i .WW yiW'r'TT7" '' 4- tV' f ' t ,er "'"' '"'" " ' .iiiwinrMQwrtuciMHttWuirilMH,witamu3y Ft' Sunday Orcgoitiuti at Nortonr Capt If. K. Wilcox of McKin ley, was in town Friday. All kinds of stoves and ranees at, W. 1'. Murphy's mid mote. on, theway. Mrs. David Holland visited the Coquillc llie first of this week. Alfred Jolmsou '.s now mayor of Coquillc City. A. G. Aiken returned the first of the week from the Sixes mines. Good line of Road Cnris-at V. P Murphy's. Judge Sclirccdcr, of Arago, informs the Herald that his cows arc still producing over one pound of butler per day. Mrs. E. J. Masters auul Miss Eva Wilson have opened Drcss makeiug parlors in rooms formerly-occupied by Mrs. lloothby. II. F. Tcnuisson, of Uaudon, got lost, while out limiting last week and spent a' night in the woods. For.rcpairs to your lxots and shoes go to Peter Clausen. First class shoemaker employed. Prices reasonable. U The Alliauce was odcred more freight than she could carry on her last trip north and was obliged tot leave some, both at Eureka aud here. Jerome Illack shipped 3000 boxes of Coquillc apples to Port laud on last Alliance, aud has 5000 more to fellow. P. G. Peterson of Hayncs slcuigh brought iu n fiue lot of yasog porkers for E. G. Flauagau Trtcsdavv Cut this out aud take it to Red Cross drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stoiunch and Iivcr Tablets, the best physic. They cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the appetite aud regulate the bowels. Regular iize, 25c, pet box. New lines of heatiug stoves and cook stoves at Murphy's. "Strongest in the World" Equitable Life Assurance Co. Surplus 66 Million. W. . Bctmik, Res. Agt. Attorny A. M. Crawford, of Roseburg delivered a lecture be fore the Drain Normal School Literary Society last week. "A Trip East" was his subject and his address is highly spoken of I... fl.A T31..7..T..i1j.,. ? DnfAt.i(rn T. V. Renule. of North Hend was iu town Monday to have what he supposed of steel removed eye. It was found trFMihlinrno frntn n elirT rrttH inside of the eyelid, which was ::, : .1,,. .,. t. r.n..i B. G. Flanagan WishCS it Understood that til bargain list published ilUilUlW tltVJV. ! 0ilLUti tWl ) for the last tWO Weeks is a real list of bargains. t. a VT. ,,r,t;?J 7v It is not necessary to necessary tO buy all the gOOdS listed, in order to get the bene-; fit of the rfimavkflhlv! low prices Each .item is a separate bargain on , its OWn responsibility. You can take one .item T v -aXt .tT ii iZ or more. Better call at " "" - wm - -w taojriouuurmarjiObuuUiraHchers of Sixes River, which get them all. To ens9 Suits and Overcoats Shown by us embody the individualities that careful dressers selling our clothing to the most particular aud difficult - and vicinity aud can honestly say we have You will Ijo Hiiiiirlicd nt thu rojimrkalile vitluou wo liuve jiroimriMl t (wll at r,.X), ?.i.!50 750, 8.J50,10, fl2J5t. 13,7), $15.(jQ, 9170 ami jJXWa Hiiit. You will iliul thu wm Hitnorb assortment of muly-to-wear huts ami uu-rcuats over hliowt at tho abiro jiricM. Tho Jiollablo Dry Goods, Maxwell mid Curson, received on the Alliauce n large shipment of doors and windows to he used in the construction ol a btinknl- aliou and othcis building at their Cieeicciit coal mine on Isthmus slough. II. Scngstackcn has been hav ing several thousnud neat v folders piintcd to advertise his pharm aceutical preparations. R. F. Garrett, of Myrtle point, was in town this week on business. Mr. Garrett is engaged at present ouynig siock lor lictity noun s meat market. New stock of Children's Under wear at the North Star. Corner A aud Second sts. Notice the fresh ads of Nasburg Itro-?., Magues&Maison, George & Tibbetts, Red Crass Drug Stotc and Christenscu & Johnson, aud Mrs. C. A Pqiuter. A fresh ad shows enterprise aud is a stim ulus to business. Half au hour is all the time required to die with PUTNAM FADELESS DYKS. Sold bv Jno. Prettss, roe. per packoge. The El Dorado saloon has been closed, Mr. Wit tick having dis continued business aud the fix-; tures haw been removed. J.ick Marsdeu has leased the stand aud . after giving the place a through over-hauling will open up a new . enlrvMi tlif.ri.5n. i U...W. ... . When you want some extraj""" UUiUing, larSHliehl; UrC. nice cheese call on your grocer ! ? f cheese. 6 S tf ! Work on the new Fchoouer is beiup; energetically pushed aud tlm frnimc nn nrnrlv nil ittv ... ......, ..... .., ,.. New guns aud fresh aunnuui- lion at Murphy's. The A. N. W. Club met Thursday at the residence R. Kochou aud discussed the tricacies of poiut lace, lone short stitch, doubled strr.uds, col- ' J,'.... ' P" icru.;s- or harmonics, turn-overs, lings, hop-scotch aud oth tenons mattcas. The North Star store has rc- ceived a new line of Children's! Coats and Ladies' Coats aud Capes Nice assorttneut and verv rca-!, souable prices. Call and ex amine the stock, at corner of A and second streets. August Farley is again seen on our streets, on crutches. He is not yet able to bear his weight ou the ankle which was so 'serousley strained, but with tune' and care the member will p:o-j Mflitt' M nc linn'' na m'Ar t r . 1 tt if p, . J- A. Matson and Hilhs Short: jstart today for Roseb.trg to make. IfIC fllfl lf lOflltl OHtirr 'trouble. I I I jcfthis paper last week by the lengthy premium list, was an tc!U t0 tIlc 'ect tl,al Ghost Hall Bv,m y tne Women of Wood- .)v 4w uiuu ti & craftlnsMveek wasa very enjoy- able aK-' T e sheet and pillow ce contingent, while not very. ,c ', ,;.i' ,c ,. ,.;. .i.:,i i,r jn appearance. t o ni t ' mr r n i J-. Coke, Jr and W.J. Butler , xtt-kl !& friallui t a i.rn ; -" " ' . . .. ,, P6.rt rf0"1. Tribune:-1 he r-Tm-of eb"s,fT he ",,ats inl agricultural lands is an issue bctwcn same of the llliuera aml I will probably result in litigation, .IE BIGHT was a splinter uuai prooiou tueiriimoer claims. "i""-' ..awu,uu..-vn, ,u ..... from l.L left! J. W. Krusc has gone to Port- faJ!c " ,thti h.amls ' a Iar,' that the laud to have his eyes attended to, . w,,,w w"! " T B. " "'"" " ",w,c buy clothes is a highly important mutter Juwt now. The correct imd latest Yushions in n r Clothing, Shoes Hats and W K h h T A 1 I, O 1 v 1 X.1 - - 0 1 O T II I N mvtvfm t?i GEORGE & TIBBBTT IVN. N. V " X w LAD f XS sliB GRXrS F V R X IS J! Ji K X We have stocked up pretty hlivily, in anticipation of a good fall trade, mid so far wc are not disappointed. Wc cauy a lull Hue of A Dry Goods, Shoes, S15NSII1LE AND SERVICEABLE FOOTWKAR. jNew Millinery Stored All No Fresh Stock. Old Goods, l.iitllos are uiviipil to call mul x:iinlno the luteal ami prvttir.1i jtyliM In up to-dato lmt, trinimiti;; Htul goncral uillliiicrv. MRS. C. A. PAINTER, Prop. TU-VfrVO. -.QJfc4W MH IIMHI . tW PIILIW CLOSING OUT -' Vi tl'.t t-.. AiOO rav per c :xr. 77. .V iOSrt The entiro Stock. Dry goods, Clothing, Boots gams r t UUU OilUUS, UtirpUUi, XjLU., ,W. " .uuiMiiivm in iiiiuit i iuiik I-. witii.iii iiiiu mi.-.. uh n;iiii- V" J Pll.. -t i. trii. . .. I.. M..1...1.1 ,. ni... i !.. ..I l... A. I.. t....... I.' LQUSU JTO. 1NOW IS LIIO !"" A '" '--" nw"v .,.. ,uu vw jmuiu in !, i.nuuj if, 1m"" . 1 .;r..ii.. .i........u.i : ....-' i,.. ti... tt...r..ii ii..i. .and-time to secure DaiM"uvlul i !Ctu' . """., , ,, ,vc . ,": , ., ,. , nf ono rvf fVi- l-.oiir.Tjo i w's '"" wit" -,.-t(K)!iS of ivy, wish them liNppitivis. Mrs. 2? S efe?S ChaUCeSt off with bnqnels of ferns mull)n..Kaii, whrn.ig.rl, Imrnetl t.. oi auietline. .lowers, and the double jwrlot. set lyjiu the ollicc of thi.spapet, Inln nn,rnn4.nnA IFCilli.ilK uic vvv.i-iuii. i nh. iiu. Limiii. iiiitv liuui 11 lll.l,in iif X L N T Cash St01G, J LANiJU, Prop, MnJ Mnslcw amJ Miss wiison ., .i.Jt....i...... ...i i..... , themselves informed ou the very latest styles iu ladic' garments. Ilillis Short has purcharcd the Albrcchr. propertv on tue saw dust. He has had the houre raised five feet aud moved, and is filling iu the lot above the level of tne sttriounding lots. It ii evident that Hillis is preparing for something, . h After many vicisiitudes, the j . . 1 , " wpcnciicca loiaurai nan, intv of Boston, is now proprietor, and m a business-like manner. He will have the stand over-hauled aud painted and fitted up us a fust-claus restaurant. Tha( , The maii eralum List The Mail printed the oulv complete copy of the prrm- 't of the late fair cm dow bv thc. Uow.bur offi. II. w . ciais. lliat mere were errors and omissions e'en in that is ap parent from the fact that Capt. C. E. Edwards has recieved a warrant for an exhibit in the vegetable department, while his name does not appear iu tin- premium list as it A'as sent to us. l lit i PlQCC apjireciate. We to - fit people in pleased them have been Marshflcld mightily. r o Famishing Goods Men. TJ V 1 J L t A AAill. ft 1 I ft VJA . snusrnnrni nrtuic .nni'rr 1 riiir Haiti - wm..w- v..w. .w.M ODD FELLOW'S BUILDING. G. l t Geiiis Furnishings, Clothing, flats, Caps.; Mackintoshes and Rubber Mods. WIicb shopping, please call upon, Yours truly, (iliOKfil: tt TIBBDT1S. We send samples an) vlicre for more business. t WEDDING BELLS. GREAT BOOM IN MATRIMONIAL MARKET Hymen Gatiieriiiff the Crop Ripened by the Late Touch of Frost HOlK'tlNS-ORtNliOAR Arthur Hotlgius and Miss Mac L. Griuegar were joined iu wed lock Wednesday celling, Nov. Gth, at the home of the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. aud Mrs. L. 11. Heistier. It was one of the nicttiet weddings whete the ceremony was perforin-1 .tl, presented a scene of rare beauty. Festoons of ivy hung , from the corners of the two rooms ' to the arch w.tv Ixitweeu, which was tastefully decorated with Oregon grape and white chrjs nr.tiicmuiiis. Ilcucath the arch hung .1 marriage l-ell of white roses and smilax, the whole ef fect leing exceedingly pleasing. t eight oclock the wedding . . . march was skillfully executed by Miss Lillv Merchant, aud the I bride and her bridesmaid, Miss joilie Davis entered the one parlor while the groom supported by Uaudoph McCoou as best man entered the other. The two ;,,. .On ..,f ,, ,lir irr.1l,.rl,. rit.rl WVJFIW"l Itikb ii. liw ..,v....... ...... the high couttacting parties stood beneath the bell while Rev. Thos. Irvine, of the Uaptist chinch per formed the ceremony which made them man and wife. The bride was attired iu white organdie with trimmings of white satin ribbon, and carried a boquet of white chrysanthemums tied with white ribbuus, and hc looked as chaiiniiiL' as only a bride has a right to look. The biidesmaid was dressed iu lemon yellow oigaudie and carried n boquet of yellow chrysanthemums tied with yelltw ribbon. The groom aud his best man wore the customary black. After the ttual congratulations had been showered upon the hnp pv couple, by the company of invited guests who were privileg ed to take part iu the happy oc casion, a sumptuous wedding re- ast was served iu the spacious (11111:11! room. 1 lie decorations iAr .I.,. n!.i. ...... t.. ,:r..i 'in... ui till; iuuii; viu WL'titiiiiiu. I III. large centerpiece wa iu thre. Iarts, a bed of yellow flowering maple was surmounted with an lovely array of pink asters' and the top was formed of yellow cos mos. At either end of the table was n large bowl filled with yel low chrysanthemums and two laigc bocpiets of dahlias complet ed the haudiome floral di.splay. About forty invited guests en jocd the happy occasion, rnd many beautiful weddirg presents were received. Uotli the bride and groom are highly esteemed iu this com munity where each has resided for a number of years. They commence married under llie happiest auspices aud with the best wishes oi a large circte of friends, They have commenced home keeping in West Marshfield, where tht groom had a cozy nest all ready. Following Ik u lUt of tliouo invited ami tho pavuntH received .ith their donors : L II Cllirlstcneiiii, silver ciibtpr, Mrs 0 H Merchant, uilvor Imtter dlh. .Mr and Mm 1) I' iJeun, ailver hct'.or knife and tugar tslnH, Mar McDonald, bil ver butter dlali, Mm L.U Land , mlver picklo cuitor, MLsa Liilie Mtrohaiit, F A S II I O N A II 1, K S T V h K S O F It A T S. jt. - I MACKINTOSHES OIL-SKINS AND RUMIKR GOODS. silver pir knlfo. .Mr nml .Mr C NV l'al iruii, .Mr unil Mr licriinui, Mr ntul Mi O0I0 wtUpr cot", Mrs .lohu Hour, viio, .Im'k .MoCiwin.crtrtl teoolvor, .1 .Mlln.r, Chunk plo plittc. MIkk Xrl lio NorMm.ciip" uiul miu'cri", Mr 0 A 'innhviit(l, yli.Hrr. Mr nml Mm .1 llnrrlc. Chum plo plnli, Chui ri In till', toilut Miitp, Mi lVitrl UrUucr, pir lump, .Mr nml Mm J 'I' Colum-in, vno, Mi Joaiu Uowiui, CMliiry iIIkIi . Mr A AtiUttl, nnpkitK, fun IrMiic, li.tutl.piiitiltMl ptiii'iMliioit, Mr nml Mr V O I'nm, niKcr j;rvy Intllr, Mint IMmii Ibiii.ri'lury Omli, Micih SiiiHii uiul Ma IIhII, h'Uiuo ilidliOK, Mi1 llrio ltioluuil, lumlmliitl riflmi Micurlmwl umt erratn pilcluT. Mr anil Mr (Swi Ayur,tmtpnlr viw, Mr Alan (irliiuw, Clm Whlttrd, Cltii Arnold. DfNOAN-KOANMIOIM' At the lesideuce of the dride in iu this city Monday eveuing.C. being the fust voiiug lady to tackle the art presetative on the liny, and the Mail wishes to join iu best wishes. Uetiheti Hraimud aud Miss Lillie Carli-slc wcrcmatricd nt the usidence of O. A. Bennett on Wednesday evening, Kev. K.C. Lee performing the ceremony. The urootti is n native &i of Cow j " V tl ls "'. eiierjtic young 1 asKnkk 'I'll.. lksl. !. llai..il a, man. l lie Drule lins liven in Matsh field several years mid it highly esteemed by those who know her. Invitations have been out this week ror (he wedding oi Kmil Nelson and Mrt. Waybnght, which takes place this evening at the home of the bride's lather, Mr. Olseit. on I Iayues slough. There are at le.ist two mote weddings ou the program fur next week" aud others looming in the future. m M-H-itcomun, (Krommir H.im iiirrwiKiinlniti At o'tHk Tucly Nov. ftth, Hull., MUiCUrn A.lcllf.SnifttfM w tmrrlnl Ui u S. C. Hunch, llie wkWIhk ocurrlng st tin-limirttnf the lrh!v imruiln, Kt Uira. iv K. K, 'Hi'l'l Miik th" I'ltk'intlni: lifrayinaii. Thf wcddlnr m olriitly ir1utr, thcrf Ih-Iiijc fiwly tin liiiinwliult' ri'iatlfVHH iireHt'iit, Tlit l.rl.lu wx is'iiwnetl In while imlla limit. Jlu urmnii ucnrliiK Hi" (iiinwiihuud hlafk. At thf niiii'liulnii nf Hip (vrwiiiniy a win!- illni; immr wh tuiI. Tliu lrttU i-un rMtlmuhlf yiiiinx laiU'r..nl lnuta ImwI of frlumN. Tin1 roui U a Wfll Iniown )(iiiik man of idnrlliiK iimlltlH. .May ivcry day of their II vw Im an niiny an u Hamliflioinu In v.hlcii tlmlr liven were mi I IimI U tint nit 1 1 of Hi,. urlttr. A iiiiinlicrof Din (ji.yw cmiRt vvilli their tin niiiM, U'IIf, hut thfy iini'it Iiko not I'ritty tlinl wnltlntf Mmv -they hail n liiaiii'H to ii- thfiu. How I it hoyM? Rcporlcd Dead A report reached here this week that I'tank Kishcr, died at a Portland hospital, where he and his wife, '.oriuerly Miss Eula lee Tyrrill, ol thin place were both under treatment. Mrs. Geo. Holster, mother of Mrs. lusher, went to Portland ou the last Al liauce, Ladies wanting first class work iu the Drcui-iuaking line will do well to call at the dress-making parlors iccently opened by Mr Masters and Mis.4 Wilson. Little Hero The I'lorence West tells how Mori Is. the fi-year old son of John C. Heck, plunged into the water and lescticd his o-year old sister who had. fallen iu while fishing. The water was six feet deep, but the boy dove and brought up his ,'iister and laudt d her after .u hauLstruggle. , Vr mm Frosh and lioliablo Vegetables mid fiuits arc more expensive this year tluui hist. Itn important to have the best ipiality iu order to get your money's worth. We piovidc Fiuitsttiul Vegetables utsancl vogotoblo. nt vill justify you in paying e piiec. The quality is the 111 111 Miong fealute. Oampboll & Biol? worth. '&&?? A PivscripHon I'illrd lll'ro HlH llVrt till'tlV till! i DW't iitir iditloimi iiitviiiled tilllli llMVI. Wo know tliU lirrwt 'h lui;ii tlu-nln mil hII Iki fuili Mild rrli til, nml im roniHiiiiHliil) Hi'vi ' rile ()' l.iot ilixri-i'. Urini; jM(wrii!ioiit ht'M mid run IU) fl.itlCM. Red Gross Drug Store John ProussiProp. 4? M.V..-UT7i VTi - "5"J - "MriA 1 1 XBxt'finiSm ttfKsffvranrmrz !' V. M. C. A. HEADING . ROOM CLOSED AHA IN The doom of thf Y. M. C. A. tending tooin were again doted Tueduv morning, it Iwiug found that the institution was not self - hiitiuorti iiv. tt veil on tue .sea e ol a m. reduced e.siH'iises. lite ladies, however, have taken hold of the matter again with the intention of malting wine arrangements whereby the aswcinttoir.i career of uscfulliiess umy not be cinlail ed, ami it is to be ho;cd( that I hey will succeed. A meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary at tile associ ation looms Friday nlteruoou and a committee was appointed tocau viifs lite situation and sec what can be clone. Chapter of Accidents Fuller Sprague of Hayncs slough is sufTering from blood poisoning, caused by cutting a sl'cu off his hand whilp cleaning Htilmou. The iiaud aud arm are considerably swollen At a. practice game of football last Sunday C. A. McKuight had his ankle piaitted so that he now goes on crutches, mid Aichie Krusc sustained a fracture of tlu left wrist, which he now carriea iu a sling. While W. Wilkinson was riding down from I,lbly Saturday night his horse bluudrcd out of the road, falling and bruising his rider considerably. Dusiness Change Fred Ndsou has bought his partner.' interest in the Coos Hay lion vtorkv, mid is now the whole thing. Mr. Klahn retires from the wotks, aud Nd.'ou is acting as patternmaker until he completes other airaugenients. Mr, Iluffschinidt stays with the works as joundrynmu. It is to be hoped that nothing will, again interfere with the continuous operation of the iion works, a3 they have already proved tliein selve.s n great convenience for Ibis section.. rr7j6, :. I I aiMMimWK MMI .licsfi nhfl OoiHl'ort. 'I'liwo miutnulliil uinttrwwni ini Ipii lmlirs. 'Iluy im nniifortilih ami will wtuln tholr "eiirhiKl mWfor year. Almtp In twn iiltoi or nil In turn jili'iv. Tliwo liwk nintrwHPH, with cittim fiiccnio imiiiiI to itlt-lmir nml co.l u ureal ili'iil Itw mum y. CIIRISTENSE.N & qjOHNSON i ii ! imm ' - i"iiir ' ii i y.. .... . ' -.;w L'&W " y$?' ' '''. V . ' figsf ' ' ' -&,?Mk i Wo Study Printing! We iiiuke n feiiturc.i of prepar ing printing that is profitable. That is we make it Profitable) to our pa trons! We study types and c fleets to insnte attractive nir.iugcmeiit, nml u believe ytiu'll apptcci ate how we bundle your work. I'u.ui a etud to a catalogue we want to figuie on your work. MAII, JOB OFFICE. NO SLATE, Moll", !( olhrt NHbwiMU (HlHitlMVt In lh i i il h.l n yaar ilfrtr liy llclMrf, jiitl Ihr tlxljN. I.x' iMrnlo-caMl. hNWi Unn nt ju.i w .i m-itwm Imt ilucwt'i hum up loo iim 'i iikiHi Wiufc fmt fllMMC "' III. I.I u'l H Itttt Ut I uml.-r IWi rtd. 4knet Inwx itw mlU. Dry v I l.il i la rv p wf IffHti iki rfMMI itnUe. liuA 4M4,lia, wo.L, koih(. HfmI. mU nml ru liim tn 3n. HiMm, ( iK. I lilnl anil A "" L HECSNER. Halloween I'ranl;s Another item crowded out lust week was a note of the fact that the buys iu their Halloween ptatiks displayed more than usual inudt'iutiou. mid while they had 1 lots of fun no malicious damage tins been repotted. llie LUAhi . . (Itl r . . ... Mail man luimrt found Ins buggy yet, but think it is safe some whare. lilcyclc Recovered J. W. Tihbetts, bicycle, which was stolen some time uo, was found last week near the rail ro.ul and about a mile from town. A tag directed its ictitru to the owner. The thief is known. He is an incorrigible, about 17 years ol age. His mother is a Widow iu poor circumstances and Mr. Tibbctts will probably re frain from prosecuting. The discovery nf the party who stole Tibbitts' bieyle led to the recovery of another, bicycle belonging to Mr. C. A. Pnint.n- which had hud sequtsttetedby the same theif .several weeks ago, Marshall Cuter went down to Jvmpiro where the family residen and found the wheel concealed iu the barn. It seems that u pair of a opera glaw is 11U0 likely to find its way back to the owner from the Mime quitter. Pleasant Social Thejadu.'iof the Degree of Hono gave 1111 informal whist patty at their hall Tuesday even ing, which was enjoyed by a goodly number. Prizes were given and lefiediiueuts served. Soi.sc of the younger members. enjoyed n short season at dancing. The evening was one ol tlie usual .social privileges enjoyed by the member:) and invited guests of this popular lodge, and the ladies of the D. of II, are justly noted as among MarMtficld'ii best en tertainers. The young people of thin city by belonging to this popular order, car, enjoy some rare social privjlcgse and shuold. lose no time inihaiidiiig.iu their; names,, im tr-r inrriiTii .T5