The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 12, 1901, Image 4

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iul. -0mmmmmmmamnmmmmmmmBmmBBmmnmmmmm9mmmmmmmmfmmmmtMmilmmmmnimt'm'fmmmuimiun-rrtnMrxttit.
1. jGuasriDLoaA
Sunday Qrcgoninu t Notion's
I?or best -values in boots and
sliocs go loScns&tnekcn's.
New guns mnl ftish tituuuini
tipn al Murphy's.
The-kccl for the new schooner
?S. being laid.
V. C. Sanderson and wife, of
llaudqu, were ittowu ibis week.
Vkw Holland is taking a trip
to.,Kla;nath couutv.
All kinds of cloves sud, ranges
,alV. I'. Murphy's and mote on
'"tho .way.
N.c,v Hues of beating stoves
auflcqpktovcsat Murphy's.
Krcd Schrocder, one ot Co
ijuillc's lcadiug fanners, was in
tqwn yesterday on business.
When you want some e.xtta
nice cheese call on your grocer
for Sumner creamery full cream
cheese. 6 S tf
John Drown has moved to Mar
slifreld from the Coquille.
The Steamer Dtuuswiek sailed
Tuesday .for San l'cdio with a
cargo of x lumber from the Day
City mills.
Locomotive No. 2 is being
given a through oVcr-bnuling
in the machine shops of the
H. R. Co.
II. N. Dlack Returned from
Gflrdincr last Thursday, where
be. bad beeti at the bedside of Ins
biotber Morgan Dlack, who pass
ed away on Saturday last
kM""v 7.. V ' . . .
W. H. Noble lias clontowiitIleenu. eoml on Tuesday.
wis logging camp west oi tfiarsu-
field and has housed his donkey
engines at the dump near the
electric light works.
Jack McDouald is opening a
harjd-logging camp on the North
Coosjivcr and will put m logs
lor H. bcugstacken. ( h(. spcnt ycx weci;S visiting his
Reverend S. B. McClcllaud is 0i stomping "rounds. The judge
stilli absent, haviug gone from I says Tacoma lias changed slightly attend a meeting of! shiccbewas there. Theoutinghus
the Eastern Oregon I'nsbyter- cfonethc- judge somegooe and be
ians. There will be uo services at uow looks younger aud haud
bis church tomorrow. somcr than ever.
J. A. Seed has brught out Bert c. D. McFarliu has gathered
Dean in the couttact for canying j ,js crop 0f crauberries aud they
the mail between Marshficld and. ar(! now ;n tbc market. The Mail
Coquille City. was ot forgotten.
The steamer l?lvcr is still, laid Mrs Robert Herron has TCturn-
np uy tlie loss ot ncr propeuor.
A new oue is
exoected on
Father Donnelly has
down the coast on his parishional
visit and will be abscut about I
three weeks.
Miss Gray of Astoria, is expect-j Oct. 14th to iSth. They will
cd to arrive here today to takej be accompanied by Miss Irwin,
charge of the Fifth grade in the who will attend sctiool at the
public school. J state university.
The Comet is again in com-' Henry Holm this week recciv
mission, tinder command of Capt. Cli a car ioad 0f fiuc hogs aud
Chas Johnson and is gathering,
fish for the cannery, also making!
one passenger run from umpire.
Mrs. C. C. Harper, daughter
o.f T. J. Powers, of South Coos
ver, left Friday for uieudale,
re., wncre sue wiujoiniicrmis-
Ijand, who has located there.
Finest line of 'candies
in town at Flanagan's
Pioneer Market.
I'jUKSIlYTKltlAN ( lll'ltl'll.
Rahlmtli fchool 10.00AM
lViinclilni; nurvicoK, 11 .00 A JI, ami
'7:30 I'M.
Clirisiimi Kntloavor.
:il' M,
.'Ml I'M
T.Ud'wceV Bervirt'n.TluirMlay 7
84111UCIII. McClelland, l'
at. tor.
You,will fiud our NEW VAhh WNE OF CI.OTHINC to be the best that the
skUhpf '"an has designed for men. Taylored in the latest style, and dependabhuJU
evecjf way. All of our new garments aTe cut from durable wool fabrics, iu neat
Mixtures, Checkr, Striies, New Greens, Plain Blues aud Blacks. Drop in some
tiimj.t your leasurc and see tlisui. i : :
Hawes Hats
Have had- the preference
am ong fashion's votaries.
mini Derby and soft hats
way from the east.
Tho JtcUabld Dry Goods, Clothing anil Furnishing Goods Men.
limit Ogien has letuued from
down the cq.w!.
K. O. l'l. jtngan received a
scow load of tuuttou sheep ftom
Kentuck slough this week.
l'iue assortment of watches aud
jewelry at Scngstackcus.
The schooner linimu Utter had
a new main mast put in at the
Maishfield shipyatd this week.
Denuet Swanton has been in
vesting in town lots in West
Marshticld in the R. IS. Shine
''Strongest in the World"
Kquitnble Life Assurance Co
Surplus 60 Million.
W. J. Drn.Ku, Res. Agt.
T. R Crawford has moved his
Cold Tea joint to the Darry build
ing near the cngiuc bouse.
A. G. Aiken has resigned bis
jxjsition as nightwatchman nt the
shipyanl aud is succeeded by
C. A. Metliu.
J. P. Hall and C. K. Nicholson
have gou: to Portland to attend
the grand lodge rCnightsof Pythi
as, which meets next Tuesday.
The httlc dauciUcr of D. M.
i Hcrniaii of South Marsh field, bad
her left thumb nearly severed
from the hand Mouday evening
by getting tt tuto a law u mower.
The bone was cut through, but it
is not likely that she will iose the
K. L. C. barrtn, a law student
ofW. U.Douglas of this city, and
a young man of promise as ouc
of the coming legal lights of our
'counts, took exn
took examination before
Thc5r ,vcrc xwn
more applicants
before this session. Mr. rarnti
returned Vriday with success
perched on his bauuer.
f..,tn W U. . Tlvitf. rcttirned
Qn lastSatuniav via "stage route
f vacatioti at Tacoma where
cd from Colorado, wlutner slie ac
ttcirnmiviiiii'il hur tlaiiL'hter . Mrs.
John Wilson. Mra. Wilsou will re
turn shortly.
Rev. Thos. Irvin aud wife will;
0 to Portland
to attend tue
Orecou Daptist
Anniversaries 1
m::tto from Roy Garrett of Myr
tie Point. Mr. Holm is always
on the alert for the best meat ob
tainable for his market and
miti-ii. c In ri( i'V(ii It It IS
.. 1 ...... w. . c V . .- -- ,
necessary to go out 01 mc tumuj
to procure it.
L'Art Do I.'i Motif, '! por yoar.
ltolien Df Luxe. ?3 00 por y'r.
TI10 AinoriCHU Ladies' Taylor, $1
iif r
Va will he ttlntl lo wind khiijiIp
opii-it to imynnc roudiiii; iiunia nml
mldreH and 11 - ciMit Munip for
L'Art Du L.- Mod. 10 eciitu for
IJoIh-s Do Luxo hihI -' cunu fur Uiu
Aiiifrtcan Lulif' Tailor.
M01lSi:-Ilt()l'(JUTOX UO.
.'J Kat Niiictecnlh Ht. Now oik
"""' 'imwm in
2 is certainly the
for a long time that can happen
The new Attt- ni-nitcu snoe
f your feet and
arc now. on t he
SHOES, $3.5.0
jM w" y zgip 4pf 4ir
For repairs to your boots and, A Good Selection,
shoes go to l'ctcr Clameu. First-1 Mr. d Mrs m Colj,an of
class shoemaker employed. I'nccs.g calc U) Mnwhrici,i via
teasouable. (stage Inst Saturday. He will te-
J. D. Sunderland aud wfcls.ii;c here and has takett charge of
have been out for a few days out-1 t,c Watcr works as superintendent
iug ut Hcnryvillc. 0f work. The Water Co. people
J. Gammil is having a new nd -
ditiou put on his bouse m South ;
Tas. Cowan has moved down
from Coos River ami is living in
the Matson house.
Their will be services morning --.., .... --
and evening at the Kpisaiil;nny warm friends in Mntshliec,
I i . ..., I who will be pleased to hear of his lUlltuitux.
The Alliance is due from Uu
reka Mouday moruiug, to sail for
Portland the same day.
Miss Blanch Bates will go to
Eureka on the next Alliance to
visit her mother until after the
holidays when she will return
to the Day to stay until Spring,
when she will go to San Fran
cisco, V. A. Woolievcr went to Dan
don Tuesday on M. W. A.
business. Mr. Woolievcr now has
over 50 applications written up for
a camp atMarshfield aud will start
the Marshficld camp off with at
least ioo on the charter list.
Subjects at M. 12. church,
Sunday. Morning The Gospel
of 'I don't care' " Evening,
"The Life Eternal."
A herd of about ioo head of
calves aud ycatliugs belonging to
J. A. Yoakamjr., were pastured
on the marsh sotitli ot town last
tnjjht aud made the air vibrant
with their bawling.
Jack MarsdenandC A. Metliu
drove to the Coquille Tuesday
and returned Wednesday. Mr.
Marsdou brought his little son
James back with him.
clKCKHOFF. At the home of
her sister, Mrs. Edw. Baker,
near Mvrtle Point.Oregon.Oct.
6, 1901', Miss Isabclle Kckhoff,
aged 23 years.
Deceased was the daughter of
, Mr. and. Mrs. Chas HckhofT, of
Yarrow, old pioneers of the bay,
who have the .sympathy of the
community in their bereavement.
She had been very low with ty
phoid lever and was thought to
be improving but a relapse came.
.The funeral took place in this
city Tuesday and was largely at-
I tended.
A nisfit
most tincoiuforlable thing
to a SHOE-BUYER an
is dear at any price vve m
your pocket-book as well in
TO $6.00.
4? 4p t3t j'
Hut we are
looking fotw.ud
in our
Shoe Department
lines we carrv for CIULDRKN, LADIHS AND C.KNTK
i.iving .S' . TSF.l CI I OX and we waul YOU to
pleased. Shall be glad lo Number Y O U among our
be glad lo Number Y I) U
inaany rattans.
Youis Rfspcct fully
G E 0 RG E
OBD FELLOWS Btjltllltiii, Marslifctlj' t ..
cau congratulate themselves upon
haviug secured so valuable a man
;as .Mr. Lolgau. Mr. lolgatt tor-.
mcrly resided heie and went ftom
here to Manila when the Spanish
wr uroue out. wneie :
111 AMIHllrll tl'ttM llttltitr
Valuable Horse Injured
Ttic hotse used in the shipyard
fell lame in his foot last week and
as he is subject tocrjmm itwiforcniming, 85ctS por
taken for granted that hc,box nt pi,umir,mS Pio-
was suffering from a cramp, bev-
with this diagnosis, but after
Mw1 t.jt .l.xitr.rtf
.several days the horse was uo
better and was taken to black
smith to have his shoe pulled off.
Then it was discovered that a ten
peony wire nail had penetrated
the frog of the foot and was
hurried to the head. The nail
was extracted and the horse h
doing well. lie is a flue animal j
and of great value in his work
around the shipyard.
An Error Corrected.
In its report of the school meet-
iug tlie
Mail was in error lit
stating that I nomas Howard's;
motion for a secret ballot had no
secoud. The motion was second
by Lars Clemiueuseii, but us some
confusion prevailed at the time
our reporter did not hear him,
aud as the motion was not put by
the chairman, supposed that it
had uo secoud.
Piano and Organ For Sale
Rev. R. C. Lee, who is about
to move away, has a piano anil
organ which he does not wish to
take with him. He will sell them
at some price, and any one inter
ested would do well to see him at
Gate a Dinner
W A. Woolievcr, deputy head
consul of the Modem Woodmen
gave a batchclor dinner to W.
and J. Peck, of Baudou, and C.
R. Rallin.son, at the Garfield
yesterday evening. Alter (oasts
and music, the party drank lo the
success of the Modern Woodmen.
False Report.
It is learned that the rcixuts
that Mrs. L. M. Nobltr was in a
dangerous condition at mi Oak
laud, Cal., hospital were all a
mistake. Mrs Noble was under
treatment, but her case is pro.
grossing satisfactorily. Her many
irieiids witl be glad to know that
there is uo truth in the alarming
rumors that have been going the
Sannr Itnotna.
It la unld to bo truo Hint In nil lusr-l-tala
those room facln; tho Htm havo
fewer death, other thins bolnte equal,
than thoM which aro on tho shady tildo
or tho home. Llkowlmt HtatUtlcH, whero
they have been kept, prove that tho nv
uratco time for a recovery Is much less
Iu a Bunny room than In u Hhitily one.
From thcuo facts und from tho fact
that tho tendency towurd lllncsa Iiuh
proved urealer on tho Khady sldo tif
hulldlncs, llko irlconn mid UHylums, It
follows that light Is second only In tin
portniit'o to fresh nlr. A dark room Is
nearly hut not tjulto so hud as u cloo
rooii In tho caso of elckuess tho sick
room Hhotild ho tho Nunulest ono the
touuo affords.
SUe Tmcklnff the Slootlia,
I Klrut Tturflnr (In IHtphnnlWntlliln't
I Hall Into that grub if I wuuu't under
trtutuient for mo dygpcpsyl
Bccond IJiirflar 'ITiut'a Just why
you'd ortervUo it. mil. All tho detect
ives knows ubout your dyspepsy, and If
we clean out tho provisions they'll uev-
cr Huspcct you of .bcln Jn.thlu.lqb. I
llarleu LUv.
- 4B XV
mmB $
to huge s.ik.i
. . . ,. Sj. -
Vein of Coal on North Slough.
Jacob Matson was in town
Thursday tmdtcportcd the dis
coveiery of a vein of coal on his
land on the North Slough. He
noticed the outeioppiugs of the
vein in the bottom uf a gulch
last week aud tin Sundav he dug
a hole to ascertain the thickness
of the vein. At a depth of.j feet
i inches from the ton of the vein
lie was driven out by water, not
having teached the bottom. The
vein is solid and well defined and
lies under a layer of blue sand
stone. Mr. Matson left some
speciiuius of theco it at this office
where it can be seen. H has the
apperanee of an excellent quality
of coal.
Coos rivor iomtiLoos
,,nn Twrn vlr-
. JJ A AfrA,KV
Admiral Witiluui f. . lilev,
who retired Wedncil.iv in com
pliance with law, having t cached
the age of 62, wa apNiuti-il to
the Naval Aeadeuiv I10111 Maty
laud, Scptembei 20, 1K5O. After
!;is graduation from Annapolis
he became n Muster, August 31,
1861; a Lieutenant, July i,
1862; I.iftitinaiit C(mtii.iii(U'r,
July 26, i860: Commander, June
10, loj.p Cap'.aiu, Man It 31,
1S88. and Commodore, Fchiu.iry
6, lKy8. At the close of the
Spanish war, Aug. 10, tSrjS, he
was appointed Rcur-Adiuital.
You still get 10 por
cent off for cash at
Flanagan'sPi onocrMar
kot, Leaves tlie Ministry.
It m'ciiis that, as intimated hv
the MAIL last wick, the assign
nient of Rev. R. to Maish
field for another year by the
Methodist conference is not con.
elusive. Mr. has acrrpted
an offer made by one of thcEqttit
able life iiiMiraucc conipiiiifsniid
will cuter its employ at a hand
some salaiy, milking his head
quarters at Salem. Tlie Metlw
dist church loses an effective
worker, and Maishfield loses a
respected resident.
Get a free sample of Chnmhei
laiu'.s Stomach aud Liver Tab
lets at Red Cioss drug .store.
They are easier to take and more
pleasant iu effect than pills. Then
their use is not followed by con
stipation as is often the case with
pills Regular size, 250. per box.
Pleasant Surprise
Friday evening a surprise was
arranged by the school males mid
friends of Misses Clara nnd Millie
Johiibou. About Iwcnty-fivc
youuge people gathered at various
places and at the appointed lime
swarmed iu at the icsideucc ol
P. Johnson. Games ol all kinds
were indulged in aud refreshments
were served. Those attending
enjoyed, a very pleasant evening.
The surprise was a complete one,
ami will be long reincmbcwd by
thejohusou family,.
At ci
jMwEWmv w
I "IWr !?!. 'J-&1 v
lnsliionablo, Comfortable.
Ttioitt I mi it'iimn why liullim ulimiUWIiiok com
loiluhtaitiiil fimhloiwlite wcinuitf nppHtnl ld xrnfoii.
U'o liuvo li'i'ii otiiuful to iul In a utiiOl;, full n( tlm
mod iiltrurilut cKmlliiiin In ladle' Kitrim'tilt, ami
llio jirli'u pl.ui'rt them williln tin iciiuti uf nil .
Mossio llioharcls, ProprJotor.
Cor. A mnl hecoinl St?
A Distinct Triumph
OiirinoUil ItitlMkt, rf III ittdH!ll"U of
rtaliloly lurt.iy mii il llx Uxljr l iMil II,
Imui i,mImI , i!IiImi trlniih In tlii
f iIk' licilin mMh i. bI Mll(ol(wi wlwrti
r unl 4imI .w wMlanAt liy i)tei.
Ilttutlr. lot Ikwm hk h t up. Urgjvr lr
utfuc iim. J40U. ili WK t In lltr el'lltk'
rutiwit -tiot Iu llir r.
Red Gross Drug Store
John ProussiProp.
Closing Out at Cost
Tho ontiro Stock. Dry
goods, Clothing, Furn
ishings, Eute and Gaps,
Boots and Shoos, Car
pets, Oil Cloths, Linol
eum, Mattings.
Tho entire stock must
go at cost.
Storo to lot. Fixtures
for salo,
XLWT Storo.
II. C. llrainard Wounded, By Ills Sun
Reuben At tlieir Fcrndale
On List Sunday evening If. C.
ISr.iin.trd, of I'ViudxIc, was shot
thtotigh the liht foreanu by his
on UuUmi, who mistook him
for a burglar. It seetmi that Mr.
Ittniunrd lelt home early in
the day to pi to his work up Coos
live!, but uiiiiMrd the .steainei mid
teturued, unknown to his family.
I lis younger childteii, Roy and
I'Miiii, rettniiiiig from a walk
hcatd some one iu the houye ami
roi.cluded it must bo a
who has been thete m; vera I limes
of late. About dm I: Rube ictiitii
etl and hearing the man moving
met him at the front door as he
came out audoidered him to halt,
taking a shot with his revolver
at the Mimxcd bittt'lur about the
same time,
the bone 111
its passage through
'i'i... 1...11 1. ...1
the arm nml the wound is very
painful, but no serious results me
anticipated by the attending
physician, Dr. Tower.
rt immi "iHlii IIIMIIMIIH m wt I Hi,
A really lirnllliy ivonmii Iiuh lit-
lllti imln or iliMsiimforl ut liiu
int'iislriinl jhtIixI. No wonmii
liict'iN to ji-iva miv. VIiiii of)
jCiuiliil vill mllinu lliti".o
JMii.tithi nifiixtnitil pnlnt nml
lllio tlriifln lirml, liiuik nml t
SnIiIo itclifi cittist'tl ly fnlllipi; n(l
I tlm womb nml Irregular iiioiium.
Uuh liroiij,'lit aniiiH'iit itillol lo)
1,000,000 wtiiiiiiii wlm KiiKori'itj
ovfry inontli, It ninkoii tlu nuni-l
.Iriml nriiiM htrtiiir initl lualtliy.
U U Kit) jirtivMon iiiiulii liy Nn-
ttiit) It) f.'lvo woiucin ixillof fitimt
thti torrlMo nuliort mill iinlns wliluh
blight n iiinn' liiinifii.
aiivK'iwooii. I... Oft. it. l'jno.
I liaf, Itut'ii v. w mI.V r... nm. 1.
i.wuH laic 11 wnit a kuvmo ialn In -ty i
Hliluand CviiiM notrot avy rollcf until
ItrliiluliottlaiitWIiiu nfUanlul. lie-1
fora XliiwI tafcnn all of It I roilavi-4. 1
1 Ii'cl It my iluty tu Bay tliat yoa iiiivo ft '
-- -w.... ''J ..'. W.I..W ...'
I Mux. M. A. VatiM.
(VJ" "Oi lwl- AilviMry l)i i.irliuriit,'' j nu
rwrAdvlranilllln.lilrf..iLlriwl. ul.tntf
m.yr U-; , Vi i-xC-
Prosorving Timo.
Wc Urp llie !( Miilx of tlmkr fniltt il
ull Llutlt, (irtti fiuiii llm ctunet, unit 911)0110
wklilng loinii nr iiriivttiunM I-" linn anil
ll un 111. VVn Kirji i full nlwl. nf nil tlm
itniTiwitjr coiuiinll,iiil (ur (nil ntuiilni;.
Oivmpboll & Eick worth.
Mr. H A. IlilinuiuU niiiiiuiiicri
to tlm public tliiil lio ln njln
Mkiiii churcn n( tliU witll-iuiu-ctl
O'ltlni: Iiiiui mnl oli('lli tlm
jmiroiinii tf liernlil rimtoiutir
nml nil ulit) llku In rtil woll
nrrvrit anil lioiuv-llko fooklnp;
ninltl ttni)t uml clrmily tnr
runiilliii:. ,j. 1ST. NELSON.
di:ai.i:u in.
I,iiti't DcaIkiii of
ViimUliim uml
Wall l'mior,
A Specialty.
Onlorn ironiilly illitl.
A liim InmhirM lot on A ut. flfiOO.
Ivolluie litiinio on -mini, II rooms
A plot of limil '.'18 (t. by I (XI ft.
fiii'luKim rnt'K tini'l: In South Mumli
llultl, (7.'iO, Will rtill IU bull; or hull.
I'mir lots nuxt to l'tntolllfDoii Fniu
Hi JfWtk).
Hoiian uml lot hi Wuitt .Mumlillolil
Ilmuo uml lot in Koutli Mnrililloltl
.Six InUln llllc JO, Koutli Murnlillold
llloi-k 70 iu Notlcv'H mblllloti to
(.!otiiilluC'ity. Kiitiiilrti of
W. U. llOI'III.AH.
' Tlm AutluiiilloLifii of tlm Martyred
Wliltili tflln all about
1,1 KB,
Uiu (Jari'tir on ilio llatllullultl, Inn
ficliicwniniilH in uoiie.rcia, an uovor
II iriuut iu pufblniit
1 1 in nniiaoHiiiatloii. imni'unil tlnatli
ami ALL OF INTWIUSI' Unit tivory
trim AmiTluan will want lo pn-j-orvo.
Fully llliiHtraiotl, Olotli Jloimtl una
k.IiI m u pi ico iliat nil em. iilloru".
Bvtiryonti wuntH thin book of
AunnlH will mako iflO. d".v foiling
It, Hoiiil Kit) for poMiiKO on outllt,
iiInoiimI; for if!3. pur ilny. ciiHb'imr
aiitooil eontruc to Immllo our'lloll-
dav IooI;h, , , ..
'Ml nr.lnrrf llllcil I MKlt flOIII raOlllO
lOoimt Jl'limrtrH with thu
0.tlliHl,i(Joif, .