, . .v....... r-r'.VJnffW I COAST MM L. HATi'ltliA. : i '; : KK.ll, I mn Published livaiy Sntuidny by the Mam. IMjm.isiiino Co. HU,mflHlPTItJN HA IKS Unvtrat, (l aftrt) , , .'. i 51 Mtntonth . , iw I lnr month ,s it inwill ! ehrttgml lfi tmtiHHl In mlmmn irf(TjUMMfttvtawVM-jwvra section, who live nil the yenr on whnt lliey eon make in three or four mouths out of the people who come down theie Corn bretith of flesh air.- 1MIIU1T1NK MORALS GOOD- Kcv. A. I. Iln.clclt, a 'ft XT. ' It .W'lUltl he a juke oitlJucleSnin if the Pieitob, alter celling u the Panama canal, should xliift opet ntion to the Nicuinv.ii.i canal ui-.d ll.iulc tis with n hhoitcr lottle t the Pacific. Globe democrat. EfhrEkTAINMfilJJ IND 'TlANCB OF P U OF A ri Tlin concert nail linll frlven by Allolr I.odo. K, I!, of A., at Oiid I-VIIowh III Hutariluy evening wan lurcely ulnwlwl In Kiiltti fit tho uaiiHiinlly cold wciithur. Tho eiini.'urt was opened with 11 ctliorifi j ly it 11111I0 riiurti!t. cnmimwMl or RjiMtrH. 'f Racchl, milliner, Aver aim wiiick. aim .'.! According to the almanac, thete will lie live eel ipse, this year thtee of the sun and two of the moon. Only one will be visible ir.'the United S'ates and that will he a total eclipse ol the moon, will occur on October 16-17. The moon will enter the vhndow at 1 o 1 7 1-. m., the eclipse will be total at it: 19 p. m. and cud .it n "friiH followed liy nil InMiuinciilnl holo hy 1 rnr. Cliii'i. IviilKcron llicciiiili'iiiliiiil.ni- MutliiidinL I'niacniMil oteacher of lltlt'd "Hnli-etliuiH from 1 icn-tla Horl 1, AiuiUK nil J.pmcopai ptuicutr o noiilzolta. Piof, Kaiser rcHponded Colorado Lit v, Colo., has returned t fmrjro with "Hubert J.o iilablu" Ity fioni the Philippines. He went MwIiimt. ., , t ,,, , to the Philippine, at the quest ..J of (5eu. MecArthur and under the nhort hot hwcoI. anil wiim followed by an aiithotitv of the secretary of war ' other. "Monoy MiiHk," that Wim delivered auinoiii.. 01 lucstcruar 01 u .11 imiy'H uhiiiiI cnptlvuf luff maimer, to study and icpoit upon the MI-(4 mu WIW mT(m,,;ih.. by MIsh moial conditions in the islands, Kuslo Klekwnrth on tb piano. Iinrtimit1.mil (it M-mil'l Hit I Till olll hilt I'VIT pOllllfttr MK "Allllll pnrtitutl.ialy at Mania. His 1 Lnjru w.w W( , c w Tmver repoil is that lie louud a jralily- and brouirht forth a round ,of upplatmo iuil condition or affairs in tlic rrom inn au.iwnee. aw. iwit rcum mi met.opoli of the IMiilippincs.', ViiS"" e,,Cf,ro wlUl "fewlBB iM " 'Manila is the besi governed 1 ' i)r A. Tovn idaved MonrVrt ''Second eitv I have ever Seen " said itev. "Ir with varlutloiiH" oil tho Clurlnut and V." if 1 .. 11 1 ..". 1.- followed wltli "Tli.ni Hubilino Sweet oveniui: Htnr" by Wagner, nr. Toyes Saved $15.00. . 'l . "I waved 413. on the. order you lent lfao last, besides receiving, better and fresh or cods than I obtained hero." Kxtrnct from ono of our Icltcro J Wo believe thcro are iimny othera who can send to as with the same aatisfaa- . ; lory result, and wo Invite a comparison & price. In our catalogue With local rate. "i n c iiuarameo quauiy 01 our goous, waio iiucKing aim nuinur. I.i im become better acquainted, We 'mvo complete price llslri for the asking, 'urn. m SMITH'S CASH (Dept) STORE Families Hiipplied at wholesale prices. Mr. Ilnzclelt, and I do not be- i Postal card Insures samo by 'fc 25 Market st. San Francisco ,.j' a in. Thee a notice po'ed up in i In tKioffice hen.' to the effect that Ploteucc has (jitninutiiied :ijniuM Marsh field, Kuipiie and Gariinei. Theie is no doubt that Marshfield, Kmpire and (fitidiucr can stand this ifPloreucr can. At the same time, it illus trates the beauty ol letting the outside world u-"' t information by tumor inslcm'.uf by authentic .slatemctits through the pi ess. lieve its enual in this respect abllltvana iinmlclaii in tw well known ..vitic in tin. TTnii,.il iiiii. i rid iv i to need further comment. cMstf. in the Uiittul btatt.s toti.iy. u (1 wJ( ww (() iMwT lhQ Hie llioial condition ot the city ' n,iiirenK of the eveulii wiw unablo to bo is better than ever before iu itsjinwnt on account of hleknen in his history. bmce the A inun.au ir0Krm for n vocn H(, WUh nUo uiiiiiilo occupation the anests for drunk- to attend and hWplaeo was ill led wilh fitness Inn been discourager', bv VHio Koliller'H I'horim," by Him (iiarlet, i liucss il.iv utcu (ii.scourui,L u , lM ,,mSrau with a song the uuihoriics iu the nyht man- j L.niltled Speed Away." known as one of .Marshlluld'H best hul"!- vlaiiH. ..nr i Arinr tiwi ninpfiri 11114 iifHir wiis iTii'iiri'ii ill. I. i ... v".-.. ... - , , . . t .(ic fmmtik ;nirl ilnt llicre or uuiiriilf: vnieit lasieu iiiiiu eu iiim It was loimeilN sau tuat mere tho m(iriiiiiK. The miisle beiiiB furnlsh- werc oo saloons on uie m:uiui, V ,,y jr. Frank Wlckiuan, who h wen but now not one is 10 ue louuu there. The total number of saloons iu this city is 109, and they aie yovrueil in a stiict manner. The city jjeueially is in a pielty condition and its inamiyeincut reflects credit upon the' Americans, who have its government iu chatge. Wo J9 LJ. GROCERY A lid! lino of cliQiofl t;rocorioj, food, flnur, ham and bacoh alwiiyn on hand, frcsli fruiu and vogotablea rcuoivod on cvory alenntcr Some ol the papers nre murh cxeiehed because the leni"latures oflveutucky and Maryland propose Id pass lesolutions declaiiu,; Admiral Schlev the lieto of San tiago. The proponed action is called "trying to ! jjUlntc his toty." ICvetybody knows who was the heio of Santiago, and it will do no harm for a few lej'isla tutes to jio on recoul as voicing the sentiments of their constitu ent., for once. In a ceitiau way they will be U-ilutiiiK hiiiy". lor their action will become a pint of history. TrJE HOME COLD CURE An InKenioua Treatment by Win h Driiiiknrdriiiri Hidny Cured Di'.ly iu apito ol TIoii)nelvc . No Noxious I)obc N'o WenkeninR of tln Nerven A jilenunnd 11111I Posi tive Cure tor tho Lifjuur Habit. free Delivery Telcphonei IDafHU. ,rCW 'i '( It now Bcncr.dly known and understood lli.il UmnLcmiculia diiraic mid not weak nc5. A body filled with rohon, and netvej W A Postal Tclcgrar-li Scryicc Albert H. Chandler, rhalrinan of tho board of directors of the Postal Tele graph company. In a recent Usui of tho Saturday Kveiilng Pint, says: Our own government, should It take .. . . t 1. I. 1.1 1... .., .. ....n. Ill' leifk'ni III IIIIIV, nuiim III' III -. ,...,., ., I. ...,Ilt,l , rnmun nliloralilu uibautiige over tho private , i'7 - -"" ".riM.ralh.lls. II Would bo no cwtt ' lntolilnB llfuo. requires an antidote matter for the government to iwtitblish , cnpable of nrutrnliilnx and tindlcsulnc i po' a greuler uniformity of rates, and to Ux on, nnd ilerovlns the craving for intoxicants. tolH oil a bll'N o low lis to lie impssi. SiilTeiert mnv now cute tlicnuelves nt lomr blo of attainment by a private rorMrt Wi,,0i piibliclty or loss of lime from business ty Hon. The Meant a tlrst rate, iinnllosH ,,,tt0uerfulllOMBO U.DCURE- .lch irubably never ho aide to earry out; Imt "lllly nnl irMinwni 01 incomtes. 1 nc wiinm It 4 tiiito eoiieelV.lble that tho tioveril- i: ncronlins o diiectlons or tills wonderful ills llli'llt rotlld ri'dlieo Hie Phissllleatlons to, couny li pontltely Riur.inicrd to cure the most say. four or lle, oil which It might per- olmiinie vc, no mutter hew lutnl n drinker hups llx a inlnlmnin rate of llfteea eenta 0ur rcconl siww tin.- man clout tmnsformitlon anil a UlitMi uuiu raie m uu v.-'u-, ,,., of ,10UMniU 0f Drunkirdt into wber, Indus- tell woriis, iiioiiuii e nim n 'i "3 KSengstackeni Wholesale and Retail Druggist; U KALKIt i. T 3 IN UUUUS AND GKNEUAIi MERCHANDISE Marshfield .Oregon, ulilrli uiiv delln to ilirures can bo laid d-iwii. The government eoubl ' Kimi h,I itiri.li ninn tlltVIV tllltl Urtlilll IIIVII WIVUS CUUW YOUR CHU.DKKN CUKU HUSDANDSII YOUK FATHERSII Coast Mail r.of. Washburu, Stale Ilioloyist is about to eNpii iiient wil'j foteixn oysters. It is to be hoped the neiulcuinu will at least consider Cous bay not en tiiely too far out ol (he woild when it conies to planting. Don't put nH your cjus in one bnslcet as iu the last pUnting. Thete are other bays besides Yiupiiiin. We believe Coos 'liny is" si inoie congenial clime for oysteis siuywau. The Iho. has evidently never tasted the "native oyter" ofVa tpiiua May, the linesl llavoied 'bi valve of its species. When the "foieiuu" oysteis become plenti ful heie, as they no doubt will, Com nystcnuuu will then be able toj;et some for tiansplautiuy to their mud flats, which arc np pueiitly much better adapted for lAUini! "clams." Yuquiim Hay News. Our error was iu speakiitK of Yanuiua as a "bav". when it Ji I eeoui - mizo in itiiiuy ways that are not open. t 11 nrhnii. eniiiiiratloii. It could wipe out the Item oi taxation which, iu liiauy' riilsremedvisln nocncennotuum but Is n places, is now most luirdi'iisomo and tin-! fcific for tlilt dluc only, and it to skillfully leasouable. It could have tho rltc!t-or- j ,ieiM.ij aiui pn-jxtrc! ib.u it H ihoiouSlity soJu- WilV everywhere at "'.";; " ' t,!c nnd ple.s.mt to the mile, so that It cm be wiu.reiM the nr vato ci.i loratlim must . ... , ... . ..,.L.j.... .".....-,.. r..J I. .L.l.lu 'I'll p.ivrn in ; cup of tea or coffee without the kncwIeiUcof die teiton t.iklnc it. I'liourands V I-r":-M Qhristensen $, J leurapll htillloU", thus lloidlllg largo ' of UnmUirdt luvu curol themtclves with ths ;iieililltlires for rental. Having not dilccless remedy, nnd nt many note have been imv iinjirlv for such iluhts. Tho eov- eriinu'iit could use tho p.wtollliv.i; for teh .1 VI competition It could naturally redllCO emrd .md mnde temerate men by hating the tho UUIUber of Ollices Wllltoill uriUKiiiKlcuKI':"ndmln(stere.lliy loving ftiendt nnd any hilliWIUP oil llio people. j rcl.ultcs without their knowledge in cofTee or , A,,,U,V!, ,, ,hcy '''continued bv tho eovernu lent in unit uireeuon, 1, ' ' nay nentloii tho island of Manhattan diinking or their own .ee uill. no NO! r. r'uin-ttriitloii. Them tho Postal TelO- ! WAIT. Do not be deluded by apparent nnd irrupt I Company inillntalus a hundred ; misleading "improvement," Drive out the dit ollices 5 tho YYe.itern I'lllon probably im,c nt once nnd for nil lime. The "IlOMl! maintain twice as many. That means ooi.l) CUl'li" itsold nt the extremely 'o HUE - f um t il fc mm. KfetfS -r-" . l""i'TidJ.W ih V" fcteMi T...stiir.v!i! r n na" m KWf'A Wrik XTt t lIV 11. a n fcrj 1. m M W that relit IIIUKt 10 imiil lor luno ''-., coofOno Dollar, thus rlaring within reach .iredolllces lull I '" . H of eserjbody a trrniment more eftectual than .. . limit of litisluess could bo easily tlono company ench package. Sx-ciai ndvlec by skill- llHI much Hllialler IllUUbor Of ollices ed physicians when recpiestcd without extra j Without occasioning lucomeiiieiiin i, charge, ix-nl prrpaiuio in y pan 01 we worm tint public. Tho government would 1 ,, receipt of ne Dollar. Address Dipt. 6571 IlilVd to Wiril im mviuenii 011 no in w n KI)WN n otUlS CMl'ANY, 3)0 ind S3, to$'toi iCdf ,s J p5,r ttlFdUiSUXiVe anltal If tho liiiiiuiesrt hhouhl bo carried onus tho p'Ht'Utlk'o iimiue.n is. ana claims for daimiges would probab y bo treated as they are by tho telegraph ad ministrations In Muropa-that is, thoy would not bo iccognlzed. and no respon sibility In money would bo assumed. Mn.inr irovni'oinent eontro . toleuillui business would probably bo increased, 3333 Market Slice hil.tdclphl.i, All corrctpont encc strictly confUIenlia. Got tlic Piles Again. A raft of cedar piles belonging to lugoifioll & Tablet, of South slough, 's ilin intviirtiiuoilt WOllld almost of llOCOS- .vi1Pf Wl,f nilelft li'rliliiv tho boom bo- Mv reduce tho present, tolls, and thus ... . -a ,, hU.y "."!.' . . 1..'..... 1 .a .,inrii ,i, i liirr hr .tit tin bv tho storm. Tho piles that uothlng was :r'rtt;;::ilvsT,,hi: W.lehl.Mboo.ilylnB nt Seag-taekei ' , uiv hmi""i 2 ti .1. ':. . ...A.x. . ' .. . not hiui but a duflunstccl siou ; , tho goveramoni woum in 1 w whnrf wnt nrtrirt F We luive tasted6 the Yaptfi.! Mty ; rjHl.o t u, prcsen . j.jt ..! tUuj oyster 011 his native heath, nlw flu.jitleH. People would loam to use ithu . 0 n rccbvoVo'd'h'O the sweets of contv butinu lowira tolegrapu vy re 1 ihhmi 10 !., U1 wt , Mut. I lost by tlio nccidont. Ki'.Uni!toryorm.Tcai.c, tobo utlftt toaruucrvuit. l . ', AlflHt five vcurs n JitviglU cur legau to ktni.. r '.J thU kept oir letting tvers t. uat.M - ay Iw.nnK In thin car ujitlrcly. . 1 ,..',' 1 luidtnvcnt a treatulent tor.catarrli. for three srontltv without nrvjucccta, eontuHei. a'u'Jtu: itr ol. nlivKleinns. amoitft others- the inot enilnenteirMecUattoeithlsclty..Ul:ofldtWEJti mly fti operation could help i:ie, and even Unit only tciut'ornrily, tnat the Iliad toisjs (14K lien Nre, but the ht.ulna Iu Ihe.nft'ocitM ear voiiUl,le lest forever: , , r ii.'ien icawvour nivertctnciit nrculoipnlly Inn New York nvtr, and ordered 1ur";VWW, ariit,' After Iliad utl it only t few d.iysnccoidlilc toyour ulrtci'.oiiv tli?Sivivv-Kftw.U('.p odnv, niter fie tveehij. my liennitK In tlic Ulteaoi.enr nat ueci.ljitireiy ru.ncvu. 1 iia.jr . Seanllytndbcstorcamiii Very ttnly yomt?.' "... '.', , V. A. WlTUMAIf, T;' S. Broadwuy. Sotllraustt fJA Our treatment (Iocs not intevftnu with yoni' usual bcs-upcttor "SfigteZ -YOU CAHUtIRE YOURSELF AT Mm)? vmrnrnm aukai ciwiCt boo ia saw: avl smtihm m t ' ." - : . ft. Prescription Skillfully Compouadetl at all hours. Agent iot Welle, Fargo & Co., I t .l ij b"in, LU) ul AssMmt Ujai.iauhi . ' ' J Rest and Comfort. , , , TJieso substantial nmttrosses u-ro sleep Inviterr. They ara comfortable and will retain their "sflrhijjtr ncsa" for years. Mailo In two pieces or, all in one- piece. Theso husk matressc with cotton face are equal to all-hair and cost a great deal less money. . . "ii ALL CASES OF ESS OR HAR0 ARE KW OUKABiLE- by our liw invention. Only t!i03c borii dclf arc iocumble. , HEAD NOISES CEASE itflMEDlATELY , ,. F.'A. WEHMAH, Or BALTIMORE, SAYfiJ U .-. li.r ti mors. J.lrt.. :.:RtxUTrv:."W. GtalUmtn t rjelnf entirety eureil of ileafncs. tln&bs to your ttc.it :.Out, I will agr jf!v y a .(, A the support of the residents of that xm m mm mxt' 1 v -- -