The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, February 15, 1902, Image 3

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ft 0 M
ll ix niivv tliinulil that llmwnii" mihI
U"iiilni , to ii Hie mill whiiIimI in
Jlllll' I IIII'lM'.! (ill till HlllllIlM lllll'l.
lllilll tti'lnllfti.ll IhhI ihcimIi Iiiivi) hl'l'll
III (' mi. I'Miiniy Un'i-iil'y. Alnilll I ho
Ith iliy ( tliln iiimiili inn liiinii'i'4
I'rtlli-il ill .ImIiii Vinil.iiiii'rt ciinip mi '
ii... .. i ..... i i. .. . ....
mi- i -' ii Mini Mini K'n n.ciin ihi , run
ins' ' tljry mm fr.nn ItiiMliill'
lool, n n; (in ink. A ciniplH of il iy
liiliT tiny jiiimi i lint i'iinii njiiii, I'll
iloitlli litiiili'il (or Uni liuix.
Uu ." itiiiiliit( niir iitnix, ll-ii Smith,
nnlii-.ivH) in fiMin iii'lnii'',fiiH' the
men at ImIi'.i' mnl dillonl ivith tnoni .
'I'licv xiiiifil iliuL iln-v Innl nit runic
.... i. in. i.... . i
ilJF ,. l.., tll jv.'lfl iriy VIIX'I'
in llii'ir tiiliiiiiiii.l Mr. Huiilli my
tli it lie iliMiMiiilinii nf tint two mi'ii
liiiln 'I villi linn u( tin iwn nii'ii
It'll till it ill S ii I'mihi'IpT'I. m pvi-n hi'
Mm KmhiiIii. .k liu fi'i'N I'Hiiliili'iit
llml tln-n wi . I Ini i.mi. m. m M'lc
ilmiipii ".i liiniiriii l)iii!liN I'oiniiy
mi In- itniviil licic, ii in I tlm men limy
In iiii'knl up l( tin yMiuwr llitiiiHMlvtio
in )( tnirf.
M ' 'hull (Jut tin ',4 theory Ulhnl the
1111 'III ! I'll III 1'lllllnilll vlllTI (Mill
nft i- flit rt nrri-rinl it mi ii; nr mi
Mj'i . . iivn j'lnijM'il din nviT
lunil ii ml pit tn liiiiln .S.iMJ'.'ny lllilll.
I. 1 In ; fiililiiil tin tniit llii'ic, it ml
IMiiii'ilnttii tlir l'iiiuiiii mnl iIipmikIi
tint lin k nnnii , h vhI.Iiii llm Invvin
Tin y ilnl nut .inv up m MnmlinVM,
nml i uliiuly ruin ImIiii tlml I III"
I'oiintiy Would llii'in tin iinliini
mill Unit they Mould liftliT fciltiUt.
l!0R Till: SIUSLAW"
A ntiiuto lit UT frnin :i rmlilpnt of
I'l .nf. iIhIisI I'VIi. nth, ivch Un fnl j
t'ii:iK tniii iiicri;'iiini nr iiivllurtllnu
mi tin' miinh;v: 'iln-rn m all l.imh nf
Ininl luck uitli tin' m'Imuii'Ii. i-u' nmv:
inn' l)l!iK Wli'ckril ill lift lll'iiltli nf tlu
liiri. i.tiotliiT nil the Wiiy. fltn lull '
li"ii.i i f"i aiuiitft two lintnllM with im I
f'l.iiii" Jo ct utli it tliiTf U niily I'ljrltl i
f. 1 1 nl wiIit nil tin' hat' nt oUri'llio liixli '
tl Ii-. mnl lint itmrc niit-lili. iutiilixl
tlti'in tlif WIiij mnl WIiik w llli nil tlii'i
p: hi l Mil Inr tin Minn" ul mimi' nml
Amir, li"t it mirk nf ll'lir In lie tirul nil
tin' rh it fnr lino nr in urv. mnl tin
il il turt'ii iiiitrmitintl. Ilnw'rt Hint
f'T llf MlWlttW'.'
Trouble fof Phones
Tlic IIj;1iIiiIiik Krliluy nllit liiiriicil
out ilni ligliiiilnt! nnvHlniri In tlii)
MiichIiIIi'IiI I'ciiiml dilli'o mnl ciiiikciI ii
tciiiiiiriiryniitM'iixiiii nf cotiitiiiiiilciilliiii.
Tin Ilni' Up CniH liter wum iihn liiiiick
imI nut nt. llic mime time, ImL MniiiiKi'r
Ilnlll'l'tlllll CXJICvt ' (II l(l'l II illtl) OjUTil-
tlnii ii;iiln tmliiy.
'Illit Unit iilTmn Itnjruit ilvcr, Wllii'll
wiih liidl.i'ii liv lin wncliliiu mil cf it null'
In tin' livi-r. Ih liiiiln In npi'iiitlnii. It
HciiitH IIikI It, II. Iliiiiin liml a iiikii llirrc
piitlliit; tip Miiiiii' pi'lmto ti'lcphmiit IIiich,
nml MiiniiKiT Itiilitt'liKiu. liml liini tniilic
tiMiipiirmy ri'i'ilr-i, Iih(imI nf thIiIiik
iinlll lie I'liulil mini it mini ftiuii lieru.
A rrnlllulilit lnvi!tiii.'iit
' I n ln.iiliti (or iilout cen )cun ti!i my mimI In IkiI linlf my lniwl"jy l'..Ut'ii.
Ilk, SufflCti:r, ImI jnit iiIkiiK IIOixi il nil
nt-r ("HiM gn unvililnu lo ltvli me mi III I truxl
Kmlol t)rt)Milu Cine, I lin tnhtrti n (ti
lxlllt mnl inn nmv rniln-ly fll." Von don't
liir In wliHtyoH t, tMtliy tHnt Vi illgcit.
If )0 ur tuirtiHli ilonii'i i'lm,,)on (ckiiI
)tHt.u illy Hnrvmif. ICmll lK'pl4.'iiif
il'x ll MoiimkIi's v.iHh Ii)' ilifrtllni; ilw
(i.ul. Von ilon't Iwvi' to tiki. I'M all oti
vrnnl HmM Dyit!4 Cufeiitm H umiwcIi
Irotilitct . f?M (.IO-)iuj Store Art SmglUil.
m' llM4macy.
Aw.nulcd to Uoenl People at lair
l:",uics Si ccnlalots
Slim Out
Murnlnli'lil miliwriliT tn tin ilnlly
(ni-i .M mi. Infm in im that M'Vt'ial
Ilni " lati'ly Im Inn fniinil (iipiiN nf tin
papu In IiIh milk, ulili'h In- let" fi't'in
t i ' nwr, iiii.I lie 4.i)N tliat Im ri'itiU i
an I illKi'rttM Hut .Mn. nmiititlly I'Vnry
i.i niiiiu'. mil i'.im'mi'i nil ' In iH'ifnriii
an iMiiiri pliytli'i'illy. V m"t to
IIIH' t IKW llll'l Htllwi'lllH'IM Willi rii'i'ivc
tlii'li limit in thi'li iullkV.UK that limy
Innk in all llm can until limy tlml llmh
M ill., wlnrli will Ih Hi 'in fM-iy ilny ix
ivpl Mniiilay. It H ui-il tuinlil dial tin'
p.uty wliu lm Im'i'ii M-aluiK Coast j
M.iii."i with li t h milk ii niii,lii''l fnr as!
In'iiin MTiipulniisly clean lu liaiulllm; j
hi-, prniliici, mut tin 'ii hm' pmliHlilyj
Mich In tlm etui wlicii tin latter Im:
Mil"!"!. Ilnwi'vcr. if lie U KiK tin
Mitt, iim a premium, we cm kiikki'.sI a
lieeii li'itlltf.
Tin' t-'iitli'in, in wIm Ii;h hen tin- re
cipleiit nf the estracnpit'N nt llm paper
was Hiiuu'wliat I'Xerci'Cil tn miml an In
W'hethi'i Iheli wai iiliythliiu' pnixntliiliH
iiliniit pi'illtei'H lul;, lull he has I icon an
Hindi that tlieie is imt. ICvery uppreii
tice in a print Hliup Ik mipp.Heil tn cat a
quail nf printer' nil; ami m-wmi pnuuilH
nf ru'ili'i cnuipiHitinii iih part nf Ills initi
ation, ami thlri is Nttllli'U'iil pinnr nr their
Mitt, a.s a premium, we cm kukkcsi a
liitlei inethiNl nf ilcllu'iy than liu hai
Sonicthiua That., Will do Yut
We know nf no way in which wi can
he nf inure service tn nin rcailern than tn
(ell them ut KnliiethiUK that will lo nt'
real (pintl In them. Kor this reason wo
want tuacitialul tliiMii wilh what wo
cnnslilerunour the very hoHt rcmu.llcrt
mi tho market Tur cnin,'hn, cohln, anil
that alarming ciunplatul, croup. We
refer In Chainln'ilaiu's Clinch Kciucily.
Wn have nseil It witli - mil i;ooil ii'Mitln
in uiir family mi linn,' that it has hecomo
a liouhchohl necosstiv. Iy Hm prumpt
use we haveu't any ilmihl hut Hint it
him time ami aalii preveutcit croup
The lestliunny In Kivou tipiit our own.
csporioniv, ami wo mikuohi Hint mn
leiuloiv, especially tho:u who Imvo Hinall
chlhlren, ulwaj.slci'i'p It lu tholr liiuucs
us a Hal'cjiiaril iikuIiimI urniip. Camileii
IH.-0. ) .Miv-Mi'itgor, J-'ur Halo ly John
The I'lMtnOtcu Ili'lWttUU'Ilt htlri nil"
liouureil thu awarding nf cniitniet.s tnr
rnrrvliiK liu uialln mi cevcral Mnr rntttm
in the Uertcru Hlativ. fnr the next four
The new riil. that liM.lero iiumI live
emit lnniM tn the iniilis the Mil nil has
hail the ipuxl elTei'l In pliifiiii; tin.' cnn
llm Is in ii ureal extent III llm IlitllH nt
t!n in mi wli i pmp '' unto tlm work ami i
lint ill the Iniiuksnf Kinteru liniki, wlmi
exHci tn catch Hiif'io.'s to mihcmtr.icl
ill a Htanutli'il limine.
The en! tn tin tfverninint will lin
ubniit :m per cent lillur on the avcrftst
i.ian umiei- tlm ntii cniiiruci.'. nut tun
senile will tiliilnulitcitly ho eorrowpoml
luuly lietler.
Tim fnllnwIiiK iont are lnwiU'd in
Ohm, Curry aim !'niilnu. unit Hieawaiils
will he .if Inlcrirt In icailcis nt thU
Alh'Knny In Mitrhl1eM, IS UiW. hi.
times n w-'i-k. K. C. I'T.iihuhu, tl'l'i.
Iliunlnii tn L'liii;! il.'. ti mlli, llnee
Unman week. A. Ii. llnyt,1fcjn.
Hrliljce In llmirrnfl. 7 mili. threo
tliimsa C. Kmlicntt.lTI.
.MarMillMil to ('.tiptillc, Hitler, six
times n sve Ii. .. I .Mi;lln, !.
IrllHelil tn Nnitli Jtcllil. li IlliliM. sev
en Hum a Week, M. I'. IVmmwniw, $!J!iO
M.trshl.'hl, hy Nnrllt Iteml, .May. Teni
pilt'tu anil S,iuimiiu. U (i.iiiliuer, im
mlloi, thrt'o ttniM a week, I". C. Cast,
(iaiillinr In ctt-iur. 1! tulles, uir.
tlin.M a week. (. II. HIiiMlale. w:.
Drain, hy r'lktnii tn .Scntti'liurK. :ts
miles, hIx i I hum a week, 0. It. Ulnnlale,
ItitMiiurg. liv LnnkiucaliisM. ltestoti,
Hltkiun, Ultra, SlclCinlcy. l'uniov,.Smn
hit ami Marshllehl, tn Umpire, "it miles,
scion Union u week, C. H. Hariutul nf
KiHohiiri;, "JT""".
H'sehurj,'. hv Win-tnit', Hroiir.vay,
illalla, Camas Valley. Itemote, Itriiluo
ami Oak tn Myitle I'nlul.iil inilow.seicii
times u week, II. I'ontnn. if'iiilKi.
.Myrtle I'nlut tn Kckley, Smiles, twico
u week, II. I'Vntnii, n"'''.
.Myrtle I'niut, hv Hm-'. Unguis ami
Deniuaii. to dirt tirriril, t:t tulles, six
times a week, l. Kmipp, $21 17.
Myitle I'nlut, hytlravetrnnl ami l.eo.
tn I'airvlow, Ui) utiles, nix tlmiM a week,
M. Nystrniu, "I'l,
Kill ill, ny J'.teiKii to .Myrtio rniui, -i
miles, twice a wiick, .1. I. I lay lies, SUM.
Teinpleton lo lake. 5 tulles, twice a
week, il. 0. h'enyon. if'.irt.
.Myrtle 1'nlnt, hy Norway, AriiRo, (o-
travel by Sell
AriivaH hy Arcatii, Kel'. !i:- W C Mill-
sap, .1, Mrs LIiiiIkicii, J J lltix
en, MiH Weston, II 0 lluclcer, I II Col
toii', wlfo anil chlhl, )t A Jolmwui, I l
.liiliumni, C K Amlrinw.J Holn'iin, I'Sitn-
rord, M1m Alh'ii,.! Joltnrun, r .lenmii,
II l.nmlmnll.
Tvcn(lclh Century Medicine.
Casrarcts Candy Cathartic arc as
far aliL-ai of ancient ill pohon'i and
liqui( ihyic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine .stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, ioc.
Tlic eloctrtcal storm that pa'Sctl
over this sectiots did considerublt:
laniaj;e to the electric light
plant nt Coqttillc City. The
fuses were all burned out and the
arc dynamo was nearly mined.
Cotpiille will be in darkness un
til new fuses can be sent from
San Francisco.
An nKcu'oui Treatment hy Which
Drunkarilsari llolng Citroil Daily
in Spito of Thcniiiclvca.
Xd Xoxiniis Dfvu's Xo Wonkriiin: nf
the Xitri'CH A pliins'iml unil Po-i-
livu Cure tor tlio I.innoi Ilalnt.
Myrtle I'nlnt, ly Norway, .riiRo, i o
nl ill. itlveitnn. I'mkeihliuri'. l'tiMiier
mnl lliillnnl'H to llamlon, :m miles. Hlx
times a wcek.T. . McClusky, 7o(t.
Chetco to Smith liver iCul). 10 itilliw,
six tlnuH a week, W. A. Chillis. ll'..
Kckloy to I'nti Oifonl, 2 intlos, tmco a
week. II A. (iiteriiiiiu,
(inlil lleach, hv lrma ami Ilaiimr, tn
(imtcu, 11 tulles", six limes a week, T.
Moore, itl7Kii.
l'oit Orfonl.hY NYcilll.'i hum to (iohl
Deitch, 111 miles, six Union a week, S. K.
MasteiH, ijtllii.
Ii mnv Kvmrolty Inftwn Mil uiiitentooil
that I mikiiHM U a ilHentc anil net wmU
mn. , A Iwxjjr fittest v.ltli jkiUwi, nml nofie
(.stmr'-uly i ittereil liy erkxtlcal or cotutmi
ute nl int(nlHiK Htton, irmfam mi nlli!of
citpntiteof nriilrnlUInK and ciatikalm t)n pui
im. nml ilmroriin: tho craving for Into
Sulfvrrrt mm ihwv (tun lliniwl-r hi Ikhih
hIiIumu Htldtcliy or lou of tlm from liutlr.rtil.y
HiU oiMlfHl "IIOMF. C, Jl.t) CUKtC'' ulnch
Im lwtn m(.-cteil ntur nvny Jems or cto
MiiJy i"i'l 'rciim-Mt ut loebrlmf. 1li fultlifu
nw icKilirt lu itiiKTilunt of tills uomlnrfiil UU
emery It olttvil .".iwnniimt to cure tlic mail
nlunnato cr, no innttrr liow lianl .1 (llinUcr.
Our troooU iIiua tlic nwmeloiu tmn(jrmition
o( thwt.imt of Unink.iriii into kotier, Imlui
tiwu4 .iml nriKlit incn.
I'liit rrinnlr U In noMnco nrMMtriiMi Imt It n
Mlfic for till illwrne only, ami Ii o lUitlfully
ilelinl ami tluit ft It tltoronghly totu
Ih'c mnl nliMWn.t to llic tatle, to tluit it enn be
Kiuii In .1 cup o( tea or roiTrc without the
LiifwIiNlgc of llic ccrMJii laVint it. 'niuutanda
of UnmWirit. hivo curtsl lUeinveUi'i uilli ill
OiloeloM fvimslv, nml :u m-iny mote Imvo l.ccn
(Uttsl .iml 111.11U9 tfiujeraie moo by li.iiie the
"I'UUU" nilmlniiteroil by luting ftlciuH nml
rt-Mthe wllliout Ok'Ii .i.ulwljc In lofTcc or
lea, nnil Ivelieve toU.iy tluit llioy illscoiuiniit'il
IrtnLins of their oaii (ice Mill. DO NOT
WAI 1'. lVn not be Uoluilul by nptirciu mnl
iiiltlitiilln "iinproieii.cnt." Drive otil the (lit
ime at otico nnil for nil lime Tlio "II.OMl.
(JOI.D CUPti" utoM at tlio cMrcmely Ion
price of Dollar, tints (ilat'inj; uiilnn rcuh
nfeierylxMly a treatment moio cflecttul than
ether&cottliiR J35 to $50. I'ttll ttlicctloiu nc
company each p.nlm;o. Special atlvico bykl.tll
oil illicit nxpietlu.! without extra
clnri;e. !"cnt prcp'ihl to nny part of the world
o't lea-'lpt.of iiu Dolln. Aitilrcsi Drpi, IC6571
KDWIXM, Ull.liS&CMI'AN'V, sjp nil
3333 Mnrket Mw liiluKlphii,
All coirotoiucnco str:cllv conedentia.
Nolh Bend to Have a. New Halii
There is a movement on fobt
nt North IJcnd to build a new
hall to be used by the lodges and
for all kinds of entertainments.
ConMlpatinn onj hcnim nercr ?.' togfither.
ts Wltt'a IJ'ila ICnrly Klfr iifomic ey
aclion of lh Ixmel wlihout dittrCM. "1 liar
been tioiiblfil with coithrf ne nine yoart." iyt
J. O (ireine, Depanw, Iml. "I hc trktl tunny
remcdiet tHtt l.ltllf I'nriy ttiwra gl lit-H le
tultv It'll trou Drug Store and SenjUftckrnV
11 im n 1. icy.
Real listale Transfers
T ., ull. 1 4i. I! It It.1rr.111 Mini S.'ir.'lll
Wilsi i nf nek n'c CI. oi nr nwHi
iiJiaiiilHi'. nf bwJ.i 8ea 12, c'j ami hw
i nr nw 4, w yt nt 1HC-1, wc 1, 1 m, r i.
V II Wleant to A M ArtnM. nel-l.scc
:, t.'ll.r 11.8223.
C M Skccls tn .1 (iiihleii, part or lot :
in hlk I.Cniiulllc, 1(100.
I S tn l liauTiiii nli' nf iiet-t. i:el-l
of net-J, ni'M of n'l'l, hoc 20, t 'SI. r 13,
It W I.tinity to J W Otto.homl fortk'eil,
IS acres in cc K5, t '211. r 12. ?4Wl.
I nlllmi !(i,l,..rfj Ii. I It tinlinrtd. lilt Tl.
hlk 20. Hrown'.) add to Mvrtlo Point
Mary K Krlln to.Iulia nnrrnwri, mis 11
ami 12 In till: 12. Klllutt'ti aihl to Co-
Itiillo, fSOll.
Aniia KKoflti to.! T McConuac, par
col of laud with f contact' "ami I'imiiii
privelcKcs on Co'iuille riior, $.
.1 (Minnie to l A Mkiiui'l, lots 7 and
hlk 2, 1'atkHiM to Mvrtlo l'olnt. al
purcei iiitj'iininx inxmi i nioro nn in
Mvrtlo l'i.nt,27x(W feet. wx.
Martha A KiiHtor to K i Allen. wi nt
iiwM. v . nf kwUI. M' lit. llivt-l ill M'
l-l ami iicl-l of hwI-I, nee :t:t, 1 2l, r 11.
1 S t'i .1 Winkler, lot nf wc 7. t w. r
1 1; h li or nel-1, nwl-t or uel-l.-sec 12. t
2l. r Jii, jiatent.
.S J Cnrtiwall to rnipqua Hlvor .Steam
Xnvijjatimi Co., lot 1, hoc 111, t 25, r V.t
C M llaiu'lilnn to Mary llatihton. ho
l-l of :.wM, i-l-l nf swl-l, r.wl-1 of hv.
I-I.noe2l.tao. r 13, $'.0(i.
.1 iumti to I? McAdauni, 10 aero? in m
2, fiH.r 13. $300 5.
.1 W Knoti tn S ltlco, 10 aero in fee 2.
1 2s. r III, i?3!). -
Kllzalieth .1 ScltotliT to K OTnnnell.
part or lot a. ec 22. 1 23. r i:. $10.
Wm llettvs to (i Holrtter. H1- of lotrt 1
ami 2, hlk l':!l, huso's add to Jvmpire
City. 32.".
Kofnltha 1) Camplicll to J Staulf. Int.
10 ami 11, hlk .1, West MaihlKitl. :i30.
l'W Smith to H 0 Co.. lots 4 ami It.
hoc 27, t 2(1, r I a, 3.3112.21.
I' W Smith tn K (I ('.. lots 'J. It 1 mill
s'i or nw i, N?c 2ti, -t or no.Vi, foc 30. t
27, r i:i,i3,2.i;t.3i.
.luila liarrnwH to city or loiniiiu, K't
ot f(t'.t, nw' ; nt so1 j ami sw? t nt no ,
r-ve (1. t 2f. i 12. l.i.o .
(i W llucklioo tn I) AUtiliut;, lntiionuit
tl. hlk 21 KrowuVuiihi to Myrtle Point.
.1 WHontmtttoAnna WiilfT, lot 1 in
hlkl, Korndale,l30. ,
lliiima Xai-lmrir to II XiiFtmnr. li,t.s 1.
'1 t .-. mil It I.IL-1. nml nil nf till." .'('.
Xitfliirf!'s tnlil to Mnishtiold, 1.
U' W l.'nrr.l wli.rllT t.t I'milllMrf tMV
., .. ...,.-. ..VI.... ... .. .. ...... ...
ilood. w' i of lot 2 hlk I, Coalodo. i'..03.
u n Mauiorit, atim osi or j ioviiiisu m
A .1 Sherwnnil. lot 3, hlk S, Xoltou'd add
to Coiiutllo, 20.30. ,.
i 1. 1 i ii i . 1 1 j .
Jl, nnraro inrmunijii ..
.Dr. lUtb'Bpnrartn PI1U onrn alt kldra till. Banv
tUv). Add. Klcrlliirf Ilnnoilr Ck.,riili-co or K. Y.
fttitto tmhrnmnmnmqiwijH
Tlm pWnfllco u$inrtmcut has acted
ravnmljly on tlio tiotillon recently sen
in nskjiitf Tor the cHlnl)ll.hment or a
txHtofhi'tt nt Crescent Mine Xo. 2, ami
had ordered tlio olllce catahlitjlicil,' The
name ol thn poatofllco, imt probahly of
tlii; town Wlikil Is to ho, will he "Max
well," tlio name aaked for, "Crescent
City," havinir been ttseil already Tor an
Oregon nice, now iliscoiitluilcd.
Kred J. Ward lia heen aijn)hited ixkt
master, and the onlce will lie s'Jrved witlt
a daily mail, king on the , Marglifluhl
CtNiuillu City roiitf. This will bengrent,
coiivonlcncc for tlio petmlc at tlio tniiit)
and the settlers in that vicinity, witu'
have been a long wayls from a postolllctj
into Coos City wont down.
be m
Why 13 It that the firstborn child is so
cftin the healthictt of a family of chil.
dren? The reason seems to suggest Hl
ecH. As child follows child the ntothtr
has lesi and less vitality; often not
ctiou((1i for herself atd none, therefore,
for her child.
IvxTicctnut mothers
Pierce's Favorite Pre
scription find that it
keep them in vigor
ous health. They cr.t
well, sleep well and
are nrt nervotta.
When baby comes its
advent is practically
patnlcctt, cud the
mother is Itap
py by the birth of -i
healthy child. If you
would be a healthy
mother of. hcajthy
children use "I-avor-'JtcTrescriptfori."
"I will be very gtml to
nay a kvr worU tor Dr.
1'icrce'i l'avotile l'rtcrir
ti..u.' write Alr. I. S.
D .n(.ta-. of Mniuouville,
liroine Co., Quebec. " l)nr
liif: the firt four months,
when I looked forward lo
txxomluij a mother, 1 mf
fcreU very niiicli from nau
sea nnd vomiting, nnil I
felt mi terribly rick I could
wfirrii nr ilrlnL; nnv.
thliic. I tinted nil Wflfef!2t&
of fao.1. At thU inns l-iS3&A
vho use Coctot
wrote to Dr. I'itrce. nud lie told me to pet bin
Favorite Prescription ' ami a bottle of OolUtit
Motleil Ultcnvery.' I Rot a tonic of each, mnl
wbon I bad taken tbetn a few tlayt, I felt unieli
better, nud when I had taken IrmUy three pan
of each bottle I felt welt and could cat a well n
any cue, and cuiilj do my work without auy
trouble (I could not do anything before). I feet
.very tliatikftil to Dr Pierce for lit inedlclnrl
nml I telt all who tell me they arc nick, lo gt
tbcc medicine, or write to Dr. lierce."
Those who sitfTcr from chronic rii
ciscs are invited to cousutt Dr. Pierce,
by letter, free. All correspondence
strictly private. Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Uuffalo, N. Y. '
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure bil
iousness and sick headache.
YOU lfelfm HEAD
4u40aA4i rtataWM-Hmmil
Von can bo cured of any form oQohacco uMiir
taiily. Ik) niailo well, btroii-,', i"iVH?iiJile. fiill nl
new life and by taUlim Jp-iO.OAO,
that itiftkeH weak men aitotilbj. Many Kgl"
teu potnnti in ten diivx. Over QllUrl)ull
cured. AlldiiiffrjIiUK. Cure Kiiaitlyiceil. IliKik
let ami ntlYlee i'ltltlt. Afdrnl.nT,ViTmil,INU
ILLtMUUV CO., Clilcmo or X'cw Vorlt. HJ7
Fbttiasjian fc Uennoti
DinKOTOKStT. H.Shori
ilnn.J. W. n.tnnott; lUKS :
nml. II. Fl.nint,'au, VIOK
VIIK8 : It. K. Williams,
i, Capital, $50,000.
UytnrcNain'Bita, -
mm irt-Mmnwrw
a s-'-rr-
Jan . .'"
by our new invent! "ti. Only those born deaf are incurable.
n Tim ra. Md , nch js. .
Gf.ilifvtn .' - le7 entirely cured of learne.s. thanks t j our t rsiraeut, I will aw give y n
iful! hikloiyof mvcase,toto'udatoiiribicret.ou. .... ... .mt-
About five ycuM aso mv right ear began to wne, and tin kept en setting Trotc, nntti I k- t
n hcan.iK in this ear entirely. ... v.i..
I ifi letvrnt a trentinent fcr catarrh, for three month, without any rjcvXiA consulted a "
icrof nlixucians, nniouB othets, tlientovt eminent ear iecialitoJ ihucuv, npto.anieiMi
nly an operation could help me, anil even that only teniMHnly, that the head noises wouM
inn ceasj, but tlic bcnrlni; In the ailected ear.woutd be lot forc-er
I then mv vour adverticement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treM
uent. After I had cd it only a few daacconltiiRtoour direction, the noiei ceased, aeft
o-Usy. after fie wcekv my lieartucln thedUeaedcar has been eutirelytotored. I than., you
atartilyatulbcutoiciualu Very truly yourn, ,
, . . T ' A WURMAN, 730 S.Broadway, ualtiuiore, MM.
Over treatment docs not interfere with your usual occupation
'i '