nwcwJWWWir'V V r 1 ' mijmfrtaunmmmnmeMT tfWWW!3'llW8WW1 1 Xnsr :p xioo a.Xj'. . W Sr N ' A broux piopellor rjias cast in thu fouudry at Marshftld Weducs day for the steamer Alma. Tlic Coos River towed a scow load of hay up the North. Fork of Ccos river Thursday (or Fred Noah's logging camp. The schooner Repeat was towed from North Hend to the vailroad wharf Wednesday where she will load lumber from John son's mill. A few of the fuses in the box in front of the telephone office were burned out Wednesday dur iug the electrical storm that pass ed over this city. A. W. Neal had his pile driver towed to the Libby bunkers Thursday where he will drive piles to replace those- damaged by the Empire last week. l The A. N. W. ladies met at the Illauco hotel yesterday, the guests of Mrs. Frank Page. The ucxt place of meeting is at the home of JUrs. James Rolaudsou, South Marshficld. John Bear's express team ob jected to' being out in the hail 3torra Thursday morning and. headed for the barn on a dead run. They started from Gee Fee's itorebut were stopped before any damage was done. There was fl rise in North Coos river Thursday at Allegany of about 6 feet theh'ml loggers of that country' took advantage of 'the J ireshet and started a large number be placed in the boom below the creamery. Jolin Johnson and Olaf Certen-; soil, two sailors from the schooue: , JJna were arrested last night on a charge of 'drunk and disoidcrly. They were brought before I )udge'Hydc .Wednesday and! fined $6 a piece. .' Dan Dimmick, foicman of John Bear's ranch 011 Willanch' slough. was. iu town Thursday. He says Austin Ra, who; nearly cut his thumb offlast week; s getting' along fine and they have , hopes of saving the member ' While playing on he play j grounds at the schoolhouse Wcd-j nesday, .Gordon Rasmus en, sou of N. Rasinusscu was thrown 1 down on the sidewalk and his; Xace was quite bally brui&ed. It is.ubt'known yet just how serious ' bis injuries will'tum out to be. Having a Run on Chamberlain ts . Cough Remedy V J.i'tv.X'on tho hours of eleven o'clock n. in, Jiinl clofdnj time at night on .Iltu. '23th, 1101. A. !. Clark, druggNt. fil.ido tjprlir.'H, u, Hold twelve of Chcinhor lain'fc Cough Heiiicdy. He niyrf, '! never lmmlli'd a iiiidlcine that Fold hetter or euvo better Mitisfui'lion to my cuMo jiipii'." Tliiri Kitmcily Iihs Ler-n in gun oral u.c in Viigii'hi for ninny years, and tlio people tiiero are well uemmiuted witli its excellent ipialitie. .Many of them Ituvc teHtifled to tlieTomiitkalilo etirej wliich it Ikis elfected, Wlien you iieed if good, reliable iiiedlcltie for a ejiugh or cold, or,attiiclc of the. grip, use jrjliainburlaln'rt Cough Huiiiedvsind you ;ro qertnio.'to bo .more Hum pIcaHud with jo (puck euro which It alfonlH. J'ov aloby John 1'roiLsa. Genuine Christian Science. Healing by absent treatment for sorrow, sin, bad habits, and every disease, jio matter what; for those who me willing to live an honest life. No faith, or so called leiigious life lequired. Terms within the means of all. Hahti.ktt, 36 Geary St., Son Francisco, Cal. Any one wanting pure A No. 1 Leaf Lard Ironi strictly coru-fei hogs can find it on sale at the Marshficld Cash Moat Market. Capt. Harris towed a svow load of cattle to Sumner Thursday for K. II. Beyers that were lately purchased in Marshficld. Mrs. M. Ilogau received wotd yesterday frcm her husband, who eft here about a week ago for Arizona, having received news that his broteer. John Hogau, had been dangerously wounded. On reaching his destination, Mr. Hogau learned- that his btother was dead having been shot all to pieces, his death and buna! tak ing place immediately. Nothing better than Red Cioss Expectorant for that troublesome cough; try it, Satisfactory, Sensible, Saving. Up to date method of using bluing, the automatic bukk Constructed on tlio scientific principle of flltoriition.- -Sold by K. A. Taylor, Teaipleton. Prico 25 eonte, (coin). It is sold uu its mcrtt.l A Small Sufferer The 2-year-old sou of ' Ivan Scofield, of Dora, met with a painful accident last Friday after noon, lie fell from a ladder and broke his arm both above nndbe- 1ntt t tlrt 1 lrttt nn1 t1c IV" k If W WlUUtf tit VI UiU I j)ut the elbow o'lt of joint. No one but the boy's mother was at home, and it was late in the' evening before a messenger could j be dispatched to Myrtle Point for j a doctor. 1 Men no doctor at Myrtle Point or Coquille would gd out to Dora' to attend the boy. The little sufferer was therefore taken to Myrtle Point iu a wagon reaching there at 1 1 a m Satur urday, when his arm was set. Considerable indignation is felt by the Dora people because the little boy had to be jolted over 34 miles of winter road with a broken arm to have his injuries attended to. Jav Peart, while working on the high trestle from the railroad to the hill toward the Peart mine last week, fell to the ground, dis locating one wrist and hurting his back considerable, but is get ting long as well as could be ex pected. Coquilie Herald. Unclaimed Letters ' I.it of micluliued letter reiiiiiliiing in tho AInrHlilield, Oregon, I'oolllce, .Mar. 1st. WKl. IVrroiiH callfiii; for tho hiuiio will pleioowiy ndVertlHcd: .Miiixliiield Athletio (luh. Kditor of thu KiKjulrer !, .Mm CIius iukein, Jo. Steve, John Talbnk, 0 C Hluiw, Clian HcliohUield, X'aptulii .Steyiuw, (jiiHtmo HoneiiHtel'i, lionet Hoiiiailo, V J'etuifon, Uobort rridgeoi), .Mm Hilda OIhwhi, Abraham OIhuu, (uh I) Mjirphy 2. .M .1 McDomild, Krli'lc f. Ander..on, V, Anudd, W Urower, .Mm VI0I11 Cluiuin, .Mm Kiln Carter. 11 CiiIwjii. hum.el Colhci. .Mm Anna Uavlii, Alux Kvaiudf, Win Knlainl. Kagmino KianceHco, H IS (inttiK, Unlit S (ii'ddi'H, ilrn-.Iolm Jiatlleld. ,1 JiuiiMin, Kieil HondeMon, .lauicti kJoiif.H, Henry King 2, Victor Lindgien, .1 McClotid. W;B.'Cuhtih, P.M. Tide Tables atF. P. Norton's. Dr. A. 11. Pi cutis will he ab sent from town fiom the 28 of Feb. to March 10th on profess ional business. 227 d & w tf Tcnmile Items . J-'nink Ilnwion httd liiulnesH 111 Mnrrhlleld Thursday. Tito I.nku Creamery Co. will hold 11 special meeting tit thoeehool Iuiiimi on Johnson ercck March 2nd to nmkojiir mniiicnis for tho piitulinin of ti now hnilci mid ungngcii butlci niiikui for the coming miiimii). J. T. Dnviii mid Frctl AiUiiih liwil luinei til North Hand nml Miush ilrld ihis Work. T. G. Jordun win visiting tho mnyor of 'iVmphiton on Tuesday. Martin Ilnwkimou Inul lui'inci't with Charles Walker on Mihol'iiM Ixtl .Monday. John Moitjun liipptnl 11 luro con Mgiituoiitof .'urn lo .McMilUn Co., Minneapolis, lat week. Dr. C. A Taylor of 'Pompidou hud hiMtieaj a. I.nku on Friday. '.(.!, Ojtiom 0110 of ihtt fiiiit eel ilcrn in this commtini'y piiotl through hero this week on Ins nay to Uaidiiicr. Mr. 0. I111.1 ink-en a con tract to build a dike on Dean cicuk, a trilmtui to (ho Umpqtia. Clinn. HoUtrom, tho well and favor ably knonn locomotive engineer, lcaCd tl.ie uitl: for California uhc.u ho c.pccH to iiinko his futiiro home. Tho Into mind and haiMomm hr.vc caused tho lako to rie ovor '.ho b.inkh mid its vntOMiuo now Honing west ward into tho ocean.' Tho wave, arc rolling 8 foot high on the houtlieast end of the lai.e. Pruifjfi'overs Take Notice John W. Green the Old reliable orcharrlibt is again hete to fix up the orchards and carried all dis eased tree', and do all work per taining to the orchard. Pruning working on diseased trees, spray ing and gtalliug a specialty. Mr. Cirecu is well known throughout Coos county for reliable work and our crchatdist will do well (b secuie his services. Addre-, Marshficld. The hteamer Coos Iiiver was thouroughly 'fumigated Friday moruii.'g by or''erof IlealthUJlicei Mingi:;. PUTNAM FADIUJCSS DYFS color more goods per package than any other. Sold by 'ohu Preuss, 10 c. per package. TI.MIJKK LAND, ACT JLNK .'I, U7H NOT1CJ-: I'OK I'LIJUCA'IIO.S'. Cnilvd Stums I.ani Ofi'icr, Itowlmr;: Oki;''". I'vliriiury via. v 2 .Votiec it Iieruby (jlvon lli.il in Lorijiii.in " with lliu i)ioviKn cil llio net of f oiii'ii'.x ol Imie 3, 1878, uniall "n net for Hi" vp of iiiiiirr miiim 111 the Mntck il '.llliion,! 1, uiion, Ncvxdu, nml WmIiIiikIuii 'Irnitor), J t Irnutd lu ell the I'uMtc J. mil "iu' s y (.t ol ArKii.i.), iH.ia. 1 l-.T'ilt N I.SO.V oftlty of Minnenpolin, ( mtniy of I Irnrif.Ir, .Stat.: of Minn., I.ai this il.iy fil.-d in tin-, iiiIa liii woni it.itciiifiit No. 30G0, for ilw ,nrili.i of ihe.SK M'.y, NV.'i-. .-.Ki j and l 1 SVi-. of Section No. 1 1, 'I ourlii aj .Soiitli, ot Kuijjo iu V W, M nml will otti r proof to hov 1l1.1t tin land koutilit i iuoiu .iu.il for its llinUror noun thun for iifiricultiiral imr poH'j, and to cuilitli lui clium to wild land In-, loru lilt: KoxhtiT .aid ld-..civer of tint o i!n- in Ko'cljtlrc, (Jiq'on, on '1 uosdny, (hu solli d.iy of .lay i Ho j. flu iiaiiici ni uantMi's: If. (i. McI-'isUn', of a7iiii-nKli, Minn , Muron lla2" i, .uaoii liloviluld, ol 1iiiiiu, Urugon. Cfi.uki OIoa, of CottiiKf ( jimr( Orrjjon. Any and ;dl jierwiin Ll.ifniing ndurely the .1l)ovc;di'cttl)oiJ I.ind5 nrurcqiMilcd lo lilu .diHr cl.ilnis in this office on or before .said audi diy ol May iijoa, J, 1'. iIkio'ii.s, l.'rgisUr,. I.i C. A. Schrocdcrof Arago, was iu town yesterday having some dental woik done. Grant Hairy ofCoquillc was iu town iMidayou brntincss. Robert lox of Tcnmile left yesterday on the Alliance for San Francisco, Kdward Abenmthyof Dora was iu town yesteiday. Win. Ross, of Coos City, was iu town Kiiduy on business. Vaccine for sale ot the Red Cross drug store. Mail otders promptly filled G. A. Hrown, of the hatchery came down from Coos liver Ftiday. lie expects to leave for his home iu theWillamette valley the first part of next week. Win. Johnson of Daniels rieek was iu town Friday. I!c.vis the buukhouse at Hi Kings )ogr giug camp smells like a match factory; the result of recent fumi gation. Frank Smith of Cotw river says he expects to leave for San Fran cisco iu a few days to join a whaling .ship that will .oou leave for a cutiie iu Alaskan waters. Tiie Coos River left tin hour earlier Fridny afternoon than the usual hour iu oider to make a trip up the North Fork lo Allegany. " .i piLitr vu, (ill utiirr ;v ioti', .j." GEORGE-' ' TIBBETTS i MMa Dry Uoods, O 1 o Mi i n k . Hats, Gaps, Shoo s a n (3 Qonts' Furnishings. MIMHVfta Hoys Clothing and Ladies' Furnishings, Misses' tiud Chiidteufi' goods. ZZ. JMJfl Ev ery thing Complete Htoi-k of all that Is Hie Place iiiiiioiiin.iv, uiv.. AGENTS Staudaid Patterns, " as Delsartc Corsets, Cailsou.s Cnrrier's Umbroid x cry and Knitting Silks. 5 WWvsi3(j tmwrmfi? (3 . . . . Geo. Hall left for Sun Fran i i cisco on the Alliance Friday, whete he will purchase .touie mining machinery for the gold mines of Salmon mountain. , The Slave mill was shut dowif i. i , this week for an indefinite period.. Chas Hall the foreman, says the mill will bethotoughly oveihnul ed and some new machincty put iu before resuming opctutio'ir. Hmvatd Cojlver of Hig creek moved his family and household effects to Daniels creel: Friday, where he will nsil his brother, Ansel Collver on his dairy farm, The Mcanier Mruidnlnv tpok a lot of timber;; from Pcrshb,iket':i mill to Snu Francisco, which will be used iu the construction of n vesiel Mr. Perthbaker is intet ested in. The Argo will In duq iu a day or two and will load at Prosper with timber for the mime purpose. Kecoidcr. TheAlliauce succeeded ju, cross ing out over the bur Frid4y af ternoon, after waiting five dnys. The Kinpire ami Areata arc Mill at Kinpitc City, as the bar wa still considered too tough for them to attempt to cioss otit, both being heavily loaded with fi eight. IMurate Yo'ir norroU 'Willi CatoariU. t'nndjr fni'rltr. riirn eort'imii n rnrnoB l(M Zia lie U V 'll.(Uuf,:NtrriiiMl money. Y Laces, Ribbons, Kmbroidcries, Corsets, Handkerchiefs Fnucv Goods. cud for Everybody. , new In .Spring and Siiiiiiiki gootiHiomrivo 5 T1 ., ODD f ELLOWS' BWr Mniu'drinlil fin u l'OK Thorn iuu'f Coisets,!