The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 08, 1902, Image 6

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    m v:
'3i. I
AYeCelaulc rrepcMtionror As
similating ihcrocdantlHcdiila-
Ung ttaStotcachs artdBowMS of
Promotes Digcstion.ChLMrfiil
ncss and Rcst.ContalrtS nelllicr
Opiurn.Morphitie nar,lincral.
ApcrTccI Remedy forConslipa
Hoi. Sour Stomach, Dinrrlioca
Worms .ConVulsions.Fcvemlv-
ncss uml Loss of Sleep.
TacSunilo Signnlurt of
xact copy or wrapper.
Coast flail.
Oliver aud 'John Deere Plows
at Murphys.
The steamer South Portland
y.vjs. loading coal at the Libby
bunkers Monday.
H. H, Ueyers of Sumner, has
iucreased his herd of milch cows
by three more Jerseys, purchased
oi Cy. Noah, of Coos river.
The Coos River was three
&ours late leaving Marshfield
tlouday afternoon, on account of
an extra trip up to the Crescent
X Hency Holm received a car
'joad of fat hogs and mutton sheep
from R. F. Garrett of Myrtle
Point Yesterday.
V The schooner John F. MiMer
.finished loading lumber at the
depot and was towed to the lower
bay Saturday afternoou.
The steamer Alma resumed her
vrun up North Coos river Monday
after a lew days ou the ways lor
v You will never wish to take
another dose of pills if you once
try.Chaiuberla'n's Stomach &
'Liver Tablets. They ave easier
to take and more pleasant hi
,effect." They cleanse the stom
ach and regulate -the ljyer and
bowels.- -Fot sale by John
I kgw m viiui
For Infants nnd Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
There is nothing like a want
ad, when you want anything.
It hits' the mark. Three shots
for a quarter.
Ho iv Jar Tnnr Kltlnay ''
' Dr. nobba'Spararua Pllli cure all kldcar tilt. Bn
&U Uvt. Add. tiicrnu lUmcdr Co.,l'tiUieu or U. Y
, All the schoo'iers that have
been waiting in the lower bay for
the. past week have been towed to
sea and the lieup is at an end.
When you wake up with a bad
taste in yout mouth you may
know that you need a dose of
Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver
Tablets. Thev will cleanse vour
stomach, improve your appetite
and make you leel like a new
man. They are easy to take,
being sugar coated, and pleasant
in effect. For sale by John
Thomas Maine of North Coos
river has rented his large dairy
farm to the Gould boys who will
run it this coming season. Mr.
Maine will leave shortly for the
valley counties where he will
spend some time visiting relatives
and friends.
You can be cured of any form of tobacco ualni'
eIlr. b made well, atrong, maKrirtic, full of
?fZ '"e n1 ''bo ir uuhb,
tnat makes weak mtn atrontr. .Many tain
cured. All druggie, cure guaranteed. JlAok.
WJMKDY CO., Chlcaae ar Hew Yoth. 4J7
Albert Hear, who drives his
father's delivery wagon, had a
spirited runaway Saturday. He
was coming in from the depot
when one ,of the horses broke
through a plank on the south end
of Broadway. The team ran as
far asthe shipyard where he gained
control ofvtheiiv. BotlHiorses and,
1 wagon were more or less injured
of AAf
f vf AID
Clins. jetlin nncl Win. iJcr
nitt have had telephones put In
their retklenccs this week.
Clins. KekholT of yarrow
brought thtce Hcrkshire hogs
from U. L. llcssey of Coos river,
Saturday for his l'ony dough
Rev. Wm. Horsftil will not
hold services at Kmpire City
lodnv on account of the illncs. of
,a laige numb r of his cougiega-
tiou there.
T --
The Steamer Umpire and Ar
eata crossed out over, the bar Sat
urday nfteinoon cm theftf. way to
San Francisco, after wailing n
week on account ol stormy weath
er. ,Calkcrs have been to work
"'cvernl days ou the steamer Alert
and the carpenters commenced on
the upper deck Mondey. It is
exported that the steamer will
be ready lor launching by the
latter part of next week.
The little girl at Fuirvicw, to
attend whom a physician was
summoned from Mnrshficld .Fri
day, is the daughter of l?red Uar-
Lker. She is very sick with brain
ever, and other complications
render her condition serious.
Lvi Smith, of Coos river was
in town several days this week.
Mr. Smith is willing to take the
nomination for sheriff on the Re
publican uckct, and if selected
will make a hard fight for the
Child Worth Millions
"My child it worth millions to me," ay Mr.
Mary Ilird, of llatrnburc I'j., " ct I would
hateloit hr by croup had I not purchaud n
bottle of One Minute Cough Cure," One
Minute Couch Cute it .1 ture cure for cough
croup nnd throat and hint; Iron' Ics. An Abso
lutely wfe curr which act Immediately. Thr
)ounceit child can take It villi entire wfet .
Trie little onet like the tntle aud remember how
often It helped them. Every family tbouM have
a bottle of One Minnie Cough Cure handy. At
lltli tenson r ipecUllyil may be needed imhMii
ly. Kcd Crov Drug Stoic and Scngilnekcn'
The heavy weather outside ha?
driven quite a number of sea birds
into the bay for shelter, among
them a good many sea IiratuHs.
K. C. Cordes, F. A. Jackson and
Fred Lairc went to the lower bay
yesterdav in a gasolii.c launch
and brought back eight of these
Conulpntion and hcaitii nevrr ro together.
De Witt's Little forty KInti promte rate
action of tl.c bowels without dlttrrss, "I hac
Ixn troubled wiih coitivenew nine years." sijs
J, O Greene, Depnttw, Ind. "I have tiled many
remedies but Mlllr Early Kiser s give I est re
suits. Red Crojs Drug Store and Sencuacken'
Pharmacy. 1,
i. . 1 . 1 . . .
Ming in It
A rumor has been afloat that
the Southern Oregon Co. has sold
out its interests here, but R. Iv.
Shine, manager of the company,
says "there is nothing in it."
A Profitalilo Inycsliniwit
"I was troubled fur uhout socn years with my
stomach nnd In bed half my llmc,"snys K.Dcm
Ick, Somcrvitle, Ind- I spent ulxjut $1000 and
never could i;ct anything to help me until I tried
Kodol Dyipeptla Cure, I havu taken a few
bottles nnd am now entirely well." You don't
live by what jou cat, but by what you digest.
If yo ur stomach' doesn't digest jour food
youare really starving. Kodol Dyipcpii.iCunj
does the stomach's work by digesting tK
food. You don't hnve to illt;!.,. Hal, all, you
want. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure'tures all stomach
(roubles. Red CrosS'Drug Stor and Sciigslnck
en's 1'IiaJniacy,
I' ftlaUbla, )'Unt,TllOaad. Itnlload,
Kaiar HKatn. W.ko, ur llrln, It, ax and ranla
Kr boi. Vrrtla lr fraa awplt, an4 luall , n
tllh. AdJt...
m ioisu ntasoT roafAat. cmrito r fnns.
It is said that T. J. Tluift, of
Coquillr City, who has been dep
uty under Assessor Lawrence, is
looming tip as a candidate for the
Democratic nomination of asses
Varying reports came up from
Umpire Saturday, to the effect
that Mrs. FdnaSnapp, commonly
known ns "Screwtop", had sus
tained the los.s, of quite a lot of
blood from a wound in the arm
inflicted by herclf.
The first rejKnt was that it was
a case of attempted suicide, while
the last one is that she accii'.eutly
slashed herself across the arm
with a razor with which she was
trying to carve some one else.
It seems clear, Jiowcvcr, that
the woman lost some gore, but
not enough to place her in any
Frank Rogers has just received
a thoroughbred shepaid dog, val
ued at $50, from California.
Will Holland was busy Tues
day constructing -.i model for the
new gasolene launches that arc to
be constructed by his firm. If
the launches follow the Hues of
the model .they will surpass any
boat of the kind 011 Coos Hay.
A telegram received Tuesday
morning from San Francisco
brings the news that C. W. Pat
ersou has arrived safely in that
city and is greatly improved in
A hunting party consisting of
C. Krouholm, A. Ileckela, Roy
Moore and Carl Goodman return
cd from the lower bay Monday
night with 4G large sea brants.
Wholesale Lumbermen
Chicago, Mnrch 3 Tito Nntloiiitl
WIioIch.'iIo Liiinlior PealorH' annoc'lullon
will lieglu its niiiituil incotllig In Chica
go tpmorrow. Tlio bohhIuiih of tlin or
gniiizntion will cover tlirco tliiyn. JMnny
dulcgatCH iiro arriving from all flictloii.i
of tlio country nnd a lurgo attoiulnnco In
nsHiircil. Ht'crotury K, It', l'criy of Now
York 1h hero anil today oxtalillnlicd liuad
(Hiartcrn at tlio Auditorium. CrcdltH,
trado rclntliiiiH, illHcrimiimtloit In rail
ri'id nmtturH ami uuiforri Holliug tcrnm
v,(ll bo iIIhciihaihI nnd nof ral tUltor im
portant uiattcm will bo brought up for
i&i &b .? e Hind Mllaiojlw Dor:.
If you hadn't n rttr, itfamtr.mortnyni or 1115
Hiiaitn,an.l1, wall. ,ur, In ilia .haianf il;
.iUiili.iarlillfin,l. lUnarrou.. Tli imonllil
.,i..(.l, mu.l'ii'l7 wt kaapfng ilia Uvntla
rl.araiiit claaii It to taka
I'll 10 In imI MdmmkHIi llrojizo
Turki'Vti Iroin llin iiimiiin Wimd
n nl ami Miiiiiih hIiiiIii Tonus
lKhui'li.TiliNi HM4).KAri Tor
hulcliliiK :i.W for n imtllng of I'.
lUrii'd I'lvmiitith Pni'K CocLcrt'lrt
VI.jO to ifr..(.Ki. llin toil Plymouth
Pock and H. C lliovvit l.i'linrn
f'ittH l,Bn per cutting, of l.'l
Hl'UlllUH ft (Hit tllll fllUIOIIH In-
1II1111 liuiiiior Duck $I,r0 for H.
lliitt'hluuH from tltico liniiiutcd
llitiii'd iFoclc lioiit Willi ri'conl'i or
lli.o.li7 oggrt III Kil dityn t'-M
per ii'ltlug. IllHpiH'tlotl llhitcd.
AihllPJW IIIANK ItOlllH'-.- "
Look Carefully
To Youi1 kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Pills
cause the kidneys to work as
oatuic iutcniled they hliould.
They build up the nhninkcn
w.ilb of the kidneys, an up
known remedy has been found.
to do lcforc. y
Ah a cure for urinary troublej.
they have no equal.
10, 35, 50 Cents it
Hod Cross Drucj Storo
DyM?lla is tmrooocjnlzcil In
liulf tlio canon. It dcivivm tlio
untcnotvhig niifTcrcr. L1 ninny
variation work nlong tho nriikc-xt
Unci of tho byntcin. To Iwttlo
ngainnt only onu of thrm hi vain.
Our booHct explains ln ryni(
toim. Our l)ynpomlaTnt)li'bglve
complcto nnd liuitiug relief.
iNcD- ?o
Rod Cross Storo
Don't Force
Your Bowels.,,
with harsh minerals which
always leave bad after-effect
on the entire system, and fthcre
their use is persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bowels.
ar s
The only harmless, vegetable,
bowel rejjulator and liver vithlijer
known. -.
As pleasant to the taste as
candy and as positive a3 the harsh
est mineral. No ftfipc or pain'
u 859 JO, 25,50 ceots.
Rod Cross DYtie: Storo.