. V s ? v t n r Jfifff'V"" " ' " v v Tho Kind Yon Have Always iu u?o for over 3.Q. years, CfyyfS iUl Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-jroodaro bub j&cppruncuts that trlflo with andcudaiijjertlio health oL Infants and Children Exporlcuco against BxporluienU . What is CASTORIA iSJastorla Is a -harmless snhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pnro--gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It t-contalns neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic .tsubsfctacc. Its ago Is Its tjunrantcc. It destroys Worm rftmballays Fcvcrlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation -nd -Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep CTho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE Boars tho Sj r fjm F f k Tf M Sr kayZ'CUc "" w m KM You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. fp-f.,; .. TMCcfaTuii commnt. tt MumuraTiKCT. NtwvouR errv. HHHHBiHIHMnM Coast flail. MA SHFIELD URliGON wmm local '' Spend your leasurc moments at the Owl Billiard Parlor?. r -nE. J. Masters returned from a trip toGleniale Saturday. ' Sirp-?sc yourself with aBrie,'' "one o the best 5 cent cigars iu town. Owl Billiard Pailors. Roy A'lford returned trcm a tfsit. to Eureka 011 the Alliance. Monday. Mrs. Chas R. Roliiuson left for Gardiner Saturday where Mr. "Roliiuson is engaged in orgauiz iug a lodge. kwi Ca! Bridges has bought the big olacks from Levi Heisnfcr, which 'lie will ine 011 the TiiiVmermauu ranch which he is farming. ' A. J. Savage is building a "Tood shed on his Jot iu North Marsh field, and expects to erect a dwelling house there in the near future. Dee Wilson, the 7 year old son of Mrs. 'Cora Wilson, of Arago, ".was bi ought over to Dr. Mc-Cor 'mac Monday for treatment for hip-joint disease. V Carl Albncht reccved a sipow . load of lumber Iron? North iJ'cucl "Mbnday, and "will" ''begin at bu'ce fo 'erect a dvelliu'g oil Fourth street. '. Bought, nntl ivlilcli Iins been has borno tho signntnro of and has been nindo under Ills per sonal supervision slneovlts infancy. Allow no ono to dccclvo you In this. CASTORIA ALWAYS Signaturo of U44 Lester Smith, proprietor of the Ccnterville dairy. I rounht lo town Monday the bide of a lar.c bear which he killed in the Pony :slouj;h section. J. II. Flanagan .bought the hide and is having it tanned by S. C. Brown. Dr. and' Mrs. Mlncus were 'passengers for Portland on the (Alliance. The Doctor has been 'troubled with symptoms of ap- pendicltusaud is said to be going to Portland 111 view of the possi bility that an operation may be neccsij'.v. TheAstorinu says a masked ball has recently been given in Astoria to assist iu building a county road running out of that city, and an other dance will .soon be held lor the same purpose. This might be a good way to get rid of the chuck holes on the roul be tween this place and Empire. When you lack energy, do not relish your food, fell dull aud stupid, af;cr eating, all you need is a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets. They will make you feel like a new man and give you an appetite like a bear. For sale by John Preuss. Notwithstandig the cold snap several olMarshfield's belies were seen in, the hills yesterday getting decoratihg greens and were seen by a Mail reporter on their return loaded down with beautiful Ore gon Grape, Oiegon's state flower, and ferns aud other beautitul ev ergreens. , All this goes to show that we live in one of the finest spots' iu the state. There has been 'more suushiuli thanl'e'loudy, wea'tlie'r hrCoos county this whi ter, so far. I Mr. nml Mr L. J. Simpson drove up front Notth llend Moti lity. Mr. Simpson's eye which h.i:s been uivin him coiMdeiahli' lU'itMc, is marly .nil viyht aain. Jlr. and Mis. Simpson will : 'o S.ii ''nujcisco o.i the return of 'he Alliance, to he none several weeks', and intend to cotne b-ick overland. Thomas Main, the well-to do . fanner of north Cons liver w.n in town Monday to see Dr. Mc'Jor. mac. About a week yo he was ; kicked in the , bu-:ist by one of his cows, while milkin;; and one ol the libs on his riyht side was broken fiom the breast bone. He did not visit a doctor, thinking it unnecessary, but the hmt pive him so much pain that he con eluded to have it attended to, j and the doctor Jl.xed him up J he will have no nirthev trouble. The Coast Mail, published at Marsh field, Oregon, sends us a marked copy containing a showing-tip of a certain oily-toiiRued preacher and temperance lecturei named 1? 12 Coulter. It seems that his conceptions of mine and thine are sadly mixe.l aud that he can lie like a hopbuyer. The latter part sounds big to be sure, but after our experience wlith Smith, the tinner, who a'so hailed either from Matsh field or Cofiuillc, we are more than wil ling to take our couteinpo:ar's word for it. Consequently Rev. Coulter will find our readers as well as the editor on n look-out for uuniberoue. Aurora Horealis. .11 I Clillil Worth Millions "My chilli li worth millions lo me." M)s Mrs. Mary lliril. of Ihrrislmrr;. I'.t., "yell ouM ' have lott her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure," One Minute Couch Cure !. ure cure for coii croup and thront nml lung iron les. An at v lulely safe cure uhkh net Inmiediutely. 'I he youncrit child can tike it with entire safety Tne little ones I ke ihe ule ami renniler hov orten it hclpel them. livery family should linve I a bottle Of One Minute Cough Cure hnwly. At J this -ao- upccUlly it may 1 ned"d siulilen- I ly. Ked Crow Drug Store aral SeeUicLcii Ilisirmwy. ( There are ,2 childen iu the Boys and Girls Ilomciu Portland. Ore., and the management would like to find good homes for some of them. FOR STOMACH TROUBLES. 'l have taken a great many different medicines for stomach trouble and constipation", says Mrs. S. Geiger of Dunkcrton, Iowa, "but never had as good results from any as from Chamb erlain's Stomach & Liver Tablets". For sale by John Preusi. Mr. Chas. Kling an expert brewer of San Francisco has taken charge of the brewing (h pattincnt of the Marsh field Brew ing Co. Mr. Kling comes high ly recommended from soin'eofthe leading brewers of the U. S. ' Children Kripoclnlly Liulilo Tl rrs, bruises mid cuts arc extremely painful nnd If neefcet"! en result In bloil polionltin. Children are cspcclaly liable to such rnlili.ips Iwcausc not to careful, As a remedy Do Will's Witch Hazel Sahe. Draws out tho fire, stops the pain, soon hcali tho wound, llcware of countcrfieli. Sure cure for piles. "De Witt's Witch lintel Salvo curod my Imby, of eczema after two physicjans Rave her up," writes Jainuj Mock, N. Wcbvler, ),iul. "'Ihe.sorec vyy.' ; Jiad sl.e thp soiled two to five dresses a d.iy, Ked Cross Dru Store and Scngstackcn's I'liar. n:ncy. f GREAT CANALS 1 OF THE WORLD Tlu h't!i i.f lint Suor. Caiisil Li nlmut n ti-ty nii'cM.tlitMv.t tt'''MO. llio (iri'Mllt th'i'tli IU fi-rl. wiillli ut liottotn Ps fri't nml nl Hio Hiirfaro 1'JO frcl. Tho CroiKtmlt mill St. IVlorrtlmrj; ('mi al, wlth'li KhwiiiHwucoway for umtt vimih'Ih tit St. lVti'rMiiirjr, U HI nilloi lunjj. liHliiillii(j llio ilitpjtuMhijr of tho bay rliimiiol. '.'O'.j fiit lit ilt'tili, mi I tint to tati'iHlostlnmtwlnt t.OvKM. TI11' Corinth CiuihI, whh'li eniint'ct tlio Ciuir tif t'urlittlt wltli it tut (ialf of vliiiii. U fotii uilltM lii leiictli, U'U.; i-ot la ilpitli, 7'J foot wlilo nt tlielottum, eint ittmiit iJS.iUUO. Tlio MuucliiMtiT Ship ('mini, wlilrh foiuippts Muiii,lii"U,r, KiiKlmttl, with Hit' Mt'Moy IHvor mnl I.ivrrHKtl, wiw ojmmiimI hi lb'.U. ItK IfiiKlh l3ri, nvllitt. ilcplli JJ feot. w Mill at Imttom IliO '- n mi.l at tin1 Hirfni'o l"i"i foot, mnl coit 75,i(io.i. Tint Killer WUliolm Cniiitl, wlilrh contu'ctt tlto Ilitltlc nml .Vprtli koiim through (loruiiuiy, U fit nillct In lentli, 29' , foot hi tloptli. 72 feet wl-lo at tlio tiottuni, l'.)2 foot wlilo nt tlio Hiir,fnro, mnl cwt nbout MO.CX.fXX). An nAUlloiiul cmml, connecting tlio Fnino Imdlc nf wntor hy way of tlio Klho mnl Trim rlvorfl. wiw oponoil In IlKO. Ih h'liRtli In 41 mllo-i. ilolttli nbunt 10 toot, width 72 foot mji 1 ctyt t5.f0.ono. Tlio rrroat North llollr.inl Cnnnl. which coiinoctH AtiKtonlmn with tho fra, cut In lSir, hni now it dopth of 20 foot, mnl a width of 12.) foot nt tlio tmrfneo. Tlio Ciilodonlnn Canal, which coiniocln tlto Atlantic ami North Son through tho Xorth of Scotlinul, In 17 foot in tlopth, W foot 111 width nt tin) bottom, 250 mllcn loiiK, cost $7.0).C00, mnl Is nt Uh IiIkIi ost point HI foot uImivo tlio son love!. Tho Canal tin Midi, cut through Franco from ToiiIoiisp on the Garonne to ditto mi tho Modltorrnriemi, n Jlntaiicoof 15(1 inllo-r. Is 04 foot deep, (V) foot wl lo mnl KOO foot ahovo coa level nt Uh hlehint Kilnt, mnl has 111 locks; total ccbt 1,- w-ioco. Ill Atnorlcn tlinrannlti conncclliif,' tho (Jroat I.nkos arc t'r prinelrnl mlp can ul, ami arc throo in nuinlior: I'lio Woi land (.'mini, originally nmtnctcil in is:i3nml onlarKwl In IS7I nn.l I nri; tin Smitt Stc. Mario, or St. Mnr'H Itlvor Canal, oponod In IS.,i nml onhrxoil in ISti", aiijl tho Canadian caiui nt St. Miiry'H Itivur, oponoil in IS'J5. ll-o iloidh of llio cawiU nt tho St. Mary'n Itlvor Ih Hiinielent to nccoiuiitfKlato vosik's tlrnw iiiK 29-foot of water. Tho cost of tint Wnlhn I CnnaJ wish alioiit I!i,(XX),(Vi, hircelv duo toho fact that tw-nty-llvo locks uro roiiuroil In HiirinniintiiK the iIko of IJ27 foot In the (Untune of 27 111II0H, Tho lniHiim.s.4 of the St. MarH Full canals hy far mirpass in voltiinetliat of any other canal of tho woilil, tin freight toitnno of tho Amorioan mnl lanmllini canals coinhinoil liolmj, In 19UI, 2l,VJil, 97(5 rofjlstorod toiiH, whllo tho lot ton wifjo of tho Sue. Cillial In WW was 9, :i78. 152 tons and lliat of O10 Knser Wil liL'linCanal l.2H2,0'.H toiH. A Profitable) IayoHtiiieii "I wns troubled for nbout seven yrs wiih my stomach nnd In xt half my lltne'tn K.Dem. ick, omerville, Ind. I spent iiIjoiiI$iooo and never could ;ct nnyililnfj to help momtil I tried Kodol DysprptLi Cure. 1 liavo tl,en a few bottles nnd am now entirely well." You don't live hy wliatipu eat, but by what bit digest. If o ur ttoni.ich doeip't (lii;ctt jour food yoiare leally 'Sttrvini;. Kodo? DyiepsiiCura (Ioji llio ktoiunch's work by dlgtthi; the food.. Von don't have, to dle, lit, !illujou wnnt. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures II suiit.icli t o ihlrs. Red Cross-Dnii; Sloio nnU'cnmt.uU en s V lamiacy. ' Lazy Liver tt linvn linmi Iroulilril it urenl tteul is'Uh it tir;tl(l liter, vlii'h prviliu-ni ti'imtlrvi tlnn I f(n , 1 1 A CAMI'M t'll-ofill yinirlulm rortltcii ami h oiikM niicIi iitlhf tlio limtliliil, Hmt I iiiiu'lmiml nimtiior ntipiily mnl u ootii plclilr oiiiril I nlmll only Im l('irl(iil tu rfo. nitiiiK inl ( hm-amI'I whumivor Din oioriiiiiUy iir-n'tiliMl J, A Hmith. , 3v;0 Miisniiolmui',r Ave., I'lilladolplila, l'. W CANDY 17 Z$ CATHARTIC - KSk tiiaos maun luoisnnio rtfs.nitl. I'tlntuliin li.uiil 'r.itle Cmvt. TV) thKM :mnr Mikan, Wrnkrti.nr lul Hv VjC.ltit ... CURE CON3TIPATI0N. ... llfflUf D.mJ lM.f..r.kl.., HmIii.I, t.il, tt) tlfl TO rlflP H.tt vn.1 nffiii.1 l.r nllilrni. HU'lU'UAb mm iuuVWktuiWo ii.t-n. Look Carefully To Your Kidneys Dr. Jenner's Kidney Pills cause the kidneys to work an natuic intended they should. Thsy build up the shrunken v.'all.t of the kidneys, n.'i no known icuictly has been found to do Iwfote. Aa a cure for urinary troubles they have no ctntal. io, 25, 50 Cents ica .Li Rod Crooc DiucjStorO' Subtle Foe lii!) '11.1 In unrcrosriiizitl hi W h.ill ll m mm. It (lir.ivtM tho ftV tir.iitjiiw Miiri'ior. It j ii -iity Wg v tiMt'otMKorkultnicth-'m..' m ftj5j $ line-) if Hi.) hiti..!. 'in . tl'ti gAij i i.-iiiiHto:ily miiMif th'".! i ii i. iJj. iljtii Our IkmiI.I. . jla.nun -.'i ip. Sg 3 liim OiirIy-iK'iii'i'ib: t c iffy frfl rotiiplitfV 1 1 1 u-titiK ri'i.i f. wj i GILES9 I m DyspspsiaTablets S $' l;e5cc: h Rod Cions Stcro -- - ri , r ojos 3njQ G6OJ0 potJ sju33 05 l 'Of ca ujrd jo sdj3 o jwjujuj ;i3 tjwuij 3u, sv OAjjtsod jtj pur '.'.puv3 UA0UTJ j?7iV)tA J3Ai) puu zovn2?s jaAoq '3Jvp33A 'S33JUUVIJ .JUO 31JJL suoipzjuog CJDAOq puv Yprtuo)3 o zpwx jopjdmoa o puoj uj pojsisjjd cj o:n ipi'jj OWtA. pUU 'UI3J3AS ViU0 OlJfO C133JJ3-J31J0 pt'CJ 3AVJJ SACAJV tJOUJAl CJV43UJIU IJCIVtJ tJJA, '' sjpcaogf moj ZDJOj J.JLWQ A 8 i