NONE BUT THE BEST OF MHATS I eointuntly turuMi the be-d ami prlmest ot meat, which give w the confldenco of my patron. MEATS ARE A : NECESSITY luit It is iiect&ary that they ho pure an. I holo-ome. I do not pnuiiNe a ilWcount. luit 1 will give you linnest ntul courtoou-i treatment, ami alue received for your money. Satisfaction uuaronteed or cnlt refunded. THE Marshfielld Cash tvwvvv HENRY HOLM, Prop. f 1 r r r r r Eagle Bakery. ty Having r-'iMitily p-ire'i i Ml i t t t ni t'Jf tirost in tliir Bakery, It li i been t ir-m 'i teir iy renoratcd and rebuilt, nnd I mi pieturi-il -ir to furnili llrat-clit" fieh lite 1. 1. IV, I ik . f-iSr Kte. Kreo delivery t any put of h. eiiy by Da?" le-tvlm: order at Kir Ittkery 'in A Mteit. trjr 21 tickets forfUH JOSEPH W W W W W Ttw Wfc. WTawW.fe.WWWW A BEST R i: Kit a '. falifnrinlh Fearless ! Ci -I i. list entllj u ejm hi tea n . If ten is. New from all part of the world Weill written, oriiri i mil stories -Answer to queries mi nil ulijcct- -Article on health, the home, new Imnks and on wurk iilHiut the farm and garden THE WEEKLY Tiik IsTKi: Oi hvn iii niMiiili-r nf 'li A-"iei i 1 '... mil ill i tie ii'llv UV.ti-m l '! iir r fHixI'lii I r . , iiiiIimvJ ', r ii'ili lll-l iMi' l"vv iii.iUt 'i li itli iIih Ni'W Y 'k Sim mi-l N'hv Y-ok W'iirhl ripwi-iivole- liinl d lilv rep irl (nun -r 2l p'l'il eiiri'iiiiii i nl ili'iiiivr'i m time hi ii'V V piMi in II in ire fnl lv WHY it i I lm I1K- lm ihii'i. one ?:v,: .VJ Twehe piic' ui"r W I'' Ml (hll f 'iVk tr H . u'lV, ' ' llr" ""I '"r MSMaiaKKaiW1JasJOT'KSWKKriWr.fMJJKt!K5WKajKMaK5J DO YOU KNOW n tail incrrnnl .tflHJN I I K O' I I HI il'lll I .minify nofk uin I.Mr 5 t r::-r inuhotr. .iflrr rnr f l(rmr . cm, ! y lilh llf only. l'iilo- j n iiitje afr orie ol oar arfiti (icofj;- lrrni, lliti'to" N l.u.iii, f oinll: li (!: M)iilrl9nl mj llanwin VoMh lml J M v.iii, I iiiiit- j COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY R. O. AMSTEIN, Pi'or). I RIDER one in each town bicycle ol 50 A WEEK 1901 Modils i I HWE WANT m' I iW exchange lor a ur j.l. Meat Market, wvwvmwvmwwv'M'm KI.I.K DKI.IVKUY I'llONK 1SI EGLE. Proprietor. i: IT 111. I t'A N i' a ! i: u. INTER OCEAN one jr.:3,: I II XI r uu no Injiinum iIiviii. iU Mill ,. 1'i-irfy -tto' "'it iiml ' ,iMrn oil '!( We nw irrfn:ird iiMKlrn i AGENTS WANTED to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model our manufacture. TOU CAN MAKB 110 TO besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. Guirtnleed $10 10 $18 '00 1 '99 Models:.,:, 7 1. $12 500 Second Hand WjimIscq (. co Ukca In Iraile by uur Chicago retail aioica, J7lj ID PO many Kood a new ,,,., We ship any bicycle QN APPROVAL to anyone vuuou! a ctnt dpoit in oiiauce and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL. A no Wait in ordering front us, as you do not need to pay a cent if the bicycle docs not suit you. nil linT DIIV wheel unltl you liave written for our UU Nil I DUI facioiy ructs ant fiu iiuL urrn, ThU llbetal offer Im never Uen eijualcd anil la a guarantee of the quality of our wheels. a reliable perton in each town to dutrlbute catatonic for ua u bicycle, write today for free catalogue and our peclal offer. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago. I'lilird, Fur II lltniii-r. "Looking over my neljilibor'i fenc one day," tnjii n" lover of imlinnls, "I vms surprised to hhs cui his doorstep these ipieer companions'. A beautiful white sen null nod my neighbor's, pet cut sltllni; ipiletly toKether. "IteeouiliiK Interested, t Jumped the feuee and asked Junes ahont Ida fenth crtnl pet. lie told me thnt noiiw tmys had uliut the kuII n few days before mid Intikc n It whiff, nud as they were paxsln;; Ids house ho noticed the poor, MifTcrlm; tliliiK and IiohrUI It. lie bnu tinned the hrokea win;:, and Hie null, kci'i.uiik to uuilrrstnnd hi kind Intrn tlmis. heeame ipilte tnmo nud nestled Hit putty bend itBitlnst hi linnd. "JiiiifH entertained me by showlntj how the unit usually took hi incnlr.. Uiiiultu a pl.ite of oysters nud a fork, lie called 't.unsey. Kousey, ituoscyr ninl the turd eauie ruuulni: to him. Theti he held out tin ouster on the fork and the cull selsuil It quickly with IIm yel lnw hill and ate It ns demurely nit If uyMcri had been served to It In this way all of It ilnyn. The widest thluc occurred one dny when my nelchtwr envo the cull some tnunll pleem of meat for dinner, lie placed the inent on tho ground near the cull, tmt the cull, espying n pan ol water near by. took the meat piece by piece and. walking over, dropped It Into the water. Then, tme to It nn ture. It began nulling for It dluner." Chrlstlan Advocate. llur I.Ht CnrKii uf It. I'niitnlii l-'naii't- urn tin, oniniiianilrr of the f-lnre nlilp iMotlldn that brotiRlit the Inat enrco uf slaves to the I'lillril Stnli-s. The trip was made only after many thrilling nceue reijulrlnc week uf Nklltful maueurerlnc and daucerotm exploit, .Itift iK-forc the north nud Koutli eiicncetl In war Captain Toiler built the Clotilda and nuuouuccd thnt he would iniike a trip to the gulf of Ultima dt-pplte (he fact that I'ltlltd Stilton war vi-r-els had btirunt and milk Hie idilp of many who tried the to.iage lie was warned reentcilly ot the ilangers atiachcd to such an tinilet taking, but he equipped his ship and stilled avtity. He nachid the African coaul nfter polng out of Id course many times and remained nlntig Ihe const for n month, lie xucccvdcd tu celling 100 negroes on ImwiiI before he wns detected by the wntchfiil lessels of the Uultiil State. He wns piirsmil. but easily onlills tnneed his pursuers, nud two mouth Inter arrived In .Mobile bay with Ills human cargo. A steamboat met the slnveslilp during the night, and the negroes were transferred In (inter to void the custom house olllclal. Cap tain Poster sut his wssel on lire nnd pnfseil through Mobile without being dc tec led. The goternuient nulhorltle hunted for him for months, but lie elttilid them until the close uf the win, when he rellntl from the sen. TIppltlK III' llulrlirr. Did you ever buy your own steak nud gel the worst In the shop uenrl.v every IlineV An old frieml has bad that 'misfortune, nnd he Is always will lug to ray two or time cents more 1. IkiiiiiiI than nuy other customer. Iln lug listened I'lilmly to his tale of wo. I Inipilred If he hail aopilred tl praetlee nf tipping the butcher. Tl, plug the buteluT No! He IIioiibI I It was n suH'.elenl t lf to oiler tl e two ur three cents more n poiim'.. "That ofTer" I tried to explain, "goes to the prtiprleior direct, or his bloo, mnii thinks .inn nre trying to mnlte a thief of him b.i Inducing him to hold nut for himself the extra price. It wbl never work. "Just say to your cutter: 'Heo hep old chnp. I've been dlssatlHllcil .villi my stenkH for Home time, Come oil nnd take 11 drink, and tell me how to select good meat.' Ilu's too iis,. Then slip a dlmo Into his linnd nud say, 'Have n glass of beer when you gel out. or a quarter and say, 'Have u smile with me when you have time.' Kepeat this performance nnd prescntly ynur steaks are the delight of home In the biiflest private market In New York It Is the rule to tip the litilelien Y011 en 11 get nothing lit to with oft It" "ew Yirk ITohh. AIIOKrlhrr llirrri-llt. llultur--l l.u.e t nun- ip r.a'. yn tu, your iliiiigliier'H liuiul. I'tilher-WVII. the fart Is t,-e nru p:) j. ty cruwded heio as II Is, nud I-- 8ultor-Oh, I Intend to lake her nuny fiom lioinu If I mnrry her! l-'nthcr-Oh, well, In that cnite- Hut you did give 11111 nu awful nan, 111 boy. Huston Transcript. Arllflelnl l.rH.v i'lto niott llfellku and nervlcenhli np tlfklal Icrm In the world nre umnufno tured hi America. Imormoti ijunutl Ilea of tltew limb nru. shlppwl to Ku topo every enr. The tlrt creat boom In the nrtlOclnl lee liurilnen" wiih hrouitht iilmut by the Ivll war. Klnco that time iiillrnad and ttolley ear neeldenta hnvo kept up nn ever liierenstiiK demnnd. Another fac tor hiiN bi'ii the Kcucrnl ut of nutlnrp tie. The mortality niuonn those who httvo their leu nmpulnted Im far lens than formerly! nud n larce proportion of the mm Ivor become patron of the w-iHideu leu faetorleri. The 11M fiislilouiHl pec li-K In practical Iy a thine of the past. The modern nr tlfielal r allow a cteat advance over the old forum, livery liuiinvimeut lin been with the Men of ciealer nluiplle ity. The main object of the imiuufactiir T I to luiproxe tho 111 of the Ire. Tho W".l uo'ih'l now eot lbO. It iimtH front " t.i JU'i a year to keep one !( thee In order IV w women wiar atllllclal Ice, "u die oilier hand, It I becoming mor,o tummon to tit limbs to children. I-cg are made for children uinetlinrs be fore l hey can wnlk. They nre lilted n noil a Hie child trams to stand and make It iMimdhlc for It to develop sym metrically. Tho Old Roliablo Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. L. . .MLKL Aft , hhcKiveit'. ' Is foiMtntilly nililing tn I n tocK uf llneriil .N.eri-liitu-.ll-c, ulreiiily the lirget In Miir1il!iM, When nii buy nl the Mill Sinre ,mui kinnv tin) ipMiil nnt first liiis iiiiil the price I nil rig'M . A.11 kinds of lumbor nnd building material, feed and sup plies at wholesalo and rotail JlF YCU YISH TO ADV2RTISE o IN NEWSPAP-HS 5 , ANVWII1..M! AT ANYIIMU Call n or Writs . cE.CDAXR'S AaVERTISIKfi ArCTV . '1 Ot JtCij Merchants' lixchaoj.j i i SAN I lAM:i.tCI. CM. "t . oa)oQa-8P': r I'.isl in I ear" Ciiiiiiiioliiiiis Sifiiiiitlnii rw ALLr.1 itr HARDWICK. " .Si H h h Mac tor ll'r HKIllf "I'k. ' S.1 1 I ..imixii in I Cull", 'I vi 11,1 n'.i'pt 1111 1 1 .1 ntlu, c il "i t&7 ..liv Kflt euli vi.iy K The A 1,1.1 .ll-. 1 ,1 11 .' H S. XT' rl,t p,l--lige IhiiI ii-i, III H nil i'n iii- i nn- itvi 11 1111 . K,y "'td I "II" ' the flli-t K Sliviuier nl In r 1 l.i" ttr a K I'tir r 1-rc-itslit mid I'nuyctijer Units or Saili'ij n.ttcs Apply l&- utr " . .W.VCS'T.-U'A'SV. 5cr .w, C7" Al VRSIU'JKliD, Oickoii Blapeo )Hot?l. i J I.. I'l'.HUUY, Plop. llciiiliiuiftcrK I'or Ctiiiinici olnl Trnvclci'M. Splendid incnls, fnKviiiiipIc lOOltlK, 1111(1 tllC Ill'Ml uccoiikhIuiIoiis 1 i;tcc liim Id und fioin 11I linliis. MMISIII-'IKI.It. DIIKIION h 1 CENTRAL HOT FL I nrarr m r'rnnl mihI A "ml., Oltl.t.tiN. t Ml UNYUHH. 1 : i : : renin r rplits WKI I..KNOWN ANIIFAVDHt f. I IKl'IKl.tMihltt Itcii rnllrrl) f rfillrit .! ,1 irtuiplil nl ltiir.iiliilant li ar, ilnin li tir uljllr fur tuliorifn. Nt I -"I Slid Iprlfif inallrruri Uttr Inn pkird In aliiiuil rtrry tlrrplnit fifiiii nl lli t f inn ami lioiiblr ner eipfiti v Piitnt in HI rirtylhln)! In MtH tll fifilrf. trsM, - rtxiiilml l-clglnf, f orrk,,,. IV St ''ff "" melt .MniU , . 'vibit DH. JORDAN'S oscaxl MUSEUM OF ANATOMY iJiiintriT.,iiiriitnt.t4 1 III UM (Hhaliil Umw h IN , fc 4..I..M.! M M( ,.,,, !, MI.WHIHIMI ,! ,,!. ( UIT. JORDAN -OllUJtS Of MINI irun.eiAwKU, .....j f. ,1.alllk!..ll...s.. ! , M Mwlw... . - . 4i4 ,. 1 t-ii... ru.a.. ... '"' .T J.M-l !4.tM- I Cfclt!,b f... m M,ff Mfll& TftM... .. 1 tnnilliK. .iiip rata. a ,!UU4.w., ( , las SMS I Ikllatattfa V ' 0 JOSOaltsiCO.IOIIkUrt.itaL.1 . 4 sfc say ",,'. a, a THE STSAMSR ARCATA. ' .V:..f.V, .1i.n. y ill Miil.f iIi-uhImi' l'i-li -IlKrWKIIN- ( OOS I J A V SAX F1.7N(,IS((), -HMIItVINi.- ,nA3StKGi.S A D FREIGHT -LCWIiST nATES. Clcon coil ft .vlallon t'u , l'l,l,ll,.ll,l.,' II G I mean, .,mt, ''.i ft.fietl '. 4 Jitiil, V;lt '. il. ro Ity. (. N.i.l . ..XPrIIU CC Thaoc MsriK UrVIQNB CofrnioMT Ac AnrniiatriKtliiii arlrlilian.l jr. 'iiiili.n ni. liilklT nai-wrlaiii kiiiuui iri-t niuiiirr u irritllttll In llrnuhli. f 'iili.n.unlr u.t-1HlrmnS,lnlaL Iliii.t'uiW.n l'lriu iiit frH. fll'1l nrwy tor --jrllitf t1vnu. I iiii" ij.arti inruumi iiu-' x Hrl'lf lUttUfi wtltinut i ha mo. 1.. ,1m Scientific American, , ,! l.i'M, .iy wfi-tilr I ini-il t . iiinii 1 1 1 ' - i,f :i I-" "iii. ' f U I IIM III f"l l IK I I ...t.:;i " '".ft.- - it" w.:. ivi.v U.i.v .V "St " A. . V. &A fj )'v t'j1 . - - , , " "rf v