, "l NONE BUT THE BEST OF MEATS. I coiistnntly furnish the best mul priiuest of incut, which KhtM me the confidence it my piumm. MEATS ARE A NECESSITY lint It it hece.vury tlmt tty lie pure mid whole-mute, t do not promise a discount, lint I will glu'yoii honest iiml courteous treatment, mid nltie recelwd for your money. SutWf iirt Ion "iinrmiteed or cash refunded. Till? Marshfield Cash Meat Market, HENRY HOLM, Prop. r r 1 r r r r Eagle Bakery. taS-e- e-ar JOSEPH W W V. V. W. Wu WIDE-AWAKE Think about The enormous tales of the (iraphopbone, oiuacd by toe (act ttut It lua uch jS ASR ) MATCHLESS POWER OF ENTERTAINMENT TUtMMU6(DUIMfofKHUSSJOSUUadUII..UikuHt. ' IT CUPPUCS AH ACTUAL, WANT (THE IMIERISTIOLE DEMAND FOR DIVERSION AND RELAXATION) TO GRATIFY WHICH MANY ARE WILLING TO DO WITHOUT OTHER NECESSITIES. IT IS THE UNIVERSAL ENTERTAINER OF THE AGE Aa iaatfcaintiala scarce of Weno mI IV'iaut to all, It li almple In contraction, and Mice air arranced to aultull M-ket books; while tlie demand will continue aa lonir aa liuman nature exl.u. The Introduction of a few Graphophonee Into a community at mice create an Increajk demand for tlCOtOS sad SWIMS, and a fOHIIMOCS BtSittSS U Ua raUUIaaWL Why nut arctud the Ubaral PraflU wklck ara allw4 aVaalrra? WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, TERMS, ETC., TO Columbia Phonograph Co., (aea Z Crrpt. one in each town ThU liberal offer the oualtlv of our T a rclUl able pertou oicycie, gmEfli fi mil swewan K1 I AW ucaaaKCIot VJ.L . HUD CYCLE CO., Chieacu. S" Wiiys- JCTfi fw F..KK DKI.IVKUY l'HONK LSI. llnviiit; r'0iii'v ii ir--i i I r .Ciuiti . m ti rest in till II tkerv. i Im l"'ii tmtroiiii ly rt'iuiviitctl iiii'l uliiiill. xml I out prrptrcd m furnish first- 'i llienl. l'i-, Oik. K'e. KreiulelK-n t'i uny put uf the ,.iy by lilvii)K order I'ii llikery mi A utirrt. '2 tu-kftf for f 1 . EG - LE. Proprietor. t U. aW t. w w ww NO SLATE, !! !ii oihrr un lUiiMble utlouvi N I . Iltoiiinl lo)oor ilir It) lUi.lirr. ju.t ' ! uUht. in e-lsimtni; cu.1, utilili tmint ii I il ! Ihiiii, i ut iluein l tmin up to -h iimhh). VMt" )on'r k I lin toil hii .. . hi J. A Jet llkt lal. I uwlai rtirti, iKretl Ircmi the null. II') . l iikcli iii uiiv tail 01 loll on IkmI so !'. I i.k ! i ilia) iiik. ivotliii. Itl m(k unit .v " I1t Ant hVkklHr. I ii I Kil L HECSNER. MERCHANTS, ADD TO YOUR BUSINESS the GRAPHOPHONE arc D SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. RIDER AGENTS WANTED to ride and exhibit a sample 1901 model bicycle ot our nuiniifncture. TUU CAN MAKE 110 TO $60 A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself. 1901 Models !!&: $10 to $18 '00 &'99 Models .$7 tt $12 500 Siconri Hand WhoolJit'j .. p taken In trade ty our CbtcuKO tttail noiti, alfj IB DO luaoy Kooi aa new,, We ihip uny bicycle Qf APPROVAL, to anyone Kithou! a ctnl utnoait tit dikuncc and allow 10 DAYS !?KFI TRIAL. r, no Hilfc in ordcrirt) 'rem its, ns you do not need to pay a cent if the bic le !ot- not tiit you, nn yflT Dr whrtl iiutil i.u luvc written fur our li.n iecr been niualcJ aud U a guarantee of wh elf. in each town to oiMriiiuie cauiocura fur write today lor free catalogue and oar apedal oner, FEEDING DAIRY COWS. tnttmrliMier of JriH.itr niply nf tlnuit June tlraai Tlu tall for kimm! Krm-i huttrr I" nritt'iit lod.iy mul iiinmiiiii'fa nctnnlly touu for tlit binliii; m'timm, wlioti khim nuiilc tmtit't ttmUi'H Hn ilmt rtiK'nr fliKo, h.i.h a .MlnncMotn ilitlrynmn In AnirrUtiii t'nilHtor. Ho ilcllvnte mid lUtriHtlvc N tli t-olor mid llavor of Jtuio luiitir Hint nil like tin irtnluct mul I10I1I Ii iibovt' Hint tmiilo nt uny other Keitaon, 1'itt'Uerit mul nierclimitM More thU June tutttir mul hold It nil ttirtittuli the winter nenaon. nellliiK It Knuluall.v ut mi mhiimv urrr nil otli era. If It uiia 11111I11I, other v Idoni'o could lie iltiil to nIiow Hint Rrnat U the uioKt inituntl mul heat foiHl tlmt emi In- fill lo the il.ilry votvn. (3 00. 1 June cniM ii'rforiiiM 11 uork In tho ei-tiiiniii.v of iiilitre Ihut no urtltlclnl tlll'tlKxIx lllltl' J ft lltlllllcnllHl. Nl'MT- tliileHK. Miine ihiiryuii'ii hIiow atirli ileiiM' Inek or ii;iivrliHlim of thla tlmt they full lo Imve 11 direlit crua imn ture on their fnrum. DiiloltiK without roihI miiin- Held" It wry much IIUo il.i)liie "lliiuilet" without llitmlrt. It Is luipoKnlhte lor the fitrtner to pro duce the detlrnhle rtulta which he way have vaKUely lu view. flrtiaa mid hny. then com mid othir sticvulellt fiMMla. nliould he the rehltlre order of food which the ditlryinmi shotihl l;ee eiitiNtmitly lu mind. IIU furuihn: should tie Ixivil ti"" ' ti'ht ctitiieitlon of the viitile of thene fiMHls. so tlm I when he vIhiiih n cro he know exmtty whnt he will net lu iituru fol It. A'U'ood (Mature farm In n n inn II for tune to 11 dairyman, hut the aclcnce of l.e pink' up this pnsiure to It full pro duction It worth more 10 him. And jet there l no Krciit m-crvt In the Matloii. It In merely the uppllentlon of common eilie. knowieilKe mi I Jllilsiiieiit lu fur uInIiIiii; the urn crop- with the rlcht rood to keep them uolUK. Uolilillic Ihe xoll mid tnrvltn: the Citt nxiiB imtHi nlwiiya ! lollowed hy pour isnta mid liny erupt wmnrr or l.iler Nejrhfl the cro Ihln en unit, timl we will Imve to pity for II next. SYMit'l line" the piiyiuetll come mioller 1 tin n we i'J'it. hud. nc'tlu. It l post (hiiiiiI for come Indefinite lime. When an otetdlitft Ii liiude upon Ihe toll. Il In iilwn.tH wle to.mnke restlimlon nn oott iik tollile. I'ul on mi extra up ply of rerillUen this year nml tin not iit'Klfft 'I utilll 1 00 late. We cannot i.iUe from Hie mil more tliun itiere I m It. hut we tint cultivate crops so that :he full food Mtpply Is develoM'd and Xp.llldid A cood licit I of the food tupply of any soil It wasted, ns n rule, through lin U of cultivation mid n prop' tr iiielhiid or iltllUIliK It. Tlicne kecrcts ihotild he known mid (hen ucd to heir iilinoii. tlrrniiKrd t'rtdrr. SninelliLiM 11 eiiw rill Kite thick rill, fro 1 11 one tiinrter of her udder. !'ld irttilile I eiitised liy :i lU'raiml oiidltloii nf the .-html. Ittili Hie ipinr er well lifter em It iiillklm: with a lit' le winp liniment. A WORD rOn THE SILO. I . Iriura I'.lli '.'.tC ' it t'ro ,-rraalra t'ur'iirr, ; ic-e 1 ! 'il'.i "i.i I'leW'lt 11 -iilnkl the tit. 1. ', t)c are (no Ick'iMl kli'!:eri. nya 1 iointpon.1 -ut of The Xnlloiml Stock llllll I O.'lT tllle l.tl I 11 COW or klfiT r Phm- or in it ! or hoc 10 Ih mi 11 ny .li;ii'i I. hi Hi" . 1 f lenilly rihillout 1.1 ;..; li. mid while I do mil "r nil my own Jiidifineui 10 put 011 uny I i.i' 11. '..;;;'.;. I law oliie ntw II 111 lu ilndr lll.es mill dislikes tire so t ell estnli)ihril mid I feel so tiuieli ; .11; 11 I in inlth lu the.r rell.thllh 1' I I 1 ier ihlnti of innhlnjc mi zip '1. 1 I ftoi.i Hull Jndu'lU'-nt. I cnre'iiot freln wlieie Ihe wlseaiuen coiite, from Hie cil-l or west, lo tell me. the silo Is 11 lid. il.nl i!;ik'i' Is vmierkiuiii; Hint It I pin') "polled; Hint II Is iinw holt" I e nml will ilerny tho vv'h leeth ind cut out her Intermit economy; Hint rot only the iiiKto of It, hut tliu smell or It is deiilli 10 horses; Hint there Is mil Ii li.u In II thill Hie dried fodder does not -oiiiii 11 Inn wilier, mid thill I inn hnn ildui: so iimiy tont of Hun llcpild ihr.t tit ' I he cheiiply milled III the w.iiter Mul iclieli llii'.v Imve hurled ciiiiiii;Ii lie iii'es mid "tnll-llis nml lexliiiiullliiLi ill ;i'i 10 mil u'.'i'lm ini'ti 11 hi hiki'i in.iii Hi.'iii I nn.. I simply refer ihe 11 hole iii.itti r 10 Tho lows mid ili',i n ii;s 11. Ic In Hie iilllriiiiillre. Win 11 He "llllll urilw Ml II plopil np p. 1 111.1,1 1 1 tlie . iii:.ltle of Hie t-flo mil niily nt till mlJilllL't of Ihe 1 In liy, Inn nt 11 iiipli'iin :ii lo Hie fiirm its . II llii'ii v e ! 1 1 iiiidei'sliiiiil Hull w VM'IT WlHO in luiltlltiK tiisl 10 tliu U fnltli, it ml tho kicker otherivlae, Then tho Inside fences will bo, nmt the uullinltitl pnsttire. except tho urn fiirinithlo html, will he n memory of the past. Then the product or S.I nrre will keep the 2.1 cows uioro comfort nhly mul pmlltnlily tlutii the HK ncren do now, mid there will ho 71 ncrcn to devote to other Hues of mirlcultiiro or to Krnwlnif the irotcln for the tlulry tt the wholesome utittlltis down of the feed nml fertllUer hills. Then the proKrosslvo fitrnier will not ntfili to own nil the html Joining him. hut ritther r'ret Hint ho nlremly hnn moro than he emi farm ns It should lie done. Unit's llnnara, The homes of !od' jKiiple nro denr lo him. hut the homes lime to do with Ihe Isidy nml tetupornl thine chiefly, while the churches lime to do with Hit soul nml ftcrunl HiIiiks chlolly. This U Infinitely hlcher nml more Imporlitnt work thnu the other.-Itev. T. C. Curie ton, Itnpllst.Hf. Louis. Tho Old Roliablo Firm, E.B.Dean&Co. C. II. MERCHANT, g6.UeAr. I eiiii.liiiilly iiilillni In I's llll'k III l.tl'lll'llll Ml'llllHII- lle, itlremly the Inue! In Mmslilleld. When inn Inty ill the Mill Sluri' .lull kll'lti' ihe u-xid. mi' llrt nlit" mid III prli'c U nil rlu'il , All kinds of lumbor and building material, food and sup plies at wholosalo and rotail ( IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS! m ANVWItCUIl AT ANYTIMU Call en .r Writ 5 B.C. DAKB'S ADYBHTISIKO AGENCY j 64 & 6g Merchant' Hxcbango I MAN I'HANCIJCO, CAU J I'Jltl ,'llttl Coilllllll'lltllls Stflll)Hllil tw ALLIANCE, or ur HARDW1CK. Master Ute iripilir iriu Wn Not rr.nu-iKo ind Poriliml u lliiinlililninl t'oof liy. cillmi; .' ulmiv ivirtinith a.iy. The AI.I.IANCi: is . llrst iil pilsiteiiuer I'OSl, null Intra nil I lie IIH.di'lll COIIVt'llllHICI.S mid is nun nf tho fitstest Sii'iiiiiers ill her ehisn, I-'or I-rcij-lit niid I'dssciicr Kates tr Sailing Dates, Apply to Agents Al VKSIIIMKIJ), Orco vr ur txr tir vr JBLAKCO HOTEL? i J.I. I. I'UIIHIiY. I'coprlrlor V atHIADQUAnTiri FOR U 5 OOMMinOIAL TIAVat.ll1 t . ," IviSKHAMVLK IIOOMS, MUMS t UKASO.y.lllUK i 4 5 tfaaaaiaueiri n firn.f lkVVVVVVkVV CENTRAL HOTEL ornrr f Front Mini A strrrt. MAItHMKlKt.l), OIlKtlON, ONII UNYDKH. t 1 t I I ll'ioprlettt flllilS WKI l.-KNOWN ANHKAVOKI 1 1 J IIOII'.l.lui lull t-rn entlrrly rcnltrdaril irfiirnUI l thtnuithoul and Ii ajtAlnoiirn la lie pnUic for MliPna(r. Nrw lli ami iprlnjf tiuttreairi. twit Ixri placnl In alnunl rirry ilrrplnx room ol lh (louf and oeillr troiibk. nor rnn ha- In" paml to put eirrylKInf In fliilcun otAn tsaMi Ikwut and lxti;ln(, r re k J.' o Kivsrit, fr wrek., , ..,.,....,. 4.0" Snrjlr Mrjlt ... i.. ., . 'vi. it DR. JORDAN'S os.ca.tI MUSEUM OF ANATOMY- l.milTITliIIIlKIl I1L I J Jl """ Mww N im i " " " w aiaar llwtMIH arakaia. - - .1 . . . iZZZlVZZ-??.'?' ." M.JMDAK-Oimmef MINI .- fJ Fa. .raii.l.lHi,v, n4ku !'V'''""I"1 BUki - - "- - r -wnwrv at ( aaalal 1 a I fiU. aiaaaai OH (OaDaN k CO. 1011 taaimai atl m. a.'a.' -m av a.aj THE STEAMER ARCATA. '" .VKh.0.y,MtiKtri. Will tliiUi llruuhir 'l'rli- iiirrwKKN- COOS BAY AND S.IX FRANCISCO, -UAKItYINd- PA8SENGER5 AND FREIGHT - LOWE8T RATES. Ortiron Coal ft Nafliratlon Co,, 1'roprlotUfS, K G, flinaican, ARent, Marshfield S O. Company, Atcent, Umpire City, 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Mark DtaiaNB COPVHiaHTB Ac. ..& .uril. k shlAl. tA AatrwtnHrtW m.tf aulrtlr aaearlaln r nrHiikin frao wlnslmr a Si.Mitbm lanibablrtalNtalila. (iiirnuul L..... .HiK.l.ntl.l llatrtN.k,l I'&laAtA Mill frna. lililMl irncy fur curliwi' I'alanta lakan tlimuiih Mupi A (M, tTtrUilnotkt, without Uiaraa, tutba iOU. racaira yfrHnvitif wiiihiui vwii R t"" Scientific Jfttericait. A b.iij.i.nielr tnaitralad waaklr. laraaat Hr iiiitliin of any irtriilino lourn.l. Trrina. 1 1 1, i.irp fnur iniiiiilii.il. Mil byall riiii'i. MllKM n sMP,o.r!..T.No'v Ynrk llSBIiH