wesT ?m?kf&rfr "( j r 4 17 s$ . " m ' we Hiiiwnmw xwnumm wtctjw mmmmm mujw g wm rwT n-aw-M" HtWfwbnjmnmwwr-ow wcgrfrTpin w :EJ:E&S:NA.27. I AND XiOCICXj. I'M $Vl M)K!.rAS DYES ax u rosy to itc m noap. No miisor fnllurw. 10c per lmckftRe. Mil ly John rreim Sunday Orcgonian at Norton's Frcsli Moskys candy nt Seng stacken's. Root.' Knigcr lias been laid up with' the grip for several days. H. Scngstackcii is agent for exchange of school books. Miss Laura Dinitnick lias gone ou a visit to relatives in San Pedroi All kinds of stoves aud ranges at W. P. Murphy's aud mote on the way. V. U. Douglas moved into his ucw house iu West Marshfield this week. The steamer Empire had a new main mast put in at the Reed -shipyard this week. When you want some extra nice cheese call on your grocer for Sumner creamery full cream cheese. 6 8 tf Gilbert Grott Stewart on the Una is laid up nt the Marine hospital with erysipelas in the hand. lifts. Geo. Hughes, of South Marsufiekl, who has been danger OBsly ill for some timc,is able to be around again. The Ghost Ball to be given by the Coos Bay Circle W oi W. nexHThursday night will open with a gTand Cake Walk. Dout miss it. "Strongest in the World" Equitable Life Assurance Co Surplus 66 Million. W. J. Butixr, Res. Agt. Ef B. Tichcnor and wife, whose recent marriage at Myrtle Point aroused such an interest in socie ty circles all oyer the coast, were visiting in Marshfield this week. Mrs. Ed. Bender, of Myrtle Point has been visiting her sister Mrs. Jas. L. Ferrey. Mrs. Fcr ey has not yet fully recovered ftoin the effects of tailing into the o&y several weeks ago. Wc publish the passenger lists of the steamers aud do not con sider it necessary to fill up the paper with a separate personal item of each person whose name appears therein, unless wc can add something more enlighten ing. A brand of cheroots called 'Early York" is on sale in town. It is said that the manufacture, whocs honesty can not be too highly commended, contemplate putting out a companion brand made from ''Late Dutch" leaf. Miss Josephine Cordcs has ac cepted a position in the telephone office to take the place of Miss Ella Anderson, who will soon make a trip to San Francisco. Miss Cora Chapman is now act ing as night operator. A party of six ladies, Mesdames W. B Curtis, Thos. Coke. Jas. Rolandton, Frank Page, F. X. Hofer and P C. Levar, walked down to Pony slough Monday to gather hucklcbctries. They re turned loaded down with some 15 gallons of berries. Get a free sample of Chamber lain's Stomach aud Liver Tab lets at Red Cross drug store. They are easier to take and more New guns and fresh ammuni tion nt Murphy's. Capt. A. M. Simp.ott has re tunifcd to Sau Francisco. New lines of healing stoves nul cook stoves at Murphy's. Mrs. Geo. E. Noah, of Sum ner, is visiting iu Marshfield. L. K. Nicholls has tetutucd from the Salmon mountain mines. Win. Gamble bronchi over n scowload of hay from his Ken-' tuck lough ranch Friday. D. L. Rood, who has been in Alaska for several years, arrived ou Wednesday. Services will be held nt the Catholic church next Friday mid Saturday at 10:30 n. 111. respec tively. For repairs to your boots aud shoes go to Peter Clausen. First- class shoemaker employed. Prices reasonable. tt Andy llartman and Autouc Ebb, were brought over Monday to the county hospital from the county poor farm. H. Holms, the butcher, pur chased a lot of mutton sheep, beef cattle aud hogs iu the McKinlcy neighborhood this week. Services as usual at the Metho dist church tomorrow morning aud evcuiug, subject in the even ing "Beautiful Faces aud where to find them." Heavy southerly winds off shore have been throwing iu an un usually heavy swell for the past week, and the Areata was delay ed n couple of days by the rough bar. Capt. Harris scut the gasoline engine of the Milkmaid to Sau Francisco for repairs. He is using the Ruth on the Suuiuer run iu the interim. The organ aud piano offered for sale by Rev. R. C. Lee arc bargains aud should be taken up readily. He also uas several doz en fine chickens, a crokiuolc board and n number of other things. Attenion is called to n section of the newspaper law of Oregon, which will be found on the second page of this paper. No one is obliged to pay for a newspaper which is sent to him without his order, even though he take it trom the postofhec. Mrs. C. II. Merchant returned ou the Alliance from Rosslaud, B. C. accompanied by her daughters, Miss Lilly and Mrs. Mary Desmond. Miss Merchant is still weak from her long and serious illness, when her life was dispaired of for weeks at a time and only the best of nursing and her mothers presence turned the tide in her favor. Mh. Desmond brings her two youuger children with her. She has been away about 18 years and hardly knew the old town. ST :&&$$$B&&$& LOOKING BACKWARD im fo PLEASING PASTIMU roe h PEOPLE S Jut we are looking forward to lar,e, a-ilu in our Shoe Department The lincswe carrv for CHILDREN, LADIKS AND GKNTS Are yivitg.!?, TSFA C 1 J OX and we want YOU to hi pleated. Shall be glad to Number V O U among our niaany 1'atious. :..::; YUtis KrspccMUUy GEORGE 'TJjfc. pitONC tatt ragg; g- - 1 x55!5? 'nS-P ?? w v TIB BE TVS ODD FriL0 S BUILDING, Marshfield . jt? J' j" 1 ! s ? sT' 4 -cjrj -ifj 2? T i1 ir jffiy AYJ .. ji. x'. cr. jgr. jf'tl f wtfT. aXW Zm - C.O T if an Mm UIF. S5. . . ,. X. . N. . . N. . Fred Single and wife of Co qnille City, were visiting in town last week. H. C. Noble has closed dowu his logging camp nt Pony slough for the season. The new three-masted schoon er Advent sailed last Saturday. Thomas Buckmau has returned from several weeks nbscuce. The Coquille Bulletin learns that Hatk Dunham, who had been sick in Alaska for several weeks, has recovered, aud is 011 his way home as chief engineer ou n steamer. Mrs. C. Peterson of Rivcrtou, is visiting friends and relatives iu South Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. E. Chance arriv ed from Albany Friday, ou a vis it with relatives aud friends iu South Marshfield. They expect to spend the winter here. John Conniff who has been on business iu Washington, returned to the bay Monday. The 6-incti wire cables and ro-iuch Minila came up ou the Areata for use iu getting the Barado off. The ways for the launching of. of the new steamer have bceu placed in posotiou, and everything made ready lor the launching which was to take place at noon today unless the uouarrivr.1 of Capt. Tibbctts, of C. A. Hooper & Co. should cause a postponement linpruiements V J. Douglas is having the lot to iis place ou Second hi reel filial it. The residence of David lloldcu has been raised aud otherwise fix ed up. A new sidewalk now adorns the front at Heisner's boarding house. Atcw sidewrtl' was put ntouud .he-Holland propeity 011 Third street, now occupied by A. Ab bott. J. X. Nelson is repairing his sidewalk and moving his fence. New sills have been put under the rear cud of the Hen net & Walters brick building. Wm. Noble is having a new fence put around his property near the Fourth street bridge. F. .. Sacchi is filling iu the lot on the old Cox propeity pre jxirntory to raising aud moving the house to the rear of the lot. James Ellsrby has bought n lot near the Methodist church, and is having his house moved there. The grading dowm of ihe Me Phcron lot is nearly completed and the dwelling house thcieon has been lowered to the new level. Thos. Maginnis is having a new fence put around his property on A street ami making some sub stantial improvements to his resi dence, as well as to the street adjoining. The old planking on the Empire road north of town is being taken up and replaced with ballast and fire-clay. A per manent improvement. L. M. Noble has torn down . ,. , , I the old barn near the slough on Tho entire Stock, Dry pn, strcct, ami will move the EOOdS, Clothing, Boots bouse now occoptcd by w J. and Shoes, Carpets, 'EtC.,' Butler on to the site, lie will also must gO. NOW is thO build a new dwelling house time tO Sec Jl'O bar- alongside and another whare the gains. Tako advantage '' ?w occupied by Mr. Jiut- T I) ncivMfnnno'U' nf tliKs'nt nnn m thn nhnnnncj , ler siumia city now of Gardiner, has been in of a lifetime. 4 ftTA ItlAAll 1 v ? m M -& V 1 lUrtHiuja kn iuumuu " V T TVT m f-, 04- ' the hill which he " . . . J''J1i' COQUILLli BAR NOT SO BAD AFTER AU. Vessels llac no Trouble In Passing 0er it Whenever They can uo so Without Trouble Former Marshfieldite CLOSING OUT , AT T;.V PER CENT. LESS THAN COST: I property ou formerly used as a photograph gallery. His photographic plant is still stored there, as he has all he can do in the jeweler's line at Gardiner aud ou the Siuslaw which he visits peroidical ly. All the old residents will rc- pkasant iu effect than pills. Then member the time when Mr. their use is not followed by cou-, C leaves bore the cussing for the stipation as is olten the case with, irregularities of all the time pills Regular size, 25c. per box. i pieces on the Bay. Still a Secret The premium lht of the late J. LANUO, Prop, lamented fair is Mill being kept a profound secret by the Uoseburg officials. Their attitude seems to be that it is 110 one's Ijumiicm who tool: the premiums. Pcnuick is ou the 1 rom Clarence sick list. John Preuss in suffering an attack of the grip. T. II. Barry is moving Empire City. Good line of Road Carts at W, P. Murphy's. The Baiulou Recorder says that the Mam. man luiiht have been dreaming when he stated that the iehoouct Zampa whs bar bound iu the Coquille, mid says the Zamnu lir.s uevei been tu the Coquille. We acknowledge the corn, and stan I corrected. The item should have read that the Zaiiipa was off the Coquille try ing to get iu but couldn't on ac count of the shoal bar. The courteous eeutlemnti who presides ever the destines of the Ccquille Bulletin is also constrain ed to hhaw some Might jcrturbn tiiui of spirit over the same unfor tunate "tuisreprm'iitntion" of the inuch-nbm-ed bar. It is farth est from the Mail's intention to misrepresent the condition of the Coquille bar. The fond delusion that there is some yort of rivalry between the Coquille river and Coos bay, a harlwrs, exists only ou the Coquille side of the hth 111 us, nud the M.ll. could have no object in purKsety belittling what they have over there iu the way of a harbor. However, merely for the amuse ment of our readers we publish below two sentences which ap- lear 111 the same txirai'rapli iu which the Bulletin calls down the Mail: At 110 time during the p.i-t yeni has there been a vessel Imr bound on this river, and they have had 110 trouble iu coming in or going out. Fnshionablo, Oomfortable. Thorn In no nincon nhy Imlli'i ulioulil liok tnn fui Initio Mini fiiMilDiinlilr tiitini;iiiminl UiU rciiioii, W'n Imvn Ihm'ii cmornl in put Iu 11 nlitdl;, lull nt (ho uuml iilliuuliMi tiiiilliiiii in liulli'' Kfliiiu'iiti, iiiiililin jirloo plneci tlii'in uitltln 1I111 riMich n( ,tll. NORTH STAR. Bosuio Riohurds, Prop. Cor. A mid Second Sts. Frosli and Roliablo Vegelablcs and fiuits nrc more expensive this year than last. Its important to have the best quality iu order to grt your tnottej s worlh. We provide Fiuits find Vogotubles that will justify you in paying the price. The quality in the stion;; fe.itute. CriinpbolL & ElolcwortJi. p0s Wo Study Printing! We make a fcatiucs of prepar ing piititiug that is piofitablc. That is we make it Frottlublo to our pu tronfi! We study tycrt and eflect.'i to iitsuie attractive atraiigciueut, and we believe vou'l! appreci ate how wc handle vour woik. I'luin 11 cntd to n catalogue wc want to figuie ou our work, MAIL JOB OFFICE. A Distinct Triumph Our ntHi. il IuH-iIm, frf S n.ijJu.iUon itT r UKiiy in .iy Mri ot iht laJr Mi nrctt u( H. Iiiw gatanl 'ImIoci tmmrti H tMt Itmmh oi Ow hotline Mlenx, gtt MlbfitMlan lt4 riri uvil MMt ur MlUeorU Irjr tjrSW. Iiitct fur Imhh h f 00 !(, Urgtr n (m ( inr. tMH. I h ljek l hi Ihr 4cut trwftt -110 1 In tlw jukv Red Cross Drug Storo John FreusSiProp. (SKtMSft j r luj -i y VT f ff iTtfS The steamer M n 11 (1 a I a y didn't come in last trip bee.iue the bar liml shoul cd, and Capt. Reed thought that if he came in that he might be de la) ed in getting out, .so went in to the bay. BORN AIKOI.A At Libby, Or., Oct 22, to the wife of Michael Airoln, a daughter. b'waBgBSA.,fflgwt''i .cjgi.'zxv'sax'aiu'qgft.'g'TP CL TsEW FALL STYLES T" KJ XI IM G You will find our NEW PALI. UNIS OP CLOTHINC to be the best that the skill of mau has designed for men. Taylorcd in the latest style, and dependable iu every way. All of our new garments are cut from durable wool fabrics, iu neat Mixtures, Checks, Stripes, New Greens, Plain Blues aud Blacks. Drop in some time at your leasure and see them. : : : : : : "mm ""lffTV'r" MH4Mfn., . Hawes Hats Have had the preference for a long time ? atn-oug fashion's votaries. The new Aut- 0 umu Derby and soft hats are now ou the jg f way from the east. A rlsiif is certainly the most uncomfortable thing that can happen tq a SHOE-BUYER all ill-fitted shoe is dear at any price We fit your feer and your pocket-book as well in FLORSHEIM'S STYLISH AND COMFORTABLE SHOES, $3.50 TO $6.00. TV ,4 SBURG BROS The Jleliahlo Dry Goods, Clothing and Furnishing Goods Men. tO N A A Uernu . J5 ne arsaiiL Civx A.A UkuAlLM " I K'? n d f3kl : &y NO SLATE, Um, tt ik ollwr unltitnt)4 luUltncri In llw co Imulnl lo ymt iWwr dy llclmfr, jl llw liHKl, In (Mriilni oil, tahlah Imrnt m jtihi Witnl It 1 1 bom, Ixit itunHi't Imni up loo iiukIi iiMinry While ynur kWIIac "'' fox might . uHl grt llrf mI. I.uml-r 1 1. tivfv, rfun.1 Itomlta mill. Diy hmhI 4Ub lit ABr wil of lon im W101I tioluc Irutk 4wl iImjt ii1, xomlitK Intl. wm k ami ri. o.iIibk. Hiom'jtt. HtJi, Cor, I lili J awl A Hirfi L HESNER. J". ,iST. Sr80LSOJNr. Diai.Klt IN. I.llct I)ri;'lii (r Vuriiik'ii'it ami Wall I'lijmr, llrilalluK. Ison's Pure Mixed Peluls A Specialty. Onlr'H irouiilly lili'il. FUONT SI, MAIISIII'IIMJ), Oil. I'iBSOfit Uarjaiu tnvet oireml In urocuriw, uiiuiiionolng Moiuluy I Oct. LMJlliirt(l continuing for Ho lnyi only, follpws. Jlnrpln jiricij I will toll grouarloi m Ilogiilnr jincu i Ml Of) W JO 1 00 1 00 10 1 CO I'O i'O 18 IIih tfuuilatcil Mid'ur for 1 1 Ibii ljut jHmdortil migar (J ibd kooiI ro.utt'il coiroo for 1 lb U'Ht griou tea 1 lit Lost Jlnlisli breakfast tea 11 caiihIjIuo rllilion corn 11 rims bmu ribbon lomntourt 1 can prim baking powder 12 jinckugCB wlieut fluku iiinsli uf) lb fnck bent California Hour ii lb iiockago golil dutl 1 barrt Hiipoliit 25 1 lb can I'clio cut ji!iij;toLacco -Ifi 1 imcKngCK Golden (late eodn 'J5 120 lbs rnigo 1 00 IS lbs lipiul rlco 1 00 '.'2lbabayoori!nkbcann 1 00 , Woduiycr 10 uny part of tho city frto , and na I Imu my own do K HvcrJ', aan givo bettor and quicker service 16 ci)stoinor. Itoinombor 'fi tliltiealo la4ln for only SO day mid UHtiictly Oiwli. I gtinratitco all I r. my grocork ubsolmoly jmro and 11 ill lofuud your nioui'V on uny aril I i clo npt eatitfuctory. j:. 6, 1-'LANAtJAN, K , IMonaur Markot. 10o per lb "'tis pr lb COu pur lb 8O0 pur lb l-'jijo pcroiin l'JJn per can 50o per cun lou por puckngo fl OOjicmaolc i'llo pcrpuckuo 10c pur bar COo pur jiackugo lOu purpuukugo lOo per lb 10o pnr lb Jo pr lb I & ij?! Hook Agents Uny will yon wiiiI cunt fir In'. :. Vilu n ynti can git Dm f.unu biiol.-H 011 Hiiinn ti'riiH, 11111I xiiiu from tlinu to hIx v.'i'ckH llinc, by ileal IiH'i.ltlia liniiin 111 111, So iirHtl'i'MAMU'AnTHKIW IIIJA'Hil AHTKIIH V O It Till; ('()8T, mul carry it full lino or thn boMt HOL IDAY HOOKS, thn Mai of Win. MrKlnlny, by Col. Mr t'luic, by John Coulter mul by .Miinit lliilnliwl, tho tlino niilhuiilic, biHikH mul all oMiur Staiuluril Kub Hci'Iitloit bookH, rlbt Tor purtlciiliirH, nam liiir (ho IhkiIm you mint, Aildrcxi: OLTIIiKMAI, I'1'IIM.SIIIN'U CO., M. A. 'J'llOMl'hON, l'roiirlctor, Oiikliiml C11I. rjx&& hmimihi O. W. Towor,MD. l'HYHICIAlf AND BUnOKON. Officii In Hen'tUckm nml SiiiIiIi'j llldi;, 1'jo it ilrrel, Mnnlificlil, Orit;on, I Home Cooking At tlic I'OI'ULAR RESTAURANT. Kinylli 1' Wilkiiunu nnuounco to tlui ptibllo that llicy lmvo iiiktiu clnir'jo nf tlili wull-tuni-uil muting lioimnmul itolicil tho patrouiigo of nit lio like to ont wulNnorMil mul honiu-likn cook ing 11111I1I ipuot mul 1 lennly Hiir-rni'ndiugN. oni CLOTIIINd, 1'UKNITlfKK, HTOVKB j ANI)llOUHi:ilOI,I)(iOOI)H I llOlKIIITANI) K) 1,1) Cleaning and Pressing Clothes n Specialty. FlrHt-cliiHt workiiiiiiiHlili giuiraiitooil. HiiIh cli'micil mul pnwoil A. (JAM II V, l'KOI'., I'ltONT ST. WA1 MAUSIirJKM). 3. W. Bennett, ATTOUNKY ASH COUNSULOK AT LAAV. 4 , (jfiko over C001 lljy Dank, l'rOnl sued M.ujIi'wI'I, OniiQJif W. TJ. Douglas, ATTOUNKY AT LAW AND U. B. . OOMMIBBlONnit. l'ront flru'l, MurshliiKI, Oregon, John F. Hall, A'n'OUNIJY AT LAW. OfllcB in JIJoruilo blovk, Ytonl nut, Mnrtlificlil, Oregon. ' -l EmiLS ."Mto: 6 Iffltf , u' LiitS . V- - ! tt&gk&i.V . . . .i-.