The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 19, 1901, Image 4

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    f5fwr' i
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VMvwmwshf wi
Sunday Orcgmiian at Norton's
Prctl Sclicttcr returned from
the Coquillc Monday.
' There arc a number of cases of
chicken-pox in town.
J. P. Tnppcr, of Unmloii visited
Marshficld this week.
New lines o( heating stoves
and cook stoves nt Murphy's.
H. I'inncl has returned iiotn
n business trip to San l-'raucisco.
New guns and fresh nmmuiti-
tion nt Murphy's.
Rev. Gcorpc Gillespie was in
,, iii? week on his way home
to Port Orford.
Levi Smith has returned from
ntrip to his mines at Salmou
John Sraack of San Francisco
lias accepted a posuion -."
cutter in Henry Holmes meat
Miss Hutchcson expects to
go to San Francisco on tiic next
Alliance to visit relatives.
J.H.Hibbard'stcam is bring
ing in n load of salmon everyday
from Tcnmilc for the cannery.
Robt. Krugcr brought a raft
from the Wassou camp ou South
slough to the Bay City mill this
Coquillc City will soon have
an ice plant Frank Morse, will
operate it
The Schooner Gem is loading
lumber at Dean & Co's. mill ar
riving in Wednesday.
There will be services as r.sual
in the Prcsbvtcriau cdnrch next
Srbbath morning aud evening.
All are welcome.
Jos. Ycakani will drive a band
of heifer calves to the valley the
first of next week. They are for
J. M. Wise the piano and organ
aian of Pcrrydale,Or.
"; Mrs.T.R.SheridanofRoseburg,
is visiting relatives here, having
come in with F. C. McCulIotn,
who returned from that point
The Roseburg Review and
Plaindcalcr are calling each oth
er names again. Why can't the
brethcrn dwell together in har
mony? Rev. S. B. McClelland returned
Thursday, after a couple of weeks
abiencc.duTiug wich he atteuded
the meeting of the Presbytery
atYoncollaon the 7th and 8th
aud of the Synod at Baker City
on the 10th, nth and 12th.
Campbell and Eickworth, tde
enterprising crocers, had straw
berries on sale this week raised
by Louis Worth.
It is reported that the schooner
Alumna, built at North Bend,
and making her iuitial trip from
this port to Cape Town, boutn
Africa arrived at her destination
on Oct 7th, 106 days ont.
F. R. Bcattie, the electrician
who formerly had charge of the
electric lights works here, arriv
ed yesterday on a visit, He has
held the position of electrician on
the Bennington for the past three
Get a free sample of Chamber
Jain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets at Red Cross drug store.
They are easier to take aud more
pleasant in effect than pills. Then
their use is not followed by con
stipation as is oiteu the case with
pills Regular size, 25c. per box.
r t r
You will find our NEW FALL LINE OF CLOTHINC to be the best that the
skill oi man has designed for men. Taylorcd in the latest style, and dependable in
every way. All of our new garments are cut from durable wool fabrics, in neat
Mixtures, Checks, Stripes, New Greens, Plain Blues and Blacks. , Drop in some
time at your leasure and see them. j : :
Hawes Hats
Have had the preference for a long time
among fashion's votaries. The new Aut
uinu Derby and soft hats are now on the
way from the cast
The Jteliahlo Dry Goods, Clothing and Furnishing Goods Men.
pnny ti iwAArtnnp. NrtiivtMttrfnllmw.
!3 per M?1;nsr, HnUl ly John Protuv.
Snrdcues a hi llordclaisi mid nil
the delicacies nt Saechi's.
Chas. Rodin of Allegany, was
in town Wednesday ou business.
Saturday and Sttudnv wcie the
two hottest days this year nt the
All kinds of stoves and
at W. P. Murnhv's and moic ou
the way.
W. M. Sleep of South Matsh
flcld, lost a valuable cow Wed
W. A. Wollicvcr and C.R.
Rolliuson wcut up to Allaghnny
on fraternal business Tuesday, to
to be gone several days.
Lester Smith will take charge
ot the Ccistcrville dairy, formerly
run by Flanagan and Barry.
A. H. llodgens is having his
house in West Marshficld rcpaper
ed and painted. What next Art?
Huckleberries arc said to be
very plentiful and are said to be
much finer than usual.
R. M. Wcidcr has this week
moved to the Graham place near
the depot.
It is said the cannery at TJau-
dou is only paying 10 cents a
piece lor salmon and limiting
the catch to 4c fish to the boat.
Captain Ackcrmnn arrived from
San Francisco ou the Alliance.
He is here in the interest of the
barkentinc which is to be turned
out at Recti's ship oard.
P. M. German's little girl who
got her finger almost severed last
week, is getting along nicely, but
will lose the flesh from her finger.
When vou waut some extra
nice cheese call ou your grocer
for Sumner creamery full cream
cheese. 6 8 tf
Frank L. Sumner of Hcalds-
burg, Cal., a brother of Milo
Sumner has arrived in Marshficld
to make his home here.
Geo. Brown who has charge of
the south Coos river hatchery
has secured 150,000 chiuook eggs
and expects soon to have all he
can care for at that station.
The Empire came in last Sat
urday and after having some re
pairs made to her rudder, loaded
up with coal and a deck load ol
cattle aud hogs for the 'Friso
August Eickworth of the Co
quille Bulletin came over last
week and was laid up at home
until Thursday morning. He
went to Coquillc City Friday. A
bad case of the hives.
E. J. Coffelt is shipping some
choice apples north every trip of
the Alliance. He receives fancy
prices for them, and is supplying
the large hotels at Portland for
tabic use and who pronounce
them the finest. Mr. Cofielt is
making a specialty of fine apples
and finds that it pays.
With eggs .o cents dozen, but
ter 45 cents for a 24 oz block aud
spuds Si. 00 per hundred, there
is not much danger ot Coos bay
ranchers migrating.
T. A. Seed, formerly head saw-
1 vcr at the Lyons saw mill in Co-
quille City has accepted a similar
position at the Stave mill here.
Rev. Father Donnelly will
hold services at the Catholic
church Friday Nov. 1st, at 10:30
a. m., subject, Feast of All Saints, J
also on Nov. 2d, Feast of All
Souls at the same hour.
muTM m
k 9 & MP- iff. F- J
k a. k. v
The Women of Woolcraft will
give a grand Ghost dance at;
I. O. O. F. hall on Hollo ween
night Oct. .list. Paiticulurs will
be announced later. The ladies
of this popular order never fail
to give the finest times possible.
Good music and an enjoyable
evening is in store for those nt
teuding. Don't miss the hit of the
The Mandalay came in the bay
Sunday with height for Coquillc,
owning to low water on the Co
quillc bar. She came in here draw
ing S feet of water and Capt.
Reed thought it was dangerous
to try to cross the Copuillc bar
uutil the shoals had worked off
During the abfcuce of Rev.
It vine, the young peoples' society
of the Babtist Church will have
charge of the regular meeting to
uiarrow evening. P. M. Gcrmatt
will speak on
able Plan."
special music
God's Uuchaug-
there will be
this occosiou.
F. S. Dow returned Tuesday
from a trip down the coast in the !
interests of the standard Oil Co.
He drove down beyond Crescent
City, and reports a hard trip
over some very bad roads. He
brought home a lot of rare Indian
relics, from the Klamath agency.
The Mail was in error in stating
that E. L. C. Farrcn who has
just been admitted to the bar had
been a student tinder W. U.
Douglas. He lias been studying
uuder J. S. Coke Jr.
The tiew steamer being built
at the Marsh field ship yard will
be ready for launching the latter
part of next week.
The tug Hunter was in here
Sunday after freight for Gardiner
and says there is 15 feet of water
on the Umpqua bar at high tide.
The schoouer Zampa is bar
bound iu the Coquillc, on ac
count of the shoal bar.
The General Wright is tied up
at Portland and will soou be con
demned and fold. She has been at
work at Yaquina blasting rock
from the entrance of the bay.
The drawing for the steer at
the Coquillc hotel has been put
off to Nov.301!. The proceeds
will be for the benefit of the new
Catholic church at that place.
Win. Nasburg has returned
from Sau Francisco, where he
had beeu on business.
Jk. v ,3
is certainly the most uncomfortable thing
that can happen to a SHOE-BUYER an
ill-fitted shoe is dear at any price We fit
your feet and your pocket-book as well in
SHOES, 3.50 TO' $6.00.
-Sw. .t- !,. -
- raEbiii;;;::;;
But we arc looking forward
111 our
Shoe Department
The lines we cairv for CHILDREN, LADI1CS AND OHNTS
Are giving,?., rSFsl C ' f O A' and we waut VOU to
h'j pleased. Shall be glad to Number YOU among our
mnauy Patrous. : . : : :
Veins Kepecl fully
P- JF. P. F- . L- W. -4S9 J&
v . v v '. v . "
Tho ontiro Stock. Dry
goods, Clothing, Boots
and Shoos, Carpots, Etc.,
must go. Now is tho
tho time to secure bar
gains. Take advantago
of a lifetime.
X L N T Cnfch Store,
J. LANUO, Prop.
Str. Alliance is due to sail for
Eureka Monday noon.
School Supt W. II.
and his brother Oiarlcs
are in
this city ou business.
I. Hacker of Coquillc City is in
W. U. Douglas has returned
from Portland.
H. Seuestackeu is agent for
exchange of school books.
"Strongest in the World"
fcquitable Lite
Surplus 66Milh
Equitable Life Assurance Co
W. J. Brru'.K, Res. Agt.
The Mandalay left last night
with tools for the wrecking crew
to launch tho Ihitsh Bark Barodn.
T. W. Bennett returned Tues
day from the North Slough coun
try, whither he went last week
in company withW. S. Chandler
and J. S. Coke, Jr, who returned
Saturday. Game was scarce but
enjoyment plenty.
Morning subject nt M. E.
church. "Sir. we would see
Jesus." Evening subject,
"Riuht Liviun." Services at
11 a. m. and 7.50 p. m.
FreshMaskv.H candy at Seng-
l r rt'tt ' 0
The organ and piano oficred
for sale by Kcv K. C Lee are
bargains ami loulil be taken upj
readily, ne ai.vj n;i rivvciiii uu.-,
en fine chickens, a crokiuole!
board and a number of other
Two coils of large wite cable
were brought up by the Areata
for Capt. Bums, to be used in
the attempt to get the Baroda off
the beach.
Shy on OWdcncc
Ed. Shook, of Mbby, was ar
rested the first of this week on a
charge of adultery, preicrrcd by
Chas. Johnsou, ot that place. He
was taken to Coquillc City ior
examination befoie Justice Cecil,
but was discharged on motion of
Deputy Distrist Attorney Chaec,
who did not couuidcr the evidence
sufficient to secure n conviction.
Both parties arc colored.
, DIED .
JACKSON At Empire City,
Or., Friday, Oct. iH, Joliu J.
Jacksou, aged 86 years.
Caplin Jacksou, an lie was
commonly called was an old
pioneer, Having come to this part
of Oregon about 46 years ago
He made his home in Curry
county for a number of years, and
came to Empire City in 18C6,
where he has since lesided. He
was married to the widow of
Curtis Noble, and they have
conducted a hotel iu Empire up
to the present time, lksides the
widow, deceased leaves one
daughter aud three sons, Mrs. A.
P. Owen and Andrew. Ocome
and Charles Tacksou. The fun
eral will take place tomorrow at
2 i). m.. at Empire, and will be
conducted by the Masonic frater
nity, of which deceased was a
The steamer Bltmep will leave
for Empire at 12:30.
O .A. IGt T O It X JX. m
Bean ttt yf Kind You Have Always Bought
. .A.. .4v ."Ok. "'fev 3w ,K S
iBi fl
J&m & a -H j
Iww 11
v k v
-k -Hft,. Q,'
Celery and Salmon
That Peter Scott of South
Mat.shfield is vcmutile tu his ac
tivities, is evidenced by the fact
that he is mtttinu ou the market,
not only a first-chis niticle of
bleached celery, but some of the
finest smoked salmon that a man
ever laid his lip over.
Sau Francisco, on Tuesday, of
this week, Mr. Bud Tutpiu
and Miss Maud Pellexleu.
S-itilmtli wliiwii 10:1X1 A .M
I'rHuoliliiic Kurt'iutiis II :UO A .M, nml
7 :W I' M .
Clin.tlun KmliMvnr, ft-MI'.M,
Mid-urck verviriM, Thnrmlny 7 :9t l At
H.iinuul It. McUIWIiuul, I'antor.
Good Work
1 P. Norton i doinj; n Kd
job of street improveineutin front
ol his proicitv on C Mrei-t. A
heavy Invcr of b-.dlast rock hni
been put down in the middle ot
the street where the heavy driv
inn is done; over thin and the full
width of the street n layer of
burnt slack.
A Dental Sargcry Case
W. V. Riley of Port Orford,
was in the city this ivek, having
come up to have a surgical opera
ttoti performed. He was nliliet-
ed with an ulceration of nil old
tooth which was broken off in his
jaw and had been grown over for
several years. Dr. Toye extract
ed the root and has beeu treating
it several day. Mr. Kiley Was
Q '
go to San hrnucisc')
by the local physicians at his
home tr haw his jaw operated
upon lor a disease of the bone.
Ucfpcaks very highly of Dr.
Toye and is satisfied he has saved
him nu unnecessary expense and
nu unpleasant disfiguration, which
would have lcsulteu from a surgi
cal operation on nismw. J 10 came
up overland via Empire and will
return via Mvrtlel'oiut ou Satur
Wemon Of Woodcraft Enlcrlaln.
The ladies ofCooslJayCircleNo,
1G.1. W.of V. ente. Uiincd a num
ber of invited guests very pleas
antly Monday evening after the
, regular meeting of the circle.
Piogrcssivc whist was the order
of the evening mid those who did
not play whist amused themselves
with a table game of croquet.
After the playing of ten hands of
whist, the scores were reckoned
up and prizes were awarded (o
Mrs. Nellie Owen and Mr. Ed.
Cole, thcformorrecivingnii em
erald hatpin and the latter a shav
ing gloss. Mrs. Tibctts and Win.
Richards took the booby prizes.
Refreshments were served and
then Miss Jyi.::ie Ila.elton gave
a recitatiou iu character, which
was highly amusing. The evening
was greatly enjoyed by all prcient.
A Jolly Good Time.
A launch party ol ntiotit 20
went to The Maze last Sunday,
where a fine time was had, .pic
nicking, singing, spcechiuakiug
aud every imaginable thing for
recreation and entertainment was
had and all enjoyed a very pleas
ant time. Those who were there:
Miss Snyder, Maude Hnlch,
Mrs. Heal, Miss Ruby and Edna
Weider, Miss Tollie Cordis, Miss
Joe Cordcs, Mrs. Alice Grimes,
Mrs. W. A. Wooliever, Mr.
Smyth, Mr. Rolliuson, Mrs, Deal,
Mr. Wilkinson, W. A. Wool
iever, Tom Heal, Alton Grimes,
Jlussel.IkrJ, ' ,
sans VK
v sjfr MT-'mm
FasMonablo, Comfortable.
Tliuro in tioionron why Imllm nlioiflil luak iuin
loilntibnuil fiislitimuliK' wcunni; npimicl UiU nwon.
Wo Iwvo Iwiii'iiwhil lo ul In 11 kIooU, full ot lliu
intuit lUtntolIvo croiitlom In Imllch' :nrinontt, niul
UlO I'l'ICO llllU'OH llllllll Wltlltll lIlM U'lUlll Ol All .
Bossio Riohnrcls, Proprietor.
Cur. A and Second Sis.
A Distinct Triumph
Our nuiliil Intkrict, fur ttw ii)tlailloii of
rlwlikllr lo rtiiy (Mil ol llin Uhljf In nml of It,
Iuk ipilirtitj jIHWiU 1iIiuIi In i'iU lit.tneti
ortliotMStlini; Mtciwr, KIM MtltfMtrn mIkia
rf tifctl nml m rntlnfMl ) lliykl4iu,
UiOtthH fur iNinw uw is wpi tinc "lrfet
uihoc iik1, jjoup. 1IiiIhmI. It In (lie tlitlilo
.tuivnl Btl III ht hkv.
Rod Gross Drug Storo
John Preuss.Prop.
fi.oTtitM! mtsnvui:, otovkh
and not ninioi.iM.uons
lUHUllir AND WM.Uj
Genuine and Prewing Clothes
a Specialty.
Kiiti-lni wutUiiiiii'lilp KUuriiiiKVil.
lint nml prcwitl
ritUNT ST.
Clisotcr of Accidents
Ilciuy Johnson was severely
humeri at Gage's logging caniji
hist hatuiday by being cauglit be
tween the cars and the lauding.
He wan brought to the hospital
here aud is iinpioviug.
On Wednesday, Win. Richards,
while pinning n piece ol imichiu-
erv for the Crescent Coal Ci nav
igation Co., .it the H.iv City mill
cnuuht the little linger of Ins left
hand in the machinery and it was
badly mashed. Dr. MrCormac
thinks he will save the member.
John Cowan .seriously in
jured his light hand iu Davis'
logging camp by log hook acci
dentally catching his hand tenting
it throttiiht the tleshy imrl of his
hand. lie will probably be laid
up lor a month.
Mts. S. 15. Cathcart, who has
Ik-cu laid up with nu attack of
muscular rheumatism, is getting
W. Mabcc, second mate on the
scliooucr Gem while at sea 011 the
way up, fell and sprained his
aiiKie nu 1 is now 111 me uospuai.
Harry liraiuard is.stiH stifiering
a good deal from the wound iu
his arm. There are no .symp
toms of blood ix)isoniug, but some
foreign .substance seems trying to
work out.
Coos Day Cranberries
If the jieople of the Hay do not
know that tome of the finest cran
berries iu the world are raised
right here, it is time they were
finding it out and appreciating it.
The cranberries now being mar
keted by C. I). McEarliu are far
Micrior to any that find their
way into the valley markets from
any sniuce. They are richer in
color, the skins are much ten
derer and the ilavor is far super
ior, aud this aiut an ad for Mc
Parlin, either.
Arm Broken
Dad Ncedham, of Salem, well
known trt Cocjiiille, who painted
the courthouse and danced with
all the pretty girls at Coquillc:
City while the hotisewarming
was given, had the misfortune of
having his arm broken the other
day, while bringing unruly Jersey
calf into the bam, when the critter
concluded he would not stay iu
the same house with Dad aud
made u dive through the door.
Some how the rope became en
tangled 111 Jus foot and threw hnn
down brenking his arm. Dad is
one of the huskiest men in Ore
gon for hia age being close to
80. He frequenly speaks of his
old Coquillc City acqt- lintaticcs
made. during lus-atay there. .
Tho way wo do it.
Thuru nro illU'roiil wnyn of iIoIiik
ImnliicM. Oou wny It to ntnkn it
iiuinli out (if uiutoinorM whllu
tlnty urn In tlm Utrn n poililo.
Aiiotliur In lo ttlvn llmni tlm licot
- viiloo for tlii'lr nioni.y. TI10 llrtt
wny I ntiotitiu uutli1n on tho mnti
who killed llio woixu Hint tnlcl-tlio
h'oliltMi ici;. Try our bimltiouM
motlioiU for 11 whllu unit oo If wo
can't ph'iino uiiuh olhnr.
Oftinpboll & Eickworth.
Mr. H. A. I'Mimiiiils nnnoimce
to tlm imlilic Hint alio li akIii
liikim fllmrL'n of IliU wcll-iuin-mIaIiii:
lioimniinil nolirlti tlm
imiroiiiiKo l liur old riuiomtiri
mid nil who III.0 to ml woll
Hortcil unit lioinu-llko eooUuic
mnlil tnut utiil cluAnly nir
roi'iulliiK. ;r. 2sr. kelson.
DKAl.Klt IN.
I. .toil DckIkii of Wall l'apur,
ViiriiUliuit nml llrnnlirr,
imii Pure Mixed Faints
A Sp:cialty.
Ordora proiuptly (lied.
A llmt liimlnciiilnt on A Rt, 10X).
DiviilliiiK lioiiiuou L'mliit, IS 1001111
A pint of I11111I LM8 ft. I.y 100 (t.
riicinirou riirn truck In Hnut'li inirnh-
llel.l, t'.'A Will coll in hulk or h.ilf.
Konr lots uuxt tol'oMolllcuoiiJ'Von
nt tZ'M).
Uoiisii anil lot In Woat Afnriihflchl
Iloiiaounil lot 111 .Suutli Mnrilmold
Klx lots In k 10, 8011th Mur.hllohl
llloek 70 in Xotlrv'tf mlilltlon to
Ooiiuillo City. Kniilro of
W. 17, Douoias.
" Tho AiithoiitloLUo or tho Martyred
Vhloli IcIIh all nlmiit
Ilia Onrcor oil tho llattlofluld, hU
nuhliiMir.iontH in cuncruaa, ah (,'ovor.
noriiuil uHjircyiilont
Hill IIHHIlHNlllllttOll, pI'III'Dftll dontli
anil AlAt OK INTHUIJSr thtove y
Inn) Aiiicrluuii will want lo piutiorvo,
I'uiiy numirmcii, wiom jioiiml unit
nolil 11I n pricu Unit all eai. nflbrJ.
I'.voryonu wanta thin hook or
AjjontH will mnko -f 10. nduy Holllntr
It. Komi Kill for llllulmr.i .... ....ill.
11U0 ink for .?2.C() por day. culi uiiftr
iinlcwl contruo to liu.ullo our Jloll
ilay Hooka,
All cmlorH 111 led direct from l'aoillo
OauHl ilfiiilqunrtura with tho
.A.limiOmmN, Prop.,