ASTHMA CURE WEE AstlimaTciic Brings Instant Relief raid Permancut Cure hi all Cases. SFNT AUSOU'TKLY l-'KE'B ON ltKCKUT OF POSTAj,. Write your name nnd nddrcjs plainly. r - - - WE TEN i Afer having It carefully analjseil. Vr tan nltir.e, ehlorofoim or ether. Very truly ours, 0kz YEARS . RELIEF. Ayos Swings, N. Y.. Feb. i, tooi. P. T.rr. tlKos. Mr.nirisi: Co. Gentlemen: I v rite thU testimonial from a sente of duty, hatlnc teted the Mondrtful cfTecl 'bl jour Aithnulene. for the cure of Asthma. M w'f- lw Uen .iftlktrd vuh paimM!t- nstlmia tortherntt fa tear. Hating exhausted my own suit as veil as many others. I cliancttl to see our tifcn upon tour window1 on :30th street. New York. I at once ohlalntd a bottle ol Atlhnit. rer.c. Mv Vufc commenced iaktng it abotu the tt of Notcnibcr. 1 t cry toon noticed n tndiciil Improvement.' Alter using one bottle her asthma has disappeared and she Is entirely free from till jtvn.ptomt. I feel that 1 can conscientiously recommend the medicine to all who ate nrlltctrd with tins distressing disease. .. Yours RMpectfully. O. D. I'll ELI'S. . D. r. T.n rrc. V.r.Dtcxr. Co. Gentlemen. I was troubtul with Atthro;, .r sa Kr. I " lirrtl nt roerttif rrmrdics. Iiti. they have all failed. I ran actots tour ndmiitemetil and started widi a trial Utile. I tnund re instat once. 1 hac uncc ptirchnsed )6ur fulNilmt tottlc and I am rur crrntful. I Imve family cf four children, and for six trars wat unable to work. I am now In the lest of health and am doing business every day. This testimony )ey Home address, 335 Rhington street. Trial bottle spnt absolutely Do not de'ar. Write at once, ndclrcstlng DR. TAFT UROS.' MKDIC1NF. Co., 70 130th St.. X. V.City. But COAST MAIL. bKH. 8 HKr2 FATl'IUM, Published Every Saturday by the j Mail Pudlisiiing Co. SUBSCRIPTION RATUb Csc )e.',r, (in advance) $r.50 u month 1.00 Three ruDr.ttis , 50 i:.oo v.ill charged when notpaM In advance. nnri n 11 im rmn Wcliavc pi;e advantage overj,aml , t,,e appohUmel ofclerks the papers that use patent insides; aml jU(ges ()f priinaiics d ck.c, we haven't been obliged to pub- j ;lon aMC, for so dohjg ,e is rou.1(1, lish Penry C. Payne's picture. jly scored. Whatever may be j the good or e.'il, right or wioug The Weekly Coast Mail is to, lrickery or honcst ililclllioll hl he enlarged to an eight page pape j Uje cflSCj lhfi ,ucal ()f ..w j.k.vv,.- u4 ,w 11' 1 rustlers. Myrtle Point Knter prise. You make m blush. The politician or office seeker' is more evidence that he is still wjio antagonises the Headlight ! considered a warv antagonist and has something to leard iu politics, jdtspire the opposition that has The above appears in the Till- j b'.en aroused against him he still umouk Headlight all by itself, seems to be putting up an intcic We judge that the Tillamook esting fight. Pendleton Txih- Headlight man must be something worth looking at. Frauce is "affronted" by Ven ezuela, It is singular how easily There is nothing like Asthnialouu It bilngs instant relief, oven in lliu worst iMtses. It cures when till elee tail. llicKcv. C. r.WKI.l-S. ofVilh RUIgr. 111., saj "Your Votlle of Atlitmileuc tvcelted in voch) condition. 1 atmict tell ou lion thankful r led Icr the Rcod i!ciied from It. 1 iw a lste. haired wall juitnd toir lineal nml AtltiitKi for ttiij j taw. 1 despaired of ever Icing ctirctl. I ta jinn ndmtistnicnt for il.e cute ol lhl dirmlfnl nml tor niccling ditcaie. AmIiivm. nml tloiijht uui Iwd o cn.okrn joutichrs. liut teohed to r!c It u itul. To my nttcmlmttnt, the acted likt-n cli.vmi, Send nic n full tiird bcttle." Rov, D Morris WotJhslcr, Rati-! of the Corf. llnal Itraol. Nkw YoKK.fJ.m. 3, not. Dk.. Tait IlKOi'. M Die ink Co., Grnilctnrn: Your Asttirrnlcne it an cmltuil irmtd) for Atthira and Hay Fetrr, and it cempo- Jltion n1!rt!ntr all tioublet hIiiiIi itmlitir with Aitlirru. lit tuccrss it ancntthinr, and wonderful. Mate Atil n.!ir ttr.taii t o tiiitn. no REV. m. MOHKIS WF.CIISI.Elt Feb. 5. I&OI. can make such me of ps oti tee fit. S RAl'IIAMX. 7 East i)lh s; City roo Cn receipt of postal these big "powers" get aflrontccl at the little ones. When an .ccluaI n gus and fihlitig men affiouts another, stnooti-tongucvl diplomacy is called into icquis- ition. A fighting ship or t'.o does the business when the oiTeu der is a West. little fellow. I;orucc Senator Simon see ms to have ! gained sonic advantage in Port- iLiUie joe" is again made ap. parent. The fact that the i.s&tte iu the republican party of Oregon today is Simon aud atitl'Sinii'ii, uine Business must be gelling dull with some of the Coquillc met chants. This week one of them sitipped several Ijonc.s of shoes to this place to be sold at an auction sale. The merchant, however, met with disappointment, as the marshal was jnstruclcd to stq that the goods were not opened for sale, ou account of the fear atising that they might contain smallpox gems, The mcieliaut promptly ieshipptd his goods to his home town when tin y will test on the shelves until business picks up iu Cotpiille, or until lie has an oppoittiuity to bting them to this place aud dispose of them. Mytile Point Kntcipmc. TEACHER'S "EXAMINATION Feb. 12-N, 1902 Owing to the jurv.ilimfo of iniVt: ttotiti tlifpitTK in itiHiiy parts ol ilio oouiitv It Is ilti'itUil to liolil tlu; rx.tin ittiititm in tlircu (lUVcrcnl plua-a ui (ullowri : At Myrtlu rniol rnnilttctnl ly C. 1!. NohIit. nt Mitrm'llfltl coiiilurlril liy W. I). Hoaily , 11ml ui Coqinllu ly the iiiHlorciK'nril. Tim rlituM-n nl Myrtlu Point nml Mnr-lihYliI will nii'ft nt tlio rclioiil inutc or nt immc other pli c selcrtui! liy tin- coniltictor. Tltute vvi'l b tto c.trtnili)ati(ii) of innnu?criit ilurini; tint tiitto aaMKiH'tl to writm; 011 tlio iiie-lIiniH, luu tlio lionril will meet ul Uoiitiillo Feb. 17 nod iiitts 011 the woric tic tlio nppli ctttits. W. II' IJe.svn, Co. Stipt, (il.ASO'O ITKMS When I.. K. Dili) retti tnnl home Friday miiriiiiiK ',,,,n ,l lw" lnyt vu in Mu"rlififlil ho mum! tht tlif wilil cuts had been living IiIkIi . Thi-ru wito two more tlicep mid live Ituniw niiin Aihcrt U:ill returned homo from Ciiliforuiit 011 tliu liiot Arcnla. Mrs. Hull wti down to rn linr dntinlitcr, Mr. D.dc, al (llnnt:), Tluirinliiy nml returned lioiut: on llic I'lyrrTlinriMlny. Tlu sclmuiinr H'pcut s due at North Ill-nil from Miwtni. hirf. lIiintlh'.iilTyninili'.ls nt pro. nnt muting h)r home with Mrs. Dole nt Glnsco. Mrs. Ilttndlo is very inucli grinv.-tl nt disntip.-riince fn guld wntcli, n keep cuke, ihiit wis 11 preei'iil jroiu Iter mii who is now II tlio scull n.l nl wlio found it or tlio villiau whu n v.t lo-t it will return it no (pieatioiM will he asked. MAY ITKMS C. A. L.iwrcncii linn lppn on tliu kick list fur tliu pnsi few (Iiivk. I u dfcil lie luoki'd rpiilo cliickeii-poxi'y for a while, but wo arn e,ltd to uuttt that hu is rnpidly improving as tin days go liy. Mlsi IVterson lint just re tlirui'd homo from Itorkley, ('al., where slm hns lueu viMliug fiiumU for llie past few u cities Mihs Jeniiin Hear loft hero fur Marshflold a few days ago where hIio expect to ppuud a short vacation witli some relalives mid friends, .lames Itoherts and Frank Bniiford who aio on their way to Arixonn, uro now imyiiig their tespeettt to frieutU in I.ns Auuelos, California. .loliuey l'etetson will leave hern on tlio next Alliance for Sun FruneUeo. IAlTKlTKMd Oregon woallier. Mr. F. H. Millor'ri residonon w.ts do ritr.jycd hy fire on Haiuiday litbt Catiso tiukiiowii. No iusiiriuu, Carl Alliinoht ami (i.irlies are in our part of the country nirveying laud Mrs. A. (leo and niri'.er loft for Marshfield last Monday. u learn that ('. P. Coleman has pu cliiiHod several head of cattle from Mr. Peterson o' llnyno's slough. Two of too Xorlh hlougli hoyn pas (id through our burg yesterday on their way up North lake. Object inntiiinony. F.C. Jtaymond and .J. Htoiiiligliluer were very pleasant callers hero on Sunday. Steve Johnson, TenmiluV oldcat pioneei wait doing business hero on oalurday. Htuvo repoi ta bu lively on BEST FOR THE BOWELS til, .iilil, niuii .rtr(t 1 dor mid eltmi It In OANDY m iMjf uinrtiiu -1 OATHARTIO EAT 'EM LIKE OANDY until. l'UIl.. ',TtlUiKMt. Iirttlno-I, per tu, Will lor tro (Miii'lo. tvl lukl ii lnnllli. AiMroM ,J. mhiuiio rwtur toirini. riuriui r w tnni., KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN .Inhnnin's creok , eattlii In good 0ui ditlon and i-vuryono gutting ready for spring work. Mrs. Davo Uobcrlri, Mls Muncon and Miss ItiibertH madu I.uko 11 pleas ant rail Mnmlay. Cm ions i'li'l it how soon the festive canva'sb.ick learns that tln sensuu Is ili.-ril? Navlgatois now olaim that it is next to impossible to keep them uttl of tliu wav of boats. A WORTHY SUCCESSOR. ti o mcthinK Now Sun" ,yndcr Tiro All Do. tor J km trlnl loeurr t AT Mtti l.y ilie uc of oilci, rtciit cimi. Intnlrri and ilrutji 111 1U form. 'Ihcir silrrt dry op llis mucuuiii nicinlirsicct cauilni; H'f"' totrifk on 4nt titeeil. 'I he portcrful .icmIi 1 nl in iho In lulfri hue cnliicly mlfn .twi) llic Minr inviti bntnri tlut tliclr iii.iVrn lime slmril to ctirr, vtliile Mitrt unit olntmrnll rntinol reach llic ilbcaw. An old nml citiicriced frntlltiotirr hIio for mnii) yc.m innilc a 1 !', iiudy nud ipkUlly of the lie.ilnifiit o( CA TAKUH. I1.1t at liiM jKtdtlnl .1 'I'rr.iliiiciil wlilcli Mlirn f.iitlilully uui!. not onl) rrlif r nt onte, but rnuiiviilly cuirt CA I AltUII, liy removing ll.r cauir, iloj). pitii: tin- i)in.lnfr, nnd curing nil liilUinaiA tlon. It It the niil)rrnirdy tndwn tu wknir thtt nciiuill) rrncliM the nfllirtid art. 'Hilt wonderful ruiinly It Knnai "S.UI'KI.KS the Gl'AUAN'II.Kt) (MTAUUII CUItl'." .ind ( Mild nt lh exlremrly loc j'rlcc ol one Dolbr, r.ich p.ultnce conumliij: internal nnd etlcinol medium tuir.cicnt for n full month' trtaliiient And cer)tl.inj; nctwry lo lit er. feel itv. ".NNtlTI.US It Il.e only crlcct t'ATAUKII C'UltIC eicr mude and l now lecofiard at il r only wife ihI KjiitiiR curt; for nnnojing ,ml dinulinj: dirnu?' It nirr all infliiiinu lion .tint 1 rriiMiirnil) nr.d It nUu mom rler fully quuk toirlicve HAY IliVI'.K or COI.D in the IIICAD. CAIAKKII Mhrn nri;lrclnl oflen Ir.ult to CONSL'MPII .V ".sNUrKI.I-S" lll we )ou If jim uve it at ome. It U ro ordinnry irnf tdy, IhiI a roriiili'le tiralmriit ttlikli It Jol lively Kti'trntreii 10 cure CAI'AIIKH in any fotm or luxe M turd nccordini; to the dirccliont which niconiiAtiy cieli Mi.l(.ii;c. Don't del.iy tint v nd for It at once, nnd urltu full siriiciilut .it to your condition, and you v.lllrecrlir tjwthl adi.e front the dlKovcrcr of (hit wnmlcifid eiiuily rrgurdnii' your enw wllliotit cM to yoa U'yonil the rrulir price of "M.N'L'ITI.ICS ' the "(iUAKANII'.I.O CA'IV.UKII Cl'KK." Sent irekiit 10 nny jIilit. in the tinitcit St U or (.'.1 nml 1 on rrcitt of ir. Dollar, Ad. drevt D.'iii. I'Mj. KDWIN II. (SII.IUS A C MI'.WY. ajjc, and 333a MnrLet Slrwt, h '1 t'i)iiii. Mr. ard Mrs. Chas. Rollinson returned from Gardiner Tuesday. KodOl Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yow cat. Th'H v 'larii'nn contain!) all of tho rligtst.iili : l d gcsiH nil kinds of foot!. Jt' tciinsLtiitrulierami never taibitoi. n. I b iilluwH yuii to eat. nil the fmiil jin want. The mosLhentiillvo womai liscan laKu It. Jly Us usoiimny th(Miui(ls of dvspenlicH tiavo beun turcd after I'Vorylliliigc'.Ho failed. lb prevents Jormuilonofgason tliuHtom ach, relieving all distress ufter eating. Wletlnif u n necessary, l'lcasuntto take. It can't holp but do you good Ptrparediinlvtiy V..O. kYitt&Oo..OiiIc;kJ fho 1. tjoufo wntfcln 8 tlm etliu(s.tUu, If you hKVii't rcul. lillhrimn'i'ifnt ' l5 ...wrl.iipcn.Rii.U'O wrll. KKfca.ln Oik IiiiiI l i.nt i.h.l.r Mil I'.iIioii.I, iUitrrim, Tl.w niitmlhl j ,rl krlng mt iHintit Professional Cards. fwCV.1! E. .'& Straw, M. D. IMIY.StHA'N AND HUHUKON. Kiierliil iilteiitlmi tu iIIhimihi'M nf (lie Kye, Kur, Nohd nnd riinmt. (Ilasses Utlhl. Office in SenstacUcn & Smith HnildiitH. 0. W. ToworJM D. PHYSICIAN .N'I) HUKOKON. Ill 1 e in Sue 'Mil hi nml hii'llhs I'ltfj. I rout sti.-i. M.utlihrhl, Oirm.n. W. U. .pouglns, """" A'lTOltNFY .M'l.AW AND U.K. COMMISSION Kit. I'ron' ' ', Msr.lifli'M, Dirgoii. J olin F. Hall AI'IOUNKY AT J,.V. Ullice In CMorido lilouk, Front tlrnl, it.iuhlield, fii 1 on. O. F. MoKnight. A'lTOHNKY AT LAW Office in llic llennett & Vfttltcr IJuililtiig. MAltSIII'IKI.U, OHF.dON. W, A. Toye. I )!: NT I ST. OIlliT Cpslnlrtt III Kliltircilo lllork. MAltSlll-ir.l.D. : : OUF.. J,. W. Bonnott, ATI'OHNUY AND COUNSKI.OIt A'l LAW. MAKSIM II ID OHK. Coos Bay Wholesale Liquor IIKADQUAUTKHS FOIt HIGH iltAlF. I.IQUOIIH CMIOlt i: WINKS AND PFUK itu..M)n:s. LHADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER pomily Ordor5 rSolicied. SOU'. AGI'ST FOIt Tin: CKI.M mtATF.D Ranier Beer. Family orders for Pops, pints mid qunrts, delivered by thocasu. Robert JHarsden. Ti,VATA.TATAa J. U. liS, Practioal J Photogvaphorf MAICSIIFIKMI. OKKtION. Vj The V only first 1 class Gallery m h in Coos County. 4 t jt g All Work WurranttVAV rA