-VsJtV$J- -V? :; ,?( ( fc ' - ' r--" r-r -wr J' a; 1r -l -" 'v zjijz&sz$:-, - '? V J fw, v VILL PliRSIiVliM IN OFFERS OP GOOD OFFICES Announcement Mlulc tlmt J'ail- utc of Preliminaries Docs nut JCikI it llorlln, .Mar. I" -An aiiiiourirotiipjil nmilo luiliiy on hluli uiitlmrily would In. dlcato llutt Germany Is oxtoinllui; U Ktm ollleoi to lirlnif about u conation ur 1mm1IIUI.ch In Hoiitli Africa. 'Hi" itiiunuiieeineiit Ik iu follow: "Preliminary uofjntintlnin luto rullcil. (ieruifiuy however pernocn." hen Htiilo Hncrrtiiry IJerthofen nindo llHrtpccell residing tile Iloelri In tint I'ruwlitii diet TlinrNliiy It Indicated that German iiii'illnlloii In Mouth Africa wan nut out of llio tfeitloii. K-ssr&izrzz Vrs d.llAlllkAl f.n ta rife .! tMm AM I t . A. -am .. a.- .. . I I U IK ill IMP K)A0 Wllliom Clltrrt "I liSvr lieen iroublid wllh tjylirrn iilm- jrnrs," ny J O (iirrnc, Pctum. I ml "I lit tiled itutiy iciiillfhiii l.litlc lUttly Urwr i:Wn Iimi r iIu.I(m Crou Ding Mluicittnl Hii:UoUn' I'lmrmnc). Helen Gould's fiifl NVw Voik, March IS. Tlu niv naval liranch of tho Yonni; MmiV ClirlctlHii AMiirlalloii, In HriHiklyn, n now cum IiIi'IhI anil will ho ri'ii ly fur (K,cupmit,y within a Tow iIiijm. TIiIk lirniich of tho V. M.C. A.owim Its PxiMf?iiri to ,MI4 Helen (fitilil. who irmc ti:i.(Ahi for it IT'Mltll.ll. Till) llllllillliy. U till- Ulll'ht of Hh klii'l In tin (Miin'.ry. It In a cliilminl it Imli'l In one, ami Km irlncitl fiMttiro win or iw iiiiiKnini'pti; nmr utiruuiiN. ' 'llicri' will ho hIiooIIii;; tru!l(rltv, hot i ami roiti water iiiiiik. h illnltiK-rooni, lllimrny, atiilltorliim, a Icotiirc-rihitn ami iln cIhuh mill dull roiiMf liiptlitr with tt ilonnlUiry iifcoiiiiluUiiii.s. riilltlron liiccUlly l.l.'lilc t armt. ImiUn aim! cuu hip ciiicmrlc iwtUifiii iiimI if iipf lil oflrH tr(.li In Mucwl niInIhi;. ( liUtlim f pfirvUly UaA t mcli ini)iuM lirvUM' not m CHirlMl. A rntly lie Wilt Witch II nw Silw . lmwHit iHe fi'f, ilo(H tb pln, mmjii hMl llw mnmI, IIowmw (f rMintrfi'l. Suouilof ;ttt. "Uo Vltt' WIlcJi lUwlfviWe euiml mf Imliy ol nctattM u(lr to (vliyttatm hmi Iter tip," prltm 4iim MmA. N' Welrttrr, I ml. "'Hmmhoi w-rr u I mil h ili' tottfil iho tn ftm ilrruf n iU)'. Ileil ( nm Dfii,,' JJliKt rwI SMfimckn i l"hni iiHMy. ' Delicr Conditions For Trainmen Ntw llitvon, Conn., Murrli IS. Tho new worklnc Hrliiilnlf fur th tntlntmwi of th Now York, .Vow llavon ami llart fonl Itailrtinil went Itilo efTcet toilny. Pntler (hi new iirrniijjemriit thu liount of work ri'iiiain n heretofore, hut tho pay of most of (hi nittit linn heen Iiutoiih li. 'IhenowHchiHliilcwttlifiilllTeionceH liotwiwii the coiiiimny mnl tin tralninun which at one time llirentcinil to pro clpltnton (jeneral nil Ike. A I'rontahlo Invtlmnt "I wnt iiowUpiI (ur itlioul omi ytmrs uith my Mifinncli nml In Ixil h ilf my lime," My IC.Dem. lek, Somitvllle, Iml I pnt nImhu $icxo nml new orniM Kt noyililH 1 IhI me until 1 tnnl KtfcJul l))t'iiki c hip I liiv mki'ii ii lew ltiUr unit nm novv iniltHy vcll." Ymi don't ll ly hfct)n ml, Imiliy lmt ou illwt. If ) Mr (iniiuicli drntn't oil ot jour food otMre redly ttkivui(. Kutio! I)yrcii.iC."iuo ilo ilic iionncli't wtiiK hy dlitpftln; tin food. Ymi don't Imw lo,i!kM. Itnl nil )ou waul ICimIoI I)yiiw C.'titit euro nil itonuch Ireolilet, V( Ciovi-lcuf, Jiiotc nnd Sengitnck u' I'linJiimcy, AhIoiIii, Mar. 1 1- Malt .Iitrvl. it Has i Ian Klnn lUhorimui hIioI and instantly killed hirt rather. Cithrlel .Imvi at 1 o'cloid; IIiIn morning. Tho (dd man caimi homo iranl: ami wtw trying to hreak open tint door, when liUma delllieratfly ninrdiiieil him, then Hitrremlotcd to thu pollen. Uj tio A H' KW Yn ltaWjjg uh WiwhliUrlaa, M.tr. IS Jtt.M voini in- ed today hy the bin t m of m iX ami dock rtho Navy l)ip.iitinat fr tin' cm Dtriietiiiii of a In wo hullillnc to he u ed itHHliopK for Hti'ina ciiuineerinir at tin mY naval Htation nt Alter, Lit. 'I lie Khactaro will nwt la tho noli'lilmrliooil of I j,tx)(). Thi.i Ih lint one or mnity lin hidveinentu plnnned for Allern, vvilch it In tho Intontloa ot tho huy Depatt aioiit to nuiltn oycatiuilly ono of llio 4irtatwt and nnut comploiu niival Htu tlons in (ho world. BEST FOR THE OWEL f Tfiil liaran'l fniruUr, li llhr motmnt nf lhi Htt. n.rrr it.v. full in III ur will Itt K'upii vuuH I pi).1ih on, mill h wll I orc. Ill llio li.nl lot : I Isiill lifuiur III I il n, I. l nr tw. Tht mootlil r lltaraiil MI,alAli in 1W "II. n nj ui urci nig 111 bVWfl no rmaii i iu tana EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Vatir Rlditn, Wku. nr llrlf, It, . ml Mrvntt rr.lxii. rlta (ur fr.a ..n.i.l., and iwoklal . ri.5i.nl, l'1tM, 1'iit.nl, T.ilii'Wdd, lioOood, lirallh, AiMtat, a inrbtua nnr tnsruT, cntar.o.r rn toi.k. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEM) IND'ti'liNDIiNT TICKET HAS ABOUT THIRTY MAJORITY One Authority nays Utccttoti wai Qniett Another says 'Twrw I Lively (Ilolow will ho found two d!?patch)i from rortland, one fiom oar regular Miiirce, tho other rrom tho Ore uilna. hy icqtient, Am neither of then' ili'patelie wax final, the Mail ealled up the idltur id tli.'Halem Stati'-oueii at II i. m.. hy ph'Hie.nnd wiih inforitif.l that the ludu jiemli'iil ticket had hilit n t o l!fulNr ltiipiililleaii or'hlni'ii ticket hy about iiiiuy i-i.j t'ortiami, .Mar, i -mere are neiiiR heln today tho itilelet prlinarlen In thu ' hldiry or I'ortlnn.l. ' 'I here Inw Ihm'ii ho riMnrkincp except ; row Iu one preciuet. A heavy vt hi be illL' polled. The III. licit Ion- ftvnr (lie e!;tioii of tlieiegular ltpuhlicttii Simon ticket. J'orllnnd, Mr. lS-When the ihiIIh cloMil at ii o'closk thl evening, the iu illcaUomt were iftniotrly In favor of the lii'lepoiiUtut It'pmilicmiH iti aRalimt the Hlmon llepiibllt'RUK. A wm1 portion of the reentered volo wnt enut ami It will bo Into before the nwiilt Ik known. Tho retuMiu the liideiiniletiUi are tho most fnuUdcnt that the coloulaed vol orri of tljfl Minion wntu iu thr uluiiw did not turn out very iioiik, while the votu of the bcttur I'lein.-nt wih very heavy. The ron text wii t'.io wanne.tt in tlio hlitory of the city. jui:wni.ik, Having a Run on Chamberlain, s Cotmh Ui'imdy lletwoen the boiir or eleven o'clock 'i. m. and cloxltik' tiuie itt iiIkIiI on dull. USUi, ItKU. A. K. Chirk, diuj;lt. (ilmlu Hjirlnci. Va. wild twelve of Cliambcr laia'ri Coacli Heint'dy. HohiiV'', "I noor liiimlled a uiislielue that wild better or Kitvo better witi-'f action to my cimto liiern." rhi- Itemedy Inm Ihhiii la Kt'll cr.il ine in Ylru'lnla tor many yeurp. and the Hodo I hero are well ncntmlntcd with its excellent qualities. Many of them have wtilh'd to tho rem.irkahlo cunw which It has effi'uteil, hen yon need a i:ood, relluble medicine for a cotioji or cold, or attack of the grip, ""o ChaiiiberlaiuV CoiikIi Uemedy and yon are certain to be uiure than pleased with tho iiicl: ciiii,' which it ufTonls. For hiiIo by .loha 1'i-minh. . - - Standard Oil's Big Dividend New York, March IS.- Tho piiiu of $20, (KX).(XK) was distributed todav nmoiifr hohlerri of Klaiidard Oil comp.iny'rt Htock Hrnt (juarteily dividend declaie.l this year. It in a dUlhnd otUOj'er cent., ami if the thro dh blends to follow eiiml it iu aimrnut. as is coiilMcutly expected, tho total dividend iIIsIiiiih 'iiieiits of tho company for the je.ir will ainoiit to $K0, OX), mi The capitalization of tliu company is iin).tHH,iX!0. .loha I). Hockefi Her, recolvoatlio lion's aharu about -10 per cent. HaiuiaM.l uwaiMiaiiwiii.w.iiiiy You Could LoolA ititolliefiitmonudtcctliccoiuUtlon U WHIWi JUUI IVU.llll .1 lV,IV.Vli will btliiK you, you would wcl: icllrf nt once and tlmt iiutuitlly vould lie through Shiloh's . Consumption TrfwB-. Ounrantcetfto cure Con 1 vlll G untnllou, UronchltU, V"fc Aktlinin, niul oil Z,uoe Troubles, Cure Coutihi nud Colds In o day. J15 ceiiU. Write tq B. C. Wiata & Co., I,e Koy, N. Y., for f rU,trlt bottle. - ' V...,-. n-.ili ..... i... fi-j KailBkiiilfi nvvi iniiiiva iuw uwra t CANDY OATHARTIO ,- I TlftS WEEKS'PROGitAM : IN Tim TWO HOUSES P.tcific Indian War Veterans Turned Down Kor the Sleentli Time. WmdiliiKton, Mar. J I- The nhlp mi' -Hlily hill will pam llio Kuiialo Monday Hfiiitlor lloat'rt Mil for tho protection of tint I'rcMJilont will ho tliu next nub Jcct to occupy tliu addition of llio Beli ttle. 'I ho debitto U likdy to lin long. The Olciuiiargnrifiu ami Chlncfio ex- I'limon wiih limy eomu next. Hi'iiiitni' MnrLMii in wiitflilii:? for an opportunity to slip In Menrnguan canal inn. In llio Moimo nrnrtlc illy all (ho week l.'tll lir. .lnl'.if ml li Hill lllwf.lluulftfl lf fllfl rlVOIH llllll liarliOIH hill, to III) follOWCll i,v ,u. iirmv ntif iriifirlut Imi lilll. An niiver"o report w h niailo In tho Hi'iiato on KiMttv'ii hill exU'iolIn tho IirovixloiiH of Hi' lilack Hawk Imlian war noimlon hill to tho veteran mirvlv oM or tho warn of tint 1'aciflc aiast of IS 17 mill IHI8 niul tho Oregon and Wanli ItiKton warn of IP3i ami I85S, The nomination or Captain Crownln Fhk'M to he rear-ailinlral was ncnt to the St'imto toilay, Tho llotio forolKii affalrH rnnunlltce contliiiiwl work on tho MltchelMlalin Chlncxo oxcIiihIdii hill. Tln committee expects to lepurt tho hill next week. CASTOR I A J-'or ! .fanto and Children, Fhs Kind ou'va Always Bought 2!r tlio Travel by Sea Arrlralfl by Areata Mar. 17:-Cnpt TlbUctt. U K IIuliiiK.Miw Keeil, MIm Vowull, I, II Clnlatcnion, G I'raluii, Mm I.ee.J Kosarly, T Wilioa. Arrivals hy Alliance, Mar. 17: Miss (i (iiilovKou, Mr Mitlihorn, K Aruoron, li M Stnmjr, .1 l'eart. A IVart. Kdlth 0 KIiik.CW llayer. KflloH Ctdller, It C Vihwiu. W II Addis. V. .1 llemetit and family. Mih M .1 Wado. V G Twlle, Mr It Mcl'aiiii. 1 Itoe, Mm J II M liner. H H Wallcn.CuptltoborU.M Wallace, .1 D V.'elcli. DepartaroA South by Alliance Mar. 17: - Inieu L Miller. C Jensen, J Y Cal lahan. V Carl-on. A lla-win, Lena Carl Aiu, Mint .11 Kriekxou, Mrs II Peterson. Mw.l Hrandl, Daisy llrandt. S Kroe moiit, I) U Alberts, US Tyrrell. J ! Kerr and wife. Yilda Kerr, Preston Kerr, Levi Snyder, J It Ityan, and tluee ill thcHtccr- IIRO. o ua. & z z artxucxt. nri tho ) 1!' I'M US' toW ' BU -rf Clcoatan cz&ffi&a if Ptattainm fe Bonnott BANIC, niitr.cToit- r n.siion- ilan.J W. n-iiffii: l'KKH : nml. II. Flanniwii. VIOB 1MIKS ! It. P. Willimiis. CASHIKK Capital, $50,000. Wo promptly Vjbtnlu U, A. and ForvlRii Bond modi't.skL'tuli or 1'l.oto cllmi'iitlon lor : iroo rojvin on rmuiuiuiiuty. i or ireo dook, riK.1"! HADE-MARKS iPnoslta U. S. Patent Office WASHINGTON D1C. SW T r.Y?T 8JKature o: i-suzSyt CCCCfrCtz i i "WV"VVW WMFAffima', 'mtiMtywM )Xy Wr m 'W? Wi I) n't, fie tlio ton or voar Jelly a U prcsTo Jam In U o!ir lilnedwny.Htnl tliciti I y tho now, quick, u'r,l i cly uro wny by n loin coaiinrror i'oru !'. Dtif-d 1'nrnlllne. Jinn no Uijto or cdor. I.i nlr tlnbt nnd mm proof. Lirtlt r.pplki!. I'nofulln ad'. ou other trnrn about tl.o Iioiigo. l'nll dlrcctloni wltli capIi caito. Ooldcvcryifbere. Uxll7 OTAKDARD OIL CO. il.-'Q'fT)--'.L " ' ' ii .' .''ji 7C3 V.l.- yi DIED K LOCK A IIs? -On Ivnnttick slough, M ir. IS. ItKU, .Iiilm, (luiilUor of Mr nml Mr. Matt KIockum, aged L'5 years anil G months. The lutieral took pbico from tlio .SweilUli church in this city, Monday irternoon, Itcv li. V Donij'rtoti olliei- nil ii),'. ELECTRICITY Are yon RiifTcriug rrom Ithoiunatism, Weal: back. Nervous trouble or Generally run-down y letnV I'so Klectrlc Holts and HatlerUc. For urn and woniii. Klectrlc Insoles keep the rcet warm nnd privent catching cold. For booklet and clrcularp, tiddreM, KLECTltIC API'IiMNCK Co., Medfortl, Oregon, For 100 lbs. California or Sprcckel's Fine, Dry Gro.nila.tcd. ( V s 'XSCTsS WM mm '&" h. 2W .T"k. '. 1 ,th 2 JJ . fc..VJ f.y- '"Ift J i , JEjte O wxJLio uOJlLOJLII Wholesale and Retail Druggist-L. liKALKH IN DRUGS AND GENEHAJi MERCHANDISE Marahfiold , Oregon. Prescription Skillfully Compounded at I i i lin; Fin. Llto mm P'esafMMBSJli8SKSKCiOTKm2E:KBSSSS3!i JcTrTft jfffJlDH BJMitilSSr? n,Al xvc u no injurious cJicmiCiiU and H HB H W H nil H fR ffll fl S teJ oul' ,hc u'r' ,,ei, of aM antl wc suaran w ?-"' M w BViiJaJ Pt? ,ee ollr Wl,ik. Wo u prrrittted modern g jiiiKiuiH-o mil wo UUN l I KUL I 1 lit'. U.O'lllliS. laundry work can lrc-Ss jluincd luialiour.A after receipt, Itemcmltti 'o emp'oy while labor only. Follow- hj fcl lnt are soiiik of our agents. Georjje Iircnz, lUndon; f. Lo'rcnr, Coquille; E, A. Uole, S Myrtle I'ont; !?i Hanson, Nottli Ikud; J. Moran, Etjipite. CflOS BAY STEAM it. U. dflLlVLBTJlillN , x The Old Reliable N B.B.Dean&Cikt. 'C, II. MCRCIIANT.'fl ....'? wcaivert Is constantly adding to Its atocK of General Mcrcuan- t disc, already tho largest in MarMi field. K Wlienyou buy at tho Mill Store you knov; the goods arc first clnts and the price i all right. All kinds of lumber anr building material, feed arid sup plies at wholesale and retail. rultlnn. 20-lb boxdextert clutter for JiJOl Ll'runet. none finer or iwecter 100lbt.for2.7S iSplcc. hleh endf. full weight. Mb. tlu IjCO JOyktcn eae of A dozen tint for- - - - 4.00 , 76oup. I.lb. tin. fortcil. rerdoren - - .73 J ' Ctarkert. extra odai. aoatter catci for JC , Our bupetb Cream, ease of 4 dozen fpr S.Hjf I Corn Starcb. 4J.1U. box for ..--.. l.'J ; koiico wncai. a iucm wrrei tun lor v.o i ittram. new pink. IU) lb. for ----- iJ0) Mrearoni, w-i. rae lor - - - - - - . mite, 3-rUnnkcsr. fancy, for - - - - 2.7J Mickerel, nw. brlcht, fancy, kit tor 1.75 J MUnon, per half barrel - - - - - - - 4.U CoJdh..V-lb. lox (boneletj) for - - 1-&1 fl-lb bundle for ...... 1.7 J I Houtc Candle, per box ..... 1.50 1 Green I'eat. dried, newr. 100 lbs. for - S.75 I 1 Table l'mlt. rate of 2 dozen of either peacuei. pear, plums or aprlcota lor 7o , Tomatoea. one dozen cnllon tins for 2.ZS I 4vlnerar. 4 callou keir for ...... ,V0 MITH: CASH STOR.E :( r'0. 25 MAnKCT STREET, C. F. U3 ft HIICCIIM jour -SS3?S all hoar?. Agent for Wells, Fargo & Co., ail Accident Compart lea. r Best and Couifort. Thefo substantial mattretvps are sleep laviters. They aro comfortablo and will retain their "springi ness" for years. Made In two pieceavor all in ono piece. Tliot-o husk mntfesSes, with cotton raco aro equal to nll-halr ami cost a greai deal less money. Chmstensen A Johnson LAOMMY 4 .- .tfTOT). . a nW4thi