The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 12, 1901, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Meicliimt Tniloi
Tliiul dour hoi tli of I'liiiirtcnii ('
IIhiiiuII Hank, Marlillnlil,
III llt ntylri i inixlnrittii irlix.
.iBXirlllltllll fullaUlN ol'llll
I hi' Into ilelu" imiti'ol-
tirlnu "f lMlMrlrl
mill l(iiiiill('
IUIti:(M'0llri T. It.Sheil
.l,iii, J W. Ib-iiiiell, PICKS ;
miii ii i'Ihiihumii. vici:
PICKS . It. F. : William..
Capital, 850,000.
contains nil the news of
litis suite, tlir events of
tlic world nnil editorial
comment tint's widely
Tako it. Road it.
Tho Coast Mail and the
Wookly Orogonian
Ono Yoar.
J. U. Ris,
A Practical
Photographor a
.Mlisiii'li:i.l). iti:it.N.
only fivM
class (itillvry
in Coos County.
,ll tl'iirh Wnrriiiili'il.
Ollltlll lilt' 11101 lli'lpllll ImioUk (Ml
nvrvi wriiknrn nvt-r iuei Ik tlml eie
iHlod"wii.niieive." by Dr riuweyrof Kruiii'iM mtv in iit ll'lli limit
Mini, Thl wink of mi t-xi.iiciici il
mill rtipulnblo physician I an iiKire
nlile. cmilm. lolhe vhiiiiii of iali'
teiielilnt,' which prevail on Ihl Iiii
purtanl subject. It iibniintl In rnrii
fiilly I'linsiilcicd mill prnciiiml advice,
mul lin ilio two mt't mull of wi
iIoiii unit inc,eriiy.
It I uiiiliirM'il by both the relijieiiu
mul secular pro. TlirUliK-iiKO Ad
vmicn uyi "A puriuiil of the book
mul application of It principle will
pin heiilili.linpo mul lioari into tlion
.uniU of live tlml urn now MtiHtiriiiK
tliroiiKli nervous' inipulriiiuul.
Tim hook i M.IHI ny mall poi'-
Owiof tliu most IntoroMlliiK cliitntoix
tilmpUirxx. m Niirviiw mul Nerve
TonlnH lm lii'on ilrlnloil Miporatoly uh
u sutnplit chapter, anil will ho sunt to
any mlruri for a mump by tho pnhlUh
ir, Tliu I'liulllo I'ub. Co., Ilox HK,
Coast Hail.
MAitsiiriKi.n, whi:ion
A Vrw liluurillotili tin llntr In Ort
KIMI i:uu I'rr llf it Vrr Vrnr.
Mnti1 poultry uii'ii mul women l'i t
fioill IIKI u l!tii I'lTR HT hell imt year
lllllll OMT lllllt IIIIKItllll, Ami Mil)'?
There nil- only four rcuon why Mrl,
llic ktiH'l.i M'coiiil, ilu1 liuiiH(; ililril.
tin need; fourth, tin run1 kIvcii, Again,
Ihcie n r i' only two ilnii' who make
lumicj by keeping iMinliry tin? rmiii
who Itiiit only ii few mul ilu- mu who
I tlis Ii a Inmliifmi. Two hundred feu'
Iff lii'ii per year aro not on imiitiiiil
event, mul I fieri In no reason why ev
ery poullrymnti liould nut have that
Ii In mil inrifnry to hnrn Imp ncl
in iIihI out ,)niir Inyrrx. Tin pmiliry
mini tUio lina to iim iticin for Hint pnr
i(pi' Ik mil lln1 one to moU n Mim-
nf iMinliry LiM'pliiB, U'cnunc If ln Inn
lo ilrH'ii, mi n ciintrUniicc It U only
priMiMluil lii itinnot plnif nny ilcpt'inl
cm on liliiiM'lf, An mmjii nil inif linn lo
nl mi kiImtk Ii Ix liluli ilino Hint he
:Im up i In- hnlin-ni. tr you want to
mul oiir Iiiiit. Niny irllli your fowU,
pli 1 out, ImiiK up n ilnlly (tc ni.'.
mil ami uutili It, If you Iiimc not the
linn1 for lhb. llii'ii jou (tTlnltily Ih
loin,' lo lln inliMIc claim, t'nli'f )i)u
u'Im- ilic foul nil your llum you t-.tu
u,i fMci tin-in to nindi1 money fur
oii. I'lilri-" ;ou Utiow your foulH ihey
will inn make you money, ctrii If you
ilo uUe iliem nil your lime. If you
Line ii lieu ilini l n Liiowii layer hiii)
lie In uinli'rulznl or loo larcv. ilou't
hrii'd fi-oiu her. If you ilo, you nro
vniliii: ImiHi ilme ami money.
SiiK'k Iikm Krently linprimil In the
piiM lUeyenrx. hut vgg priHliictlon linn
not. When potittO'iio'ii ileuile moro
time tryluit lo II ml out which wiy nml
how In the Ih-nI Id fitil, then Ihey "III
lucrcnkc I lie rise production. tliH-nure
lolin .lone Ii'IIn you that III wny of
fciillliK In the bent thnt U Do rennill
why you khoiilil mlopt It until you
kmnv It to In fnit. Hren line Hum
Joiicn li'lN you thnt one variety of
chicken will tny mure than tho olhern
ilon't ell whnt you have ami eel them
iinill you know It In ao. Poliltryiiien
lire loo unity to linen to the other
My met boil of obtaining ami hoblhiK
Kreiit InyerN In nn follow, no matter
wlinl (he vnrleiy kept:
,h himiii u the pullel nre fully mil
tureil ihe.v nre inrefiilly wnlcluil. At
ihiii ii one Ninrt lo lay he U reinoxnl
In her iermaiieut iiiartem. puiicli
tnuil.iil. n nsiinl Iiuiib up. dnte of
hnleli, M-n htitchisl from. elc. ThN
i:oeN on unlit peim nre full. Tho'e
iluit are linikwaril In ntnrilttc nre put
III n tllrTerelil bllllilltli:. e iiiiliillnix
Ibelil a t llll. The pullet nml rccohl
no iiirefiilly wniiheil We ilo nut
lil'iiil flnlll Iheoo UN pullel. but will
brenl from the creiim of Ihem a year
line. The) nre now yearling, nml ie
till I in hiiuli Dull i'Kk I tanrkeil
with pen number When put In lueil
bniiii. nine I ei ilowii In n leilcer
for i hni purHie. iiIho clvlim the iiuui
bet of male hlnl ami what H'ii he whn
lililrhnl (rum When the e(.- are title
to luileh. Ihey nre put In nilretl ecii
lra. Thl keep each pen of chick
hepurale. They are then puiicli mnrkeil
nml plaeeil In hrooilen. which nrv
.'IoiiihmI In itiloule. Neparntisl with
line iiiexh wire. o thai the i-hlckx can
mil eel mlii'il The mckelelN un li
moveil a MMiti ii piiKxIble ami faitemtl
for itinrkei. We pick out a few, ihimo
that we think will mnke extra pnnl
one, ami then turn Ihem on frei1 ranu'e.
Koou the pullel are removtil, each tot
In a ffpnruio hutixe ami ynnl, nml then
we wall for the llmt ece.
Von iinist utiirt your fecdliij; for
heavy laying himiii after the chick I
hnlcheil, Thl nrl of Kiultry kvcphiK
Is entirely tixi much iickIccioI. I be
lieve mine (hiimn;e U iloue by letting
the cockeiel reiunln with the pullets
while KrtnvluK I tin it from any other
ennui'. 1 1 will put them back two
month In i heir InyhiK. nml they will
never make ns kooiI hlnl. It certain
ly Hunt them. A pullet intut bo In
the licit of condition If you expect her
to bo a heavy layer, and you must keep
her that way If you want her to keep
on Inylnif. My cxpcrlcnco tenches me
that we mutt hnve law framed bin!,
mid to Ret thnt kind you mum mart
fccdlnir na a llttlo chick. You can uut
on ilevli any lime, but there I only one
lime to form hirp- buuer, ami Unit I
on tfie mnrt.-C A iMirtliit,.
Wlillr Mullnitil Tiirhrr.
'Ilie lil.wuiilliili xliow a while llol
Intltl lurkiy lieu llnc nnl are leiy
populnr with inaiit imultiy lutti, nml In
Millie mni;cl lhe ille iieferieil lo Ihe
tininre m othi i iiiiiil.
I'oiil fur I dlr 'hlrli,
Willi eb i k hnti heil III May the unine
treillllieill a l irlti'ii Ibetarl) IiiihhIh
will ollllliT U Mil .Imietiuil .Inly lilif,.
howeter HiIh will mii ilo While. In
my opinion II I lleter uilvlnhle lo
Ulle utl fiMiil lo ,tollUUlen lull mini
Ulllllilllely for lireeilrr. It In little leM
than lllllliler to fet-il It lo title chirk.
It I well eiiouuli lo ny It ran U fill
In trouub ami thai the trouuli can
be clrninil mil. Inn II ha Ihvii my ex.
perlemt 1 tin I mi in.itlcr how careful
one inii.i iiaiurnll) he thl important
illlly I ortill lieuleileit I "t r thill reif
nil. therefore If for no other the late
chick Miuiihl hate iioihlni; Inn ilry
fiMNl. - Ticul M. Itlk'lit Hi Poultry
fir lllr.iiu .Mn!tu tn tlml year r
fore the Mfeiy ble,)ile wr hneuteil Uf
hail mmle one fi r himself ami rlililcit
nil ocr Maine o:i Ii,
Tlioma A. IMImiii- m.itto of work I
"Never wnlch Ihe i hut;." lie frii'iiciiN
ly work HI hour nl a Htrctc't nml
never note the i:t.teuf 1 1 me.
The tale I'blllp II. .nnnt;r once Kihl:
"I am no talker. I mmle my fortune by
IrnrnliiK to keep my mnuih flint. When
the iceih nn chtii. the lousue I nt
The ilealh l:i hi iH'Venty-lxih jear
nf l.eorp' Clmer, the foumler of I2er
mail JourunllKiii l'i Autralln. I nn
miniiiril from Ailelahle. Klmer' pnper.
Die AtlNtrnllrrhe Zcttlli. I htlll pub
!lhn1. rrnnel WINon I one of the few
piomlueiit theatrical Mar who luive to
their crcillt the fact of behiK whrewtl
ImihIiicm uiei a well n keen lover of
Htrl ami olil nml odd collection of
book and lulc-a-hriic.
Wllllaui Waldorf Antor' huNlue of.
Ilee I ihe hnmlMimekt In Uiiiilou nml
I In Ii rich iiiiIiiIiiiciii uuhpie
tunoiiK ilione of London' rich men.
who UKiially train-act their IiukIih' In
olllic rnlher "hahhy than olherwlxe.
leu llltcuxfii, one of Ihe lnrcet nhnro
hoblent hi the Japan nillway, etijoyx
the prhlleKe from hi boldlupt of rld
line free lu ii linn cla car. lie alwnya
mnke line of I hi, but nlwii) M'lid to
a third cIiinm coach the member of hi
family, whoe fare he ha to ty
Altlinugli nearly evcrytxidy tuny know
of Alfred licit' holme lu Park lane,
Itudou, one of the iuut iiineultlceut In
Iiinlou, yet ll Is mil everybody who
know or undertnud Mr. Kelt lilm
m'lf. lie I keen, cute, iKllhcd nml no
couipllslicd nml I proud not only of hi
mansion, but alo of hi millions.
lMuiuml Hartiiu, who orKaulted the
llmt federal KJttiniiicnt of the Austrn.
Han coiuiuniiwcnllh, U a native of Syd
ney, ni year old nml for many yenr
one of Hie utile! lawyer lu New Houth
Wale, lie wan coupleuou iiiiioiik the
men who cmly inhociiicil Hie fcileni
Hon of ihe iiilimiiH ami lu a hciifc U
theliiilierof Ibeiomtuouwealtli.
( onixivNxiiinti IMtly of MluueMitn
ilaluiH to be Hie hnii'cllcKt man In tho
hotiM', Inn tcr.r Hun the clminplouhlp
I iiIkuh lo Ih wichtctl from him by
Marhnll of Nmth Dakota. "I have
been nwaiVed Hie bell without n dl
M'litliiK vole." t-ay IMtly, "hut I fear
Hint Hie hoimr will Ik- niililesly swip
ed by this mail from Ihe Jack rabbit
tnle, Say, he iimut be a terror If ho
beatH nib, HiuukIi,"
When a friend Is In trouble, don i
nxk, "Cau I do anything?" Do somo-thluK.-Atci.Uon
--Wholesale and Retail Druggist--
tii:.ii.i:ic ty iiii.4.' Axit ji:.-i:m t, iii:itii.t.Miii'.
.Mnrlillrlil ,l)iwoii.
Pr--iiln ShllH'tillr 'iiitiHiMpil ill nil Iupiii ('
Wfll-. I'ururo At .. null I lie Jliiiillnu l'li-. I.llf int., .!.
tie nt 'iiiMinl-.
I ll.l m II M PI J XI iU1 '
1 nfl 1TIII lt3Tilf "IAT oufrioinJiirluiuiNmkrfU hikI B
S 1111 Yllll If nl1llf ontr llrry lr.ol -ui mul e Kuarnn P
N I "1 niHIff nr Mir .k. We n- -iln.-Ud imVrn
i ,n lUiifirf) Hntl IKJ.N I lKOLI I III. I. Mil I IKS. I. oil inn Irie-,.
luniitl iiiuhouri fu-r riu;,l HrinniUr ue rfiiploy mIiIii-Inl only. I o'loo 2
j ihk hit hjiik-in utir nt'nii i.o.)( iirrfif, iMniMi, ,t. iirri i, i oiiulk; r.. .t iii;r
Mllle I'o-til sy II.iiih).-!, Noflli llrnil, I Mmio, I jnHir.
C. 0. D.
, lilll III ,1 l Im'ce kilirf-i in-, f. cil. ll.ilir. limn mid Ii II
,i ny fii lii.nil, fun nii'l i.iImIiIi hciimiI i.ii
t't-ry e.i'ii i.
h ChCt.7 f fICL FlC C
That is what we have to sell, and
we can fill all orders for any
and all kinds. THE QUALITY
is guaranteed and the price is
anything required in Fir. Spruce,
Red and White Cedar.
Phone Main ISI. NOftfl Belld, OfC
I J. I I-.L L
Telephone nialn'11. i