V ft L. ..5f&l - -' .W!"'lftAr fTff You Could Look iAJi IllldlllrflllllrCllllllT, tlld((1(lll III wlilrll viiiir miil'li. If iirtl 1 entulkt-r. tlirionrilllon r m'lWi. If iifnjitt.l. t?lll Ittntr you, J cm vMnitif ( rl: itljtf nl OIK' .11 1111 llflllltillly . .till lit, llirutlli ShilohV Consumption f 4 4 40 -v lliMnnlil lo cntr Cnn. 1 vIlB fcj "Utni'il'iit, llroiieltlllii, yr " A nth inn, mill All I.iiiir I ttiulil' . Out CiiiirIid ntut Colilt In n ility. n trnlt U ir In tl. l. Wl i.i.n h. Co. l.r l.i.y. V. V , fur fire Ilia! Iioltlr. Karl'n Clover IfcotTf a rrlMcn (he lllood V Another Peace Rumor BOERS GRAM lill PASSES THROUGH BRITISH LINKS To Confer With 'P.ach Other About Possible Proposals to lCml War I.OH.I..II, Miir.'JI -Tho nfhYlal oxphilia- llmi wan ijlii'ii tihlnv of tlu rcimrliil- coming visit, fur rtiiifi'h'iii on totim of ldmlfcm. turn iuiiaiuuirw unil m inr llovr lend 'I !: i f.i" ti f.ir u ing safe conduct of tin- prominent Moor throiili tho llrltlsii lines Saturday w.is announced' In tho lluiiHiMif ruiiuiiiiiiH when parUnofilitrj Serrelary nf w.ir llroderick. In hmswit lo quiili'ii. -al'l that about n fortnight neu elwtlM.iirgcr linllnited to i!iiii-riil KIlflii-iiiT u ili-lrc fur mfi I'liinliirl l. I. .1. . II-.. ...I. II. L..I.-U.I . tin " : ic u in iiriunii iiiii-i. rriiuiiiiiui; i'i wiMii'.lloHf iiX'l'ioitlilfiil Sti'jll of uin mnii,'" i-ri'i riinio wi ri'iiroiiii lo I lli'i jn-..ri' miihiiiiI4. tt.ililnl't"ii. Mar. '.M. ii!ini the llllMlllMTH of lli ll'lll-M. Itl'pltlllllMlli IH unil fin Il.iiiiiiiiiil4 II Id mill, fnxilv nv peel i'i lli.it fXMMiirirt ill priHpi'ct will iini null rA"imiiu-n ill iiiiirrt 1 1 1 ill. i tin' ir.'.isiiry ilcpiiriini'iit to tho 'Mijlrt . . I. ...... i i ii. lllllll fllllll U tin .Inla Mr. i liliil.kl Ml ivlili'li urn tuilil In nv Ul Iii liurciiin of whliii Awilstaiil Sia-ro tiny I ji Ii-r hul i'!iirt,'i'. n iillli'liil wlin liii hint I'litirim nf iMr. i n Inlii i'outr.it'tlu;( mi it yearly wil.uy of ... Ii liiilhlliiK it ri.ri huu. yl.""', it lUIIKIIIIK t"'"" IHIII"!'. It iuli tiiifii that ('onimlluiii-r of nn liniwl'uitih'ii. wiiloh tool; plnoo. ,u!,vi;an;,,fa;K:.r;n:,,i:n?iv,,ho ii'inotal of ill" i.'iiil'y P'Tmiu. J"" NflVPI. PROCCFDIXOS IN FDEML COURT ' i vt ... Mn.....i :.tlA llrttics a Mew hlcnicut into the Knihoud Priiiitlir.n vuiiii)iii.ii- tions Clilnign, Mnr.ai-Wlth tho roitM-nt of ilofouilant. Foiloral JiiiIko (iruHsoup to day IkhiiciI tho tompurarv iiijituotiiiii nVoil liv tho IntorHtato foniinoron emu ".' V'l'A". El! "."'.V-'L'.""!" iVJ: ! "! ' .MIUIHKilll vt'iilliii, i.unu iiiiiiiri ii'iiiiri- aiiiu, Kurt Wayiip I'lilcntfo . .North- M.lnfii rullriiiitu frkllt Klllf lltir rilttiJ 'I lie order will remain m-miii nuiMuiin iiiMii iHi.M'h ";- 1(1 offoct until Juno'.ith. Jiuir .nn. . . - Thi'l'ourt when oiilirt.'ng tio order wniiieil tlie letire-ientiitiv s of tho do- fomlants oomp.iuy that h woii'd proho 'to tho oxtieiui' limit and novorely pun- lll flllL tlllhlllllll llf Hill llllllllllllllll. 'J'ho prof 'filiiirf In a mo-t .jiiivol oiio. Awirdiiig to railroad lawyorn .IiuIko (ir,(wcupVi action. If tho hill dually tirtwcupii iit'iiiiii, ti i no mn noun) li.M will tuoait a vital pari of tho intor- M:to ooiiimoico not. and that tho federal fourlH, in tho inalntonanco of freight titiw. will lie iilisuliito miihtorri of tho ..... I .1 l .1... l.lll 11....II.. nmwiiy couipiiuit'i. It f ----- - Having a Run onCliauibeilaii,s Cough Remedy llotwooii tin Iiohm of olovon o'cloVk n. m, and'f Iumiii: time at night nn .Inn. J."ith, IPOI.A. F.l'luik, ilrngglid, (ilado SprlnHJ a, mild twolvoof liiambor Iiuh'ii t'ougli Uoiiiody. Ilo HayH, "1 uovor haudU'd u iiiodiclno that Mild hotter or guvo bottor Hiiliitfaiilnii to my oiiHto inoiH." I'lilri Koiuody Iiiih boon in koii- oial iio in irKiuia ior many yeain 1 tho pooplo Iheio aro well acquainted with itrCoxeollonl itiiilltloi). Many of thorn lup'o li'Htilloil to tho remarkable curo.M which It him offoi'tod, When yon iioi'd a good, roliahlo inodlcluo for u rough or cold, or attack id tho grip, luxe Chiiiiilierlalu'H CiiiikIi Komotlv and you aro coitaiu to ho inure than pleased with tho iiick cilro ,wi,ilch It ulTordH, For Halo hy ilollll J'lOllHi, Brillsli Workman Comliij To Learn New York. Mur. ': Alfred Musclcy. wild Ihii passenger ,ul tho Oceanic which In ilni' t write li'urit lomornt'.v, comes to llu' I'lillcil Hlntoii on mi lntoros.llng ml J rinn. 1 1 lis piirpovo U to arrange for the vhdt to this lonitry In the Autumn of n 1'iiiiiiiiIhhIoii rupicsciiliiig worl.'iniMt'H or ganizations in, llo Mlxths of the great llritli.li indu-drlii. Tho delegatrs, who Will In ialctiil. are to cniuo hero with .Mr. MiiMi'li'v tit hft expense. They will lit1 iii'Ciiiiiiaiiloil by iii'vyi;ii(r anil liter nry iiii'iirtiHt-wlH Unit Amoilea In iirdei In see mill li'iiru Mr. .Mooloy will also defray the oxpeiwi of thdt (n llu1 lulled Mati 4 ill tlu nunc linn- of ti i'iiiihiiImmIiiii, whine olijee t will Ik to in iiilr Into thi) educational systems of this I'liiinlry. fCod SlUfifcAml0fe If 1 1 MA W V i w I V 0 & vUl U r. " . . x. DlflCSxS Wl$Vt VOU C3lt h preparation contain nil of tho flBoglttllt8 nrul tKslH till kinds of food. Halves Instant relief and never falln to euro. 1 1 allows you to cat. all thu food you want. Tin uioslscnsitlvo .toinachscan take It. Uy It ui.utiiauy thousands of dyspeptics liavo been cured after ovory thing elsa failed. It prevents loriiiatlon of gnson tliaMotn- ncli, rellevliiK all dlbtroHS after eating. iJkllnmiuncccssary. ricasautto take. . -. ga. ftnrt't linln " un l " ,1' but do vou nood Prrj)rfdon1v17 P "' Di-AVirr.vrr .Ulilrarc Ttutl. buttle cunUluX'( tluii.'tUuMX ijku. A. A. U. Gymnnslic Cliainpiunsliips Now York, Mar.'J.): CollwaiiilHiiiuol ntlilolci aro iiaiiiifoxtiu umisiial litter- " n,'nrV ",,"iM ""'i'1""- 1. 1.. . ,.r i... it. I. It . i'..l .... rillit in lliv .liiiiiii'iii irnti'iir I iiiuu. wlilelifiio to ho liolil al the new Tolii Athlot " AtwiKintluu tonight. Tho evoiilM to ho ilooliloil aro: Parallol ImrK, hnri- zontal liar, lout,' horno, chlo horrii', nwiii- iiiK- tlyliiK riu an.l nll-ioiiuil Mantling 'w- fi...i.i..-i.n. ti piniul.'tt to 1 moro iifccftil than In any pioiotis joar forNimo tiint'. DON'T EPSffifH " iar- r , VourUfoawayl Vou cull licctireil of any form o( tubacco iiilua Hy " mil well, ilroilir, inaitiirllc, full n liew'ibc m.i uw i.y taUtAV nq.to.uao. ,m' runkrt wcuic turn itroiiR, .Many i:ic . ,,., ,i. (. in. it. . ncr Knn.naa tin jKnituU Id tru ilav. ()cr BOO.OOQ cured. All ilrut;Rlt. Cure cuaraiitrnl. Hook irt mn! ailtiic I'lUtll. Atl.ltr' HTlUU.INU UUMUUY CO., Chlcauo or cw Vork. X Launch of Gould's Yacht ' Now York, Mar. iS -Tlilii Is tho dato nut r.ir ilin Inn ncli i in- nl Kritiik-.I-limild's now and han.lno.no btitttu Yacht, tho . lUUitlta, at tho yard old or hulhU'W at ... m-.i., tit lfl,f j Tim 1 .. mi til Whirl uunin iiviAnc "iv -v-- - isnatnoiliiftor tho wifrj of tho owner, has boon built ill iiIk-uI oho litindrod dayf. She will bo coin inaiulcd by Cap tain II. F. (iiirdiior, ami will lly tho pen mint of tho Now York Yacht liub. Tho """.J, i "J,1", f,Mt ' htri principal diuioiitloiii aro rri IIM'L I ll'l 111 . all Hill U1IIIIII .... .'- .11. : . it , . . , , ,, draught. It irf tho In toutlon o ,. r. llmfWlii ro ' nil ox ontlod critlso in tho yacht ui mm an .'ho Hcoinplotolyoiiulp- pod. fliur rt 1'iiur Kldnrr $ T)r.Ilobt.,HpRrjituil,IIUciifill,iJ'li.rTllU.Pn tefrio. AUil. diviTiiik lleiueilyCo.,l'lilicov.N.) General Oils Retires . Washington, Mar, 2o Major (ibioral !:. S. Otis was placed on tho retired list today byjjperatloii of tho now law ro- (Hilling tho retirement of army ofllcer.t on their sixty-fourth birthday. CASTOR 1 A For L' ifantB antl Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of &sm& mWm3 "riiufftrAcIOiMorinrri off lift dttnined nltli lirotrudliic plli lirouclil on Ijy eonrtlpa lion rvltli wliloli I wb nniklKl for tncnty ffltri I mn nornn jour UAKCAKI.'l'H In Hie lawn of Nnnroll, !., ittul rioter fnuml knv tlilntr lo tnj'1-.l tli-m, To.iUy I nm rntlrely free flora gr unil fori Ilk k nnrr nun." C. . Kmz, Mil Joutu fati Blouz City, Ir.. ntihl, l'lt.tiln. I'ntrct, Tl OmmIi ' 3ood,Hfr Hlrii. Weikon.ur Oiliir. 10c,c.M0. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. . ... Illfll.l ktatl; C-t'ftmJ, (kll.f t, BKil, ft" fll. lit Un.Tfl.BlP Hold-na -jnfntfi1 lr ll Jrc flU" I U'lAU dm to UVjes'lobtctO llatlb Women of Woodcraft Entcrlain Tho Women of Woodcraft cnlcr tortaiued a Inro ntiiiihor of invited ,'iioitn very plonsanllv Monday even up; in the lodjjo rconitf. The main t'nture of the evening wns tho hciin iiiiK 1,'iiinu, in which Hourly all those pro-onl pattieipatcd , and which cans it a ircut deal ol nmuiiomctit. C. A Mctlin and Mn. Win. Hiclinrilri tKk ho llrnlnnd econtl priznw.nml L. II. Iloi-uer and Mm. Hnii'On onrnetl oil tho hoohy hnnorc Mr?. Ada Kj.mii ioir treated tlio gatlteriii; to instru mental and vocnl music. A tliliciotis iiucli wan 8?rvcd,and the it flair wiu, lironounccd a xrent sitccci'?. Genuine itamped C. C C. Nrvtr told In bulk. Utwirt of the ilttkr vhlriti to till 'lomethln futt u jjood." Jirlglit's Disease Tho largest Mini ever p.iyod for a pronciiptiou. chaneed Inindi at rf.m Frniif.li'eo, Auk .".0, HKM. Tho trans fi-r iitvnlviil In com and Mock Ml'J.otVMHIitnd wan paid by n partyof business moil for a f iccific for Iingl'it w. Diijuiuoandlhabetoe.liuhcrto incurable ISi'llCi. They edinmencdl the roiious invrs iitation of tho fpuillcNov lo. l'.'iO Tlmy iiitcniewod rcoros of tlm cured mil tiled it out onus merits hy ntnttntr over throe dozen nucs mi tl treat- iticnl unil I Wiiteiiiug tiiein. They also t;ot pliyniciniifl to nnnio ehrm.ie, lu--urntiht en to", ami iitlminiUuied it with tint physicians for judged . Up to Aug. t!3, oighty hovoii iior cent of the lent enH wero cither well or progres sing favorably. .There being only tliiiteen per cent of failures, tho parlies were satisfied idul closed III1 tiiiifiiutimi Tito pro--cutling-t of tho invciitii'atine com- niileo mid the cliiiio.il reports nf tint teH eases wero piihliidiod and will lio rmiilcd tree on appliontlon. Address John J. Fim.to t;oMi'.Nvr-t20 Mont gomery ijl., San FiauoiKeo, Cul. !m ! H k Easlean Stars Slioir. v Tho iiiuuilieinoi Dot ic Chapter, No 53, Order of Kuidern Star, entertained sonic of their friends lust evening with a rooi.il tinio nt whint. Prises wore eivon to tho vietoiious players, Ite frctthments wero served, and nn ex cellent Unto in general is icported. The new schooner is being painted a dark green with white tiituuiiiigs a ud will preceut a haudsome appearance when she is launched next Saturdav. ioco-ea4ao& IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS I ANYWHr.Rrj AT ANYTIMU pm canov 0W TfcsJr CATHARTIC i H twadi majiw Hftcuramo BT'VOdBflil'nAs!' t;i. nx. " IiWIiItVViIi "ww iuum AtfteSo MEililCOOSJAV STEAM W muimlMClU'nVir ' W 13 y an error in the make-up of yet tcrday's paper i head got badly out of place. The Mail has no desire to send CJrant L'eale 'over a freight line to the Sjnsj hv," or any other place. He is loo good a citizen of Cp'os. The News brings out the. name of John Flanagan in connection with the Domination for reprcscn-' tativc on the Democratic ticket, Mr. J'lanagau is worthy; of any ' honors that his party may sec fit to heap upon him. Don't look il:e a Pop! ,Go tp' Hounds1 and get a clcau, smooth . shave. ' EdpcatnYoor llotrcii With Caiearett.. , CnijOy CMImrilc, curn con-llpatlon forert I0i,;::. iiuo c.f-JUdrucclitsrttuBdt&onei; ELECTRCOITY i Aro you HufTcring from .UliPiimntlsm, Weal: hack, Nervomtrotihlr orfionorally rim-diiw'ii H)'itomV I'mj Kloctric Helts ami llatti'rltf. For men ami women. Kloctriu IniloH ktiip tlm frot warm and provont catching old. For hooklot and circular ndilroN. Ki.kcthii' Appliance Co., Motlford, Oregon, SUGAR $4.25 'For lOOJbs. California or Spreckel'sFinc, Dry Gro.njlixted. -Wlit lesaji?. ancl m:l.ll. IN DllUUS AND GENEKAt MliUCIIANDIs-B MarshGeldjOregon. Prose ptitiii Skillfully Compounded at nil houre. Agent for Wells, Fn.rr;o & Co., I 'titajf Fin; Llfoa-il Accident Companlei!. z- 5KSSS3aKJ2KSJX(i5OTSOTBmiMeraiW DO YOO KNOW iimiIi nert ).t i oN' l' WliAU out' I HI s a ' Ifiurtifil nt3hour after receipt. 5en,ct'"u, we employ white labor only. Follow- &j ,W insmt some ol our ngeitts; GeorgA Ldrenl', Uttidon; N. l.orenr, Ccxjuill-:; Ii, A. Dodge, 'tP'",,- i tj'ni; ni unnson, .ortn tteniiij. Kmniuumi7.Tu...7UiT;.S.T:S..7. if The Old Roliablc Firm, W& J" i" tt tr? i-y n-'!!. . JU. O LJGZLfflGXUt C. II. MERCHANT, . . . , . . t '- i i i Ja constantly adding lo i!o IW stocK of O'niicral Mcrelian tlic, already tIjo.l;irgct iu Marhlifield. . Whpn.you buy it the, .Mill SlQre yoti . knoyy Hieoods ore first class and tho price is all right. I All kinds of lumber ana building material, iebd and sup plies at wholesale and retail. Ral-"n. !0-lb box divert elotrr for V f I I Prune, nont finer or wctlrr KC11 for? 1 ISpicc. hi eh urailr full wriclit .Vlb. tin !. DOittrr mir cf 4 ilcicu tin frr ( fSoBr. Mb. lln. avrtetl TcrdPict 4 " i cracjtcrr eittn -ouk, otiticrcnofnr. .v t'ur yuptiiitnam. rt-f&l t iioicti lot tii1 ..-H..I'I'V.'rH..l.lUt.-.-i.. . J-i! lllmni. Din tiint. "Mh. for ..V, lMcar6nf..,-lu.unc fcr ?- InltvK. J.mllon l.rir. faucr. for . ? 75 FMnckttcl. tltw briclil. faiify. killer - I.TSj ' Oilmen tier hnlf Kilrel - ..... 4 J'fl :C6dtlt KAXt Ijoi lUinttessj ftr - i- 'b I unillc I T ....- irrafiCatiitlr. wr boi . !' ICrtrtil'tiv tilled, new, ICO 11 frr ST? Ir.Vi'r fruit, rant of 2 iloien of tlthrr j reachet, rxars. plunnprarrirot 'r-TJC Tomato one itortn cation tinf jcr ..; I Vlnrifur. 4 ctllon fceB for Vt lMITH; ' NO.25 MABKCT QTRCCT, 8. F. at -werncr-iiM jm ' j Retail Druggist stacken Ucst and GoiuJTort.- . Tlioro substantial mattreesJ are sleep InvUetA They uro comfortable nud will retain their '.-piingf- ness"for yenr?. .r.Vlndo in two pieces' or all Ii i one piece. lliee liu.k matrons, wiifi cotton face are. equal to nll-hnir nud cost n grout deal less njoney. , Q"BisTENsV fcJOHXSON I HAT Ne uc no injurious chcnilcali ami '. only the vrry best of soap ,ir.J we ciuran .s li. our t.'nrlf. Y l!tp Tvffi--!ril nimWil ! llf- (wUUltllN ? ".-r...:. : v- -. t sj I.OTIIUS. I-tumhy .o;V can be re- it- Aiorein, nnipuiv LAUNDRY af t. i .i-.. - Pror. .E N MAPI rHAMWUbU. WAk. fc nMW!rrJfiajKMawijHai '?ymnmisK:um:t'iYXXxxxxim'Z2i &;