To ('. II, Aikeniiatm, the nlw foiitl.ini? named ifc. In llio name, of ihe Stale of Orrcon: Vjii me hereby notlfi'.-fl thnt yon nre required lo npivir mill nntwur ihr lompl tint filnlng.ilntl oii In llm above rnililiil action In which Charles Siaulf It plalntllf mid C. II Ackuriiiami It defrtnlnnl. within tit wt-ekt bom tin; date of lliclirii (inlillcittloii oftln tmuuimit, io-wlt with in ttfc wrckt fioin llif 151I1 tl.u of March, 1903, lliu imiii' ImIiii: ihr date of llir lint publication of Ihi tummou, nrid If oti f.ill to lo uppenr nr.dnntwer nnor befoietllea'iiliil.iy of April. 1901, Ihe tnme tiring lite hut day of the lime pietcrilfd In llir mdar for piilillaiilon, Judg nnll ulll In' taken iignlntt jou fur wnnl iliiteot for the trlii.f ilrm.imU'd in ihr. complaint of jil,ll!il'll lirfiln, 11 mtclutt Mnirmcnt cf which I t1toUi, io-wlt for judgment ngnlntt yon for llir Mini of i 15 40, s illi Interest nl the ml': of six t.r ten' iter minimi on tiono from llir V7II1 day of November, 1901, .ind In'crrst nt wm uin on J75 iroiii llir Jin nay 01 U.ircn, vn, mill for pl.ilnlifri "ootlt nnd dlibursr inriiUIn ililt nc Ion. Von me further tiMifinl tint In this iictlon certain n.rwm.il property Mimelng lo yon l.nt Ih-imi dulif nttaihed under nnd liy virtue of 11 Mill of nlt.uhmrnl duly luiud In thlt action, nt Miurlty lor the MtUl.iuton ol the judgment tlmt may In- ircoirird heicin by pLiinllff. Ihc nld pftimnl prdK-iiy io utuvtinl bring dei ullied in fnllowt, to. wit 30 humhrt of square loam tiumall tie, iiicli). 31 Imiichri of round loc'iiM tricinllt (15 rath), mid 1 ImhiiIi of I0010 tirnulM, nlHfiit i toiu ol i-tncli, 1 i-8-lncli nod 1 1-4-1 noti ronnil Iron iodt, 7 ciu-a of ihcvt topH.r. iilfiil 130 p'huhU topr nxdi, nlout io K)iiniU crtiipoii(Mi iplkvi. 13 Icki Inn limil, 4 1 -j fivr-;Mllon c.uu oil, ennt codjht ixlnl, 1 en 11 iim: iiuit, itliout 30.000 fi-ci of limty iliiplMilldiMK tlnibr nnd lumber, 3 io"kV' knclwini, 3 18 3 Uiu'.irtl. 'I hit Miuimnn l puUlMinl In purtiifliirc of .111 i.iih'f m,ul- Uy U ll.ilottr, ut County uiln' of tHltl C'ft ciHinty, Swl of Ouiton, llnlol llir 151I1 tiny of MkIi, 1909. dlrrc'OiiK III. II Mirtkic tlirtiol Ik mndr by Mili!icnlkHi of llm mnw in iIh (.ossi M.ll pnldUlird nt .MiuUilhil'l, C004 uounly, Orr)',on. once n wwk for a iiemxl ol iv iaocMivr v,itlt. I S. (oki, u.. It. I- f. I'AIIUIN. Alioinrys for I'Ulmiff. TIMltKll LAND. ACT JI'NK .'!, 1S7S. NOTICK FOIl FCHLICATION. United Sutctlnd Oflkc. ItO'cbiitc. Oiron. '.Uauli , ti03. Notuw It bcrrlty ;ivi'ii tluil in cotnplumw with ih tirovMout ol tbr Ml of Coni:trtt of Juiir 3. 1II7H. intlil'd "An ih'I far lha mle of tlinlwi Limit In llicStntrt nf ( ulifornl.t, Oirt;on, NrvjiU, mid Witthtngimi 'leiuiot). ' nicxnnd id to all Dm I'uUk: I jtnd .suit by nt of An Knit 4. llW3. IIAI.TIIASAK Mi:i. of nrtrlnnd, county ol Dougl.it, tl.itr of Ute con, but Ihlt iln fih-d in lint olhtc hlk tuorn ttitrmrnt No si 16, fur tlr imrclkite of the SWi'i of Sc No. la in 'lownvJup No. sf I, U.i.iUi No to Wett, anil ulll offer proof to khoM thnt lite Und Kwiuhl it more tnhmbc for lit iiiiiImt or Horn- lli.in for :i(;riculliini) ptir. iHM't. .mil to itt.ibbtb hit Lilm lo Mill land U--for thr Iu-itti'ratid K'teiter ol thlt ollicc at l'oeburc. Oregon, on Monil.i). Ihc aOtb day of l.iy, HCj. lie ikiuitA nt wilti'tte Cb.irtt 'II10111. ltd M.iril llr)diii, John 'I horn, of Cleveland, Oic Hon, I Imrlf hn.iufcr. of l!obiirs. OreRon. Any mid nil 11 Mint il.unilnc mler.vly the nlxitr-iti'tcrllirtl UniU ntc rnjurjtrd to file their clnimt in lint ottiee on or Irfoic &.iid sOth day of May. iiy. . '! . Ukiix.i , ReiMcr. 3-isp .ii In fur inn I Inlroitiiollnn, Wiuii Marl: Twiiln lived lu DiHTnln. ln innili! tlic iii'iiiinliitiuico of soiue ni'lilliliurit iimK'r iniMili.tr clrnini Hlntici'H. KiiutrIu from lil house one iiiuiiiliitf. lui hiiw Motnotlilnj; which miuli him rim iicro.ss tho htri'i't nnd iv innrl; tu tlu pcojilu who worn gntliuri'il oi the vt'ininlu: "My nninu la Clemcni. My wire nml I linvu Ih'imi lutciiilliiK to cnll on you mill iiinlu your ncinmlntnnco. We owe you nn nioloKy for nol iIoIiir It lieforo uuw. I Ik'k your pnnlon for Intruding 011 you In thlrt liifonnnl iiinniifr nnd tit thU time of lny, hut your house Is on tire!'' niliMlnW tn. Fpw hounelici'itero rcMiietnhor, ns tluy should, thnt when It Is nccossary to tlllulo stroiii; ten It should ho done with witter at tho hollliiK point. U'lie poor flavor of ten, inmlo fdrotit; nt llibt mid then ri'duci'il, uueli uh M tot) often mrv itl at recejitloiw ami "at liomcH," M iinuiilly caiiHcil by tho niUlllluii of hot, not liulllnx, wntiT to tho llrst UifiiHlon. X lesson lu this matter may ho hail from tho ltusslnnn, who servo tho most uVllclotiH tea In tho world, anil who pre nuro It llrnt very strouR, mnkltiB It al moat mi essence of tea. Thin Is tllluled to tho strength wlshei with witter kept IhiIIIiik I" I'10 namovar. Thin water Is not allowed to boll ami reholl, hut Is reneeil an iiecdeil. Freshly Mli'il water Is Insisted tipou ly all vounoluBCurd,'! teauuUilm:. riMnun land, actjunk' a, is-rj NOTICK FOIl PUBLICATION. United Hmti Lind Office, Hoxburit, OtrRorY1. "" January 37, njo7. Notice U hereby clvcn lliat In comiillnnce mIiIi thr provUlou of the net of C'onf;rej of (line 3, 1870, rnllllrd "All .ict for llmriile of liniUr I.1HM11 llir StitM of Cidlfutnl.it Oregon, Ni vUt. nrji.M'Hilmfeion Tcrrry," W11 1 1AM I . Niimi.i: of M'nmhfield, County l I'ooi, Mnte of Oickoii, ha thin d.iy filed In lhl office hit wont ntnlcnirnl No 3005, for the pnrchiivt ol tin: Njf of Ihr N5 ofScctloit N'f. aj. In lown klilriNn. ajSotitli, Kjiirr No 13 Weil, nyd Hill offer proof lo how 1l1.1t Ihc hind Vculit 17 more vnluilile for lit lluilrror Hour tllnn for JKtlcnltiir.il pnrotrt, nnd to cmlllli lilt cLilm loald Inml Iffore the Kiltter runl Keecier of Ililt hllice ill KovIhhi;, rcgon, on .Suurd.ty, ihr ithdiy of April, k)3. lie riiiinetnt wlinentcs: C'hnrl 1 Noblr, II II. Ilninri, Kmnk llowrou, K. II. Noble, ol M.irthht'Id. Orrcon. Any and ll (K-rtoni clnhiitnj; ndverx-Iy the aliovr-dftcrilHil l.indt me mpirttrd to file their cUluit in Dili olfice on or bclorcMid l'li d.iy of April, H3. J. T. IICIIKlKi, flrgitlrr TIMltKll LAND. ACT JUNK I), 1878 NOTICK FOIl riHILICATION United Stiles l-md 'Ificc, Kotrl.iirit.Orceou. March 10, Ujot. Notice 11 hereby j;lvrn ihnl in compliance Willi Iho inoiioii of the net ol Cousrrtt I un: 3, 1B78. untitled "An nit fur the suite of tuullsr l.itidt in the .Stntvt ol OilifoitiU, Orr Kop, Nrtnd.i, mid Wnililnilon Terrllory," n eirr)drd 10 nil the I'ubllu Lind St.itet by net of Aui!Utt 4, iftya ( iiAKLits sniNAuruu of Koirliurj:, counly of DoiikM. tl.Kc of Orr Hon, hn llii day filed In Ililt office hit tvtorn tl.ilvuirnt No aioj. Pir the tiurch.iir of the V M cf Nlti-4 nnd Mil 4 of Nlti-4 the NKr-4 ol Mti4 of .St-ction No. 13, 'lounthip No. aO outh, Kntujc No. 10 Will, nnd uill ofler prix.l lothow that the lind toiiKht 11 moic v-.iluillc for 1 timber or slim', thin for n);rictilliiril )itf iosrt, nnd to ttl.ililili lilachlin 10 Mid Inud Itefnre ihe Iti-RKtrr nnd Creciverof thlt ollicc nt Ko rburfc', UrrflGn, on 'I'hurtday. the 51b d.y of I line, I9j3. iir ii.iiiii. nl ullncttrft Kmnk It. f.nn' nl ClcteUmi. Oon. Huvu O. (Joff. of C'lotcr Volk?y Oregon, John Thotn, Frank Slwrman ol lirttMini. un-gun. Any nnd nil prrtont clnimln ntbcrnly the nliotc dutknbrd Limit nrr rniiulc 1 10 fil their cl.ilint in this ollicv on or IWoru Mid 51I1 tny of 1 . 1 ' ii.,.,.,-. .. o..i.r... . .... lllly, lyWrf, J. I. I.minitf ,V(lill.l. Jlf SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oicroii, in nnd for the County of Coos: A. O. Allen, "1 PLtlntiff, tt. Action .it l.nv to C. (I. Ackermann, I Itccotx-r Money. Defcndnnt. J To ('. II. AcUrmann, the nbovo named de fendant: In the name of the Slate of Oregon S'ou me hereby notllicd thai ou nre required lonppcirmid .ititurr the compMInt fdcdnc-tintt )ou in the al)9e rntilled nction in which A. U. Allen it pliir.tilfund ( . II AcLrrmann it de fendant, within six itcrls from Ihr (Lite of the first publication of Ihli Mimmunt, lo-wit; with in tl weeks from the 151I1 day of March, loos, the tame being the dalr of the first publication of ilii tumuioni, nnd II you fall so to nppcitr nnd answer on or before the aOlh day of April, 1903, the same U-lnj; the last day of the time iiecnlcd in the order lor publication, judg ment will I1 taken ngalntt you for u.mt Ihcre of for Ihr relief ilcm-imbi! In the complaint of pl.iinlilf herein, 11 succinct ttn'ement nf which is 111 follows, to-w it. for jiulgnicnt ngalnst )oii for the Mini of taOi otf, tnelher with inter est thereon nt llir rale of lx err cent Per nn- mini from the 131b 1l.1v of March. 1003. nnd for plalnillt'k costs nnd dUburiemenU in this uciion. S'ou nre further notified that In thlt nction certain ixrsonal property hclnnxlnff 10 you has tieen duly .ill.iclieil mi'ier nnd ny tiriuc 01 n writ of. ittichment duly bvued in this action, at security for the vmsfaction of the iud cment lh.u may be recoirred herein by plaiiiillY, the wid personal properly so attached Wng (lev crdied ns lollow. to-wlf 30 bunches of vimte locust nrrn.iil 05 aiclil, 33 bundles of lound locuit treenails (45 each), and 1 bunch of looto treenails, rbotii 33(011 of 1-Inch, : i-8-lncli and i 1 -finch round Iron rods, a cntes of sheet copper, idxuit 130 Kunds copper nails, nbout 100 oiind couiiosltion spikej, 13 kegs lion spikes, 1 kei; clinch rings. 50 pound sheet load, 4 t-3 five-gnllon cms oil, 4 c-ins pkt lulni, 1 can tine paint, nbout 30,000 feel of heavy shipbuilding timbers nnd lumber, 3 in'v-i l.ivl.nns. - iQ 3i llmberx. ----T ' ..7'. . . I I lib summons ts puinitiieu in pitrtunncc 01 .... n..l.. i.m.la lii. t llnrlv-L-.r nc I'mitilu Judgitof said Cooi county, Mate of On-gon. 1 a.ied the 151I1 day of March, looa, directing that sen ten thereof lie mada by publication of the Mine In lliu Co,sr M.MI., pubhtheil nt Mnrsl held. Coos county, Oreson, once a week for n criod of sl uccvssitc weeks. . S. COKI, AttoTncy for I'Lilntifl. l-tj-CVHV-SktSvJvto. 'vioit DR. JORDAN'S qhsat mum OF AHATOSY IIHHUXCTST.ltlirStSC!SCOlClL. I Tht t.trttl Afikloutc! Muitun hi tht W91IU. 4lnM or My cnjutrtcittl ' tlnrff positively rrlhha oMiI spiiAiiti on in i4Sb ml j yf trs. OH. JOKDAll DISEASES OF MEN 1 .n. ill ...! U0niuii.uon in. ..,, ..'7,". .f.-i,.nip.r 1 lllntllr 01 br lelttf. A " Vr In .,.,. c, unJeiitt.a. IVtin I tK. PUlhONOlMlV r , HlRttltnR. &.AILHD VltUK. A. V.ln.hl t... ... ..... .iJ.tl.ml..,. . .-... . ...... , i.ll ..-Mdta " OR. JORDAN ft CU.,IU Minm?t8.p. IVI'UILIU Ih.roojhly mdlcllld J fioa ijH.u wlitoul l u. ulMvraa.jr, V rrn'lkrMKitt ni- l n ( H.plntr. A quick, mil f i.dlcnl cut. I" riu, Pla. In. VlitulM. h 11.. laiiiia'. .n. ill r..t.. fl TIMltKll LAND, ACT JUNK ., lfiTH, NOTICK VOll 1'Ur.LICATION. United Stale 1-nnd Offer, Uotebtire,brecon, Notlrr It bntby Ken thnt In compliance with the provlnlont of the net of Conrctt of June 3, 1871), enlllled "An net for ihe tale of limber Limit In the. States of California, Uicgon, Nev.wla, nnd Wnthlnslon Terrllory," as extend id lo nil ihe Public Lund Slatct by net of Au. etui .1, O'tj?, JOHN T. I.ONO of liotebiirff, toimty of I)otii:LiK, ttntr ol (rc i;on, has thlt day filed in lint office his sworn si.ilcniftit No. 308,5, for the prchie of the ty of.SJ'.fMniidSUiMof NEiMandlst 0ne (lj of Srciion No, 3, In Townthlfc H-. "J6' Mouth, Kanrjc No, 10 Wesl nnd will offer'prif to show lli.it the bind Kmr.ht it more valuable for lis (milicr or ttone than for ngriiultm.il purposes, nnd to rstablfth his claim to taid Lind lefore Ihr Kecister nnd Ilecrlncr of this office nl Hojc burjj, UrcRun, on Saturday, the if (ill d.iy of May, loos. Ilenamet it lineitet: F. H. l-oni, John Thorn of f:irte!and, Oregon, Itosce . (Joff of Coles Vlley. D, C. jlcWHIUnii of Kose buf, Orccon. Any nnd nil person clnlrnlnR adverlel the altotc-drtcrlbeii 'arlu nru rcjuestetl to ITIe ' tb'cir elaims In thlt olhce on or lieforc taid i('th day of .lay. (003. J.T. IJKIIKJB1, Kecliler. 3-8 TIMltKll LAND, ACT JUNK .1. 1S78. NOTICK FOIl 1'UHLICATION United Stales l-and Ofl'ice. BoeburK Oregon, February 3itl, tf03 Notice It hereby given lh.it In complLmce with the provltiont of Ihc net of Congiest of I unr 3, 1873, entitled ' An net for the sale of timber lands in die States of r.nlifornM, Oregon, Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as ex tended lo all the Public l-and States by act of August 4, 1893, pi;tkk NULSON of city of Minneapolis. tcUnly f Hennepin, State of Minn., has ibis djiy fifed In this oftlce hit sworn siatrment No. :o6o, for the purchase of ihcSH NIJK. NWi-4 SK1-4 nnd nFi 4 hV-4 ol Section No. 14, Township ai South, ol Unlige 10 W., W. M..tind will crfcr proof to show that tin! land sought It more valuable for its timber or stone thnn for iigrlcultiiral nur Ikjk'J, nnd to ctubliOi his claim to said landbr (orr the Register and Receiver of this office nt Itoieburg. Orcjion, on Tuesday, the aoth day of tay 1803. lie nnmrj as witnesses: 11. u. .mci-iskcv, 01 .lnnrapolii, MJnn , Martin Haagenson, Simon Klovduht. ol Lucenc, Oregon, Charles Ohon, of Cottagr (irotr, Oregon. Any and all pcuons cLilmtn adversely the abovc-descrilicd lands are rerpiestcd 10 file their claims in this otlice on or r;iore said aotu (lay of My if3. J, T. Hkioucs, Kegistcr. 3-1 p SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore, on, in and for the County or Coos. A. KWeout, t'lixtmift", - " "' vs. I Action at I-tw C. II. Ackermann, Recover .Ifonry. Oelend-mt. ToC.ll. Ackermann, the above-nanvd de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby r.oliflrd that ou nre retiiirrd to appear and nntwer the compLiint filed against ou in ihe uliovc entitled nction in which A. Ridrout is plaintiff nnd C. II. Ackrnnann Is defendant, within six' weeks from ihe date, of the first publication of ihl.t summons, to-wit within six weeks from the 81b day of March? irx:a, the same being the date of the tint publication of this summons, nnd if jou fail so to appeal nnd nmwer on ortx-fore thr 191I1 diy of April, 1903, the Mine tieing Ihe last day of lh,e. time pre scribed In thr order for publkntion, judgment will be taken against )ou for want thereof for the relief demanded in the complaint of plaintiff herein, n succinct statement 01 which Is ns lot ions, to-wlt: for judgment against you for the sum of J805.71. with interest nt the rate of six per cent per annum on $33.50 from the 19th day of December, ror, nnd interest nt said rate fiom Ihe 57th day of Noiember, i9or, on $1787. 55. lets tlic Interest on jiccM-r), from Drceiulicr L'oth, 1901, nnd for pl.ilntii! s costs nud dis bursements in this action. You are further notified that in this nction certain personal preperlv belonging to you hat Ik-cii duly attached, under and by viitue of a writ of attachment duly issued In this ncti n, ns security for the satisfaction of the judgment tlmt nuy lo recovered herein by plilntitV, the said persoml propeiiy so attached being described us follows, to-w if 30 bunches of square locust trrnnils (35 each), ia bunches of round locust trenails (45 c.-.ch), nnd 1 bunch of loose trenails, about 3a tons of 1 inch, 1 i-8 inch and 1 1-4 inch round iron tods, a eases of shell copper, nbout 13a lbs copper mils, about too lbs com position snlkes, 13 kegs iron spikes, 1 Leg clinch rings, 50 Iht sheet lead. '1 his summons is published in pursuance of an order made by 1- llarloiker, ns County J iule.e of said Coos County, Oregon, dated the 71b day of March, 1903. dinctlng tlut service thereof Ih' made by publication of the same in the Coast Mail, miblished ni Marshficld, Coos County. Orrcon. once a week for a period of si.v successive weeks. J.S. Coke, Jk, K. U C. Fakrin. Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICK FOR VURLICATION Dcnariincnt of tho Interior, Und Office at Roscburg, Oiegon, March 15, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that, the following. unmed settler hat tiled notice or bis intention to make final pioof in support of his claim, nnd that said proof will be made before W. U. Douglas U. S. Commissioner nt Marshfield, Oregon, on April 36. 1903, vii: ANDRliW MATTSON. on II. It. No. 9is3. for the SlJi-4 NW1.4, SH NF.1-4 Sec.K'i. SWi-4 NW1.4 Sec. 15, Tp, ai.S., R 11 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said Und, viz: Henry Mlehelbrink, olm lliemcr, Dan Muttson, 'Mat Mattsoa nit ot Marshficld, Oregon. 3.33 . T. DJUPGCS, Registir. TIMIIKH I aNI), ACT JUNfV Wfi? NOTICK FOIU'UIIUCATION. K .United States Ijtnd (mice, Roteburg, orrcon, Jan. 17th, 190. Notice Is hen by given that In compiance tvltli Ihc provisions of the net of r"ongret of June j" inn f tl .imUlfi tlieSbiies of C.ijfornl.t, orcTjon. Nr' vada, nnd Washington '1 erntory," as extended' lo a the Piibic I Jnd Stales by act of August 4; 1893, IlKNjAMIN O. SCIIUYI.ER.OfWownof M:irtlifi;ld, county ef Coot, State of Oregon? has ililt dny fied In this office his iwcrn' siatr mrnl No. i"i for the purchase 'otr'llie 'V.M SWK, Sli;;. NWJf.SWjf, mjj; of Selcliort No. 8, Tp a6 Etriih, of R n wett, nnd wioffrrs proof to shov Hint the and sought Is more valu abe for lit tlmlier or t lone than for agrlcuiura. fmrpotei, nnd to etlnbish hlscaim to said am" icforrthe Regltlerand Receiver of this office n( Rocburg, Oregon, on Friday, the 4th day of April, n. Hr names .11 v.Iinesscs: J. C. Pierce, U IX Smith, C A. Moore, .I. A. Aford of .larsh' field. tirrKon. Any and a persons calming ndversey lbs altovc-dr:rlted amis aji renuested to fife thtlr rairns in this ouTCe on or brfbre said 4th ijy ofAprl, 190a. I. 1 1-35 . T. BRtDCtS, Register. TIMIIKH LAND ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICK FO.K FUKLICATION. United States I-and OfCcc, Roteburg, Oregon. February 10, :90s. Notice Is hereby given that' In compliance with the provisions of the net ofCorgrcstof June" 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sax of thnbrt lands In the St.itet of California, Oregon, Neva da, nnd Wmhlngton Territory," ns extended to nil the Public Land S'tateJby act ofAugiuu, tSoS CIIAK1.KS . IIRADIJURY, of town of ilhrihficld, County of Coos, Slate of Oregon, has this diy filed in this office hir sworn statement No 3031, for the purchase of thelJtsa. SWJf ofNKJf. Wjf cf Sli of Sec. No. 4, Tovrnsbip 37 Sen ill, 'pi Range t9 Wesl, and trill 'nfier proof to show that the land' sought it mere valuable for its limber or stiyie than for ngriculttim nurpoies, and to esiabllll. his claim to Mid Lind before the Register and"1 Receiver of this oflice at Rostburg, Oregon, or Saturday, the afiib day of April, 1902. , He names nt witnesses: Thomas Cokr. Olio Schctter, Marry Noble, of Marshficld, Oregon,'' Will Hunter, of Roscburg, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ndrcnely th hbotr-described lands arc rerueslcd to file thei(" claimi in this office en or before said aCtli day' of April, too3. ' ' a 15 p J. T. IIridges, Register. TIMIIKH LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 197X. NOTICK FOIl PU11LICATI0N. United States I Jnd Office, Roseliurg, Oregon, 1 cbruary 3, 150a, Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the Act of Congress ol June 3, 1878, entitled. "An net for the s-Ve o. tlmtK-r binds in the States of California. Orrcon. 1N-irt.i nnd WLihltiffiot,TerlvoDf.'Aa,ccnil- ed to all ihe Public f jnd Scutes by act ot "Atj; cim 4, 1093. ' OH.N F.DWARD NOAH of Marshfield. County of Coos. Slate of Ore gon, has this day filed In this office his strrn statement No. S035 for the purchase of t!jV SWJt of the NliK : NWjf oT the SEJf and S ofhlijf of Section 35, TonUiIp 34 South. Range 11 West Willamette McrldLin, In Ore gon nnd will ofer proof lo show; that the lani sought h mot? valuable for its timber or ston thnn for agricultural purposes an,U to utabllili hisd.iloi 10 said lani before the Register aiuf Receiver of this-office at Roscburg. Oregcn, on Monday the t4h day of April, tooa. Hr names as witnesses; William Vlncnaip Frank VincamD. S. W. Noah, I- D. Notli, a)r of Marshfield, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the;, above deicrilied Linds an; requested to file their, claims in this office on or before :rd(- 14th Jjj, of Anril. loos. , 1. iiiudqes, Kegisier. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT , Notice Is hereby clvcn that we the undcrilcn- ed Kxccutor nnd pxectrix of the Estate b( Mary I. UatKr, dcce-ised, nave Lieu our mm nccount In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the Couaty of Coos nnd that Hon. I liar- locker. J uilge 01 miu court, lias tei .iionnav lhe7lh day of April, 1903. at the Countv Judges office in the Court House at Coquilfc, City, Coos County, Oregon, as the time nm place of hearing said final account nnd the set tlcmcnt thereof. Now therefore al persons In tercsted in said Instate are hereby notified to. appear at said time and place and make suclv, objections as they may bate to lAid final account if nny there be. Dated nt Marshfield, Oregon, this t8th dvy, of February, 1901 lotts W, nuTt.ER Kxccutor and Ki.i.aT. Hl'ti.KK Executrix of the 33-Ct l-tate of Marv P. IlUTi.r.R,D5caiscdt TIMRKU LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOtt VUBLICATION. Umteil States Land Office, Roscburg, On-gon. Feb. si, 1903. Notice Is hereby go en that In compliauce with the provisions of the net of Congress of June 3 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tiaibe lands in Uie States of California, Oregon, Ne vada, and Washington Territory," as extended to nil the Public I-and States by act of Auguti 4, 1893, Hkriif.RT Gkdm.s. of -4arshtield, county of Coos, State of Oregon, has this day hied in iMt office his sworn statement No, uo;l for lbs purchase of the Ntf SWjf, SWtf SV and NW SKf of Sec. No. 6, township 30. South, Range No. it West, nnd will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than, for agricultural pur--noses, and to establish his claim to said land Ix; loro tho Register and Receiver of this oflico nl Roteburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 14th day ol May, 1903, He names as witnesses: Kbea Hodson, Jes sie. Smith, Robert Ilnyter, Kd.vard Do)le of Marshficld. Orecon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands nre requested to file their' claims in this office on or before said 14th dxy, of May, 190:. yt. p J, Ti. Bridges, Rsgistsr.,