The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 21, 1901, Image 2

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.... i- .,..,1.. 1
.i i
MifimrwttwjiiiawKXMw a
wcvrtMiftiwmituiTT.iruMMtj in
aCa-.IRi. i'T a.11 j -V. '
" t
H. . t .. .. .. lt- 1.V JA-I . A ' .1..
AstHinaleuc Brings Instant Relief raid Petmaneut Cute in
nil Cases.
Sknt Aitsoumn.v rni i: on, kkckiit ok 1'ostal.
Wiueyour iiiituu nint mid less pl.iinty.
m fm
After tuning It cnn-fulty nn,Hid, e tan
rfilne, chlorofotm or ctlicr. Very truly onr,
Arr. Uaot. Mr.oir ivk Ca
Gentlemen: I write this tntlmonbl frem
oi our Atlhnulcnc. for the cute of AithnM.
for the pait la vein. Hating rahatMtrd my own
v 1i)T,'
your stcn upon jw window on tjotfi street. .cv cirk. i i kc octbmten A erne ol Atftmj
lene. Sty wife commoner.! taUnR It bont the titof NcnvMiecr. I wttr Mon notlMd a mJtail
improvement. Alter mini; one bottle Wr nithma h ti cUmpfwaml 4ml he t ratirrlt fre from nil
svmptomi. I fee! IrAt I can contdmtleuty tevcwmtncl the Hksltdn to all who jrc aMtcrct uith
thi dUtiesilrc dieaie.
Yoar RnpeetruHy, 0. U. I'l IBM'S, .t. I).
Dr. Tat RxovMr.oic.Nt Co.
Gentlemen: I m troobfcd hh Anhm for M )n. I butt Iriwl puinrw rnnrdwt. bw
they have all failed. . I ran iwtow o .Jmr lint ami Kaiwd whh 4 ttfal nottlw. 1 iwk! re
Iirf at oner. I hare ihtee (MrelMted or faulted K'ttW aad I m rtrr ntM. I Imw fawilv
of four chlMren, and far ut )wr mm aMh)e to erk. I am bow In the ht of health awl m
dolse buiinen ever)-dar. "iTila t4thBy jo oan rr.iae wch MMef yo h fit.
iIo.DC ad Jrets. 2J5 KirtoftM ttreet. 8 KAl'HAKl..
67 Eok ttoth n CHy
T.-laI bottlo sont absolutely
Do notddiy. Write, at once, aUr.wlg
-. t Uil ?i . . VJ.
Sfitnrdai, -
Sep. -J. 1001
Eublislicd Every Saturday by the
Maii; Pubushxxo- Co.
sudscrution rates
One year, (la advance) (2.00
SUmontba 1.00
Thre months ,50
The death . of President Mc
Kinlcy caused as great a shock
as did the first news of the- shot
which laid him low. The hope
ful reports from the physicians
had caused the people to believe
that all dauger was past, and
though few credited the prediction
that he. "would report for duty in
two weeks, it seemed to be only
a matter of time until he would
be restored to heal th. Theu, when
the news of his sudden relapse
came, followed so soon by his
death, the revulsion of feeliny
was painful.
It is perhaps too soon to write
calmly of the dead president.
Amid the flood of unmeasured
eulogy which is being pouted
When a nun U (JrowBlii hU reeue
Is n question of time! help. It 1 lite
nine tliiiix in tlutette. Muuy a time the
doctor nays of a man whofte cowlUion is
ltoptlcM, "If you'd 1-gun n time you
tnixht ltcve been cured."
TliU is especially true wlten the dU
enseaffacts the lungi. Delay is danger
ous. The timely use of Dr. Hercc'fl
Golden Medical Ditooverv will ruttult in
a tfuick cure of dfcep.featsd coujflJ
bronchitis, and weak lutijj. Kven ulien I
lietnorrliaKtjs luve been frr(;uent and
profuse "Golden Medical Uiscovery"
lias been used time awl again with the
result of a perfect mid twnnunent cure.
Jlr. McCauley, of Iechbiiri;, Arrtutronjj I
co., i.i., jiiui civilly-one iiciuorriiaxck,
and after other iuelicsl aid hid frKled
lie was completely cured by the use of
,rGolden Medical Discovery,"
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovtrry," There is no other ated
Icinc jutas jjood for "weak lungs.
"I wat In or health when I omrimccl
laVInz tir, I'ltrrce'a mrdicluc," writci Mr Rimer
Ijivrkr. of Volga, JeifrMii Co, I ml i ha4
tuninch, klJney, heart, and lungtruuMet. Wat
dot able to do any work, I bad a Kttrrc couzh
and lieuiurrha&c of the 1uuk. but alter lulntr
your mrdlciue a while I commenced to tcalu in
Mrcutth and fleth, aud ttopiied couching right
way. Took about U lttlc of the 'Coldcn
Medical I)lcpvery' theu, and lat iprlnir I had
Orip and it aettled on my luugi, leaing me
with a severe couch. I had the doctor, lit he
didn't mm to help me any; to I commenced"
your ruedldue again and took three or four
bottlca of the Discovery ' and two vlali of Dr.
Ilerce'a l'cllcta. aud that ttraightened roe up.
I feel like a different peraon. I glaitly rrcom
rnend your medicine to all iuffcren, for I know
It cured ror."
Dr. I'lerce's Common Sense Medical.
Adviser, paper covers, Is eentyr on re
ceipt of 31 one-cent stamps to. pay ex
pense of mailing only. Address Dr. IL
V, Fierce, Huffulo, N. Y,
Thorp is nothing like, AMlimnlone
brimt. iiifbuit iidii-f, oven In tlio worst
eaten. It mire when nil clo full.
The Ktv. C. V. WRI.I.S, ef Villi RRIgw, 11).,
"Your trial Krtlte of AsthnMlcHe trreivt-d )n
pood condition. 1 'cunnet t4t ott m thankful 1
feel lor the Kod ihrlu-d frcm lb I uws ,t ".
chained with puttkl mmv thnau and AsthnM for tn
year. I tfeafMtnd of eirr twins; cured, t sow jour
advertiM ineol Tor It cwv of ihh dreadful .tad tor
rocotms dtwrtK', AtlhnM, ruid thought ou hd aw
crpolcn yoarsrttrs, bat leaotml to ghc II n Hid
Toiuv Kilvtisl.nwnt, the ttial aelrd Mfc luluum,
Send ncs i-il wd bottle."
Rev, D-Morris Woclislcr,
Kabbi of the Cotrj;. HmI ttr.i4.
Nmv York, Jan. 3, iom
UK. T.fT FlRO' MkuicinkCo.,
Gentlemen- Ymw AMbmnleBe Is n ewrlVnt
remedy for Ailhnvx and I la) Kctr, and it cempo
i.lionattratiAll troHblm vhkh combine with
Ailhma. lu team i atonWiki and uondcifal.
ut that Allhrmtenc eonuta bo optum, Htor.
Axon mi; i mis, N. Y., IV&. t, ifoi.
a iniie of duly. brtvinc. tciel the wonderful etTiTt
My lf h ben aMIcted ith nmdl athmt
sVfll n ett,u many othrta, 1 chaaecd to x
Kefe. 5. I99t.
froo On rocoipt of postal
out, a coldly critical analysis of
his character would convey an
impression not iutcuded. Iu fac!,
his very weaknesses have been, in
some respects, a source of strength
and have enabled him to sail
smoothly and to steer the ?hip of
state safely through situations
which a man of different disposi
tion could not have coped with
so successfully. Some of Presi
dent McKiulcy'.s acts for which
he has been most severely criti
cized by able men of his own par
ty have really merited tlie high
est praise. He has been accused
of "holdiug his ear to the ground"
too assiduously; but, from the
standpoint of the masses of the
people-whose executive he was,
this was one of his greatest
sources of strength. They tan
uever be made to believe that his
evident wish to fulfil the desires
of a majority of the American
people was at all rf prehensible.
He has been accused of being an
opportunist in politics and states
manship; yet an opportunist can
sometimes accomplish results,
when an unchanging advocate of
fixed ideas would only beat his
brains out against a stone wall.
Ot William McKinley's private
character and domestic life even
his bitterest enemies have been
able to utter no word of condem
nation; and this is of itself an eu
logy. The purity of his private
life, his unfailiug care aud loving
devotion to an invalid wife these
set an example which is worth
much. Iu spite of the cynic,
such things have an unmeasured
influence for good.
William McKinlcy will go
down iu history ns one of the
great men of the nation; aud his
tragic death will iudissolubly
link his name with those of the
two greater men who, before him,
fell by the assassiu's bullet while
filling the presidential office.
MIlKiKrnplilo Stone.
A deposit of lithographic Mono lias
been found near Mount Slcrllnt,'. Ky..
which Ku'ono Ixinry of tho UnltPd
Slntcs geoloslcnl survey believes to be
more valuable than any cold mine.
"Thcro Is no n-nsou," says Mr. Lcary,
"why the quarry should not control the
ranrhot In this country. There Is no
lithographic stone nny wlicro rise, so far
as Is known, nud there will be no illlll.
culty In competlni; with tho German
HOW TO DEAL WlTAlIt"11 $&ivT, - -
The assassination of President
McKinlcy has brought mott forci
bly to the ftont the qttcstion of
what to do with the anarchists,
nud it is u poor sott of newspaper
or prominent man tlmt dttctt not
have an infallible .volution tcHtly.
Tl:c prcM, however, seems to
eon fine itaelf to luried but vajjuc
talk about amending the immi
gration laws, excluding anntch
Jsts, preventing anarchists meet
ing and prohibiting the mlvccalcs
of uiareiiy frotuuttetiuj: or print-
itig their luunierous tenets. All
these makeshifts mo radically
nud irttmediably week. Until
wc have infallible and impeccable
oflicial miml-rcaders, no immi
gration laws can exclude tuiar
chisds, without cxcludiug all itn
migrntiou. Prohibit nnnrchists
from meeting in public and they
will meet iu private whore they
cannot be watched. Prohibit
them from sumktug and thev will
whisper. As a matter of fact the
American people would not en
dure for a week, any system one
half so rigorous ns those which
on the continent of Europe, with
all the power of despotic govern
ments behind them, have no pre
ceptiblo effect in stopping the
growth of anarchistic sentiment.
Prohibit a man from advocat
ing his ideas, aud every one will
make it his business to find out
what those ideas are. Imprison
a man for talking and you make
a martyr of him at once. Pre
vent any class of citizens from
meeting freely, aud you arouse
antagonism iu quarters where no
sympathy with anarchy could be
The effective way to deal with
anarchists iu this country was
pointed out years ago, in the case
of the Chicago assassins, nud no
better course could now be adopt
ed than to round up every known
anarchist within reach of the
law, and, for every one who could
be proved to have advocated vio
lence provide a piece of hemp.
Haug-cvcry mother's son audi
daughter of them who has spoken
or written instigation to murder,
and it will be many a long year
before any will be found to work
the feelings of the ciowd up to
only be cold justice.
Goldman, Hcrr Most and all the
rest of them ate as guilty as t'.e
wretcu wnose mulct laui tne
president low. Let them sufler
the same fate as he, and such
"leaders" will be careful where,
they lead.
io il irr? ;
jm m '1
ok$ ,-aa
at ffft mSfMlin
-T . i , .. .,,
No use to hunt tigers with
It UOCSn t hurt thu.
tirm- nn,r rttwl JfV n.fulKr rlcbo
vb - v w - Miikuiij twrv y
for you.
Consumntion is n tisrc
1 ., MiyrMl'l !.,.? Joyinuitofphlc, .....I uitiilRl iietlil-
the United States will be mur- f! c'li.Lt. ho.w-r. .,,n, by
rW.,1 ;,, rn'rl Wnrl TliU vill to cjrv. It all'.w ).u to cat all ' yr nnlmnla ilu Hie natiio tl.ln
(icrcil 111 co.u Oloou. mis .iu ... ((t .,,wari.. riioMi'.tnunsiilto or by Im-iiic nut tbrouli thu mn-
t li.k nt itiliAm ti wrc lsktf . '
, ,, . , ,7, out thi-lr o ii iinUcrlal salvation. It I
among diseases. It is stealthy ( a lmk vll,uii(i wlth witfiwt roiid, mi
but once started it rapidly huudiuwu r tn and n bout u third
., n , , , , 'of iiu (ii-ro of prouid wltll I'Ut'h cot-
Cat.S up the flesh and destroy t,ui., niVfle caiaviu mo whi to th'o
the life. No use to go hunting . ut tho tmpbo . c who tw to buy, tin.
., ,. r 9 , ,1 luoiitlily imyiiiciiU bdiiK about cqiilvn-
it with ordinary food and rocd-, lunt tu i ity touts. liu-ii hoiwo ima run
icine. That's only bird-shot. J Mu' WB,,W ' rf''B with
; .. ouch ccttafu tho lorporatloii funilaliufl
It Still advances. Good heavy ; a Jawn uowit and pbiuu from a rcon.
rrnrrrcci of rnti'i Fintikion ,10U 'abllshut for that purpose.
cnargts oi scott s inuision ,rben nro ft 1hiwUub allDy ,, n l)llllanl
Will Stop the advance. I he ! room, a clubhouse for unmarried men
rllvoicr. (niAr ihit ! "ml ,l Iccturo ami d.inco hall, hchools, it
uihLasi- luuo niai. . biihelwll Held, tenuis courts nud skat-
Scott's Emulsion makes the ik poihIk.
body strong to resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
and sustains the strength until
the disease wears itself out.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & IlOWNn. CliemUu, 4, I'eirUSl , rf. V.
SwaudfiMi aadrujUUy
C''0, D
t lull linr.' hn'iv i.r.NMit', ft t il. Hour, limn ntid It toon
r;Vt,'ti nil ImMil, fU"i iMII'rt IUI'1 Ul'ttttllf Hi'vIVihI till
ury Vrntiir. ,
H tStmmr FRtGB MO rCft fOtttiT, aUTTUN ANO ffGC&S
fwUiflvtrv Ts'lcfl'dic IDiilii'l'I.
WaW?)4Mi imtiinnrfTiM ii'""iT
Uuell0t Sttll liWrwl attl.vtatl .'r
nitl.'tt, Uif r ''. Hrv iinnn(iuy niii'H.
Soj)tiibt?f price list in prtpnrnlluu,
Surbi i tewr (.mmilttrtl S5.15 intd $5.35 per 100 lltt.
Hums Hiitl provivt'if continue firm.
Plentiful stock I ror thine.
With iMCteuMfd CAPITAL,
inents are heavily stt.'cko.l up with Litest stylo, lmner vnue'.y
than ever, .uronr.u'ijl low puoci pr.-.iil.
Smith's Cash
ITo. fi5 Markot St.,
tmnamm '' ttrmmti
The Argonaut for Stpt. xf.
loot, contains, an atticie on
Ptesideutial .jasinati-n, which
i..:j :..:.. ... ,.., ,.i,tt n( tli. 1
bestdw xivuiff an account ot lit
shooting of Prt0fent .ticKiilU V I
and of the movwneiiiA of the ;
, I
munwrer before trte act, .tl ie-1
view the two previous deed ot '
,.,,,,, 11,
the same kind which lm j dark-
cued our history. The toty tf
Oteyfus is'-.tlw coveted in a u-
view of the book written by the
f.unous prisoner.
The ennieJt and simplest wy
we can ugst MV'otir tenders to
get a good idea oi the styles that
will be iMMmlar this winter is to
buy a copy of tltelOctobcr Delin
eator, just on KtJe,U every new
stand. The Delineator for Oct
ober foreshadows,! b
its New York. Pans
and Loudon
connection, thoJe! tendencies of"""Wtw nud could not deep
fashion which wiltcottaiuly pre- mhu-. l Ulf veraldoctora
... jawta... . J . nud various twteut mediciueti, but
-atl. Iu addhioTrfo'thc fashion coul1 uotMllf. , ulVl. , ay
features aud practical drenuk-1 re;cf uuttll my wife got a iHittle
iug advice that has made The of this valuable medicine, which
Delineator f.-.m jus, the October tompLtly telioved inc. W. S.
uumbrt is full of .xm1 general ""OKKMA.n. Haguell Mo. This
readiui;, most tastefttllv illustrated
under tlte immediate direction of
the well-known artist, William
Martin Johnson.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you sat.
tf"'R''r"1 cun tukolt. Jly IU i;soinany
tutoiUr-.Ttvorytliiiitf c!e lalli-d. lb
nreTontslontiatluiiotirusoii lluhlnin-
ui'-iuMiru "i ut inn ii.iiu ivlii
nrli.rolb-vltiKalldi-trfM after catlnu
Ulutlnu unnt(Va..ary. l'ietsiaul to take
gj can't Eielf)
oat QO you 500a
rmcjirlnnirhv H. 1. IlfWlTTAI'i ..(.'lilcailO
ruiUT of Ksiufilr 9fndr n Tnnn u
(Inrilfu mi( of IIbiiiiIj'.
1 How to iitaUIUli it modi I rlllaffo In
l , . , .,, ,n
Hbmtrati d In IjiIiiIpo. lot-atexl ftbout 18
Ililli-S fnilil St. LA'. mill bcini'l by n
iiuiinifarturcr t.u jriitraago, It illffurs
ff"s, I'Mllu.nii In Unit IU rwlilcnU till-
Iii uuy iiinnlelpiillty, and thunilii Ih bo-
0V4,, to ,l0 tll0 Kwr(,t of lH mwem.
There la no bu.w In nny fenn. Ko
T idcllt llOH over bf''ll aiUci to tut
umsu or to :-i to clinri'h or hct'l) sober,
omwitunltr vrns wanlwl, and
r thin tbo K,to ww nllowr.1 to work
"At the start ticutcoly any of our pco-plo-
made uny tfardwis; Hi-areely nny
planted llowors," hays tho creator of
this bit of earthly paradlso. "They did
not know botv to do It or cat'o for It.
lly 'Infectious oiiunjilo thoy now nil
hnvo HtirduiiH and hmtdstuiio ' ynrdst
I'or tlirro yearn I havu llred In tlio cen
ter of tho vllluy with my own family
and my dmii.'hter'u family," .
an!-- ""-"$
il'dtlv I" rlt IfnoiN iHiyvlmif.
Jtccullv subscribed, nil depot t-
(dpt) Store,'
San Francisco.
cwttwm n
Trndf Ktrnralnttr.
IVitvcr tni'uluitus uitd timnufiic
ttirt'is nit tlidciiitliiK e r.thlanliillty
of ruuuluit 0M-i;ptUti of 1 mat tipaw men
Into tuu tnulo ivglon vrltlch r nop-
IhwH tu Im trtltittnry to tl-i city. TIm
(f mai, l!M wk M(,
ur tlte umttor. nl It In prouabli' tlutt
; mmimIoim f thu htud will i
run tlurlnit the Mimnivr. Tlw objwt la
to i!IT4m(. flc,iitniutiMl w"u the titer-
chant of uclshborlnx imvus nod f!tlc
acd lwluc tlirin to trnte In Donver.
Tlip VVr.ty iltti thirp ::nly.
Kouodntiott Is a ticvr i-uit up In t'.in
Ur.llsrK'lI cout-.ty of Muntnnn. vlnn-
tle new sokl Ult is Uimr r. ..;.! d.
111 a cr,r new tuwn uuMnxi ti.n: i.v
thrvtf montt.s oM, but It ban n v .'.ly
jwrKT uln-a ly lit tlie Vi-t KUhiT tla
atte, wblrU wan t..rt"d tliii!:i m
lanuih after llw rnab ta lb b
jintt. Jl b tra J follows tlw tlagi m
talnly. any way, lb prvas roilow.i thu
itttwtl niwcdlry tw-aUayr
A Cotnmunlcntijn
Mk. Editor Allow me to
speak a lew woids in favor of
y iiums otlChHiubcrlaiu's Couoh Ueinedy.
1 1 .-uif-icd tor tlttee c;its with the
, ; .
OInk-- Trloli.
AllrXNlottM Without tld f I I'd tohl Of
fr-aiM aid Inu'll'ifviiii' of ibf lower mm
linn!, but r.r fvw iiircfnl rrl-
llli I1IH IlllVt In-t-n IDJtlo lO llOtlTlllUU!
y -t wlin l lli.-y tioi nttll.v do. tu 1I1M
il In .Ilim lir II. I.. Tliorilillhu of l't
li'inlunii unlM-rnlty rhuih to Imvn duiit
ilu- In hi ni'il, Jin bus pitbllliil vXhv
(tiii-iiiH hb" .is that tloits, am iiml
ri..i in nut only do nut KtttHiii. but only
Kuril, an It werv, iy cliiilicc. Thvy i'iiii
l.nt Ik- rt'.llly lUllsIlt ('Mil tllll hlllUllfSt
trM.s. II. 1 tlilii'.in tlmt unirikfyn limy
' liivliidtil with limn In u niocIiiI iiil-h-
larntK. In xpito of tho cointiioti notion
10 iiiu coiuniry, inry 1111 nui nun inn-
t.tte.-l'opubir Hcluuco Monthly
la all Its Hrt thcro
itnni Ui cI&iu.iQcia.
lllj'n Cream Halm
diwi iwilLc and haalu
t duaaUOil IiieUiUTI.I:f.
1 1 core caturh and di !m
away 6 co!d la tUa head
s-j v" tvy.
it T.Vv'V
Crinin Uiilin la plte&l Into the natrlli, tprraila
ovar llw nrncmei-o end la anaurawi. mmiiin.
lMlU,WII,4aeii.foito. It Is tot drinu -hw .
(.otprixlaearnrMlnr. I.irearllie,Mci.taatI)ru
flm nt by mall Tf UI Ma, 10 n nla by mill.
LLY UKOTJilHtiJ.M tVaruu Ulrcot, Nw Yer.
Moro IcebtTKH nru mot with In Hum
mer than In wlnti.T. An IcubiirK Ih tho
huh rail of n Kinder or frozen river.
Tho Kinder Is huiur; coutluiially pushed
"to tbo hu from tho WflKht iibmi;. mid
I n"""y 8"t mnaaw Imcunw tlutnchtal.
IV 111 .llul.o ton llliti-ii,
If yon wish to iiiaku n pretty and tie
ceptnblu present lo any 0110 who Is
troubled with fclccpleMKiioAS, clvo her a
hop pillow.
Water Cure for Chronic Constipation
Take two cup of hot water
hall a hour before each meal nud
jtiKt before going to bed, also a
drink of water, hot or cold, about
two hours after each meal. Take
lot,s of outdoor exercise walk,
lido, drive. Make a regular habit
of this and iu niiiiiy cas-es chronic
constipation may be cured with
out the use of nny medicine
When a purgative is required
take .something mild and gentle
like Chnmberlniu'.s Stomach nud
Liver Tablets Ew: sale by John
!'! (jipUBSOKIPTIONSFor all Papora Si
?- kJP and Mncnainoa Rocoivort tit Si
F. P. A'ort
WM" "? " n himipwiw wiiiiw iiwi -, a..a..aa
H Centemlle Dairy, p-
J. W. n.AKAC.AN, 5)rAnL,
Otifrr wttt mtfi iw us
itti ( wivf Ih'ttvt'ied lit i-inr
77:.1 .V. 1- tri ;.
Faraors' Livery M ami Snle Siais,
Burt Case Propriotor. Rosoburg Orogoni
Be3LKi anclToains in tlio Oity.
Mr tutril ..- lit- V IwtMt ilil.H('it Mini I liiivn itililt.l
.-vvt,il iii-wini' mil itill l-ril t ple4iid tllrfll i r Id
ttiriu-li vim '1 'urn miu :
TtatiMcnt MtH-k given
iu,5L.,a,c.-,u,e.',i.'qk."t."it.a,kr2a.toka sAxa."vwVk.x,Bw'1.",vi.
Southern Oregon State Normal School.
-A.s3a.leiric3., Oarogrcn.
n, V,ir-:;1'
h. if 's-jl-c " ' '
lrc :-j.'f'.vJiw
An liiKfiiiiiti Tn'itiiiiPiit by wbieli
IMiiik.udiHiH Ui-iiiu Ciirrtl Daily
in .pile i( Tltf iii-M Ives .
Xn .Voniii IkMiiM No Weakening n
llii1 NiTia--A ptra4nrf and IHial-
ilti Ohio lur tliu Uquur llulul.
It It now pasrallr laswa aad MaaVrMoail
that DrunUiin-i dlsntM nasi not fnk-
nraa. A hady hiked llh polaea, a4 awn
ijuiplatrly thail'tot by rorludlsal or loatlan
uv ol inkukaii.if lMuon, mjulm an anliihite
cublri( nrutuliiing and na4anUn( this pot
on, awl dvtlrutinK the cravinv. for lalostnaMa.
ndoirr huv now itn thtmiachrea at honx
Kilhoul ptiblkvily or tow of untv Ironi butlLaai I y
tint wonderful "IIUWI: llJl.l) CUKIi'' liM.h
h i brvn Hivcii-d liter many jeatt of efcmi
tludy and Irmtw. nl,,l imbristt. 'I he fahhfu
u Mi ordms lo diiiwUuM uf thia vomtnful dit
uv.-ry ii. Ki.itlrl) KuarHttlced 10 line li iiui.I
iilialm ill-taw, no iniiilnr hon haul u drlnaer
Our iitor l iImiw ihe Mntriwkiu liamloiHuiliiiH
rif tliouMmlt uf I f unsaid luto aulan, imlu
lilOU. Ullll lMIht HtCH.
WIVI.S ( UKK V0UK lb'.MIln"
Hut niitudv i In ho mhi notuuni hut la n
vi ifK fur thia diMtiM tiuly, and l so Udllully
il'vwd hihI prepsird Ibat il la lltMouiiMy aulii
lib- and pleauM lo lh Uala, Hi thai It can Iw
i.liin in ,ii up of Im or lofTrw wlihuMt lhn
kiH-w ledti" "I llw laMion biking it, '1 houMlidk
ol Drunkdida hatucuied Ibrmwlnj und tin
.i ,i 1, m ii'iiirdy, ii lid aa nwny moo' have lrn
mini jimI muilr imiKfral im-ii-liy baring ih
"( UKI." niliiuuiaU'reilliy luting brtiid and
iiI.uhk. vwihout lliilr kinMlt-il(i- In tiilftw or
tru, anil Im-Ihivk today thai llwy illiconlniunl
dinikini; of llnHr own fret will. DO NO I
WA'I'. Do not be ilrhidad by iipjiainil hihI
iiiiilmiilliif "linpimiimnl." Dibnoutlhe ilit
hiit ut iiik-i-mul for nil iniie. 'llrti "IIOMI
iOI.I) Cl.'I'K" ukiIiI nt Uh- lo
p lie) ol OiH' IHilliir, IhlW plailng ullliin m.uli
ul veryboily n Irt'iltiiMint ibom nlleituiil Uihh
olliuracottliig $t5 lo J$u. I'nll illirvlio.ia ac-
roiiiuiiy iiatli wu.hagi', Silil ailvm- liyiUII
til phyakiana nlien rwtl. 'I ntt.i
I'lMitji'. Si nt piotmid Id .ii y nil ol the world
il t.n.i'lil of in I)) Ii' ilbi-n Di-pi, IC657
Ii IWIV It, flll.K-sftl'MI'ANV. 33jo and
3.133 M.ilknl Hln hll,wllpliij,
inriita)in 1 roiii'il.f
A f'cuullnr Mliliu-c,
Tho mantle iised hi the Welsbneh
lllfl.t la iiimle of it combination or mix
Hue 'of two rare eaitlm l.uotui us
thorla nud cerla, and to piotluee the
proper efi'ict they must bo combined
lu a ilellulto ptopurtlmi. If eombliied
Iu equal quantities, they Kite prac
tically 110 IIkIiI, the mantle meiely be
comliii,' ledliol. The eliVctlve com
bliintloii Is tin p.'r cent of thorlii and I
per cent of ceila. Why thlu very Hllht
addition of cerla to the thorla should
so enoriuoiisly lucreaso the Huhl U not
yet tnoioiiKlily uuilerstood. It has
been found that it mantle made wholly
of either earth will j.'lvo only about
oue-eluveuth us much light as ouu
mutlu of the uiojuu'tloiiH Just iiuniuiL.
on So
as nr gmtuiiitcf it tri, fittre
ttihr mm mug ttiuf ttrtiinx.
MOM if 1
atteutioti. Cdl and see uir.
IMroag Ant'Wmia cawf. Itelaailsaat ninlK
Ihe hrtxalt crlli. WrltnpilnfiMl UWuhiIm
mtctasa trMM( dftjaHaaaM. D il Ux
Italsnt laaebna fsf mhH Mm ifil Oa.liulrj
Imv 4 vhn c W rwaMhani, OnhmMhI hwol, IV-t t
ebansM on lb to.
Ktt Itse la t5 pat yaw. Willi- for
W. M. CLAYTON, Pics.
Coos Bay Winlc Lianor
"pamily Ordorj Solicited.
hoi.i: aim sr run rm. ciii.e
iiit vti:ii
Ranier Beer.
niiiiiy nnl.'ri for I'lipx, pints and
quiirtsleliveriid by iIiiiimhii,
Robert filarsden.
I'lrnty of r.uh I'.iUrrn no 100m 100 l.irRO
for us lo i.UKl tii;s loo In cuilleis
vnili'ly, ili.uinliig. p.Uleiiis, and dependatkla
New Dcsknis in Sideboards.
New Designs in Dining Tables.
New Designs in Dining Chairs,
'1 he l.ttes t mul luniUoinett pioduct uf llie
butt fuctorles nil now uoodial our uiual
low prices.
S3 -'. J'r-f rr,
sill vJwl7"
Mt ,M-'fc--vi" cct'r