The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 08, 1902, Image 1

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O (J Ab . 1. . "4- v 1VX iV 1 JU ;
tfO' 10
Wf k
Cream of the
Published Every Day ill
Vs - - -" -V -'
. Han Antonio, Tor.nM, Mar. 7--Tho wont
hound flouthcrn Piiclllc iwickiikIt tniln
went Into it ditch mill was Inntioil, 25
niili'H oHt or Sanderson at 1 o'clock this
Tlilrly-tlirro persons urn reported
rltlicr InMnntly killed or burned to
dvntli. Muiiy nro Injured.
London, Mar. "--The liner I'.triirln
luii nut)l nrrltcd. 'Ilio oiilelnbi tiro
cotiflili'tit Hint tln Ihi.iI lx all light.
WnohlngUm. .Mar. 7 -Tim I'nMciil to
tiny Muue the Itlll providing a permun
'out ccnsim bureau,
On .Inly lit when tin Mil gntu Into
lifted tlio director of the cciimm will ap
point micli iiieinlterc. of tm priTcnt force
us will eonntltute (lie i-orniuiicnt force.
After that dato appolntmcnti v. Ill lio
lumle undir tlio rsgulntloim of the civil
wrvlct) act.
Tlio .ecrtury of war hiw diru'tcd that
(Jeiiernl W.ootl rotno Immodiati'ly to
Washington to confer n tlio plan for
Hie departure fiojii Uubi May Jut of nil
K. M. troop. The ndmlulitrntlon Unnx
Ioiih nliui to lent ii Wood's idvaii nhoiil
Cuban reciprocity.
Washington'. Mar. 7- It U bollc-tcd
that Alice KimovoII' trip to Culm, upon
which she HtartH on Htiiiilny next iuim
been Hiiltitltuteii for the propimed visit
to tit: coroiintlou of King Edward. The
'resident feeN Mint hi daughter hits
heeu brought Into enough pioiulnenee
dining thcuoclal gayctlts ot the piot
ceason, hy reawm of Princo Henry's Islt
mid that Hie trip to Ioiidou would he
Liverpool, Mar. 7 Tlio American lino
Hteauier Wmwland, Cant. ApfMd. from
Lhcrpool Murch nth tor Phlhidi'lphln,
ni'd tfie llrlllMi Me.iuiHlili iriirmiiuldc,
Capt. IVntlu. from Pant. February tilth
for Liverpool met in collision Wcduci
ilavnltfht oflllollhe.i I. Wales.
4'he Uaosland sank and the Harinn
iilfli'H rewind the paiwengors and crow
brought them to Liverpool.
'MioNni'hlautl carriel II- cabin and
KMteeiaKe ptiHenirerf.
The bus of the Wiie-dand wai due to a
deiiNo fog which enveloped the Irish
channel, crIously itulavlnir vessel-.
Cleveland, Ohio, March R Prince
llrury'H train mado only a the minute
ntnp hero tixlay during which tho Prince
acknowledged the cheerrt of tho crowd
In tho depot. There were no formal
Some excitement wan caused by tho
frantic elTortn of a middle ngod man to
IhmuI the train. The necrct service men
.ilirew him back but the Prince caught
sight or him and mild "Let that man
como up." lie waa ushered into tho
Prluco'ti prtvuhco and talked with lilm
miveral uiluuttR.
Thu man proved to bo Petor Kapp, tho
Prluco'a volot twenty years ngo.
Iluffnlo, N. Y., March fi The special
train bearing Prlnco Henry mid his par
ty reached Uuffalo fhortly before two
o'clock this nfleruoon. Tho visitors wero
greeted at thiyHtatlou by Mayor Knight
and u clfzims' reception coinuillteo.
Tho foiinalltlrs wero brief, occuplug not
more than llftcon minutes, and at their
conclusion tho royal party left at ouco
for Niagara Ktflttt, whero the' roimiiuder
ot the nttornoQii was spunt Ju Ntghtseo
lug. At 0 o'clock tho party resumes Its
Journoy to lloutou, bolug 'Hcheduled to
make but two stops- at ltochescer and
Syracuse be,toro reacnlng tho Hub city
SyraciiRo, N, Y., March R-Prlnce
Honry will lo greeted on his arrival
hero this evening by Mayor Klluo ami n
commitooo ot business mon. Tho Lleder
kriins Hinging Socloty will sing;. Tho
train, after engines nro changed, will
bo drawn to Viiudorbllt Square, whero
tho ciu-omoules will tako pluco. Tho
Forty-first Hqparato company will uct
hit guard. The souiiro will bo billllant
)y Illuminated with electric lights bo
that all may Iiuyo an opportunity ql
nooing tho distinguished visitor,
' WnHlilnglon, March
for Secretary Imu'a
O-'ho-'tlato eot
retlreinont from
Week's News:
Hie Daify Coasl Mnjl.
.-tswy -.
(lio cahlnot Ih May I. No foMmil an
iiouiicpiiiout Iuim yet been made, ltoprc
Miututhi) I'"ohh of Illinois Is most f.iyor
ably mentioned for Loiik'k Hiicpcxvur
Jt l expected that Attorney d'eneral
Knox will idiortly liiHtltuto procecdlnH
aKniiiHt curtain ralluava which Iiiito
been charged by the futerutatc Coin
liiorce CommUfilon with irelHtently
slolatliw; the law prohlblliiit; ralu poof
liifC, cutliiiK and rebated, Tlio Idea Ih lo
ucl a judicial ruling on ih'eot uiattern.
' Conriiiiin Polk of Penuylvauin
dropped dead in tlio Hotel Walton at
Philadelphia tf ill morning.
Wnynwiboro, Pa., March Ii. Tin penn
pyhnnln uunuul ronfereucu of the
Unlteil llretliren In ChrlHt couvmicd this
morning In thu York third L'luirch,
HlHhopJ. H. .MIIIh prodding. Mnity
Hiiveu itiltilofcrH aro in attendance, rep
rcflputiug 10,000 members of the. denom
ination. Jfpw York, Mnrch n.-MrH. Uillfam
Astor hailed today for Kurotw. After a
Kliort htay at London with nor daughter
Mm, llalg, fibe will go to l'urlnuutl
occupy her apaitmeiitH near the Chains
Klvnea. .Mr. and Mm. Harry S. Lehr
Hailed by the mime ftteauier.
Cleveland, Mar. R.-TI10 lieavlefit enow
Rtoria of tlio jear prevails throughout
New York, l'cnimlviiiila and Ohio.
Street and Klectric and Itailroad traf
fic U auHpendetl and mimy uiiii'ti nliut
Ilutcliliiflon. Knn .March 5 Congies-
man ChiHtcr . Long ww re-nninlimtcd
wltliiiuLiiposl)h) by th( HopubllcanH
of. life .VHitli district in convention
h'oro toduy.
Ban Pranclflco. CnL, March li.-The
Peru ot tho Pncitlc MnllSteaimdiipt'om
pany makes an initial parage Marl for
.Manila today, In purmiiiueo of an agree
ment ontercd Into between that com
uniiv mid thu Ueeidental and Oriental
ami Toyo LUeu Kiiinlia linen, by which
mo of the nine McamcrH belonging to
the three lines nhitll call onco a mouth
at Manila. It is believed that tlio Uni
ted States government will foster tho
now nervico by throwing as much busl
iiefti in the way ot tho tlirco lines tin is
Milwaukee, Wirt.. March C.-Promlnont
novvrtpapor men from nil parts of tho
MtiitK inn iittpiidini? the annual uii'ctlmr
of the Wlhconsln Prewn Asmiclatlon,
which will bo in uesHlou hero during tlio
ni"ct Ihreudavs. A nilllllbor of papers
will bo rend, there will boa baunuot
tomorrow night and much bightseelng.
Tacoma, Mar. C Tlio first tralnload
of honipjeekeis taking ndvantnge of the
rodiicrd ratu of fare arrived last night.
Cno thousand Iiiimlgrants have reach
ed western Washington.
Itailroad peoplo state that an ImmoiHo
tralllc will bo carried for tho noxt tlx
weeks. . i ,
All valuablo wheat lauds In eastern
Washington nro being rapidly piirelia.9
ed. noston, Jliir. O-Prlnco Henry's recep
tion In Iloston today wiih a reiiutltton of
tho hearty welcome. ho Inn encountered
everywhere iilnco Ills arrival In tho Uni
ted States. Tho royal visitor neomed to
hIiow 110 elh'iiH ot (atiguo from IiIh long
Tho Kpoclnl train reached tho Telty on
Hchedulo time, arriving tit tho Hack Hay
station nhortly uHer 10 o'clock. Slnco
an early hour In tho morning crowds
hnd heen conaremitiiiK in tho vicinity
ami it win with the utmost tlltllculty
that tho ivoltce, uided hy Htimuh ot in
fantry ami murines, wero able to Iceop
tho neonlo in cheek.
Tho Prlnco win ofllelnlly crooted
Mayor Collins and William f. Heincko.
the Herman Consul. Under an escort of
onvalry tho party nrocoedgd to tho Hotel
Somorsot. v The Hide walks wero packed
with spectators who cheered loudly us
ho Prlnco plusoml o .
' When tho pnrty nrrlved at Hoylstou
fltrect It WB9 grootoi with n Biiluto of
Foventeen guna flred hy n battery station
In JKwlon Cotunion. (lovernor Crano
was ono of the llrt to appear to make
bin caU of nfate, and then hu Impelled
buck to tho nuto li6ue lo receive tho
return call ot the ioyal vliltir.
At tho cWueltmloii tr tho call upon tho
Governor, a; id alley a look at tho Hlicw
lliniiiiiiiont, thu party proceeded to the
Public Llbniry''7here, Mayor Collins
ami other city olHclah awaited their
turn to greet tli4t"vlltor. I'lum thu
Public Library; thWkPrlncc vaf taken
buck to his hotel., Y,
Cauibrlilge, 3lnr. ri Pilnco Henry
npent the utUirmmii'St Harvard Pnlvers
Ity, wheroho warf, Jif4rllly recojled by
the faculty and ntfnientH of tlio univers
ity Tho visitors arrived under cacort
rom JJimIoji af. inlf-piHl ono end wero
Vecelvcd In Meiunrlul llnll. by I'rcldent
Kllot. After tho grt;ttlima had been ex
changed, all proceeded Id tho faculty
room where, after tho profcuxors and
olllcerrf had been prci-enlcd, luncheon
was rcrved. The program, of tho after
noon cloyed with a reception to tho Gor
mnnic Student Ablation.
Manila, Mar. 0 Major Wallace and
Lieutenant Day of ho marine corp-i will
be court nmrtiak'd in thn 17th li)Ht
chnrged with totfurlng Filipinos and
oxerutliig others without trial on the
Inland of Kamar aftr tlio maicro M
part of n company of the Will Infantry.
The accusation!) nitalnst the otllcers Ih
that they tied n Filipino to a treo and
t hot him in tlio .thiuh. Tho next day
tho prisoner, who had been allowed to
remain bound to thu tree was ultot In the
arms A bullet in the body was tho un
fortunate's ptiiiMnricnt tho third day
and the fourth day ho was put to death.
Friends of the ofllcers claim that if
tho charge.') aro trnn tho nccu.sed men
must havo been teilipornrlly deranged,
probably by oufTorlug eiidnrul in Sninar
Now, 'ork, Mar.0 The marriage of
Mrs. P. 1), Armour'Jr., and P. A. Valen
tine win ijujetly celebrated hero today.
The crHi)ys'')w attended only by
nll'inlij-isof thn two fRmiUeauud'n tow
Intliiutto frICnds. P.frt of tins houey
uioon to bo spent with Mr?. P. D. Ar
mour "f., at tho Hotel Hon Ala, Augusta
Ha. ,
London, Mar. il So fully Is King Kd
ward occupied with state functions and
biihluc," social engagements and all the
preparations for the coronation, iw to
which io Is ot counm supreuie arbiter,
that theie la growing uucertaiulty as to
whether ho will bo ablo to go abroad be
fore proceeding to Denmark for tho cele
bration of King Christian's eighty
rmirth birthday, to bo proeutjon which
occaHlou Queen Aloxaudrn U preparing
tomiikothcvvoyagft to Copenhagen on
tho royal yacht Onborno early in the
coming mouth.
Washington, Mar. 0 -President Rooso
vcle has decided to keep out ot tho C il
ium amriir fhrlit niiil liiu niltllliritholV
announced that ho will i-'end no message
to congress unless me inner suoiim uui
to take action on behalf of the Islands.
Ax lime ii4 thir4 ti n I'htillCd that COIl-
arei will do tomeihliifr ho will not in-
Tho Kepublican members of tho House
will meet for tho third time tonight In
tlio hope ot reaching Mmio agreement
relative to the relief which should be
given Cuba. It is not expected that any
defluitu conclusion will bo reached.
Harry Now, ot luuiaunpoiis lias de
clined tho proffprod post ot llrat assist-
nut poMiunsiur gouorai,
San Francisco, Mar. 0 Tho trial ot
Woiidworth, who last September at
tempted fraud In a real estate trnnsac
tiou at Lone Deaeh, began In the federal
court his uuirnlng for having counter
feiting tools In his possession.
Now York. Mnr. tt Tho disabled Cun
nrd liner hud not been heard from up to
ten this morning.
It is feared that tho tow lines botween
the Ktruria nnd tho. steamer 1 lili, re
ported aH having her In tow, have purt-
ei 1. ana 110 mir ju er is sun nositt u uu
again drifting about helplessly
KducatoTaur. BoTrUa Willi Oascaret.
Candy Cntlnrile, ourn conmlpatlon forovei
tOo.iao.- Itaua.ta,lUjUuynlsurefupdrnoncjr
'f 'oVtsvr'.iouFKWu.rir"'
, Dr. riobba' Sraius PllUcoru. all kldnsr Ills. fn
Aro you suffering frorh Ithnnmatlsm,
Weal: back, Nervous troublo orfiunornlly
run-dov7n byitem? Upo Klectric Uclts
ami Jhitterlea. For men and women.
isi'Piric inwnrs ueoii tho feet warm and
jireveiit catching cold. For booklet and
circulars, r.dilrofH.
Klkctiuc Ai'm.ta?;cb Co.,
iAIedford, Oregon,
Kellablo man for manager of a Branch
Ollco wo wish to open ih this vicinity.
Hero fi a good opening for tjio right
man'. Kindly glvo gcod reference when
Tho A. T. Morris WhoJcsnle House
Clnciutr.ti, Ohio.
Illustrated Catologuo 4 cts. etainps.
UmieJ Slates Land Office. RoseburR Oregon,
February stst, 1903
Notice is hereliy c'" hat " compliance
with llic provions of the net of Congies of
June 3, 1B78, entnleH "An act for the sale of
ilmlicr lands in the State of '.allfornj.!. Oregon,
Vvfl.l nr.l VV'nklnnrtlnn Twttllnn. " a m.
trnded to all the I'ubtic Land Stales by act of
Acun , 180a.
ofc'ly of Minneapolis, County of Hennepin.
Mate of Minn., has Ibis d iy filed In this office
his sworn statrmrnt No. soOo, for the purchase
ofihehji NE.'f, NWi'4 .-jKi-4 nnd Mil 4
SWt-4 of taction No. 14, 'lownhlp 33 South,
ol Ranee 10 W , V. M nnd will otttr pr o'
In shoti that tin- fond sought i more vuluhlc
(or its timt)cror stone than forngrfculturnl imr
lotes, nnd to esUbluli his claim to said land be
fore tlio RcKiyer nnd Reseiver of this ofllec at
Koichurp, Oiegon, on Tuesday, the aoth day
of .lay t8oa.
He names as witnesses: II. G. McLaskcv, of
.vnncapolis, Minn , Mnrtln ilaagenfon, Mmon
KIomIuIiI, of Eugene, Oregon, Charles Olson,
of Cottare Gtovr. Orecon.
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
nbovc'descnhcd lands are requested to file their
cUims in this oflice on or belore said aoth cLiy
ot May 1503. J, I. Ukidcci, nrRiiter. 3-1
United Stales I jnd 6.TI- c, RoseburgrOregon.
March a 100a, .
Notice It hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Congress of
June . 1873. entitled "An act for the sale cf
timber lands in die States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, nnd Washington Territory." ns extend
ed to all the Public Land States by act of Au
gust 4, 189a,
of Roseburj;, county of Douglas, stale ol Ore.
gon, lus this dy filed in this office his sworn
sjtcnienl No. ao35, for the purchase of the
ofhE.4nndShi-4orNEi-4andlot One (1)
oIN-ctio- :. 3, in lownsiup iso. ao aouin,
2 Because the
ami tlio Qttnlitic8 the putisfactory kind, is tho reason why
our nsw fnrn
r fprniR slock will bo
ktvlcs iro froshcflt from tlio
tiuiililicfl aro thoroughly (lopenditiiln.
clmsc, at tho right turn in tho market,
copcuially keen. : : 1
a .
The "Spring Needs
in nil the nricii8 lines will bo lioro shortly. Outfitting any maim
bcrof the lamily horois tv pleasant nnd profita le mitter, 7(0
prices arts Along particularly easy lines, and you're certain to set
bati&tactory and tellable vnlue3. : ::.:::
s Uadin
M Ii R 111)
n u 1 u mi
i sssi ssst m k mm
Range So, io West find will offer proof to shofc
thai the land loucht Ij more valuable for hi
tlndef or ione than for flfjrlculiural purposei;
and io rsLildltli lilt cblm io mid land before
Hie KesJitcr nnd Kecelcr of this office at foC
burj;, Orcjin, on Saturday, the 34th clay ol
May, J003. ',
He names aiwitnenrs: P. D. Lootr.
I Thorn of Clereland, Orcron. Rotcoc O
O. Gofl
ofCoIrVVIIer. D, C. )rWl!ILims of Ros
itwg, ur.con. g
Any nnd all persons claiming tiAtTtzy x
ntote dtjtllcd lands arc requested lo tile then
cLUins in 41 Is ortice on or lie.'oe said 2-ith
of .'.ay, i(ox J.T. Bxicccs, Register.
3.8 '
t SUMMONS , ;f
In theCircilt Tnurrof the Stite of 0e?cri(
Jn nnd for the Ccunly of Coos. ,
A. PIdeout, I'laintlfT,
vs. I Action at Lavr c
C II. Ackermann, f Recover Moacy.
ttciendant. J" .J
To C II. Ackermar.n, the abore-named de
fendant: In the name of the Slate of Oregon, vou are
hertby notified that you are required to 'appear
ami answer the coniphlnt filed against .you in
the nbove entlded action in which A. Rldeout I
within six weeks from the date of the first
publicaiiou of this summons, to-w it: within siv
jweelrs from tbe 8th day of
tame being the date of the
March, tooa, tlrf
first publication oh
'his summons, and if you fall so to appear and
nntwer on or Ik fore the 19th day of April, 190
the same beinz the List day of the Lle pre
scribed In the oritcr for publication. ittilrmcW
will be taken against you for want thireof fo:
the relief ilrmanned in the complaint or piajntiu
herein, n succinct statement of which Is as fop
laws, to-wit: for judgment against yru for the
sum of $805 71, with interest at tbe n,te of six
per cent (.er annum on $13.50 from tbe 19th day
of December, toot, and interest at said rate
from the 371I1 day of November, 1901, qn J17O7.
55. less the Interest on Jteo 34, from Decenilier
30th. 2901. and for plainiirt s costs ami Uls
bursements in this sctlon, X
You are further notified that In this actio
certain personal prepcrtv belonging to )ou li.
been duly.attched, under and uy virtue of t
writ of attachment duly Issued In this act! n. rf
security for the satisfaction of the Judgment th-y
niky be recovered herein by plaintiff, the a
personal propel ly so attached bcin dncrihef
ns follows, to-wlt: 30 bundles, square locus
trenails (35 each), a bunches of round lccu;
trenails (45 each), and 1 bunch of loose trenails:
abem 33 tons of t loch, z i-8.lnch and 1 !
bich round Iran rek. a eaM fif jhe'.t copper
lxut mq lbs copper BHs,"ntoot seo-'lb" coni-
poilliotf sptwej. 13 kegs iron spues, 1 icegcunc.:
incs. 5- lbs shert lehd.
This summons is published In pursuance o'
an order made by L. Harloilur. as County
Judge of said Coos County, Oregon, dated th
71I1 day of March. 190a. directing that' servifj
thrrrol le made by publication of the same IS
the Coast Mail, published at Marshfield. t ci.
County, Oregon, once a wtck for , .l-erlpd. t'
six successive weeks. ' 1
J.S. Coke. Jk,
E, I- C. Farkiw.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
?: 13
Prices are
worthy yo
our attention Tho
imikt-ra, nnd tho
Fortunate pur-
makes tho value
& Mafson
M I.CJl.R MUZ. .. .... ,j,
1 wilt. n;. '?", vv'fi.
mt am m M Ml mm M B ft?