,nSKWHn, 'U 7 CV i i ii - iH "I lliflliljit m ii ,, r A....arq'srt'ifti.,. 4, .vu,.. yv yu ;xvv7r,y- "' tJS"-?-'''"-.! i 1 .AJiTJD LOCAL. Tide Tables at F. P. Norton's! '; J. T. Tlirift, of Coquillo Oily, deputy cput "y, assessor is in town witu mo lunu Mrs. Geo. lhtnyan nnd'Mrs. John 'Collvornro visiting Miss Eva Wilson and having some sowing done. ' Stcvo Johnson has rented his phico pn Tenmilo to Antlrow OlesAu, tho Jimil carrier on tho Mnrshtlcld-Gnrdi-cr route. . Clins 'Jncksbn has purchased tlio lot on Iho corner of 4tti and 1) street 'from Mrs.' Xcltio Owen.' Tlio price paid is said to liavo been $000. ., Tho schooner Glut E. F.ilk brought nprilnrgo lot of California hay for II. Songstackou. ,' Steren Johnson, of Tenmilo was in ,town last night. Mr. Johnson was tho first cotter in tholVnmilo country having gpno in thore in 1874. Hav ing rented his plucc, ho will now tako life easier. " Any one wanting pure A No. 1 l,eaf Lard from strictly corn-fed hogs can find it on sale at the Marshfield Cash Meat Market. Try ad ad in the daily Coast 'Mail it i'siead by more people an Marshfield than aby other paper nud every morning except Monday. 1 Joseph Young was taken to Co cniille Monday, iu charge of Con stable Bridges to await the next iessiou of circuit court, when his trial is set lor hearing. 4 t .It is understood that the teach . crs of the Coquille school will have,trouble in collecting their wages for the time the school Was closed on account of the quarantine. ; putnam fadeless dyes color more goods per package lhaif'auy other. Sold by John Preuss, 10 c. per package. " With a couple of cases of scar let fever iu town, extra precau tious Should be taken by pareuts, it's spread iug. For the .benefit of those who predicted that tlie Daily Coast Mail would be a thing of the past ere now we will say, please guess again gentlemen. . .. : Vaccine, for sale nt the Red .CrpssJ1druc' store. ...Mail . orders promptly filled. ,. Carl Albrecht has completed jaying the foundation for his new pbttage on 4th street, and work bj constructing the building will be pushed as rapidly as possible. Parents would do well to look out pretty closely ior their chil d'renfor awhile until the danger of a spread of scarlet fever is over. 4. -. ' Dr. A. B. Prentis will be ab- ieut from town fr'om the 28th of 'JtpbAta, Mdrch ioth;on 'profes- signal business. 3 27 d&w tf The Ladies' Aid society of the Prcsbytctinn church, met Wed- ucsday, at the residence of Mrs. A. Fisher. They will, ,ncet next week at the home of Mrs. T. Howard. , """ . . Lewis, the 7-year-ohl soil of Chas. Hradburv has the scarlet fever, but not in a severe form. This is the second case in town. Clias Jcoseu, who will go away on the next Alliance to attend a Snn Jose business college waj given a farewell party by his young friends last evening at thc residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Dear. The schooner Repeat, which grounded ucar thc old Bay City wharf Tuesday, was taken off oil the night tide, by the tug, but repeated her act by finding the flat dga:u opposite thc railroad wharf, aud lost another tide. Send in your order for home use to the Coos Bay Wholesale Liquor House, who car- jry a complete ana se lected stock for the trade. A Gentleman who left Bandon yesterday morning informs the Mail that the schooner Parkers burg, six weeks out from San Francisco, was off the bar aud thc tug wa3 going out after her. More new planks are being put in on the Fourth street bridge, and some new pranking near the postoffice also improves conditions uiider foot.- PC' ' D. Hume writes to the PortOrford Tribune, express ing a desire to again represent Curry iu the legislature. The rains have interfered con siderably with the work on the stexmrr Alert, but the calkcrs were at work again yesterday, and she will probably be ready for the water next week. Nothing better than Red Cross Expectorant for that troublesome cough; try it, T.he Sparrow made a trip around- to Poi.y slough yesterday, taking supplies for John Man ning who is repairing a large J. in. ailljjjaill UICW Hit.) MCCU losing considerable time in the ti. r.i.:.....i I. 1 past weekor tiad weather. so on account of Educate Vour IJoweli Willi Cuicnrett. IOc.sjc. II G C C. tall. drusKisiartfuDd money. y Satisfactory, Sensible, paving. Up to (Into method of using bluing, THE AUTOMATIC IJLUEIt ConstruetcU on tho scientific prtnclplo of nitoratlon. Sold by K. A. Taylor, Tcinnloton. Price 23 centH, (coin), fit Is sold oil Its nierts.l ELEOTRCOITY Arc jrbii Buffering from HhmimntlHm, Scak buck, NervoiiHtroublo orOunurttlly ruiHlowii sjHti'ni? I'po Klccttle HeltH mill Iintterlox. Kor men nud women. Electrle Iimoles keep tho foot warm and prevent catching cold. Kor book,tet uild clrculara, nddrefiH,- - . Electiiic Api'manck. Co!, ' Jtedfordj Oregon, jflo Cause For Alarm ,nt ' , . . , . Thc Port ,s R'"K fro,n u,omh to inotfli that the children of J. Jscpl'i West Marsh field, attended vnool while the e wrts scarlet fever in the family sonic two weeks ago, and many I people tre worticl with the idea I that their children have thus been exposed to the dkcase. There h uo cause for uneasiness, as Dr. McCormac, who at tended thr Joscplisou family at the time, says they did not have scarlet fever but only a billions at tack. One cf Marsh fields youtiEdtien will appear before Recorder Hyde at 10 a in lOdav to nuswer the complaint of Marshal Carter, chargim; him with disorderly con duct. Itseetus that on "Tuesday night, while uuler the influence of liquor, he assaulted new comer against whom he hnd 110 grievance. The itssaultee docs not care to prosecute hilt Marshal Carter, iu the lino of his duty, made complaint as above sl'ttcd. J . There scenn to be something iu the nature of a neighborhood quarrel down around the Divcl bliss mines in Currv county. Iu last week's Tribuilc N. C. Divel bljss acquit parties unknown of smashing his giant, nud this week apears a communication signed by 13 men accusing him of do ing it himself to create sympathy, and of being a bad lot 011 general principles. The invitations are out forthe Wedding of C. H. Hall and Miss Bessie Richards, to take place at the Presbyterian church at high noon on next Wednesday. Oastlewood, , A beverage that invig orates and tones you up. A delight to the young and a comfoit to tho old. Roy Garrett of Myrtle Point, who has been sick has recovered troni bis nines, and isagaiu doing busines ior Henry Holm's meat market. ' There is some prospect that Dean &. Co. may open up log ging operations at Sumner, to take timber down the Boone gulch, and if satisfactory arrange ments can be made with the S. O. Co., over whose track the logs would have to be moved, the camp will probably be opened. BOKN -At the BESSEY- Coos Biy creamery, Mar. 12, the wife of II. E. daughter. 1902, Bessey, to a WORK TO COMMENCE ' 0 STANDARD OIL WIIAllF F. S. Dow recieved a telegram yesterday from the Standard Oil Co. instructing him to proceed at once with the work of extediug he company'.; wharf aud the ot ! er improvements outliued in Tuesday's Mail. The plan was for Mr. Dow to obtain plans and estimates to be submitted to the company for ap proval, but under these new or ders he will go ahead on his own judgement and push the work to completion as soon as practicable. He made arran,geuints,last even ing with A'. W. Neal ' for the driving of the uecessary piling. :-'35Xl& UJJ we please you , tell oieivt if we doii't, tell us." GEORGE Dry G-oods Hats, Gaps, Gents' Furnishings. Boys Clothing and Ladies' Furnishings, Misses' aud Childrens' goods. Every tiling CoiiiiU''o stuck ok all that KihmIh 1 TIic Place Marshfield, On: AGKNTS I'OR Standard Patterns, Delsarte Corsets, Carlsons Currier's Embroid cry and Knitting Silks. mmwiw STKKET IMPROVEMTS AND ClTYMNAh'CESi IJ Street to be Improved Good Showing of Recorders 1 Report Thc city council met In npccial fiction last evening, Mayor Coke, Recorder 1 lytic, Attorney Knrriu, nud Couiiollmeu Klckworth, Noble, Xorton nud Nelaon, propoiit. K. A. Golden appeared beforo tho board nud made wiUnfiictory nrrnugemeiitM for the pnyment of tho Htreet iMcumoiit on hid property, which hudbeeii ndvertiued for Balo today. f The improvement of V, htrcot from IhI to Uh Htreut wus ordered, the Htreet to bo covered with burnt 11 ro clay like the othor HtreetM recoutly improved. Tho flro and water commlttco waif ,tn- rftrucled to make nrVunirpiiiout fdr o're- Jiigvono pf tlio old Uo.to curb? lu West MiirHlilk'ld nud 0110 in South Mnrshllulii, each to cany 1'X) feet of hoa. Tlie recorder'n report for tho year 1001 was read and accepted. Thtf'-rejiort hIiows total cuhIi recuiptn for tlu yrar i?0013,rjr, whilo tho warranta clmwn iimouuted to ZuMUXti. WaminttT ro deemed niiioiinled to $5910X0. Cat U on Iian ' itt the llrat of tho year $f2:).D0, on Jan. 'lHt, 1001! $006.02, Tjiu occha or re cjlpts over e.xpondllureu was fDOO.Oi. T heA?'N. aVY. wt.-aSlujrkay at Mrs. T. S. aiiuot's. 'Thead ie'fi report hav'ng enjoyed a..proH. iiuble and enjoyable time. ' Muj firace'MpConnac will eut'jriaitl the cMib nt her . home jjext Thursday. .'.' ' TIBBETTS OlotHing SHooh and Luces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Corsets, Handkerchiefs . Fancy Goods. aud rr for Everybody. Is now In Spring nud Sninmo' to artlvii y- ODD FELLOWS' lildg Thompson's Corsets, JmJf. mmm WAS IT MURDEP INSTEAD OF SUICIDE? Tribune Presents Suspicious Pacts About Death of Curry County Man . Tlio Fort Orford Trlhuno of Mnrch I flit presents 1111 urrny ot fuel in connection with tho death of August Iterg, who was found dead iu biff cabin at ' Pistol ilver on Fed. I ltd, which Poem to point to murder Imlvad of oulcjde, thou gh tho verdict of tho coroner' Jury wan iiulclde. According to ttio Tribune thera wero three bullet wouids 011 tho dead man, one In the arm, two In tho body, the bul lota remaining In tho body. Tho only weapon In tho Iiouho wau n U8T1D Win chester, a bullet from which wonld not have Htopped iu a innn'fl body, Another fact against tho wileldo theory In tha there wero 110 towricr buriiH on tho body or clothing. Death hud not beou iiirittiu couh. and tho man hnd imido dying of- fortfijo H(op tho Mow of blood with Hour dough, and hnd placed a dlutroHx, ulgunl on tho oiitflido or tho door. It In report ed that llerg hnd at least $50 iu cuuh, buOio money wan found. Tho Trlbuiio snyH that Josoph fHowurt, another Hottler Iu tho neighborhood, loft homo tho day before Uerg's body was round, to vIhU u cabin near Hcrg'H, ami 114 hu fulled to return a HciiTchlng party wont out aud tracked him Into tho mouutuliiH to tho eantwurri, u thoucU ho wore making for tho Interior of tho Htate, and thin iu coiiHldorcd uqiwpleloiiH ck&uu.. tr.::ce. WANTED flood oronmury man ami biiUor-miikor. Atltlrcica V. F. IloV ron, Tomiiloton, Or. ' ' UIlGtifcw '9 'A I n 'i r VA