The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 01, 1902, Image 3

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    PltHl UMWW
Dignity of Senate Suf
fers Again
I'tcaidout Williiiinuis Dinner In
vitation t Tillman, who
Makes Krj.Iy
Windilnuliiu, l-Vli 21 -Another family
row uciMirriM in tin reiiuti twiiiy.
.Minium, or .Murviumi. r
liiirL'i'il niM :
lliiulmi. lilj' rnllonitu' with
luivlinr niMuted 1'it'Mili'iil .McKlnley
wnr.ii tn iiini, which vhmuukiou m
MccMtl) ilcclnrcil ciiihi'iI him tn viiti for
the, pi'iu't) treaty under a inlriiipprolioii'
.Mcl'uiiint wli'i win proxout during
tint Interview ttctwivn Wcllluxton and
I'lo-dilent McKlnlcy ihiirncl Wellington
with pri'vnrlciitlnir.
NollliuMnn wan hot with minor and
when he nut the ilnor iliiicit .Mel'oiuiH
tn linpiniKe ItN vnju'lty
Ho declared If McCiiiniiM would nay
to lilin oiiImIiIi tie Hi-imtii cIiiuiiImt what
ho wild tllU iwirnlini. he. Wellington,
wiiilil hiiv to him what he now to-draln-ed
lilniolf froiiiNiiyliit; out of respect for
thedluiilty of the neimte.
I'rlihurd. of North Canilliiii, Introdue
ed ly reiiieit, Mel.iiuilnV resolution
iviIIIiik for an liivmllKiitluii of the
cliurp' uiitde hy Tllltuiiu that Mcl.iturln
had Im-oii liiipropirl)' lulliii'iiced III nut
Iiik' hit Mite for the ratification of thu
treaty of I'urN.
The text of the proHldont'ri lettvr to
'intuitu withdrawing lilt Imitation to
dinner with I'rlure Henry was niiido
pulillc thU
The prcldi'til loreta that he U com
pelted to wlthdiitw hH Invitation to
dine at the White llniiHi'.
Ill reply Siiuttnr llllinun now a letter
difeiidliiK hN ouiro. wiyliiu that he
e mid IniM' ijiiue nothing olo hut recent
.Mrl.ntiti'11'rt word.
"I conif." writer Tilliitaii, "from a
c ujntry when the He direct rail for a
tliiel." llecnntlnuiH, duolliiK h n rut
Jnin In oue aiiionjf the AiikIo Fnxtm
race, and that the Protddenl hlitim-lf,
if niiti'ccdeiitH roiint fur anything under
t-lnilhir prowicntlon would have acted hh
ie did.
Ictor, Colorado. l-Vh. 'Jlth. Five in
sty olllcct. two In-re, one at Cilpplot'rook
and two at tli"Knld Held, were lilnwit up
uith dyiiniiilte IliU iiinriiln, doling
!i. ay ilatiiiiK- and Jeopaidlnini; uiiiuy
Tin crimen an lelleved to lie due t.i a
pr'c iiicrti'd clfoil to rid the district of
the hlKh Kiadei.te pillclni'-llIK' IllHtltll
Ill every iii'dauce the dentruction of
Wlion n
wont nit It
tloti I'.ivci
V, fnutnntic j
and threat
cniiiK I
nlmncn to ,
the fn. I
miliar oh
U.. .1...
t.iic fttnrtn
iu feat
til every Hidden
or titifuiiitlmr
(Miuiid. lly
nlxlit the furnl
tmeof her room
tat:vn on nf-
frmlitii.i: fornii
of uliott or Rtih-
liti. You cntri
irensou wtlli uiu
.iii-rvcii. Ncitltei
Ionic nor love
They must lie
nourished niul then the outcry of the
nerve will ... hh iiiituraUy an a hun
gry child ccj- .- t cry when fed.
l'or ncrvoii'. wo.-iumi thetc 1h no hotter
tonic and iimim llian Dr. l'ierce'n Kn
vorile I'rfsriipliDti. It cures the ills'
eases whn. a produce nervousness in
women, in.. I 'ity, ilehilitntltiK drains,
inlliiininuU in. ulceration and female
weiikiicmi. H trauquilicii the nerves,
(.'tiemirnKcD tie.' appetite, and Induces rc
fresliltiK' I'hto,
'iWlidi I l-snii .il:lili: ynur mcitlcliie I wni
lint nlilc to n'Mi'l mi my Icrt leu tuliititr nt n
time." wili.ii Mm lliitlc llurimlnllc. nl ll.
1-liriiiK hlutt. Naltvillr, Trail. "Unit fnllliiM
nf iilrru., mi t Ul'liir y nmt liver tlUcnu.-, unit wm
mi will, nil iiciviii I coulil t lot kri' till
WdiiIJ tult r.ri'.oui iti.rlN mill nliuukt illc nl
tlnivt, 1 luul M-trriil ililTcrcnt ilncturn nlti'iiil
tiu, t'Ut llu-v coiiM not il ie .viy uiioil, The
l.ui imc I Li.t 1 hiii.t I woulil licvcr Kt ill iiU'it".
Tut it liltti tint I vn taUlnjr jour ' I'nvotltr t're-
K.niitlmi' jnil '(iniiirii fllruinu iiiikiivit;
lie ,i(l. 'MUIU jiiti n wen i:ikr i nil
wiitf r ench il iv ' .UU I IIioiikIiI I Mould lilvr the
liirilliliu nil. Ilefurr I I1.11I fllllitieil the
liml two botll. 1 I wh nlilc to (jet uulhlde the
1iii nnd MH aiiMiiid the yniil. I kept ou
UkliiK the nit-.Iti.lncr. nnd thty cured me,"
l)r. Picrcc'ii Pellets cure biliousness.
i0j z n
KUiW.Tr S2jP
fin fiiiiriMi wiiii iiioir nm iMiiiipinpiit of ,
tlcllcitu ImliuiruM wiiii iiecoiupllHhe.l.
Idol In, .C, e'eh. ' II h.-Tlie Clipper'
1. I. Mnio ciiiihIzi'iI (ill California nmitt
on 1 1n tilth. I hi) crow wiiii hiivoiI, nil
lint olio mini mimed DiiiiiiIiIhiiii, hy tho
Mti'itiuiT I'maHlla. which lu'liiH (In Hint
lU'WHiif thcillMi-'tcr.
UiediliiKtou, Kelt. 1M Tlu ruiproinii
ill tmliiy Iwnd'd iliiwn ii dccMou dm
Hie application nf tin Hluto of .MIiiiioho
In iiuiiIiihI. Hid Northern Hceiirltlerf (.'oni-
puny In fimiror tin eoiiip:in
nit' KHini mi' iiiTMfin
euiirt him mi liu l-illi-tlnn.
It U mxcrti'il Unit then' U no wny In
which Him title nf tin Htuli of .MIiiiioho.
la nut hi amended wi n :i In lirlnu' It
within tlw JttrlHillitlmi of thu court.
A I'lnlllnlile Iiiycituu'iit
''J uot tiuntilnl fiirnlioiii m;vcii i'.it ullli my
ii) niul In Iml Imlfmy llnitr. ny V. Ucin.
Icl, Somrrvlllr, Intl t pnt iilxait Jiom nmt
tieti-r ciiil'l i;et mnllilnj; tu help m toilll I tried
Koitiil UvK-iln Cine, 1 Imvn tnWcri n fen
IkhIc unit inn now inllfrly mcII." Vnu don't
lut; liy wlul)oti cut, Imtliy mIi.U .oti iilrru.
If )o ur itmiiflcli itncin't i'iruI )our fuoi
voiMie UMlly it living. Kwlol t)yeptl.i( lire
lix-i tin; iloinnili' uorK Ii)' ill).'cllni: the
fool. Vnu ilnn'i lmr to diet. I'-nl nil ou
mint KihIoI l))-nU Liiiccuir nil ttonuicli
trmiMoi, Hot Crrv.)rii3 Stoic nnd SfiiRttnck
cii'i I'liaiinary,
New Yolk, Fell. 'JJThls city ww cut
olf trtdii ciiinmiiiilcatloii with the rest
or tin1 1'lilti'd States many Iiiiiih during
the nlnlit and early today hy the elfects
of the hiow and slel slnrui, hut a thu
day pasKed ctiiiiuimiJcallou was jjrndtial -ly
Chililreit Kipcclully Liable
llnrnt. Iirulvr nml cult me rxircincl) polnfnl
,i nil il iir(ivtl odrn rowh in ltot olonln(;.
(IiIIIiiii .iru ctHMhl l)ilJ to tuvh iiiMmm
Itrciutw not tocnrrful. A?n renwdjf Dc Witt'
Witch lUjclSahr. Dmuloul the Tire, ttopt
tlm p.iln, nn hunt! the wound. Ilnwnre of
count"tfit. Suic ciiru for jllm. "I)e Witt'
Witch ll.iri-1 S.dc ciireil my twliy of rcdin.i
nfuif to 4i)Ucwn y,ne hr up," ritr .uiiei
Mock. N. WVtrtlrr. Ind. "'Hie ioro Wfie mj
Uvl the tli" tolled tuo to fio drciic
ri (Inv.
Ited f iov Urn,; Sturc and SenU.icVcn't
I Hill
parrin Heard From
Writes a warning to the Pioinot
crs ami will atleml with
Conslnble Bridges
. , 7i i i
The prize light which lias been ndver -
tli-cd to couio oil at i.iuny loniiy is iihci)
loiieiransioriueii in u t iiiiiih-i-iiiih-
M-lentltlc sparring ; exhibition or boxing
iiui-.iii, mi ii, hiiiii' IUI-..1VIIMH " I-."-
ios. will not involve
tliO parilcipanis
ill the tolls id the law
'I'lin (Iri.tiii i dtiitiii.M nrnv till II tlPlllllt V
I ....-...,.... ..,.,.....,.., '
I for I'llUIIL' lit' In It IlllZe llullt either IIS
, rm..,., , abettor, and the penalty, is
a Hue of rront 1.10'vi to $.V!tH), or tin-
prisouineiii iioiii i mo iiiii".
Di'tiutv PiiweeutltiL' Attorney Karrln
has been' looking this matter up ami
has concluded Hint It Is part ot the
duties id his onlco to tako'cogul'aiico or
the loped iireiin business at l.ibby. Ho
accordingly sent lust ub'lil to tho narty
who was to pull olf toilny'H light 11 letter
or which the lollowlng is u copy:
To all iiersoiiH concerned in or who in
tend to paitlclpati In a certain nrlw
llght scheduled to take place at l.lbhy.
Coos county, Oregon, on the i'M dny t r
I'Vlirimry, llKC,
(itntleuii'ii:- t , , ,
I hae been luforined that a prizefight
is hchcdulc.l to lake place nt l.lbbv, ill
this county, on 1-Vbniiiry 2:1, 1W2. In
relation thereto 1 beg to Invito your at
tention to Section IMiSol Hill's (iregon
Coilo. and rurthor to state that It Is ' my
duty to Institute proceedings against all
poisons violating any of the laws of tho
State of Oregon.
1 havo tlm honor to bo
Yours, very truly,
K, h. l I'AltltlN
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney.
iN'ot content with this, however, .Mr.
Kan in Intends to go up to l.ibhy ac
companied by I'onstablo linages ami no
011 hand to see for hlinseir .whether the
exhibit ion is such an to break tho law.
ir It Is, ho will act accordingly.
Mr. Knrriit is dliinhtylng a coinntond
ablo energy In rtillllllng what ho con
ceives to ho tjio iliitlos 61 his olllce, aiul
does mil seoiu litclliied to shirk tho ills
agreeable or tinpopulnr part of thonn
""" wuminAL aduwj
Tho hoxliif inatch at Llhhy wnf luill
(d olf Htniitny nfteriiooii iih iiilvcrtiKed.
.Iitit It ImmiiIiI tiriiuve Ik'cii a iitiich Ichh
Hiili(iiini' iiffalr than had hecu anile!
tinted, owIiik pcrlnip.i to tit' p.v.e'liee of
Neputy I'rnHcculliiK Attorney Karrlu
and CoiiHlahle llrhtKex.
E Thexii ueutleiueil Willi III) in iiiit:u-
unci' nf tin plan outliiie.l In Humlay'.-i )
dully, tn nee that thv majesty or the law.
wni nut knocked out. They Were very j
ciiin ii'inmy rcccnen ny uie proiiiuivin i
tin arteriioon'rt eiitiTlitliiinciii nun
' were tiMMiireil Hint it would lie a boxing
match, not a prize llj-ht.
Tin attorney and Hut constnliln had
neither aiithoilty nor deslrn o interfere
with anything not contrary tto law, 'and
I the profiriiiu was catricd out with them
iiuiouk the HpcctatorH.
Two lioiibi, of lour and six rounds re
Hpectlicly wen pulled olT.O ounce rIoVim
lielnjc ii"ed, niul no Kreat damage or cx.
cltcment resulted
nilurrttaTour noivalt With Cnccarntk.
Cnrulv rntlinrtlr, enrn ronntliwtlnn foroiot
ICta.cOo. irO.U C.tflll.tlrusclniurctuudujonpy.
New York's' Prepara
Steamer Bearing Distinguished
Slow in Putting in her
New York. Feb. 22. -Tlm. tlav beforn
theHcheditled arrival or Prlnco Henry of
Prussia and his hiilte has been a limy i
inn fur 1 1 mm Interested in the reception
)..... I ....t..rtli..ifi.t .if Hi.i itlal Iff if tllulimt '
iiimniii'i iiiiiiiiuii". t.i" .....-k
i Kitest. .Memticrsoi nits comtuiure ami
, V , I.. I t. ...... ..M.Mfl.. n.l.l
IIIUl comillllicii navu ueru mjiuiiiik huh ,
Ijurryluiraliout all day In a untitle effort
(o complete t'tu final tKntilln nf their end
I at tho arniii(.iiien(i. Dvcoratcrs III
ittiinv imrts of t ue ci;y are eiiKnirn
imrisoruie ci;y are piicnKcu in
inittlnt' tin Hairs ami luiutliig and the
city is fiiNt bhwMimliig out it mnss or,
coler. The main scheme of the decora-, TiinLstnY. rrjval of Prlnco Henry
tlons Is the colors or the two niitioiis In- nt Washington, and escort to the fier
lerspersvil nml crowned with golden , man KiiiIm-sy. Memorial exercises for
eagles. Another fonn of decoration Is President McK'Iulov In the House or
the Prlnen iKirtralt draped In bunting ' Hepresentnthes. the Prince njid his
ami expiHod In windows. A great ninny' Hulti' attending. Visit in the afternoon
bronze iiiedalllons are nUo exhibited.! to Wnshlu ton's tomb at Mount Vernon.
Fifth Aveniti uud Uro.idway do not mo- j j.'uday. Visit to the l"nlte.l States
niipoll7o tie decorations. In the entlro i Naval Academy at Auniipoll.i in the fore-
fl. It'll lllld iWllindtlllV III till (lOriliall IMS- . II....H I .it AmlinmUj nt 1
trlcts, eveiylhing Is decked out In honor
or the occisioii,
Thousands of Hags or nil sizes and do
seripllnni lliitterlng rroiu windows -10 or
.VI feet abiive the lr.nund. The next imp-
" " ,-..... ..rf ... - --...-.....
"lar rail is u iirofiislon or pictures of tho
! i.-,,w.,r Hiiain.
-, V(.(.,riltim drew one ot the larg-
t cniwilr iwr iissimiiIiIpiI Hi Now Mine.
Hotolx niul boarding houses are taxed to1
j mo iiimosi wiiii visitors, many tu wiioiij
. ,V j,mrpywi hundreds or miles to
Im'Kii.ioj 1 li,t r.ijth'ltliW Tlirt t'll(llilllll'.
i ........ I.. ........ ..-...-.l ...I..1.. I... il..m.l.l
niiMi liimu.iiiiniu uiiLiii in- iiiwiifc.iv ..
,.iul.i .....inrliinttv fnr nnnndilsts to nor.'
lu,trilto their nefarious work, but if they
k,ow their heads above the surfneo dur-
! tug rrtiici) ilenrvs visit iney are assur
ed or a warm reception.
An elaborate system has boon worked
out liv tho rutted States secret service
men, ny which the whereabouts and pur
pose ot every annichlst in the Country is
known today. It will be practically im
possible for any malignant to gain ac
cess to the person of President Ho.wovelt
or Prince llenry during uio rvsu vines.
According to expectations the Kron
prinz Wllhelui, with Prluee Henry and
his suite on hoard, will reach port some
1 fc . liii.WMw;w.uaM
fe Bciuioti
UIUEOTOKS: T. U.aiiorl
tlan.J. W.-Honuett; l'RIW :
and. II. Klaniigan, VIOK
PKK8. : It. P. Willinnu,
Capital, $50,000.
ciiununudliiK thuNorth Atlantic Hquailron,)
Win iiicev imi nivaiiiiT in iiiiiiiiiiiiin:
ami comliicl the Prlnco with his
suite to the Noxi'ii IIozcii llolicnzolli'inl
which the I'leshh ill's ilele;;ntefl wil
then vllt nml itond r;rei'tiii. Then
will conn the visit ami official welcome
hy flu Mil
layor of New York, a Mt
urliviy reiiili.the IVInce to
ic sum" afternoon. The I'rliit'is
which con
return tin
will he ("nil (nl to the City Hall liy
Fiiiitilri)li A ami Troop (', mil will he
iHliei'ed Into tin .Mayni's ofllcr. There
In will be prercnfod tin priiiiiliirn.t city
olllclals and will be cfcoitcd into the
jMilermnnlc CTiiimher, where the Alder
men will beass'-inhled in special session.
The hope of the tuihllc to got a RllmpnO '
m tut! rrince iiiirini; uiesu cereininiii's
will not he fulfilled, nsiidmisslon will
tin In tut'll ft f Inn iii!ti Tftf tilntfti nf flu I
iiij ij in t inuiwii tftttjt it.iiiiii i n "v wiu
city committi'u and iirominent citizens
will bo the Kiicste. Mayor Iiw will
formally tender the freedom of tlm city
to Prince lleiuy. ami he will reply.
After that Hie Aldermen will bo pre.i
fitted to tho' tirlnce. In Hie eveuliiL'
Prince Henry ami his suite will attend a
Kiua periormaiice ni inu irvinjj l-ince
theatre, returning to thu Hohcuzollcru
lor the ulclit.
The proKriimue arranged for Uio re
maimler of thu Prince's stay Is is fol
lows: Mondiv. -Short slop nt lliiltlmoro at
H a in. Arrival at Ynshln,;U;i at 10:110
a in. Military escort from Uie PeitiiMyl
vaiila rnilroiul station to the White
Hoiikc ami thence to tte (Icrinnn Hut
baity. The President will return the
visit of tho Prince, at noon. Visits of
ambaisailors uud mini-tors. Visit tn
the Capitol at 4 p m. Dinner nt the
White lloaynt U:.'Wpn). After dinner
the Prince will return to New York by
special jrnln. Departure of the Prince
and his party for Jersey City by tho
Pennsylvania railroad.
'jVesiiay. -Departure of Hie Prlnco
and his suite front .leroy City for the
i-Jilp htilldlui; yards of the Tnwuscud
Downey Ship HuildliiR Company,' at
Shooters IMnnd. I.iiuncltiiig of the
yacht of his imperial majesty the Her
man emperor at 10:.'W a in. Luncheon
to tho President on board the Hoheiizol
lent nt V.'M p in. Visit of the Prince In
the Mr.yor of New York in the nfteriiom
Dinner of the Mayor of New York at
0:30 p m. (ialn opera nt the Metropoli
tan Operu House after the dinner.
Wkuxjmiiay.- Luncheon with repre
sentatives of commerce and industry at
VIM) p m. Sight-seeing In New York In
the afternoon. Torchlight concert nt
tho Arioit Club nt :'.V) p in. Hampiet of
press of tin I'nlted States nt ii p in.
Special ferry to the Peiinsvlvnnln rail-
roitii ni i midiiigiii ami journey in
.I.'l.ll. .4.1.1 V ... .'.I .. ....... .If. ..." ..V .
I noon, uiimcr at the (ionium l-.iiiiia.-yy.
I Deception bySecretaiy Long at tho Navy
I Department from ii to " o'clock.
I M'miay In the morning, religious ex
orcises on board the Hoheiizolleru. If
I the weather Is favorable a visit to tho
I. ..m . n . f.. l......i-
uiilio iii ut'iicrai ur.iiu iii uiu aiieiiioiiii.
Private entertainment in tho Doutscher
Wrvln. Leave for Washington in the
ovenlug by special train on the Peiinsvl-
t vnnia rat Monti.
Satimuiay. Departure ot tho Prince
and his suite for fils-Soutlievn and West-
eru tour 011 special train. The cities at
which stops uro to bo made include C'iu-
tlmo this afternoon. Admiral
n.M n n ft. jf. ftfPE Vtf Jt-r J-i inftt,
il-fltv d vi M-;
by our new Invention. Only-tftcs.3 born deaf nru iucunblc.
GtnUtmtn t HehiR entirely cured of dcrf lies'', thanks to j our trc..t:ucut, 1 will aeiv j;wc yasi,
If.'.l lilttory of in case, to be uscil jit (U'Civtl-m.
A teat live years ni;o my rilit ear hcM to
tuy licuriJtt,' In tins enr entirely.
I uli.triwrnt a treatment for catnrrli. fortlirer
tjrnf l kirl.lll. tmnticv nthrr lilt iunt t
only an oponitlou could help ne, niul tvca'tluu only tciii)orarily, Hint thcluad nejjta woc.U- eciRe, mn,inc iiciriiiK in me niieereu ear woutu in? m mrcver.
I tlicii ww youv nilvcitls'emeiil uccidcmally in a New York papir, niul or.'.cred ycV.r trnij
Uieut, After I liatU'tKed It only a few day hccorill'.iij toycur dlrcct'oiiH, Uietiisw.iecrtwJ, tt&iir,
-.o-dy. nftenhcweel.N my hearing In tl.e diseased car lias beeu entirely rettorvd. 1 tlmuli J- ii1
twnily and beg to remain
Vrv Iriilu
1'. A.
Our treatment does not intereve with your usual occtipittibn
cliiiintl, I'lttKhurK, Columliufl, t'intLi
lliniua, ilium nil', i.iiiiinviiiu, niojaiiii
poll!?, Ht. LoiiIh, Chlcao, .Mllwaukfp
lluiralo, Hochi'Hter, Syracuse, lloMton i(;il
Albany. Kn route fnuii AllmUy to Sew
York a vllt of Inspection In to he .pol
to tin) lulled States Military Acnddifiy
at West J'olnt. Krom New York Jt7w
J'rJnct' ami his suite will niakf a brief
trji to I'lilladclphln, rutiirnlrii; to Nov
Vorl: In time to take Hit thcr snilln(;
March 10.
New York. Feb 22--At two o'clock luip
aftvriuKm no'lilu'liiid been henrd TrDln
the KumTi ty'genti.
An iii(?u Treatment by Vlyeb
t .
Prtinkaidsiir'r Xle.ingXnr.qd Daily
in npilo of J lii'indclves .
No Noxtoui" Doces Xo Wcnkonlng.o
tin! .Verves A pleas J ml and Potd-
livo Cure lor tho Lio,tiu,r Iaoit.
ft Is now RcncMlly )v)Otvn and uniMaqf.
that Uiunlcnacjslsf i,'jcssc and not uciV
nets. A body Tilled ,lh polon, nr.d nervef
compK't'dy thviu;! Vy rcrjoHcnl or conitnp
UK of iffijjilantln llriuors, rcqulreian nnMcfi
ciinb!o of nrutrnlliin nnd crad(anjn this poi
sor), nnd destroying the craving for intojderinu.
huffctcrs may now cure themtcet at lioc.c
ttilhout publicity or toss of time fror business 1
this wonderful "HUMK G il.D GUftli rhk
has been jircfectcd after many )ears of doic
study ant ireatnunt oflnebriates. 7Le falthfp
use uc-ordinr; 'o d!;ctlons qfjpls wonderful di
eovery Is poslllvtly guaranteed to cure tlvc cioa
obstinate case, no natter h&w hard n drinkyr.
Oi)T records sliow the iuar clous transforstatlo
offliouvindsof Dfuntards into aoUy, Indus-'
trious nnd uprg!,t men.
Tills remedy is in no tence a riostim but is t
sfxeific for this disease only, and is so sUllfuWjr '
deviud nnd prepared that it Is thoroughly solar '
tile nnd pleasant to the taste, so that il can lie
CiVtm in a cup of fxa pr po.Tce .without the '
knevlcdi;e of the prrtpn taking it. T'hoiiMr.iJc '
of Drunkards Jhvc cured themsclvet ultli "itis"
diiceless reined), nnd as many fi'.otfi have beget
cured and nude teaiiicmte men by liavlnj; the '
"CUKE'' administered by loving friends nnd '
rcl.Hiics without their knowledge In coffee or'
ten nnd believe today that they discontinued
drinking of- their on free will. 1)0 NOT '
WAIT. Do not lc deluded by nppareqt niul
misleAiling "improvement." Drive out the UJ
eas at once nnd for all time. Ilie "HOMIi
GOLD CUPIi" is sold at the extremely loV
price of One Dollar, thus pLieing within rected
pf everybody a trentiusnt more eft'ixfcal thai '
others coiling J35 U $50. Full directions nc.'
company each package. Special mUlcti by skill- v
cd physicians when rcquesteil without oMM
charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the wcr)4
ot ice-'iptof n Dollar, Address Dpt. IC6571. '
lJjW'IN' 11, GILES JfcCMPANY, 33jo tnl
3333 Market Strco hikidclphki,
All corrcspont encc strictly condentkt,
A searchlight on the Electric Tower,
of the Pan-American Exposition casta'
rays for n distance of GO nillea. -, V
litTiMi-i:c, arca j:,
n s, ud tllU Uepl on cctttr.c Trcrse, until 1 . JJ
months, without snvneceM. coiK'iard.n Rum. .
iiltu tit Mr htuTmltftt nt Tlilitrltv. vh'j Inlft ittc I
pccinlUt of this city, wli'J tclrl me tlipi
WURMAN, 7J0.S. Eroadivny, Ualthworc, Ml
.at a iiotulus
cunr. "