The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, October 05, 1901, Image 3

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    ."V J T 4 Vfi&ffl
FT"! fv l
8 .'.'
tSSSSSSVf ST''rwrwit:ir3ini;Mr"t ?,wnr,rmrrrfiijiMr nai Mwtwi,imntnriMiMiwwiwii
Tim Kind You Havo Alivnyw
ill UNO llir UVOr JH Vl'lini.
niiu u- tivur mi Jt'lirrt, J
All OottatorfoltM, Jialtutloiifi nml "JiiriUNjrnf,l"iii'o ln(;
IfixpurliiinntN Hint trlllo with ami cmlntiffur tlio iionltli of
ItilUutH mul Clilldrou-ISxjiorluiiuo iikiiIiinI Kxporlmont.
CnNtorln Ih ii linrnilcNN miiiNltnlo for Cantor OH, 1'nro
KHr, Drop and Hootlilajr Hyrtiptf. It Ih rieiwant. It
viMitaliiH uultlior Opium, Morphlao nor otlior Narcotic
riiiliNtiuicu. ItM uko In ltd t;iiiiniii(t:o. It iIcNtroyii "Worm
ami alluyit rovorlHlintwi. It :urH Dlarrluuiv and AVInil
Colic It rollovoH Tcotlilnir Trouble, ciiith C'oiiHtiputlou
and Phitiilonoy. It iiMHliiilIiitoM tlio Food, roirulatcrt tlio
Htuiiiucli and IlouolH, (flvlnir Iicultliy and natural nleop.
Thn Chlldrca'H rnimccu Tito Klotlier'it Frldiil.
Boars the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Usg For Over 30 Years.
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jcnner's
Kidney Pills tlic kltiucyts to work as
n&tuic imcmlud they should.
They build up the tilininken
vmlls of tin kidneys, tut no
known remedy has boot found
to do lxkri:.
As a cure for urinary trouble
tbey Imvu no equal:
10, as, 50 Cents
Rod Croar. Dru Storo-
Dimk'wU j inrvononUtil tu
m: ni'.t ' i .wx, it iMvivm i
JyiJ l.iiVlmu::. ; niC-ih. Ill inn
fj "i..ini.iti wki !..; tin-tri-al;.
fis 1 m-i of t!m iiiiii. T.i Iml
T rmtliikl ..! v riMn f fh.M .1 I . VI
lilT.t (' I ,ii, It i!tvi'i4 til.)
riailtii., . ti K.Hr i T llit I I .(..
M Our I (Hi',:. ur.j'.iiiii'tM vinji.
(Uj tutu OnrlijH-i.i'r..iiiti5ivo (i
vu iMinpi' i i 1 1 ..n 'J
10c, roc.
fc.iO bOo,
Rod Cross 9rutr Storo
t TTs,
Your Bowels
with harsh mineral wht:5t
airays leave bad nftcr-clfccli:
on the entire system, and where
their utc Is pcrrhtccl in, tend to
complclc!y wreck the stom?.eii
and towels.
Edgar's Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable
bowel KgulAtor, ftnd Ilvcr vitalirer
As pleasant to the taste as
candy, and as positive as the harsh
est mineral. No gripe or pain.
K JO, 25, 60 cents.
Rod Crono Drue store.
not Kii'rualiitlnff.
"I nm purjirln'tl, my ih'ar, tlutt yon
urt'er n limn to I.Ish youl"
"Hut, inuiiuiin, I ilun't cnll It smlYcr
UiU'.'! Iiiiiiiiii .Vnlurc.
cir J liuinatu Yea,
Ail.) ft ivy Uuovy
ot un:on''ll tu My,
"1 lU)uutol"
I -.pstrolt Tret I'rcu.
, .'-
TliU wotlJ Ii a ifculUr ilc,j
wo MIK kutll liltllt (nil lllf,
Dut wlan It lUiii'i to leaving It
. ".Wo lomgliownaut lo tiiy.
I U'.lilDtoa Star,
Bm&mmm: MtJiLui
ran --
Ilonjflil, mul wltlcli linn liccu
Hum mrnn Mm it ifinifurn nf
linn Ixiimi inado under lib per-
imiporvlnloii hIiico Km liiliuiy.
no oiio to dociitvo von In llilx.
Slgnaturo of
Coast flail.
MAkMIIII'.I.I) oreoon
rnn Ilnndanmp Hprelrirna of thn
Omrii'py llri -d.
Tit f lurrni-cy cow IMIy'N Attn. P2K).
nml her ImllcMlf.ltiifunof Homnteml.
(Sin.-., Mho' portmllH niv reprinted
f.-iit MohiiI'h Dairyman, nre iiu'IiiIkts
if Old Ilumralcml herd, property of U
V. AMeil. Petty. O.
lotl,'N Ada limppcd tlio liull calf liy
Ii. r xlil. April I'd, l(x0. Ono day In
May ill gnu' 'ID poiindu of mill; text
lug ,"i to pfr rout fm -a SU-100
p.curiH btiltci-nnd In one week gave
S'j "'-Phi poiiinlji liutti r on rim alone.
l'ruui prvMftit Intllrnttim Dolly' Ada
will tnaKo nlNnit iW) pounds of butter
for, to yvnr. Klio would umloulitrd.
HVR' Ut-
-.- tsnT
V 7'
ia'i:U.NKV 1'iHV ANI CAM.
ly Imru cnnslUvrably i-xei'ti'. il tlita
nkjouut linil ulu- Im-i'ii ,opi nt lidiiu on
Iliu fnrui uiiiIit iinttirnl iinullttoiiN. Hut
eaupnlRU of UPttrly ten uii'Uk nt tlio
Plate Kiln 'oacllurnlly rcilncisl her
llou of milk.
TUU cNmpnlpi wn not wlllumt prof
it, li.iWfTi'r. nil Dully'M Alio wan two
llirt ruiI tUrit- noooml htuio fnlr prlzm
In tl't' nsl cow enniKlltlqii In 1000,
iter liiill iiilf won ono tltt mul two aoe-
Afti-r Jlmilnif irn.
rroptr trcNiiiiHit U ory lmiort.'i!it
nfti'f i.iov!-ic RmiM. Pojiu Kr.iH U
cot too prcly, niitl thou tlio Imyrnku
In ro H't hi to ills Into tin- turf, ills
IilIhIiik M'tn or MooIk Hint may not ro
iiimt If ii dry riKill conu'ii. If tlio
luiiwrolii' toi'tli ilo not Kcrnteli tlio
Khiitml, It will not Injtiro tlio muI.
Ah to inltlnjt or fpoilltiK tlio nftrr
mntli, foloui'l .luiiiori Vanl of Now
Vorl. fitnto iiijd;
".Mnwtiix lii wortnj thnu jjmiliiR.
Ilowovor, It Ii poMlliIi to lmvo too
much of n rcotxl tliltur. TIuto may lio
nucli n licovy uftcrp-ovvlli tlmt It In la
tlio ay. Hniiu'tliiicM u too heavy after,
nrowtli will citm-o n lli'M to bo ntnotli
onij liy tlio k-p In winter. Tlio crasn
tinilrr tlio lionvy matting or nftcnnntli
l.icpn nlho nit winter nml require
n.ii'.io nlr. If tliero In u enatlllt: of leo
over It, It rct'inn to lio l.lll'il to iiomo
extent l.v HUffiyyt'on Initially, liow
over. In tlio pprliiR Btium itnrt.i mueli
enrllei' when tlam piotecteil und l lu
lielt.'r condition than that which U left
Coiimtnllai mIioiiIiI ho cut Into nliotit
Inch IciikIIix, Tlio finer tlio cut tlio
more compact the kIIiico, KiiyV Hived
er'a UitKette. An tlio hllo llllit with tlio
ficHh cut corn, cam nml nil, tlio mute
rial Hhouhl lio tiprciul uvenly nml carc-
fully trumped next tlio wall:). One may
till tlio Hllo lu thrco or four dayH or
lio two or thrco weeks comlucthiK
tlio operation. The Klowcr It 1 tilled
tlio moro material can lio pot Into It,
A practical Hllo uhould not ho lesa than
IH fi'ot lu diameter nml Hliould ho from
at t !U) feet deep. As tillo lllllnu neain
eomiilettou lot tho tiiatrrlal ncttlo nml
add moto hi iia to huvo It well tilled.
Tl'o covcrhiK may consist of tho cut
coin forauo material lt.sclf, or of uu
iiieiiiim other HUhetanecs nhout tho
farm, Mawh Rtitsa, weeila or other
wutito Krer'i material can ho run
throinjli tho feed cutter nml plaeed ono
or two feot deep on top of tho Nllajro
iiiusH, ChalTcd Htraw or oat eluvir Ih
nlo cscellout. TheKo materlalH Bhould
tilt thoroughly wet so an to render
them hcuvy nud cause tuciu to pacU
vycii. .. , . . . .
-r. . - 4m -"T i-JT . m . .
w T-iin i irri r & -
Ulii nti'l i:imtln,:c,
1'coplo nro rnnt Icaruliiif Hint roo-I
nilliitc can only ho xeciired In n limt
clam Hllo nml Hint a nllo mailo of puoi
inriterliil or from lumber that wnrpn or
IwIhIh will nlwnyn provo dlmipiiolntliiK
lo IIh owner, Maya it wrllrr In Xntlomd
Htoclimitii. Tlild Im llliiHtratcd by tho
l.ii'thod of i-ntiultiL fruit. If Die can Ih
wilted nlrthrlit Die fruit can ho pro
nerved mi tlirmutli tho winter. Hut If
I lio ruhlicr pncUlii;; In poor or tho top
Ih not nerewcil on tlftlit, rtdinllllii;; tho
nlr, tho loiitenlH "work" mul nro npol.
cu. 'l lie Haunt thliiK liohlH (run with n
Hllo, I'iiIcim tho wnlln nro ImprrvlniiH
to both air nml I'.iolxirre .ro im::it t.ot
expect to heep III ciihIIiiko ntvtct. Tho
cluiip ftriii-turct mailo of old fence
lioardH Hlioutd Hot ho r tiled r.llon. Vex
HeiH of thin kind havo iiIho led uinny
mt'u to reject Hllnso ami probably nc
coimlH fur tho imjiwt nml Hweeplns
comlemmitlou of It by milk comleiua.
rli'H, There ban never been a food upon
which nil klnilH ofHtoek thrive xo will
and which (ilvcn mirh lanto rcttiriiH tin
Indian com, cut nml prcrrvcd hi u
tIIo In the form of eimllmte. Ah Pro
fir-Mir Henry wiyn, "Cheap hIIoh nro n
ilelimloii ami a niiaro, whllo kcoiI oiich
enable liidliiu corn to yield Ita j,Tcatct
lieuefactloiiH to man."
I'l-cdinu niitiincc
One enn ImkIii to feed hIIiibo from tho
(op of tlio nllo nn noon iin cutting
cennrH. or tlio material may bo left uu
til needed In winter time, wiy Jlrrcd
er'n (Inzelte. Tho Hllo rliotild Ih? nr
mused to havo hiicIi dlniiipter that
from mi huh nml n half to two Inchon
of illasro will bo fed off the toji inch
day, If loi thnti thin nmoitnt Ik fed
on, trouble nmy r.rl from tho ex
poKed hII.u'o MnttltiK to hent and mold,
If ro iiitieh iih mi Inch nml n half or
two liiehei In fed off ilr.lly, then the
hIIsso nt the nurfneo In nhvuy
rrefii ami in food condition.
Olio ndvnut.U'0 with dllctn Ii that
thcynntnlwnyH frco from lice.
Poultry lioiuen that nro clcmiid out
daily necil cr' little dlnliifrctlnj;.
l'ecdlii too much cralu Ik nut con
duclvu to food health nor to ess pro.
Uvea If the fowl nro not closely con
fined, tho fvcilliiff of charcoal VIII bo
bciiellclal. ,
Iimii are linrdy. cally rained nnd
reipilro Iciin caiv nnd loss expensive
rood (lam otlici fowl.i.
When the comb of n fowl Ih l.irRp.
hrlslit colorvd nud full of blood, Il
ImtVH the fowl to be healthy.
Tobacco Mem covcnil with Htrnw
nro an cxivllent provcmlvo of liuect
breeding, cUK'chlly when tho hens nro
In fectlhu: fov.ln nt any time of the
j ear, whether lu confinement or not,
Klve only Juki ho much nn they will cat
nt oiiio uml do not let food lie around
to become foul mid dirty, lu Dili way
K'tlerappclUc may be maintained.
Cuttl Stuff.
In leog, twt ilafi It loan to m
Why mm hn txwlh m romtitilly
T Ht (U tnttj li. TVy r.lw
lUOnlilna; nn. Ut Ion lt Aijt,
-tVlrult l.'ir. lint
An iminiri.
He Our bimlucHH club la to have no
outlnc tomorrow.
Khe ludivl! Ami how much do you
expect to Ik otitr-Chlcnso New.
O. V. JInix. profenaor of mechanical
riigluccrhii; In the University of Ml
Hourl, ban dix'llneil tho npiHilutment to
the chair of engineering lu tho Unlrcr
ally of Cincinnati.
The fnvorlto recreation of 1'rckhlrnt
Kllot of Harvard during IiIh vacation
in Hallliis, mid In thU ho Indulges near
ly every day, beltiR n lint rate nallor
and hamllltitf n boat with 110 Iltt.'c mUHI.
I'rofef.tor James Gordon .Mnctlri'iror
of Halifax, N. 8.,-profcHsor of i!i.vkIch
nt tho University of I.tverool hIiico
100O, has bifii appointed pmfei!ior of
natural philosophy nt IMbibm-gli uni
versity. Dr. Illchard Cecil IIugheH, the new
prcKldent or Itlpon college, Is 0110 of
tlio youngcut cilucators In America to
occupy tho high pom of 11 college pren
Ideut. Ho wan born lu Ohio lu lSUt
nud Ih descended from six generations
of Welsh I'lvabytcrlnn clergymen.
"om othlne;
Nov Undor
All Doctors lute mod 10 cure CATAkKIt by
llie use of powders, ncld g.iset, Inhdrrt and
drugs In pane form. '1 heir pouders ih y up the
iiiucuimt niriiibrncescautlng ll.rm lu crack oen
nnd bleed, 'I lie '0nfiil ncldt 11 led in the in
lulert luxe cntucly eaten nn.iy the same mem
bunts dial lliclr in.Vti lime nlnicd In curr,
uhilop.1slet.1nd ointments cannot reach the
dlM-aM', Atl old nnd experienced practitioner
who lor in.uiy years nude 11 close study nnd
splctalty of the treatment of CATAKKH, bunt
last petfeclrd n Trratuiriit which when faithfully
used, not only relieirs nt on re, but pcrmaniully
curci CATAKUll, by reiooung the cause, stop
pln ilia (liKliaigri, nnd curing nil IntUniiiu
tlon, Il It llieiiiibri'iuedy liiown to Kiencn
Ihsl ncui.illy readies the uflllclrd ikiiIh. Ihlt
Mondirful It Inownns "SNL'Kr'l.l
nnd is told at the rxlremely low price of ne
Dollar, each pni luge containing Inleiinl nnd niftlkinasutllcienl for n full month's
treatment nmlcm) tiling tieccisary lo It er
feet iivi.
"SNUFFLIS" Is die only pcrlecl CATARRH
CUUUever niado nnd Is now iccognltrd nt the
only safe and jxnttivo euro for that annoying
nnddligustiiigdlu'ns?1 It cures all Intlamnia
lion qulikty nud permanently and Is nlw won
derfully quick lo relieve HAY HCVKU orCOl.D
lu Hit) IICAD.
CATARRH when neglected often tads to
you If yon uia it at once. It Is no ordinary rem.
edy, but a complete treatment which Is posi
tively guaranteed locum CATAKRJI In any
form or stage II used according 10 tho directions
which ncioiiipnny each package Don't delay
but send fur it nt once, and w rltu full particulars
ut 10 your condition, inilyo will receive special
ndvleu fronuha dibcoierer of tills wonderful
remedy rtgnrdlng )our cam) without cost lo )ou
U'jond Iho regular price of "SNUFFIJJS" the
Scut nteiuld in any address In ttw United
Sl.tto 1 or Can id t ua receipt of no Doiltw. Ad-
drett Dept. K057, EDWIN U GILEH &
C MPANV, 3330 nd 3331 Matkjt, Sttcct,
Y,f l.Cll5.Br.N3 Q
Oil I
rrtrnrrri'ir" iiim
Dm mi. I ttll.d wtriif.
rlniM tlirpMKhool,
tiAkii.ltiu.di. lllll n.i "l
r'k. 1 1 f fif jttiiv
M, 1 't:itfiirVrvl,
V I' '.
-t 4Blitrt. (r
wix'i i .!.! I iO
n. A'f J SUM MK'
Am licnvlrr Ihnn gold, tln-liltr rxl mmlly
occur In mull Kiilci mul do not miialjirmin.
I dry io ihIuiiIiIh. Vnilfor uk lo tie Writ
Inch Lo , llroml nml Arch Mi , JTilUdclpMi,
14. rul)ili fftr. I'or lnfoini.ilkin concern
InK rnrlliod of (utlnifllie nit'liUri(r to ihe
WnrnUliMliM-MliCo,, l.lmlnd, it lillli bl.,
Sjii I'niiicUcu, Oil. ...
.'.U ll"W HUlt.
-iinJi check.
:V"ou (Jlobe.
A iifirr hllitif rtire for cull, Imrni, icntdi,
nlccr wuinult nml Krr Ii Ie Mit' Wilili
IliU'l KalvrA rn'.it tooUirrg nnd limllng
reiiwly lor HlUliTn .ifTncTioni, Accrpt onllke
CrnnIrM'. Itnl Crmt Urui Stote ami Scoc
uckcn' PturrrMcy. '
O -OL fU TO 5Tx J. .
Btiri tU hm iw run unn WQl
In Inmlilr imt.l nt lll limit
Tli l.ulli nr lint trt ililUrt
Hut II it'rr rvl lilt utlr' liolU
I'rirxnti from Jnptlrlni;.
II, W. I'urwll. Klnlfrvlll. I'J, My lie uf
fem! 5 jenrr, hKIi Wt nml coo'd obuln no
trllc f until t)c Wilt't Wllfli Sle rl
ftcleit n -mwirKnt cure. Counterfrlii nre
Hcmlilrti. KrU Irott Drue Store end Sni
lUcLcn'a I'luunvich.
A I It Annln.
Orft rnetp ibt Uiwly mktrnua
IhiiK ult 1.1 1 twk el tin,
Llkrvlir hi, rrtl ami podit fbikj
w uu i rr llrt.
CWttro Xm.
Ski DAillnj, 1013 Howard t., IVwt Ilaron,
Midi , mrltrt: "I bic ulnl many pilis and
Uliirf but D Wiit'i Utile lUily Klter rp
fur tliebrit pill I luieever uicd. Tbey nerrr
Ctipr. Red Crcat Drug Store and Scnetuck.
cn'i Pharnucy.
Ho Women nrv n delusion nnd n
Kb"-!!' curious bow people will hu.t
a dvlUBiou. tliough.
Don't wall until you beconie.ckronlodlr con.
ttlwicd tait uIm Ie Witt's Utlletr.itlr KUen
now nnd then. Tlwy will leep your lirrr and
bouctt in good order. IJoy lo tale. Safe pills.
Red Cross Diug Store nnj 's Phar
o x. m "i? 0 X7. a: 3L .
antaa A ftl a' Yd Kl WnrJ X3$
Unity llji'on, Haiilt, N. C, says: "I
tool mrdiciiie so rvtr for nuhnia but one Lot
tie of One Mlaute Cough Cute did me more
good than any thing rlie, during that time.
Ilea Cough Cure. Rett Cross Drug Sto.e and
Scngslaclrn's Plurniniy,
lint Wentlicr I'.-ibaluui.
Librarian Would you llko n h!sto
leal novel?
Young Wotuau No; I'd llko a hyster
leal no el. Detroit Frco Prcas.
Norrlt Sdier. North Stratford. N, II.: "I
purchased n bollleof One Minute Cough Cure
when suffering witli a cough doctors told mc
was Incurable, One bold irlired me, ihe
second nml mini almost mrert. louaylnm n
well nun. Itnt Crcus Drug Store and Seng
ttuken's Pliamucy.
1'roor of SnperlorltT.
"How Is your daughter getting on
with her piano lestousy
Splendidly." answered Mm Cum-
rox. "W'v nro very proud of her. Shu
Is no very clnsxlenl nud accomplished
that she never thinks of playing a
thing that anybody wants to hear."
Washington Star.
Many physlclnns ate now prescribing Kodol
Dyipepslt Cure regulatly having found that il
is the twit prescription diev can write lux-ame
It It the one prrpamllon wlilcb contains Iho ele
ment necessary to digest not only some kinds
of food but all kind and it therefore cures indi
gestion and d)tprpLt no matter what the cause.
Red Cross Drug Store nnd Sengitacken's Phar
macy. Brs tho si U Kind Yoj Haw AJars
Wlit Ton I.ntc.
"Tommle, you don't seem very well."
"No, maw, I ain't. I wlstit I had let
ulster cat that third pleco uv pie."
Ohio State Join mil.
Oeo. W, line, Piamo, Mich., writes:
"Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is Ihe best tenie
dy for Indlgrilion and stomach trouble that I
e er used . For carx I sutlered from ilyijiepsla,
nt times coniK'l'l.ig mo tu stay In lwd und cuus
Ing mo untold ugony, 1 run completely cured
by Kodol Dyspcpda Cure. In recommending
l to friends who Miffer front Indigestion I alna)t
offer lojviv for it If It falls. 'Ilius far I have
never ald." Red Cross Drug Stote and Seng
slacken' Pharmacy. "
Tor Infanta and Children.
Tha Kind M Havo Always Bought
Bs.ira tlio
gloiaturo f '
. . ?a - '-.
. ' A- n
0. W. Towor, M D.
Office In ScniLiclon nl Hmlili' VMg,
Prom ,irrt. MnlififM,,
J. "W. Bonnott,
. LAW.
OlTxr nrrr Coot lUjr Kink, Profit trl
MnnlifirM, Oircon,
W. U. Douglas,
Front mrrcf, Manl.ficM, Oregon.
John F. Hall,
Office in VMrn-iiio MocSf, Front ilfrt,
Marahfield, Orerjon,
I. Hacker,
Coquillo City, Ore.
AbntrnctH of titlo of rrl property
n Cik county fiiriiinhed promptly.
Kino a ei ol uh'linctH,
Unlled State Lnnd Office, Koicburj, Orrjon,
Sept. 17, U3I.
Notice I lierelir f;ien that In complUnce
hi 111 ihe imitlilotu of the act ofConjrrii ofJun
,1. 1878, cnllllnl "An act for the tale of Umber
lmd In the Sutrt of California, Orecn, Nc
iidj, and WadilnctonTeriitory,Mat exiended
lo all the I'ubllc Ijnd Suite by act of Aaguil
4, l&)J, W11.1 iah S. DnNHIHO, of lUnMrW,
county of Cow, bene of Orecon, lias thb day
Med in thli otlice hit nvorn itatctnent No. 1839
for the piircluM of the Nl Jf of N-etlon No. 13
In Tumlilp6. South, of kange 11 unt, sad
will offrr proof 10 thow lhal tlus land toughl It
more raluable for Ik Umber or now than far
agricultural porpotet, and to etlablith lilt claim
lo taid land before llie Itrrlilrranil Ilmiirr of
Uilt office at Koiebgre, Orrcon, on Tuetday,
me ju ubtui ircTijioer, lyoi.
lientmrsnt nitnetiei; Jrle Smith, Al-
Lert Abtntt, Ixttrr Sniilh, Antoin Wlrlt all of
uarthhrHI, Urreoo.
Any and ail pmont claiming ndrenrly the
above-dctcnlieit landt arc rr(iielcd lo file trirlr
rUlm, in thli office on or before ukl 3 J day of
December, 1(101.
9-31 J. T. nllr., Rrsliier.
United Stales Ijnd Office, Roteburg, Oregon,
nepu 17, toot.
Notice is lierrby given that In compliance with
Ihe provisions of the acl of Congress of unc 3.
1878, entitled "An net for the sale of timber
lands In llie .stales or Caliromli, Oregon, Ne
rada. and Wathlngton 'I errftory," as rxtended
to all the I'ubllc l.nit Suiet by net of August
4. iOa. Al.hixT Abbott, of sianhfield, coun.y
of Coot, Mate of Oregon hat this day filed in
Ihis office hit sworn statement No. 183S, for
the fnircliate of die SLIT of Section No 11
Township 36 Suuth, of Range 11 West and will
ollrr proof to show llut ihe land sought is more
vaiuaoie lor us timor or stone 1 Ian for agricul
tural putKMet, nnd to establish his claim to said
land before the Recittcr nnd Receiver of UiU
office al Roteburg, Otegon, on Tuesday, the 3d
day of December, 1901.
lie names nt witnesses: wlMini S. IVn.
nlng. J rule Smith. LnterSmldi, Anioin Wirtt
all ol siarshfield, Oregon.
Any and all nrrsont claiming adrerselv the
above described lands are rro,ueitrd In tile their
elalmt in this olTice on or before said 3d day of
iKxrniK-r, 1901.
9-i J. T. IUidcu. Rrgisler.
United Sulci t.indOtficc, RuKburg, Oregon,
Aug. 37. 1901.
Notice is hnrchy jrlven that in com
nliaucit with t!ii- iroviioti nf thn act
ol Congrets of Juno S, 1878, entitlrd
"An uci for Iho talc ol timber liintU
In the Sinter ol California, Oregon.
Nevada, rind Wmdiingtou Territory ."
im exiended tu till tlio l'ubllo Lnnd
Htuie by net of Auguta -t, IS'.ri,
Knw.wtD W. WtiiKrt.ol Mrtrfhtleld,
county of Coos Stain (or Territory) of
Oibgon. hnttliis tiny tiled iitlhiaoincc
his sworn rtatcmcni o. lbOO, lor tho
piiretiiiHit nf tho Loin 1 mul 2 and S.Vf
uf Xr.4 of Section Xo.U in Township
.mi. lii 3 ., Uitngo .No. Jil West, and
will nll'.ir proof to shnvv Unit tho land
sought is inoro valusbln for its timber
or ktoun tli 11 n for nur
tion'i'.ui'il to ostnbUah In claim tomiid
I11111I before the Rpgfstcr mul Heneiver
nf tliis nlllee nt Rcwlinrg , Oregon on
Tiiprdny, tho 12tli ilsy of November,
Ho name n witner: Jescie A.
Smith, Wilfred L. Wlrth, Anton
Wirtli mul Mark: D.Uutlip all of Mars,
fluid, Oregon.
Any and nil persons elninunit ml
voreely Iho Hltovo deicriheit Innila nro
rrnUCttCI tot ilo t IO r Cllllls 111 t 11.
nfhee on or hefnro aald 19ili biv of'iahlish hsclvlni to said Und before Ihe Reg
Xovoiuber. 1001.
fiJl J.T. RuinoiM, Resistor.
United Slate Land Ortlce, Rosehurg, Oregon.
Aug ay 1901.
Notice Is hereby given tlutt in com
pliHiiee Willi tho jiovisiiiiiinf the net
of Congress of Juno 3, lo7tt, eniiiled
1 ' An uci for tho snlo of limber lands
in tho Slates of California. Oregon,
Novnriu, mul WHehiugton Torritniy,"
118 c.MoiuUil to nil tho l'ublio Land
Stales by net of. August 4, 1802. Anton
Wiktii. ol Mnrsliliehl, county of Ooos
Stnto t,r Territory) of Oregon, lias
this ilny tiled 111 this olllco Ins sworn
Statement Xo. 1S02, fur the purohaso
of lliu SE'a of Seution Xo, 3o in
TnwmlilpXo. 0 S. Itaiigo No. 11
Voi, ami will idler proot to snow
thai thu lnnd bought is moro valuable
for its limbororstoiio tliau for ngri
enlliiriil piirnoM's.nnil tocstnhligli his
claim It, sniit l.iud buforo tho Regieter
mul Receiver nf this olllce at Rosuburg
Oregon. 011 Tin-aditv, llio lL'tli day of
Xnvombor, IDOL
Ho niiiues its wiiuesscs: Jessio A.
Smith, Wilfred L. Wirth. Edward
ires and Mark 1) Otttlip ull of
MarshtioUl, Oregon.
Any mul all persona claiming ad
versely tho abovo-dcsorlbml lands nre
rcnuostod to Ilia tliejr claims In this
nllieoon or bdloro said llitli day of
November 1001.
8-31 J. T.'DitibciK.s, Register.
United SUles Iaind office, Rwborg, .Oregon,
Augutt, 37, 1901.
Notieo is licroby given thut in cum
pliunco with Die provision ol tlio not
ofOongiesof June 3, lb78, entitled
"An net lorthosule of timber hinds
in tlio Sutott ol California, Orogour
Nerndn, and WnalilnRton Territory,"
HHoxionueii to nil ma riiniio i.hiki
KtrtlCHhynclof Auciint-t. 1802. Mahi:
1) Ol'TMl'. ol Mnrnhfio!d. counlv of
1 1. ill-,.. ..- o f, - ii
ivmi.iiinin yur iurrnurvi oi irrcgon.
nim uiiHiiAy nieii in Him iIIic III
Hworn itnipincnt Xo. 1803, for the
purnlii'Q nf tho HK't of i-iitlon Xo.
Jttln Totvmhip Xo. ii 8, JUnRo No.
11 WVhI , mid Hill fillerpriMif tonlinw
tliiit Dip IhiiiI toiighl In mora valunblo
for fin Hinder or xtnnp tlinn for HKrl
ruliurnl purp-opii, mid to MUhliHli hl
cUInilofHld bind before tho Kej.'ftcf
nnd J(cpIvoi of Dili ofllca iiillo.cburp
flrpROii, on Tifudfiy, tlio 12th lny of
Xovpiiibor, 1IX11.
Jlo union n witiicxcg: Jchio A.
K'nltli. Anton Wlnli,'lwaril Wire-,
pud (Jhiirlci Ii.ijmllh, nil of Mdnhi
llelil, UrcKOn.
Any nnd nil ncrions clnimlnr; nd-
rnrtply Ihc iilxivodr'iirlbed lundn nro!
rpruented to lilo their clalrim in
ttl to liln their rlnlniH in thia
1 or bpforo aid 12lh day of
,r Irwit
r' t m . .
J. T. IIllinOKf, Rpglttcr.
otllro on
United Slate Land Office, Rovcburg, Orecon,
Sept 3, 1901.
Notice Ii hereby jien lhat In compliance
with the prmrftlon of Ihe act of C'oneieta of
June 3. i(7, mtillnl "An net for the Kile of
miner unat in irte suir 01 California, Oregon,
Nevada, and Wathlncton Tfrrliore ." a ex.
tended lo all Ihe Public I -and State Irr act nf
AuUit4, iCoa, WlLLIAII Ft'.HKKY, of Marth
fieU, county of Corn, State of Orrgen, ha Ihil
day filed in this office lilt iwom ttatement No.
ibib. lorOHipurchawoftbeKKof NKIT and
SWil ofNElf of Section No. aad SHU of
SBJf Section 5lnToini!ilp No. ac, Rantc
iia. 11 vvcii, ana win oner penot to how that
the Ian sought It more valuable for lu tlmlxr
or stone than for axrlcultornlpurpoici, nnd to
eiUldlih his claim to said land before the Rent
ier and Receiver of thlt office at Roteburs, Ore
jon. on Monday, die lilh day of November,
ilenameiatwiinettet: SB Cutlip. W It
Shott.JAM.tKxi. A Wlrth, of Marshfkld,
Any and alt penons claiming adrertely the
above-described binds are reqeetted to file their
claims In this orTue on or before said t tdi day of
November, 1901,
0-7 J.T. Diidgijc, Register.
NOTIC'K Vt lit PI Till If Tlfiv
., ''""iUUWtATION.
Sept 3. 1901.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the provisions ol llie act of Congress of
June 3. 1873. entitled "An act for Ihe sale of
ilmbrr binds In die State of CaUomla, Ore
gon, Nevada, nnd Washlngion Terrilerr," as
extenoeu 10 an ine Itiblic Mnd SUtc by act
of August 4, teya. JfLlls A. Matsom. of
XfinluVkl, county oTCoot. Sute ol Oregon,
has this day filed In this offies his sworn state
ment No i8tS, for die purchase ol iheSK!f of
Sect loo No. t in Township No. a, Range No.
11 Weil, and wilt offer proof lo show that the
land sought Is mere valuable for its timber or
tone than for aeriniliural immotes. and 10
esutiutn nil culm to said Und before tho Reg.
lerand Receiver' of this office at Roteburg, Ore.
gon, on Monday, the 11 Ui day of November,
He names as witnestes: S fl Culiln. W It
Short, Win Fcney, A Wlrth, of Marsbficld,
AnynndallneTS' claiming silvrnelr the
alovtwleictitxil lands ar leiiunierl to file ihrlr
claim, in ihit ciTax on or Uiore said nth day
of November. 1901, '
0 J. T. BsiDcrj. Register.
United Sute LandOAice, Rotrtiurg, Oregon.
July 30th, 1901.
Notice Is hereby eiven dial in eomDlianee
with the provisions of tlw act of Cooernt of
Jnne 3. 1878. entitlrd "An act for iho sale of
timber lindt in Ihe Slate of California, Oregon.
Nevada, and WahInelon TernUar.- as eitenJ-1
ed to all ihe Public Land States by act of Aug -
ust4. 189a. Thomas I. Amui.ks, of Ml. Ante!.
lounty of Manon, Male (or Territory) of Ore-,
gon. has this day bled in Ihlt office bis sworn
suiirmcni ,o. 1754. lor ine purcnata ol tile vv i
If of N-ction No. aaln Townthlo No. ad S.
Range No. 11 West, and will offer proof to show
that the lind sought is more valuable for lu dm.
Iirr or stone than for agricultural purpose, and
to ettabhth hit claim 10 said land before the
Register and Receiver of thli office nt Roteburg,
Orrgun, on Friday, the l8lh day of Ouobcr,
Hn name as witnesses: George Voa Hat ten,
John Schwab, of ML Angel, l regon. Ueorgu
Uitrtiun, Albert Willis, of Rotiburg, Oregoa
Any ami all persons cJalmloir ndiervrlv the
above-described landt aie requested lo Wo their
claims In this orTicc on or before said i8lh day
01 uvioucr, 1901,
83 J.T. URIOCES, Re;lst;r.
Untied States Land oTicc, Uoieburg, Oregon,
August 71b, 1901.
Notice tt hereby given that in compliance
with Iho provisions of llie set of Congress of
lunes. 1878. nl tied "An set for the sue of
timber lands in tho States of California, orrgon.
Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend
ed to all the Public Lund Mates by act of August
4, 189a. August .tAVCH, of I'e Kit. county cl
Lewis, Slate for Territory) of Washington, has
this day filed In this office lilt sworn statement
No. 1770, for llie purchase of the SE If of See
lion io. ai in 1 owtismo No. ao houtli.
. No. II West, and wlllorTrr proof ua show lhat
the land sought i more valuable for lu timber
w sumenwn ior nsiicuiiurai purposes, nnu 10
bier and Recnwr of this office at RoKburg,
Oregon, on Thursday, die 34th day of October,
He names as witnesses: Charles E. Knox.
Aaron Allen, liul M.ter, laiwls Chnstcn, of
I'e lvll. Washington.
Any and nil ixrsons claiming adversely the
abotudescribed Lind are requested to file their
cliliiisin this ofhcu on or belore said 34th. day
ofOutotaer, 1901,
10 f-T, lliin-JK , Register.
United Slates I-ind office, Roxluu-g, Oregon,
August 71b, 1901.
Notice It hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of tbngreis of June 3,
187S. entliAal "An rul for thn uu of limber
indiin the States of C.iifornla, Oregon, Ne
vada, and Washington Termor)-," as extended
ton Ihe Pubic lnid States by act of August
4. IBja. ta.AN KATKOWkKI, ol I'e tui, county
of Lewis, State (or Territory) of Washington,
has this day fied in Ihis otnaj his sworn tiale
menl No, 1771 for Ihe purchase ol the NW kf
of Section No. la in Towmhin No. 36 South.
Rangu No, 11 west, and wioaer proof lo show
Ihi.l Ihe and sought Is more valuaUfe for ill
linberorilone ihm for agrlcuAura purposes,
and lo rstabish his calni to sa Id and before the
Register and Receiver ol this olhce ill Roteburg,
Oregon, on Friday, the sjih. day of October,
Hn names as witnesses- August Mayer. A
bert .ljucrmann, SlanA-y tiuba, Clures E.
Knot, or Pu Ull, Washington.
Any and ell persoi.s c.iimlng ndveriefy tlio
above-dcK-tibed fands ate requested lo tin their
cAdms in Ihis otfica oil or beloie, saii a elb dav
of October, 1901.
o-io , J. 1, iikidges, KejUter.
United States Land Office, Roscburg, Oregon,
AllPUSt Ttll. lDUl.
Notice 1$ hereby given that In compliance with
the prov Islons of the act of Congrrs of J uno 3,
1878, entitled "An act for thu taU of Umber
lauds la Ihe Suite of California, Oregon, Neva.
iu, unu vvnsmngton lernicry.-ascstendeU to
all tho Public land Sute by acl of August 4,
1893, Aliiert Maugrmann, of Pe Ell, county
ot Iswls, Stnto (or Teriltory) of Washington,
lias this day filed In this ofhcu his sworn state
ment No. trro. for the purchaso of the NEkf
t Section, no. ttioTcaoihlp No, aS South,
of Rarwrf No. 1 1 Writ, anil wW ffrf pnwif
now inai me inno wwni It mere twimiH4 Mr
lit tlmlr or moon mnfvfmrliHMrfllpHf 9,
nnd 10 estanllili hit cMim lo tfttil land befern ttw
Keghternnd Ketelirr of thhoffWeal Ketebwf, '
Oregon, on Thundajr, iho aph.ibiy f ortahtr,
Ha name at wllnetal Paul Mayer, Aaraa
Allrn, Owlet K, Kne,. Stanley OKA, ef Ja
l:il, Wathlncton,
Any and all pmcnit cljlmlir mtrerKly t4t
atione-detcrlliol lnndtflrc remietted lofl !
eWm In ihltoflics on or bcfoiexdd (4th Juf
cf October, tool,
8-to J, T. Pmixiiw, Refiner." .
United Stale Ijind office, Konetmrg. oreffso,
AUJUltTth, teat.
Not Ion It hereby Klen that Ih eempHiMee '.
with Ihe nrorliloni of the 11 1 of CoatrMa at '
June 3, i;8, enilted"Ann,for UwjmW of
litnber-landf In Ihe Stale of California, ikmm.
j Nerada. and Wathlnston Terrltery." rmejlrnd-
I ada.amJ Wathlnston Terrltery." naeuli
J " ' " '.JiJ rS 'ivr ? if
IIWU4. IBM. CttAHttHB. KJIOX, of , rt
county of Lend.. Stale (or Territory) M W
Iniion, hat Ihnj day flleil In IbitoflU Mt
j tiiitemenl No. 1773. for U puteha'eof ihx NW
1 M of Section No 30 In Tnihfp No, 6Swb.
nnnge .10. 11 wm, nnd wm oitet proot lo
show (hat lbs land sought Is more vntnabte for
Its limber or stone Uian foragriciillurapttrpoteii,
and 10 rtubllih lilt cWm. to .-.kI land brfera
iIm Rrginer and Recriret of this office at Rosa
bury, Oregon, on Friday, the ajth day of oetob
er, toot.
He name a wltnrsteit Cfan RatVewtM,
August Mayer, Stanley GI11U, of f to Ell, Wash
ington, Lewis Chtliten, of Fiancis.Wiuhlngten.
AnynndnI trsom claiming ndrerwly dm
above-describrii Ltndt are rrniu-itrtl to fi thtir
claim in this office on or before said atth day
oluctnber, 1501,
3-to J T. Uhioghs, Register.
United Stales LnndOffice. Roteburg, Oregon,
August 37th, tost.
N'otlo;it hereby (hen that in compUaar
wlih the pros h Ions of ihe acl of Congress of
Jane 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of .
timber lands In the States of CAfornl, Ore.
gon, Nevada, and Wathiogten Territory;" st
uteclcd lo all the I'ubllc Land Mate by at .
ofAutuit4, ltji. RorckTE.L. Haytm, o.
MarshfieM, county of Coo. Stale of Oregon
has Ihis day filed in this oftiee his sworn stale.
mer.t No. tSor, for ihe purehav? of Dm- lat 3
!,& 0,9troa:h .' "S TS"l,i
I S0, 8- KBge No. 11 West, and wltl eftar
I proof to s!kw that the bnd sought I more rJ-
I oable for its limber or storve than for agrieahar.
ialpurpaws, and 10 establish his clainr v sari
! '""d before Ita Regitler and Receiver of iWa
I ofliceat Roteburg. Oregon, on Tuesday, die t
loayof November, 1501.
He names at wltnctu-t- stark D. Cnttta
(Anton Wlrth, Edward W Wires, Cbaiies L.1
snurn, 01 xarsnn'ia, urrgon.
Any and all person claiming ndvrrvrly tba
above-described lands are requested to file Ihetr
cldms in this office on or before said nth day
of November, 1901.
J. T. nsiixiKX, Regittcr.
ntsl Stt'ei Land Office, Koieburg, Oregon.
Jcly 301b, 1901.
Notice is hereby giien that in complinncs with
the txuvi.toos of the acl of Congre.s ofjune 3.
1873. en tided "An act for Ihe tale of timber
lands in die Sttlr of California. Oregon. Ne
vada. and Watbington Territory.'' as exlemkd '
to all the Public Land States by uct of
1 4. itoa. CilxwOK Vo.s Hattkn, of Ml
vounty of Jarton Suts (or Territor)) of
gon, bat Ihis day filed in thb flioe hi sworn
sutcment No, 1753. for the purchase of die NW
; X oorction io.ju in lowntmfi ro. 30 .
j Range No. tt Wett. nud witl offer proof to '
show lhat Ihe land sought Is mote valuable for
1 lit limber or stone than for par. -
I iioses, ana 10 oucnin nis ciami 10 saui una vt-
lore Ihe Rrrliter and Rrceirrr of this aXea at
Rosrbun.'. Orecon. on Friday. Ihe 1 8th dv ef
1 October. 1901.
He names M witnesses- Thomu ! Ambler,
lohn Schwab of Ml Aneel. Orrron. fjeem
. Uateman, Albert Willis, of RoMburg. Orrgon.
I AnyanOall pmems claiming adversely the
above-described Units nre requested to file lliek
claims in this nc.iee on or tdore siilu tsih dar
Ol LMOOer, 1901,
J. T. lUiocr.j, Register.
United States Land Otlice, Roschtirg, Oregon,
August 14, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given tliat in compliance
with ihe pruvisioot of Ihe au of Congress of
June 3. 1878, entitled "Ansel for Ihe tale oft
tlmlierland in the Sute f Culi'omia, Orrgon,
N'cvndi. and Wahinglun Territory ." us extend
ed in nil the Public I Jin.l Sute by act of Au
gust 4, 1S91, W JoilH l-'Lixm.of DrjTul. Coun.
ly cf latwu., Sute (or Terriiory) of Washington,
has this day fried lu ihis oftiee bis sworn sute
ment No. 178Q, for Ihe purchase of llio NK V
of Section No. 76. in Tonnshlp No, art S,
Range No. 1 1 Wett, nnd will olfer prouf to
show lhat Ihe lind sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and tu cstabbsb his cldni to said ltd be
fore the Register nnd Receiver of this office' at
Roteburg, Orrgun, on Saturday tha ailli -day
of October, 1901.
lit names at witnesses: Louis Toepelt, Her
man Toepelt, Albert II. Toepelt. of Doty,
Washington, Albert Willis, of Roscburg, Ore
gon. Any and all persons claiming adversely Ih
abovcdescribed lands are requested to fiVo their
cbims in this office on or before said 361I1 day
of October, 1901.
8-17 , 1. BuiuarJ. Register.
United Sute Imd office. RoMburg, Oregon,
August 14, 1901,
Notice ii hereby civen that In ccarpUanco
with the rovisiont otthe act of Congress of
June 3. 1S73, entitled "An act for the sale of
limber Unds In the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada, nnd Washington Territory," as eilend.
ed lo all Ihe Public Lund Suits by act of Au
oust a. lEoa. ALUUKT 11. T0KFIU.T. nf Dotr.
county of l.ewii, Uto (or Territory) of Wash,
ington. bat this day filed in ihis office his sworn
statement No. 1791, for the purchase of the NB
Jf ot Section No. aj, in lownshlp No. 10 S,
R.ineNo. 11 West, and will offer proof to
show lhal the I ind sought It more valuable for
its limber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, und to establish his claim to said land be.
fore tha Regislernud Rrcrbrr of this office at
Kovburg, Oregon, an Saturday, the aCili day o
October, 1901.
HenaiiivsiiswUnrsMi' .Louts Toepelt. W.
John Flood, Herman Toepcii, of Dryad, Wash.
ington, Albert Willis, of Roscburg, Oregon,
Any and all eroiu claiming ndvcrx-ly the
aboveHlescribed lands nro icqueslcil lo file their
cldmsiu Ihl office on or belore said :6lh day
of October, 1901.
8-17 1 , 1 . UKiix-.cs, Kegister.
United States Land office, Roscburi;, Oregon,
August 71a, 1901,
Nollca Ii berebv riven lhat In compliance with
the provisions of lliu net ul Congress of Juno 3,
1878, entitled "An net for the salu ot timber
Unds In the Suies of California, orrgon, Neva.
il t, nnd Washington Territory," us exlcndea to
nil tho Public Land States by act of August 4,
1893, Paul May mi. of Pe Ell, county of Uwls,
Stale (or Terriiory) of Washington, liai tbi day
filed In this office Ms sworn statvecnt No. 176
for die purchase of iho NE kf of Slon No. .si
In Township No. 36 South, Range No, it West,
and will oiler proof lo show dial the land sought
is more valuable for It timber or Hose than f er
agricultural purposes, nnd to tablH,h bUc-Ultss
lo (iald Und before Iho RegliUW and Rtv 4
this otlice nt Rceeburg. Oregon, on Filday, m
35th diy of October, 1901.
Hu name u wiinesS August Mawe.
Aaron Allen, Albert MaueiiuanB, Cbailrs K,
Knox, of lJ Eli. Waahlngion,
Any nnd all persons claiming s4rMly
bovo-deMiibtfl land ars iimI to We !
claims In this otticc 9a of batorc saM 1351(1 dsf
UUWUOtl, lVI. ,
8-io J,T, BHiWM,
1 .