The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, February 22, 1902, Image 6

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Ntf K.1 CI
ll? wi fei S) J
flr----" ' t.;-i, V" , ,'.'. Tr n ul hS
I r-iT?? i cRav?
WWJJi:&X?j I
I .r.v s
litilUTho Knd
CV iBB. &LMKL Vf M. IVM HJ ES f tW '
Kuril Peterson has accepted u
position :is j-iiiitc r f the Marsh
field public chool in lite plsce f
Dan Ki-flliii" wl.o lm ieigi.;d.
For Infants and Children.
A cdctablc Preparation for As
ling UrcSloiwchs nndBowels of
J-! Always Bought
1 Hy a ler.k in an eW.iie 1. ,t
win-, the po'e (ii Sciig.-.tackrV
! comer wni in n nsihii to a 1-
, miuiVer a milt! u'lionf to any o if
;vht unpprt'cti to lean up agai
it Inst evening.
j '111 uri ill I. i.f i .ii
ni r . rr ,hi I' .1 hr. . , f 'vi.
. I M 'I I i lljllB IUH In ti .,. ,l,
If n i hioiil , li.;nMr, li II y n tun t rflli
I oi nt 7 irT j
' . wi. n ii nil i i
.1 1 ,i t i r I ill i i
VI II I t. . VI W,I1IJ III liiltll.
,Kirn" I ilvmt It l i tali
Promotes Di$eslionvCl5ecrful
ness and Hcst.Conlnlns neither
j)puim.Mornhine neriincraL
vv ofounrsvanmasm
f7yJbil Sctst'
sAijt'w AtiFWt
Apcrfccl Remedy forConslipa
non, Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcri sh
ncss and Loss of Sleep.
TaeSinutc Signature of
new voniv.
i AjB Vi! jjiftM In
3 EliEufciRKSS
g' "' '
V xact ccpv or wka??e:r.
Bears the
? ir rMc
& j m
P In
"rank Rogers drove a baud of
7$ thoiottghbirt' n.igoru gnt
ft out Mlktuu and Ciculd's pi t
thtouuh Alltfcauv to In-.
fallict'.s place on South Coo
i . ... . .
uvcr. lie liiui tile u.m
the trip to lose 10 head.
111 I'H.tllMl., I'l.Uhl T.l3l.ilMl. ItnllAIHl.
"Ti. k , itfKkrll. i r III ,, w, t mill n !' i
r iKit Url.n for (r ti.ilt. n. Itnililet m
lll A.l.1.14.. J
luck mi j iiwtusu usuriir nmriXT. iiiti'iuttr "f iota
KtlV YUUli bLUUU ULtAfi;
I'llrn IuimI Mainiiinlli llron.o
'1 iirl.ov 1 1 inn ttui l.tiiuiiH Wornl
mil unit Miiiikiim h rtiln Voiih
ri.iitiifi, TiIim itiisii, KK(4 for
liiltrhlnu i?;i,'(i Inr .' hcUIiiu of '.).
Iiiirii'i! riynuuiili r u'l; ('iifL'Ti'l'i
l.;id in i,m, Hiiriiil I'lyun.ntli
It.irl; mill HA' Uinwn l.i'itlnnii
i'kh i.rii ht .tlng, of i.t
iirttliiUH fiiim Iti" finiiDiw In
illati Itiiiinor iMick tl.M fur u.
Itiili'lilnurt Imm (In i linpiii ti'il
Uari til Itni'li liiim wIlii iitiiI'Im ur,
Ifil-ini.toT I'M in &'i dit $'.'.u
nr nllliit:. liKiMM'tlmi liivltiil.
AililtO! I-'IIVNK KlMil'IIH,
,V. A. left for Gard
iner and'tUK Monday so
' a eainn ol ilic M. V. til
A. at those two place?. He
will organise the ennip at Scot
bur Feb. 22 and at Gardiner
Feb. 2.j.
Thirty Years
I.celiiv, laic of !t! rnsk?
wi:o lias uecn loouiuy : a lit me
in Coos county has piudia m
.the place of Joe Duvidt at !:e
inoiiih of the .'o:'!i loik of the
Cotpiille ami will n ove ovir m;-
.take jio.efsioii a s. n as !c c n
(make iatiM.ictory arruueuieutii.
m, n Mmlsm
m W Vi M il ti M M C-i 'c$i
BLaafaaan!' . stSTT. fUS
w m
Tut ecfiTun coMvaNr. ntw omt errv.
Tl;e ra Iroad company ar
bnildis! a lot i.f new Hat carx at
ihct. shop . '. o ome boxcars nrd
jduu;pc.i. The coiujwuy nie
coM-.atilv iiuproviujj their p: p-
1). 1.. Kood is havinj" a new'
naif put on his residence near the
schoollioiise. .
Ci. T. Coleman is doiuj; the
iron work ftir Feterstui's iwoleue
laiinch which is bein built on
Uayues slouch.
. .
l'rank Haynes, the Coos City
fanner was in town on buiiue.s
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jen tier's
Kidney Pills
Hill is Shott has had
box si j4ii placed in fionl
Central Diniuu room, lit
electric lights iiibide, tojuitle pa
troiis to this popular eating place
a new
of the
up Dy
'Coast nail.
)ns are lavorauie, tue nunrau-. .' ,, 7 .. 1 , T
ic will be lifted alloc-elhcr al ' the huKr p
at date. -Uaudon Recorder. roU of lhe comI a"-
jn. HI tins Je.sjK'Ct. J.K. K3lill
jiti: ployed lo do the jwiut wi rk.
jThi. biaiith 'of the co:np;uy
jlusbe"omt: pii;e a factor as tc
enspiovinsi lauor a:.i cutis cou-
I The celebrated case of W. K.
Baincs vs C. H. R. & K. R. R.
Co. has been set for hearing be
fore the supreme court on Febru
ary 7 th.
condition';. If outside
tions are favorable, the
, Charles Rivears. while break- With a view to exerciiiny
injj up an old box in his cartiei:-' needed precaution the 8Ci vices to
ter sli-ip Suturdav noticed an uu- have been held during the :st
usual color in one of the lt.vd ,autl 2nd Suudavs of next month,
and on planing it down to a jat Gardiner will be deferred lor
smooth surface was MirpiUed to one mouth. There will be
find it contained ali 'lie coldr of 'preaching seivice, tlietcforr,
thi rainbow. The lward i. a Sunday I;eb. lOth. and (r the
i)iece of poplar and Mr. Rivears
intends lo polish it and keep it
Lighthouse Constructor, W.G. as a cuiiositv.
Carroll has about finished repairs
at the lighthouse. An oil house
yet remains to be constructed.
Baudot! Recorder.
three succeeding Sundays at the
Haptist church, in ilarshficld.
A. A. Fuller oes north on Hip " Weitcroaclltllffoil Hie
Alliance. He will stay over one Coast MaIi.'s panther jne'erves.
trip and make preparations to re- . u '1, lwo pamiiersioues 111 yes-
move his family to a nice iruit l-'ay s issue: oneofarigl
Win. Ilaskcil has been
poiuled admiuislraior of
estate of his
Robett Hsiskr
biother, the
the late
cause tin kidneys to wotk an
natme intended they :.lioult'..
They build up the Hhrunkcn
tvalls of the kidneys, as no
known letuetly has been fosnid
to do before. -i
As a cure for urinary troubles
tb:y have 110 equal.
10, 25, 50 Cents 103
Rut.) Cross Drugstore-
Word has been received here
lut Al. lioothby who moved to
Can Francisco a few months ago
has decided to return in the near
future to Marshfield and will
resume his old position with John
ranch, which he owns some
miles from Portland, where they
will mike their future home.
it be-
and a
,- tween
....!. .t .... ! !
iv.civu luui p;tiuner, 011 leumiie,
H. A. Sengstacken has had
the upper story of the building
where Patcrsou's marble works
5s located, fitted up for a lodge
jroom. J. Fairchild did the car
penter work and it is now one of
the neatest lodge rooms in the
I !. .
When you lack energy, do not
relish your food, fell dull and
stupid, after eating, all you n,eed
is a -dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach & Liver Tablets. They
will make you feel like a new
:nan aud give you an rtppeliet
like a' bear. For sale by
John Prauss.
t !
The Board of Health have
given out the information that
the quarantine restrictions iuside
the" 'corporate limits of the,- towu
of Bandou, will be raised on Ftb
ViiarV 28(.providing 'no. further
causes arise to create unfavorable
111 wiucli tlte panther and
Rhode' two doL'S wie killed:
The scow schooner. FrceTrade, another of a large panther being
Capt. Fcrg'isou, which anived seen by Fred Watuer near Ril
Thursday, made a record-break- tyville.
iug trip from Sau Francisco, '
coming up in lour days. Uuri cin vkuic
lookout at Port Orford lepoits, 0AU ,M'"3
that when she passed there he' Rev. R. C. Lee today received
. . . . ... . ....-
was only touclnu the
J. II. Ilibbard's four hor3e j
team look a spin al Jarvis' stage'
landing, Friday while he was!
gathering up freight 011 the
wharf. The horses escaped with
out serious injury but the wagon
and hanies.! was thoroughly de
molished. Mr. Ilibbard va5"in
town Saturday getting material
with which to repair the outfit.
t "-'l have taken a great many
different medicines for stomach
trouble and constipation", soys
Mrs. S. Geiger of Duukerton,
Iowa, "but never had as trood
resultj from any as'from Chamb
1 . 1 .!.. .l. . .. . .
iiigucsi j inc isewRoiinetK-niu 01 nismoiiier,
at Manchester, luilnud, at the
age 01 71.
erlain's Stomach '& T,:ver
Tablets'!. For sale by
John Petiss.
II. Secver, a carpenter and
builder of Kenton, Teuu., when
suffering intensely from an attack
of billions colic, sent to a near by
drug store for souieth;nir lo
! relieve him. The druggist renl
I him a bottle of Chamberlain's
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea
' Remedy, three doses of which
effected a ppvinaneiitcure. This
is the only remedy that can be
depended upon in the most servere
cases of colic and cholera nicxbus
Most' diuggists know this and
recommend it when such "a med
icine Is called lor. For cnTe by
John Preuss.
The Flyer had trouble with an
ovei loaded scow Monday eveiiiu;
while luingiiig it from North
Heud to Mnrshlieltl. When
about half way up the bay the
sctiw was swampetl aud had to be
held up with topes until it c.uM
be lauded at the Marshfield dos.k
ttl MlllfVllll
"Amn. I Subtle
T. J. Poweis, who is farming R&I rf-'
the old McKuight place an South W liO
coon river, wuue cnuiiig tue iup KTd.
out of nu apple ttee Monday, lout ft$
his ioiliu and fell shout 8 feet, ($j
on top jI his doudlt-biltcd axe, S)
which ne was using. 1 ne ;.
of his fall c.iuie mostly on his el
bow but his arm w.u thrown
across the bit of the axe which cut
a gt'.ih the lull wttl'h ol the 'ixe
with foice enough to penetrate
the bone, making it wound that
will lay him up for some time.
He came lo Marsh field to have
the wound drcscrt nud returned
home Tuesday afternoon.
- r-
I),-!. ji.a u t:.irf-.r,v -1 ')
I . t 1. . --.1. I: t. t!-u
f.i!.iit. . fitipnT. I,.. M.iiy
vil .iIciim. work al'.in; tin-.. u. t
tin - of lliu )t-in. 'Ki I I'tlf
:., ui'.: t. ily iu if Hit 1.1 i ,iin.
'Mir I. H,... 1 ixjuii miw yiuji.
l! I Iui-iiiil' rclitf.
H Dyspepsia Tablets fjj
10n SSC.
AilD t50C.
New Hospital
Rod L.oss Storo
With a view to being
10 caiv out llie I'i'ovis
ions ol the ordinance goveiuiu;
contagious diseases, the citv
coimiciI has closed an agteeiiieut
with Mi.-. Ktlwatd I'Mitcroft, who
occupies the O'Connell icsideuce,
wheie thai lady, who is nu ex
perienced muse, will lake care of
any patients, whom the council
inaykce lit to send her.
The price agreed 011 is $2.30
per day for one patieiit, alid 2
per day for each additional pa
tieul,a very reasonable figtwc,
This arrangement is intended
to meet such cases as those of f.
trancient people, who may be ,
taken sick with a contagious dis
ease at a hotel, or other persons
who have no good place in which
to be taken cate of. 'The coun
cil rcousid2rs .this a heller plan
Urdu fitting u') u hospital of its
own and hiring filichdhuts. '
prepared Dorft FotCe
Youp Bowels
with harsh minerals vhicfi
always leave bad aftereffects
on the entire system, and v. hrc
their use is persisted In, tend to
completely wreck the stomach
and bow:ls,
av s
The on' Iiarmbss, vegetable.
t . lor, and liver vitalize!
' "-V11,
v3 rlcrjant to the tfi&te as
::. l,t uxd cs positive as the h.tvih
t mineral. No gripe or palni
K J0, 25, 50 cents.
Rod CroRO Dru& Gtoro;