The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, March 01, 1902, Image 2

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PATHWAY. : : TYM'.VIK i lire
Publteftcd Every Saturday by the
Mail Punusinxi; Co.
suiisriMprio.v katks
One )rnr. (in ailvnncv)
Mx month . ..tea
TUrr month 5
fi 00 will I rclwuetl when not puhl In admncr
We wish that our Republican
exchanges"' would say something
brilliant or hit ere' sting 6r funny.
We don't like tile looks of this
thing of crediting fo many
clippings to this 01 that "Demo
crat." The recent deci.-ion by the
suprqme court has given away
pictty completely the ptariicc of
state treasurers loaning the money
of the state and Keeping the inter-.
est themselves. One will have
to hunt up Machiavelli to leatu
how that is honorable. Albany
The Maker Democrat has the
followii:" about the Gbvernor-
. .' . 1
ship. 'Furnish'' 5 vist to linker
look on a chilly aspect. His
reception was little less than a
frost. As between Gcer and
Furnish for governor, the former
is far n'referab'e to jcnublicaus.
Stalwart members' of the party
will not support a former democrat
for the highest office in the state
over the heads of tried and true
war horses.
Prit'.s and prejudice aie poor
, ... . i
irom a uimuauau siaiuipomt.
IJefote the Uoer war conimen
i i. t
ced, Uudyr.rd Kipling never
ceased to si:? the praise., ot the.
B'ritish army and of its inviuci-
bles, a score of wliom were worth
accompany of any' other nation's
fighting men. Since Knghnd
has had to spend a quaitcr cf av
milliou soldiers to South Africa
to defeat fifteen orUeuly thou-lof
snuu uoers, mr. lnjiug nas seen i
fit to roast the "Muffed
OaJs and Sanuekd fools." The
"hsser breeds" also had their
aij:ois::i an i jyuiaii sign's,
a 1 Y
The nride of race r.iade the
? i
Spanish people think that they
were too well schooled iu warfare
(ntnnhon war wilh H.o t t..-,' (1 1
-i ' ' ,,, ,et. I tried several tilings for
States very dangerous. lheyj.;t wit,0;,t benefu. One day
pa.d Ihe price. Jmcky :s he I while looking over the Gazette,
who canpiofit by the' experience. I"?.l.iccil t,,nt 1ai, IJal,n wns
of his neighbor, and the greatest
nation iu the world today would
, ., , ' f" ,' '. ,'
do well to never fprgel.thnt pride
lias broken many a world power
vm i (i yv '
du tlie rack and twisted thesiucvs
of strength into flapping strings.
Klamath Kails Impress:
The ptoptietots of the Daily
Coast Mail expect to install n
dress' of brevier" for the daily
and weekly, and the ay different
kinds ol body types (lint have
been talking in this paper for the
past quarter of a century will bc-
consigued to the cahlion , where
none but sinners dwell. It cer-
M' . .
tainlv has earned the rest it will
get in ptiuteis hades,
bless it, the dear old stuff.
Otutijulion nml ikmiui nvtt po toethr.
IX; Witt Utile liuly RKm prouite un
.kikhi of tltc IwweU without i!htr. "I luc
Ixxn treuWiil with ollrinjs nine cti " m)'$
j. O.tStron., t)cMitw. 1ml. "I H. tiled m.iii)
riille but Little I-'nrU KmM give hwt to
Milu. lied CroM Urug Stoic ami SngM.ckn'
Nolce lo Hie Citizens of Marsii field
a'ld Vicinity
Fltu'ilnt; It noeewnvv to tnko a trip to
Sua Frimeiro for iiicllenl ttvtint. 1
wi'ii l- iy to 111 imtmin ami i'iiihh'I-
ally to tltnee vitli ulmm I linti' eniitrnet-
iit fur iHfiiofarv wnrlr T An nut ity?MPt ti
l pine more than four weok nml 1 nk
yon to unit until my return, the work n
uvtt eases liiijj well tiilvaiictHl,'
'. Patkhsox.
The barometer in Dean & Co's j
store registered 29:13
' J i
morning. C. H. Merchant says
that this is the lowc-t point ie-
corded iu manv vents. It seems
m 0
that we aic not to entirely escape
the siotms that have been rajiiii" !
ovti the test of the wor'tl.
When you wake up uith a m'd .
- IPi'llir III rt IMI IM r I) III" ll",n.
taste in ypui mouth you may' ,,u, ,M,U ,. ilCk ,i i,.f, it
, Know in.".; ru neeci a ioe, o:
i ChauiU'tlnir.'s Stommh & Live:
fablets. They will cleanse yottt
stomach, improve your apjK-tite
iH3:i. 1 hey are easy to take,
being Migar coated, and pleait;t j
iu effect. lor sale by John
J. iMerbeck, o-'lCuttka, wli
i-aJbceii visitinii his brother an
,sjMt.r. chailes i'stetbeck and Mrs
Mnll Mattson and his aged moth,
r wj,o nJakcs ,t.r ,,ome wilh
Matt MaUson.onC.V.ching slough,
- . iu lown Waiiing for the Jniiliug
the auj.,,, l0 lt.Uir' l0 i,is
A prialer Greatly' Surprised
"I nevei was- so much sur-
prised in inv life, aii I was wilh
the tcsults of using Chamberlain's
tnc tcsults ot using (
Pa al"," says Iletry
Crook, pressman of the Abbeville
N. C. Gazette. '! contracted a
severe case of rheumatism early
last wintet by getting my feel
i positively guaranteed to cure
rheumatism, so bought n bottle
of,'t aml fcelore ttsinq Uvo thirds
of it my rheuinatism had taken
Us a)u , ,,aV(i lfll ,JW, a
lhcumaJvc .pain since." S
It l i)
J',u - reuss.
old bv
You Could Look
lutntlip twttircnluliifotlicrotiilltlnil
y to which 50'T couth, II iiCKtriJol,
vllt lirltiK yoit, yen vrinilil m-cl. relief l
once anil tliai iiaiiifnuy vtuiiiu ic iinuuuu
ij Otiotanteeil to cute, Con
8 .JirP umtHloti, H run chill,
SwIUB W Asthma, iviul nil I.titiR
Trouble. Cure Cmi:ln nml CoM In inlay.
! cent. Write to l. C V I w K Co ,
I.c Koy, N. Y.. fur lieettinl I Kittle.
tl- l l.--".- III-- IL. III.... I
nan 8 viuvvr nw'ii ivn pumica iuc muuu
Lake llcifis
Win ll,ickiis niinto a olnpino tit 0
lino fnra litMt wivU.
A(ur MeUittiiiltl, I'rnfi'imor ut Jinv
port is Iioiih! visiting lti pnri'iiU.
Frank How re 11 unit fminly liuve ro
turiiul toTciiimlp. Wo ncScnim you
lioiiio,li!t arc jtirry for your Into lic
rc.ivenlcnt. Wulcniuo lite lirilit uitrin tl.iyn ,
h'liv soon t J 1 cy nijtkit us ftirKel iliu
tli.-innldny.'i ' vinlor.
Onv AmlrtiM ami fanuly lines inov
el Ui Air. Davis' lioiim wliora lhy will
' roMtlo.
1 ...... ... . ... Ula',u
'l'oiiiiii!i! in snniif pluci" unit Iuurol
' Willi Inre lnuM.
I f;'.'.rl i,,lfi,;t u ho wrts '"""eying
nl Lu! I'k(-' "luruoil lo Mrl.noI
A fine hirjjc ell; wns (oen in tho
l.'rl l.nke country lnt week , nml ly
lho Xnyt lt is u,otij;lit tl.eio .no two
' ihem.
(!li.i.I!i'nr mill .1 .!. Iintnimr N'tirl 1
j.)unjcli piul ilinnili our roiiniry on
K u aii.-i, r KmiiiM Civ
mil vieimiv vifitiiiu' Itii'inN
.Mis. M'liiilli) U'Iiii lnl Iu... li vikifilll'
. ...i,i.. .i . . . ,... . .1 ., p ..
. m"n
i ;,;::" ,wi""" "-luyiui,WoH.,iMH,cmii.,iH.
.1 I '. Q. irk Hliile romini: tin tin. I ta,,M,a u-'el"' lta- of "S.NUKKI.1CS." il
IkJ.1 Xh 1 I.M.I ! ..I Kfnilf ,li" Wt-AkA.N-ntBTi CA1 ARHII CfRK "
Irtfl Ufrk l.mln vtuK'.n wlifil IinkI "' PtH' .m hi Hhb Unltl
iluwii. niwl iM-forc h. nml emni I In-i ' Sor Cnuln on rceipt of ..r lUr. Ail-
' ' i;' l i
wimri'it jMrri-ii tn a r.ii piiiv.
Three coal chute1? are being
built for the hibby bunkers to
leplnce those knocked ofT Sunday
ly ;he steamtr iMiipire, and will
he plnoed in oaitiuu iu a few
Holland Uro.s. n.ild '.heir gaso
line launch "Union" to ty. J.
Simpiou of North IJeud List Sat-
imh.y. The considuatioii was
in ih- iiMi.hlmrliimil nft nnn '
in the neigliborliood ol :,ooo.
You will never wish lo lake
another done of pills if you once
trv CiiriiiibLTlniii's Ktnin.'icli &
.. . . .i
IJver Tablets. They me easier
i to take ifud uioie pleaxaut iu
effect. l ne stom
ach and regulate the livei ami
bowels. l'or sale by John.
Chilil Worth .Milliuim
"My cltlM U uorlli mllliciu Id ine," n.iy Mr.,
Mary HinJ, of lldrriilMirg, I'.i., " )it I unuM
h.i.uloit lir hy ttonp limit nut ptinliiiM-il n
l.ottlc of 0n Milium Con;:h ( nrf, Om
MimituC'nuJi Ciinj' H a ittru tun for c )Juh
croup and throat mill lunu iron Ion. An li'.o
1'ilJly iwfi! cure wl:U!l acts iininiill.itely. 'Hit;
juungi'st clulil ran 'tnko It with rntiru v'tfut .
'l': V.tlu onirt III:') l,liu l.iitu ntid rciiicnil .r liuw
often It helped llie.-i. Kery family shouM h.ivo
a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure IkhuI j'. At
this scnso.i oipeckiny It inny he muled 'suchlcn
l;s KUU-CrcM I)ru Stoic and'
dipt. Kdwntds found the bay
too roiifch Tut'sdav for his small
gasoline boat and stopped at Joe
Voakam's" place above thecieatu
cry. The Coos River brought
the pssengcts and Height from
the North Fork from there to
this city.
. .1
mm 1
.Vomothlnr: Paw Utulor
Tlib Siin '
AII Dixloti h.e tnal tootre C.VI.UiUn ly
lie ttw of H)ilen. Kixt. mhil.'H nml
iltiijji In xitc fiiim '1 tu-ir jsdri (lit up tin
iiiiutiuiti memlHucc lhhIiij: 11 em lui'tiv V, tjK'ii
nml blent. 'I lie hiuiIiiI rlN mnl in tlii in
Imtett lini- untiicl) iiilcn ituri) the mine iimmii
Umn tMr 1u.1l.ett limn iilu ill in run,
wliiM iti' nml oiutni"iit cnniMit umiIi die
tlUiMia .u h4.I .iml L'peiiHCril irwuitonrt
ului Iwi 'or m.iny )r,in m.iuV , if tiinlr ' tt.f
nkUIly it the timlmiiil i t ATAKKII In u
Imt x frcti-il n Iiratmetit uliKh wll Mnli ul
uteO, not CHity talk - ut once, Ihii 1 ittn.m. inl
cit'tn (.'A 1'AkHII. I) rttvnlx the ciiuf, ln,
pmf thr iliK'hr(( ., Mm I vuitnic nil mlUitimn
Hon. It K tin? tm!v irnwit) kixwn l trietHv
llmt .ictu illy inulivi Ih' ulllniiil tt 'I hi
wcmlrrful nrmrilr i lutmn nt 'hN'l.'fKll.s
nil It rMt tH-etrrai-! low wk at one
Dollar, ejicli irt tye cirumjf lute Ml itml
rkUnnal nntUiinr iiffniri't lor a full h.ciiIi
limtwcnl mlcMijll.iin; Bv.t) lu iu prt-
ttS'L'Kri.KS' Utlieoiiiypr fcciC.VTAKKII
tVUE cm hmI nnti ho recrgn.ini . .1 r
oyy m( mi poMm' cur fur ttu: inoiir
.mil UUf ttMaiK dlH-o-- lturl intUmin.
Hon qtiKkly nml piMiM-t') A U hImi mom
JatfHlly qulel. t tihcvt UAVhtiVICK m COI.U
in the III'. D.
C'A I AKKI I nlvn often IrHili to
CON.-fMITl N-"fL'irtLs- uill
jou il )ou u II a I once. It u i u ntilinnry teiu
uly. Ihii 4 tomlel Ifeatnwiil ulikh u jo.
ln) KiMr4nhl 10 ewe (AIAKKII In n
iimm.w .1. i(HciMxof.iinc toihe diiMtiwitl
j winch :ucOfiiin' MHch uacl.iB Don't tick)
tat v nil for it it one, nml mi lie full Mnrtietthm
f ar. In vmir nMillilAM umI v.. ulll.M.i& ..u!
... .
" mmmn im inn wimucriHI
aitul hi '----- .liuiau m .t !!.- . ....! M.t
,JS. ' ."""?
-....-., t ., cua vin.nv Wliri ,
v aewii.
There more seagoing vessels
in Coos bay than there has been
for a long time. Thiee .steamers
and one schooner are loaded and
waiting for the liar to calm down
so they can cross out; tevcu
schooners are loading at the
vniious mills and thiee more ate
waiting for km. in nt the docks.
."C" Viih a Tail.
The "C" wiili a tail in the trade
mark ut Caiean U Candy Cathartic.
Look for il on the ligiit blue enameled
ncUl ,)()xl j;ac, taj,ct Htam,)i;(
c.LC. Never sold in bulk. All
dtuufcists. toe.
'ietor Wiclcm.'iiu who has just
rcltirticd from a nip to .South
sUuili reports llie stiandiuij .f n
"" " " l ,":', ,0w
I'ig cicii:
visit DR. JORDAN'S antAT
ftifl I Ji'i'f il Anilom'fkl Mutftim fa Itt ,
'i I 14hit4i if y c niurttiM
ci u t nut inviirurai ii if iiMiii
Il-t4! hcvxhh on ins i.i4tb in )ytiu.
n-H'llll.ll hn.M,,My crtdldtttl i
libi(iytlffiiiwiili4Utllif ut. bflrMrx( t
''" f lii'l l.jr n Mil M. fli.41. ;
.! fftl.M fbl lluulli... A flltlrb ....I 1
i.i.ici .ui. ior riit.i viaiHr. .ml
iiiiui., ijr m, loitUA-. ijuuihu.
I, UKIIirMll.
Cnr.tulUtlon ft, tnd ilflfllvnitratt. Tr.tirn.ain.r.
onally nr by Iritti A '..III.. Curt In ao.i. iti. i
I unii.iiiiirn. Will. f..r ll.,,k I'llll.UNIII'UV r
a.A.IIII . U.i UAIL.1J VMllll. IA. t.IulLI lj.1.
Wen. wkoAhu cd Tobi M.Wit.,1. f.
if iii
Coos Bay Wholesale Lior
, , (ii(.M)i: i.Kiuoitij
cilnlfK WIN'IW ANH
pam'ily Ordorj rSolicitcd.
sow-: At Hi ST I'UU run cklk.
r.unlly onlrr-i lir l-v, pm'n
iHiHrix.ilelneii il li) t lie con-.
Will .llnlii- ICi'uulur I'riji
Cree.on Coal i J-'vifjatlon Co.,
li. G. Mannan, Arnt, Ma'ilificlJ
it u. Cempaiiy, A-o'it, limp. re City.
l'ust and
Master" Ii-nlt'ir lupl Silvern
Sin I ihiiii-.u i 1 I'dtiliiid t
MOniliolit ii nl'( 'n Uiy, c riint'
IlllUkU Willi I'.lcll 411)'.
'I Im AbblANUK ix a llrt
SiST" olnn'i iiikmiij;('i limit, nml Inn
nil l In- ii m m li rn cnnvi'iilrnciM
nml is oiii) of tlio factcdt
Slciuni'iH. of Ik r chifH,
y. x Vt 'A v, '?y x x n . Vi.
and Passenger
Rates or .Sailing Dates,
AeeuL 'i
flT ,AI VKSIIKUCJl), Oregon