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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1902)
-(l -V , y . . M" rffBogVjjtiMKKTWWWklMBWroTwl nmuPUwtiwumn Tiio Khul You Have Always ill uo for over GO years, ir ami has been marto under his per-fffi--2- , sonal supervision slnco Us Infancy. ctcA(Ai Allow no ono to deceive you lit this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-us-jrood" nro Imfc Sxiierimonts that trlllo with and endanger tho health of ilauts and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORSA Castoria is a harmless suhstituto for Castor Oil, Pavo scirie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. ,It is Pleasant. It jcoutnins neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Xareotlo Mibstancc. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroya Wornii nJ allays Feverlshness. It cures DIarrluea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation 'and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. JEWUJNE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho CaX& fee KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. fc. IHt C(NTUN CQMMNT, TT MUniUf TRCtT, MtW Y0- CIT. WMMW Coast fl&i'l ma: shfii:i.d orlgon ADDITIONAL LOCAL j Attorneys J. F. Hall and E. X,. C, F.irriu are recovering from , an attack of the LaGripps. i The evening Telegrim of Feb. . 6, contait.s a descriptive article of Coos Couu'y's coal ir.dv.siry and is ill us' rated by two view of Ciosceut The article was uritteu by Robert Starhey ot his citv. . J. S. Coke has received a fine collection of bamboo baskets, fans etc-, that were made in the Ha waiian islands. They were sent by Hugh Coke formerlv of Coo jbay, but now a resident of hie1 ;sland of Ma.ii of the Hawaiian j gioup. i When you lack energy, do not J relish our food, fell dull and .stupid, afer eating, all you need as a doc of Chambei Iain's Stomach & Liver.Tahlets. They will make you feel like a new :nan and give you an appetiet Hike a bear. For sale by Tohn Pre us?. P. 'M. German has about completed the, remodeling of Rev. T. Irvine's tehidence in South Marsh field- Mr. Irvine can con gratulate himself on having one of the most homelike and con venient residences iu the city. Property Clhugcs Hands H H. Seugstacken has sold his .svrefjidence property on tlhpjcbriier of Second and'B streets to J. C.1 Bought, and which Iia.s been. 1ms borno tho tilgnnttirc- oC Signrtturo of S2C2ESSaiKaEL:2S i. -.!!. price j a-d bcinj' vixen a r.jwo. Mr. Seng s'acken will oceupv the rfi dencc for the present, but contemplates building on his p upeny on Nob lull, where he owns some of the finest lots in town. FOR STOMACH TROUBLES. '1 have taken a great many different medicines for .stdmnch trouble and constipation", says Mrs. S. Geiger of Dunkertou, Iowa, "but never had as good results from any as from Chamb erlhin's Stomach & Liver Tablets"., For sale by Ijohu Pre'uss. Fire at l.ibby A. fire started in Mrs, Fox's residence at Libby last uight at 9 o'clock ar.'l lasted till eleven. The house was saved through the efforts of WmLawlor, AleckCatn pbell, Ik-rt Johnson and Alfred Nichols. There was consider able excitement but the damage was not heavy. - - ... Mrs. Winchester Very Low A telegram was received yes teaday by Mis. U. F. Ross, lroin San Francisco," Saying that, her sister, Mis. F. K. Winchester was dying, and asking her to come at once. It will be remem bered byireadersof the Mail that a short time ago that Mrs. Win chester was ieported seriously ill at hei home iu Spokane. Il is surmised tnat she taken to San Francisco for treatment and that her malady took a turn for the worse. Mrs. Winchester is a former resident of Coos, a sis ter of Mrs. H. lf . Ross, Mrs. J. V. Kiggs and II. S. Jmucbrake. it is to be hopcd.tliat the telegram may not be verified. 'NiVCADLOFOS' j COoVBlYRR PHOiJE s .., n.rr t:..' . i!..i hi.. I I.Imommp . I'.il Colo, of tln TVl"'u' t '" t me ul mi n jinml i.u'iy-il i j-i I'.' lll T'.V.V W t tO 'I MNll' " )"M f.i .t .iil.m.ii nii i ii'.i'.ii dtr tli" t '" iimm 'in I !t"l iw Hi" "' '" "" I it h M-txii'l.'lil wlt.irf If iMilil.- Ht'ititw Ihto li. chjhmi'iI i.f :ill Fit mii In i il (iiliwr w !'. li'illfi'M l ly l I'ljc'itiiiii iiui'iv-nn i'i " n'iu mi I I'niihiili'i.itili' lr 'it'll ! Ii'i-u i.pnin.oil aHIi it. Nnv. Iiiw unit. Mun.iiiir H'll.iiiivtii i-i.tixiili f IlilllM'If HlllctlT of llltl s.illl.ill.111, 111 I'll h i ii mill ohl ciit du'ii'iy f in- o.n Hint liy HiH ill't' iXri-lMI 'I lilti-i -nlur iiisurl-.iiM mi :lii' f "" in"!! em nun mil HrsMTl.i'" iiIihih noe e .tit at tin Mt of il i jtim iitm )it i r l fi'vil i riiy Iiik liino. I'lif I lltito li)lt.4 l( H MIHIilI u' Ok niti ut.tiliilil wiici' Hire, wr.ip null mill tntdil oimnstii iilviiiilxt'll wire ami in,''iitiis Um njiiM-Mrrtin'r if tin orilin ry wite ti te u'miii i uu Ii III illlll-i,r. 'I i w iiwt'liini Mi ti I llif ! n ' IIH '9 ir"' Wlll ! -irilT mi lIlHt willil. Vi- Hill 'llV, lniHf llini n m rt woihUt ! I l'M mJ t i! 'if . tin- n I .if l' lt illlil fll'ls rli'lMlll.tllit'- iitilinuti Miiiiaurr llnlf'U 'ii'i ti'it I'll' min' r iMieur in Cn . If mh clur lit-tii'Mii in n ii vi' i"'in I U ii itir mil U'tl Mm ' thu in lii'd il. unit Ida nrl Urn HIV iil.C 'ltt' III 'Villi H i"'' Ul'Ml r.. il..- U'iiii ...Ituiid r ('Mil t'-olmMv ffitn tiitn iiifiiiii:ill'ill (! Villllf. Wv ili.'n't lioti' !'ii-it.'ittt r t'urli' loi r$u', lil llti'V tniijf Im ,Hiirkl into tho nucii.u win-tit Ui-y dun'i s'iuw up. Only One Hid, A .special meeting of the city council was heM Monday evening for the purp lt of upttiing hid f.f nupn.vctneni of Itoiu street, im: js only one bid had been han.led iu the matter was jtpotied until l:e't. :8th. It seem that there jare parties that dciitcffjto put iu b:'.s I ut there nan ueeu ii'j ficiilty'iu j,ittig estimate of the cct of the lumber, as the mills are crowded with orders. The extension of time will prob ably result it: Mrveral bids being made. uluoufcoLir II. Seewr, a carjelcr and buildtr of Kentrm, Teuu., when MitTer:!!!! iateiv-clv from an attack i of billion-. c-lic, sent to a ueai by u'.ru to:e for wmic'.lrng to .e'ieve him. The druggist sei.t litii a boHle of ChamU'ilain' C'dic Cholera and Diarrhoea Keusedy, three doses of which effected' a jxrinauent cine. This 'i the only leutedy that can be dtjjended ujwn in themoit servere . ,ui"i of col.c and cholera morbus Most ditiggists know this and rue j iu mend it when such a med io! :i. in called lor, For 'e by Juhn Preusg. C'.IUIrwi Jviitelnlly I.lHlik Murnt. liuit anU cuU are neny iiifut ami if in !cU(l often uuili in I'UhhI puiunin' (Li'dii-n urn Mict4i1 Uttlife to Wtli iiiri.i' 1-t.tuM ntn m utrcful. A a roml i) " in Wluh llomlikilvr. HinuiotH lU fur, lo th linn, ioon toils Im vtouml. Itrtturt 'f o n.ttff'ifU. Sum tuitt for pile. "I Win's Wueh II.uiISaI cwcil m UWy of ucim ifler two p4i)cwrisgil,li:r ." vsrllM litmus Motlc, Nt Welntar, Intl. ''Hwmjiu wro to ' thu klic Vil'wJ wo id fivy (lrn iliy. H' l ( ro liru,; .Slw awl S.fijjjiaelwrii I'lmr rraty. i:lnfntr. Vmir !1oue:r. rilli C'uieartii. TiiiOy f'-illiiirilc. iwiro coiifllrrfitloil fnrotc t(u Sis. JrCC U.(uIl.lrusii'.urfuiJi(iuiior. The tax 10M for, 1902 was turned over to our FhciilT last week and he a now ready to rece've taxe" on 'he same. The taxts and assessment rollr,, sire much more complicated than us ual. Notwithstanding thi,s i.ey were,.delivered-to the..sharifl spvr eral day's earlier than usual. Kiiioiisniiss litsi' a a u a km iP n i wva'w linso ) nir viiliiitlilo !"IN71 1 1 C . O'N 'l ii'nl ' 1 li(vt, ruinn'i I ii.i W.lli.iill t in I l . ' il llui 1 Ii rnicil'iiio (,r 1 ti 11 11 nil ' H till 1 I'll i" 11 im jilii.U. rt I l!d .1 f ml Ilk It to 1 u iv 1 tit (I. I ' ..'II I'll 1 i r I Kill Mil III. Ml III 11... f... ' 1 .t.r A M.vii. Alt iinv. N. . j0.irjv irmrii candv . ." CATH.SMTICi Tt4 ?iriflTO ow1 w&wmmw iitioi Kim niotatritco I'!mhhI IM'i'i'- ' IMfltl T.uln (Ion.1 IV) UiM.1 Vnr'i M'H t Ski 11 if In ihi IU', -. lOt ... CURE CONGTIPATIOIJ. ... 4.iiu t.M.ii I......, tki..., M-.11..1, . i ..i, i Mn-Tfl.Rnn -i m.i iiivv'Kt it niitnii- uwivMiiu i..ui.) ri 111. iiMkii-e 'in lilt Ml. .NEW I.OUGK INSTITITLI) i UI)I:K GOOD CONDITIONS I.mI iiiltt a i(ti-(,Mli,tii of ,i,ilcri U'luiilini'ii ut Anifiii.i mint f.-mii Hun Jl'iHI'. ii('inill llll'il liy W.A. Win. In UT, D. II. I. Ill lll-ttll' II l'llllll I'f Mi'ilfll W'oihIiiii'Ii nt .Vol Hi til-Ill I In nif niln'M iiii-l in tin Itunl It iU hiiI urio uitfii" tlii ittvler.t'i "I W'lNtt!. I ill ttll.l l.llUiM HUM I'lliMI'll tliul uilillril. TIih in W I'limp Mill Ih. bun wins N'ltr'i, H.-t ('in.) N n Ul The f't'lirtiiijj Hi'fu 'iitiinu ilii fTli.iilfr tin iiiImt I, J. Miiiivmhi, f. A Umi'Uii.ii. II Mrllr.O. W11K, K II . I. ickmi'Hl, .I.T, Win Tnrn. .1. A. M .li-iiii. A. Itriiiiiiull. l. Miiiiniiik,'. M.A. I'mlili l;on . (i. Oh in. 'ii 11. .Nilfi.(i i-1 11 1 Mm. T (. Id i'i .'. IImi , K. Siin.nii , ,. I.fii. Illtll I I'm tiui.l. (J. iCiilniir, II. A .N'HLb. I). II. Il.iriini. Affi ili" ifg'tliir I'veni'iR'n Ininininn of limtiUtlliiX tin I'Mlff 11 rlMin tmi" nu linl, ii itfhb'.r Wi.ulii'Vi'r iihIiiIk. intf tln uu iiiIhts hi h WuimIiii 11 ' .111 1 nk i r. Tli.' N'.'iili H-ni' I'imiiii lrlcil tH' in tf'.o t Iiiiim- Hint il I-. Hid dr lllll-l' I'lt.i-ni tltitt Um IimiIht client 11 nf It 1 Ih1 illly i,; Com filllllty Mini 1 hut iIim iii-w i.ttnji lliriu mil Im m llui- m rninji a tlii'iu In llio iititlt' 'I'ln-Ii.ll. imIiiu odl'-rr't wfn I'lffl.-il mul iiilnllfl V. C . K. A. Krivlxiit . W. A .J.T. IIihmit; lix-'i'llnit 1 1, um. Tin pin : (Jltirk, I'. II. 1,'M-k-hikmI; i:t'iiii, Hiirlun Mntthir. wirh man , Crl M iniunj; ; Hmilry. Itiiriinill ; l'liyicimi, Dr.'. Mhihijci i. I ji'iir, M . A. Ilriilrifk-nt, '.' year, A KrieU.jti, !I tciiiii, 1'. II JKkttwml. The Teachers' E'aininalion 1 1 The (cachets' examination which is to take place iu 1 r...i.i tt..j 1 mm 1 1 iiciu i-uiii-N i;iy, 1 iiiutn.iy ami Friday of this week, will be held at the I.'laueo hotel, arrangements having been made with the pro- j prictorx to that end. The parlojs of the I'lauco will he utilizer, au.l will furnish comfortable quartern for those attending. A. I). Wolcott went toCoqiiille City Monday to accept a position as deputy shciifT, under Steve Oallier who has a rush ofwoik on the influx of tax money, many people taking ad Aanlajje of the 3 per cent premi um on taxes paid before March 151I1. Mrs. Alfied Johns of Coquille came over on the train ycfslctday to visit her husband, who "s em ployed iu the uiilroad uihc'iiue shopr. iu this city. - An appropriation of &1500 has been made for the put pose ol electing a new light house at Cape Ulauco. HORN. HOLM AtMarshfield, ..Oregon, Feb..r5. to the wife of llic 'late Giis Holm, a sou, I jdMf. $ v mj) c xwiiW x. H SALE Pun- l.rcil Mniumnili UhiHac '1 111 Li-) 1 fu'ii: (ho IiuudiH Wikm! ni'l nnil MiniK'M Htmlii' Tlitrtu :. 1 1 null. Ti Ii tiii.n Ktfff fur iiaii l.linr Ji.ijn rni" 11 Hi'itiuu n( V. J'mihI I'lyilinntli Itoek 1'nokiMfI : I ..VI In .".( , Iliincit ')'intiitli I ;.(( mill s. c Mh.wii l.'HlH'iii 1 IT" 1 ll.rii i'i' 'i"lii'y. 11 H ilHIIKN II'IMI Hi' .tiVi ir ri.ui Hiniii. r tini'k ttJ'i fur H. II III IIHIIIU I I'll! H W''' !" iitcliliiiC fhiin tin im. Imititrti" nrjinl IliK'k lii'ii'i Will rwiinlt i II11 1.M.I.YM.7; i'k!iu In I1V.1 ilavi 'tto.1 :) iir MttliiK. In 'j'fft Inn hullo-.!. Aililrrn Itiank HimMW, ..,..,...,,., .11. 1 KM I r Ir.LI) onuanN Look Carefully lo Your Kidneys, Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to wotk aa nuttiie iiitettdeii they should. They build up the htunken V?allK of the kiuiKfVH, as no I'.uuv.ii letncdy Iiao been found to da Ix-fute. A a cute for tirhitry troubleo they have no etpial, Ii 25, 50 Ctintii i Red Cross Drutj Store A I Subtle I Foe I);. jl.i Ii t;nrTyM il iu h.!l I 11 i.wttt. I. (U'i'v.-ii Um u:i''tniv. Ilk Htffutr. Id 11 !iiiy v .ii in u!.i'Miit:i.liiiut!i' vri ',.i-l li.'n-i i.f tin hyt-U'iii. 'i'i I. iMlo ti ill- t n:i!y nin- of thi inlit in. t:r NxiMi ti 2.';i,n 11I.1 . 11 ! tm ( nr l)w !Kvl.i'l' il.l' in'Ue iniiiil t :. 1 i I.i t.' , 7i'l. I. GILES" Dyspepsia Tablets 10c, 2Sc. i Crcor. Storo Dorit force Your Bowels with harsh minerals which always leave bad after-effects on the entire r.yslcm, and whsrc ih:ir u:c h persisted in, tcirJ to completely wreck (he stomach r.nd bovils. ..USE.. Edgar's Cathartic Confections The only harmless, vcctablCf bowel regulator, nd ver vltaliree known. As plewant to the txitc as caniy and r.o positive as the harsh est mineral. No Rripc pr pain. cm 10, 25, CO cents. Rod Ci'oso Drua Store. r r'