V r" ' i ' w h , tl'W f NfcFmmRni m tJ&tfr ME ALV Sid w, MM&M3P H Tlio tfteiiteni ctiublUoti of Atnijf Icim won and women In to bavo Jfoinoi Witiul with rlilli'ron. Xfio wojjinti ninirtfld with omnltj dl. 0nn li uoiiitntitly nioimecd with liouomltift R olilhllM'i wife. No niudlulno cm n!t(iro dead or- (....!, nui, i.iiiu n v.nrniii 0(Vi ruKiilnto ilMrniifiiiuiifK Hint pre vent conception; duoi iruuut fj inJuoarrlaj.'o j dura roatoro vot W nutation and idinltorcd nenc-i j nml doui brine; bnWwi to Jiomci burren mid diwibtto for your. Wln of Cnrdul h cji women tho lumltli and ktrcnth to bear boat thy children. Von can ot n dollnr liul t hi of WJno of Cardnl from your dealer. VMRRUHGnnffl M EKlC.nP.R UtfSb"lu.w' kiiTC&TOi) IM MrNU tfNt, - Utmilili.'i.r , April II.1MI. k.V" "J"""!!'''! i Ml" UH'J I'UIUOOI WII rr ('. nlul i.il nnn i.rV... r iNtdirurd'a liiMl'liriueliU I liobfn """ hiwtiwj ynr una nail Dover tflvall hlrtli I n rf. i.l ....ill N.bui. Ilf fVrfll I. . Utf I MBM ....!... . .. Jl Bf . - . . ... cir"irar ui niinQ n 'rTl'l hUh r K,rn Marrh 81, tlj. tl Tha l.r t.Kh. I .,. M noiiniJ. ami ?e U5 M 'V1' I,,,T I r"" onjtil fL My n'J ineturuiii 4 fi. Vif.j.w.c.mtmt. V r I .Mill In trt liiMaa. II ! i rjr ii-f n iff.'ur fcVti..., 4tu tttrvTXiziTimM.iim4wirtixnivtrwjvniimim Now tlmt Govenor Gccr enr- n'etl vvctv nrcctiic: in Marion Co- nnii. ni 1i. nri'tiiiMut thp nrcnl Hilly nt lic pri.tiu is inc Ricni push ornn nt .Su'cin will retire. This shows coticluMvcly that the 1 . . - i-r....-.....1 Hm hu.. 1 :oplv were for Geer nml tic tvyo lending papers there mould public sentiment. be K3 f y s 7. TO J m - ,. . Jll.rutllP. I'. W. Smith. W. II. Multli, J. Governor deer fully deserves ';;, i)nyo..l..l.('lltil;otibeard. tlif .vnresdiou of confidence OnilltuCity: W m. Itleh. .1 II. X01 which the Repiibhgrtus uinclc b. their votes yesterday after a cam- lutiLMi in which everv net nl hix aduiiuistra ion .a r.nr.ri1tv WHS CnrClttll) 5cnttiui.cd. Their sober judge uieut, exptesv.d 111 a most etn phalic manner, is a splendid tcst- t ..... 1 - .1. !... 1 1 jmoiimi 10 uie scivicct itiniKivn by Governor Gcer iu his oflieial : capicity. The fiht for Geer was, made by the common people, and I I'ortlnudVs new daily j-aper, the victory theirs. The re- Tin Journal, comes rij'ul.rlyto suit of yesterday's victory will be . this onlee. It is a four page, ,.,., i. , .. 11. iiw. frifiifk'ficvcu column sheet, and makes a nil ovir the .state us it tactically iusuies his rciioiiiiunlion. .., v....v....h ... .. ... ..- ..--, o us- is s CJ re X -o-. Wtw SIX M ,v Wunvy. ?ti , -you wm$jm hi : DEAF? Wj?N RAISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OI? HARD' bmvmi ARE NOW CURABLE '' , by our new invention. Only those born deaf nro incurable. , HEAD NOISES CEASE IMUATES1 '.' k. a. WERMAN. OF DALTIMOREf. 8 AYS I 1 n,Hii,i,H .. Ti.lii fiitlrclv cured of defnnH. 0 :u!l 111. ory oi my catr, io ueicu ?"' lliilttoryoi niyc Alwut five year nr" ' "l;'" ucK" " lltllllC itr In tilt lit bcartly fti.d hcu to remain very truly ,n,MCuS' oiUy yiV m!e?ullo col I then. aw your mlverl Ucincnt accidentally In a Mew York JW, nm. oriicret ounrjrw larnt Aflrtl hit I n"et ll onlynfcw ilnyacvorilliiirtooiir aiicctlnut. Uiciaisc(.cinsrd. mi! rifJ". AV-Vfl.-...'.! 1 V1.,.. 1 rifriHtr in Hit .llntl car ha 1 1'cen ciitfrSly iculorca. 1 tlir.t V '.. A. ,.. ii n nt tlnn.t not intevfoi'OAVlth vour usual occuiutfio) TSfta,Md YOU CAN CURE 'YOURSEWAT.HOJME M.WS!$f 4UICT PRIMARIES Mixed Results in Mnrsl.ficld Scvcrnl Oilier Precints Hcntd I'rotn Tho Iloiitibllriiii I'rltiunliw In Mm,.. Hold iiufetnl olf very iileinmutly mid til ot y nrdiipudny nltc'rinioii. If I hero any ntrenuotM HtrugKlO'll was below tl d mi i face. For North Mnridifltdil iufclnct (hn iirlniiiikHi won hold In odd Kollowit' hull. .1. V, Ih'iinott wan chnlrnimi, Kd Knrrln Hocrolnry, Ilorbort l.ocidturt mid J. W.TIhhcttH tollom. Tf.'onty-ono or tvonlytwo voIom woro i'UhI. mid mil f H'wnlreii iiiiiiiIiu'w, twolw doloKiitoH wen ulecto i.iih fidlow: r. M. Dliniiilfk. C. W. Towor. Tlioniim Howard. W. .1. Ilntlor, Thou. IIIihI, K. I C Fiiflii, tchIo Kiiikc. h. CIoiiiiiioiiwij I!. i. Kail, K. V. ittlck and A. I). I'r nil. In Hoiilh procliirt tho prlmnrlo. vcio hold In tho room next to ftnrchi'- gro cery, uud worn kept opon from i to u p. in.. Y. I' l)(iiirlun wiih eluilrmaii, V. A, Toyo Sccrolary, U.W. Cmnpbtdl mid 8. Jl. (at heart toller. I'orty oiM worn riwt, mid out of two it ii'imliifOft tlio followlm; llftrou wori'fl'pud: II. .1. foko. .Jr., A. JvriHo. V. W. I )otin Ian. K. I'. Norton. Chiw. M.iuir. Dr. Milium C. I.. Ilonohrako, lb 'in Jlolm. I. A. I.nlw Win, Na-lmrtf, .1. h. ( oko. .lohu 1'roiiHH. W. A. Toyo, I). UatMin, K. Hoiickf'iiilnrf. In ouch nncliK'l a nrliitod tlckot hml iti'iii prvpuiou, mil in iifitiutr wiw the iropaio ld ctw iionot I In I tii Millri'ty. fioiiu e.f im- i.m t.ni-iuiiM'- Bi-rr ujimriu iiy uio ..iiiisrrii!w.iiM.r. i,f tho party. . III f J ( tho titft. lllnw In ttlvui ii list of the di'loKnliM leetnl In tith'T precincts baud from up .o im- mac "i Kiting in priM: jjnpire ( uv: i.. .1. Minpon, IttiUr1 j1;ih nu, W. it. Piper, l. tor inirL'Io, 11. D. Jotiw, Uinlil Mr, Win. Hmiiidoro. ,talll,nJ itobt. Walkor, It. II. Ihwa. I). ninr!itnii, Herd IlatrliiKion, Huben (iardliier. Uui.lloluinii.ci. !. Toppiiifr, - Mel ul'iirh, It. . Painter. Ir. K line, L w lp , ,;.,. w (.jrk .t pr.MMioi : .1. Y. Moriion. A. Hi'uibluck. tit. W. Hullard. I Honth L'oon HIut: JC.W. Omitell. B. KHMIIUU V.U). II III. IWCII, .1 11. AU1 S.fS'r.'v,1 Hacker. J!m llorrnt, Al. I'lmulem, Al- trwt JoIiiimui, .sr., .Mnniiinniiy. .iiymu ioiiii; i a. iiouem .1. u. nnliiirl- S. I!. JuIiiihi.1. A. llnllnir. 1. .... ti 1.. . i 1 ii.. 1. " .. t t 1 limn 1 t ' w---wy iiiiiri W. Ueyoe, S. II. HeiinHiiii, Arthur Her 111:11111, II. l iKMiiont. UJi-ar UohI, W. T. Di'iueiit, 11. it. Stewart. I'.il. Carter, w. 0. I'tMipor. ...,..,., .. very crciuinuiu ajipL.iiiuii.-v auitu ixc new machinery has been brought to tun smoothly. It takes the Sciipps lileyraphic sci ..vice and would seem to have a ruturc before it. 1 r 5 .JUi.timohi:. Ma., March ;q. I'm:. tlioiiL to your Ucatrucat, I wl.l w. V"'....i n.'u i .. S, .rtii,-. worts, ni.t.l I So.. "! """ "" -r -' A, nciM.K, 70. llroaihray, Iirtllrigtr. MtU ,mi nir ut im' ..iaii. Mamrui iennitine xjm Kiimn-r li'Mck unnil vnw Mi. f the -hHilir ..mie tho deleKWtiiMi will v''. ,'.?'; I? M ' ii i..i lHuuiiiilmiNw for iiiiymiu, nml It In in ;itbi fruit i. Jhiii Aleln- iianl to tell who will itcvhu tho bulk of ioti frjmiH ; AMir diihittoii; jB- ........... r ' Ifall.Rlcliardi fepluas At IiIkIi noon on Wmlnondny Maroli ID, 100U. tho wciIiIIiik of Cliitfl. Hall mid Minn Jlt'niiiu lilclutrdn wiiflxolciiili' Izcd In tho I'rcMbylcrhui cliurch , ,jii, uio prcKunvo oi over sixty inviuui KIiodIimiihI roliilivoK, ho Itt'V. H Jl. McUIoIIjiiiI olllciiitin;'. hUm Maud Jltoiyn acted on Inl'lc-'iinid mid Wil llam I''iidcvorlh m bcnl ninn. 'J'lin brido Im tlio liAiidroino dntiL'litor of Mr. mill Mrn( Joh. IticlninU mid 'hu uroom im Lite non of Mr. an I Mm. I;. 0, J In J I. JJnth jmriif.i aro vt-ll known in MnreiiflcUl and arc hold In the billion oxU'om. Tlioclnircli vvas brmUifolly decor atod will) ovoriuuciiH mid floivorn and uliilo tlio wodilint; nitircli wiih buln plnytiil by Minr, I.illio Morcbant, the brido mill Kroom wore coiiilnutcd to ilio altor uhoru thu curoiiiony wan performed. Tho bride v.'ns attired in wliittt mnndio und carried u lion qtiut-.o wbilo cornation Uowom. -Tlio brides maid wan drenHcd in palo yellow or i;andie. After tho ceremony amid tho con r 'lnti(ii) 0f their inaiiy fi IcikIh, tho in . married couple, nccoiupnnlctl by i feU' of their morn intiiiiiUo liiui Ih, embarked in aljtineb for the bomu of tlio bride' parent on ltli hum hlttiijli. whfro an eloputt wioj ditiK dinner bad been piupurud. Tbu happy coujile wore tho receiver) of many licntilifnl iih well atiirofut preti ' amooj; ibeni won: Silver bnt tor iliidi, W in. Kielcuorib ; hallotiburj; do.lie, IloMft.i Coke; eol water jilticof, A. J.hnvngi; nut tat. Mrs J. Colfe; -"-.- -----W.--w- ,.,ol; , .1. illiln .lone-: -il r twolli , vrK .. t .,. ,... .,. , ., knife. Mm. O.K. Smith: d -oil ilicb, Prniik nml Jllllio Wick- nuii; lea kyt, Mmid llrowu; Inru mir- jror, . li. f iiiiiieiciii eiitf oim, .ir. .iikI .Mi. Sneddon; batloiiburu doyllo, Mildied inbe; pie tlato, 1. 11:11 IJoono Uoeiilt ihee tlieto worn many other proeiitH ilio nauten of which wy cmild not obtain. Lake Urn's Biinpou it Quick am now occupy ing their now fiore. IlHiiiiiij; polatoecisthv principle in 1.. . . .. I 1 . ' .A ivtor Mineral i homo bom the roul mine. Ua Iimh boon enildoyed 1 r,.M ii,. MM kU pnt lew montliB at Uoaver 1 1 all Thoro wa a Inrjw ohhI: of wine fuiiiid mi 'ho beach, one dny lnt week. It i iirrdlmn in ciiy tlwu'il fell into jsnod liaud.H and was well taken care Tho Social dntieo at It. Ilaudlex place, lat Saturday wiuf n eonip'ete niicce, there lioinjj n Iiiiko crowd profont, who were Miembly melined Amoiii: tlioce picM-nl wero Mto-rc Olias.CKlemiin, James lloberM mid Capt.ChiiB. Heid, of Uiewcti r Valley. A bead on colliioti was reported on Xorth I.uKo Saturday nljht. between ilio U K Mail dual and tliu ileniietta foriiiiially no lives were lost, mid only mall liiiiiiiipi (lone. VeM ny wiih the firtt i-ptlng da ve bavo i ecu aide to ri port vet. We 'noticed -ovci'il of tho animals out !.i.ii:inc l their tbndow, prominent amnu 'hem were, the Groundling, J11. I. Quick mid sevi ral, Wibfomero. Tueio a rumor 11ilo.it to thoeireet that, the Uuikelil" .n t iiK'e, Oapt Khijuii, wuibbVM M'viral niilus ill' I or coiiire, duriuu one o( tin bard ntoiniK liildy, but tho Capt. when in leriew(d,deiiird this cayiug ho and the l. OHicer Iiiiudiitb wero both on I he I'ndce dining tbu whole gale, and that the hhip never vaiicd her course a point Seeial parties beio nro talking of nioiiiK to Mjitlo Point, us fioin the Coin 1 Mvil icportH, the tticola of that city mo considered fur superior t .some oi tlio 1 ond a in tliis vicinity. At Icabt they have a lifo saving ecrvico there, and hero thu lono tiavelor is liable at any HmcUo bconme to'ully Hibmcrgo.l in pure Oiegpu aoil. Basket Social Altoir, Lodge, K. U. of A. held a basket' social iu the lodge rpom Wednesday evening. . The bas kets were sold to the "highest bid der and the fuuds will be used for defraying the expeuses'bf the 'summer eKfcursiouSi etc. to be. giveu by the order. a H P- N KKW8 DKALISH ri e i n 1 0 h t H it 11 K r 11 11 c g jl n 1 1 1 uj. All tlio loading Magna In en.' S tftn'TlTFlt V A ti fiV L A?1H (i (J A JtJ 8 it Ii b c r I p 1 1 papers and Flno clparu mid tobacco. ' o That is what we fvaat-pMM Ifefe &3 H MlM W Ka IS M RMMMMUlkvfWMaMmM MMM we can fill all MWMWlMIMWMal IllaWiillJUinili all and all kinds. is guaranteei mmmmmmmtttm rig:ht. OUR STOCK anything required in Fir, Spruce, iBWIaiWMaM'MaWWanawyiaMiiiattaTlaCl.JaT Red and White Cedar. aWfcWfc M fcai 1 fulfil UPSON LU r. Ii a ' . " Phone Main 151, , . . fCW.'W ' ' ': .GROCERY.- ... A full lino of clioico grocorio3, food, flour, bam mid bacon nltvayti on liiuul, frcsli Fruitd and vegetables received on every at earner I HQHSSr P,$ICE PAID'.FOR PRODUOS, BUTTER AND SQQS STTSE At. 7vi n-.llii..i-ii fs Mil UIIViy VS - oi K m m ta sr ks a ta h ki m GEE FEE. S M m L.-ys DEALBU IN GR0CE1UES, Jj fltUSIl FRUITS, VEGETA- 1 ;b.lj:s vio visions, Fl.OUlt ' FtiED, ETC.', OF gj the. best Quality. viuoes heasonable. j Frozen o y s te k s fe t!VUHVlt.lV . . -B 1 jm A. Mi. . . . . s l A cicai. r..i.i!nij r It' - - ' illH ! UHHI? 4ft 1. 0 rton. AND AOtiNT :' 1 H c o n n d 1 o r 1 1 u 11 d I 5f :?? 0 n for nil :t: .. periodicals. I Stationery, Jewelry, nothing :?:? have to sell, and T orders for anfr THE QUALITY and the price isl INCLUDES CS North Bend, Ofe SrT,.A-TTl1., !' t; Ttl.nbMit. nViltidil ," 'i . I tlIIVII IKIIIII t I -2. -w. sEiiRAi hotel: Comer of Front ami A strcots, Marshfield, oregqn; JONH SNYDER. : : : : : :Propriatc k riniJIS WELL-KNaWNANDFAVORITR , J. HOTEL, tus lust brtn entirely refitted anU rertirnUhcd throiifc iiout and is again open to Ofc public for patronage. "' , f y New bwls. and spring mattresses Juvejbcen' placetl In almost every ilscping room of tlfjs house and neither trouble nor expinso has booi Utcd to put everything la lirst-elass order, terms. Hoard and Liodcing, per week,.::., rijs.tp Am m -- Board, ocf S.liglc Meals t jf