The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 21, 1901, Image 1

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" 7fjryfl arrf 0r j, t V: F ,f
'V fyi
l.j!&jSjWuKfei jife j(';
3 Jul) Office I
I Read Our CouNly
I Correspondence
tOL XX11 1.
NO. 3a.
kJt sOJ
f V t
Viewed By Countless Thousands of
firlcf'Slrlcken People
Tears Tor Mrs.
On Huiidiiy morning n simple rorvlco
took phiront tho .MIIImiiii residence mi
JMuvYiirt'iiveiiiii'lu llul'nln, where tlu
president illnl. Only tlu Immediate
family mill the friends iiml iwlltlnil as
sociates nf tlu president Mini present.
i no scrim mere was paHu-iie in tin ex
treuic. 'Ihen tho Isidy vvuslwrno lo tho
City Hull, where It liiy In state.
Arrangement hud In en miido lonllnvv
tho public In view thn body from the
time It arrived, at ul.oiit uv p. in., until
ulxiiil o u'rlnck. When it o'clock riiini'
Ihnrruwit whIUiik Lrlnw In the Hlrcls
seemed II till lltilll l.llt'I. It Wlis del libit
to extend ttn time until midnight.
When the doors were elo-ed nt midnight
It was estimated tluit Wf l ptopln limt
viewed the remains. Thousand of ill
appointed outs were still In the strivls.
The train lM-.irlug the protldeiit's IknI)'
It'll Iluffitlout hiMI o'clock Monday iiinrii.
lug and arrived at iihlngtoii lit hiH
o'clock that nl;ht. lit IJ hunts, It I es
timated that over half u iiilllhin people
saw iii0 ciitilii which lielil all was
mortal of Pit'shleiit .McKlnley.
The ttulu was a tolld Pullman of n
en rnm, drawn h) ivvn locomotlvii'.
Ilelillnl Iho engine Were two draw Ing
rutin rar devoted In mcmUr nf the
pre; next, the dining car, the car In
temlnl fur senators, inn the Hungary,
for President ltoo.vtdt and the cabinet.
Next wastholllymplii. oteuplwl by Mr.
McKlnley, mill last uf nil was the id-
ti t 1ii cur In which the lxly rtrtl.
Thoritsktt M pluenl between the
windows on Ihe ol.-.(nitlnii mr, whrre
It onihl he soon b the KK'ile a the
tritlu went hy. Only the engine mid
observation ear vvcio shrouded in hlnrk.
'I he other earn were iiuitdorud
The whole riniutry scent d to have
drained Iti imputation tit the shliM 'nf
the trittkovcr which the funeiel train
piiiwtsl. The thin 1 1 iu m tliiniiKh the
nioijiittiliK iiml thec'nrfi'l)-K'tllnl illn.
ilrlrH thickened m the little hanilelH
Hiiililenly u'rew to the prnMirtloiH of re
(iN-rtuble cltliH, ami were cnnreKuteil
Into ui imiltltuileH In the larger eltlc-i.
Work wiiHMiHuinlnl In Held ami mine
ninlclt). 'I he hcIhhi!h were, iliiiihuiil.
her)wiiere appnirtit tiie trupiini;M unit
lokemtiif woe, IhcMlelue with ulilcli
the coiiutleM thoiHiuntiNleuiil the re
iniiitnof their hem ami martyr win op-
preMnemin pniinuiiii.
Mt. .iciuuiey nIihhi tiie trip iirmely.
In tiie iiioriiliiK. h.miii alter leuvliii; llnr-
fiiln.hhii plemlnl K.I earnerilh to he al
lowed tnuii lulu the car where her dead
inie lay that relurtniit eminent win gl
en, mid nIic hK'lit u half hour hexhle the
Ileiieath the L-reat whlto iIoiiki of the
Cupltid at Wiiililnutiui tuiienil eericeM
of xtate were held liiecdiiy titer the re
tiiitlmtof the dead president. They were
cnmlucted in nrcordnuce with the rlte-i
of the MelheillHt Kplxcopil Church, of
which l'reNiileiit McKlnley wit-, a life
IniiK meuiticr. Oiii. Wtni; only nf two
li)iunn. aioiii', n pruMT, an nddriw mid
a Itciiedlctlou, they were he.iiitlfnl ami
Nilemuly Imprexfilte.
Mrn. .McKlnley did nut attend the ccr
tlceitat thel'niiltiil. It wui ihemed wl-ie
thnl hhe Hhnuhl tint iiiiilern the ordeal.
Hho reinaliiiil at the Uhltu llmi-e, cum
fnrtcd hy etcry atteutluu that lot hit,'
tliiiiiKhtfuliuxs could HiiKKit.
At the chiicIuhIoii of the funeral wr
tcfH 111 the rotunda thneinkel d wan
reiuou'd. At half lust t'J the crowiN he
enu to infut tlirmiKli the mtumla, ami
iliirliiK the hIjc hnurri In which the Imdy
wuh hliiK In htate It Iri CHllmaied that
fiS.i'iiO pcopln lew the rcnialiM.
When the rciiialiimif the diad pre-l-dent
were Dually cln"cd foieterfioni the
tlew of WiiHhlliKtnii peoiile, the cataliy
iwnit wiiminalu fornicil mid coutejed
them to thefiucliil tialn. which win to
carry Inir Hie hedy to Canton.
No liw than !! earn were renulred for
the trnnHportatiou of the funeral patty
to Canton.
'Ihuohxcnatlon car, hearing Hie re.
uinlnH, wan Hooded with Unlit, com rang
ed that een an the train Hwept throiimi
Hut ulitlit the iieople In the coiiutiy it
tuixHtil thiouKli inlglit ita'e ut the ciih
ket. 'IhetlrhtMcllonof the fiiueial tialn
reached ('anion at 1 1 :J(. 'I lie collln win
Hnrue to thocoiut lioune wlii'ie the lid
wuh reunited mid IhtuloorNwcio thrown
orjeii to the puhllc. Many or the people,
iih ttity looked upon the face of their
(lend Irlciul, whom Ihey had men Jttht
two wceiiniiKo in inn iieailli, call-in
their iireatii al Hie climiKe that wiih
there. 'Ihn preshtcut x fuco wax much
Hi' unci than they had expected It would
Ikvand thetdulit that met
ineir ecM
tdiiickcil thcin Kieiitly, No
delay wiih
peiiiilttnl mid fully lot) people a minute
missed the liler It Is cstluia ed that :U.
tMMi pcoplu had lewcd tho temiilim when
tlintliHira were closed at It o'clock, leav
ing it waiting Hue of people fourabieast
mid neatly a mllu long, 'llui body wan
then taken to the McKlnley icsldeuce,
wheio il lay until 1 :2 p. m Thursday,
when the funeiitl nrnccss.lou Htarted for
Hie Kirst M. K. church where the funeral
seniecrt weiehehl.
TheseitlccHWeie brief, hy tho ex
pressed w Ish of the fiimlly. A ladles'
(iiiartctte sang" I'lm llcaiitlfnl Isle of
Home where." l'rujor by llr, Mllbuin of
Flint Presbyterian Chinch. 'Ihe Nine
tieth psalm wax lead by Dr. Hall, of
Lutheran chinch. Coition loth chanter
U'lu t Coilnthluiis was lead by ltuv, Her-
hrinick. nf 'Irlnlty llefuriniil cliurcli.
"Lean uiniiiy l.lKlil. wan reiuicreil hy
iiiiuitttfe, lit, AlmnhiHler, piintor Klrrt
Melhihtll eliliieli, .lelhereil a nliorl,
pni)i'r. Ilyinii. "iNeaier My OikI to'lhee,"
wiiMKiiilK liy the dillre rnnurfUiilliiii,
l'i'oile leiiiiilneil nlmiillilK while the
heneillclhiii wiiii piiiiiiiiinci'il hy Moil
iilKiieiirT. I'. 'I Inn lie, (if I'leM'himl. 'Mm
caHket wan home fiuni the ehiirch tn
tiiiieral cur, iiml Hie iiianli to Hie Wivt
I, awn cemetery hvunii, where thn re
ninliiH were placnl In a melting miiiII
liwaltlliir tlin time when tliev will lie
liliiccil In the irinn hexhle I lit two i'1ij
(lien wlm were hurled jemruth'n.
.Mm. McKlnl ' nimlltlnii In cxcltlni;
k'riui iipireieiiihiii iiiiiniiK Hiiiho curing
tor her, It Ih feared thedruidcd I'olhipHe
limy come at any moment.
Marslificld Pays its Sincere Tribute
of Respect to the Murdered
Arl ri.Mill ax l'rrrldcllt HlMMett'lt'H pHK'-
lamulluu, and Iheday M't for the Inter
ment of the murdi'ied prtidilcut hccanie
known here, Mch were takui for the
approprliite ohertance of the day.
A Npechil mcelliiK of the city council
wiih held and nrrmiKUiieiitH made for
memorial K'rilee In I. 0. O. K. Hall.
'I ho .store mid HtliKiii-t atl clMnt at
neon. 'I lie IhhIiicwi jmrt of tot wat
ilrap)il In luoiiniiii!; and In intiily
eterynhotv window could he m-tii the
iHirtraltxnf the three priHldentM who
hate mat de.itli hy iwawlnatloii, I, In
coin, (.lutlcld and McKlnley.
'I he proi'rain of thew wnlowi- nit en
In another column, tln"ontirof exurciwi
thrrxttiu 'Ihe
hall wait apprtiprtately ilrapul and dec
ontted. rtienbtKe wuriilnipul with the
ntan and MrliuM for a InkLkhhiiiiI,
lirnad iMimlt of hlack Im.Iiik utrotcluil
acriM uliottf, with hlack mid white
IviriiU liitetuimtt acriMN tlw prixvuiuui
arrh. On the front of the ntM ''"""I
large jh.rlraltH of the three mart) red
pr.xhU'iiK An HliiimUtuee of ilowerx
mid the foliage of tlii:)rcK"ii Kf'pe add
til heatity to Ihehcene.
t)u the ntago were Mnor AnderMUi
nud CtMiiicllmen llrudhiiry, Niu-hurK,
CurtN, Norton, .Velum, Matron, City
Trea-oirer John K. Hall, Itct. It. (.'.,
Itov.MI. .McClelland mid I tec. Kdw.
Ikiuuelly, of the Methodist, lreli)terlau
ami Catholic churche-i. Itehlnd thcho
were the choir itiinlNtlni; of thn cholrx
of lliedllfereut churche-i.
Mliw Susie Klckworth luiiulpulattsl
the orKiiu, Mm. C. , Tower ltl tho
fiiiKlnif. and the musical feature.t of the
program were extremely line.
Itev. It. V. I.t eV addresM occupied about
thirty minute and was IiIkIiI)' iipprecla
tod. Ihe hall wait crowded before the hour
M't for tho commencement of the ier
tlce. and the iiumlier pn'M'ut J-t etl
liiatnl ut ftmii 7li to lUKi. Ihe Ust of
order pret ailed duriiiK the cntlro pro
Kraut which wih carried out without it
hitch and wim wry imprtwlte.
Death Was Unavoidable
The leport of the autopsy on tho Unly
of rresldent McKlnley Indicate that on
account of the comlltiou of hlit wdem,
nature had made no elTorts to heal the
woumN, mid Kanj;rcue had fet In alone;
the entire track of the bullet, which
paused through the stomach a ml into the
back wallri of tie abdomen, hitting and
tern iut; the upper end of the kidney.
'I ho conclusion Uthut dfath was una
oldiblo by any medical or surgical
llluger Herman will del her an address
of wckomeat Ihe KoM'hiirg stieet fair.
.Salem hat a new baud.
The new home for the V. M. C. A, at
S.ilem Is being llttul.
Ciiptalii .Sdustlan Miller the oldest
sea captain in I ho Noilli-wcst, Is dead,
Washington county Is out of debt.
Klxhteon horn weio stolen las
wcekfioin thei.iuge. 'I hey weie owned
by . H. Itlioulnitiii Of lVmlellon.
A Certain Cure for Dysscnleiy and
"Soiuojcmsago I wasimoor it party
that intended making a long bicycle
tilp." says F, l Taylor, of New Albany,
lliadfoid count I'll. "I was taken taut
deulv with dim i hoca. mid was about to
give iiii the trip, when editor Ward of tlin
i.acywue .Messenger, Htiggcstcii inaioi
take a doso of Cliinnl'erlalu h Colic, Oholo
eia and Uliuilioeii lteinedy. 1 puichascd
a bottlemind took two iIom's, one before
starting mid one on the unite. 1 niudo
the tilpHiiccesfully, mid necr felt any
Hlcllcctx. Again last Humiuei I wuhiiI
niost i mi down hyauattackofdjscntery.
t nongiii a nome or tuts smue rcnieny
and this time one dose cured me.
salu by John I'leuss,
j or
Program of flie Memorial Services Held
' in I. 0. 0. F. Hail, Septem
ber Nineteenth
" Now. therefore, I.Theodoro Horrtetelt.rrrsldi'ntof tho United
States of America, do npNdiit 'I liurcday next. Sept. ll'th, the day
on which the lusty of tiie dead lilesldellt will be Inld 111 ita last
earthly reslliig-plnce, lis a day of inournliiK mid jiriiTr'tlirougli
nut the States. I earnestly recommend that nil tho .c).
pie acs iiiIiIh oh that day in their resH-ctht place of OJtliie wor
slilii. there to how (Iiumi In siiliiiil-wloii to the will of, Amlghty
Hod, and to pay out of full hci.rl their homage of lore and re
ereuce to the great and good rrrldciil. wlnH' death lniH Hinlttcn
the Nation with hitler grief.
M In wlliieoH whcnsif I hiivo liireiiuto;tinyhnnd ami caused
the of the (nihil Mali's to lie
" Hone nt the City of Washington, the I ltd day of Fepteiiiltor,
A. I)., 1UI, mid of the IndejH'iideiice of the t'l
( Seal. )
"III- Hie
In accordance with the nlsire I
this M-rtlce, K. A. ANDKIt.MON. Minor.
HYMN l.cml Klmllyl-lijht"
P li A
Ucv. Htlw.
i;uv. o. i.
J.lUDMi How aro tho mighty fallen.
CoN The beauty of Israel Is slain upon thy high plncitt.
LKitiKH What iiinn Is he that Ineth and shall not set" death? Shall ho de
llter his soul from the hand of the grate? If a man die shall he lite agalnV -Jesus Christ ralth, "I am the resurrection nud the Hfr. He that bc
lleteth In me, though he were dead, yet shull he lite.
Co.Nii In my Father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare u place for
LKADhlt l.vt not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in Hod, be Here also In iuc.
Co.NO Messed aro the dead who die In the Lord.
l.iuni it They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more.
COMl Neither shall the sun light on them not any hint.
J.KAtiKU For the Lamb, which Is In tho midst of the throne shall feed them
nud lend them unto Ihlng fountains of water.
Comi And fl(x) shall w Ipe away nil tears from their eyes.
I.mnr.u-There shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither
shall there bo any more pain.
HYMN.-" Nock ot Afics"-CONGIti:GATION.
RHADINC utf the OOtlt
80I.O. - Bcyonil tlto Gittet o! PurmnKC." - MRS. C. W. TOWnR.
RBC1TATI0N of. "Tho Apostlos Crood," Lod by
Uov. S. U. McCIolliind.
I bellete In Ootl the Father Almighty, Maker of hea en nud earth;
and lit Jesus ChrlM. His only Sou out Lord; who was conceited by tho
Holy Ciluwt, hoi n of the irgln Mary. sulTeied tinder Pontius Pilate;
was crncltled, dead, mid burled; the third day he rose from the dead;
he nsconded Into heaven, ami sltteth on tho right hand of (lint tho
Father Almighty; from thence Ho shall come to judge the quirk mid
the dead.
I delicto In the Holy fiho-t; the Holy Catholic Church; the com
munion of saints; tho forgiveness of sins; tho resurrection ot the body,
mid tho llfo everlasting.
I.kiukii I was glad when they said, let ns go into the hou'i of tho Lord.
Comi They that wait upon the Lord shall icnew their sfrength.
l.miiKit Draw nigh to find and Ho will draw nigh to you.
Comi Therefore, let us also, seeing wo aro coiiiiuhviM about witli so great
clouit of witnesses, lay aside
so easily oosoi iis.miu ici us run with pallemo the race that Is pet
before its.
l.KAiiKit -lint know thou that forall things (lod will bring theoluto Judgment.
Comi -Have mercy upon me, 0 find, according to '1 hy lovliu kindness.
I.K nihil- Create tu us clean heaits, 0 Cod, mid renew light spirits within us.
Comi -'I linn wilt show us the path ot life. In Thy presence Is f uUiimu of Joy
at Thy right hand aro phusuros for overiuuio.
T.i viiek Ho'thnt ovcrcometli, the ftnuo shall be clothed In whlto raiment.
Comi Hint that ovcrcometli, will 1 make n pillar In tho temple of My Uod.
i.kadi'ii Heiioiit i stand ni tnoiioor ami
ami open inonoor, t win come
i .. ... At. . i ... mi
r. 1 will come
mid ho with me.
Co,N(l To hint that nvercometh, will I
HYAtN. "Ncjifcr My
MnMORlAL AIDRHS8.RnV. li. C, Lee.
CLOSING HYMN" Ainertcn.,,-ConHrcfiatloii,.
P R 0 C L A M A T T.O N .
iieiM'inieiice oi mo i unci MAUMUir i.iii.
HAY, Secretary of Shtw
hereby call uion our cltfwiiito unlto in
Y li li..
' ' ""
Prtjilm - IJcv. II. C. Hill.
oveiy weight and the sin which doth
Knock. If nny iiinn hear my
i. j i " ... n.
lu to lilio noil wilt sou with
in to nun ami win sup wan nun
grant to sit with Mo In Mytthron?.
God To Tliec."-CHO!R
Rev. Utlw. Donnelly.
John Peterson Given 21 Hours
Leave (he County Snakes
Must limit Tlicir
The flrnof this week Mnrnhllcld was
thoccciut of excitement mid
ccciica wen' enacted of a kind tint often
wltiittved here. Tnr and feathcro were
In readiness Tuesday morning, and only
the proml of Uio Intended wearer to
leave the county within 21 hours pre
vented application.
It secum dial in tuts community, as
In every other, there aro a email Hum
Iter of Individuals who are either nil
archlstsor fools, or Isith, nnd ulnco tho
HlKsitlng ot rresiiient McKlnley they
hate not had the discretion to keep their
mouths flint.
filnco the death of tho president, roino
of the Aiiierlc.ins here have determlunl
to put n plop to the utternnco of treaon
and anarchy, and they will do it, crcti If
it takes something les, healthy than tar
and feat hem.
The first move was niado agnlnct one
.lohn Peterson, n foreigner wlio claims
to Ikj n Norwegian, who resided In South
Marshfleld, and wholud made remarks
expressing satisfaction nt the awaxsiua
tlon of fie president. On Monday even
ing rt small party visited his liouso villi
tho Intention of giving him n lesson, but
ho refused to open tho door, threatening
to shoot, and the party did not care to
take the rcsjionidhlllty nt breaking in.
Next morning he c.tnio down town
and was Immediately taken Into custody
hy parties who were on tho lookout for
him. lie was taken to Iau & IV
warehouse, where tar and feathers were
nil nndy for him. At the lat moment,
however, tho crowd relented, and ho vnis
given his choice between tnr and teeth
erxor leaving tho county within "J I
hours. It took him but three- fourths of
his allotted minute to decide on tho lat
ter, nud he left town before jilght. Pe t
crwu Is a married ninu,- but It Is said
that his wife would bo much better oil
w Ithotit him.
Later In the day n llrely took
placo on Front St between Hermann
Klahu. ot tho Coos Biy Iron Work, and
Frank Kclley, engineer at tho. cannery.
Kelly liitl repeated rrmarlw derogatory
to President McKlnley which no claim-
til Klahu had mado to him, and the lat
ter, finding that ho was likely to bccoino
Invoked In forlons trouble over it, met
Keller and tried to make him retract his
statements, which Kelloy refused to do
and there wits n list Ic encounter in which
It Is said Klahn had the best of It, as lie
Is much the larger nun ot the two. Ln-
ter, Klahn was arrested and fined for
llsturbing the peace.
Funds to Meet Indebtedness Raised
by the Ladies in Feeding
the Multitude
Ihe net proceeds obtained front tlto
dinners given laU week by tho Ladles
Anxlllnry was $15080. This practically
pays off all Indebtedm.
UIO gyinuilMiim anil ooiu rooms oi
the Y. M. C. A. In future will Ik open
every evening from six to nine o'clock,
but on Saturdays will bo open all day
long. The reading room Is open at nil
times everv week day. nnd on Sunday
nf ternoons from li to 5 o'clock. To tho
ladles of the tow it nro extended all tho
privileges of luenibent in the week days,
Ciunor Thanks
Tho Hoard ot lllrectoro and the Ladles
Auxiliary of the . SI. l A, Hereby neari
ily thank the people ot Marshlleld, who
so liberally contributed towards the din
ners served in behalf of the association
during hist week, and nlo wish to ex
tires their amireclatlon of the liberal
patronage by the public ot the same.
The re-nlts attained nro exceedingly
gratifying and very encouraging to all
Interested in the suniHirt ami contl mu
tton of the work. 1 ho board delro to
publicly acknowledge that owing to the
noble and untiring efforts of the ladles
It Is invisible to keep tho rooms open
Myrtle Grange held Its regular meet
ing at Myitlo Point last Saturday, com
mencing at 10 a. in. Considering the
inuvtliiioof thero were unite n
number tlu re. 'I ho regular business, ot
thegrange was all gone through with;
mm an aiitiropiiiiit' ie-onun.ii .- i-.-
id. niMiu having received tuo sail news
of tho death of Piildeiit McMnley. A
regular, old rnutoneu, gntugo uinncr
was partaken of.
lu the afternoon tho doors were open
ed to the public, and a few availed them
selves of tliooppoituiiit). mid camo in,
when lints, r.ucl.inan gave n short talk
oi Ids exnerlence us ivirriincer.andsonio
of tho bencllt.s which have been derived
by the rariuent iioin uio woru oi tuo
T hit Myrtle Point grange niipearH to
have good material In It, and they seem
to know what Is expected by thogiange,
mid what Is expectetl oi
Is expectetl of them us
Tho spud crop Is short InPolk county.t
only half a ciop. s
Geo. fiitmit orKugeuo who was report
ed lost lu the mountains has turned up
and was nnifli surprised to learn tluit a
posse ot men had been sent to the
uiouuUlus to limit him.
Our Wide-awake
North Coos River
Thn river Is awarnilng with trout, but
they do not hi to worth n cent. I Hen
plenty of fishermen, with very smnll
People generally are making Improve
men U here.
Then) nre quite n lot ot caltes for salo
on the river, awaiting tho buyers, and
rcil is getting scarce. We want some
webfoot weather lo iitart tho grruw.
Send it along If you hnvo it.
W'o havo t(Ki much fruit thin year.
Homo of our neighbors are feeding Ilart-
lett pears and firarentoln apples to
their cows ami can't get rid ot all ot
them at that. W hat is the matter with
the Marshneld fruit ilrver? Thl is the
time it should be running full blast.
A creamery at the forks has been talk
ed of for a long time. It should be there.
The farmer pays 0 cts jkt cwt freight to
get his milk to tho creamery, and In hot
weather It Is sometimes returned to him
Four. Ity having a creamery at tho forks,
most of the farmers could deliver their
own milk, and sate freight and loss by
Mjuring. It will pay the party who puts
it there.
John Schet ter U hauling lumber from
tho bay for a residence.
MIm Helena Wcsela has been In Gar
diner a few days under the doctor's care.
Altera absence nf several month?,
George Quick returned last week. He
)insTl.Ited Portland and traveled ex
tensively In California.
Sir. and Mrs. John Peterson of Marsh
fleld with children, and Mrs. Victor
Sjioneyof San Francisco were visiting
lug their homestead on the lake a few
days last week and started for town
William Gamble of Kcntuck slough
was Journeying lu the hot sun over
many hills Tuesday. His destination
was Gus CarUm'H place.
Peter Jordan and Charles Johnson
hare changed their fields of operations
from Coleman's estate to Hlg creek und
Coos river respectively.
A at meeting on Johnson creek Sunday
It was decided that the name ot the con
templated danco-hall shall be Temple
ton Town Hall.
- 'AlUridya Hainan .maut ta-Sarth Jinl
Monday to oring a quantity of lumber
over the bay.
ItesIdenU ot the northern part of the
Tenmllo bantu are Interested to learn
that the steamei Klmore ot AMorla has
discharged a cargo ot storo goods at
Gardiner mid carried oft a consignment
of fanners' produce nnd cannery fix
A well attended dance vva.s held In the
old Fox house on the sand-flat north ut
the Creamery Saturday night.
Hay lluwrou Is fortunate lu being al
lowed to drop his cows for tho winter
nud attend school in Marshfleld.
Stephen Johnson und Clmrllo Coleman
went to town together Thursday.
Peter Robertson brought n lot uf farm
produce to market Wednesday.
August Laxouen departed tor Scho-
fleld logging Kenos Tuesday.
North Bend
Mrs. Storn and daughter Alma are
are able to bo arouud again after several
dajs Illness,
l. tl.a i-ntl!.. tnr nnudrlnd wV.IMi fnnV
, 1.. ,1 . . c. ....... ..ii . ci
place ill the Store Saturday Illght &lS
llan.-en drew the $10 lot und Victor Ny-
Iiiud tho 10 lot.
Every Department in this Convenient
Shopping plaeo is brim full of this
season,'. daintiest creations. ho
most beautiful conceptions of the
World's artistio designers tho ao
ceptcd styles for the Autum season '
1901. Wo lake pleasnro in, intro
ducing our new lines and earncsily
invito your inspection.
The Leading Outfitters and Furnishers.
Reporters IKll
L. J. HlinimonV houso boat wan launch'
cd Saturday last nnd nt thin writing Is
furnished and ready for use. Mr. Simp
son and wife will tako thehr llrst oxenr-'
slon on It to Tho Mare and will enter
tain as their guesU Mr. K. O'Connell nnd.
family, J. W'. ISeiiuctt and daughter.
Tho hoiu Imat contains four rwims be-
Mdrt closets, pantry, etc., mid U most
excellently f urnhdicd throughout.
Thn Alliance brought In her usual',
amount of freight for thin placo WN I
nesday. 4 ?"
Capt. O.T, Olsen Is hero nnd will nun
erlntend the rigging of tho schooner
Advent which was recently launched. .
All work was suspended here Thins
day. Victor WHtlck nnd wife returned from
San Francisco on the Areata, We aro.
sorry to wiy Mrs. Wlttlck's condition
( bo iinprored by her
trip to tho city.
MksMarvIlhieknml Kobert Wllnrt'
left for Kosebitrg Saturday. Miss Mack'
will vl'it relatires In UouglM Co, souie
tlmo before returning home. t
S. H.Sherwnoilwasont to the north'
Fork ot the C'oqulllo the first ot tho
week on n business trip.
Her. lialley commenced preaching
hero Sfomlay evening. The meeting
are well attended and the sermons aro
very Interesting.
Clarence Harris went over to Coos riv
er .Monday to flsh for Levi Smith.
uiesior itwnnni ot .McKlnley lint
licen visiting relatives here the past
week. t
Krnest Smith nnd family, Frank Smith
and Sirs. Levi Smith of south Coos river "
posted through here Monday on their
way to Kottcbtirg to attend tho Street
Fair at that place.
Wm. Matthews add family are visiting
friends here. Sir. Matthews In tends to
more out to his Fnlrview ranch next
MbN Kvn Wilson Is Tbdtlng Roseburg
frleiuli this week.
United States LandOiEce, Kojcburj. Onxon,
bept. 17, 1501.
Notice b lirrcbr dcn that In coaoliiaca
Mtth the pro.lnonj of the act ofConerru ofjune
3. i8;3,entltW"An net foflhcule of Umbtr
linds In the butes of CalUbrnU. Oregon, Ne'
da. and WaOilnctonTerillocy," u extended
toail the Public Land Sutej by act of Aiut
4. 1392. Williams. Dknniko, of ManMdd.
tounir of Coca. State of Umag. has thb dwr
Wed inth4 bis ieni tuteswM No. tj-s4
far themretMoTtheNKV of&eMerfKa. n'r.
in lonwiif mmom, MKiiMti et,;aai
.. -.. .. . ' rui..K
more nhMe fee to Umber or" SB8R'fcV
acneuaurai prpoaet, and 10 ejtabtoh hli bl
to aald Und before the RivUteraEd Reetlrer of
this office at Koieburc, Orrgon. ou Tueadar,
the 3d davof December, ifoi.
He names u ltnee: Jessie Smith, Al
bert Abbott, Lester Smith, AuloinWlttt all of
tixrslificld. Oregoa.
Any and all penon clatmlnt adversely tha '
abore-described lands are rrauested to file itu4e
claims in this omccoa or before said 3d day of'
fiteimr, 1901,
9-" J. T. nincr.f. Register. "
TliinKULAND, ACT JUNE 3..J878,
United States Ijtnd Office, Koseburj;, Oregon.
Nept. 17, t9or.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of the act of Congress of une 3. '
187S, entitled "An act Tor the sale o( timber
lands in the Stales of California, Oregon. Ne
vada, and Washington Territory," as extended
to alt the Public Land Stales by act of August
4. iBoj, Albert Abbott, of Marshlield, coun.y
of Coos, SUte or Oregon has this day filed la
this office his sttorn statement No. iBrfl, for
the nurcluMof the Sl!t nf sr,lnn Nr. .
I Township 36 Soulh. of Range 1 1 West and will
' offer proof to show that the land sought Is more
vaiuaoie tor its tinioer or stone th.10 tor agricul-
tural iwtposes, nnd to establish his claim to said
land before the Register and Receiver of tuts i
office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 3d .
day of December, tool ,
. iicnuiau kiiqcsscs; vnuim a, uen
I nlng, Jessie Smith. Lester Smith, Antoln Wlrtt
I ait 01 uannneki, tjregon.
! Any and all persons ciatmtn!r adverselv tho
l,bove - lcscr'b1t 'n,1""erquested tofile their
cUim la thU otKct: oa or before said 34 tlay ot
December, toot.
1 ""
J.T, UsiDGts, Register.