MMMMMIlHWMMIMMwm fi MIVB.W.Mt tt JAHU, . j Bfi BM&MWuJWurawt taw WnR1MlAK OMp STRAIGHT TALK TO BUSINESS MEN ft Mnybc'Loii! .'utiis Strictly business mi I Woith Kcn.Ku r children, whoso food itiit! clotlilngnro Wmt hpy l,y. On llio Bcnurul propo- Yc w?li to call the ppiv'n.1 ntiin tion of .MnrslificJit busmen men to a ievf 'acta regarding the l).u!y Coast It is giving tlio people of Coo? county their local now whilo it is i news. If a man die they uct tho new? boforw lio has been a week or ten days under tho ground. If !m breaks Ins leg, they read about it bc- purch isctl oj Mtrrhficld nuuoluuitii, It i adding enough to tlio receipts o.' she local telegraph oflh'O lo pay nn o perator, if another wcie required. These are some of tho thing tliu little daily is doin,; m-w, an I wo would liko tho Inuiuots men of .MhmIi- Held to ask thcinsi'hoA toiiunsly if they do nut thiul; I hoy jlteukl rull.x to its Mippoit. Wo have no complaint to make ol lack of support, so far. Wo aro aware that the daily ha leer, ro.-arded everywhere except in tin ollice n n very doubtful cxpoiiment. Wu have not folt like boring the limine i men to death until we should (Iciiuiitiiiti that the dully could I e made an ne 8ition,a dally paper la alwnyn nut' evoryvvhoio conltloietl the best ad vertising medium . Tu those who have i.lroady Miowi their apprueiallou of the daily uA in advertising medium ami their tlispo sition to eueouiage the outorprlh. from tho start wu wish to oxpros tun aekunwli'dgomvuiii. Their piitromigi' nuning when it n most ncrilnl I ap predated in the hifchml ih'gice. CANttY CATMAtlTIC i I tuai inci. especially ad tmuwo inunlli- orahoisa'. work ngai-i. If a person j,ce ;H im!0ltion have been thu conies to town for a few d.y.s hie ,tHtfl of tll. Vllir, friends hear about it while ho h lieio rffV8n rowy ''hlySBrTiliti.wain' MU,vUilillXUiV rftrtfTO' Ol f< 's Disease Tlio Inrgi'itl rum over payed for a ptcHCilptl'Mi, HiiiiircmI IiiiihN at Mail i'r.miii-eo. uit StO, MKJl. Tl e train. fir involved In oiii mid M-ti'k , o, . , . i - ,. ,. .. II, I..IL 'l' IOVMIVIMI III I "III mill KIMl'K icnulnc Jtimpd C. (, C. rywr pM In lulk. .,,,. .,, wm Wl pU (V nrivif. Ucw.ire of (he i!c ilcr who tries to t!l ,, ,, 4 , fr ,.,,, ,rtl, (,,, unKU't 3nm:wmi iu gooo. , ,., ,, 1.itilliithrU'.',lirliOity iiii!innl,tt OOOOtOOOOOCtOCttOtMJ ,,,,:j:,,i;:;r'l.ll,11 .,.., ,., N...m ., . . ..-... I iwm eurml ? in..! 1 1 iftl it mil mm iiiim IN hv dim ini 4 .. .. i ........ .. ......" Cll on or Wflte i "v" ,,,M '" rn , "" '.'.. ' "''" .,,.., i iiuMit mill wircuiuB un'iii. i m-y uti .vwwtww..w,wT, -'"'--A ' 'Ili'V fl.lllllH'IM'Cll III M'llMIK IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE J ib-.u,,, ,.i u... riip ku , N NEWSPAPERS f5 iTIii-y IuIch'IimvmI piuiH of tlm .....I i . iiit 1 1 i kni nit ilk. iimi hi lii it ANYWM'.UH AT ANVriMU Professional Cards. !E. i"j. Straw, M. p. I'HYsFoiAN AND SUtKt-'OX 'PiTial ittttMitlnn iiillea(4iif the Kye Kar, Nwho mid "throat. tili"i.-H- llttii'l. )flico tu StMigstackcu cc Stttith Htiilditi':. i .. .... .......n i mi'iit nun H'irr B.C. DAKK S AUYmtTISlhU AliMMi !u,,i .,i,yiH.ui i.iT.,iin.i rUrm.:,.. i,.- 6-1 Ct 63 Merchant Hxcttnngo ? i-m it.l. rin-, hiIuiIhi.Ii-imI U ! HAN I'MANCl.tCO. CAI.. jj 'mill tin. iivulilll' l"t ju'llf". I'.i 111 OOOOOCttMJCJOOKftCJOCCC'i 1 Aug. -), U ' ' "Vi II pir cfin ul 1 1 tu tit eeM' wi i ettlier won or progH-i, Uing fiivirhly . Tln'ii- bi'iiijt nnly iliiitifii p r iit WANTED iiinn fur ttiniiitKor lull III iitiill ill !li! lor- Im a k.nhI ...i-uliir for the Hglt rn7;:.",l""71 ".,.'"' ,,,fV4 until. Kliu(lyKheg.H-, v.hei.,M',;,1,"."tr, ' '"T.'8 "i J ,!'" vriiin.f ' iii'i.' nml tho elimi'iil ie miM i.f tho rtrniiifc. ,. , . ..... ,..,' ...1 , , ... .11 ii'ir 11 -mi '! llfllHl.liiiwnr.iriiiHinji;riirrtHitrt-rftrf,nllri.B ihtt MIM M(,r,. .ati.tlil iniri wo uiKii 111 iijitii 111 ;nir viriiiiiy. iBM(j (,.r,j j, (,t IHO-HOlUlll Till- pMK 'I he A.T. MftrrlM Whiilewtlo llotice ( Illi'lllllHtl, Dili". Illimtrated CatMlogiio I ft. "hu:in. I -.'5 at i' 1 1 .ki. iio piiltt.hil mid I l.n li' nil. I la "HI itiill'Mlli1. AdlfrifiM .1 .:in J. Ft'lMN (m.mia.w, 4.'t oiit fKiin 1 v st , KiniM'im'ii, t.''l. i It is giving an outline of the im por ant news 0' the world within 21 jiours of Us occuranco , and the more important the new 'he lit'ler the out line. It is going about il busiimds in n businc?sliko manner, with no pre judice for or against any class or in dividual, not as an oigan of any por son or action, but as a newspupur. It is giving Marshfn-ld, in it vs changes, in the nvvpa per di rectories, jn tho rdllcas of the big advertiser. pud in thu eye of people who iin pinking inquirien with a view to lo . eating hore, the credit of supporting Now, however, the tinfc Upproich when it wilt be noce3arv to gt down to luiinoM. It cvhU moticv tu ittn a ncwpMr and e.apcetitlly 11 lUHy, and uosntitlt p 1 jjor run hvf on rub seriplloni alone. If lht bu-iineM men of Mar.-lifiidd nre iuclimi! 10 onenilr .igo tht enterprise they will M j;irii tht opportunity to doiinn mto the fact. Wt urgfj them to ll.lnk the matter over. a, b ready to tttk lniiiiris. It luirdty irmu reunsary to argue he value of thediliy a 'in mlveriH. iug meilium. It is redd by mors p) pln in Mar-V.fii-ld mid viotitity than O. W. Towor, M D. PHYSICIAN AND SIMM I ICON. Offer in Si niiiwt-f 1 id mi ni : i'i I 'mm lr"l, M.irlifir'.l, Oihjjoii. W.U.'lJousjas," ATTOIl.NKY AT LAW AND V. S. CDMMISSION'KK. I"rot iwl, N'nrl.Mtl, Oirjon. Mn Mr n igMBBt&Bfa Prices $5 to $150. yyrl:. mitn &vts nr V3fBr&a00BSB iki John F. Hall, ATIOU.N'KY AT f.AW. OlSc In l'.l.lmid U'ock, I'fpul turn, Wftnlif.rM, Orrvon. AW&&BED THE &K&MS3 PRSZE AT TH P&tttiS EXPQSBTION. O. F. McKnight. ' ATTOUNKY AT I..WV Ofllcc in the Heuutttl & Walter' Huildiuy. .MAISKIIFIKI.I), oitiuin:;., "WTA."Toye. ' DKKTICT. Oflke rtnirH in IJIdoredo IHoek. : : OKI: & A 3hIl li V ' -'ftr- Hi !. I'-Jtyf) WLl- :WZ. 7;b. JU jvFZ5lilftfeANV. tKnA!VJlS SaBlt 1 - Z3 Entertains : Everybody iiv Kvp.nrwhprp S. J w,w PRICE a ditlly Piipor, in itfolf an indication 'anv oihr-r nnliliMiimt. am! it it ! 1 " ,J fr lif ami proyrMi. everyday. It i, -in.-II hiiiI everything '' MAItSHFIK.D, : : It, In combination with the weekly, Jin it n seer, by tho m..i n-nd-! j" W PeilllGtt" 5 firing eiHiiy cmpioyme.ii t. Jive cr. Jhe roiIer of th ihily are -I. IT II lunuilll an. I i-i ........: '....,. ... -I I ...I P.-.,,. ,....cU..., ,. ,j rn,.jH;iiiiij; LKMi'iii-iun.iucu (H-op.o u 110 an- nolo I AW Ien grown peop!o niid several to buy what they want and pny for MARSHFIKt.l) y-wpwwwmvuiiM, Tina Jljf. U9.'t &l ,VJ LJ0T&.1 unit Smell I (coord. SiW .- 11 im . . . rr- -. -i . . . wt---. ih&&&- u. i '' f . Q miU. 1TlifiiA.i!.K 44. J "! 2 -3ir' f 1 . I'-iA' Vy;ifr! ATfOHNKY ANl COUNSKLOIt A'l ORK 9$&$$$&&&$$$$&&$$&$$:$i I'M A Tp ip -S -b-t o 1 ci U W JLJL I il O; 1 O fl O.UII LARGE .STOCK OP FL'ORSHE IM SHOES, HAVE ARRIVED The J-lonheim Shoe has low; Ucn raoiuizal ly all Shoe Dealers as bring absolutely the HE ST. LATEST NEW PHOGESS RE&ORBS. Grand Kccordi, 'i wli. Snull Hi. r,uU, 50c. rath. ,5 jr doicn. St-ml (or ( auJojjiii. Send $i with )our orJcr ami j;fod will U hij -,t C.O.I), for the Ulancc. QOIUMBA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY 125 Geary Street, SAN rKANCISCO, CAL, PArss?TCrn-n?VZ&!nnrV'VI..mrttfIT!Ufnt, rlff!r.Krtr..THPZ7TFTT, t.,v - fci?vaiju".u.jiseia?':--tf. $j&M3f&a!safi$& V UY GklUKtaE EBWIITZS GW.W., -Tnr-a v nawnni V ,'A-, 1 ? .- In matorl&l, workmaiiBhip . . - ,',. ,'-vv .rl. A. . . .-O T"l " . I..' 'j. . ..'. .1 jC 1 viir l.i. nw iti iu.ii.. 11. ni .'' 'i ip, stylo,' lit, and endurance they stand JK i :'V;1'feTO wuuuut j ixvdi. l'aj chto'w ft' . .'.;.v.Fy.A "iitiior u it., t nun in d.(, 1 Tm.u'h,,, ,,:,;,,:,,.'. X3TV fr&lW&Wy lT..l.ui...'..I.H '. 1 .l ,,(, OT Twenty-fivo nev lines, in all sizes. Also a beautiful assort- $ nient 01 Misses' ana umiclrens' shoes. Guaranteed to be perfect. '!. M . ... . 1 .1.. 1 - 1 .1. r..ii'i . li.' The Masti Sansatitmafi ufQ&k m tho IWny, TU-lr .('.rr vl li f. iM.1.4 .ni j, i.f th rijlntf ' -I'ipitliu . ... 1 1 1 i.i 1 1 1, tl ,11111 I 1 ... 1 II '.1 !in t llrlli. Im- lli 1.' - . j Im nn. I .1. ii-ivii.,,. .f , ,-unlIi ll I. aiU) JMk Till. llllMTTIMK. 'i (!inl.ti"n ii.t.piii.'i 1.1. '!, ul uwl wrM.i vf r.n-li f I't'i ii,rv of Uih iiiiivriiirnln ii 1 ii 11 lit '..iii.;iiii 1 :tti a iiiTiif itmi inrnii 11... s i8& I Va "Kl TNJ S -3. Ll Ob O O Li 1 iii'j tO ssaaaarcaRTOiq'ioriars I'RrsilinNT r00fl.VEl.T. wltaO-.vfcfr el Ncir cih, ( ii"! -"Mr. (ircliiM'iiinr l llicLl winii.l I Iiavf htarj cr rtiilil Hi? on' cl lltlitlnx v if ln Ci war. It nicic.' jvet mi.iut!) tourer' I" C "'fl (citing rbttj tfi piu m 11 i::j iu nvrtc tlis ;u..c." The One-price Ladies' and Gents' Furnisher. .&fg4g ''M1m MMMlKsMnnrrTsairitrncKncN Tnr. I'i'W vovk urnALti y:-Mr. OfJhutii. In tbi UWni cl l..clt, luavc i llio ttril.r Ik; ii mai.9 1I.0 iIkciIoii i!ul KVfiM I'H.Jt i.lli.fiarcej ulnuflul In. ciutrr lu rc-ttliMUi Ihcir rtf.ulailv.ta. II IS.7c.Mite rc-vHt!MiJ." ZUJWAic35"rw.,f"iMi": rr.y'!rrrtTrirTai'irini:i-s.3jtrrTj.t-'t uMihJci tluiii i-rl. ' 11 i.ii.'i)"tli) ivjblii' i:rii. Imsii'ii n i il t 1ryl101Jy no lll l.llliiilirlll Wlilill AilH'lr.lU'l'i,i Vlili.ll ci lr HI. Ul"l U.n AlilPlli"ni in nnln ii' iimi ; tlm fiitf rewoundon cftho (Kiwi :' Sps'itana. Til houfi it lis I'VI rVIIIHI r III I. II I 111. .l.Jltl.l.ll.tltli. ar..lf... ..... . 1. I... . n . 1 ill i I. . . ;'- ' .....i-hwi.-i... - K.ii.i l I n. II i I.Lill iiiip: ,111.0 wililiiri'. I.tlnrtil )'iii:ii .mil-., oumi iimi iiinn . no' n i:lv. i"inl m vni a-ci'iiti-timiiH for can vii'. in nt'tin. ACT yC.CJi. :,uv ii th II1..0 toMAKIl MONUV. Price $1.50, $1.75, $2.2';, $2.75, occo:dln! to lylc of lluUln;i desired. AGENTS W. B. GOMKEY GOMIMNY WfiMVTEB Sofa Publishers, mWAGQ .?