" s Er UHMBH ijgwwl'Mtttawi''v.twiww: ttwwafaiiwIiMiwiwajWjMW . I I Sunday Oicgouian nt Norton's W. T. Dement, of Myrtle Point was in town this week. All kinds of stoves and range At W. P. Murphy's nud mote on the wny. (Jnpt. H. P. Score, of the Cope Argo light visited Mnrsh fild n few days ago. Good line or Road Carts nt V. Pi Murphy's. John Wcidcr has gone to San Francisco to take a course ir dentistry. It trauspircs that thcv.rcpqrt.of the death of Frank Fisher in a Protlaiid hospital was on error and Mr. Fisher is still very much alive. Mrs. E. J. Masters nmd Mis. Eva Wilson have opened Dress mnkciug parlors in rooms form erly occupied by Mrs. Boothby. Frank Clutc,who is quite wel1 ktjown Here, was mamc. m Ashland recently to Mrs. I,cuf Hbward. For repairs to our boots aud shoes go to Peter Clausen. First class shoemaker employed. Prices reasonable. tt The lame logging donkey fo Hi King's Daniels creek IoggiugiJ. A. Yoakam, Jr., camp failed to arrive on the Al-i linace as expected, delaying op eratious a couple of weeks longer. "Strongest iu the World" Equitable Life Assurance Co. Surplus 66 Million. W. T. Butlkk, Res. Agt. J. A. Matson is suffering frnu the-effects of poison oak, with which he came iu contact on his trip to Roseburg. A petition is being circulated by residents on Isthumus slough for the establishment of a post office at the Crescent coal mine. Peter Johnson is making some pcrmcucnt . inprovements in grading down his residence lot oii A street. New lines of heating stoves and cook stoves at Mumhv's. Thomas Coke left yesterday morning for h's homestead iu the weeds; while there he will har vest his crop of spuds. Carpenter Brown is building a conmodious wood and coal house nt his residence on B st. Mrs. J. I White has been seriously ill the past few days. E. N. Harrv is filline the nart of.uight watch now at the depot inthe absence of Thomas Coke. I Cnt this out and take it to Red , of Crawford's Cold Tea joint. Cross drug store aud get a free! Jack Marsden informs the sample of Chamberlain's Stomach) '-xi. that the report that he was and Liver Tablets, the best physic. -dout to open a saloon inthe They cleanse and invigorate Witttck staud was an error, the stomach, improve the appetite His brother Richard Marsden and regulate the bowels. Regular will go into business there, size, 25c, per box. when you want some extra New stock of Children's Under- nice cheese call on your grocer wear at the North Star. Corner for Sumner creamery full cream A and Second sts. J cheese. 6 8 tf The Coqnille Hera'.d says that The stavemill pump brokf Mrs. John Currau wiites from San down Wednesday night and as the Fraucisco that a successful surgi- reserve pump was also under re cal operation has been performed pairs the mill was obliged to shut ou the jaw oflittle Jenuie.aud she , is.-gettiug along nicely. The North Star store has re ceived a new line of Children's Coats and Ladies' Coats and Capes Nice assortment and very rea sonable prices. Call and ex amine the stock, at corner of A aud second streets. Finding To buy clothes Is n highly important mutter Jut now. Tito correct mid latest fashions in r i Mens' Suits and Overcoats Shown by us embody the individualities that careiul dressers selling our clothing to the aud vicinity and cau You will bo Miriirlwl nt tlu rfiimrkulilo vatnt wo liave jireiuireil to wll at $."j.-0, $0.50 $7-"0, fWiMiauo, $l:JJX), 13.50, $l5.u, $17.50 ami $2(MJ0n suit. You will Dinl the mint hiiinrli assortment of iv;uly-to-u'ar miU ami ovurcoatH cvor hliowt at tint nlnu jirU'w. Nasburg Bro's. The JlclUible Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes Hats ami Varnishing Goods Men. Wdo not propose To lead the public by the uo.c by showing them big discounts and bargains, but we want to be' lonest and sell good goods nt a profit, which is no moic than others can honestly do. Past experience tells it. F. A. Pacchi. T.D. Johnson of Ross slough, who had a rusty nail ruu into' his foot last weck,is getting along nicely. W. A. Maxwell reports the wotk nt the Crescent coal mine is pro gressing in a satisfactory tuauue; aud that he expects to have Go men nt work next mouth. After layiug of!" for several weeks, the Flyer has rtmncd her run, with a braud new propeller. J. A. Matson and II. Short re turned Irom Uoseburg, Wednes day, where they went to make final proof on their timber claims. New puns aud fresh ammuni tion at Murphy's. Krauk Pane, who with D. U. Mc Donald has leased the H'auco has resigned his position in Nasburg Bros, stou. His suc cessor is L. R. Nichols. Mrs. Eliza Yoakam wiirVfnrt next week on a vi&it to Huron, Cal., accompanying her grandson, who came up on the Areata. Ole Everson received from North Coos river Tuoday five Angora goats for his place at Ferudale. The cannery received tin and supplies by the Areata and is agaiu able to handle fish from Teumile. Half an hour is all the time required to die with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. Sold bv Juo. Prcuss, ioc. per packoge. Henry Machelbriuk, the fore man ou the Alert, has been laid up this week with a felon ou his finger. Mrs. F. J. de Ncvue is expected home about Christmas from her visit to the East. The Women of Woodcraft gave the Woodmen a surprise last Sat'irday night, after lodge, aud a very pleasant evening was cti ;oycd. Trie TJir1itmn1 cS f'nnc rivr was in town Tuesday. Here- poru that Mrs. Richmond who suffered a strock of paralysis about 9 mouths ago, is not getting any better and has been unable to talk for the past week. J- R- Rochon has been puttitir a handsome sign on the windows dewn until Tepairs could be made at Nelson's machine shop. The remains of the Moon stock of millinery has been brought over from Coquille City aud will be disposed of here. The tug Hunter, from the Umpqua made the Bay a brief visit this week. THE RIGHT most particular aud difiicult - to honestly say we have, W K I, I, T A 1 I O Cs L O T R IS II U -'. 'J IT G E O.RG E I.ADJES AXO GKXTS' F t' A' A V .S' 1 H AW . We have stocked up pretty heavily, in anticipation of n good fall ttndc, aud so we ate not disappointed. We carry n full line of Dry Goods, Shoes, SKNSIBM5 AND SERVICEABLE FOOTWEAR. LRVffflSt Una OI Tens and Cofiees in the . w. i Murphy's, county, at Flanagan's w. i Murphy has heeu get Pioneer Market. " a MBW 'slock of crockery, Mrs. Masters aud Miss Wilson are expert dressmakers and keep themselves informed ou the very latest styles iu ladies' garments. Seugstackeu's White Pine Kx pectoraut is the popular cough remedy. A G. Aiken is uightwatch at the Bay City shipyard. C. A. Johnson has returned from San Fraucisco, where he selected a fine line ol new goods for the furniture store of Christ- eusen & Johnson. Miss Carrie Johnson of Ross Siough, is suffetiug from a scveie attack of infiammatorv thcu- tuatism. You can get anything in the grocery lino ai a. Attufatm o. Clarence Woodward, who left hcrc about two years ago, is now n Marine on the U. S. S. Ranger which is exbected to sail ftom stock will he disposed of nt clos Mare Island, Cal., for Panama tug-out prices. today. The residence ol W. P. Fox, i of the Isthmus, which was de-1 ctrnw.l hv fir.. Inst wnflr. ., i ,....i:.. i. i ..).. v. t n..nnd..r.. ' duicvi iu tuu i.uiiuuii v .a.i.iiit.u Co. for $6oo. The loss will be "" "'" Don't fail to see the perfumery display at Seugstackeu's. MBnMM tf TaTl la m 4 r Our $89. Piano case organs 1 i 4 Ihcr.i a" ibry cannot be Mc.icd fjr i!urat riclictti f tone and nratneu I cc Organ 1 Iron i$ o up nude on pccul onl-"3. U are rmrtinc w'th the bt c su cat awl Mlling organs ai hn ni they can bo mult. We h.is an et lot twtted, to renc'i - n, farther. 11 tending in an onl. r Mrly eulH be Ue to fill It Cixxl hpc. No Eaitirrt z ' can compete flh cur intrvi nienti kl nwle-up guaranteei) fo to year. Ourtermtarpcathor ', t S m 6 mo's. ' n n ims c 20 00(ion and )to per n One p)(wmt iivi.l be made for ortan leave) ftry S gturaam the ax in, and if n at represented Me will rc'and money 1'T further ir'omaton r! CRAMER ORGAN FACTORY, Conallis, Oregon. Place. appreciate. We have been Marshficld mightily. - fit people iu pleased them V1 ... .." ' -. ..,...-. I.,,., s TjajLzizL.''Ta; ODD FtUM'S BUILDING. D NO. -.- .??" TIBBETT8. Gents Furnishings, Mackintoshes and Rubber Goods. When shopping please call upon, Yours truly, GEORGE & TlllBiiTTS. wc send samples any- I" where for more business. i rsew lot ot uratutc iron ware including a lot ot the prettiest kind of dishes suitable for Christ mas presents. Mrs. R. C. I.ee, who has been quite seriously ill with asthma has been Improving for several days pnst aud is reported as rest ing very comfortably last night. Mrs. Ro.a Gray was a passen ger for the city on the Alliance after several mouths' viit here. Clirismas Number The Coast Maji. will issue ; special illustrated Christmas mini bcr. Flanagan is loatlor iu low prices. Business Change Solomon Lando has purchased the X. L. N. T. store ot J. Lau- lo, aud will continue ihc busi- uess at the old stand. The old ThanKSffilin? TurKev . , r . . i.wc jw.ii iwi:i lur u ciioice, corn fed turkey nt ihe Matsh- field Cash Meat Market. No Quorum The town boaul meeting Mon day evening failed to materialize, no quorum showing up. .MARSIIFIELD Y. M. C. A. TO BE DECENTLY BURIED The powers that be iu the r.7aliagement of the V. M. 0. A. have finally decided to wind up the affairs of the association and try to get enough out of the wreck to pay the indebtedness. A bargain has been struck with the fire department boys when by the latter will purchase the gym nasium apparatus, bowling alle. bath plant etc. paying Mniie ?6o. which it is expected will cover the outstanding indebtedness of the association. I lie fire laddies will keep the rooms on the lines of a social club, and it is understood those holding memdership cards iu the Y. M. C. A. will be grain ed the privileges ot membership until the expiration if their cards. Coming Home Mrs. L. M. Noble ii expected home ou the return trip of the Alliance from San Krancisca. where she has been for medical treatment. She has been ateadily (improving and the physicians I have coseutcd to hr coining home jfor a visit, at least continu ing the tre'tmeut here and possi bly returning to the city later if necessary, BmamnamMi T8EMmM2Kffi I rmi" re -iiry Ijoulit tlir Cor vil i ( ,irn I';') Fai tory, 'iliere arr aloiit loj vr'iklci nearly fi n IiIiimI, We are iiiWiing lliriu up and citing them cut a nt re duced pri e We i4ve bugli't with nr without topi, 'side, end or HicAiUr siirinui Heavy ileel gears, 3. 3U uiul y'A In. All theje igomare mado for lilgli priced waj;oiu, out of tlie best Norway lion. We nre clojlnj; thew waor.i out for nearly one. hall the price tlie Corvallis Car riage Co, formerly sold thnnal. For further Infonuailon nddrct 1 CRAMER ORGAN FACTORY, Corvallis, Oregon. V A S II 1 OjN A U I, 15 S T V I, K f OF II A T S. 2 1 ?' "r-tr-vcMc far Clothing, Hats, Caps ' ' ' .wmmaaummmm MACKINTOSH! OII..SKINS AND RUUniCR GOODS. -'&.' fc.VttV. -ta,56fVV jNew Millinery Store,? All Fresh Stock. No Old Goods. (9 I.nilioa iiru ntvitnl to rnlt 0 miit t'xiiMiiuu tlio lutoat i utitl iivitnt Ktyli'i hi up. p liiUto liutu, trlnimitiK a u ml Konurul iiillllin:rv. t MRS. C. A. PAINTER, Prop. Jliarflcld BuilJinj;, Marsh field; Ok'. a--., .v)y Services as usual at the Metho dist Kpiscopal church toiuottow, 1 1 u m and 7:30 p m, su'ijcct o the evening serinou, What con stitutes a Christian." Slrnngers iu the city cordially invited to be present at all .services. Klcgnnt stock of watches nt Seugstackeu's. Ladies wanting first class wok in the Dress-making line will ro well to call at the diess-makid parlors recently opened Mr.Mtg J'tnnk Haynes of Coos City received a fine boar of tin. O. I. C. Chester White breed, by the Alliance from Portland. OLOSENG OUT at vc.v v:a' aw. ums niAX cos: The ontiro Stock, Dry goods. Clothing, Boots and Shoos, Carpots, Etc., must go. Now is tho time to sccuro bar- gams, tuko aavnatago of ono of tho chances of a lifotimo. X L N T Cash Store. J. LANjJU, Prop. MARRIED SUMNICRHOWIC At the res ideuce of Dr. Win. Hotsfal Nov. ti, 1901, Milo D, Sum ner and Miss Julia A. Howe, Kev. S. II. McClelland officiat ing. The groom is deputy in the Marshficld post office. Uotli the young people are highly esteemed and have the bust wishes of many friends. An Oregon Manufactory R. M . Cramer of Corvalliii made a brief business visit to this city WcdiicHny coming in and going out by the Gardiner route Mr. Cramer is general manager and salesman for the Cramer Or gou Manufacturing company, ol Corvallis. Thi.v firm wps former ly located at Dallas where it built up a business icquiring in creased facilities and n better shipping point. They therefore purchased the plant of the de funct Corvallis Caniagu Com pany and hnve moved to that place. As will be .seen by the ads which appear iu this paper, they want a share of the organ trade of this section, mid if first class instruments at prices which can not be touched by a traveling agent arc ni.y inducement, they ptopose to get it. The firm has u reputation for reliability that is a guarantee of lair trenttneu iu patronizing this home industry. A rare oppoi Utility to get a goor vehicle cheap is offered while 11 , left-over product ol the Corvnllii. iCarrage Co. is being disposed of. 'Sec tlie two ads. Mr. Crnuiei intends to ute some oi our Myrtle in organ catcs, litter. Jumped ou a Ten Penny Nail Tim little ilitiitditcr of Mr. J. S. l'owvll liiiiijiea on mi iiivertt'il raku niailo or tfii penny niilln, ami UiiiihI duo entirely inmiiini hit r fool iynl u wt'iiml Imlf wuy 'liiiiiiln'rliiln'H I'nlii Ititlm wiih tliroiiKli. ( iroinntly iiniilli'il mid IImi iiiIiiiiIh Inter mo paiii liini iilniiiHitril ami no ii'inc Hiiffcrliij,' wiih exiH'rlciiiTii. In (lin;u iluyn tlio child wiih weurliiK licr nIioo iih iiHiml nml wltliulisiiliiti'lyiio illNcoiiifnrt. Mr. I'ont'll Ih 11 well known men-luiul ot Korkliiml, V11. i'aln II11I111 Ih an niitiiH'iitlo ami IiciiIh wicli IiiJiiiIch with out niiitiinition ami hi 0110- third tlio tiiiio reiiiilreil ly tlio uniiuI troatmi'iit l'"or Balo by Uctf CrusH Dhik Htoro., John F. Hull, AtTOItNKY At I.AW. 0.11m 1 1 icidnmlif li'oA. l-'ioiit iirrrt, T. W. Boimoct, Art-Olt.N'KV ANI CUUNSKI.Olt AT MAUHtinm.n , r-iut. THE FAIRIES. CntiM kIm o liottor ill timii kihI fnwli lntttirniiit i'bkh. Hunt look to ttio fnrliH for tliiMti, linwi'M-r. I'iiiih' hrri'S tlioy'ro ntii)n Iutc, nlwitjit fiHi, iilwajit iUHiiitnlili, Campboli & Eiclcworth. A Prescription Flllnl hero will Imvoixucllv tho irrct your liliyaluimi intuiiilril kIioiiIiI hitvit. Wo know till IwHtMt) tlio iiiKru- iliiiiit nill nil do frond nml roli- tdilo, mill tliu t'iin)Hitimliu nuti mli) in tlio Iiihi ili'rco. IltiuK ptroriitioiin licto uiul run iiii t'liunet'i. Hed Gross Drug Store John Freussi Frop. Vt' radfeai4B w- - wZ'w: v A Sad Case. Coquille Herald. Sheriff Gal licr ritam-d fui Salem this morii itie to convoy G. W. James to the insane asylum. This is an ex tremely sad case of insanity, Mr. Jn.ncs, n bright aud piomisiug young man of I'l'shtrnp was married to Lou Zcttn ISelicit on Sunday, the 3d, iust, nud was at that time mi "ering ftom some trouble iu his head, which iu a few days whs pronounced brniu fever, but proved to be the break iug down of his mental ImIiujcc from some unknown cause. Two Mlglily Ninirods J. V. Hall the attorney, wen duel: hunting Wednesday 011 the big marsh across the bay. He returned nt night wet mid tired, but happy, with his day's bag of 'amc wrapped mysteriously iu his oil coat. When asked about his luck, he said that he had oul, been able to vet two shots but had b.-gged one fine duck. Then he removed tlixr"Sv.trliiiiis from hi. "hti aud proudly di ;)l"yed it m t, than which uotlnig Mionge Nwim.s the sea. This brilliant 1 feat of arms ou the pait of his brother, filed the .soul of J. T., the other member of the legal firm of Hull & Hall, mid 011 )n dny in spite of the worst btorm that has taged this .season, he took his trusty blunderbuss under jhi.s iirm aud embarked for the ducking grounds. Today he is claiming that he brought back three teal, but that 11 ueighbor'.s cnt stole them off the back porch last night. Forced Sale The Cook stock of wall-paper which was attached for debt some time ago was sold 'nt miction Tuesday, bv (. IK Hridies. heini'l B. i??0,y ) .uau t ft? . ii I j'J r ..-wZAl IVY Mrii-vvty ' IU A-lKBAV 53waft wnaBws 0. W. Towor, M D. I'llVHKJlAN AND MMMKON. Clfli In hi'njjul.ielivi uiul Hnillli' lll.ltf, ftniil miimi, MitittiitaM, Onr.Mt. W. IT. Douglas . ATTOUNKY AT LAW ANIl.tJ, H. t'OMMlOHIONllli. I'toul (Ini'l, M.wililWI.I, UitKoni Host and Co ml or t TIii'kii milwlniillnl iiuittroewr urn hlri'i I in Kith. 'I lu'y 11 ro nmifnrtiililo nitit will rotulu lliclr "nprlugl. new" fur tfrH, Mmlo In two pk-vni or nil' In 0110 plt'ri". Tlirsit Inixk iiintiiiti, with 1'iittoii fiico urn iun to ulMuilr iiikI t-iwt 11 Rrrnt tli'iil liiw iiiniicy. QimiSTfiNsiiN & Johnson Wo Study Printing! Wc make n features of prepar ing printing that is profitable. That is we make it Profitable irons! to our pa- We .study types nud effects to iusuie attractive arrangement, and we believe vnii'll nppicci ate how we handle your work. Kiotti 11 card to u catalogue wc want to figute on your work. MAIL JOB OFFICE. NO SLATE, KfliH'. ljj; iK uibee unburntlite niliilnnc In Ihi- .l Ii.uiW to )wr iliwr dy llriinrr, Jutt Itie .u'(hl. Inv-lMiiiInK ul, hhkli Ihiiiii )oti w4nt It luUirn. Iiat iIomu'I Imrii up loo miKli iHuitey WIhU your gctlinc tutl you iii'kIiI .11 fell get the liPtl. I umlier iWittf!, ilkeel Irom the mill. Dry n?x uVen in any tun of town mi 1I101 1 notice, 'Illicit wl ilf.iy .inL, M.mlnx. KuLiiknd cii.iminn I'lione JM, l(MMue, Cor, TWrd and A itreJl L. HE1SNER. i ' ' t II Was r:pcclcd. The l'ort Oiford Ttibune says that the Corbin City wharf has been entirely demolished by the sea and lies scattered up mid down the beach. Ncaniig Completion. The .street committee lost none of the valuable tunc before rainy weather set in completing the unfinished street work and with fair weather only n a short time lunger some of the heretofore worst thotouglifarcs in" town will be iu fine condition for winter. Young llurselliicf. (fiiySopcr, n 15-yenr old boy ol Camus valley, who has been working fur II. C. Shell 011 the Coquille, sfolc one of his employ er's hones and struck out, but was overtaken at Haudoii by the lerifliafter having .sold the horse. ,,,, j,;,, fHu,crs request helms ecu taken hack home. It seems lint he hits already been iu the eforiu school, for theft. FLYING VISIT FROM PROSPECTIVE BENEDICT Ktigcuu Schcttcr, after a few days' visit with his relatives here, lelt for Sail l'raucisco on the Ar eata. The reason given for the briefness of his stay was fear that he would miss the stenmer back to the Islands, but it is more like ly that he wanted to be sure of meeting another very important sailing date the 20th, when he mid Miss Jennie Tlicliu will em bark together on the sen of iimtri niony. The young people both have hosts of fiieuds here who will wish thcui all. ppssibla hap W . n .1 ,-WLfi vs, bid in by II. ,Sei!Bfjlnckcufow3oTtess. -