y-WfrWiKT" " t "i.m- - '. Will ttrffe ' You Always t Orlcliml. There nhnulii ho added to tho raylnn "Lovo Irijinhii nl hieknmltlin" niiother eiunlly true, "I.ovo IiiiikIih at (lltrercneci "I In Htntloii." Olio of (ho uioit ntrll'liiK of whom ho nuked tlio wny to tlio 'I'piu cxiiiiiiitcM of tlio la It it Ih the lovo of u I'l'. cohhler.for .Mnrlu Antoinette, (jiieon ot I'rnneo. (.'ciicnil tho MnnpilH do U Fnycttc hud ijii' entnto In Aiu'crcm. In tho fnifuhi of heeeh nnd cliciitnut near hy mh-u, men who ruuuwcii every variety of. wooilworklitK. Thero were coopcm, wo(Kl(!ii hIioo iiinkem mid iiiiiIoth ot ehidioiirdii nnd hithn, brnldoH chnrconl UuKvr nnd renin cnthercni. TIickc Iioopln dwelt In their rude htit'i. tollltiK i,i i... ..Li. i ,..i ......i. - fur he day mlnillni; In their nylvitn cportH. .AmctiKtliPin wa inn orphan boy, cnl tl by liln uclKliburi I)arar.on. n co I'llptlon of Jjornbmn, nieanlni; htekln,' vlt. In bin hut under a iinmhet ,tii tho wall he kept a picture of .Im,Iii All (jil nolle, and liln iiHuhborM mild hinuli. niKiy mat no wan in lovo with the quotm. One day (Jenerul Ijjfa.vetie, whllo vlnitltiK Mm oNtnto. mid tln-m. ii. pie IkiW l court lit Verwillle pluyiil the imrtu of iiiIIIith. i.lirpherd. mill; itMildM niul tho like, eneh drefwed for the elmrneter iihhuiiksI, nil wenrlnc wotMieii Imhhi, tho queen lurludcd. "Wliut!" wbl Iamon, who wn II (Piling. "Tho ijuuvii wear wooden hooy "Yen." "If I make l-- n tmlr, will you take IIh'hi to her?" "Oitiilnly, If you mnko them fln enoiiBh for her." In Aiivfrcue the iieaiwnt iiiaken a pair of t'-ie wooden nlmen for Ii!m brldf. who irrturew them through life. Ham rou aetMo work to m.ike Mieh a pair. They ere of ehetniu. llnely enrviNl, nnd On the too of eaeh wan a heart en circled with rnya, above whleli wcn the lettiTB "T. T U V." Dnmxoir tool; llieiu to the ehntexu and kuvo them to (he mnrqulx. I.nfnyette tnrk the Habotn. nnd when he miw tlitf Irttem "T. T. U V." he Mulled, for he knew their iiiennlnp. whleh wan written on the wibotn of all the opovtaiit brldex In Aurerciie. Ilu uiititiml their intiker thnt lie would fill till bin proinle to cle thoui to tho quocn. I'ttmtitii ueiti (o liln hut nnd tinder nca Ih bin Hirirnlt traeid the let Irrx lw bnd enrviil on the Nal.otn. (!rn ernl Uifnyetie net out for I'uiIm and turnee to Virmtllleii. where he found the queen In ilM' Trianon nud iirmeuteil lier nlth the hIiocn, Mnrlo Antoinette wn.s prently plen-ed Mfltli tli prewAtit, real eottntry Mbotu iiiHde entieeln1!)' for tier. Hue under .lo il Unit the heart uurrouuded by iiijm Htocd for the VIi-kIu'h bond, but what immiit the lett. ra "T. T. I VV idio ntikMl the uiarqulH. ""ralmrral touta In vldn' (1 will lore you nil my llfei It Ih tho pat- In of Auvertitio. An one would e.tpreNK It. tho I'roneli would be. Me t'n(meral loute In vie.'" The murqul.s 'iikIikI iik ho thtm lutprpreted Darnxou'a inca Hit fie. The qtipi-ii did not IiiukIi. On lo contrary, alio whm very herlouc, beln dieply tbiiehed with the !oo of Uk i-lmple ercature. "Toor fellow!" Mio an Id. "The aab'tn n i-e a tiitle larce for me, but mi mueb llui better for the reward they will con tain." Then hIio whlMpernd In tho ear of tho I'liuccH de Uuiibelle, who took tho NtibotH and went out. Khe Hour re turned, however. brluKln them with her tilled with K"b!plccoH. "MatiulM," alie Kiild. "plnco thla rfold iti a iiox and acini it to tho cobbler, with the nucen'11 tlninl.-H." I iifayetto prociirt'd a liaiidKomo box, put the uold In It and nuut II to Darn win nt Ativer'tne. Tlion t'liiiu1 tho rovoltitlon. A mob titorincil tho palace of Vcrnallle.i'. Tho Mnriiiils do la Fayetto w.-ih 'iidlctud. U'ho I; I iik. (l'U'on and their children wero placed under 1:11111 d. Diiimv.od heard with aiiKUlKh what had liel'nlleu his Idol. Ilu llHtcitcil to every lilt of nowrt fai;erly, Ihh'iiiuIuk njoro and inoro kIooiiiv' iih tho loitiiiics of tho royal family declined, finally ho heard that thoy hail been taken to tho Teniplc. Olio mornlUK noon after, IiIh hut watt empty, llolli Ida mualcet and IiIh pie turn of tho queen wero gone, Ho hail departed for I'arls, taking both with him, bc&UUrfN'tlio goldplece'ii tho 'queen litul Hcut him acwed In hlo vcjt. Tho ,:' picture, iio had hrnijr riHound' liln neck Itiiou'liij; Hint If 'Uncovered wltlf tlio llla-ncHH of (ho hnteil Jlotirlion iiccn on IiIh pernon )io would ltu iirrenlcd mid meet tlio fnto of u roynllnt. Ho traveled by nlRht, liltllng In tlio wooiIh by tiny. Flnnlly, on tlio 17lli of October, 170', worn with fatigue and IIIiu'hm, ho reached Turin. In the I'lnci du r-anllllo ho met n clllsten icvoliitlonlKt "Why do yon j;o tlirreV anted the inn ii. "To rcRcno (ho queon." . ( "Tho Austrian? Hho won executed yoiitordny." Mmldi'iii'il liv illnnntinlmtiw.nl nml ,lef rind rno. Dnnixuii mined Ida iiiunkvt, hut heforo ho could lire tho ruvoltitlonlnt ntruvlc hliii, hiylnj; him on "' Iavcineiit. then nhouted: "a" "rlntuerntl" . ' cr"W( Rhiiktcu ami, to uincovcr " eountryinnn'ft. .Identity, M-nrchcd him, llmllnt,' on bin brenNt the picture ((f tho queen wltli'tht- four KtmplcIouH letlerM (Hi if. "T. V. I.. Vf Willi vi.lla Uicy earrled tho poor cobbler to tho river Koine nnd threw him In. Thiiti died (IiIh ulinplo mivntler of An Wrciie, who loved iueen and dared to iic(iialut her with IiIh lovo. CUTIIIIHItT KAitHAXL) ItOK. Ki II Wmn. "Mnmuin, como quick! Tho cntHtip on the nhclf." "Drat that ent! I'll make (Iddlo ritrtiiKM of her In no time If I lay my linntlH on her! HIiu'h forever Into hoiiic thhiK." "Hd tho (inraeil maturfamlll.iri vigorously pounded her wny Into the pantry. "Vherc In nhe, Tommy? I don't nee hen" "fico who?" 'Why, you Bald (ho cnt was on the oholf." "I never Bald tlicro wan a cat on tho nhelf." . "Ve, you did. You nnld, 'Tho'n cat'u up on the Nhelf.' " "Ho I did. nnd I nay It yet. Tho cat nip on tho Hhelf riRlit In-fore your eyes. Don't you see It? There In that old wlnu bottle," and ho quietly but very Hwlflly dodk'ed out Into tho kitchen. I'enrton'H Weekly. a ore 1 Babies and children need proper food, rarely ever medi- J J cine. If they do not thrive f r on their food something is I J wfon. They need a little I help to get their digestive j ? marhinr-rv unrklnrt nrnnnrlv. ? machinery working properly. life '"' " COD JLJVER OfltL WllliYPOPHOSPMTScrLMSStiA will generally correct this I difficulty. j If you, will put from one- f I! fourth id half a tcasuoonfu! f in babv's bottle three or four I 1 times a day vou will soon sec I j a marked improvement. For S 1. . , ., , r , ,c . .4 i larger cnuarcn, irom nair to 1 s a tcf.spoonful, according to I 1 nefc. dissolved in their mi K. 1 . W J if yoiiVso desire, will very I soon show its great nourish J" j ing powsr. If the mother's J milk docs not nourish the ! J baby, she needs the cmul- J I sion B . It 'will show an effect I j at once uom upon mutitcr 7 l nnd rhild. 1 I. j y:. anil $1.00, nil JrufjUu. , f '"IfttOT fi aOWNI!, ChemlJU, New 'Li J fv.ii3n)!if.i:JnX3)aj,Hi:rJ1o.v iielj Nat P T&e Old Reliable Firm, E.Bv.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT, tiiezmnr. U coiixtntitly adding to im Mock of fjnnuntl Morelinn-Jli-e, alroaily tlio I,irgct in Marhblield. When you buy at tltts Mill Sloro you know the whhU arc firt clnKii mid the price in all rl'it . A.11 kinds of lumber and building material, feed and sup plies at wholesale and retail, i XX. lOoJ-X -Wholesale and Retail Druggist DKALKll IN DKUUS AND GKNRKAL MKItCIIANDIrfE Mnrslifield , Oregon. ! Mcrliitloit Skillfully Compounded nt all Iioum. Agent for WoIIi-, Kargo & Co., tl tiu Inline h'irj , Life nnd Accident Cuiuimuios. wfPSF'a AmilB BalldPft ttA tjtLglky 8 1i)gJ BBlSJWq lCo our work. Wo uo jH-rfected modern S g.n.ul 111, ry ami v DUST VVf K Ol' f 1 lib I I.OTIIES. I-aumlry work can tw re-g ftiuriu-l In 1a hours nfter receipt. Remember we employ white labor only, rohow- K Kim; are some ol our agents: (Jeorge Lorenj, Itaiuion; N. Lorenr, Coqullw: L, A. Douge, g SS-Myitle I out. Sir Hanson, North Bend, J. Morgan, limpne. , POOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY iKTUTAMSl'EIN, Pror). p Saved $15,00. . 'I saved $15. on the order you wnl mo Inst, besides receiving hotter and f r eh er goods tlinu I ohtalneil here." Kxtlnet from one ot our letters.l We believe there nro many olliew who can pond to in with tho samo sntUfnc- tory reritilti', niul wp Invito a comprii ison or prices in our entaloguo with local rates. ' , (lunranteo quality of our goods, safe packing anil delivery. I.i us become better acquainted, We 'wive eomplebj price lists Mr the Asking. Tostal card Insures snmo by urn. .11 ' SMITH'S CASH (Dept) STORE .'. v .. iVjuuUles fiupplieii at wTiolcdnlo prices- - ,.. , w 25 Makeibst. Sali Francisco riMUKU LAND, ACT UNK 8,' 1878 NOTICH Toil I'UlILICATION.' United Siatt luid Office, Kowljurj;, Oregon. January ay, un. Nollcr It hereby given dint In compliance with the provitlon of llic net of C'oni;rei of Jhh- 3, iBi, tnuiini "An net lor mc mie oi umbo Inmlt In llic Slate of California, Oregon, Nc ailn, Mixl Wathlncion Trrrllory," WlI.I.IAM K. Noiil.i: of Mnrjlidtld, Connir of Com, Stale oi CVukoii, lias t Ins day filed In llilt oflirc liN lUorn mnleint'iit No 2005, for llic purcli.iv; 01 the N of tin NH of Nrcilon So 35, In Town Ii p So. 33 South, Kmige No 13 Wet, ari'. will olffr proof to shoiv that the land loiitflit I more valuable fur lt timber or ttone than for iifrctil'tirnl iiiirpMin, nnd to eiiahhsh hit claim loiwld land lirlr.ic the KexiMcrniul Kcceitcr ol tltU ollicent Kouburi;, rcyon, on Siturd.iv, tin- 19th diy of April, ir)3 lie n.imuint wiincMcs: Chat I s Nohlc, II II. Hnlrie, Frank ISowron, H. II. Noble, o Martlifirld. Orrson, Any n ml all pcsoni claimlni; adveriely the aliorfdcscriht-d land ate requrtcd to file their claim in Ihli office on or helorc wtd 19th day of April, 1903. ). T. iiKlOOU, Urgiiler. Toaoe Marks Dcsioris Copyrights &c Anrnnn lending n nketrh nnd description mar intc'ilr tijrerliilu our opinion free whether n nutc'ilr tijrerliilu our oplnlun fre Ittvnfiilnu It nrnhntilr nnlrnLnhtf. Itivniitlnil If pnihiiblr pnlrnlnMe. Cnmmunlr. tloii,ttlctir"iiO(lcnt(aJ. ItaudlxMlcon I'attnu r'lt f rc. Oltlnt urrnrr for pocjrmu tntentf. I'Atmiti tikken thrnuuli Muim H Co. rectve ijxctal nolle, nuliuut ctmruo, In tlio Sckiitific JltiKPican. A liindJnmelr lllnlrntd neeklr. lJrstt Hr cr.UUnn if our clcntion Inurnnl. 'J'ermi, li a renrt mar rnonthi, IL bold ljrII tientdrnlcr. ITON & Co.30'B'd. New York llroocli umco, Ci F 8L, WuhlDttoD, V. C D uOjO Jl1."I1, 1 wtiiaMaW. 60 YEARS' IEXPERIENCE Rest iiiid Comfort. ,., t Tlit'-'O Hiilistautial niattrctori nro sleep Inv cw. They are comfortable nnd will retain their "pprlngl no.s"for years. Made in two pieces or all In ono piece. These husk jnatres.se!', with cotton face are equal to all-hair and cost a great ileal less money. Qhristensen Sis Johnson THAT we use no injurious chemicals Anil g T frlMB&t l.ANJ.;ACT JVNh 3, 187e. 1 NOTICKFuRl-UftMCATION. . .Unlled Slaici I.nnd Office, Roteburg.orejjon, ' Jan. i7ih. 1902. ' Notice Is Iterrby Riven tlwtin cotnpi.mc? will: ilir provisions of the net of Congress of June 3 i8;3, enlii.-d "An net for thrf sae cf tlmUi mil- In the Sutes of Cilforljm,- Oregon, Nc v.nl.1 nnrt Wnshlngion TcrntOT)'," n extended nlli.' I'uhie Ijind St.Atr liy netrAuBUSt4, 899. ISknjamin O, iicnuvi.i:n,ol town of' liir hfM'l, corfnty of Coo, State of Oregon, i.n this da fied In this office Ids sworn smtc iinrnt So. trji (ot the (idrchase ol llic li'j, SWK.MJK. NWH.SWtf, m'4i of .Scclion Vo 0, Tp a6 hotuli, of R 11 west, nnd wio.Tct , .'prrof to show thai the and soucht U more vnltt- -ih.'fo' Its timber or Mone than for .ncrlcuiiirn; uriioici, nnd lo eslnlih liiscalm to s.-ild nnt leforcthe Rrislcrand Receiver of this office at' Koscburit, Oregon, on Friiiay, the 4th day of pril, 190a, lie names as witnesses:. J. C Pierce, L. D .-mlih, C A. Moore, M. A. Aford of nrsh- , 'field ' regon. ' Any nnd n person c.tlming ndveney the , !love.ieirtlWil,rfrt(ls are lefioested 10 fie their ic.ilms In thls'cflicc on or txfore said 4U1 day ol Aprl, KJ02. ' '' i-a.i . T. Bkidom, Register. TIMHEULAND ACT JUNB'3, 1878. KuTICKl'OIt l'UIJLICATION, United States Lnnd OITice, Hoseburg, Oregon. February to, 1903. Notice Is herety given that In compliance with tlie provisions of the act ofCongreuof June 3, 1878. rntllied "An net for the sale of timber " lands In the Stales of California, Oregon, Nrvn da, nnd Washincion 'lrrlrory." its extended to mII the I'ubltc IindSintesliynctofAtigti!t4, 1S03, CHARI.I-Sa RKAUnUKY. ' of town of liinhfie!d, County of I'oos. State of Kir- gon, '.a tins uay iui in tnis oince ins worn sti'e nent No 9031, for the purchase of iieUtsa, s'K otShX. W'A of SI--K of Sx. No 4. 'I'ownship 37 :o(idi, ol Range is Weil, and will otic t,r ol 10 show that the l.v.d nought is mori' vluable for its timlier or Hone than lor .ignculiura' purpoes, and to e-taiilnl- 'r h s claim to Mid land before the Register fine. ' Receivrrof this otlice at Rowburg, Oregon, or Mturday, the 36th diy of April, 1903. lie names as iwitnesses: ThomisCoke, Olto -ciicttcr, Harry Noble, of Manhficld, Oregon, vi'i iiuntcr, 01 no cnurg, uregon, A y an I all persons claiming ndversrly the tnr-decribed lands are reeptcste 10 file their riinu in this oRice on or before said 36th da l Apr! , 1902. 3 15 p J. T. B8IDGES. Regiiter. 1 : 1 - riMRKlt LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTIf K FOR PUBLICATION, United States Land Oriicc, Roieburg, Oregon, ' ebruary 3, 1903. v Notice Is hereby given that in compliance, rtith the provisions of the Act of Congros ot tine 3. 1878, entitled "'An act for the $.-c of limb-T lantis in the Stites of Ciliforni, Oregon,, scv.ida nr.d Washington Territory,' ns extend l to' all tli- Public l.md Slates y act of Au jtisi 4, 1693 JOH.-N EDWARD NOAH f Manhficld. County of Coos, State of Ore- -.(on, hns this day filed in this office his sworn , ttatement No 3035 for the purclwc of the SWJ of the NKil J NWK of e SKfc and SK oSKj; of Section 35, Township 34 South, , Range 11 West Willamette Meridian, In Ore--gon and will offer i" oof to show tliat the land sought I more vnlu iblc fat its timber or stone .. than fur agricultural purrKSVnnd to csublist- . !m claim to s ud land before the Registi-r and Receiver of this otflcc nt Roscburgi Otegon, or Monday the 14th clay of April, jooj. . j He names as witnesses: VUl.nm Vlnctmp. Frank Vlncnmu. S. W. Noah, J I). Ncah, ol. of Mnrshfieid. Oregon. Any nnd all prrsons claiming adversely the,. above described lands arc requc-tcd to fitc their c'aimi in this office on or before sail i,th J.i; of April, 1903. J. T. Bridges, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT 't Notice is hereby fiiven that we the undersign ed Executor nnd Exectrix of the Kstateof Mary . Hutltr, deceased, have filed our final account In the County Court of the State of 'regon fcr the County of Coos and that Hon. I Ilar locker. Judge of said Court, has set Monday the 7th day of April, 190:, at the County . Fudge's otnee in the Court House nt CoquiUc. lily, Coos County, Oregon, as the time and place of liiMrmg said final account and the set tlement thereof Now therefore all persons In terested in .'aid Estate are hereby notified to appear at said t me and place nmV make such objections as they may have to said final account if any there be. Dated at Marshfield, Oregon, this t8th day of February, 1903. Ions W. Rutlek Executor and EM.A T. RUTLUR Executrix of the 33-6t Estate of Makv 1'. Rutlek, Dccoised. TLMBEtt LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S7S. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. United States I and Office, Roseburg, Oregon. , Feb, at, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3 187B, entitled "An act for the sale of timber' lands in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nc- ' vaila. and Washington Territory," as extended tq nil the Public Land States by act of August.' 4, 1893, Hkkw.rt G(ddk3, of JarShneld, county of Coos, St o of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No, for the purchase of the Ntf SWjf, SWj; SW" and NWjf SEjf ofSv-c. No. 6, township 6, South, Range No. 11 West, nnd will offer proo' to show that the land sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural pur-' poses, and to establish his claim to said land lie- tore the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on -Wednesday, the rth day ol May, 1903. He names as witnesses: Eben Hodson, Jes sie Smith, Robert Hayter, Edward Doyle of ' Marshfield, Oregon. Any anil all persons claiming ndversely thc nbovc-described lands are requested to file their claims-in this office on or before said - J4th' "day. of May, 1903. 3;i P J. T, Bridges, Registtr.