The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 23, 1901, Image 3

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    wrfttf). VJt;(i' . 'mw' -? j tf"fRfcF"H,''V"
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1 7
'"' 1,4 Ill
ruaUMMInfiii.aK.i....u. .......... .n 1. . .4 -i ."
MyihjirdinMiHtajiiMiruxnrAkiarHt L'7rwr.niiirJnrtrtmiuuA.
' "r-a A t
,. ; (fa "
AW. kl
' .. ii j . ... .1 i .... ,. . ..-. - - ' m i " i ... .. .-. ! TTyrrBBSBaaWM
tfcW.T.nw - riT - Bi.ii..
.... . .,. iamHW4msmmmauuVL&;MiuiwWkJiMfrUSi
f - 2 3 fin vouT'iir ens ta ren
'... -. .;,.,w,..-, p M &l il l( H i
' mmm 1 iW I HIIm
t - JWHlWM' III II. I I . .
msmmm nhs
AVf'cf.iblolViiki nl'ii :;
ncnsnivlllost.Conlflln.siu'Jilu:t' Up.tiiii.MoipliJui iiorMJui'Ml,
Nor TJ.Vucotic.
yLt.V- .
IM (Iff .JMlsAM
Apetf . I lltfimMy rorroMlJp.n
Won, bom Shinytrli. Diarrhoea
iirauniulI.onH Oi' t-il.i'.Hi.
Vnc'.nmVi r.n'ndure uf
Wl.-tLJTVrt t WkW .f.l.M I. -, r
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jen riser's
Kidney Pill
eattt-g the kidneys to work n)
natuic intended tin.-; nltottld.
Tltcy Uiild up tho i;!irmtUn
wall of the kiutios-s, a no
known tfsnaty Ijhh been fuunU
to do Mi re.
Ah a cure tor .trienry tioub'ca
they have no wjtiul.
io, 35, so t-cntr.
Roti Crouo Drti;; Storo-
I. Ti
)); ;aii Li mirrtMnlxtl tu
liuli tii' i-impii. It Ufclvm tho
iiukimuli't! tMiUVri'C lu muiiy
v.iiluttu:niit' lutt(liaKfiil.iiit
Iiimm of tlui t.yfU'.ii. Tu Initio
iijpiru.t onty oiil nf lhiii Li alti.
Our IxviVI. liX.liiliiiltNt-yiiiv-timw
l)'ir lyHix-jUT'.il)lrtglvo
cuinplt 'c i. i'l I. mii.j relit f.
Dyspepsia Tablets
ioc, ;nc.
una uub.
Rot! Cross Storo
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with lurch minerals wfJch
always lave bad nftrelfccU
oa the entire r."stcm, xnd wlurc
their tuc is rilMai in, tcnH to
completely rraidc ths stomach
and bW;clt.
"; ose '
Erie's Cathartic
Tjjhu h.nrrtil5, vcrjcteblr,
iswch?ljjlator, and liver vitalizev
As pleasant to the taste as
.indy aid as positive as the harsh
Mt mineral. No Rripe or pain.
w tO, 25, 50 cents.
Rod CroBs Drue Storo.
Ill, ' . i..-.uHlMMW1MMtll
Unnllr Mxile.
A ainsjjow culiliy oiico Imil ns n fnio
nu liivt'fiiUKH minister nml IiIh wife.
IJo limj to jlrlvo tliuiu tliroufiU tlm jHiur
ir (ItHtrlctH of the city, mid on reaching
ilii'lr ik'Mtltmttuii tliu iiilnlutur. at tho
I'liiim t(Sio liniiillui; cally hla li'gal
finu. iiBl?L'tl:
"Wlijjino thii to many poor peonlo
In tliliiiilty. onluunnV
ft, l"
ijlty. .
lcliiijnivlii'iUiiHil nt tjlni'iiurHon f
inljniiiUiitrimsuii rrnllcd: h
for ii
hr ' ii'rm sure; uur, y
am o' tlu jmor folic ilrlvo cnlw,
flfiiif siffrt'i! lii'rv'T'Oiiibti Aim
i't'0. IM;
II l!
- n..w. - . - , - ., - . - - ...
Tuv Iiifrtnti rintf Ohiltlron.
You Have
Boars tho
For Over
ft . CNfAWnfnMP4r, MIW OHH Clff.
Coast Hail.
MAKKiini'.i.n ukimson
,T1.i Iliillln IIimI If t ri In iillf or
j lllHM Jrr (irrnt .11 it WI111 Mrr
Tlirrr Wirl ( llir t'iiiiniiurir.
HIhIH Tl.ul Ajiiialliil ll, Tlml.l.
(-,t.vrUM, IWI, l,, U KMnr.
3 cttirnuuoii null
I . Sjj it i w 'i
A vg roiiKht jo
1 jintH mbi, vt't
tliolr tHiitUui
of flrv ni tlwt
Ilrltl nr not Ht
nil K-ariv In a
rrtrntl of ii'il
olillwrn. Tlu-y
ntv iiiviul f
th fnet tlwt
t Ii y w r
there, nml Melt
tli y umy Ih.
ruriMi niur iiti'.i nun. iuuuuT wim
. I'xeiii" with mi foinmnt.i
I Bears tho
Signature j p
ft 3' i"
irfflf- 0
j rhirty sears
... TaSS
K3. '!!' wlinf. vp.'. Hwll
"gTl.,t.-t.. pMHl ItlltliltlUII I
It til I WAN XIMMl
unit n vnlitnlilv
nolillor ikxMfii't Sllnrli
In I. tint luit lie. It In no mmnintca ho will nt la tin next nml Her
Iuim kiii It ii' for A vteiuly thliitf. Hut
If la Ii not the of hl lutiiRliintlon
th' i tt tliiH' iMi.ler Hit', If ho woiiiler
nhy he ever illKtpil. If lw lirtivm ilto
bim,-" nml Ut'iln'inn'-it in tho irttir lin
it t.i K't out of bight nml iMNtrlin: of
th i in my who U liH'khiK fur lilni-hlm
..I .i ..i i..ii m..... inivi
1 iwuiirii iii-ii ivinH'iuuj hiiivhk jw.'rj
Hlj'n'iiio -he 1 1 Jum thu inmi fr ilnrln
(I. . Never nfler.
i'teihiiel. tho Heir from tho
llrf iMttlellehl nliero he eoiiimtiinleil
mi iirniy Hi rant tin I1I1 hiiite wmlil car
ry tit (il. lie put iiiIIm nml inlh-H Im
twreti hlniM'lf anil ilnnper, Imt oven
Nucleoli limit olf lilt hilt III refpect for
tho eonnige uf the Krcnt l'litwltni who
(Hi (smntleM ilehlN li'il ile;iomto
ehin-ki'i the riorc ilrHieriite tho Iwttcr
ho IILid It. CouruKO In Ixittlo In ii
Mrmifle thlui;. It hint in ho put to twt.
It BPiwN In a nmn hy cncimIho. Tho
iMHit Uuekir for I ml I vidua I tMiinifio Ii
iitilvciitiil iH)iirjt. Tho Hull ltiiti troopt
had Ihtii told to l.ep up toucli of cl
how, to pienervo order In the ninkH, to
ho Hlfiiily nml nwiilt iHHiiirBiid. 15very
preivjit wiih loin led tlmt dny some
t lino or nil the time, mid tho nrmy wont
to ptf("M, nu nwful exninile of wnut of
triilnlnj; nml itlnelpllue. Tiien tho fel
low n who hint en I U I i'd fur tho fun of
the lliliy: ki'iit on totrnitliK; until thoy
criMwvd tliu.CiiiiUil.1 t.oriler or wcro hid
don In tho crowiln of tho eivnt tllltif,
tho nrmy heliijt well vhl or tlioiu, ltut
tho nien of "utiil," tlnmo wliu enlisted
to U'utliu tiling thiouuli If thoy died
for It. tool; tho lehuoii to hinrt nml
wont back to tho A It ll of hoIiIIviIiir.
Tim t whs tho dny whon tho nrmy
ncliotilumiter took his Inidnpi. A 'few
otllciw. n, few men. n fow coinpniik'H
nml n few ivKlnieulR h:id stood with
Hpnittiu llrimienn until swept from
thnlr Tcet by the mlnhty tomnt of pun
Ic8tr!cl:i'ii troopn. The root heiided nml
linno splrltH wcio mm Led for Biildo.i
nml (oucliern, mid tho finny i;avo IiIkIi
er prumlKO ror tho futuro In tho dny of
Uh hiimllliitlon thnii It hud bhown whtlo
uuirclilnc Mrwnnl with nuislo und ban-
Nnpoleou wihl. "I ihitu from Hlvoll,"
n but tlo by no inenn.i his llrut. Somo ot
the Krcnt soldlora of tho civil war
inlRlif hnvo dated from Hull Itun hint
thoy cored to. Tlioro waa n Koodly
company of them tlioro on both sides.
UcsltlcH tho I curt or. 1 Johnston nml lleuu
roKunl tho Ooiifetlcrntca had Stonownll
.InckROii, I.onatroot, llwell, Knily,
"Job" Htuait, Wudtj llumptpn, Kits:
lluali heo nml others. Tho lYdcral ros
ter luelmk'il McDowell, Bhernmn. Hum
side, lluliter. llowaul. Kranklln,. Slo
cum, Hunt, SyUoa. Keyc,i mid M'ml3
worth. Olio Bnldlei' who dated from Hull ltmi
wiia Oeiiwtl J. Ik lilcketw. tho mttt-
''-' which fought fil giillnlHIy fos"
Henry Jfom' hill In i:llil ut Hie Uid.-
nrmy, Tlio entiiiniiH'ni cavi Ittc vojmi
leer nil exninple tif "(lyliiR In jour
tiacltn," nud but for mi necldent n
hmidfiil of nmn inl.tlit Imro turned the
tide. All w'nn cdIiir wI In (he Imttery.
Ilcxllii'ilt nltr Iftfliiient of Co II fed it
(itei liflrt Ik'i'ii ir-piiln 1. I'lnnlly n reel
inetii 'inl In enilet cray up mi
the flmilc nml Junt nu Illeln-itV msii
nem wro nhnut to I t loow ro'lfyn of
cmilntcr tho chief or nrtlllmy dei lined
Hint tho ntrnnnera were frlemU. und n
namo of tho C'llcinl liorpu wunt In
Ktiiy imlfortnn the nrHllnrynvn lipid
their lire. I III I lie nic ileeldi d In it jjh,.
nieiit The iiK'ii In umy hud the cltrim
they wcio looklut: toriitul pfipn-il tl,v
iKittciy nt thm' inline, eiittliiR down
every cnuriutieer nml innny of thu
liorewi. Tho lleuteiiHitt of the Imltrry
wim hilled nud Cnptnln KlekattH terri
bly wutmded.
Then the lmtl! mgn over ItlclicttH
kuiih. Hliunnmi tried to ntnUe the hill.
Colonel Umneroii of the New York
"lilglilntiilcr" wim hllteil while Irylnj:
to clour the nnttury of enrmlen. The
CbiifMlerntc (Jit oral ihntow had nl
uiiiJy html) hilled In ii clmriro upon
the' muiM. nud It wnH tlicie (hat .tiiel:-
Mill not tho nickname "SloliPrnll." Ill
hrlgmli' Imil not lirmin to lliht yet nml
wim maliliiK n bold fnint on II. e editu of
thu flehl. Ilnrtow Iwl tho lvislitli door
Kin nsnlimt tho hill mid wiih rcpaUcd.
To Mcndy bin leireiiilnt; men ho jtolnt
eil to Juckroii'n lino und ox-lrMml.
Tliro Mniidrt Jncksoii IIUo"ni7oin
Klocum wni wounded nt Hull Itun.
lie nlxi hud the tinhpto leiiKntlon of
rcndlnc bin own oblttiury In the pa
pers Colonel Hlocuni of thy I'lrnt
Khotlo lulatiil will Ullloil, nud, the New
York Klucutii Mns ninniitf tho wound
cd, the named wcro cunficd lu the ills-
pntrliw, nud the homo poprrn prlntwl
tin- iimiul luiidnlory imthi of Colonel
Metry W. K'inim. A ho promptly til
err jiIimI IdH frlondt frpm V.'imhliictott
no li.iriii i,-aH ! itiu beyond the juke on
the i.-t p.i;Hr..
SI. oiiiii' ret;' men t of New York vol
lilt' I'M i.'.ikm! well Afli".- lo.4.i(C their
li-nl , t liad nhT'tdy madf tlit ttntii
uilt:ike nu Itlekciu' Ifittrry unit nl
li''l ii mrlment lu irroy to mnreh np
iiikI Kit In Uik r.nt vollfy at iloatUy
rai'g lUHlor the hellof that the xtran
,!eri v.-rre frlonds divwioil III jrrny. Thin
t-JMfi l-ii of unlforinii led id fmjvcnt
trnrnllM of thf kind. liven I bo fvin
ftilvraii. tUic f thnt Uih' wTti I in r fly
il!UiipiiUhal.lo In battbf from tbvMtnrt
nml ilrtpt-N Its eolon brtui; ud, wMt.
und bin-. After many chnngo Hit' bat
th'Jtux unrnnnl by a mnnimoih rvl
erMi wim adoptiil. nud njiiiIwtnHtu
wrt nu longer lu doubt ns ta who whs
It r!l tlr-rmlHl ujmii Individual make
tti how tlto moral phutei of the HaU
llitn tetuoR htniek Imn.r. Tle'rw vr a
itimt iry fur vemrt-onee at fii-Kt, Imt
popl tiiliuetl down to ii Mnalblu view
mid cntne to (1h coiiduittoii Hint If tho
until hnd the limit of tlte oncaiwsicnt
It wmi only n ulrobo ,lnek. nud Uu
fcimtblt thlmx to do wnn to go In nml
win the next bent. The tlgbtTK of both
Hide who Kt toucthrr tumfe ImmU
rind excli-iiis-Hl con !olon e or,
on tlw caftm inlcht he. IVIm-h-er
und wounded wcro tenderly trtMteil,
nud, lu fnet, the hoya lu blno b'h! the
Imya In prny vied wltli wteli other !
the effort t allow reinl for vnlor In
tllatniw. The rations of c:iiitee'i and
Imvoraai ki were nhand. with the re
mark. "Wc vrera enem lea on tlte bn:tl"
tltldi now we an' Manila." Tliero aeoin
cd in ho n prmcral relief aiuonjc cot
illera at tho tlioiiRbt thnt wnr waa not
nil cirun.e nml there cutild lie a eeaaa
tloii from l.llltiiH, n ckauce to lm liiumiu
nnd ("irlathiii.
Tho ruunwa from Hull Run hnd terri
ble kiorkv to nevount for thstr proaonco
Tim jsouavk and "Tina" of hum. r.ux
north of tho I'otomac. First there were
tho iniialKHl-tuittork'a. To n itroen nol
dler the Idea of n itmRkrd Imttery la
hometliluK Imj-bnroiiAinsUed but
tery la olio that Is screened 'from tho
enemy by n curtain of trees or biiMiea
or any object muworliiK the purpose.
It U the luifiliips.i of nil treop.i to Unlit
iiueeii nml unexposed whenever possi
ble. A battery nlwnya finds cover If
cover In to bo hnd, boenmo the Rim
n ro Ktiitloiinry when llshtlui; mul op
posliiR niarl.tineii enn easily jpt tho
lmiRc. lu tho effott to Kiiaid Hull Itun
btreani from tho IVdoraU tho Oonfod
crates uiuaked batteries ut tho cross
Iiirs. Some of tho soldlera never went
fuilher thau to encounter tho tiro of
these outvont riius nml of courno camo
nwny with a lively notion of tho terrors
of llghtlus masltcd batteries.
Another bUBhear of tho plains of Mn
uasMis was tho Ulnck lloio euvnlry.
".leb" Gtuart hnd n few companies of
i no no ted men In tho vicinity ofl tho
tllthr, nnd thew was n troop of Ylrslnhi
liorhomeu ununited on blaclt utecds, but
for all tho Confederate cavalry did nt
Hull Itun to terrorlxo tho Yankee boyi
they might ns well hnvo buempouthf
tho Jniiies river, Horhnpa suiuo of the
troopers charged the trii;?lers and
made them wish tlie.v wcro nt homo
iiKnln, whero they really bcloujjud. MN
llts In tho nrmy inubt hnvo it rooi! Htory
to nccouut for tliolr failure, nnd heiieo
masUed batteikv and blaek liursemon
to every rod iff tho battlellold.
The execution wrought by u battalion
of Louisiana "Tlcers," idiout 000 men'
In nil, on tho minds of tho timid olo-
incut In the northern nrmy should have
titusht tlioConfcdeinto lendoru ;lm tv
'-afei,"i--s- 'Tijjjh
U yon ! i a tt")r hHi
fi l'j Lr. ii
' m9trtt ,t Ihi
I'l br. It ft i
(towvp iff . ii. m -f
11 tt'l.J 1vrillllri)
w" f rn tn 'hit r' aiui "
mi, ( flnnrrwn in iMnaim
ftl Alt J
vi, inusLi" rr
wn Jt i-j
c-na rrirn Yh tni). r
I1fil. nil,Mi, I'oUnt Ti.ltlM. DntlMrt,
vwivr bhik
Akrt. ' r otlb.. iq. ar. no4 ta ri
irxui'j mitur itiirxiT. riiiriMur jrw ioojj
true nnr to vl lorv ,n- In tlifn.- out n
few brlandf of nl'unry men na "Tl
j;itm" nnd I Ml:itf r m loow. And tho
noiili jrae tlM'i'i a U 'land for tlHr Oll-
i r In tV aha;ie of i!h "nil leuipil dev
il'." Ilie lerrlblr, lenlbtc zounrca. Tho
"TlBera" were neer In-nrd of after Hull
Itun, and the noiiavf-i tlmnitcd the col
or of their lireiThe-i nn fnst iih l.'nolij
Knui cot-Id nopjrly uniforms Itm con
f-ptrtioua In drnwlnj: tla. Yo; Hull
Itnu bronirtst u lot of peoplo from their
ircb down to lord jyomid.
Uavnai: It. Kn.nnn.
TSie r.otti f-t&a at VachtSnir.
Many private ynoiitj ore b.tDlt u mix
llhiry Imei'ieaa luatltutlcua. The own
era ttae tboui fer tlie citcrtnlnmenl of
their buinei frlenda. and they And
lur.t n bualiiemi deal can be nmdi to
Itetter ndrnntiiyi' In n luxitrlouxly fur
tdalieil cn!du or on n deck nrraii-;eil for
tho comfort of tbe vlaltor thnii lu nn
iinlnvltlnc ottlce. Hut thf innjority of
tho ateam yacht owned by Americans
are maintained nt erect coat for tho
pleaatiri' which may lie derived from
tliolr ue. While aonic ot tho vesseln
mate hmc milaii. others urc kept near
liome. but nlwnya raatly nt short no
tice to carry the yachmimn und bis
frlrndri to forttfii porta, und tlwro N
randy nn lini-ortarit meetitiK or jnchts
lu i:nrveii waters wliviv.' tho United
Ktnlra la not well rcpreaontcd. New
York Tribune.
X Stlsal'tlp-t Town Xorard Atlcr m
lloulutliiunrr Hero.
Civilization lu the last century lias
come out of the chaoa of forest nud
Irwor.inei', nml where tho Indian used
to 1mIi1 hi powwow now Htnml the
bcnutlful bulldlucH of tho Agricultural
ate Mcfh.'itil nl colltitc, and on the alto
vC tho foraat tia apruu? up Utarkvlllc.
nam. I for llenarsl Htnrk of the Con
tinental nrmy.
When the Dccmlnc-Itabblt treaty m
cotvcUideil 8ep(. 30. 1830, it number of
sturdy houtti Cnrollnn farmers, racer
to hot tin wlvare Inmla wero mot fcr
tl!. choae ritarkvlllo nn tliolr futuro
home. They .ero well rcwartleil, for
ruotv ftrtlle laiid.1 an' not to lie found
lu tho state of Mllalpl thnii one
Hilda surmnndlurc. Htnrk vllle. Its lu
hnMtnnta appreclrto this fact, offerlntt.
ch they do. land frve of taxation for n
ptTic"! uf rnn U tuannfucturcra seek-
I K n aw altes for tho manufacture of
tiu-lr irood.
Thar are nt pnaeut more bulMluca
frail up In Stnrkrllle thau nt nuy oth
it time aiiice It Mttlemetit. The an
prrb cvnitbooae wbUb Im now lu courso
of conatructkui .-ttl coat when complet
ed f.:o.ubi and will prow a decided
ornninwt to tlw city.
Jknrkvlllo Is nlso tho homo of tho
ArrlculturrI and Mechanical coIIckc,
an luntlitulon wMeh Is ilolnc much
pood for tho young iuou of the state.
Too much cannot be anld for tho ad
mirable way lu which thhi college Is
onditcti'd. It Is n noble Institution,
flLltij; youtic men fur practleul pur
IMiaea In life. Hero onu tlnds ovory do
lKirtuieiit Kivorlns of the pnictlcal,
whlt'h Is o cKavntlal to the futuro sue
cosa cC the student. In the iijrlcul
turnl department the principles of
stock brucdluj; nnd food lux nud tho the
ory of drainage, toRothcr with tho Im
provemout r soil. Is Inculcated In tho
minds of tho scholar. Tim depart
ment uf horticulture, chemistry, vet
erinary science, mathematics, median
leal arts nml nil of Its other depart
ments are conducted In that able way
which domonstratL-a that tho bead mas
ter of cnoli dfiuirtmeut In thoroughly
convcrwint with bin deparrment.
Tho textllo school building, which Is
a modal of Ita kind, Ih almost complet
ftl. lu this new department young
men nud women urc to bo educated lu
the art of mamifncturln;; textile fab
rics. They acquire hero a practical ns
well n a nud scientific knowl
edge of tho nrt of uiauufacturtiiR fab
rics mado from cotton or cotton und
wool combines. Including dyeing, do
blpnlnsr nnd dmwliiR.
Tho machinery and nppllnncos. usetl
In this school are tho most modern pro
curable. Tho state of Mississippi deserved honor for tho liberal way In
which bho supports this Institution.
Starkvlllo nlco has two bunks tlie
Second Stnto bank, with n capital of
JUT.DOO, nud tho Peoplo'a SuvIuks haul;,
capital $!l.",000. She owns hor pwn elec
tric llsht plant nnd water works. There
a ro nlso nu Ico factory nud nu oil mill.
Many blooded cattlo arc shipped yearly
from this point. The Missouri nnd Ohio
nud the Illinois Central railroads afford
transportation nnd freight facilities
which tiro uucqualcd ut any point. All
Ita merchants aro rated well. With n
good public school system and ti health
ful rcltRloiiH life tho futuro of Star
vlllo Is bright with promko.
Tlie Truth nt
"Oh, doctor. Is it very daugcroua to
owallow eeiuuiitV
"Vijry dauseroua. linked."
"Ami guttu pu'icha, doctor'f"
Very serious," x
"And porcelain oh, doctor, la It very
"ISscuse me, miidum; havo you
tempted I'lilclde?1'
"No; I've swallowed ouo of tuy false
tcctbinl?earaon8. '
4Sk, . .. i K alW Ot, f ' 5 a V
Nearly Suffocated I
In Niagara Rapitfa'
In tho homo boat In which h hnd
Iim-lotialy ntnito four succesf.ful trlpa
ilovt ii thu rapid oT Nlaearn rlrcr Car
kilo I), (Jrnlinin rreutitly mado his
(If tli voyage, llli Inst previous Jour- i
ney wna mndo W yoarM iifjo.
(Jrnlinin got in the barrel nt JbTi
o'clock nt tho old lauding place of tho
Ktramcr Mn;d of the Mlat. The bar
i el Jim! been d( a ml lug In the sun nil
i'iij- hn-lllnir ii.aectlon liy the thou
(.innlil who had come to the falls to are
thu font, nnd it
waa hot nud
when (Jruhnin
entered It The
barrel Is barely
Inrge enough
to hold Gra
ham Rirnppcd
lu nu upright
tho only
hole U n tiny
one In tho top,
I lie diameter of
it man's finger.
Tho boatmen
who tools (.rnlimn nnd Ills barrel out
for the ainrt weru afraid of golug too
far for tlielr own safety, and comc
iiunmly did not put It In uthlstrcatn.
ft drifted down ni far ns tho canta-leu-r
bridge nnd thou was caught In
nu eddy, which tool; It hnlf way back
to th starling place. It held In till
eddy Just l'') minutes, and Graham
waa rapidly -rowing exhausted from
tin- ileal nnd luck of nlr.
Ilia frlji u-a.' then reaching tho ex
citing atnge. Once In the rnplds tho
j.iw.i.go wks Hwlft. It was three and
n half mliiutoi from tho time thu bar
rel struck the rapid until It floated
Into tho whlrlool. Tho barrel waa In
sight of tho tunny thousand spectators
nil thu (Into except when waves wash
ed otsr it.
Tour awlnimers wero In thu water
100 feet from the ahoro at tho tcnulmts
of tho voyage. Tho barrel was not car
lied Into the dizzy maxc of tho whirl
pool; but, NtrlUlug it, reached tho hauds
of tho swimmers, nml Graham was
towed nshoro ami released.
Six Million Boxes a Year.
Tn iSne. nonr. in t,v, f, Mn ,
boxes; that's CascarctS Candv Ca-
awij. .va.a wwwa vawwww
t.. ..!. .. t. ..1 1... m
thartc S jump into popularity The
. ! I.... ... .!.! l!.
f... i-!- -. .u t 1- 1- .1. 1.1
il I , wna.uuii. vruiiu.
All UrUgglStS. I OC.
In 1SM1 thu Isles of Isclda and Kclo
suffered terribly from nn earthquake,
losing nboiit -1.000 to G.000 people, lb
chki was again visited In 1SS3, but did
net get off as easily as before, coming
out of tho wreck with 10.000 dead ami
missing. Tbo great calamity of the
nineteenth century wan the great coa-
.,,iainn in Tn,.. (.. vcv-i .i.i-i. i- .....
,n i,nv Miii ., n.;7Vh, i.nn7i ZZ
n.lomloVotir Itotrata TTIIh Cuscareta.
Oattdy onliarilr, oern eoaMlpallon forever.
ICi-.Se, JtCC CiAlI-drusslsurrfucUinoaey.
Mnrennl tllifi-rCcd.
There waa n Utile dinner once given
ta Wlllliilii Mi.n-tii-.l. of which one Inn
done Is still remembered by some of the
gneats. An onituricul member of the
cnmiMiiy. growing cnthuaiastlo over a
tojht to the Inventor of wireless telcg
mnby, mode this climax to his Hrora
Hon: "Gentleiueu. 1 hIvo you Mnrcont.
the Franklin, tlie Faraday aud tho
llelinliolts or Italy." When tho toast
had been tlrtmk. tho distinguished
guest tlmukeil tlw party for tho honor
nnd added. "Hut I must protest ngalnst
tho mi Ion of tho preceding speaker lu
tuaktug uic trlpleia." Lewie's Monthly.
Tlio saddest, most blighted life case
I ever knew," said tho major, "was
that of a man who received a Hfo pass
over a now railroad."
"How was that?" asked the colonel.
"Why, tho pass was Issued before
there was a rail laid, nud thru tho road
was never built. Ho has felt swindled
over rlucc." IndlaiiapalU Tress,
"omothln g
New Under
All Doctors have Irhatlosure CATAKIlu bv
the usu of powders, add Rises, inbtlrr and
drugs iu paste form. 'I helrVawders dry tip the '
mucuons hiembrace causing tln'iu to cnick open
ami bleeil. 1 lie powrrful acats ntnt 111 the in
haler hivo enUrvly vatt'ii at) the s.i:im mem-
hmnes llul lt;Hr nulrrs ttnte aimed to cure,
while pastes and ointments rannol reach the
dUtMie, An old nml cxtMrtencetl Itraclitionrr
who has (or nitny )ars 111 ide a clwe study and
splcUhy of tlw lualnwntofl Ai'AUKII. has at
last a. Trwtnient wlueli when l.utlifully '
uh1, not only it'lK.e at onre, tn iwrnn-mly '
ciiim CATARRH, by removing the cause, stop.
ping tho discharge-, mul curing nil Inthninu-
lion. It b lliu only remnly known 10 scimw ,
Ml 10 SCImct 1
1 parts. This I
that actually readies die aiitlcted
Motuleiful rrineil)' is Lnown us
nnd is sold ,11 Ilie rxlrrouilr low price of m
Dollar, oath pt'lago com.tlning Internal nnd
esurnal medu-Ino sufikicnt for n full month's
trvatment anil cterylhing necvss.try to its per-
feet usrt.
".SNUKl'LUS ' islhconly peilcct CATARRH
CUKK ever nidj aJ is now iccognbcd as Ue blrergthen nnd luvlgomle, Small and ctsy to
onl) Mfo ami positive euro for Ihe. nnnovlnj; uke. Red Cross Drug StarBand .Scngtttick
nnd disgusting Uboatc' It cures all mfl.unnuv. ( en's llurai.icy.
Hon quickly nnd pttmnnentlj and is also won- ! ' " ' ' ,
doifully quick to ix-hcto HAY tEVUKorCOLU'
in the IlKAD.
CATARRH when negl'-cted often lends to'
CONSUMlM'l X-".sNU.FLL" will ,,-
ou If )ou uso It nlonce. It lno onlin.iry rem
edy, but n compluo treatment which is posi
tively guaranteed to cum CATARRH In nny
lorm or stage il uwd acconllng la tin- dltectlonj
whlisli nccomp.Qy eiich package, Dorit delay
but s.-ml for it nt once, und write full paillcultrs
as to jour condition, nnd you will receive spvcli
iidvleo front tliu ilm-ovever of tins wonderful
umedy ivganhng your case without ctt to ton
Ujond tho regular price of "SN'U 1'PI.BS" llw
enl pryiuiil lu nny ndil.ess (it tho United
St Has or 0u id 1 oti reanlpt of no Doliir, Ad.
dress Dept, E657. EDWIN Ji OlUliS
C MPANY. 3iia and 333a Market Street,
mmrnr- w tlfinn
Keep Out
the Wet
wofM. MM Ittna lb U.1 m.l.rl.lf B
warrnnlril wrtlrrprnaf. itiit ta .l.nd
lb rhl if k iir ..ldf,
Look for Ihr Irnilr mi ark. If
to, not li.f u.m, will f.r ell( Is
I. T. MUtc fukltf t., ItU., ba rfi..!.
- ii. M.AWvr it so-;. a.i, jiftfc
WIP-W, .It' !,,, IV , -ft..?,-, KIIU .
InvirMtlv mm iltflMllhr ,nl l, ,l.Hv rllh I
rtrfft1 ff 4-TTVJI-tl lll-Tlfll ...
cokl ,t nhcrr ami imc i rum' .. la nrw ren-
SMirislfb' tiMflcf va'i Ii ilil-rthlir, l.eairlrr
llun roxtamt otmr in m'll .mlri,, for in
fnrmali'n nlMt u, ng lKIT0Mlb'M ncj
1't.ATtNU.S, Mrtir- tnihe Wilh Mlnnnh
Co., Mmlieil, ioElltM , Kn IiMiioftco, Cat.
For fat trn I lhrn in W'htnth Co . Tlroad &
I Aftlt M., I'h0iktto, IM. ,n,jri ftrxj' .
I irciaua t.vna nnnunny ilisai tons or
I eggn, eome OtaOAOOO lu round aura
i bcrs, to Cngtand alone.
For Xufiirts and Children.
Ti3 Kind Yon lm Always Oought
Bear, tho yj
SlE--ittre c: J-iiCy;
rtrm In Jfew Vork.
rirtw In nil parti of New York city
re moat common botwt-en 8 nnd 0 p.m.
and are leant common lctwcon tho
Iionra of C nad 7 p. m. Between B nnd
lu the monilng there are very few
fires: between 0 and 7 there are tho
fewest, hot after 7 o'clock tho nnmbcr
steadily Increases until 0 o'clock at
nlrnt. wr.i a rapid diminution begins,
the leercasu being again resumed at 7
o'clock. New York Sun.
Th CftlMrmi Frlrittl
Ycoll havr n loti ihl winter. M..rb- )ou
late enc -h. Year ehBdrcn riM mflcr loo.
I'or goo1m. rrOMp. IronctilrU, -np and other
inter compkiati One M teste Cough Cure
nt-yf Mb. Att premetlf. It H cry pUnuint
j la the tam ang pcffacUv tarmlrw, (;. tl.
ICeoiya, WhwaWrtrr. Hy.. wrltei
i-. wiaaa-aater. Ny.. vimej- 'Uur mile
., . ...... . . . .
""MWP"'on "
1 " rmi nc ennui nucty ;otk. we fve
' w . rf .-.'". , ,.
Ur lew doM-aefOwMlnato Couth C"c- B
.-.1 w i.,--!,, --li ., .u
ralwva.1 hw hnitduitlr au.1 she went 10 sleep
VI(n sa a'.e iwii tiMaiiirg ll no slcns I
e hoarsetMB, or croup. " K5 Cross Ilrug More
and Sea-iMcliefi's Phanrtach.
Ewjtis y I M Yw Hm Hum Ba$t
Oae Stnit to Be envrd
"1 have dctermluiHl." said the wet
ranDt. ti.D ..... Apv'ote, nirsclf tn tli
jO"db un. to uevotc myxcit totuc
csuso of taporaDce. fi
"Ill what wav?'
"tYolk" she nnsworrd, "rrrently po -
I h!ipi statlstica abow ihat there la Iwa
uiimtpfl.t.'an among raarrled men' than
tirmuir alnglo niea." Chicagn Ttmea
Iierold. t;-nn.
Genuine stomptd CCC Never told In bulk.
Beware of tht dealer who tries to sell
"sorMthlnj eit u ood."
Blackburn Judtre Snyder made a
rulfi some time ago that nil womra
should remove their Imt a In his court,
but I ee ttvat the order Is not enforced.
Whitehead No. The women Mks ap
pealed to tho Judge's wife, and she ren
dered a dissenting- opinion. Denrec
A I'tninicidit TAtllf'iei
"I li.i tsVr Klol Otsprpsia fiiw and
hate nvcr umkI aatbiaj( la mt Ufa that did me
th- goit that OH." tayt Couniy llmkun Gro.
W. Scrogct of llatl County. Gi. "H.-ing a
pliytlewn 1 tvxtv prckscribit a nad found il to
rIvo df twtt rvaulu." If tbe food you cat re
nwlu. iindle-td lu yatsr ilot,Kh it deca)
there and potauns the strtUsM. You can pry
tent this Ui dvaiiax bal that means sunaticn.
KffcJfil I) BbtMHMU Cum diiMU u Kit voti mil
I Von dmI gidlW troax iwdher d.n.Ttii nor
I - w. -. - .-. ft 'I
ittrvatkm. Ilio worst cea milcUy cured.
I Sl rt .1
Ncvar fatts. Htl Cross Drug Store and Seng,
sUokcn's l-karauey.
O jI. IS 3? VSZ. X -O. .
sittaa T!al.'jelYHlWJUnJrJEatj4
To Drive- Aut Tran. ttip l.atvu.
I'lne coat nshoa anrlnkled about tbe
burrows or nuts will cause them to
leave. Ashes may bo used ou the la wu
without Injury to the grass. Sifted
ashes are best, but those fresh from
Ike stove, Shaken from the. stOo shov
sue i-iuv.-, ii.i;in jiui jut; ioto nuv- (
sk will answer the purpose very wet!.
Ladles' Uome Journal. ,
JUlluhhutiirf (tattle
"A pill's n lilH,1' suts the saw. Hat there are
pills and pills. You want a pill wliirlt Is cedain.
thorough nud gentle.'t gripe. DeWill's
IJltla Karly Riser filltke bill. Purely t ecct-
able. Do not force but assist the bowels to act.
Tie actors' green room is, so called
because Its tloor in tbe time of Shalsea-
lare was nlways covered with Brcen
," Jlmtert) Sttrierji SityintsxtuL
"Whlh suucruiK from a bad cn'o'of piles 1
coumlied u pjiyveiin wto urtvked rnij to (ry a
box of Do Will s Wiuh llazal." ials Q. F, far
ur. .uania, u.i. "t prpvuretl it boxaiul was
eiilirey cured. DeWltts Witch Iluwl Suite
is n splendid pure for pltus. givipg -fcllvf (muiuly
ami 1 lieartly rrcomiiiend It to ol mfferets.'
Surgvry U uiuivc-.iry to euro plUtl. DeWilt's
Witch Ihtitl Salve will cum nny case. Cuts,
burns, bruists and all oilier wuunJi nro also
quickly cntf d by it. Uctvare of Kounterfeltfc.
Red Ctaw Drug, "piute anl Scngrta-tenVPliap.
I aBaVT' aMgVA 1 11
lOtSM-ly 1. ...i. .,,, ii "JMi"" ill
T,."ii-iVti,-r-r'- Drotiiu.
RflTT Mftwli'Titti
r 'frtlf
' illlAN.HKS. s '
' '
5 ..
jpamily Ordcr5 rSolicHeo!.,'
v i
Hi6 ,
Ranier Beer.
ntnlly orders for Pops, pints
quarts, delivered by tho case
Robert Marsden-
t'nlt'd Mala Land Office, Kott-bur. Orrgoa,
Sept. 17, 1901,
Notice 11 htttlrf given llmt in compliance wltb
the prirthions of t! act of Congress of June 3,
1 187S. entlUeit "An act for the ile of llmtw
I Limit In th- buta of California, Orrgvn, Ne-
I rait, amj Watliincioa Territory." as citeaded
to all the Public I-arnl Sute by act of AagnH.
4. 189a, ALBtBTAswrrr. ofunhftcld, coun.y
of C005. State of Oregon hat ikli day filed to
tills office hi larorn suietnent tio. itxtf for
tho pqrcliaicof iheSKV of Section No. 11.
Townthlp aS Strain, of Knsge 11 West and trill
oUerproof 10 ho-r that the Und tought It wosa
valuable for Its llmty-r or tlone thna for acriaaV-i ,
tural tmrDosei. and to utablith his claim to said
bind before tha Register and .Receiver of this
"" - - .-.-- .- ,,.-.,.- -. .--
I o-ir 01 uecemrjer, 1901.
fleniroesas vrlmesses: WUlhm S. Dea-
,lle?1nlfc",??0,ai! .rr.j
n.:' J."?"'' L"1" iral,h' An,oin
- ... ., i.rtj,rj,. O-ei-oo.
Any and all persons cUImlog adverse); the
shove-described lands are requested to file their
culms in timcince oner rxiora sam 3U aij-oi
,l)ecenber. 1901.
I 9-ai
J. T. nsiDCES. Refister.
Untied States LasdOSoe, Kotcburg, Oregon,
SVpL 17, 1901.
Notice U hereby glvrn that ta comphanos
tth the provisions of theactofCoogressofJuaft i
. . ,,. ..AnMfcnhBAiB of uit '
.office at Kosehurg. Oregon, oa Tuesday, the jd .,w
imdsin theS-atcsOf CullfnraU, Otfn, 'No- 'ltV
vuda. and Wa.bnztonTeriilerv.' aa txkal
io.a l.ljw Ppbllc Und Stales by i 1 f Aimhm
'. iB9i7WltM"Wt.IKwyna. of.ffarslilMd. ,i
cuuniy m w, u, vtvjpm, ,,. ,na f
filed in Ibis ctlio his sworn statement No. iSja
for the purUiaso of th NKJC ot Nrcltoii No. -13 '
in To-vuthip it5 South, of (tanga 11 west, and
will olfrr proof 10 show that thn land sought b
more valuable fi-r its timber or stone than for
rtgiiculturat purposes, and to csuUnh Ills cklm
10 sai.1 Und before the Rrglslerand Krreiver of
this officii at Koebuiv, Orrgcn, on Tuesday,
the 3d dr of IVcember, 1901.
fin names as wtioesscs. Jc4le Smith, Al- .
bot Abbott. Ist-T Smio, Antela Wlrtt all of
surshfieid, Oregon. '
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ixbore-deiCrHx-"! Unda ara requested to file their
eUims in lint ofacu oa or Ulore said 3d day of
V cembcr, 1001.
o-at J. T. Damons, Regijier.
L'niied Stalet Ijtnd onVe. Rostburg, Oregon,
Oct. 19th, 1901.
Notice Is hcrrby glvui that In coaipunce with
the provision of the net ol Congress of, J una -j.
1S73. enlitiVd "An ncl for thn wA of limber
nd In theSmtes of C'fifornM. Oregon, No
vaitx and Washington i'rnory." as ettended
tn athr Public l-ind AUIrs by act of Augusta.
iSoa, Mas, Mahv K Woods. ot town oi UjhIi
orr. ctiumt ol Doug.. SUtc of Oregon,
hut this day &M in' this her lom stato
nwnl No 1874 for the pu'iruteoi tha SW U
of Section No. 34 In Township No, so South,
Range No, 10 west, nnd wuVcirer proof to show
that tbo and sought is more valnaba for its
timber or stone lhan for agricuAurai' purposes,
and 10 cstahisti his ctini to said and before the
Register and Receiver of this office nt Roscburg.
Oregon, on Saturday, the 4,1b. day of January,
SIm names as w messes: l. M. wvion 01
SaArni, OrrROn. J. Wrtlcy Rtttl. Mr. Uttfa
1... ,. .,. li- . 'k..K ,..l W
. aue o. uaruuitr, wirijuu, wih. ,muh. v
Supbcr spnnijs, Uregon.
toy ana BiV Derson ciminc agverscir ins
abotc-deKtfbrd ands are lequcsted to Wc tlieir
iilmsin this omco on or before uid day
of January, 1903.
I ic-36 J. T. naiooEir, Register,
, , r j i -- '
Gleaning and 'Pressing"
ft Specialty.
Fln.t-clnit workiuaii'jhip giiarnnteeiL
Huts cleauinl nnd preyed
A. CAMBY, l'01
J a
Latest Deslgus of
Varnishes nud
tVull Toper,
llrpslie,- xy
isoi's fiite liifl Ut.
A Specialty.
,. I v" . 4 ' 1'' "yr t
Ordqra promptly filed.
How r four KMajft r
ls Ire. A44.
vnrvi vVI wvwp
-Ma .a
.T V
,i j