The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 23, 1901, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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p- r,i
a. markievitch.
Merchant Tnilot
Third door north of Klninigiiit A
Huiiiinll JUnk, .MnrnlilUlil.
In latrat atylra j inoilerale prlrea.
.laaorliMt-Ml oobpIiI" ofitll
Ihe TmmT iiral(Ba INili'ul-
nrlnK f litMirleil
UMd tJniiieall''
Flanagan A Itaintott
IllUKCI'OltS T. It Shcil
iUii.J. W llmiiinli. l'Kr.rt .
mid. II. VICI.
I'ltl.H. . It. K J Wlllimn-.
Capital, $50,000.
contain nU the news of
this state, the events of
the world nml editorial
comment that's widely
Tako it. Road it.
The Coast Mail and tho
Weokly Orogonian
Ono Yoar.
J. U. Iis.
Photographor B
J MAItrflll'IKI.p. oltKliON.
only first
class Gallery
in C005 County.
All WrU WMrriiaieil.
Onuoi tho iimmI holpful Inxika nu
nerve wnakiieap ever lniiwl Ih Hint en
titled "wnamiieive," liy lr rinweyruf
S.tit KrmuiiMMi, now U luili thou. Thlawork of an oxpeiienced
Mini riinntithln phyaloUh U mt itree
ulilnciiiitrita. lotlto vhhIiihiii of fnlw
learliliiK which provnlla nil lltli htf
iHirlitni anbjoiH. ItuUntniU In enr
lully foimldwrod miuI pritctlmil mlvice.
tiud hit" tint two Krcitt morliH nf wta
diiut nml alnoerUy.
It I. by Ixitlt the rellK'iii
iiudaeculur prwa. Tli-OIfrtirti At -valiit
aityi r ' A poriiwil ' ll''' h"".;.
mnl iippllRAtluii nllta prlni'iple will
put health, hopn nitil h'rt Inio ilinu
MiniNnf live thill me. now millnrlit
thrntiKlt tinrvmu Inipitirnuint.
Tint i book .IH) by ni.til pi-
l")i!n of tint moot hiutreattni: ulnijitei-a
ithaptor xx, mt Nervine mid .Nerve
Tonlci-lm been printed Hi'per.tiiily hk
.1 aample ohiiptor. ami will I"' ";it '"
any itilreaafur u plump by thn l,l,',',?J'
Mr, rim'.l'Heilh) I'ub. Co., H-ix 'MM
Coast Hail.
lUif taaaaera Ar roelea-Teata
Wkltk aaaw tb rar Material.
run? allk, when It ha teen through
ill t lie procctaea neceanary to bring out
II Ita good tuallfri. la worth I la
weight In allm. Mid n expert tlio
other day. Thcrcforu the women who
expect to buy pura illk at llttlo mora
than the price of cotton muat expect to
In fooled, out) I litre are Iota of wya by
which Hie manufacturer Beta oven with
They make atuff that la called allk
ami pattca for It with crcdutoui per
on who don't know nny letter out of
marly any old tiling now. One favor
He Imitation llk In mndo of cellulose
t mi fed with chemical. It Un't a Rood
maierlul In get on Ore lu. Then there
re unit li Mil Inland eoltona nnd mine
lucrcerlced cotton which after treat
mi-lit look pomcthlng like allk. though
of couro they wear very differently,
and their allkcn appearance aoon van
Ithca. Hut It l In adult-ratine gooda which
really hnre nouie allk In them Hiat tli
crriitiKl tklll li excrclted to "deceive
Hie Imyer. To ohtaln the required rua
fr nml Ixidy rough flo la uften uied
fur tlie woof of Hie material. Thta pood
inue It to wrnr ahlny.
Another trick la to Increaie the
weight and apparent eolldlly of n film.
y llk material hy ualiiR metallic aaltt
In the dye tala. I'rrMlng with aome
LlmU of allk tncreaea I lie wclsht alao,
lull at the nacrlllcc of atrtngtb. Cheap,
erackly. tlfT allk which haa heavy
curda la good allk to avoid. It won't
There lire perrral tenia which reveal
leadlly tin- imrlly of a piece of allk.
The mrcro'iope of rourae will how It
at once, een In an iniprnctlccd eye.
Cure allk linn the apiM-amucc of fine,
pinooth tllhcp. Another good teat la hy
horning. I'ure allk hiinia plowly, with
a Plight mliir. ('(iiliiu flare up quickly
and would throw off n decidedly dlia.
grccnblo piiicII.
Then I he luiigtio will readily reveal
the prcpelice of inetnlllc aalla. There la
no initialing their tnile. Hut nil thepe
may l dlarvganlcd. paid the expert,
w hen allk la offered for Ihe price of cot
Inn. You need not lKlher to left that
pluff.-New York Sun.
HI I'krair. "Of thr VtapU."
Orlalnalrtl br Thrudar I'arkcr.
William II. llermloii, l.liicvln'a law
liarinrr. knew Thewlore I'arker well
and had milch com.'iKiulrluv nllh
hlni. nml after Ihe I.lucolu.ttoiiKlaa dc
bale lie enilie oil In Itimtun nnd paw
I'nrker and other atitUlatery men with
an eye lu l.lueoln'a Milcnl pronpi'cta.
uliiK linck In HprliiBtlfld. he took with
lilm wmie of I'nrier'n newer perumna
mid iiddreMp "One of iliein," he
"n,; lu lil "Almilnim l.lueiiln," " a
leelllle nil 'The l.ffeel of Slutery nil
Ihe Allierlemi I'eople.' txhlch ill
Ihetiil lu Ihe MtlPle hull. IIohIuii. nnd
which I K'ttc in Lincoln. lio rend aud
nliirinil ll. lie llkiil ieclnlly the
follnllii: expreoplim. which he marked
Willi n teiicll nnd which he lu piiIi
piniiiv MflefWitlil ued In hl tlettya.
Iiiii'i; mtitn-pH. 'Iieumenicy l direct pelf
KOtenillleut, liter nil Ihe ieople. liv till
(lie people, for nil Ihe iniiple.' " The
iiililiepH ii'feinil in (I'lirkcr'H lnt urent
mnlnliiverj hiIiIivpni wiik ilelhen-d July
4, IKVS.
Hen1. I piihmll, uiim Hie prolmlilc orb
Kin Of I.IiicoIii'n phrnae. lu one nrlnut
oriiuother It mum u urem fmorlie with
I'nrker, often inkliiK the exnet form
Hint Lincoln Kine ll, with III pure In
tuition of Ihe Ik'ni where there win uuy
choice of wurdM. lu n apei'h delivered
hy I'arker lu INU) we llud ll IiiiIhmIcIiiI
In n piiPdiKc which tulcht have Ih-cii
the limplmllnu of Sewnnfa fntnoiia
"IrreprcMidlilc coutllct" or I.lneoln'a
"hoiIHe divided npilliPt llPelf." n view
to which I'nrker iiiuiluunlly niuircd.
tn two olhel' ppeccheN It alnuiU "K0V
eruuieiit of nil the coplc, by nil Ihe
people, for nil the people." Ita enrllnt
npiH-nritniv tliut I have dlKcovered lu
IiIh wrltlncp la lu n letter to Itev. Sum
uel J. May In IH4H, where It In pimply
"isnverinueiit of nil, ly all, for all."
lievlewof ltelewa.
llurr V'mmmi Crrnlr la HanU
lr lllndno Knaka Caavraara.
The erentnn were on the defenalve,
hut not one of them attemf I to
airlke nt the luitater, who ant p lely
In front of them, ao loin,' h did
nolhliiK to annoy them. Kullau miked
to thetn aa If they were bin dearcat
frlcmta. After n time one or tho other
of them would lower Ita head, collnjme
lla hood nnd liejjln to try to wrtRRle
awny. WhcreuKn Kullmi would give
It n amnrt little rap on the tall with
Ilia itlck mid brliiK It Inatautly to nt
lentlon anlu. Whether thta man poa
aeard nny ppit'lnl limbic over lliear eo
hrna or whether the ileaerlptlnii Rlren
below of how he could bundle nnd piny
with them wmr pimply due to Ida tneth
Ml I enuiiot Pity, lie lilumelf repildla
ted Ihe Iden of mtisle nnd nnpertwl ktp.
Itlvely Hint nny one who hnd the tieo
enry nerve nod dexterity could do
exnctly the anine.
lie upciI no niil lii'truuiriit or tun
ale nf nny kind to propltlntt the rep
tllea. He would kIiii !y pipint on IiIp
hnuuehep In front of them, nnd. nfter
ihey tia'l been IiIppIiiu nnd pwa-Miic
Ihelr upl'fteit henilp luiekwnnl mid for
wnrd for n few minutes, he mined Ida
hninU nlove their hendp nnd alowly
made them deaeeiid till they rented on
Hie Pimkra' hcml-,. He then atrokeil
them Kciitty. PN-iiklni: nil the time In
the uut eiide.irliiB IllndooPtnnee
term. The PeriM-tlta npenreil atell
hound. They innde no effort t" reent
the llherty. hut remained quite ptlll.
with hcml" tipllrtcd. nlid aeemeil rather
to enjoy It. l'rernHy Ida hntida would
deaccnddown the ueeka ntmut three
luetic helow the hendp. hla flncerp
would clone ImiPcly umund the necka.
nd he would lift theiu off the grutiuo
and plnce them on hi phouhlera. Tlie
lipiienep of I lie crip uppenreil tn be
the iiinlti Pire. The Plinkea. helm: tn
r... way hurt, would then atnwly crawl
throtiRh IiIk llumrp mid wind :'jfin
pchea rolllnl IiIh lleeli. IiIn pnijIdcM
and Ida nrm. They iippenred to renb
lie Hint no liurni wiip In he done them,
aud they lilHile mi effort to rceut
tin liniicllluc He uoiild pick them
Krntly off one nrin nnd phice them on
the other nnd. In fnet, Ktioke them nml
jiet them n If Ihey hnd Ikvii n pair
of hariulepp oriin -loriililll.
tlaatal OTaaarH'a r.
In the NaUonal Library of Ireland la
the fee book of Daniel O'Connell. Tblt
volume. In Ita 100 pagca or ao of paral
lel columna, loborlouily prejiared tiy
tbo hand of the liberator blmaelf.
abowa In pounda, ahlltlnira nnd pence
hla early atrugKlea. O'Connell wn
called tn the liiab tmr In lift the year
of the rebellionand aeven e;a latee
he (Mt hla flrt brief, from a brother-ln-Inw,
who retained him to draft n dec
Inrnllou mi o promlppor; note. The
only other IhipIiicpp he put Mint yenr
wnp nlvi cheii him by n kliiuinn-n
cons.u nnd ll wn of the uiiie Wind.
The fee oil ench iPvnloll wnn CI 'Jp. Pd.
It w:ih In one of IiIh en rile I tncK I hut
O'C'onuell innde Hie reluit Hint nttrnct
ed intention to It tin lie wiim cropp ex
atnlnltiK nu nwkwntd wIhichp, who de
clareil tliut he hnd drunk nothluc but
hla ahure of n pint of whlaky. "On
your oath, now," thundered the younc
couniel, "wna not your pliare all but
the pcwrterT"
O'Conuell'a fee liook la nn Interesting
record of hi rapid rite In the prefer,
aton. For the flrat year, aa we have
aeen, hla Income amounted to only
12 fit. Cd. Next year he earned over
ffiO, and Ihe yaar after he made over
1400. According to memoranda made
tn hla own handwriting hla Income In
1803 wna H05, nndjln the following
yara. TT5, fWO. ft.OTT. X1.713. 2.108.
2,730. 2.031. 3.017 and 3.808 r-apectlTely.
roar Tarsrl rrarllee, ,
A general wu hard preppinl lu tattle
and on the point ofaclvlug way when
iitddenly n aplrll aoldler came lo Ida
rcacuc nml eoahUil him to wlu a Kreat
victory. I'rontratlug blmtclf oil the
ground, he asked tho eplrlt'a nniue.
"I am thu god of the target." replied
the spirit. "And bow have I merited
your godihlp'a kind aaalatanceY' In
quired the general. "I am grim ml to
you." anawered the aplrlt. "becaupe
In your daya of practice you never
once hit me."-From "A Century of
Chlueav Literature."
. "p. V
yi'.W'f 1(1 M.Kit AND Aiil'.NT
I 4
1 h I e p l H n ii K r m n
d n 1 1 1 e p.- A IT Tlie
i V
K ii h p e r I p 1 1
p n p e r u ii d
Klne clifarn nml tobacco.
Fans' Livery Feei ii Sale stables, J
Burt Case Proprietor. Roseburg Oregon i
Besi Ris and Teams in the City. ::J
Mc 1'iirn .a- I iiely b"en ftiliircnl mnl I huv mbJeil -j
"verl new rii 'nd hiii iHHIer prepnrnl Hum ever In f
luriilli y HI i'pi I Urn mit J
Transient .stock iveii .ccial attention. Call and see me.
kaJkJkv.'Vak,axam.XXMB aX'BV'aV'.KBxajk'-aK
C. 0. D.
A loll linenf elini! riM-erie, f.... Il.iur. Iimi rfinl liieon
nlwiiyp iiullipml, Irei-li friiitp mi'l v-.eii,lili.p receiviil nn
eery plemnei.
TrciDillvcrv t
That is what we have to sell, and
we oan fill all orders for any
and all kinds. THE QUALITY
is guaranteed and the price is
,- (
.. .
! ft V t
anything required in Fir. Spruce,
Red and White Cedar.
0 11 T 0 N.
e I p c o it n il I' r t I n n d
lend! u u Sfn k n r. I u ,
n for ii 1 1
p e r I o d I r n I .
, Hntiuiiery. Jewelr)'. notion,
TtkrboHt mn'I.
Nbrth BendrOre
P.i one Main 151,