The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 16, 1901, Image 3

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    " WtJWWHflj
vr&,t$?tyW0 rtf
wpwtr"; vpfi
' r' n- W
V i
TJio Kind Yoti Ilnvo Ahvnyn TJouitlit, nnil wlilcli Iiiim Itova
in mho for ovor HO your, lion Jioiiio tlio filiniiilnro or
s-J? ,, nnil hit lii'on iniiilo iitulff IiIh jir-
CfcjCV'zfanfc,, uonnlfuijiorviHltin hIiicm 11m IiiJiiituy.
"f-w-wy; OtW. AlIiwnonototIc!voyonluflilM.
All OnmitorfoltH, IniltntluiiH nnil "iJiihWiih-kooiI" mo bub
KxpurliuotilH (hat (rlllo with anil uihIiiiikoi' tho lioalllt of
, lunmtu and Children Kxnerlonco ukiiIuhL JSxperliuuiit
Gnutorlii I n linnnlr-Hi fuiliNtttttto ibr Cantor Oil, ltro
Krlo, Drojtri and Hiiotliliijr HyrtipH. It In lMcuHiuit. It
contain! noltlier Opium, Morphlno nor other Nmcotlo
ritiliNtnneo.- IIh nun Ih 11m Kimruntoo. It tluHtroyr, Worm
nnil allay FuvorlrtliurM. It curcH DlnrrhiL'ti and Wind
Colic. It rollovcH Tvnthlni; TroulilcH, ciircn Constipation
mid Flatulency, ty hnhIiiiIIiiU'h tho I'ooil, rrciiluUiH tlio
Mtomiioli and HowcIk, kIvIiijc healthy and natural riloop.
Tlio Clilldrou'H ranacca Tho DIotliur'ri Frlutnl.
Soars tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In U8o For Ovor 30 Years.
Look Carcluliy
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenner's
Kidney Psil
came tin. kltHcy to woik
nam to intended they thmi!d.
Tlicy li'.iilil up the tilirtmi
walla of tlio hldneytt, mi no
known icniedy ban Imjch found
to do before.
Ana cu. a for ..rimiry troubles
they have no etitul.
io, 3j, jo Cents ioi
Rod Croas DniR Store
yi ittn t'a It tnTofnunlrnl In
JJtJ? Im.tM iim-mtv. H tint Ivtii tlio
''.V iinl.iici vii,i t'Uiroiur. Ill nmiiy
H2 vat i.tiuiivt v, uri idicv; t!ii vffukwt
JJ5 llnwj cf tlin u)u 'i "'. Uittlu
TP itm.ii i W i.lli i.'i'iiMii tillll.
(jur Ihhi'i ilii, Irt u' IN vinp
tout (ui ')tii. ;-U.'l'llib.civu
r-utipl.i. i. 'I .cril.f.
A, 10
Rod Cross Storo
Don't Force
Your Bcwefs
wllh h.tro) mincMio whuti
Always leave bad attcr-cilccta
on the entire syilcni, and whsrc
their it$c Is jxrsl.ted In, tend to
complete' wrsefc the itonuch
and bowels.
- The only harmlej;, vegetaWt't
tsowcl rcRulator, and Hver vltalliei'
Itnov.'n. '
As pleasant to the taitc as
candy, and aa positive as the harsh
est mineral. No gripe or pain.
Rod Cross Dru Storo.
I'ltor Sir. MelJIrnr.
llrs. MclSlroy-Wlicro In Mr, McRI
royV .lunlor I'aitui'r-tlouo out to fcot n
"new r.'ulion for tho typewriter.
Mih McKHoy (lnrlu ut tho hloud
Bill nt Hie llttlo nidi deslO-Hfl hun.
Iiiih hu? Well. Mr. McUlroy will Juut
lm' hoiiio rllihoim nud otlior things for
bin wife nud daughter!. That porsou
Ih nil lluITed up with rlhbom now.
'Wenvcr Nowo
Signnturo of
Coast Hail.
M 'UHr'.I.U OKI-'. N
ji mrty
I Thrilling:
Ride of
Miles In
Down &
i Tlicv Cnllfnrtilii liunliri ii'cn noil n
'lhh Inn tuoiitli I lull tin') will twit euro
I ( K'thiit ami Im ii-niPiiihitiiict) of
wbli'li ulll last tlMlr lifetime. They
! work In it Ida limliv crimp In Untie
rsimty up It: ll Hlerrn iiimiiiinlu, ami
tiro uf tliem wrought tlio tainl. Kdwnrd
lliiwlir, ittttrn tlio Klcrni l.uiiiln'r ittiu-
, latgr' ttuina In u l.t nt night. Tlmt
I liny rviieliiMl tteli dwtliiatUn tnn ilnc
i imnv t Rtfoil !nik than nnyllilui: Uo.
Mwl" In tlio fowinmi f tin- iiunp,
i I'.ltt 1.0 VI 1 Hljllt tM'tlti'WI tin mii1k uf ,
twotirnr.t kg4. IllnlWt lijf wnncniMi
'Ml n ml Imikmi. nml Itio mill doolnr ili
iU-iI tbnl tu wnc III lira lie iniut nt
I ii iith.Mi1 tn Clilcti, tin niMroMt
A'ToftllUKly liwler liruitelit
f-oni tin fHinp n tli in'.ll uvit ttn Ioi;
p'.nx uillfiHiil. it illKtnniM of four tnllfx.
A hns or I oxit vn Imlit in lit tlio
il'jtnf. n iPHxlly miply f u-blky win
Klvi-i tn tin ini'ti. nnil tlMy Ntnriiil on
tlii'ir p-rll mn rlili nt 8 p. in. Wunl turn
ti li'pliniutl tn tin ilKTi-ri'ilt ftutliilii
nlniiK tliti lltu-, mill n nirilnui' wnn or
ilorril tn Ins nt tin Cliliii tntil. TIm)- nr-il-e
I lifter n.MnlaPt. Lmtluf In nmv In
Knu rranrliiiii In n iKwpltiil. Ii:t It will
In! a yir iK'fun lio Ih nlik tii pi iiIkiui.
"lluw tllil It fiil to itiini iluwii nt
ulclitV npititril imu (if tlio uii'ii In re
ply til II tptOkitUII.
Tlmfii mum thing 1 itiu't till you.
1 iluiply hold tn tin tMtx mill lUtuintl
very .nunl tu hour t!io ilumo cmel;
u:id ilm;i nut fnnu lumcnth u. It iia
will Mhnii wu nWirtitl, hut I pi'mplriHl
nil tint wny. nud wlirn I Rut tn Clilcu
1 nan ttimpk'ti'ly oxlinunted. lt'n n
fearful lmlu uu n uinti to rlilo ilotva
Hi KnuU'."
Tlio Slomi KuuiUt couiiaiiyH ilumo
iiiM I mil niort tlinn so ywirn no for
tin piiiHMo nX tiontliiK lutiiluT frout tlio
mill tu town. It wn tli llrnt In tint
ntnto ami for yt'iirn tin lnntti"it. OrlK'
liittlly It wan nioitt than 50 in lint fnnu
mill lu iluiup. nml umrc tlinn $1,0K.
tHl wiik kiuil; In tln wlii'iim liufnie It
hwHiiio n wirlihn: hiiocwm. The upper
mil nm mow tlinn 1.000 feet IiIkIut
T(ii annw u ., 1U,M wlU) ncrow
t,c ,,, , .o iucIivm iUtp. Ij Klmpeil
iuhiuno j)ore Tin: n.tJME,
UUo a V nud In uuuoovlcd.ou treaties.
X MWii
Mvrtsa-, m
Aloiii tlm yldo i mill n lvn Inch pltuili
,. ..II. . I..I... .!..... I -I
niiiiii ii ivi'.'iMiMH' iinu in nuiiHK liver-
IiciiiI, nud Htiitliiii nn lullt wvry fe-.t j
i nn ii in nouiiiiiiioiiiiii' I inj uii'ii trim
keep Hi" lumber iimiilni: mnooilily nnd
tlm lliiiiiii l;i repair,
Ah tho timber wan cut (lie mill was
Krinliiiilly iiiuveil iluwii tlioiaiion un
til It lum iniir renched IIh (IiiiiI rent
lui; plni'C nnd tlio upper SO miles nf
Ilumo Iiiim tolled invny, i'ln rcinitlnliia
lio inlleit uf Din iliiino fuitilnli one of
lliu moHt exclllua ride which can he
tnl.iii. HciiK'Uincii men lnl.ii tlio ride
for plfiMiiic, hut not I'fli'ii, Oiuk n
ivoiiiini iinlc down. The lliitue men
ilde on i nfi. Illit. dry. Ill foot pliiuU
piled vrcilati Nluipo, so lui'hen wide
nt I In' top nnd nix ut the bottom nud
(en Inches tlilcli. Iltninni'i iiHiuilly
ride on n bur or boat, n tiliiDcuhir box
built to lit the Hume, open nt the for
nurd end, hut nolld lift. Acnlimt this
tho wilier piudii' and foices l lie box
It was on n box that tho Lntrlcr par
ty i ode. and ulml ntiinliiliid the Ilumo
uieii win tlmt tlio weight of three
heiivy iinu, iiunhliied with the hump
Iiib and crnplii of the box ulntii: the
utiles of the lliitue, to ray nothing of
tlm toiiH mid tons of wnti'i piled up be
hind, dl'I not cntiKo the llchlly con
utiueted trcxtle to clvu wny. Much n
tlillii: has hnppeiietl before. A fnll,
especially on tho crnde, W sure death.
Hlnrllnsr from tlio mill, tho (luiiie
pitmen over Brent rntviluut piles piles
ns hlK In nnil nn City Hall pari: In
New York and 15 feet deep. Ho milldly
la tho unwdust piled that tho trees
hnvo all been killed nml turned bl.ick,
a If a fon-st (lie had nurit niuc! then).
Then for the miles It runs nloiiB tho
side of tlio canyon clone to the creek,
through deiiho woods which form n
continuous green nrrh nhove. At tho
mil of this llrst section h a stntlon,
nud hew It Is that the real ride begins.
It Is called (ho grade, mid for another
five inllei you rldo with your lieart to
your mouth. It I ns If you were roast
ing iluwii tho chutes at Coney Iidmul,
only It seem ns If you were never t"
reuch iho will. Two hundred feel liclow
tin i reek philters nlong, a silver rlbln
f'pirkllng In Hie bright MUillglit, iiud
high nlsivo rlM Miop inouutalus, bare
ami l.wvti. rto fait tin you rldo that
tlio roft M'liirtliiH nuts mvny from
tho water and Micks agnlunt tho sldeti
oft he 1 1 it I up.
This Is tin lime whim It Is really
dmigetiiUN. for wlwn n wave strlkt-s
tin mfi It lifts It and whirls It nround
doiiblo curtiit nnd over 100 foot twH
tips ti pfinlly ns n plank Is losmHl nbuiit
In IlelHInti. SfliiietlimliiiiiU,rrrnvU
up Mini over the mIiIcs unit Is nhot down
Inlo Hie rucks below.
riittrnrtprUtlr. Which DlitlttKaUtt
'I hi- Ilrr.l.
In n j.t!unil wuy tin ltetl Polls eloi
ly njteiulile Dexoun, oxct'i't lliey nto
Inruer nml iiiatum ipileLcr, mivh .1. .Me
IjiIii Hmltli In ltnLiUrr' Cnzetto. Tlmw
are tin n:iu' Kouoral form, except tlio
heml; lint hnmu eolor, tin rmuu nniscu
Inr linMt nml line crnluetl lieuli, thit
iimu ncllv", hnnly llivolilou nml
lunch the wltio ntyle. l'eil I'olKtl tireetl
in would iny their etnvit nrn better
inlllirrK. hut thin ilnuhtlruM would do
eud uiueli on tin RlectniUH.
Am n rule, ltnl I'oIIm when fat nhould
h HUe Detoin, round rnther tlinn
mpmw. TJio fnt Hhould Ik wry evenly
illntl United nud nliould Hot chow In
ImncliM. I,ll tlio Drtons nlrio, mimtt
itrnhiN nro Incllmil to Iki IiIrIi nt the
lull liPAd. Thin li douhtlmN mi old
cli:imelerll!e lu Ixith hrcutU, hut In
pretty veil htvd out In tin tet hikx-N
iih'iik. It probnhly doen not dctnirt
from real utility, either for mill; or
heef, hut It It not uttrr.etlve, nud I
itmuld not enw tu uno n hull of that
ut) 1 1.
In w'lit tlio Tolls eonnldembly
pcvm! the DevoiiH In Htoeni under !I
jenm oM and iimrly eipml nuj" of tho
a'.rlutly leef Iirvwln. The lienvlwt hull
nt tlio lnt ChlcnKo "how wnx u Itetl
Poll, nud the lioarloMt nteer under .'l
yearn old nt the Iuidon bhow wn
of the Mine hreetl.
With all thin tho hreetl U its hardy
nml n healthy nn tho Devon, nnd that
It unylng tlisy uro nn Iinrdy nn eattlo
en'i he. Tiny nro very free fwm nny
liurCilltnry wenUuosi or tendency totllK.
onm; nnd tlio enlveH nro ncnily nlwnys
HlnniR nnd lively. A very Important
ehnnieterlntle to thotc w!m mill: their
cowh nnd feed the oilviii la tlio rendi
tions it IIh which the latter tnUo to tho
nnil. Thoy nw very ernilly weancil and
thrive oa Hint way of fcedlni;.
InvcMllpatlons provo tlint Ancora
Rontrt nw not only elnswl nmoiiK the
most unoful of tho doiuentlv nnlmnl
mid hae heou no chisnetl for tluniKaiiila
of yearn, hut their usefuhieuH l muni
fested lu vnrlouH ways. The lleece. cull
ed mohair," furnishes houiu of tho
Uncut fnhrlcii niuoiic ladles' Kod nnd
In used lu vnrloui other mauufnetuni".
Their liublt of lirownliijt ennhles the
fa.-meni In n wooded locality to ui.o
t'leui to help In buhjupitln;: tho forent.
Their ihali l-t exceedingly delicate nnd
nutritious. Tho mlllc, tliotiRli not so
nhundant nn with tlio mill: breed of
Itoate, Is richer than cow'b milk, Their
tunned sl.ln?, thoupli Inferior lu ipmllty
tu tho hMub of couuuon pont, nw used
for leather. Their polls maUo tho neat,
cat of ruRR nnd wheii, nnd tlicy nw ex
cellent pets for chlldien. A few of them
hi u tloels of sheep "ro n protection
from wolves nnd dosu, nud their inn
nuro Is noticeably helpful to tho gross
which follows them nfter they luwo
vlcnned uwny tho underhvush.
Ment or Aii3iirn.
Tho Aititorn uoat, nnd In tlio siuuo
mensuro the dllfewnt breeds of hhort
luilrcd Roato, do not pllo much fntmi
their meat. They nro not heavy, their
hones uro hiiuiII, their Joints miialK'
vor nBiecablo and tnsty and tlio up
pcaruneo uf tho meat attractive. It Is
well Known tlmt thousand or Koats nro
annually nlilpiieil to market, lioiiKht
nud BluiiBlitoivil by tho big pacheiH. but
It conies out ns mutton. It omluoatly
suits many American housowives, for It
Just meets their demands. Whether It
would do so well If alio know Just ex
nelly what idio vyoa helm,' hauded
ucross tho couuter Is nnother utory.
Clont No leu.
Don't hcllcvo tho man who tells you
that Boats aro immuues resardlui; ills
caso and vermin.
DonU bo afraid to Invest tho prlcp o
teu dues. If uecoasary, lu u. uood buck,
IdRAtrfiRrawFR m
i Ti!,ri! rut i nm mmi lw
"Miutn lirrri using AHVAtttVirHtr
Insotiirjia, w itli .riiich I lia U n irt, led t
rimr twenty rrnrs mull mil say l ifWuriim
limuivrn inoimirnrnlkf llmiioii"i,tlKTieii.'
dy I Intra rrr r trll J i nil rrrulnly itnm
iinmi tun i io my irlfiuli' u helm,' nil they mo
repn MTiiinl ' Titos, ihu.avu, kikIii, 111
rlUlil I'olcnl.
T9tl ni Do
rnifRifii taun,i
f.r tn,i. Ifm. Uia.
... uui(li CJU1I8TIPATIOH. ..,
lii, tVUtrjt, .Ik,I, . rl. Ill
Hfl.7fl.nAf! m-MiMl iiriiiil,l , tllritC'
at least n yiir.i u: pnef, ntui nner get
ting your new buck i'oii't ospect him to
roiigli It through u a now cllmato and
then shear n henry lleece.
Don't lined jour ilos to a kid buii:
Juet Is't-nuso ho Is cheap.
Unit I'wr n JSnnti Itnrn.
Joseph K. Ing. replying to u corre
fpondent of Hriedcr's Oarette. who
asked for n dlagrniii ut ouu bent of n
iulis haiu( nirrr.
Istra to he Mt against a bank, tho
building to I SI ftol high and SO feet
wide, objected that the bulk lug Is too
nnrrotv for true economy ami should
bu widened miles the dimension nw
unavoidable. Tho frame ulll bo tho
wing Joint frame, irltu a curb roof,
made wlf supporting. Thu rnftor
hhould be S ly U. and nt the Joint A
thvru will U) a piece of 1 by 12 solidly
usiletl ou each Hide of the rafter. Tho
collar beam nt tho upper end will alao
ho n hqlp to hold all bolld. Tho car
penters may object to this roof. Toll
Hmin that It Is old and tried nnd pror
etl nnd umply strong to hold nny loads
that will bu put on It by uio of horse
fork or by auy ordinary snowfall.
Never set n barn ngalnst n bain: tlio
full height of tho lower story.
Hather I
let It away far enough to mnl.c two
low w.ill. cjUUcHng the drlU'iray to
the bv.lldlug by a short brldze.
When Cloi-er Oota Too Drjr, Tarn
Tlirm Into Itin Cntrpena.
(Hor utnud higher 111 analysts titan
almost auy other grass for pasturage;
boslilc. It U useful tn tho farmer, mora
so Hum most crops, ns n fertiliser, for
nothing fiu'ohci the laud mow than
clover vrhrii plowed uudcr. In the fall
u!Ur tHivlng I vu (lasttiwd all stmitm-r
to He fullest extent, says a Kenttiel-r
grttpr In Hwlne Advocate. Townnl the
last of tlio (minuter tmmtlwi all clover
tlclds becomo Miuiewbat r.rik nud dry.
I'roiu then on they nw not ninple fer
the thorough maintenance and growth
0 hogs, mi other kltidi of pastuw must
lio provided,
Snreh your look nn feeding nnd nee
If you can find unytlllng that comparc-t
a Itli iowKas. A patch of them would
be the wo thing to finish out your
MiniMcr itastuw. The pens thomdvoH
stand ninth nnd Hk bay twelfth lu
feeding value of all mill proilneta
grain, green fodder and liny, which I
very high, considering SO American
feeding materials aw treated.' llos
love this pastuw, nud with the ratl'ig
of tho peas nnd the green pea villi-.
they come to the fnll mouths kIpcI: nnd
almost fat enough fnr the market.
la making n pastuw of cowpcas do
not try tn get nil of one kind or vari
ety, (let for tho tlrst a variety that will
make a large ipinntlty of vines nud fol
low up with the variety that produces
ti largo quantity of peas, so when cold
l'lllZR TAltt.OaTIt BOW.
weather comes the hogs will be pre
pared fo tnko readily to grain that will
then br given (hum.
The cowpon, like clovir. Improves the
Innd liiRteai' of taking from It. In utn
er wonls. It both fattens the hogs nud
fattens tho land. So It follows that
the bent tummicr pastuw for hoga ,
would bo to start tboju off early on t
ryo or whyat lleld as soon as clover s
well enough lulvntioed to turn tl.o l'tt I
on nnd keep them thero until the latter .
part of the miiumcr ipid then llnlslt
them for tho miuinier ou n good pr.ituw
of eowpeas, lly this method you w,ll
tlnd jourself with u herd of fat, health?
porkers and nilsod ut a small expense.
Not losing sight of tho water supply
which should bo plentiful and health,
nlwnys remembor that pasture f.
your 1 !-rs ,-tiould conttitn gntssics tb 't j
uro temlor nud Juicy If jou wish them
to thrive. I'lgs do not have all of their
temporary set of teeth until they nw 'I
mouths old nud of con-so cannot blto
or innstlcnto anything old or tough,
and when they do cut their temporary
set they only contain about oiio-hnlf
ns ninny teeth us they Imvo when they
havo 11 full permanent set. Ono of tho
gwateat causes, of the death of bo mauy
plga Is becauso they nro placed on food
they cannot nmstlcatu nud thereby dlo
of many disorders.
A uractlcal ami olTeetlvn alto Vnit
Iluuil Nrtm
JLj U a
isxsaas m
noogli to ho within the rangp of at
iiiott nny fnrirtr, In mndu ni follows
Place It alongsldn the cow ohed In sueh
position that tho cutting machine nud
elevator can bo put hcsldo It conreti
k'lirty for lilting and so that tho teams
can iiiiloni) tho corn easily without
b.icldng u i. thus raving time. Itulld
tho silo of wood nud round lu shape, IS
feet hi illnmctcr and lint less tlinn SO
fci t high. This elro will hold K, tons.
The planks should ho ns long as pon!
Me so as to have few spllcp. nil tl.o
winie trldih, sound and free from knots,
S inelicn thick nud the edges sipinre, not
bereh-d. The matrrlnl nerded Is 7 ,
plee of S by 8 So-fool pine, 0 Iron i
hfniw threc-foiirtlis of an Inch mum!, f
1 inch ut eld mil tuppnl for ) root; S
pleei h 4 by t SO-foot oak. 4 pieces S by
H IS fool Hilar nnd 1ST feet of hemlock.
Tin' luittom of I lie silo Is sunk three
feet In the ground, vrltli n cedar plank
foundation such ns Is used for the bot
tom curbing of a well. Khort 4-foot
homlock boards nw puturound outside
to keep Iho earth from touching tho
plnnlr. The floor of the silo Is clay
hoalt'if solid, hanked up n llttlo ngnlust
thu Miles to keep out thu air and hol
lowed a little In Hie center. Two pieces
of oak are put on each side of the silo,
and the bottom nnd tho fifth Iron hoop
nre put through them, drawn up tight
nml screw tapped nt both ends with
until nnd washers. Then put the first
plank on tho foundation, raise It up
and hold It In place by v.-1 re nails bent
round the hoops. Do not drlro the nails
through tho plank. 8co that It In plumb,
otherwise the slto will be crooked. I'nt
up all the other planks In succession,
carefully adjusting the edges. Tighten
up the hoops already ou nud put on the
others. Tho sepmro edges of tho planks
will bind Into ouo another. During thu
'HghtMilug up make the planks keep tn
their places with n wooden mallet. Tut
tho hemlock planks awund outside,
pack Hie earth down tight nil nround
and tho silo Is complete.
t'nrr.i llnllillnits.
One must own enough farm Imple
ments and animals to do his work prop
erly. A jioor' man cannot own horses
valued nt 5 UK) each, but his poverty Is
no excuse for ioor. emaciated, half
kllltd "stacks of bones." wiys St. Louli
Mcrtens lu I'ralrle Farmer. Make
lnrni more for comfort than for tyle.
Inn do not lie nfraltl to us up your out
iKiutwu barns, utieili and chicken
Uiiojitt fo ns tu bate iho nppenrance
Hint Indicates that a well to do farmer
dwtlls there.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarcts Canity Cathartic arc as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, 10c.
O jOl. f3 V Zi X7. 1 jCX. .
1 lie JUnd Ya Hiw Hum BcB
omsthln r
Now Under
AH Doeters have trtcd to cure CATARRu by
the uw 01 (MMttlrrs, acid g4Ses. Inhtlers anil
drugs m past form. Ilieirpcntnersdtr tip ihr
rtmtucMit ntciilirsct!oauing tltm to crack open
.tml bi,ml. The 0irr'nlaciltisetl(n the in
I ilis h ne rat tety ralen nwny the same incni
Ui.iiic that tMr tuasm hate nlnted lo cure,
while sum and oialwrnts cannot revtoh the
disease. An old nnd experienced pmclilionrr
who ha for many )eare made n clou study nnd
kmIit of Ike ireamwntoi CATARRH. Ims at
last prftrd a Trwlineat utitcti when faitliludy
used, not only reheret al nnce, tsil 1
aire CATARRH, by removing the cause, stop- J
ping tli discharges, nnd curing nil Icflainnu- j
ilon. ll kbe onhr rcnirdy Vnouii 10 science
tlut menially rwiohrs the nftlictrd pans. Tills
uMflethiVrniie-ty W Inovnas "SNL'KPI US
nnd is sold at thu ctlrrtneb; lor ptlue of nr
IVolbtr, latolt pneLage containing internal and
asternal medicine sufficient for a full month's
trrntmcBt nnd evr)lliliig ntcesury lo lis per- j
feet uw. I
"SNl'FF!.S" klhc only perfect CATARRH 1
CURl'ever ntadr nml Is ne-u recognised as e
only safe and pMitlte curv for tlu: annajin.
and disguttin.' iIImuso- It cure nil InSanima
lion (iukJ.Iv aad twtiwancatly ami is alio won
uerfully quick to rtbeve HAYrltVlCRorCOI.D
m tl..-UKAD.
..t. .....1 1. 1 . r. j. .
CA 1 ARRH when igli-ctl often Utds to
CONUMPTI N "SNUH'UiS" will mvc
)u if jou use it atoncri It is no ordinary rent
Hly, but n coniptctt tioatmrnt which is post
t.ii'ly gustantied lo line CA1ARKH in any
lorni or si ige tl used usconling lo the directions
wliuh acconifktny eaoti pacLage. Don't ilelay
iMitk-nd for Hat oncv. nml write full parllotiljii
ns toyourconrtiiion, nnd )on willrrceite tyil
atlti.-e from the dlmoiuicr of this wonderful
nuietly Yrgnrdim; your enw wilhoul cost 10 )ou
uryond the riiittr prlee of "SN'Ul'FI.IW" the
Sent rriid to any addrrss in lha Untied
SutainrCint It 01 wi it of 11a Dolor Ad-
dirss Dop 1. H057. i-uwiN a ft
C MI'VVV, sjjo and 3333 Marlct Mrcct.
Why will you wad cait for
hwks when you can get
the tmmo bookM on huiuo
toniH, find rivo fmni'tlireo
tn nix weeks time, by iloal
lu;; with a lumiothm, Wo
THE COAST, nml cany it
full lino of the biyt HOL
IDAY HOOKS, the Idfo of
Win. MuKJuley, by Col. Mc
I'lure, by John Coulter nud
by .Mural Halnteail, tho
thrisj nuthentU', hooka nml
all other Standard Sub
fcrlptlon hook-i.
Write for partlctilnrs.iuiin
liiff tho hooks )i)a want.
Adilrehit: OCnUKNTAL
l'l'lUilSlllNH CO., M. A,
mOMMis, rroprletor,
UllKUUUl en.
Vvitsisinnttnlun V
iur nrirrpsr iim in
in ow in mm worm.
itfMitlf ihrotifhAiii.
V.'rrnntwt w-u-r proof,
oftr.)movtri. 11 not
mtnru,t ofloflfin
Arr hctrler than goW, lln-iMlc sik! iiiiuII
twctir In jttnsll testlemmt lo not ainnljatii.ilr.
Ibry itrevaluablf. !Wil for al-Io the Writ o , llroiil and Arch Su , t'hiUdtlphin,
t'j. Anlitlc frrt- t nr Infornrltfon Uincrn.
ng mcthiMH of tiitrinir llir, trrils to ih!
WsKUhMinrrsUCo, I.lmitnl, 140 Kills bt,,
S.111 1'fnncluo, -jI
Medieval knights often took a rotun-
tary oatb that they would never spars
the life of aa enemy.
Tor Infants anil Children.
Hia Kind You Have Always Bought
Hears tho
Signature, of
A Crntle Hint.
Mttht Hobby had been forbidden to
mi; for di-tscrt. The other day they
fuigot to serve him, and ns Hobby Is
very obedient he remained silent, al
though much nCccted.
"Josephine." said the father. Mpaa
mo a plate."
"Won't you have mine?" cried llttlo
Itobby. "It ti very clean." London
Tlic Children' Frit ml
Youll hare coU ihij winter. Maybe
hnre one now. Your children will MiSer
For ccajtl", croup, hronchlUt,
r iM . E.
W : 1.(1
r" -H m fb
winter compbhu One Minute Cough Cnre I lhl office hit orn tutement No. ittS, far
ne.rrfaili Act ptomplty. It hrtry plomnt H' "baMoflbeSEU of itkm No. ij.
. .. . . , ; , u , r- i iTownthlpaSwith, o( Range It Wetttd w
to the wile and pfily hamtleii, C. B 1 0ffer proof to rAow that the Und sooght k
George, Winchester, Kr , wrilet: "Our little valuable for lu timber or none than (or agried
girl toil ntlacVed with croup late one night and turat purposes, and to ejuutlth hU claim IA wkl
.. ... tw,.u.k-,i.i k.i ..!, uv w. ' lnl before the Rrctc an(t K"orier of thla
J ; '"V" lhr, "u h""r e S office at Rottmrg. Orr-jon. on Twaday. the jt
her n frtrtknei of One Minute Cough Cure. It idir of December tool.
rrlktcdhcrimmedutelrand thewenl Io strep,
I When she awoVc nest rooming she had no signs
of hiMrsenev or croup," Red Ciuss Drugstore
snd ScnfiUckcn's llurmach.
Bw11 "'t fed toa Rjts A-'snys Beet
All tier I'nnlt.
Mr. rccTlsh-Whcw Is that book of
mine? You know I told you last night
whew I had put It for rnfo keeping.
Mrs. reevlsh Yes. dear, but I don't
remember where you said you had pet
Mr. Peevish Well. I declaw! Women
can't remember a blessed thing! Phil
adelphia Itccord.
fSASJnu a "fssJ m IT"
Genuine stamped C C C Ntver sold la bulk.
Beware of tht dealer ho tries to sell
"jomethlns; uit as sjood.
Il Coats.
"I'm thinking about that lodger of
ours," tho landlord remarked to Ida
"About whatV
"He pays his rent so punctually I
think I'd better ralso It oa him.'
l'ldladelnhla TUuco.
A rhylelnn Tetllflrfi
"I havr lalrrn Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
t.,.- .-., ...i --...Mr,., in , lif tht did m
r .v. 1 .1 ., .11 1 .,.. r,,.,. t,tri.n n-v hs thli day fird In this oltce her swum siale-i-
the good tlutUM, says County Itjrsiclin Geo. 'intn, No. ,'g7. for ,hr purcrttJa0 the SW -Js
- W.Scrorgsof Hall County. Oa. -Iking n of bection No s In Township No. 30 South,
ph)sici.ut 1 have prescnrKxl it and tound it to,
I Kite tit-. Lett rrsulis." 1C the food you eat re-
, .. . . L 1. 1
, mains undlgnioJ In j-our slomach It Uccajs
there and poisons the stflcnt. You can pre-
vent this by dieting btit that mon surttton.
Kodol Dytpcps" Cure digests vlul toil rat.
You need luffer from neither d)spcpsLt nor
Solvation The worst cases quicUy cured.
Never fails. Red Cross Drug Store and Seng
sucken's Pharnucy.
I 0-r3LJ3T03rtXA..
Vnnlshlnn; ut tho Urlde,
While there Is no bard and fast
detlnltlon n marrleil woman may be
thought to have ceased to be a bride
when, of the 10 hooks lu tho clothes
press, Bho has scaled down the num
ber devoted to her husband's ward
robo from eight to two. Detroit Jour
nal. Jlcllttbta ami (Senile
''A pill's a pill," sa)S tho saw, IUI there are
pilU nnd pills. You waul a pill which Is certain,
thorough nnd senile. Mustn't gripe. DoWlu's
Little Uaily Risers nil the bill. Purely egrt
tible. Do not force but assist the bonds to act.
MreiijjUa'ii and invigorate. Snutll nnd easy to
l.tke. Red Crcus Drug Store nnd Stngstack
en's Pharmacy.
If the poor people did but know how
llttlo somo millionaires enjoy their
wealth, thew would bo less cuvy lu tho
world. Chicago News.
"'Mniln'H Hurttry titirpaitscil
"Whllt sutTeting bum a bad vivi of piles
consulted n physic! in who advised mc tn.'try
box of DoWitl's Witch ll.tiel." s.iy Cl. V, Car-
ter, Atunu, ui. "iprocuieaa box and was
entlrey cured. DeWiu's Witch Jl.tiel Salie
j is a splendid euro for piles, chlng relief hislantly
and I licatlly recommend It 'to .tl sufferers.
Surgery Is unnecessary to curu piles, DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Saltu will euro nny case, Cuts,
bums, bruises and all other wounJs nro nlsa
quickly cutvd by it. Pewuro of counterfeits.
I Reil C'rou Drug i'Ur nud, Sviigstackt.n's I'liar-
Goos Ear W&olesalB Xiiinr
pamtly Grdcrj Soliotted '"
RanSer Beer
amlly ofdcis for Tops, pints ai4
quarts, delivered by tho enso.
Robert JHarsdefl.
UDltcJSutnljtnd Office, KotebiircOrrgon,
Sept. 17, 1901.
Notice it hereby glren thst In complknea with
the prnvitkm of ihasct of Congress of fane 3,
1S78. rntltlcd "An act lor the Ml ol Umber
lindi In tht .Sulci of California. Ornron. Ue-
Yiidt. onJ Wathington Tenritorr," a Mtcnded
to nit the Public Land Sulci by act of AuguM
,Rv At Itrrr Aakrrrr ftf UiralifoLI- fiAnn-v
Ci'p and olhjofCooi, State of Orrgon bai tlilj dar filrvt In
lie names at witnesses: William S.
ning.JessieMmith. Leslet Smllh, Antoln WIrtt
all ol surshfteld, Orrgon.
Any and atl persons claiming sdrenety the
aboo described lands are rrrjueiied 10 (He their
claims In this office on or before said 34 day of
December, 1901.
9-31 J. T. lUtDCES,. Register.
United Slates Land Office, Rowburg. Oregon,
Srpu 17, 1901.
Notice is hereby gitrn that In comptssnee
wtlh tlie printtions oi the act ofCongrrss ofjuwt
3. 1878, entitlctl"AnactforthesaI of timber
tinds in the bLttej of California. Oregon, Ne
sada. and Wa.hingtoQTcriitory." as -esietsdesl
toa.lllluWlcl4iinlKuiesby act f Attctsst'
' 4. 1693, WlU.1 AM S. DCNMKO. of MarstineM.
county of Coot, btaut of Oregon, has this day
filed in this ofhee his sworn sutement No. ilj9
for ilw purchase of the NKJf of Section No. 13
In Tonhlp 36 Soulli. of Range it west, and
will bfb-r proof 10 show that die land sought is
more valuable for Us timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish his chlm
to said Itnd before the Register and Receiver of
this office at RowtHirg, Orrgon. on Tuesday,
the 3d dar of December, 1901.
Ilentmesas wnnesses: Jetsie Smith, Al
bcttAhtjotl, Lester Smith, Antom Wlnt all of
H.ushfVM. Orrgon.
Any and all persons claiming ndrersely tho
abovsMtescribed I tnds are rrnuesled lo file their
eUinu In this office on or before said jd day (
I December, 1901. J. T. Usiixsr.s, Register.
Unlirtl biaiel Ijuid office. Rose burg, orrgen,
Oct 19th, 1901.
Notice is liertby given that In compVutnce with
tho provisions of the ocl of Congress of June 3.
1873, entiirVd "An net for thu sae of Uuibcr
Atnds In theuies of CifiloinU, Orrgon,
vaila. nnd W.tshlngion Temlory," its
to a the fwic lJndUts by act ol Augusts.
1893, Mrs, MAKY K wooix.ol town 01 uariti-
ncr. cocnlY ol DouzHs. Slate
01 uregoa.
Range No, 10 wen, nnd wlZotTer proof lo showy
ha the and sought U D"eJ'
timber or stonn than lor agrlctuiuraf purposes,
ana to ,,,,11111 his rim to sakl and before the
Rcguirr and Receiver of ibis Office at Roseeurg,
Oregon, on Saturday, the .lh day of January,
She names ns witnesses: D. M. Wlson ol ,
Sant. Orrgon, J. WVsley Reed, Mrs. IJsslo
Wnde of UaiUiucr. Orrcortk Cbarfcs Mesad of
. bupher Spnngs. Oregon
Any and a persons cilmlnj ndversey the
alioie-deKTitird .tnds are requested to fie their
calms in this office oil or before said 4th day
of January, 1903.
I 10-36 J.T. Dkidccs, Register. -
aud Prcfstng
a Specialty.
Clothes 1 v
Firt-clasd workmniiHlilp
Huts cleunM and prefistHl'
A . OAMBY, a'ilOl'.,
Latest 'Dcstgiisof
Varnialivs nnil
Wnll roixr,,,
llrusliei . ,fl'
Nasou's Pure MixcQ Paiits
A Specialty.
PltONT 6T.,
jiromptly flled.
jrow r TTuur KUurjt
lo free? AilaTrtMUai KtnuSSrUv WsJ 9rt( -
, ij
'i j
"'I ,
1 i
1. jp
v n
7 jnj