JS TXDPUP 3L.E3VC IE IDTT . A. MARKIEVITCH. Mi'icluint Tniloi I Mini il-iot iihmIi of IIm itiM i ,v IIiiiiii'II ll.uil;, MiHolilli'M SUITS TO OpDER, In ilt ntyli K , iiuiilrrrtlrt prion. taalirlllll'lll l'IIUlB ol'ull Ik lnlr iIckIbuk iiiiilt'ol , iirlnit ul Iiiioi'iiI itinl liiiui'llt' M lllllt'M Kliiniiiiii iV liciiiicti HANK, nntu'ioits r. it rtiii-n-i.i m. j u ii.'iiniiit, riiKs , iimi ii riiiing!')- VH'i; rites it k WiiiiitniM. CVSIUKIt Capital, $50,000. -JIAItNIII'lltl.l . Mti;u. THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN contains till the news of thin .state, the events of the world ami editorial comment tli.it'.s widely (noted. Tako it. Road it. Tho Coast Mail and tho Weekly Orogonian Ono Year. $2.50 riATsiAi3UiFTiTr:Tj J. U. 18, Practieal Photographor MAHrilllTKU). Oltl'.titlN. The only first class (tullcry in Coos County. All Work Wnrrniili'il, "WASTE NERVE" Ono i( tlm iuot help'til Ixmk mi Ili'lVti ivi'ilklli'n liver in.tli'il U ilml en tilled "wu.UMii'ive." by Dr Hum-yrof Sun I'Vaiii'iitcn, now in Us (Will Ihous Mini Thin work of mi oxprieueed mil ropulnhlo pliynii'Un U mi msrec, ithliM'oiiiriiHiiolliu vimtmiin of fnUn limchliiK which proviilln on lliii Im portant. miIijihU liiihniiuiln in itrn lullyooiiiiiiloriMl mill iiructitml advice, unit ban i ho two Knuil niorltH of wih ilom mut niniioriiy. It In niul(irMi tty both tho ri'llBeou. mill Kii.iuUr prenn. Tlu'CliittuKi S vniuio Hiiy i "Aponuulot tho hook mul application oflU principle will put linnUli, liopo mnl heart Into ihott hiiniUiif livi'n lliuL m-o now MiiiuriuK through iiorvou' impairment. Thu hook in fl.lH) by limit Ml pulil, Ona n( llio niol Inlorcitlng olmpUire uhuptnr xx, on Norvinivi anil Nervo Tonica-vliM boon printed noperutory mi ii Hiiiniilo nhaptor, anil will ho nont to any mlron for imump by tho publUh um, Thu l'aoillo Pub. Co., Ilov 'JiWMI, Coast flail. M.ltSlll'li:i.l, ol.KOON m& THE 710R5E JKBEPBRffi In a NipT rend Ix'fore the town Miili' fnrim iV Itmt Ittit Mr A Uitl inir Wiinni Willi. I ki. until -uutligly Hint ihr ilntft Iiiiikc l ilii Uhl mnl uiiiM profitable Inn M' f- r I In- fiirnu'r In inlc. I nnjr mi. Hint, liinniM' my experience nml nb- I viil Inn bine prmed tlinl u larger iitiimiIiik- of ilmft linrKcn rnUol Ii iikii ti'lnlili' limn of hIIiit breed. I Hill llfll'll IIHkl'll Ullll'll U till' Mlfl'M mul Ih-i tint fl breed to male with .Miiir uintcn t miniicr Knell nf tin ifcnguUtil ilnifl Im vilit ban It re piillif mirilH. Wlillc I nm a grcul 1'ilililiir nf tin- I'crchcroo home, mpi-. tally in mini' In thin crriil nKrtculiunil flute, I nm forced lo U-llrru that Hie Hlilie tiiirne In I lie ImwI ami nafml hln In li' of tlic crvnt forelcn clcinnnil I lint linn cronn up In Hie pnut fetr j ear for ilic lieiivy ilraft liiinw. Wlieii In CIiIcjiu'o rifi'iitly, I wax lolil li a niinml!liio uinii Hint out of Hie -'I rmvlKU Imijitk lliem nl that lime III if llii'iu were linjlns for llio Kimllnh mnrUelK 1'irlulnly then1 In a stvul (it lire for Hie lirwiliT of 11 ml t-lnxx ilmfi hntxT., In M'livilui; your innn-K In luii'il iHMinefiil you iln lint K't tlu'lil Iimi line or IlKllt ImiiiiiI, tint rnllu'r on Hie rmrir it ml nnirv opvn onlrr. Male lliem tt llti tieiny ImiiiiiI, rimhI I'tiatll)' nml nljIMi nln-H, ami joii "III n-np the ittt rexiilix, TliU Ik my Hienry. ami ll luin clten liu Hie let itmiIIh. Al aH IimiLIiik oin for Hie bone In a ilmft Imnie, e cnu uiii.tlly put on llio rent, but ue vniimit feisl on bone. II In n fnei ibal an Ioiik n u Hlilre lire tettU ami caliu ixiuiiiU be pnlun ilnl buii. ll U mil no Willi many of Hut oilier ilrnfi brvitU. Many of llio ilraft brevrin do mil linve the hone ami feath er lo Ro Into our lient ftvillnj; nlnlilen In Im llnUbvil out an well nn my kixmI frlvml Mr. Mviin'sur of Tlnuley iIim's ll. Mr. Mvlln'Kor In umiietlmnhl. the bent frtslir III our crenl nliile. Von will ilml In bin tiariiH at tills wrltlus that Hie Hlilre hlmxl prvlouiln.iten In nine out of leu of bin linrxen. Tk llrnl Af far Mlr. A turf Journal pulillBlien nlxnit four ntliimnn of Ik-uriti ami fne In lienrllii; oil tlir I'M till. il of Jiiilin: or niil N,ren, ni'il Hie miiii lll'lnil Ik lli.it Mime horxex lw e r .! I 'ii-lr vriiit oiu-n w bile j mini: mnl nm e 1 1 1 mi uihnI o:int till lale In life In o Iter 'oriK then' I mi law ibal "III apply In lliln matter. The llteiiilie Im'itli r IK'iil nut uiy llllliil nt Million hi Hie uce of Ibe htalllou pro vl.lc.l lie l. u x.unrnllH horn'. A yninitf bore Ilml i iWiuoiiri. Hint linn n cooil t-oi.r: iiiilmi. In fnr li ileMrahle limn mi obi one linn U ft III liinty nml ren Miiuibly m ire. .Wolil eMreuiex, unit en. miIii'M imoIiI ili'llrnie. ibiliity mul rnt He In-aileil h'r.'M. A htalllou full of life mul remlv li-r bin men I urnler all elr i :)liiliiiin It ll.e Mini. Mir lu llorr. I'tie iiimi ulio linn Is linroeH ou Hie form linmi nvnlil Hie tiiuiiellllou of l' 'i' r."l'(iiu. nml be uiiini flu ll by I. in iMellemi' of Ills proill.elx, iwi)i ' ylnrnl Slm-'.limil SWe Ii oil' nt I lie liiifMiiinni piilnisof n IiIkIi iwlllu.i; hoi-wi uownilnjH, Ounlliy oiuiiIh for uioiv limn It ner illil, but n Hiiinll Imrw of Ih'oihI ipmlliy will nut mII lll.e n kooiI Hli'il one nf i lie xmue iiunllty No brivder hbiiubl Kncrlllee hlle nml in.tdu r..M ui.., ,.,. 1. I, ,..w.dUAPMi ..iimiiiir. ,i.i r-ii. ,ii, , ,t ty y , I-ll J lo do mi. Tben- nr good big borxiii ofU ouiei lo mi ping iienn ny me timu the nrloun lypen of clansen lo Ixi bad. riiiuln lu Ii.iims iiecuiuinoilutlng only J:i cmli tiny n-e mil wbui nn wanted. dullrralrtl rullonnrrit Mrnl. To di'livt udiiltenitisl coiiounosl meiil, If a hIx or eight outuv clear glann vial with large mouili Ii llllt'd iiImiui oiiistlilnl with the meal in lx eimulueil ml water added until Ibe Ihittlo In twothlnlx full, tho contemn (borough ly Mhaken, then tlm Ixntle allowisl to Muuil porfoclly tllll for Ul bourn, ou tHHillng Hie liulln, If any, lined for a llller lo mid weight, will have scparat vil from the meal proper ut the bottom, Thiiii a rough Idea en ii bo formed of the extent of adulteration by an In flection Iwfrri) tlm Iwttlo In ngltutcd ugaln. LONG AND SHORT. Vlrim (if llir Ailinrnlr nf llir Lure llmiae nml llir hmiill lliur, M. Ibuuiii'r I'l'rl.lnn wrllen to Tim roiiltry .Moiilbly; "I U'lii'tv In poultry I'lilonlrjiiliiii Ilml In to wty. ninny Miunll rixipn ami lioin-i'M muUikiI our InrKf nreun uiul oieiiplril by fen ronl nillur tlnill a few wry birj,'e boUM-n txrupliil hy niiiiiy fowU Heller pin l.nmi fowl lino TM illlfi'ietii Ikiijm'x llmu Into only Inn or three bitl' Itnll.i'K, eW'ii If the luller inilly runtii!ni in. Mime nre.i tin Ibe former. U'e ilnu'l nniil loo iii.iny lUiiler Ibe Nunc nuif. It hi the nnuie itiiu nn It In "lib the btiiimu linblla llnlin In itiiui . t 'I ell) i;i m letn. Hie no Clllltil leliemi'tlln or nx'l.erlen when' mill, unmeil mul rh.bl.eil me mi lltlil dliil toxi'ihit liuit tlie.i mrhe til uel I lnr pli.iiiiil nor iiiuiinl .imubiiiln of p.i.jii r ik'ielaji.iii'iii. n wlih poultr;. It nou'l alii liiinir.il llin.i. They tieeil nbuiiilmii mr i ;...!. i.uil to K- mi ncp' nrtiliil lino mnall iiiiuiInih ii Ik uvont rini:nliili fini.i il m ac. ' be ninnll !" Lilul lioi.M' lit Ibr hlii.l plan al nil llmi'M nml eiHt'lnl)y nn niiuimr couii'n ou fotiiKl'iK iiMiin In miiliil nml u lib eml una fonnili uieniy of blriln. In ilir Midi riiiiiln!ot.n nirouK bnvii.iii; hiinU mul iViiioim layiiik' mod; may lie uialiilulmil It In tery K'mmI pulk-y lo bae IlK'-l iiki)ii mul femlin; built In Kii'tlons mi 1 1 nt be cikeii upart mul put together ill will." The editor uf 'Ibe Monthly rvnMimU un follow: Ve publlnb I ln Dbutr not Imi'iiiim. im' belleie ll i.r ludurxi' ll l:i into, but Ini'nune e wIkIi to Klve nil kIiIcm of htleli iltlenllotlN. The eoluliy bollHe Iiik H plave. e.jHi'Jnlly for bleisllui; Muck, Iln crvnleri iiihnn ne Im'Iiii; that It ul Inwn Hie iim' of linger unln lu coiiiu'i tlnu tlicli'Ullli 1 11 11 Oie MiKnlhle III ronms'ilnu l.lib u Inns limine cut lulu i-ompmntiH'iy nmmw his. Mut for liounon for In; Iiik tok, eKMvlnlly ulu'iv benn lite l.vpt by Hie llioiiNami. uml uioiv I'fpei'Inliy for "Inter liiyinc, lliife inlftiy hoiii.e.1 i-ome well iiIkIi Ik Iiik luiprni'ilcnble The unnumptlou In tile nliove Hint tho fowln are irmultsl or nnn"iT froiu Impure nlr or iIIm'iim' Mlinply Imviiiim they mi' In l.in:e house lu large uinii bent Ih entrlrel.i uri.ii;. Home of Hie iwirM caiteM of owrerowillliK nml llltli nml dlM-aite "e bnre ever mi-ii or bennl of "en lu Minll hottwtt. The vouiiarl Mill lieluveu (hi crowded city tt'Ilr iiieuiN mul l.irK' lioultry bousen would liae had more force n ipmrtiT of a century iirii. TihIiij huiiio of the mont a ul in ry ibwIIIUKn lu the world are mine of Hii'M' inixlern city telii'iueutn ami utmrliiient Iioiiki-h. The uvernue INiultryiimu will keep n Inrgo bouv rlenuer llian he will n lot of ninll Iiiiiim'k of eiiml cnpui'lty, dimply be caiiitv be enu do It easier. On the Heoru or issiuouiy of umti'rlal, of lime mid of hilxir Hie Umg linucc U nheail. It in ebeapi'r to liulbl ami cheaper to rare for and keep lu repair, ll In lent ex IkihciI lo KlorniH In winter, mid every thing can lx Utter kept under the eye of the ov cicer. U't Millie of the mho iiiih of rolniiy bniiHen try lo can' for l.uxi lu'iiH each Kept lu M colony holiron lu Mi'panite yunls din lug muiie of our northern wlntem. U't them vUlt ilietie Iioiimii nevornl Hiiich dally In feed, water nud clean plat forum and replenUli grit and nhell boxen mut nop ply new litter and fprny the roostn and gather egg ami a few other details and Mime one would bit hxiklng for an other Job before tunny weeks bad k iil. U In well lo bnve some colony Iioiim'k. They are gmxl for the brnsl big Mock during Kprlug nml munnior. They mi gixxl for Hie young Htork ilnrlnt? the rrnu'liii iennioi. Hut when ..... ..... ... ............ ....--.... ..... ...... T'ie lei"i I t e ' Ibe only out' to econ-oiiils,- li'.liia. nllow the nun of labor wiv ing lll'Wn- ifi lid.lce ei of euro lo lid lllllllll I III ' Tnt NEW AIKSHIP. When tin- stii'inl.le nloblp run up tg:ilni. nil.- nl I In He npliitl xephyi-M thill ball from liitiNi ".tlklug will he good (.'Uough fin i'ie iiiiw.1 f un. Mlnnenpo Iln Tliuen. U It iiiANlble ilmt the problem of dcrlnl navigation lias nt Inst been dell nlicly and practically nolvwlT Tho ti ry of Hnutoa.)uinont'n oxporloncc Icavea little room for doubt. Now York Mcrnld. H. Sengstacken. Wholosale and Retail Druggist-. ii:.ti.i:it i. tmt;uH ,.ti ji:.i:ki, .ii:h(:iia.mini: , .Mnrclifiiilil .Orccdti. Pri'.i.ni NMIII'iillr (,'iiuaiiMilrl ul ull lioarxl Agein for tIN, I'u i' u;i Ac ;o.. ii ud llie Iruillnc I'lrr. I.lfr itml A ! tern iHiiinlc. I I ! I. L -11 II II IH uBtxCTteoi;i:ffiaEBi9iNUKMetrrra DO YOU KNOW U mcliinrrynn'lMr IK)N I HI H Ul I rill'. 1 1.OIIIKS. Ijundry orl. tan bete & g tiirn.il niijKMr .illi-r nxvll Krnmnbcr e employ Vkhil"-I.ibor only. Kollo J Inguie onie of otir afnti (trurge lurem, ILindon S', ln:n. Co(nilla; K. A IVxIgr w fJMutlelont Sg ll.invm Voith ll-nd J Murgtn, ljiin- POOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY I Ir. O. AMSTEIN, Prot. C. 0. D. GROCERY A full hnoof clioico grocericji, feed, Hour, limn and b.ie on ahvayn tm hand, frob frttltd mid vegetable-; received on overy itemuer. H GHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. BUTTER AND EGOS ZKI.Ee-UrSIE.acSc STlTJPP. TrctDdivtry TkphoM( n?aln11. mm LUMBER Tliatis what we lVave to sell, and, we oan fill all orders for any and all kinds. THE QUALITY is guaranteed and the price is right. OUR STOCK INCLUDES anything required in Fir, Spruce, Red and White Cedar. SIMPSON LUMBER CO. ' ".e u isi. . North Bend, Ore i i.mMjammnw. ""r",," THAI vie'uve no injurloui chctiiicali nnd 9 only I Ik my Im of vxp jdiI me giuran S in our ok. We perfected modern U