JrnLM f- jfr Soft Harness Tea mi mk your lur nM m or m mvra lid n IoiikIi m nlrt far MltKBIIIlKKAIIiir. naaa Oil. Ycmim.m UriMihan lu lir-iiikalt lui inlra m Iouj m urtlnwUwouM. EUREKA Hamns Oil makfaabtiortoofaln !. tM Ilka how. llwla of uia, ivr bndlo.1 oil. m. ITU . 'A WPm;! 10 WlUi. uu4 tJj wrallitr. felJ artrrmhara la cant-all auaa. Mtfc tj STANMHO OIL Cp. COOS BAY CAMP LOG SAWING CONTEST Tim entertainment given by the V. oi V. Inst Saturday night w.i3 a brilliant success in every way. An excellent pro gram, a dance and a banquet at the Central Dining Room was enjoyed by the Woodmen and their guests, The log.sawing contest was the principle feature of the evening. The log was hard fir 35 inches in diameter. I'oi r teams entered the contest. Thuir mimes, the kind of saw used and the time made areas fol lows: Abraham Swaubcck and Mat Yulstrom, Simonds Saw," 1.51 . ack McDonald and Hen l'erry, Atkins saw, 1.28. C. L. Albrccht and Win. Kich woith, Atkins saw, 1.52. Hilly Doyle and Frank Smith, Simonds snw, 1. 1.1J4. The last team named, was the lightest in weight, but they struck n pace that was beautiful to see, and held it all the way through. Thev were declared the winners of the first prize and cho.se (he Symouds saw. McDonald and Perry took pt'cond,the AtkitiF, and the other two teams took, the saw handles. 1 a aa I in I WANTED ItotinMo man for manager of a Ilrnncli (Illicit we wlnli to open In tlil vicinity. Huro Ih 11 good opening for the rlilit 1111111. Kliully glvo good reforenco wlion writing. Tlit A. T. Morrlii Wliolet'alo lloin-p Clnclntntl, Ohio. Jllustratiil Catologuo -Ictn. stamp!'. To Fix tlic Dears J, W. Catching, one of the prosperous farmers of the Sumner neighborhood was in tovynThurs day. lie informs the Mail that the bears have not yet resumed operations against the sheep, but that wildcats heve bceu getting some of his lambs and some of Captain Uooue's. He lias had n frapW which has been sprung n couple of times, but would not hold the animal. He has now taken home n stronger one and thinks that the wildcat that gets there will be n goner, Preparations arc being made to give the bears a warm reception when they awake from their long winter lcthcrgy. Mr. Catching lias one trap out aud will put out some more, and George Uoone has built a timber trap of 6x16 timbers, on the route usually fol lowed by 'old clubfoot-1 Tak " ng,,ft$ll around, Bruin is liable lb findihings quite lively around Simmer when he shows up there. , plcvcn Dollar's The town treasury was en riched eleven dollars yestcrdrfy by the young man who was ar rested fer disorderly conduct in blacking the cyea ol a compar ative stranger the night before. In crossing the Coquillc bur Wednesday afternoon the steamer Maudalay got too clo.ec to the South -pit aud struck She swung broadside on aud remain ed in a precarious situation for nearly a half hour when she was worked off aud proceeded to sea. The Mundalay was following the tug out and it is thought that as the tug went unusually close to the spit, Capf Uatchelor miscal culated his position which ac counted for the accident, The sea was very smooth, otherwise the situation would have been serious. Uorii ..-;. 'Jv: ; J - (Hpeclal dlflnatch to tho.CoAST, MAIL) , Halom, Or. Alar. -12-A win was hpin (if Mr. nnil Mr. Oliver JuiuanvMfW 1 , LMra.Jory wit formerly mw 1; , HoiUioii or Coos river. ' ty.jStik '&Z AUANT-Jn NitrriinrM . Kl ti 1002, to llio wife of A,T. 'ATAriP, A' X f 011 1 Dora items Our neighborhood Iiai Ijccn afflicted lint tho Into cant) was nenrly two months ?., wllli tlin prevailing dfKenfloffutiallpox,)!' out, mo intH cant) was ncnriy two inomiie aim so wo think wo liavo ft killed liorc. npworlli League lijecf Officers. The regular monthly business icctiug of the Hpworth League was held Wednesday evening, in the league room adjoining the church. Following arc the officers elect ed for the ensuing year. President. R. C. Lee. 1st Vice President, Mrs. O Iinufou. sd Vice President, Lillic Mer chant. 3d Vice President, Mrs. J. V. Carter. 4th Vic: President, Cora Chap man. 5th Vice Prcsiecut. Milo Sum ner. 6th Vice President, Maud Drown. Grandma Bcoflcld Is nnltp noorlv. Horn-to tho wife of M. C. Milter, March 2nd., a girl; II lived but a few lion and wan buried uoxt day. Kd. Weekly, who moxed to Klamath county nearly a year ago, vrlwrt,S'T'hlflL country U far ahead of Coos for raising cnttlo but If you want (0 raise, fpudij iitny then. , Ktigeno Scoflold, (tho littlo boy who broko IiIh nrm tlireo weekrt ngo,),i8 get- tint; along nicely. -?,-& v Horn totjio wlfa)f I-, p. . Miiiuni. Mnrcli 8tli. n wn. Mother and child lloillLMVldl. " .1. . Stcinmlor l Imvlntr about threo Imnilrpil Iiicu (iiat In Mini-Ivor filinrrmlv for tho next high watr, ho intends tak- injr mom or men 10 1110 main nvcr. Mr. Sliackerforu. who ban lieen carry inir iiialHictwecn Dora and Sumner, U Blck with tho h mall pox. F. P. W () R T 0 N. . u te.,t) NKWS J)EALKIl AND AOENT t . .j. ... .1 ,ii 1 ;, 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 .. 1 !-- . 1 ii 1 - jjfttont sun v raircifltfo'nnu rorna q-u, it all Ion. All tho leading MagazluoT7 (TD7r TiK'it'y a iTn'VL AlrrKQv a itu Kino I Subscriptions for all papers anil periodicals. garo and tobacco. J Stationery, Jowolry, notions! v a "i a i i- 1 T 1 .V. a- -. it- 'Si Mr. Shnckerford. who has been carry- ar nmll 1)ctwpcn Dora and Sunini k with tho h mall pox. Clark Hunch Ih laklnif lain place. .-it V.H t ' 4 (,'l 04 1. m -f.M?l 'MM L U MB E R , !.- ' 10 ;.,, Coquillc Teachers' Salaries The directors and teachers of the Coqui'le school held n con sultation Tuesday evening and tried to come to an agreement or compromise to settle the dispute about the wages due the teachers for time lost on account of the laic quarantine. The proposi tion was made to the teachers that their board bills aud trans pot tatiou to and from the separate place they wentduriug the closed seaiou would be paid by the school boaid. This was rejected bv the teachers. The teachers contracts will expire Friday and a settlement will have to be brought about before that time. The outcome of the dispute is eagerly watched by the citizcus of Coquillc. Bruit's Disease TI10 largest amn over payed for a proscription, olinngod hands nt San FranolHCO, Aug. l$0 , 1001, Tho .rans for mvnlvtul in coin And iitook ailG.GOO.OOund was nuld by a imrtyof. biislnota nion foraspcoillo for Uiiglil'u. lJison?i'iuiul.Mnuo'08,liitncnoiiicuruulo dispiiHOd. Tliov comnionceu tun boiious inves ligation of tho apecifioNov. 15. 1000 Thoy intorviowcil ecorca of tho ourod aud tnod it out 011U6 inorita by putting ovor tlireo dozon cases on tlio treut- monl and watching tliom. Tlioy also cot nliVHicians to namo ohroi.jo. in- ourablo cases, nml udnilniiterod it with tho nliYflioIans for jiulgoa . Up to Aug 25, eighty novon per coiuof tho test casoB wcro either well or progtea Bing favorably . Tlioro being only tiiirtoon por cent of failures, tho partica wore satisllud aud closed tho tranaaullnu. a no pro coedinga of tho invouligattng ooin nuteo and tho olinlnul roporU of Hiq tost crises w'oro nublishfld and will ho mullod Ireo on application. Addrosa John J, ruuo.v Homi'AXy, 4'20 Mout gomorySt., SanJ?ranoUco,04. .. Mr. 1). V. Krantz Ih tho uroiiil father of twin boy, born March Oth. ": Mru. 1.0011a Hurry, wlio ban been work ing for Iran Kcoflold. returned to her homo lant Saturday. Mr. Sherman Kllim hns aitntcd the "Half Way Hoiwo" Sitkum,N)f 'Walter Laird. Horn to tint wiftf nf W.Tmftllv fnoo Kdua Scoficld) of nohmulsL)Va.ih. Jan 'Jail: a Hon. ' i""?r' ''". Hi Mary Hlack of Sumner, Or. if Finying 111 .ti. .. .miiiit n. . ,f Tllo neaiaiu mil sciiooi uuinci hired MM Molllo Caldwell to Tlio Uora district hired Mtsi Annlot, Haii . Wliat is the matter with tho SItKur.i corrcspoiciatu? wp iuirs uieir wei coino ncwi. ' I liavo , IcacV Repairing Neatly Never thought of such a sign for a medicine did you ?. Well, it's a good sign for Scott's Emulsion. The body has to be repaired like other things and Septt's Emulsion is the medicine that dcSes'it. These poor bodies wear out from worry, from over-work, from disease. They get thin and weak. Some of the new ones arc not well made and all of the old ones are racked from long usage. Scott's Emulsion fixes all kinds. It docs the work both inside and out. It makes soft bones hard, thin blood red, weak lungs strong, hollow places full Only the best ma terials are used in the patching and the patches don't show through the new glow of health. No one has to wait his turn. You can do it yourself you and the bottle. This picture reprcjenta tho Trado Mark of Scott's Kinufclon aud is on' the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCQTT &JlOWtyE, 4 ijco Pcatl Sf,. New Yoik. 50c. iwd J! 1, all druggists. That is what w;e have to sgll, q,nd we can fill all orders fpr an and all kinds. -THE QUALITY, is guarantee! . and the price is right. ." . " OUR STOCK nSTCLUDES anything required in Fir, Spruce,, Red and White,Qejdar. S1MPSQN LUMBER CO, Phone Main 151, North Bead, Ore C 0. D. .GROCERY A fall lino of choioo grocorios, feed, flour, ham and bacon, alwnj'd on hand, fresh fruita and vegetables received on overy aicanior HCHSSr PRIOE PAIDlFqR PRODUCE, BUTTER ND EQQS osiiebttsze: cSc sttjpp. frte Delivery TelcpbdBCi D)flln11. GEE FEE. I ' i t i . , 1 ' 'flouk DEALER IN GROCERIES, FRESH FRUITS, VEGETAL PROVISIONS, FEI3D, J5TO., OF TUB BEST Q UALITY. 1'RigES REASONABLE. FROZEN "OYSTERS EVERYDAY. : : ; A Street, Murshfield, Ore CENTRAL HOTEL Corner of Front and A streets, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, JONH SNYDER. : : : j : Proprietor. rnuis Well-known and fa voritr- V" Jt HOTEL has lust been ebtlrely refitted and' -refurnished throughout and Is again open to the . public for patronage. New beds and spring mattresses have been placed In almost every sleeping room of thiO , liouse and neither trouble nor expinsn has bcc.i " . (urcd to put everything in nrsl-elass order, TEKUS. Hoard and Lodging, per week .......... s s.i ......,.,..... ,4941 ttnnrri iuruo.1 , SihgIM8l4..,. M.i.'.....i "859 V- '