NONE BUT TH5 BEST OF MEATS I iiiiitaiitly fiirnWIi tin bot iiml primed of im'itK which if Hie Ilii I'jtiitlilourt t my lutrom, MEATS ARE A NECESSITY Imt It U iiooewury Unit they bo piiroiitid w liolooiiit. I do not inmil' a lU-ntmHt, Lut I will cl H huno-d nnd roiirUiui' Ireiitinent. iuiiI'miIiic reoohed for your niciioy. Nit lf not Ion Kimimitccd ur nili loflllldcd. THIS Marshfield Cash HKXKY JlOliM, Prop. y Eagle Bakery. 1 r r f r r. 1T JOSEPH W W CkU u WIDE-AWAKE Think about T' .' r '" i'r tf ll.r (itaj (,. j h'T.f, c a . n 1-; IliC .tct Hut it l.a Jell KATOIILESS POWER OF ENTERTAINMENT Ituil a tItM DI5IMC lor COVSISMON U aoalrard la all b bfr It. IT CU'rL!..5 AN ACTUAL WANT (THE IRRCCI3TI0LE DEMAND FOfl DIVCH8I0N I 1 ' LAXATIOK' TO GRATIFY WHICH MANY ARE WILLING TO DO WITHOUT OTHER I.-CE5S Ti:0. IT 13 THE UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINER OF THE AGE An larikauttible toanr of WiwJrr aad Dli()ht Is all. It la lmp!i In, ar I irt t me arrnfcl to ult all pocket txxiktl while the demand will continue iu limit iu hmari i.aturt- en.n. The Introduction of a fi-wGrajjIi'iplionra Into a community at once ctralea an lnrrralnj IcmantJ for RfCORDS a4 SIPPIIIS. and a fOMIUOtt BISIM&S U tkwt ttUblUked. Why hot K-cuie the liberal ProflU ohkk are allwr-d dalra? WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, TERMO, ETC.. TO Columbia Phonograph Co.,jcn'i, j ri Ztrort. R9DER one In each town Ml JmMm& a cent II tin: incycie no DO K0T SUV rAci'o IhU libera, offer tiat never t the nualilv nf VE WANT rduLlc tion in rch town to iHttrihute catalopues for u Ip excuauge for a L .cycle, write twUy for Utv catalogue aad our jKclal offer, J. L. MEAD CYCLE CO., Chicago. rnw Mte& . iw-w-imm w iav3Sr7. ..eeavw rx i xw v i -K rrtfK Meat Market, KIC 11 IM'I IVl'.ltY I'llOM 1"! rv r r ry Ilivin,: r'eiitly p. I roll " tiuii"U' iii tret iutlii Ihikory, ft liilccn tlinr. High ly n mn-uioil iiml rebuilt, mill I urn prepm-d ! lurnuli tl"!-oIii freli llii'ul. Vn, ike. Kit. Kree delivery to miy piil of ilio oily by l-- mc order nt dip ll.ikery ,m , ..tiool. 21 urk.-f. for! . EGLE, Proprietor. w w w A VK. W W. NO SLATE, ' -I'j or olhrr unlmraibk ulnuncrt n r i I 'i iiiM lo your doer lij JUianrr. JM 'ii (.M. Inv-bMrninK nwl. ahicri Unita at i , ,. i t lu bum, but $. t bum up tuw nr While ou f grltlHg tl : 'II H lk bnt I - .1' liwrd. 4lrwi Irom the mtU. lit) iiiu an pait of Iowa on ahoit aulloa. I I l'.i ork, wimlng hack mk and i i I1vih' jo. Knijf no. I'im. I' md it. i . L HEtSNER. MERCriANTS, ADD TO YOUR BUSINESS the GRAPHOPHONE arc SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. AGENTS WANTED to ride and exhibit n Mtuplc toot model hlcyclo of our manufacture. TUU CAN MAKE $10 TO 950 A WEEK Usidcs iiavinc a wheel to ride for yourself. ISeiMcdelsXa$!Q!o$!3 '00 & "99 Models !& $7 to $12 500 Second Hand Whools fn c;o taken In traile Ly ur (.hlcaijo retail ttutct, D(1 U PO many tiwri aa new ... Wo ' ip any Mcycle OI APPnOVAL to anyone umwiu! a cent deposit tu Mi-ttnrc mid allow 0 BftYS FREE W&L ZZZti no title in ordcrlni' fro'ti n, as you do not need to pay a cent if tin: bicycle doea not suit yon. rcl until you have written for our Ciriniiv buifrc .! lair lam nrrir. ever Ikcd ciiualetl uuu u a ifiiaiauice tf tAir whrcli. $i-JM5 Dl ; .- TTdr CAff j.(uvmery 'I hi iiniiiy itmkt n nilMiiltC In not iiiIhIui; utl" until of nu tu'i' to "'II fur Mttl. It It it iiiifxtloii Willi mo . wl-cHivr II tlni'n lint pity iH-iU'r to hwp nihi't until ui'tir riiiMiimx tuul tlii'ii M'll, fiijsn New Yiuk itiripoiiili'iit of rmiii unit Homo. Ono lliltiK U nuiv. Lot ii fiiiiutl' oiuv woik up nu lioml trndo xiiolt nioiit, ituil, llko koiuiIiio flAMli iK?t or u!lt rdgtd liuitor, lioooillil put on u hi Iff prlii' iiml Ht 111 llml n riiuly lllllll.Ol. .Mimr fdl'tui r III till M'ctliill kill tliolr cii'xoh whin ii ilny or two old nnil hoII tlio IiIiLn for M iriitn or f. nrftmtlllK to tlic mill woIkIiI. wlillo tlio timtlior'N milk iniHt ii to tlio plK- for Minn- tlmo, iik It Ih imt lit fur Imllir or iliiri Now why urn uilnit tlio piitotlco Unit I Ih- KltlllltlS to I OHIO III oKtlo liolo of fi-d- Inu' tliln milk m tiiUr until lit fin i." iin.wvliori'. Ihoti ulvliix wit rin, nwi-cl xklliililllk, Willi it llltlo finely Krotllid BrHln Illl.Ncd In Ht tlio t-Mlf Brmva ol. I or? Soon ono will luuo mi niiliiiiil mi Imtid wllli n dcoliliil innrki'l vnlfio i'li"i mut ! kopt dry If I hoy 11 o to thrive, nml it run on tlio croiiint n llit omii nlr l ii kimhI fur Until n n'l iHTHtitiiml lo'ilo In fur th.'lr owtirr. My rutin n Hlnnjs fed n lltll aillphur nlHMit tiiteo n vn'k, mid I iiov r roinetii U'r lil I lolnt ii en If with tic iUn'M .-Hlltil ItlMekloK. A llltlo Mdt III tin fpetl oiet' Iii HWliIlo ih itlmi food for lli to. We turn theiii out lutu u thy, well Oncitl pteiv of meadow. an imoii iii the went tier U xr.trui emfttlt nilit provide n uoml aheltor from lliu aim tnl mm-iii. rule thero tin W niu hIiir wnloo In their iiitarlrM II l kopt Hi ti tniiicli for thorn mid rviuuxed ov ! dHy. Thoy nro well fed, and It h urprllii': how hkiii they iittnlii iimr- kollllilo hlio. Alfnlfn tio.llna. . Uto CohirHito hllllotlll uf furin mrti-H Blvrn Mtiiitf ti-dtN Hindu of nl fulfil MM II U tlKllHfte l)llllt. "DlW lift." HK.Tfl the Imiletlii. "h lunilo with llciilfiilfu pill hi whclo mm out In tit iWhl. the llii with tin- iilfnlfii out t iUHrtor liu'h (iiiii. nrt wo nit our I'orn fur en-'ln-. . rito Hliolo III fill fit nlmwoil a ! IIimI laj-rr three lllehet M oil tlio li.p and ho liuli ln)er uroiiiid Hie xldo lo'.rly all liio wny down. Tin i ulln of tlio I otti.iu and inlddlo wi eeelleiit ate! Mil unfdll) eaten by the lllld I'ltlU. llti hri Iu I In liil.ll weluht wan lo." per eHil, but Itx li Iu fed Iiiu .tliu whh proltalily u lltt'i t:irier "Ihoullier r-llo wim llllcil Hllh i tit nlf.ilfH. Tho next dny the alio wiih naereil Willi two thlokllitHN s of luilld lot: Hiper mid one of Ih.h.U ntnl W ..allied with htolle In tiliolll Vi putiinU it nil re font. When i.nered. tho 0 mltnsro W'iih hotter tliali Ilio tuiliil ootild hour. Two iIhjh ttt t r V teiu H'iiiliirr fnlhii to t't iler"i-i !'., in d In two ihijH uioro II b.d fnlleii in Unit of the nlr. Tho otm'l .eo ahniuk mid ii irood di'iil. U 'n-u put In, II .Tt per (Till of dry iniitler. (Ill opening. I ! Mllu chowiwl two Inchon of tipollod elial'n-e on lop mid half nil Inch on tho ulilort. 'Ilie aolleil on Nlliifo win. 7Jt T icUI ! Ilie luliil we'K'il. TI'i low In dr umitor wiih apiH-oxliuiiicly Hi poriout " t'hatiup In tfllLliiK 'rime, A Now .IclfW'.v conviiMiiidonl of Amer ican AKih'llltlirlKt wiyH Unit ho wiih tllitlHililnhly n I ip-en l hut lulu; iiko mid loft tlio ton cowi that he iiminlly milk ed when lit homo to be Inllkeil Unit OV ci. nu: by tlio Imjh who iinlkoil the oth ol m, An they Ilie ollieix llrnt mid hn I." inliiutim Inter limn Ilio iimiiiiI tl iu llio.i i.'io their full illinium Unit III lit, but it hell bo milked tile next Mini-ulna they Mhrmill flout olio lo three poiiiulH ouch mid not ipillo ui much ut ulKlit. but It took from ThurHiliiy uiorn uiu to I'rlilny iilcbt to brluu llieui buck to their iioriunl yield in n icnult of Unit ilio cliiiuuo of tho jMirhoiw who did the lullkliik' nnd Ilio vuiiiitloii from tie iihiiiiI hour. Tho HciileM Iu (lie Mluble ore wlnit toll the Htory of hiuli iiiIh InkcH in Unit. UioiikIi wo lenrued Ilio Miinic till lit? ycnr iiko when wo wiie uwiiy from homo overnlclit nnd left n 1 DM II til lllllU UlO COKH WO llllll I ' I'll iiillkluu. Ilo wiih iih uood mid cnrciiil n mlllier in wo were, but when we counted the ipuirtH mid pliilM nolil Ilie next uionilui; wo found mi uvcrtiuo Nbrliiliiiuc of nbotit ll ptlil lo Ilie cow. Ami I til liiippviiod iiui once, but wi mill iliiiix, l.i fuiir ytuiH, I.IUp folo llimiilierrj VlnrHr. "Tho liet tlnio you mo at ti noila wil ier rotiniiilu mid tiro In doubt what to take" until a tottiiid iiutbiiilty mi mint mor Imho-iiki". "older llltlo Juloo nml iitapberry xlinp In t tall, thin uIiikh wllli plenty of tU. ll' lhoii'iiront up pioiieh lo Unit UiHul old fimhlpned drink, nihpU'riy inoRtir. which thoy ued to lmo In (bo country when I win it boy. ur mi) ihliitf you ciiii llml In UiN trol ley lultoiiiolilli'-iii'iiinMhcnlc nee tin u hoi dny It will mnkoyoii think of nluidy woudH. tholl cool blookH ll'ld the old dwliuinlni: pool. Ilio olio otl liked ko rtcll."-Now York Hun. ihiiip hi it rem I im, Tho real dairy fitriuer dciiuitiiU of every calf thnt ho IiiIciiiIh lo icnr llml It bo "well born." Ilo la wine eunuch to umlcrMlllld tho value of lieredllj. Ilo propooei lo ulvc the calf, mule or fouiiilo, alt tho mlviiulnp' thnt coiiioh from Ix'lui: well born. Ilo iIih'n UiU ticditiw' It Ii to lili own iiilvuulnuo. TliU i mil Hi.unw' Unit ooiy en If that Ii well born wlll turn out u proiltnhlc n'duiul. Tho Old Rolinblo Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. .MERCHANT, MH- . riHI.lMltlly HtlllltlB til t loi'H u( Ib'Homl A.iii ttiiu li.e, Mliemly thn tnj-ixi in MhioIiiIi Id. When 1 1 u Ml III! Mill S'.ire M'll k I III" IC N mo llrl (! .lull in.' pur.' ! nit riu'it A 11 kinds of lumber and building material, Ibod and sup plies at wholesale and rotail fQs4ee4t)449 IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE J IN NEWSPAPCnSj a ANVWIICUU AT ANMIMU A 5 Call an or Writ E.C. DAKE'S ADVBRTISIKG ACF.IXT J 61 A 63 olercliantii' HchiiKe ? V HAN I'UANCt.iCO. CAU J H "Kir l'ist in I Ciiiiiino lions SU.llsli &w LUANCE vr 1ST 19 HARDWIOK. Master Mil.' i-.tlir Oito hrlHrM Sin li.ui. ivi in.l CurlliiHl vim II imI,I. .out ( n Itiy, r oln. .il .il.. rili oli a Tlii) AULIAMM-: m ii -i I III" pilft-llcl liil.ll, iiml ll ID lll I'll' IIIU ll'lll ('.IIIVCII IK- - nid h mio 'if ilio (ni ki Sle HIII'IM ol In r c1 ia. vr fjer Vur l'rci"Jit iind I'uKSciincr Unit's or Stiiliii"., Apply to . SuV(;S7ICA'u .-.V', Al iRSIIIMHM), Oi"roii &er lr tar tor i'VVkV'aV'''klk'' ilJLAKCO IIOTBlJ J.I. I.' I'lillltl'.V, I'lopileloiyl t ' HiACQUAitTknn ron f J COMMtllOlU ITMAVI kllBj KI'IXK SAMI'IM IKHiMS, MIlHsf i:i:.iso.Mii.n. f JMAnSHFtELD. Oro.J C.'laTkVXX'VXXk"! CENTRAL HOTEL (oriiiri'l I'ioiiI nml ,1 lrols MMI-III II l. Mill (UiN, JtiMi SNYPHI'i I . i . . 'Itoprlriii filial V'-MI KNOWN ANIr-VlKI'l 1 llnll'l Imi lnl lrn rulhrlr iwiliil "! frl'iinfalnl lhfirl-Hl.iml U ,ilfiiiwn In II r IiuUn fit lli Byiff N ll aixl IHIIH! Batlira "r l" ulatrtl In ll ewy Wito'i: inm ol Ik I ,mt ami nroKr lNiik- inn pp"" - lr rint iiirilr)!!!!! in Itul lo wdn I'raiil -il lJlHi;, ft rrk liiawil. i -k .. H ctlr Wrrnl if,k-'b--ixi--kk.'k.-'a-.g vi-it DR. JORDAN'S onfATl (MUSEUU OF ANATOMY' uimuitriT.inratKiKt.ciL. tfc I , 4Mlkk4lllal,lw i ill livtia. a ka I aa 1 i J .... A J&tfVi OP. JCHOAM OlSfASfSOf MlNfl hroftr.M Nail. , li . a 14,.a4! 1-1 f ( It ! riaatii. al I (aMtiHklkaa ( l.J ft MtotlS Ttaata.a.a . I U .. MmtNN t lllll.atlfM mf - f 4 III tt'r A rt,4 IVI i. !. .. I '-nra it w mwm. 1 & a alalia k f oa iordan Aca. toei utittu.i p. i a if an ih ! THE STEAMER ARCATA. ' V:,.O.V, M'fln. to ill Mlllir l'Ullllll' I l'll -1 I IHHN - CODS HAV SV FKANCISCO, -OAKIIYINK- ?ASSri.tiEHS AfiD FREIKH7 -LOWEST PATES. Urrtron (.oal ti r'viKatlon Co,, I'luiuieluii' K G Miini(aii, Ancnt, Marahfleld !i O. Coiipiny, Aent, Umpire City. UO YEAItn' EXPERIENCE .t f. n.i r. "i. ..I'm. " . " " Scientific Hmcricnn. A Imll Imnil'lr lllil'lrnliil wcoklr Lf1""' .rl' in ii ef n fiimiiHn I niriKl. It''" I . limn, ii.... II, Hi liilijr.ill nfwK'i'i I ' Y,iUH f mr .1..- Wiwi"-, , HWI itfcWi. Aiirnna nintlnil a ikHrb ami ilini.tnu inaf nilrklr aiiwruin Mir iiliiiiin rmalillirr at ii'i' Ii iialwilaliln. Uiiiiiiiiiiilra K.iilrtttlrninnilanilal. Uaiiil'xKikiiiil'alMiU wnl Irm. ill.lMl (iirr hir nirlniinUaiili. I'nlnnta lakmi thniuvli lui"( ISi, laili ijwilil nutUt, olllioul iliarua, lu iIih :... !i'"