I i 5 R j REPUBLICANS MEET There wiw a, altKUt difference ot opin ton iw to the method of voting, hut the tloloate.s from each precinct came for ward ami deposited their ba Into III a box jh tho product w.h mil-1 1. ' in rn-Mt w mi rcMiiti'ti as i'ii. r.tt- TiVfn Dui an fiaiiii-r.w smith. 3s5M'rMH. o. tiui ilieai UCKci 1 III UP llcMvasdoelured the iiuiimuu. of tin . r convention, nail on motion of .1. . by the G. 0- P. made county Her- GALLIER WINS PLACE lr Honttott. hli nomination was 111111111111011-1. A. I). Wnlcott was named for clerk hvatvl.iuiiuithii. I'nr hinriM ntiitln. Sl'lllller II. uutnn wiii aimed bv I.. V. Rohrl. anil Col It. II. U.nuliy .1. W. H-iriott. 'iii. iLtii.it iiMilted ii-i follows: Her- nv mncT mil nrr intiiiii. s': Ito-a. hi: and nermann vti ly .fifcfcvi & itninti noinliinilnii wu- nude iinaiilmui- Present Officials Emlorscd by Re- nomiuntiou Walcott e'erk, Bcafe Asswsor ..t..i.i.. iv... D.iimii Honil Hill'.. W. 4 MIHHV, HID, li" Vllllamuit. . .. imumiiiI linn MvrN.i Point! -.IUhIUy. hdNUtUI 11011 dor; Con-Jtublc.. 11. Stewart; (Ion. Mulhu). . . .. Alloth,iiiy. !.. ! llmUn' ril.hy. ii,Sl.-.Mi l.!IJI'. , Suiuuor.H.ip.. S. H- Slu'iwiMMl. Houtll Manddlold.-Mip., r. I ton. , .Mls-ourl.-.sup.. I- i'j '"J1' -itn.nl District No. 7.-Jl' . E. .inHtlfo.(:.(i. ui: rontu., .1.1... Win. Kmntr.Sii".. K. N. llniry. , 1 u nil Dl't. No. ::. !'. A. J. IliMM- bftlltdl. A ,. , . Lake.- Sup.. Kniwt hanfont. I Cwp.lllo. .lu-tU'o. h. . ' Constable, .lohnlMrrott;. sup., A. Han dors. i. i. u iiiiukIi. It W Alroy by J. ..v1"1'" '"';';,, ,,. .i- .' rasss waw afia-s ll do, 1 1 He . ." i..: I ii o..i,,.ii i.n.x V. W 1 1 IIKi'iimoii 1 bvVlIoiinotcyprosy,Sl.iiii J 00 Nor- W. II. lMii.orsl.nri:: Frank Flam ! ' Khun nioxy, N (' roller. itlverton: Chi Is IVIoiimn Jr, Khy. !: Cralno. W I' RobortH. Sutitli SloiiKlt: UeoNlo hols. l.aKe: .1 H Crook, .1 1' Ram TOUCHING MILES' PLAN TO PACI'Y Till: PHILIPPINES j.- Constable, Arthur :u. Tho Republican county convention which met in this city Wednesday after noon wa one of tho most liartuontou IjoiIIm which ever gathered in the coun- '"The mutter of filling tho ticket hnd. in fact leu iimctlallv ottltnl leforeliainl by the iti-f.ictioii felt with tlie reconN pl.ifiiiK Dr. tuni fm ine men atreatiy in oince. or uy iiio fact that there win only one twoerant. f xcept in the ca?e of sheriff ami reprt jtMitative. where two or more name- Were before the convention. Kvon in the case of tho ."heriiT where there were four ii'iUrants and a warm t..i- wj.hip ii. llonle ami .1. II. Sued don wero n.uued. and ltealo ;w uoiul .. n.l liV II v.ltit lit 111", til '' I 'l.'.ir iii..vor. K. U. Mrnullwli, l i U ad DUt. No. Hamlin, and Kit. Cat icart ww munwl , llrl.lis. . . A,M.Huiu- and tho litter wan the choice of the con-, lt.md IHrt. N'p ' iffi, K. t v Si P . vei.tlon bv 87 to II. , ! nor: I'oiw nlilis h. M. li M " , t' 'I he folhiAiiii nominations wore made , . V. lloleman. ,.r.s. i ..i i7... i. ..!.. i. ii,iri..ia-.ir! i i.ir nv HKi.ri.Anx C .imuis-.lnor. D. Mclnt.-h;' Tnvi-urer. K..II.wIiik wrt;i;J,,Woiuiffl,lii nmrnitiK im1I"I rUitlmi cMIIiik "' J. it. iiiiiiev, i iiiiior, it. r.. iMinvu". iuk ' . iMi i.l.-:ai.i. inn wtsh.id out ..r Uih rrMii;rliy;i: I uniipii iifi .f arinlidat.. f..r cf-ti..r. C.Mlctl: U H 1 iI1h. M irn. i. ( Hr.V.A.Ti.yi.w-nwt muiwi iy ,m oiur "' "':;:,. m r snii-r. W .,.- io.m.... ..i ih.. l'hlllimliiM I . itr.M.. t.l !-. Ill '. Hill W.IH ' l,-;i: I III rtuvm'.' - iui .!( I"'" II ISilllCU Cicucirtl Wooil Snys Cuba Postal Thieves Had l;ir Tiinl Wiwlilimton. Mr. ' Tim U)t' thU I'reitlil.uit IbMwevelt for the corripoii Ujiiu iHHirlnK on Ofiioral .Mlhv' plnn MpRIi UESS WOJIK ' AHOUT DOER SITUATION Kileluiei'ti Kepoilii Show No Ar- niimiee l-'.si:il:i in South Allien. Min .-.... .. . -- -- ...... iiulii-l il.iwn lv MlnniHif.i'l iuni.ii'n bv llie ulli '( iii'"iil"i of tin' i'.iii 'at. 'it. Th':i Ii i'd ItM oppiil.iuuv. all.l nun" tu ii.Miin.i- tlon. lii throw hU weL'lit ihkmi .MinifnH neck until the iiounuatloii was in.iie itu.inuuous. Cmdidattx for lulico. cniHtablo and road -up rvlsp for tho ihlferoiit prt clucn wero noiniuated by the delate-i from t itHd urM noli, an I ineir wie- cnuvns had boon made, the content wm tlous wore ratlllp'l by the cuwntiiti. tn ttie line. of fair play and little if any T)itterne?9 nail been t npemieroil. The convention is called to order a few minute? after 2 o'clock bv Jud;'e llarlocker. who Mated the puriMe of he meotins?. W. H. Hunch wan elected tempornry chairman. iimI E. L. C. Karrin temivT hry secretary. A coinmitteeon crHentiaU wa ap pointed. a follows: Dr. K. .liiiKU-'. E. .lolnwon and J. .1. Clinkonlm.ird. A committee' of live on ordtr or bii'l no?. was alo appointed, conM'Usi of I)r.Strane, W. L Douiila. .. II. Her maun. Frwl Linear and lVter 11,'ie. ' At n iiuarter past three the commit Tin. followliisr ileleitHttH to tli 'll regional and tatt mnvi'tiliuiH were eiwl-Hl. the delecatf from tho dUtrlct muiiod Iteim: el.d by tlt delfffatt from th 'li-trltrt-i mid rattti-il by th. cuneittlun: H.i.nloii. Kourmile, l'nw-ji-rand rrkrdnrK; KolM-rt 'Aalk'T. Coijutllo, born. Norway. oabnlo and Piturt .tf Dr. Cnliii anil .IliJ'i" NiMitr Mvrtli t'olnt. Kuchautod. ltowland , ,.r, . j Lln-Vti. .1 l' 8kwl. .... ...i.ki? , I. Foxier, ll ii n' rtar-w, II II Uroa-'M. UurrliigWi. Foiinillo: rn.vby' K Iiiiiinn in 'ttrotlier. . fi Myrtle I'ollit: 1 A. !. .1. HoUrt-. S. K. Jolinei. 1. A. llnltiiff. I; W. Heyof. ?. ". Ilernunn. Arthur l Hermann by I. It-tart . ,trxv. , W. T. Demeut. II. II. St-warl. by 1. A K-'hort- pr.iy.K.V,.',,ttI?i mX ' V irtpr. W. t. C.M.Tra M Shnrt. HiiiHlnn: K Mlolman.by F M '- k,u r .xy. 1 M farU.n i... K II lliwU- in u d .. II M ILirrlilRUm. do. Klmo. C lcCull.K-h. W Hiltloti.U 1 'li!il. by I. W ti-e.rdtr..y. I. W K7rl. Cl.irfc y U bt Vilkor iwuy. It II V do. ICdit W.i IKK. 4i. imi , t ,, v. r.wm ii t'ltv :n uir.i. .i n .' (louprnl Wood. Military Jootnor tf Culm, this uinrnliiK nnnoiineod that lU- mid HathUinw statement that tho InttirV iNitiMrtlon for complicity In the Cubrt iHWtal fmuds wiw due (to Intimi dation by tcuwiiutclit ofllclalH U He. lit ilwlarrtl that ltntlilHJiio and lib Mweclati. hail a (air trial. HIS MILLIONS COULD - NUT SAVE JIIM Cap Town. Mur. died thin HMiriiliiK. Sd.-Cet'il HImhUm Uudon, Mitr. 5!d. -It premitiiod that tho TnilKWinl Kxecutlve, liendhl by ScliitlkhurKiT, tue now coiifeltliiR wHli Dowet mid Steyu, near HiKiptadt. rloveral tlnvrt will elapfe befott) the nmill will be liitowu. Kllchoiier'rt dlnpatchea of ttxloy, to .Hirtliu: oK-rutloiH mfiiliiKt Delarey, di ,He of the nuiiKitluu that an aruiuUitiO In In fi.rre. GEEK MEN CONTROL MARION CONVENTION Salem. Mai. 2rt.-Tho (Jeer lin-ii con- iMlitndb! Um Itepublleau eoineiil.'Ui In Hvi.ill b.'le tdy. S-JllltH J'lii.f Hill K. M.fioUili were muuliiHtnl (or 'iii-or-. MNOEtt HERMANN PUSHED POR I.NTEIM0K DEPARTMENT Han Fmncl-c". Mar. :d. Tim illulnjf mid Oil men of California are iluitbtleM iinittnit in urtf Prmlilent -it to imIpcI I -Mid fomuiMoiicr t He. maim to nuccrM SireUry Illlch'-.k a tli"t i ' . nrtiuetit iifllii I:itefbr. Hiirbm. Door l'ark and .MN -uri; I.. V. , Culm. Dr Stnm-e. A Jnhilnn by Hidtoris. M irshrlold. Sunin-r. C.K i r.y. .ilinm. M v.y ') i " , Co river. V. ok rner and ..ewjMri, J. S. Coke. c. V. I ..Avr au 1 .1. W. l!'n nett. Kmplre City district. L. J. Si.np- Hill. I'niir n:tmo4 were nlaced bpfore the tee, announced theia-elverf ready to re- delei,'iiU' from the Mar-dill 'hi district, ftort. anil the convention vasax.il-W'"V,"""uu',".;,'.,-u,"-""'lT."'.".'1' .allpjLtA"" jf ". " "' oaii-ii wa i.ikm. r.'miu.ii in uih Wy w Miue5tion of .1. W. Hennett k'I.h'II.ui of the ilir.s imiii.- '. the delegates from each precinct were Dr. .ilnifiM moved tint the dolejfat Seated together for couvenieiico in vot- from tliN convention U Instructed to '"; , , , HiipiKirt T. T. fiiiT f.r p.venior. .1. . Ihe report of the committee on ere- H-nnoU took the Moor airain-t thh m dontial was accepted with an nm-Mid- tjon, saying that there would be a Btr...i ' meat Hiithoriziii! (ieo. McholH to cat opp.mitiou to (ier in the late rouu'ii-, the vote of South .Iout;l!, ami Capt. C. tiou. and a-Jttna t at the tli'lete- Ih K. KdwanU that of Alle-'hiiiv nrecinct. i..rt rr... to im.. tln.lr ..uo indvMii"iit. thweprecincH Imvlng failetl to elect Dr. Minsipi hupp rtd bin laatltni witn a short ndlre. and I. I!ackr -poke aaaiit it. The motion w lo-t. i . For cb iirmaii of the c.iiiiy r :."-.I 'committer. .1. W. Heiuntt wan nam 'I by, I.. W. lMi ami Dr. K. Miiilmih by J. S. Cuke. The ballot resulted: Hennett Ki: MIukih.S-i. Heiili-lt to..k the lliKir mid simXe lit thfii con- ileleeattts, The temporary officer wer mmle the permanent o:Jterr -f the ten; ion. Report nf the cnmtnltt-e on order of business was read and accept!. Chas. StaulT was appninteil to ai-.t (lie wretary. nnd Mar- MeDonald, .1. 0. O. .!,..., L'..;.l it'll i .i.i.. . - Robert", hrtl Wilson an 1 Archie Kni-ie oub.zy of tin ticket iKiminaifd. ant were apoiiiiea teibrs. ' urK.tl iominatlcm.s for sheriff were next In onlar. Stephen (Jallior was place-1 in nomination by Dr. Kline, of Handoii. Levi Smith was named by J. IV. Ren- nun in u Miuri viiiogi-iic specil. lir. Izwl to llll HIIV vac, MIuiriH seconded (iulllor's muuiiitition iiu.i.iir mi Ho. ii.-Lct with a brief review of that jr nth-men's 1-kMivtT noiiinkim good record and his.cl.ilm- for r.n uni FoIIowin!" w.th the candidate i i:omi nation, I Morgun w.n atsj place I la nate-l for toe precinct oi!!-.: nomination. lti verton. I u ttit . (i. Martin: urKsl tltal all l'.puiiiit!an supieiri in entire ticket, i.ud not . 'nwlclel int.) votins; for any of the candidaUw mi the otlier ticket-. Tlio central committee win author izml to till any vacancies that might Willie.- K K prow, ( ii H.ftfb. rnnk TliiiniDsiiii. ii R Ha- ntuir, I. llarlu-ker, John IVrrut, A Fl..nilern. Smtli CKM It ver: 1? W (lnptell. bv . W I! Smith proxy. M ll I'litllw. h W Sjalth, .1 .1 (JlliikiMilMmrd .1 K Doyltf. l Prorfiwr.' .1 A M rrlmin. .1 llnmblook, A W HuH.ird by J A Morrl n proxy. Umpire Cltv: W ll I'lner bv J. .1 Simp son proxy. W It .w,unpm do, R t' Jue bv D.OI'I M r-e pioXV. lU.id Mor-.t. I. J SlmiMin. 1V..V I.oKtjfe, by Win .S.umder-i rv..rth MurdiflnM: L M liinniiek. C W Tower, T.ioin.t llo-v ird. W J Holler. Tho- Hlisl. K I. C Far hi. Archie Km-.'. 1.. Clemmeii en, K o II ill, K Wiulck A R l'r.'iilis .1 W Hem ett. .S'.uth ita-lft Id: It .1 C'ke. I V. Kru-M-.W DlMb-lim.K R N"rt n. CImsI SUiilT. Dr MmKU". F V I.'il-. by J S Coke prox. II lloliu. Win .id. i rrf. .1 S Cuke, .lohu I'.-eiitri. W A I . D (. Wat-, hoii, K lie'ick-iidorf C 1 1 R"A Ibary. ' Norway: A R MIlNr. Alx tfVmlf, J T , Ilmiliiv. I! S l.rrlil. W Y V. riillt. I ....... . , .. .. .......,.- . . utflt r '4 i AMY mm; Cm Malt .Mitlin. Htirto.i Rrnlrio: W It Molveriitlt by Win Ibt'ys pn.xy, II W llotertotl il, Win Ro'tvs. Coostlty: :' It Miiiie by .la.i Ual .-on pro v).. his 'Anus m. North i'm- River: t'lpt Kdw.irtli. Dier R.i.-k: K J lliyi.-v by U A Rob orts pM.ty. M' ALL CAVES Of" DEAFNESS OR HARD KEASl?c7. ARK WOW CirRAOLK liy our in .. j'Vr-ition. Onlv liK.-c ' i di.if i.n- .- '-u'le. HEAD NOISES OEASE IMMEDiATHLV. F. A. WEKN1AN, OF QALTlhMJR, hi.l i: i ml m .l , V.e t ' ' fiti'Ir'irH - TI'lii" rntlflv "oM rf .lenfft"." I' .ii I" ".. lita.-ncn', 1 t.''! .. . ,, ' t ' .11 h oy of i .y c-'. Ii ln--'l l ." ,l.. in. . A i. b i .i ko niv fixlitrai UcHtU'i'i(. n4 lino ir4co '., io.v. w , i'M4iHUllaer''lllrly. ... . . . , lmiitmi a treat at at for eatotth. frlktrm'n'h, w'th.ntt tn '' r ' -. .-W V' itlHoe oihtt. III' iuut rwui'Hl' . il.rtal litMt ', t..i i.., IH., mw . . " w .-, I ..trtt I turn MW i.n ! rttiHirtil Mfi ll-llt: In .'.' .! , v-f illnl pr.l.n ," r.-nl. Allri I fu i i "l It mily a(r Uy....fili i I " ' .' tl" " . -. I .i.ty, (Ur U ' my licHfiiuc in lltr ihr i.'.l 4i .. r..i i ui..' f.lvltl. ll .: iteartJy 1 tt,; i.. i-miiii Vriytnily " I' A Wi'i.M"-- - . - !' J7, UjUIiho. UX OitrtwtintiU iloos not intvrfvrn wilh j usual uceuptiUw, ,r,v,w, you cAH CURE YOURSELF AT M0H .''"V" wimhv sal AU.iftL niw,c sua la s ua av., chicai?. - Rowland: I. A Robert . liroxr. .1 ua bUpratMN t uH le-lt m. ai.l rti that i y Siiii.u.r- S It Klm-Wu.!. V I! WII4M1.I t..rtt. lrt lh Ii-iHbb In lit al-rnr-i ir w....ui i.r 1 -" - - '-----'- -- 1 B-cnr-irurrrfKrttarxrrrrBnrirxTrvdrH'jii):iuij;mi ijwjjt'.'itxvTirrvcWMMJ j-iaawaiyjTyBaagrnfrrWXCittTU3Tar.83xc J0 "-9S (Us .-. 0sV .-V ."V ."-)E. .SW ,W. ."sv XK ."" u f&ffi&'J?&?a?Ta??&?& .". .. ."u. .fck. .V .&. ."lK .. .ts. X IBDi;fltt(rsCri5V fs(;aaV5Tr-;-n-; ClC.K ' 'Jf 'jf 'J? W ' '' 'jf UpVA sJ.j. 4S m Qn5 ne!? 3otI? OUT N6W SpriSlg GOOuS Have already arrived and wo fnel confident wo can ploaso you in your now spring costume. It doosn't matter what color your eyes are, wo have something suitable for you, with trimmings to match : : : ::;;;; w w w Dop'tfail to see our beautiful Iir of ladies' paterc ieatr;r ard Oxford ti8.c'S! $ ISEW LlNE Of "LOTHflS. -- ,. YouattotodatMsyou Wm. ilBUl' TTn.ln.rlm-nT.nHnc!' mirl Rniits' TVni -'.V. nishor, . JUtf !& Jy & ' J J' J& r T. H i' "X ' ,' iSf f-Z Na,.,Nl." VX'V wW' -