The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, November 02, 1901, Image 4

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mWW? i.
Sunday Oitgoinnti nt Norton's
Fresh Maskys candy nt Scng
stnckcu's. Motion L. Tower and family
of Umpire, have returned from
Portland i
Tom Murray had his right arm
broken in two places at the Ubby
mine last Saturday.
Wm. Phillips, formerly of this
place, died recently in Oklahoma.
A very pleasant time was cn
.oyed by quite a number of young
Jpcoplc at the dance last Saturday
All kinds of stoves and ranges
at W; P. Murphy's and uioic on
the way.
The harness shop which was
opened here by Long S: Sous, of
Coquillc, has been closed again
on account of the difficulty in
securing a satisfactory location.
. II. Scugstackcn is agent for
exchange of school books.
The epidemic of accidents,
which prevailed for several weeks
seems to have run its course, aim
the doetcrshave a breathing spell.
Win. Woodward who arrived
from San Francisco on the las
Mandlav. will assist Joe Ycakam
in drivinc a baud of- cattle to
Roseburg next week.
Rev. Irvine has bought the
old Vnliuo property on the south
end of 4U1 street bridge fron C.II
Merchant, and will precede to re
model the house for. a dwelling
by taking oil the lower story
and will otherwise improve it.
The Coauille merchants arc
ahead of their MarshGcld brcthcrn
in one thing, they arc advertising
saur kraut on tap.
The barco W. H. Wheeler
from San Francisco for Nckalem
in tow of the tug Gco.H. Vosburg
called in Sunday and took 200
tons of coal from the Beaver Hill
mine for fuel for the tug. The
barge is a queer look ing craft,
about as wide as she is long with
u steam like the end of a war
house. Mrs. J. W. Catching of Sumner
was in town Thursday with her
little daughter whose arm was
broken by a fall about ten days
ago. The bone was quite badly
splintered and the arm will
probaly be kept in splints for a
couple of weeks more.
John Pierce was around town
Thursday wearing a pair of
overalls about three inches too
long for hira aud turned upat
the bottom, this curious cir
cumstances being attributable to
the fact that they were made to
order, and whole bolt of blue
diniius was put in.
The energetic farmers along the
North fork of the Coquillc from
Lee down are snagging the
stream, making ready to have
steamer service this winter.
Geo. Bplster who has been
running the boarding house at
Libby has sold oitt to W. W.
Hayes of Coquillc, who will con
duct the same.
Eugene Schettcr is expected
here in about a week lor a brief
visit, being now in San Francis
co. "Gene" is employed on one
of the large sugar plantations in
the Hawaiian islauds, and it is
rumored that this vhit to his na
tive laud has for its object a ven
ture iu the matrimonfal line.
The Areata went m-the dry-
Mock this trip for minor repairs,
aud was advertised to sail on the
Rev. S. B. McClelland and
wife made a trip to the Umpqua
aud to Roseburg last week, aud
it is understood that they have
filed on timber claims located on
Smith river.
When vou want some extra
nice cheese call on your grocer
for Sumner creamery full cream
cheese. 6 8 tf
Mrs. Mary Manning has mov
ed to her home in South Marsh-
New guns and fresh ammuni
tion at Murphy's,
The schooncis Albion and
Parkersburg both grounded on
the middle ground in attempting
to cross the Coquillc bar last
week, but both got off without
serious iniurv. Later the Mau-
dalay crossed in aud reported
three fathoms of water iu the
A concert will be given by the
North Bend band nt that place
this evening, aud quite u number
will go down irom here.
Peter Scott, Jr, took a run
dowu to the sandhills one day
this week aud brought back
some 250 suipe. There is some
sivlc about vounc Peter; he
remembered the editor.
"Stronccst in the World"
Equitable Life Assurance Co
Surplus 66 Million.
W. J. Butler, Res. Agt.
The Coos Bay creamery is how
making but Soo pounds of butter
Henry Holm this week received
a small' band of fine, fat, 2-year-old
steers from Johu Yoakani.
New lines of heating stoves
and cook stoves at Murphy's.
The Coquillc City Herald ad
vertises in an Eastern publication
that it is "The ONLY medium
through which the residents of
the most thriving section of the
state may be reached." Wouldn't
that jar you, brothers of the craft?
For repairs to vour boots aud
shoes go to Peter Clausen. First
class shoemaker employed. Prices
reasonable. tt
Good line of Road Carts at W.
P. Murphy's.
There will be services at the
. "
111? ft
A 0
But we arc
looking forward
to large bales
in our f
Shoe Department $
The Hues we carrv for CHILDREN, LADIES AND GENTS '.As
Are iving6V TfSF.l CI I OA ami we want YOU to
b-: pleased. Shall be glad to Number Y O U among our
maauy Patrons. : , : : :
Yottis Kcspccnmiv
v. V x."
PHONE 4510
IXvy jr. . jfc '. ji' A s j if'i-
N .Qpsppv -3P
Oomfor table.
Thorn l no ronton why Initio nhoiihl
ln'lc riiii fmliiM'i mill fiitttlnimlilr
worn 1 iu: niii'l tl'l nn)ii. liuvo
licii iiUi'lul In ut In u (illicit, full of
llio inimt nltiiieilvn ciimiiIoiik In
Imlli' iinrmt'iil', iiuilllio (irlcn plnova
tin-in ttliiit tlm nmuh ot .ill .
4H1 i. i tl L AZi. &. it
" 'V? t' V 'Vk'
w ffl jflKT
V WH .
Millinery Opening
Mrs. C. A. Painter held her Mil-
ll'unlitimst from lt :ik
Junius I'Vnoy Jr
W'.iinr r-.ilur inlnllni" 'J.I Jl .
liryOpcuing this week at the Gar-; 1; Kirkwirth
ficldaud has now on disnlay ancle- VUpfoy Ouv.on "ooiljj.5 pieces , lt
gaut assortment of Ladies' MCurl '
hats, all of the newest aud most.' ullror.tcil wiaC'-M M.
fashionable styles. Lames arc in- Mrs irrimnntuokiMi, , . . . Simqt rn "Now is tbo
--.--.- - - .
TUAX tosn
Tho ontiro Stock. Dry
goods. Clothing, Boots
and Shoes, Cnrpots, Etc.,
ftSiiHtiM, .
Fresh and Koliablo
Vegetables tuid fuiits ate moie
expensive this year than last.
Its iiupoitaut to huve the best
quality iu order to get your
money's wot lit. We piovide
Fi nits and Vogotablos
that will justify you iu paying
the piice. The quality is the
.stioui: featuic.
Campboll & Eiokwortli.
Bossio Rioliarda, Prop.
Cor. A mid Second Sts,
to call and examine the1 Displayof ihjimtuI nml kcoIo:
Half an hour is all the time
required to die with PUTNAM
Juo. Prcuss, loc. per packogc.
J. Wall has sold the machinery
out of his little steamer Emily to
Jas. Bright, of Gravel Ford, who
is havinir a liclit draugut mm
built to run up the north fork of
the Coquillc river as far as,
and will use this machinery.
Rev. R. C. Lee lectured last
Friday evening to a crowded
house atAlleghany. The subject
of his discourse was. "If I were a
girl six things I would Do"
The audience were highly pleased
with the lecture and all felt well
repai d for having attended.
Geo. O. Leach had a leg
broken in Pike.s logging camp
on the Coquille last week. The
grab hooks flew out of a log on
which the donkey was pulling
aud struck him on the leg, caus
ing a compound fracture.
Steamer Comet brines down
Presbyterian Church next Sab- rc2Uiarlv larce catches of Salmon
bath morning and evening as fr0, Coos river every day and the
usual. All arc cordially welcome. canucry ;s receiving all the fish it
Rev. Father Donnelly returned lean pack, the amount being
home Wednesday from an cx-jsiuiplyaqucstionastothecapacity
tended trip down the coast. of the plant tor making cans.
I i tie quality 01 me pacu is pro
nounced as a supericorouc which
will command the top price in
Mrs. E. J. Masters amd Miss
Eva Wilson have opened Drcss-
makeing parlors ill rooms form
erly occupied by Mrs. Boothby.
Ladies wanting first class work
in the Dress-making line will do
well to call at the dress-making r. ,1.1 ytQ Qc
parlors receutly opcucd by Mrs. I fatlier who w:
the market., coo cases go on the
E. J. CofTelt of South Coot
River received word from Spring-
the death of Ins
as born in 10: 2.
.Masters anu .miss wiison. Hf. wna 1: ..:,, ... .1, i,s sou at
Tolm Curren nronnetor ofi SiHincfiel. Mo. 1 He remains
. .- 1 " .
uii ai
Hotel doauille. was in town! were taken to his
Wednesday with his little daugh
ter, who was examined by JJrs.
Horsfall and Mmcus. bhc has
old home iu
Benton County Ark. where
he has resided since before the
rebellion. He had been ailing for
an enlarged bone growth on her nearly a year and finalysuccumb-
jaw, which will necessitate a inp eci 10 uiaiurenucu uiscasc, jinyma
to one of the hospitals in ban uisease ot tne Kiuney..
Francisco. Marshfield ought to M f:. Ur p.e,iie. of North
have a hospital capable of hand- 1end( who hns becI, visiting rel-
ling SUCll cases. nt?u.: in flu- I?ast niifl visitiii" the
Mrs. Masters and Miss Wilson ! Pan-American, got home Tues-
are expert dressmakers and keep day having had a very pleasant
themselves informed on the very .visit. She was accompanied by
latest styles in ladies garments, her sister Miss Bessie Cnquc.
You will find our NEW FALL LINE OF CLOTIIINC to be the best that the
skill of man has designed for men. Taylored in the latest style, and dependable in
every way. All of our new garments are cut from durable wool fabrics, in neat
Mixtures, Checkr, Stripes, New Greens, Plain Blues aud Blacks. Drop in some
time at your leasure and sec them. ' : :
Hawes Hats
Have had the preference for a long time t
am oug fashiou's votaries. The new Aut
uinii Derby and soft hats are 'now on the
way from the east.
is certainly the most uncomfortable thing
that cau happen to a SHOE-BUYERan
ill-fitted shoe is dear at any price We fit
your feer and your pocket-book as well in
SHOES, $3.50 TO $6.00.
Tho Reliable Dry Goods, Clothing anil Famishing Goods Men,
con uoiul -il
timo to secure bnv-
gains. Tako advantngo
of one of tho chances
of a lifotimo.
X L N T Cash Storo,
J. LANUO, Prop.
Hnroitnin l
VV llowl.Mi
lipliiy Oicgi
n K ttillmrit
llxlillMt of wine, 4 variolic i T-.
A (J Aikou
)ipl.iy of Or till, 50
l'otot ricolt
l)il'.y roc'; nytnn Ut (T)
Coostllnv PtrkliiK Co
Cmiiiotl Salmon. ." ilo cnim. lliulor
lirnuil li ". INiiiimI Snlimin " ilor
Ci llciitl olilnix)k.l.M f.1.
The launching of the new
steam schooner from the yard of
the P. S. 1). Co., took place
Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock
rnd was witnessed hv a large
crowd of people. The hand
some little craflslid into the water
like a duck, and was christend
"Marshfield", by little Esther
Aspluud. There was a rumor
around town that ordets had been
issued for immediate construction
ofn duplicate vcs.scl but Mr.
Merchant pronounced ims 'oniy
McLAIN At Marshfield, Oct.
29, to the wife of H. McLain,
a daughter.
BRANIV-At Marshfield, Oct.
30, 1901, to the wife of Julius
Brant a son.
WHY? At Marshfield, Oct. 20,
to the wife of Gow Why a
daughter. Why wasn't it a
Cut this out and take it to Red
Cross drug store and get a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets, the best physic.
They cleanse and invigorate
the stomach, improve tlie nppeiiie
aud regulate the bowels. Regular
size, 25c, per box.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kane
who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Coleman foi the past
two months, returned to their
t.n... iii fi1. nt, lu Alliance ac
companied by Mrs. S. Macoon. session is anticipate'. Will Stay
Rev. R. C. Lee has icvetsed
his decision and declined the flat
tering offer to enter the employ
of one of the leading insurance
companies, preferring to remain
iu the ministry and stay with his
charge hete, to which he has be
come greatly attached. A pleas
ant donation party was held one
evening this week by the mem
bers of his coiigiegatiou.
The 0. N. W. Club
A number of the artistic needle
workers of Marshfield met at the
home of Mis. Dr. McCormac and
organized what will be known as
the "A. N- W. Club". This,
club will meet once each week for
mutuaiial benefit and the fuither
development of the art of lace
making and embroidery. The
after noon was spent iu comparing
work, and designing new ideas.
A very profitable afternoon was
spent and much valuable infor
mation added to tltciieedle-ioreoi
the members. After a sea.son of
work a delecious luncheon was
served, thsu the busy needle
workers were favored by a lew
choice instmn1ent.1l selections by
Miss Eickworth. The next re
gular meeting of tho club will be
at the home of Mrs. J. R. Rochon.
The 1 vl' annual convention of
the Y. P. S. C. W. of Coos
county will be held in lliis city
Wednesday and Thursday Nov.
20th and 21th. An interesting
and instructive program has been
arranged, and a very proftable
1 Ban
Hil!U'ct Uiirzni" wor ollercil 111 Rrocnrios,
Oct. IKHli rwiilcomlmiinK forHo "lays only, I
N0'" unpin
1 00
1 (Ml
1 (X)
1 00
1 00
lUiiiiiiKinchiK Monday
will moII iKroiiurltM a
18 Itn Kranuliitcil UKir for, if
1 1 U licit )iiw(luro(l Huj-'ir
1; lb jooil rottktctl collVo for
1 Hi lii;t Krcon ta
1 lb best KiikIUIi breakfast tea
11 cams bluo rililion corn
11 o,m btuu ribbon tomuloua
loan prlo biik 1 n 1: poiMlur
12 jiaokagcH wheal Ibiko mush
00 Mick best California llour
it lb piickaKO cold dust
IbarH eapollo 2."i
J lb can 1'cho cut ji'.ujj tobacco 15
I imoUoKCs Oohlcn CJatu HOila 25
0 lbs dago 1 00
15 lbs head rlco I00-
L"2llnbHVOori)liiUbouiiH 1 00
10a pur lb
25o pi-r lb
OOo pur lit
8O0 por lb,
12Ju pur can
12jo pur can
50o puriian
loc pur paokago
$1 00 pur hucU
25(i p( r puckuco
lOo per bar
COo pur paokago
10o pcrpackago
lOu per lb
lOo pr lb
Supur lb
w a.iWMi. . 1 ii in i 1
1 isJy&'Sy
Wo Study Printing!
W make a fcattucs of prepar
ing punting that Ik ptulitnblc.
That is we make it
Profitable to our pa
trons! We study types and effects to
iii.Mue attractive arrangement,
and we believe you'll apptcci
nte how we handle your work,
l-'umi a card to a catalogue we
want to fignir 011 join work.
A Distinot Triumph
Our iwJi.' l Utii'tm. fiw Ov .tiokctmm, of
rkilikit)' lit .My MM uMIm ! l In Mfl ul II.
M nlnl 1 !l.HMl Irtnmch It IliM Imtnch
o(thhtliiiC dMv, j( MlMMIhn nt
Mr ttwl nl Kwiltft ,;vlliM.
Hniim for horn ittr JJ im up. Uigf Ux
btfKe uv, jtoiiji 'lh riiuck it in (hf tlrctr kt
ni'tcnt -iMit In ih -(ir
Eod Cross Drug Storo
John Preussi Prop. '
X i
. xm
1 virvTrrte
tiM(.tnU 2' &
iSi. aFUKiwKj:
Wodoiycr to any part of tho city free, ami ua I liuvo my own oil-
A livery, can givo bottur ami (iilckororvI(:o to oiistoiiiQM. ltomoiubo
j this nalo latin for only .10 dayH ntid iHtncty Oath. I gun run too nil
r 'iy crocgHoH absolutely puro mid will refund your iiiouoy 011 any aiti
il do not tintUfaciory. ' 4.. KJ-.VXAUAN,
Pioneer Markut.
ilixw. Ug or otliK iiiilttirntbl nilnUncc In
tin- 1 mI ImuWiI lu )Mt lU'tr l I IrlHirr, Juil
lh l ti(hl, lnr-bimmK el. xtikli Unnt m .mt it lu bum, tmt tkimn'l.lHiiu up loo
111th nioiKX Whllo ynu t clltatf toil )W
imfilit .it w'll (ft Ih bnl.
I miil-i iMitl, ultMl lronilli mill, Dry
. , Mil n in any (iit ot limn mi tl.oil miller.
'Iiih V rfmt itiay Mini. tuint huk mk mt
itot.ilin(. I'iiwM . Ket4i nir. Cor, IMnl
nml A itrtft
That Schooner Again
A lie well stuck to is said to
he heller than the truth, waver-, iiri:....., eiln n,nt
iuK. Nevertheless the M.MI. will L W .A- W , t, .! ,,? tfi7
take water on it. .statement that I0'"""'-" . c n ? Z
,.m.c"r' .ih "C,L, fe. . "Icniitaiuiii is? names as charter
irier ti'iiirr il'iih 11111. 1 iiir .iiiiiu.i 1 -
ruiHto the Uiiipqun, and as she I "'J-'1"1!
draws t.tVj feet loaded, of course ,;N0
it would he tnadiiesH to try to iet
iiK'iuh-'rs of that order. Mr.
ever has written applications
for over 150 who will he members
that lie
into the Coquillc. We hope that
Coquillers (with one exception)
will accept our apologies. The
exception sue , ,. ;wiccclHful rtcpuiicnoii the Pacific
(tiulilL' editor ol the Lotitllllci,. . . ,' . . .. ... , ,..
,...,,..!.. t 1.1 ...M...1.1., i... : Coast aiitl ins
of tins camp. lie says
will not htoj) until Mni.shficld haa
the banner camp of Oregon.
Mr. Wollicver is one of the most
useless to hope for forgiveness in
that tiuatter. When n "journal
ist" gets so far above all others of
ins cralt mat lie can 1111 111s pa
per week niter week excltisvely
with the ciiiiiiiatious from his own
extraordinary intellect, without
lecoutkc to outside .souiccs of in
formation, he is iu a class by
himself ami common mortals can
expect no favors at his hands.
lM-en the advice .so fieely and
condeiceiidingly tendered by this will he
being is not applicable 111 tneijiecessaiy,
ease of common newspaper men
who do not know cvciythiiig by
intuition. We must c6ntiuue to
follow our own misguided way
ond give our readers the uewi
from wliatcvcr source we ca.i
draw il. Our "haudlull of reatj
er.s" want to find the news iu the
Maii, even though it has appta
ed iu some other paper first.
success is largely
due to his guiilTetmuily treatment
of all other societies
Mrs. S. II. Ulack, of Sumner,
returned homo from a pleasant
visit of six weeks iu the Valley.
She came iu with her son l'rnttk,
who drove out "for Tlia't purpose.
He reports the roads getting very
muddy from tho late rnius,' and
exceedingly rough in the can
yon. M. Krieble late hook-keeper at
North Jleml, starlctMomhiy for
The vessel
on to the
The high winds and heavy
surl have delayed operations in
getting the Uiiroda off the beach,
but Captain Hums. w)io was in
town this week, expresses the
utmost confidence that the venture
successful. It will
hmv..vej, to wait
favorable we.Uhe-.
now lies bro.uisiik
beach, the high tides the first of
this week having floated her and
carried her further inland. Capt.
lluriis siavs when fine is moved
her length seaward she will be
nlloat. She t.till hns 800 tons of
ballast aboard, which will be left
there until all is ready for pulling
her off. The heavy wire and
Manila c?hles st'U He nt Marsh
field. The immense spods have
been winced on ip;s.dles and tue
cables will be coiled 0:1 board
the tug when they nre taken, the
time depending on the weather.
J. W. Bennett,