NONE BUT THE BEST OF MEATS 1 ctiiiMuiitly fimtNh the be-d and iirlmet of meat, which ule mo tin eniitlilt'iico nf my patron. MEATS ARE A NECESSITY luit It l iieee-wary that they be mire and whnieniut'. I do not proiuWo a dUcoiint, but 1 will j:tv you honest ninl eourtenm treatment, ami ulm reeelwil for your mi im. Sat if act Ion KiinrimttMil or cii)i rcitimicu. THK Marshfield Cash Meat Market. HENRY HOLM, Prop. r r r r r V r - w- w w r- Eagle Bakery. i-Jr c-ir tTJ JOSEPH I . w w w w WIDE-AWAKE Think nbout Tlic emir 1 t r.-tlra il llir (irailiotifmr, cs'.im'u L)- Hie tact Hut II liaa iicli ;::.tchless power of entertainment I'-at an :1LSV OUttt far POVUSMOU la nilnrf la ill ho bntr ll. IT CUPPLIC3 AN ACTUAL WANT (THE IRRCSISTIDLC OEMANO FOR DIVERSION A3 nCLAXATIOHI TO CRATIFY WHICH MANY ARC WILLING TO DO WITHOUT OTHER r.ECEssiTi:a. it is the UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINER OF THE AOE A lluiilibl town of Mowfer Drllfst ! all. ll It lmplr In cunructlon, anil .rlre are irranucil tu utt nil pkrt book while the demand ill continue u lonit u humin niture cilt. The Introduction of lew (Sntihophonr Into community at once cmara an Incrrulni lr mind for RfCOCOS SLmitS, and a TOMIUOtS BtSiMiS I taaa eiUblltamt Why uot ccui! the liberal Prallta ttklck n allowed ittUrtl WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. TERMS, ETC., TO Columbia Phonograph Co.,(acni, . ,. i 5frpt. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. one in each town Mah llr ? I I 'fiif Ihli liberal c k V..' . . lil 'M the quality ofiHir T a reliable trron iShH IllllW U I UWE WAN WM txenauge lire Lkjcic. Write today J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago. i KltKK lKI IVKKY I'llONK IM Mil vini; recently pnrrliiil Mr C imiin ' ,iii tirt"t in thin llukcry. H lm been tluiriuili ly retmrutcd and rebuilt, nml 1 am prepared to (ilrnlOi lirit-cU-- llre.ul. IV. t'ltke. Kto Kreo delivery to any prt of the oily by leivinj: order ill the ll.ikerv on A Mtecl. Jl ticket for f 1.00. EG - LE, Proprietor. N W W WW WWWtwW W W W A NO SLATE, liV J.I rVMlMl 1u )Mf tliAK li IUll.rt, )U,l tin it t'tiHt. lfflHHnij vimI, hwti Imuh .1 )WM tt lilt ll kl Hf. but ItWtHl iKlfH lil tJ i tK.h muM; VVlMtV )uu'r fftHtw.; ui un i uuilnt iMitvrvti, tltml I rum ihe miU. Ur nJ uiUcn Mi uii) Mil u( teti oi twtt tw k I IKk ,ife llf.t) Ml) V, , Ittk; ffcllk HkrftHt ItttllH lhiW jM. KfJl., lH. ( 1I I nils. L HEISNER. MERCrrANTS, ADD TO YOUR BUSINESS the GRAPHOPHONE arc RIDER AGENTS WANTED to ride and exhibit a sample loot model bicycle ot our manufacture. TUU CAN MAKe 910 TO ISO A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. 1901 Models SSfflS $10 ti $18 'OO&'OOModelsMTtt 500 Second Hand Whpclso;o fn co takeu in true by our Chicago retail tlutea, Uu IU PO manv pood at new ,, We ol.lp ;ry bicycle QN APPROVAL to anyone triou u cenf deposit ft arcunc and allow iC DAYS FREE TRIAL 2luluy no ritk in ordcrlnj; from us, as you do not need to pay n rent if the t. cycle does not suit jou. 0r at mitj u .ui..i ....! ...... ?...,, r.. u.. '. ..II. . IIM1II . ,I1K .VII. .Til IU. U11. r hat t I FACIOIIY HICli and fKCC IIUL tlFFtt. i never Ueu equaled and it a guarantee of wheelt. in tach town to dittrumte cauloeuea for fur free catalogue aud our tecial offer. MIUAli NKWSI'AI'KKS. TMCin CHEAT VALUC A3 ADVEIUI3 INQ MCDIUM3. do lllrn-lly fit ilir llonir nml Tlirro la Nil Wn(r t'lriMilMllm. Hrnd I'riiiu llliil to Uoil I'.iltila I'nr Ait rlla.'rn In t'mialilrr. Tlio Miliiirlniiilli' Hi'lai'n local iicvvn with mlilli.x I'limlllfi. who mi' known to Ik iciii'i'iilii' nml law nlilillm: will fniininl. I,IiiiiIii1i with mlirvil tool for tin' iltM ii'iiillnt: of the w.vkly i M'r. i IliMity i:. Snow In 'rho Na llotial AiIitiIit. And don't for a mo ment Im'IIvm'. miiliT. but what tlm m lr U well thiimlicil nflcr ttit'l.tit mem Iht of tin family luii aliiorbcd I lie to nil new . I '.tit Unit N not all. Tin ia mt U lllcil for fiiiuri' rcfin hit. I'.ww tin itioL N liiti'ti'tiil. mid jmi won't filial hoi' ll-lnu tlu local lU'WHiminT In Llliilto tin- l.ltihi'li lite Willi. Slio wanlt to rend It alco. I'liiTi' n a llmi' when the tallow rniulli' miiiI for Itmirlomi llchlltiK nml tin' low ti crier with hlx bell ncr.fd iin I lie illHtrllniler of liewx, lull that wan lit the dark m;ei. Wlint the elec tric lltfht to the tallow candle the In tat iifMiaicr li to the town ctler to day. In both CUM- the eolutluu ha Ixi'M ierfecily natural and broiiKht ubotit by the law of nuiil and de tuniiil. The troxMp of the Ioimi. mice relalli-d arumiil the old Iron Mow ill tin nil Hit uroccrj. la JiihI iih llllereM luu toiln.t ii ll i linn. Human ua tun- Iium'i vlmni;cil miirli In Hie l:il liiiinlnil ear. ami human itaiure mihi'i chiiuire much In the yearn lo time 'I lie IiniiI iii'vtniicr .HciiiIm tin- In col hni!ieulmrf of the louti for the ilni nr the week In Iih time Ihau u "Inirle Item ir iiewx tnniliil li.v until of miiitth ycaio ami. The local iici;tn-r cnUIh l.inue It l a iniCKxIly It will nullum' In clt Iicciiiim' It will con ilmie to he n ucic-odty for all time. The writer II i- In a Miburbau town iiuil l.uoh i hereof he hm-hU when he klNlei IIHKl iliiiliullcnll Unit tin- Willie of lite IimiiI int ni:iMT In an iidvertlM-r .-oiihIsIh hin.'1'l,. Ill the eii,'eruei with li la-1 the i.iier la read from becluulnu in end from the lop left hand column nil the HrM iiiue to the IhiIIoiii rluht h.inil milium on the l;il utue. More liver, lifter lie llrxt nuthurM of enirn hai Hiiliililiti nvcr the IimiiI hiiiculm,'i.. the render mil uatitnilly Into the habit of reitdlllK u h.llet er elite (he U.'ea coll tain. . Aiherlltern do not line the IimiiI pu tter eliouuh. mid If they lle It nl all Ihey llk'iire It inHcrtMiiu' hue kii low thai It M-nnel) p.i for tlie work of the cnmMiiir hn aelH the ndicrtlxf. mellt. The locttl NIHT Kites Into the home I'lcice remember thai There I m ate clri'l.lalluii In It liccitue Ihcte c.'li'l be .Mne-leUlh of the ptople wlm ten. I ll me llhcrlhT w lio pa; their llli. rli!on li.i the .tear The liti-iil Hiirl i tint i-flli-l II It V i-ii'il In I lie iiil'rmnl trn n or on the r't trie nr or al ll e uoum.1 mil. nll UiltM flllen rlbe lor It If ..on mini lo irri it, umt uhen .inn L'et ll .ton til-- lii nur into home If .miii i-me It iirouml, II l nllll In Mitir home. If ion ciu'l fliiat ll hen .ton Hunt ll or ilon'l u'el '1 ulien .Mill e pei I it. I lure iroiibli rluhl iiimiv Not nil lot ill pupcr lire tnlunhlc a iiihirtlkliii: iinilliiiii". but It I mij eu, to the ehalT from the wheut. Not nil I lie HIiIImIiitm of local iicui-paper lire loiiM-leuiloUM, but niiixl Mint with theiiNNiimptloti that nil men lire Innocent until ihey are proveil Utility llo not forcet that the claim In m.ule that theicreat valtioof liiiiunlne niher HhIiii; comic from the fact that the mauazlim koch Into Die homo and nlTcrx KoiuethlnK nttriictlvv In Ita piikch for every member of the family, Do not, foriu-t I '"I t the local newNpiiper iIocn the selfHiiuie thliiKl In mhlltlon, It ion seHi- a peculiar virtue that the iniiua zinc ilue not, nml Ihut Ih Iik'iiI iicwn. AkiiIii. there are miiKinslncH wlihout mimber to cIioohc from, but there In mil) one local lieWNpapcr. It In the lo inl neUKpaper or iidIIiIiik' for the uewM. There'H the club nml the church n id the town iiieetliu:. Thtre'H the new family that Iiiin Juki moved In. That corner lot lias been Mild, nml the paper H.'iyH. "The llneM hoime In town In pi fx up on ll." TIiIh all imikcH mlxlty liti're'.lui: rendlii;; for the uiiburbaiilli) ho iiitereMlmt unit ne m mil mmii: to iiiIhh It If he can nilne emitiuh money to I hi) for a , caily MibNcilpthm to the lo. cal paper, nml there are few mihurtmii IIcn who can't do that. The local pa per docMi't nuffer from i'omietlllou bci'iiitiie there In no com petition to HiilTcr from. There coiiicn u tlino III the life of ei cry HUbmbaulte when ho wiiiiIn to cc hi name In the paper. rcrhiim he claluiN he tlocint't. but way ttowii deep In IiIn heart there U an Inborn ilenlre to haw It there. And o the rcnom urmv why the local ncwup.iper ha" the HlroiiucKt kind of claluiN for real d)tit In the wool altie to the tuhcrtlncr. Let ll uhe credit where It In due. Alma nl lioprnvrnivnl Nurlrllra. Their iiIiiin. vnrylni: tif cotirHc with local need. Include iiuinlolpul reform, Mtiiliat) Imiiriiieineni eiiecbilly n to unlet Mipply nml ecuii:e and ill poul or wilMle -the linprovemelil of n m iN. of xhlcwiilk. of park, of aehool )iml ami otbci public 'uioiiuiIn ep' chill)' Kliiutid utoutld Mlllwn) Mullnli - prut Mini: ill InUltm lank ami foun tain, orunulilui; free town Minnie ami temoiliiK uulanucca aud front femcK. They are the rural counter purl of the irbaii bonnla of tnnle, the orunuUatlou or thoae who would really crw thelt Ioimi with mi thought of UuiMtt and llnbe, Tho Old Rolitiblo Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT, tcch. I- ciiiMlrtiilly inliliiii.' to I' tun. ni lii'iu-iHl .ii-n Iipiii lle, iiliemly llie ti)el in .Min-llliel.l, When Mill l.iiv nt I In- Mill Sinre .Mill Linnv Hie j-imhI. in., llt-t eld mid tile p'ICl- ! tall rllj'll All kinds oriumbor and building mntorinl, feed unci sup plies at wholosalo and retail IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS i ANYWIir.KIJ AT ANYTIMU Call an or Writ K.C.DAKE'S ADVERTISING ACEKCY r 6-1 & 6s Merchants' ilxchance J RAN rUANCI5CO. CAL. J I'ast mul Coiiinioilioiis Suaiiilii) - ALLIANCE, - .ttvt -.-: s-3-srxr; f-.8F, HARDW1CK.' Master M.ikra iriiiilir lti "n-lm-i'ii III I I.IIK IV if lli I'lrflllllll l lluniUilit lll-l't iioClt-ly ellini ill illMie xill, 1U1I1 a nc The A I.I.I ANl'K i i llrt i-lii-- p.maeliuei IhiuI, mid ll i nil I he minion! riiiiviiiiti-uci'-mid in nno nf tho fuli"t rileiimer o( her cln. For I'Tcilit find Passenger Rates or Sailing Dates, Apply to . SISNCSTA CAVj'aT ''a'''". A I VUSIIIMKI.D, Orcfco,,- t.m- or -a'l.,XVtaakU'kV flJLANOO IIOTKlj ..-, X (f MiADQUAnrktiB ron 2 5 coMMirtoiAU inava. unn I '" '7.v;s.i I-.: annus, niausf ' t ' ! 1 MARSHFIELD. Orn. k,XXXXXX'., CENTRAL HOTEL I .inn r ill I'ronl nml A lrnl. MAli.-IIHKI.U. OIII-tiiiN. ONH aNVUHH. t l t i I Proprffiif fl'lilx WCI L.K.Nt'WN AN'lirAViiHI I I IIOIKI.Iwllinl l-rrlirlillirl, rrMInt n .1 irlHiiHilM-fl lliliMiKhoill and l .wlnn in He IHlilH-fni ivilieiMice New Init and truing iuamrtr ti.r rktiril In Ntmotl rni) tlrr(iinj renin nl t'l t MHr hmI ri'lll-ei irnnlriV no rtnn, h- -r ,.ilnl in pit ri,lilni in riitt.riit, onlrr - I .H vi lloaid nd UllnK, r wk j i. ImmIiI, l week , Snule MraU ' DR. JORDAN'S oncatI MUSEUM OF ANATOMY iiiiiiutTiT..iiirni(itn,iiLl ti. l.'iMiuiiiininM,i,li, . " "laM M Mf I..IIUH4 I h.. (., it. .mm . 01. JORDAN -OIIIMII Of- MINI . i,aM.i iuu, ...iw.ii i .-"r" -"WWIM .. !.' TM.IMI,HriMll tltl. . i.4h.i iw. r nix, ri.i. ,. k. ZU? " ' -' I 9 on ioaoNco..ioiikw,n.l( fi j THE STEAMER ARCATA. Slil,0..lulri. ill lii4r lleuuliir 'l',l -ni-rrwKKN-COOS I3Vir SAX FltANCJSrO, -(MltltYINH- PASSENGEKS AND FREIGHT - LOWEST RATES. OKKon Coat ot N.ri(atIon Co., l'roirlnlori IX G. rUna((aii, Agent, Marshfield ti U. Company, Aient, Umpire City. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TnAoc Marx disioni COIniQHT Ac. Anrnna nfllnn iklrh uul AtwriviUm a qulf.lT aourliit our iH"l'" ffi whirthw IfiVtfiUhui It pn.bsiijlf i(riitM. timirnuul rs r .(rtiUMn. 3iiiimuuifv Jta4Blr.rtlvrw)nndBul(al. IUihHlmkuimi 1'aUnU p....,,. v.-.-. -r""',-i.----'it. .j- au.a.t aaaa f (111 avail aaAIIPV fltr aWUf tlltf taUAMlU. iirf ir cTiriiiB luiih if uiii Al fwUlnvllVf. without cliari. Hi Cha I'jtJtiiiiJi iian uiniuuu iiuui a vu iwwtv Sckntific Americana a liandaoiHrlr lllutlralail wwklr lral elr Tiilailuii til anr ailniitidn lunrnat, 'Irrmt. 1 1 1 i.-.r. rmir iniiiillm, 1 1. Hl. ly hII ,miIiIii Ytwn '!n3"n-o.d.v.NovvYnrK m IjTjnjra