The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 29, 1902, Image 2

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MAU. '21. HUtt
: : . . . ' -v.
Published Every Saturday by the
Mail Puiimshinc. Co.
One v car, (la'a'd vnnse) ..,,.. $ '5
sbcnionih.. '..... T. l'M
Ihrec month 5 will bcch.vRl hen notruld In .illume
At this writing it seems unlike.
.y that T. H. Tongue will hnv.e
any fonnidnble opposition in the
coming congressional com ention.
tt looks very much ns u Ins rc-
. i ' i '
nomination were a foregone coti-
elusion. Were thi- a certainty
.here would be little to be said;
but ou the seemingly remote
chance that there may be devel
opments in the convention which
Uo not now appear, thete are a
f-w thiugs that ought to be made
There is no blinking the fact
tfiat Coos Bay has but little to
;hank Mr. Tongue for. While
he has not entirely ignored us, he
has not brought the r suits which
we might reasonably expect.
There is a widespread belief
here that Mr. Touguli is too
closely iusympath) with Portland
Portland's. gplcy is to reta:n her
ascendancy mainly by beatinij
other places down. Her ijclea is
that any money expended on the
Cobs liay entrance is not only
that much taken away from the
Columbia, but that it in some
V.Tiich the working man has fought foi
nd Micctrded in obtaining is something
the wife h.t no share in. Her day be
;n8 before his and ends long after it,
.it a rule, and mznv a night her rest u
broken ly the oaby'i
fretful hubs. The
healthiest woman
mr.jt wear out under
Mich a strain. What
can Ix: expected then
those women
o are m-alcem
cd by woman,
ly dfse'ises?
who arc
and run-dowu will find new
life and new strength in the
use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. U establishes
regularity, dries weakening
drains, heals Inflammation
aud ulceration, and cures
female weakness. It maker
v.eak women strong and
sick women well.
Sick people are invited to
consult Dr. Pierce, hy letter,
fret. All corrchpondeuce u
Held as strictly private am J
Acrcdlv confidential. Address Dr. K. V.
"ierce.'lJufialo, N. Y.
i Mifirrnl with female wrnjcntw nhoiit elf.lil
ywrtrieJf-raJiliictorliiil Wieil noU-iie-It
tl ii til 1 l('4.r liking I)r 1'ierct'e J'.noiUc I'ri.
irjiition," wntis Mr Jolm Ortrti, of Danville
iy!t Co Ky. "'Ihi niullclue wan rccom
lundcil to m-by other iatltuts. J liae taken
U lK.ttIt.BiiU 1 ftel lii- another pertoii."
The dealer who offerh a substitute for
'Favorite Prescription," is only seeking
to make the little more profit paid on
the sale, of less meritorious medicines.
llie profit is your low. Refuse all cub
.tituteiT ' '
. IJr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should 1
used v.ith "Favorite. Prescription " Iku
trr a la.ative ia required.
IB $ i B90
way hurts Portland by building
up a part of the state not ttibuttuy
to her. Portland has a pet feet
right to take his view it it pleases
her, mid, Mr, Tongue has ntt
equal right to cater to Portland.
At the same time it may as well
be undetstood that Coos Hay
people recognize the fact that
this section has been getting the
chilly shoulder, aud that it does
not feel particularly grateful to
Mr. Tougtie. These are things
to be kept in mind by the dele
gates elected tomorrow.
Even though Mr. Tongue be
nominated and elected without
difncultv, it will do no harm if
he be given to uuderMand that
thisscct'on of the state expects
something more front him in the
way of tangible results.
The managers of tin rnnipnl n for the
Humiliation of Governor (Jeer are wry
hopeful of the result of tho mute con
vention. They believe lie will receive
.he noudnatlon on the third ami perhaps
tut the seconn ballot.
It U conceded ha hi the casting of
the first ballot local pride mid iMbtuinl
friendships will be impo.rlunt factor
Favorite sous and local spellbinder vvll
have their lunings. Coiiiplhnciitnry
votes gnloro will be given to party work;
ers for sectional ren-iiH, an.l many am
bitions will k considered.
When thfc third ballot shrill have been
taken it ljSWfted that it will be fleer
against the fund: ml l wnnrtmr
Governor's friends are counting on mid
preparing to moot.
The convention will be r.iutlc tip of 3i:t
delegates, nnd it will require 172 to,
elei't. Of these. Governor deei's friends
ylaiin the following: Mtiiiun, 2'J; Yum
hilli I'J: Wasco, 11; Wellington. I'J;
I'ltiuii. 10; linker, I'J; JosepJthio, 7; .luck
on 11; Cikh niul Curry, l'. Lincoln. 4:
Kliiinath mid Lake. S; Giilluui, I; fleiitun
7; Sherman, I; Walowa, ."; .Malheur, 4;
Grant, 0; Harney, 3; Linn. 14; Wheeler,
; Total. 171. lie-ide- tlin.-u it it known
that a part of thf Multnomah delgation j
is favorable to the Governor and will .
otc for him If the unit rule Is not
forced on them. It is said, too, that
Gnwruor Geer is sure of one or two del-egnte-s
from Douglas County.
In addition to thN s-moral dclegationx
li;ne no partleiiliir choice ami will bo
glad to cast their vote for the strongest
iiirii. In nnv oont, tlK Gi)ernor's
friends nay that It looks like deer
regardless of what the Multnomah de
egates nitty do. The li" Miiltiioiuah del-
gates will vote for Judge Carey on the
fir-t ballot, but without considerable
and material aid front the rural districts
this will avail nothing. -l'ortli'nil.Joiiru.
Governor Geer litis vork"d his way up
from the plow to the executive oillce.
While the bosses will oppose fleer and
do all lu their ikiwct to down him, yet
the imperative ilemaiid of the common
people for his reuoiniuation cannot he
resisted. Geer has nn unimpeachable
record as Gocrnor. He litis rendered
the party gi eater -ei vieo during the pat
twenty years than any other man. He
is a campaigner with a national repu
tation. These tacts give Geer a claim
upon the nomination no oilier mail can
have as Governor.- Kaleiu Statesman.
For Governor T. 'J Geer has wtnliily
given the"Htato a good adinliiNtratloii.'l
Coming up from the soli and tlm ranch
and tlio farm. Gomnor (leer luw ww
to the Trout iiiiiIJIiiimI light up with thd
pioinini'iit personnges of tho nation. Hi
has shown that lie U n man of lileiw and
brains ami hi- personality was plainly
recognined when he was lu lied to stump
Ohio for the Uepnbllcaii tickut. He Is a
picturesque figure, and u credit to his
tate. rortlaiiil.loiirtinl.
lll.SCa-p Coo.s river, March ai.
ll-OJ, the infant son of Mr. and Mm.
.lohn-llittjico.iiged ono ninntit and
one dny. .
Tho funeial took pl.ico r.l Mursh
llclil , TiiMilny .
UOI.LANI). At the famUy rciitlencn
in thi city, at 10:!10 a. in . Mutch
Sf, 1Wi,8uih1i , wife of David Hol
land, ugctl OS yc:ir, in month and
Drceaocil, whoso maith n nemo was
Sarah Skidniore, wi born til Nova
dentin, May -J, ISilil. She w.i nnu
ried to D.tviil llolhtud at 1'icto, N'l.
S., Sept. LV, 1ST0. They came to l!i.o
county as member. of thu Homiium
colony , in Ijw.'. and luivo reoiiletl
hero ever fince. Tor ninny jears
they resided across thu buy on a point
overhioking the upper purl of tlio Imy.
Later (hey werea.wociateil with .1. I.
IV r rev in tlio llhiico hotel for a mini
ber cf years. lVcoased was a inein-
her of tho Kiiucipal church, anil was
respnctctl by a I. Her health had
been poor for fonu tiino unit tho com-
plaint which pracit fatal Inn! been
mnUiin; inphl idioai's of l.ttc, so Hint
her death not nncvpecteil. lie-
shiuH the buruavril hiiKlmnd, live
chihlrvu Hirvivc- Mn. Htibt. Simp-
son.of Ntrlh lleniljMis Win. Kn,
of I'ieaant r.iiut; Thomas I)., Vil
linmnnil Parker Holhiuil.of thi city
Tho funeral arrnii1(,iiioiiiF. havo not
boen completid n ive go to pro.
Dmilas for Crawford
At the Itfinihllcau irlmarie-, in
Itict'biirg s,uuri.iy with two llckets. re
tiretientiug Kullirtoii for Governor, and
Crav.f.ird f r Atlornev licneral. le-iiee-
JH). th, totfWVff
v,, , preclni-ts are ithoiit equally
;'!'x,l,,'l -
How To
ain Flesh
Persons have been known to
gain a poun-J ra efay by taking
an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL.
SIOM. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound; it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
erly, so that the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be.
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flesh Is
necessary for healths if you have
not got iryou can get it by
aaszmBSiwv inm
You will find it juit ci useful in summer
a in winter, and if yen arc thriving upon
It don't ftop Lecauic the weather b wixm.
'a. ami, all tit itgglitl.
SCOTT U uaWNI.,Cbchilit, New Verk
r$ irMion
tvLpauamtrrtaiu &J
For Chinese Exclusion
Knar' Lands in the Pliie.slippiu
t,o be Hough t Troojm to
Leave Cuba.
Washington, Mar. 'JTi. The Committee
on Foreign Affairs today authorlr.ed a
favorable report on the Mitchell Kuhu
bill to prohibit the coming in or rel
d,cuee In the fnltwl Statei of nnv o its
terVllorles or pikichsIoih of Chinese mid
porsoiitj of Chllice devellt. The bill bus
already been faorhly to the
sitiate. The niiwt Important change lu
the new hill reported to tlu "eiiale U
theeliiuinatloii of tho chuiM' prohibit
ing tlm riupliuiciit of Chlueie kitllots
on AniiTlcaii shiH,
IbeSviiate this inoriilng agreed to a
rcMdtitlnti calling on the Secretary of
the Interior for information relathe to
the Indian trrntlei ot s:, in the terri
tory of Oregon, and e-pfchtlly whether
micli treaties were ratlfiwl by the Mil
atw, and to report wlo-lher the govern-
iiient Ih eiuilahly boiiml to eonin'iiate
n,j,j llu.jn lriw if SIIC, vXm
VmMolx or thl, ,,rclllw ,lf .
Pr,UH lUuU , tJu, i1tiB.x.isa,.3 be
made through the issuance of ImiuU.
Tle total cost Is not e&pecleil to e.-
ecnl pveii million dollars.
A hnig conference was held this alter-
ikmiii n the War iJepartiiieut.aiid it was
ileeiibil that all Mildlers lit CiiIm. wltli
the exception of three batteries of coast
artillery, would be orderM home .May
No Strike Expected
Wall Street takes Hopeful 'iev
of Situation in Anthra
cite Region
Nrw Yolk, Mar. ir. The Secretary of
the .National Civil Federation is Inisllv
engaged ill preparing for the meeting of
the coiicllbitiou coinmlUee tomorrow.
Senator Haniia will pieshle. Tho an
Ihriiclte trouble is viewed by Wall
st.eet coinpliuelitly, and it is believed
that theie will be no strike If the
miners nre careful to restrain preying
the chief points of Irritation to the
operators, the recognition of Hie unions,
Sneak Thief.
Sonic petty thief took advan
tage cf J. V. Nelson's te'.r.poinry
absence from his store Monday af
ternoon and stole a box of Cigais.
As he failed to leave his card the
only consolation Mr. Nelson has
is in hoping the cigars make flic
man sick and he may return what
is left.
Coming Out of South
llritish Onicials Reluctant to Ad-
tut t Tim! They mc Treating
With the Doers
London, Mar. 'Jo. In tho limine of
('nmmoiw today Mr. Ilalfour announced
that ii5 other Information from South
Afi lea had been received since jctci
day. 'Ilic oillclals will not admit that i,
general arniHtlce has been clfrclcd In
Ninth Africa, pending negotiations with
.Sell ilkburger, looking toward a pemv
'I he nlHHncii of war nuvvs, howerer.
give color Io'tlie report that Ml ririnN
tlceeilst Estate and general news. ',
j-Y.ilp iMvtinty vvnrrantti will cAiitintio
to tlmn Interest itf there it an iioa1Ihvt
alien inailo for their payment nml liry
will nr.t be Railed until tin ligihtlur
innkfiN provinion for their puyiiiim;.
T..I. DtoHii of HoKohiirg has begnii
suit in tlio 1". S. ("nirl al I'tirtlund
ngitiiinl the Sniithern Pacific lond fur
l'),0ti0as ihnmgei to an it'in.
Slnto TretvKiirer Monro o.moU to
call it 1 1 outstanding iwirranU on thu
general fund about April .'lit. No
'warrant litivo been nniln'ufil ninco
Mn tell 10, but nil havo hniii pnlil as
prexeuleil out of tho la.xri for I'JOl 1
rcinly paid.
ColiimliU and I.-jI'o comities have
paid tho ittato tuxes in full.
r.igliteon licatUtoniM vveie rnolovcd
til Ktigonu iiiHt vvooL',10 be placed over
the gravoK of tho Kpiiuinli war vetur
itiis and civil mir vetnraus. TIiimd
nioiitimuiitM are fiiriillind free by our
Thoy have heon playing "Tho"
Christian" at .Salon npcrahoiiyc. thin
Tho oldest man to legintor In Oreg
on thus far it Patriot: Hruiinan, aged
'.ilye.trii. Ho ickiilos in l.inu couutv
Wooilbuiu o'.linn complain tint
tliuimidvvr.ill.'ii am boing polutod by
oovvh and a movoment is on foot to
pasnu ai'llicow ordinance.
TIi 'r l Ho rtnnlnran,
"Is theiu any one living heiv nude;
t went) olio ye.iiM of ngoV luitilreil s
man who rang tho doorbell at u uoulrol
reslilonce the olhi'i day.
"No, tluro Ih not," rather Hharplj
replied a HpliiKter of eight and tUli'ty
uunimei's who ninwured.
"Why, Is It poHhlhh'?" was the reply
of the ni).uoiitly iiHtoniohed mill).
"l)oirv,oti m h.'i'oV"
It was a ueal lift. uttul after a HttO.'
Hlmperlng and a brief chat about tliu
weathec Hid maiden puroJniM'd l,-i
copleH.oC it vvotl: entitled "llluls lr
tlm Youug."-l.onilon Tll-llllii.