The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, January 18, 1902, Image 4

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    - tr
I i
Mrs. T. S. Miuott wcut to the
city on the last Alliance.
Tide Tables nt l 1 Norton's,
Miss I.aunt Masters of Sumner,
came down to spend u week with
her sister.
Try n want ad in the daily
Coast Mail, Not one has faild
to meet with results. Th tec in
sertions lor 25 cents.
Mrs. S. A. Edmunds has gone H. Scngstackcn has gone o
on au xtcudcd visit to friends iu San 1'raucisco on n business
Auy ouc wanting pure A No. 1
Lfcaf Lard from -strictly corn-fed
hogs can find it on sale at lite
Mhrsh field Cash Meat Market
Ncal Munroc who wr.s stricken
with paralysis n short time ago, is
A. D. Scott has secured a con
tract to dig a ditch for Bluford
Davis on his Coos River farm.
Jack Frost, of this city, is serv
ing an apprenticeship iu the shops
of the Hercules Gas Engine Co.,
of San Frauctsco.
kMagncs & Nation's prices ou
boys' clothing arc bargain shots that
lull slriKc the bullseye of public
Mrs J Frcclund ofNorth Bend,
was reported last evening as be
ing still very seriously ill.
Don't forgotNasburg's
Annual Clearance Sale
is undor way and you
can save money by
spending it now.
Wm. Botvron, of Tcnipleton,
was in town Thursday two attend
the iuucral of his brother's little
Dr. J. W. Tower ami J. W.
Beunctt went to South Slouch
Tuesday to try conclusions with
the ducks.
For repairs to your boots and
shoes go tQ Peter Clausen. First
class shoemaker employed. Prices
reasonable. tt
Judd Mills aud Win. Johnson
of Daniels creek lodging camp
were iu town Friday.
t'M.n ,,,.,..l.. --., ,,
r.&aiu, IIH4i;.J IVIIII
Hcd Cross Kxpcctoiate.
calls for
The newspaper is the pulse of
n community; you can feel that
pulse tluuugh the advertising
vuiuiiius ui wiv: jmitci. ji
-j , jT
S. Laudo
is havl
ments made to the frout of his
store building. Sayagc & Sou
are doing the work.
1 he man who doesn't believe
in advertising is often the most
anxious to have the newspapers
correct auy slight misstatement
or uiaccuracy that may have ap
peared ab'but him.
January 1st, 3 90S.
Our Tlrl ,'IiiiiimI CImmiicc Sdlc.
To the Residents of Minshficld and Coos
E5 Jan. 1st, to St. Valentine's day 15 Days Sale
. Demitv Sheriff EdGallicr came
in over the Drain route Thursday
oh' his return irom an oinciai mp tile Drevaieut disease on Kcntuck
. .
to Salem.
7Mn Thornweit has rentctl S.
B. Cutlip's ranch on Daniels
cTcck'and expects to take posses
ion next week.
Dr. Horsfal reports a case of
ure also tlirec
Slough. There
cases at Bay City
Chas Lichtwerk is having an
addition built to his tesidence.
C. S. Brown and JaiuesBarry arc
doing the work.
Second hand office desk, made
of maple, myrtle aud white cedar
for sale cheap. Apply to J. W.
Bennet. i2-2S-2t
W. S. Chandler of thcRailroad
Co., 1ms decided to repair the tel
ephone line between the depot at
Marshfield and Myrtle Point.
Kay Golden will have charge of
the work.
Bedrock prices ou shoes
Peter Clausen's, next door
Blanco hotel.
When you want some extra
nice cheese call on your grocer
for biimncr creamery lull cream
cheese. 6 8 tf
Space well used means profit to
the advertiser. Space badly used
means loss. If von want to get
every possible value out of your
space you must take every pos
sible care iu filling that space
witli the right kind of material
and iu saying the right things at
the right time.
Nine Mills School Tax
L. J. Simpson is having a good
deal of trouble with his eye, which
was mentioned iu ourNorth Bend
correspondence a few days ago.
On Wednesday he was out in the
vind too much and Thursday,
was sufferingquite severely.
Wliat is the use in employing
sorae-ouc. to-do ypur dyeing ior
ypu.- If you use PUTNAM
it just as well as a professional.
Sold by John Picuss, 10 cents
per package.
Ed Hansen, who went to Cal-
ifefruia last May, came up on the
Areata after his family and will
move to SanFrancisco, having se
emed a position ou ouc of the
Sprccklc's steamers running to
Deputy Fish Commissioner
Bultmau went to the Comiillc to
look over that stream, but found
the country so cut up with im
passable quarantine lines that he
gave it up and came back.
Gzo: S'. Davis of Norway, was
ifi Matshficld Thursday, euroute
(6 Ferndale, Cal. , where he goss
in response to n telegram inform
ing him of the serious illness of
his mother. Mr. Davis is accom
panied by hisWife aud to chil
Nothing better than Red Cross
Expectorant for that troublesome
cough; try it,
Nasburg's special sale
in all lines of clothing
will be held on Thurs
day, Friday and Satur
day, Jan. 23, 24 and 25.
Twenty to 40 per cent
discount on overvthiner
in the clothing line. No
Capt. Harris made a special
trip Monday, bringing down a
load of cheese ior theEurcka mar
ket. This factory is working up
a fine trade for us product down
in Humboldt.
Mrs. E. J. Masters is conduct
ing drcssmakiug parlors in the
Marks building, and solicits n
call from ladies desiring good
work at reasonable prices. -
Alex Hall came down from the
Crescent mine last evening to at
tend the meeting of the Fraternal
Jniou. This was the first time
Alex ever attended a meeting of
the F. U.OM A., but he rode the
goat like a veteran. He wa able
to stand of! the evil spirits in
great shape.
We have made our prices on boys
clothing look like pigmies, but the
values are giants. Magnes& Mat-soft
J. A. Matsou, of the firm of
Magnes & Matsou, aud Miss
Vjrgic Kruse were married in
San Francisco Mouday. After a
trip to the Southern part of Cali
fornia, they will return to Marsh
field several weeks heuc. They
have the best wishes of the people
of tllicoirniunity.
. ,
.Apjivate letter written at Myr-
ti'e'Point Sunday, says that there
were ho cases of the prevailing
epidemic there at that time, but
every one was keeping under
cover as much a possible and no
children were allowed on the
i in
A sack of Toke point oysters
caiue'oiTthe' Alliance for J. W.
Bennett He had ordered them
irom Portinnd, with the intention
ol planting them in the bay, but
sfnee talking with Deputy Fsh
Commissioner Bultmun, it seems
unlikely that these' oysters would
ao auy goon u piamea in me u.iy,
ahd they will probably be planted
else wherein spots where they
vtll"dO some good. '
Randolph Macoou leaves on
the Alliance lor San Jose, Cal-,
where he will enter business col
lege. During his extended visit
here with his sister, Mrs. G. T.
Coleman, he hns made manv
friends who regret his departure,
E. O'Counell started Wednes
day for San Diego, Calif., having
been notified of the serious ill ties
of H. P. Whitney, aud requested
hy that gentleman's wife to come
down; Mr. Whitney was one of
Marshfield's early business men
aud is Well known by all the old
residents. Mr. O'Counell wa
formerly associated with him in
busiuess. All the old settlers
here will hope for the restoration
to health ot a man whom all re
member with feelings of cordial
liking and the greatest respect.
The total school tax in
district this year will be
mills, the directors haviug levied
an assessment of two mills in ad
dition to the seven mills voted ou
Mouday. The two mill tax is
for the purpose of raising mouev
to pav interest ou the bouded in
debtedness. Two payments of
5o each must be made, one iu
May and one iu November, to
cover the interest ou $15,000 at
6 per cent. School taxes here
arc not heavy considering the
bouded indebtedness and the ex
cellence of the school.
1 here has been considerable
discusbion as to the advisability
of closing the school until the
epidemic ot measles etc. runs its
course, but the directors have
thought best tu take no action be
yond instructing the principal to
dispense with the Banner Day
exercises until further orders, and
to stop the attendance at school
of all children iu whose families
tiic epidemic exists It is thought
that these precautious will do
fully as much good as turning the
children on the streets, where
danger of exposure to contagion
would be fully as great as at the
The closing of the school would
not diminish expenses except iu
the matter of fuel aud jaiiior,
The teachers' salaries would go
on the same, and the money
would be speut and nothing to
show for it.
Dnri n'g This Timo.
t'ltOKlT N hwt lht of, miit COST U out f the
intivtlou, wo are doing wlmt no worKliu; imiu
over do.
If ou donlrv to tnki iiihiiiitniro nf the pxxN
offered do nut lc:tw It too Into, our reputation
U iHtnhlMuM for ltuii( und fulr donllnj? unit
wlmtowr tlu eot wo cluill multitiilii tlio pil
lion o htuo pliii'tl. TlwuMnj: joii for jour
Ivi tut imtron.ii1. wo nro,
oinn-KM.ourf r.i u.niMi.
Myrtle Point's Muddy Streets
Joe Voakam is bnck from cruis
ing timber for Portland parties
ou the Middle fork of the Co
quille. He reports that Mrtle
Point has the worst streets 011
earth aud when he came through
there it wai necessary to ttavcrsc
the back streets to keep from mir
ing dowi;. Why don't Myrtle
Pointers givcmi'iloyment to Mime
of the farmers and their trains
and have a coating of gravel put
ou their streets?
Genuine Christian Science.
Healing hy absent tieiitinent
for 501 iow, .sin, bad habits, aud
exery dueasc, no tnuttei what;
for tluwe who are willing to live
an honest life. No faith, or m
called leiigious life leqtiircd.
Terms within the means of all.
B.KTi.r.TT, 36 Geary St., San
iTaucnco, Cal.
Change of Firm.
William Kick wot th 011 Wed
nesday retired from the grocery
( film of Campbell & Kickwortli,
Special Sale uf Millinery. his interest haying been putchas-
Commencing Mouday, I will cd by his partner Alex B. Cnmp.
close out nil my Fall Millii'eiy. 'bell. Both these young men are
None will be carried over and all popular and energetic business
will be sold out at cost or less, men and they have built up a
Winter millinery will be worn fort nice trade, which will uudottbt-
sevcral mouths vet. Take nd- ei'ly he enjoyed by Mr. Cntuohell
vantage of these bargains.
Mus. C. I'AiNTitit.
do-r6 wzi-inj
who will entry on the businev;.
JIw -Or Taur KUntj, r
Vt IIettt'Hirf Hi IMinir all Mi trUH. Pai
tU (re. AOd. &irliiu Kisicilr Co ,t'BI to ec K. X
F. U. of A. Install
He paid It
By a letter from O. A. Kelly,
proprietor of the Ri virion hotel,
v.c learn that Coulter did pay his
board bill iheie, as he claimed.
fright's Disease
Tim larue.1 mini ever pnyeil for u
prescription, i-IiaiiimmI IiiidiU nt 8un
Krwruco. Aujj UU.liXU. The Iran,
fer invi.hVcl In com and
$112..W0.00ni)fl was p iii by , nriy ii
huniiie iiipn for a ypcf Uiu fur KriKhtV
Thoy cdiniiiencrd Uib st'rious iovpr.
iKHtion of iho specific Nov 15.' 1!KX).
Tlii-y Interviewed neorcu of th euied
mid trim! it out omts nieriu by puttliiK
gver tlircu dozon (infos 011 tl 0 ireai
riiont und wiitclilng tlii'in, Tlioy uloo
got phynicbitih 10 11111110, in
eurublti cuno, niul -(li)ilrmtiirc'd ii
with tho plirvielniiB for judges . Up to
Aug 25, elglily mven pur cunt of tho
test erueH wvro either well or progrod.
biiiK favorably.
.There brine onlv tblrtnon unr Mm
of failures tho purtie wore Hutislied
undoloHed tin Iriuxnotlou Tho pro.
'eodiugs of lliu iiivetigrttlng cuin
inituo and tho repurm of tho
iei. eases were. publisiiMd and will ho
inuilud tree on iipplieatlou. Addrei
Joii.v J. FUI.T0X Oomi'AXv, -120 .Mont
gomery bt., biurriiuiuuco, Col.
If joii hate made up your mind
to buy a mackintosh this year now is
your time to buy when, you can get
one at less than cost at Magnes &
Senator Clark is reported to
have takeu only ninety minutes
iu spending $300,000, for paint
ings iu New York the other day.
The decline in the use of bi
cycles has necessitated a reduc
tion of capital stock of the com
bination from $8o,oco,ooo to
The loss of life by railroad ac
cidents reported to the Chicago
Tribune during the year 1901
was 3,669, as compared with 4,-H
109 in 1900 aud 3,696 iu 1899.
Eighty-four sfjUarVinches of
laud oflercd for $1,000 is the big
gest "asking price" yet recorded
in New York City. Yet full
lots have been sold at prices be
tweeu $2 and $3 per quare inch
AT lllfclilURcilES,
faabba. 1 school 10:03 A .11
r-si i'pm"" ' U iC A Ml ft,,d
OhrUtlun Endeavor. C:aOPM,
Id-week serviced, Thursday 7 :.'0 V M
buniuel B. McOlollanU.l'ubtor.
Altior Lodge, V. U.of A. held
a protractetl meeting Wednesday
night. After initiating six new
members, the officers for the en
suing year werezmtallcd. Then
plentiful refreshmentfi were served
111 the reception hall and a good
social time wui enjoyed, the exer
cises including (lancing iu t he
large hull .
Following wore tlionllii-oruinMulleil
W'iiIdi lny cv( inttH by Altior l.''l,
I'. I', of A : Fraternal Mnter, F. A
S.ic. hi, Juntice, .Vi llle Owen, Jlerry,
Miu-Kif Ilfar, Truth, .Mi. .Murrlmnl,
.Socrt't.iry. Kiln liullur, Trv.mutMr,
llrn-ie ItirlmrilH. 1'iotictor, (.'
Jenen, (ilililo, F.tlu S.trchi, Cuard.
Ilirtha r.iytiH. aonilncl, I'urry .1U11-
z), S'nw.inlB, C'ti.i. Hull nnd Doi
The mnehincty complete for
the manufacture of five touu ol
ice daily. Kvcrvthing in first
class oider. Run only three sea
sons, addict,
i2-r,t 2ino Salem, Or.
iCI i A
tT..KZ vh.
x:rr li.ivo
been more
'tJS" merciful
Hi a 11
liiiiiiidi lie-In, nnd spaud the woiimis
qa.H.tcj them m the Hijiin. It in c.ionUll
iuj how hule hyinpatliy wonitn have
for Moiurn. fu the home the uiUtreu
mm the uiaM with the )gn of siifferhi;;
)ib rucoxiiiBM kj well, but cite dooa tint
ligilUti the kick Girl's Jod liy a tulirh of
Jier Iu the- More th forewoiimn
tw'Wtiie psllor and exhaustion which
uorltuoiiiaiily vtvaktiaw, but allows
lathing for tlieiu. It is work or (jult.
Doctor 1'iorceVt I'ayorite 1'a'Kilptlon
111ikca weal; women etrong and nick
women well, by eurlug the womanly
dikcoieo which luidcrmliio the health
oud tap ihc streugth, "I'avorltu Tre
ecrititlou " (CkUblithes regulnrity, dries
wertkuniugx drains, heal iiifluiiinntlon
and ulceration, nnd curea female weak.
Winn I fita romiiieacnl ihIiir I)r Mricr'n
int-liclde." writ Mr r.coiee A. Rlruiif, ol
Cjiitinoott, biintoja Oj.N. V "J w milftr
lup fioiu frinitk wejlsnc,B itlwirrtoble drain,
brarine down pilnii, weak awl lirnt reeling all
the Hint I ilMsed nioiml In IUI way fur
tno yram, llitn I iau iiLlnv vour medicine.
AfKr u'-lnii Die Ant lllle 1 tJtan to feci
iNarrotv liscape
Wm. Judd, suffered n disloca
tion of the ankle nt Kohiiuon's
logging camp near Allegany, and
had a very tiariow escajie from
instant death. While rolling logs
down the hill, he fell and n log
pinned him to the ground. He
was brought to town and Dr.
Straw's X-ray machine disclosed
the extent of his injuries, which
were light compared with what
he eicaped.
To Collect Assessment
At n special meeting of the city
council, held last evening, it was
ordered that win units be issued
fur tin r.r1trllthM tf nciiiiLitiiiiiiilu
have been I ot yet paid, lor the improvement
time Kiiei; l ol l'ront street.
I HP Willi
Professional Curds.
w--iLsjww!3Rr-s ii m i ii ii. .
B. L Straw, tfa: D.
Sn;ohil nlletitliiii to (IIsoiihom of tho Hyp.
hitf, .w mill fhiimt. (Ilimsort ihUmI.
Office in Scngstnckcn & Smith
"O. W. To worTM D.
cnit ' s. uim.i.i niit .ni i, iv,,
I . 'II "Inn M i.Hhl ,i (i ,ul,
W. XI. .Douglas,
I ion .i .
I tiltrlri lit men.
A. Tovo. .
Otlh-p t -ttiltn In Klilurvilii Hltiek
.Mitsiuii:i.D. , , oiii:
J. W. Bonnoti,
I wv
MAN'-III It'.l tl
Office iu the Ileinnl' '& Wnltrjr
ri n
li'iKk, I'rnni (iiit,
I.iullm wiintlntt llri-t-flnM wotk
uro luWled to mil tit MIm Ihn
WllmiiiMilreiwnmkliia mi lorn hut
Mnmiwi't Mnhoit'ii Htuio.
di:ai in '
II !' II J ' IK
NOltril KlttiST
"i l"irt nniln.y
1' MrtflilloilOio
jNToiio but tho
Bout oi Moats.
I rxii-tuiitly fitruMi tho ln-H mnl
lUlniMut iiiHtit, wlilvli kImm iiik (Im
eonllilpiir-' ol my imtrutH,
Meats are
hut It I tuv-iry tluit tlipy bo putiMiiul
wli ! ii.- I I'm nut jiruinK' ilUcnitit.
but I mil kIp )iiii hiuip-t mid rnurti'iiiH
tri'iitiuiiit. mut Mttii- tPivbixl fm )uur
iiioiii-y. Hrttltfupliiui KH'irniitriil or mill
J I - - - WtTWWMMV
H S j i52K''2Mwa? aVv-'W
Marshfield Gash M!eat Market,
iirain' iiiiuu vvo).
Kin: . ici.ivi:itY
l'H.iSr, ll
V.'V: NO H, T II .V.
I. K t I' l I
"ii it 1 1 r n.
m:v.s di and aui.nt
r ii r t i n uT
h a ii
K r a it r I v ii
ii ml
I ! H "I I II K l II If II II X .
V I. A Y i miTa'ii iTTTT-
S ii Iiht r I i 1 1 mi m fur nil
(i n p i- r i it n d i o r I it I p u I ,
Piup rluttM nuit Intuit rn.
Hlittbiiifry, Jvirrlry, iiaiIuim.
Kcst m Uoinfort.
'riuvo KUbttuiitliil tmtttriiwix mo ihfi liu Iters.
'I hey urn roinfurtiiblp mnl will relnln tlndr "MirliiKl
iif,"fnr piirn. .Mmli' in two ii,.h nr nil In
oiii' idtTi'. Tliwo luik nuitrii-cii, with
nittiiii fare uro muttl In nll-hnlr mnl out a great
ih'itl hfH ninth')'.
Qiiristensex & Johnson
A I'rii.scri j1 ion
bctttr 1 look four boltrif Dr 1'ltri.e I'avor
iu: rrttcrlpuon, two or 'CoWtn Mcillul 1'1
ccArrjr.'onir vlil of tlir 'Htiaa 1'clltU,' ul.o
ul one bottle of Or. Bajji' CiUrrli Kcmmly.
Now I feel like n net' perwu. 1 can't lliauk you
cuomIi fit your kiml advice onil Hie good your
lueJIcliie liat Ooue lilt."
"I'avorltu Prescription" make yscok
women utrotiff, kick women well. Ac.
ccpt no iuUtftulo for tho medicine which
works woudcra for weak women,
ur, nerce'a I'leaMiit. 1'eileU nre tlic
inost deairable Inzative
Have Yon Seen llliti.
Inquiry is heitig made ns to the
when'houts of J. U, Cnrder, (or
Colder) who was last Itcnitl from
hy a letter dated nt Marsh field,
Nov. 15, igor. He is described
us 3M yearHtild darl: compk'.xioii,
dn:l: mustache, weight 145.
Wore a daik coat and vest, strip
ed puiiU, fjray htifTliat. Had a
coveted wnjjoii and ayirl 13 years
old with him. Any one aide to
jjivc inforiiiation will confer a fa
vor on the man's wife hy commit'
nieatinj; with this office.
A FJlIC Gift.
1'iltfd hi'io mil Imvo pxiidly tho
ill. ct ymir ili)rii'iuii liilumhil
ulioitld linn1.
W11 kiiMiv 1 1 i lifoiiiinfl iho hiKi"'
ilit'iitii will nil bo fruth ittid roli
nblo, und thu I'linipotititliiiK iicu
nilii to iho liiKt dnri'u.
llriu ti('4ciiiitii)ut hero niul run
110 chiiiici H,
Red Gross Drug Store
John PreussiProp.
j' ll
!2TS".ViE! VIA
riiwiiwiii ri mmm i i iwi
The large l?ulish mnstiff, he
loiiRiuj to Ileury Holm is now
doiuji time for a new master, hav
ing been preseutcd to Mr. II.
liultmau, deputy commission'
er who left yesterday for Gardi
ner, taking the dog with him.
This dog is a very fine specimen
of the mastiff breed and while he
I is not worth Ins-weight in gold
lire inc.- . . ..i..
for dellcatche is nil animal any uiuu cau oe
proud of
sfRE you InttrttltJ In yur ftlhwif dit yiu anurntJ in tbt
3e Affitiri tf lift t D ytu tart anything afoul tbt grtat ntii talit
h.ivt irsul't afoul the ttnditUui In tvhiih tn livt, ami that
who are in ftwer It-J.iy F D yu enjoy vbtltiomt, anlmaltJ ilorlei that
art Irut t lift t Do ytu tart for Itauly In any ftm T Thin ihtrt it
no titaft fer yon ; you mutt jolt tbt amy tpbt ttad McCltuc'i regularly,
New Romantic Love Story iy booth takkington.
author of "Tbt (Stiitltmai J) out liiiamt" mul "Montttut Otauealtt,"
a tale uf Una thwarted but tiiumplum, ol ;all.uit men nnd beautiful
women, It deal with life in JmlijiM ut the time of the Mexican War,
True Story of the Standard Oil. iiy ida m. tar-
HULL, autbjr ef " Life of Napolt'it," " Life of Lincoln," ett. A
dfanutic, human itory of the firtt'iuul nlll the tcatost of all trusti not
an economic treatise, but an excitin;; liii'.ory.
Greatest of the Old Masters. I
llyJOIIN I.AFAKC.K. Interest
lii5 and helpful uperi on Michelan
gelo, Uaphacl, Kembrandt.ctcilicir
fineit pfettirei reproduced in liuti.
Mr. Dooley 0:1 Ills Travels. I IU
views upon the 1 plcal New Ycrkcr,
Philadelphia'!, Hoi'nnlan, and in
Inlii'.ant ul'Ch'odxo and Wailiinjjton.
William Allen White on Tillnun,
n.ttt, Clc.clau.l mid others.
Clara Morris's Slajrc RecoHcc-
tluilS. Stories of ij.ilvlnl, Hern
lianlt, Mrj, Siddnus and otlicri,"
A JJattlc of Millionaires. -By
the 1 utlior of "Wall Street Stoiicj."
TltC TorCSt Itltltcr. Serial Tule
ol" iho Mklijfjui Woods.
Josephine podge Dabkain. More
Child Stoiics,
r.inmy Stories by GIJORGE
llhlirtilti f tifftlui,ilturitlr.i' in M nunf ndr fmiurii, Witfrii uauy ajjitu
l, O. McCI.URII CO,, 141.135 liost 95th Dtrcel, New York, N. Y.
But at any price THE BEST
CKrtm m,rtmt,'ui3ttUtaiKMzrjnjltrAt,imvimifn mi Mmum