:""5W -flWfW ?&& . j - rwnf SumlaOrcgoniau at Norton's Fishing tackle nt Murphy's. Commissioner Hermann of the U. S General Land Office is c. ppctc3 home in n few days. New line of Guns and Amuiii tioii.flt Murphy's The KuRcnci Register conies out in a bright new dress of type. Gllsttap Brothers are forging alicad itt great shape. When you want sonic extra nice cheese call on your grocer for Sumner creamery full cream cheese. 6 S tf Dayton Herald, Sept. 6. Mrs. Kcrkius, wife of V . G. Perkins the groccrytuau, arrived here from. Marshfield on Saturday tveuing last. The many friends of Joseph B Amot will be pleased to know that he has been granted a pension of $io a mouth. W. A. Woolicver returned to Marshfield after instituting an M. V. of A. camp at Coquille. He will-Jiow proceed to business iir organizing Marslihclu. Make your purchases before 7:?o n m, and you will be grant ing the retail clerks a vacation of over an hour every evening. Jas. Rookc, of South Marsh field, had quite a severe attack ofillucss Sunday morning and a pjiysiciau was called, but he made a quick, rally-and was ucar ly as good as new before night. The many friends of A. W. Ikck.alias A. 13. Rector will be glad to know that he has at last reached his new home at Salem safely uubcr the guidance of ShcnfT Alex Ormc, of Medtord, where he will be at home for three years. Bob. Mabry, representative of tire Chamberlain Medicine Com pany was in town last Saturday on his anuual tour. Mr. Mabry understands his business, espec ially that branch in which he deals with the unsophisticated newspaper mam The new gasoline schooner, which has been building at Woods, was successfully launched last week. She is to be used for the freight business for the south -1r.l... ....... ..A . l,!MBiliwa.iiiiuuaw. .ui. anisic she will be instrumental in filling a long felt waut. Tillamook Headlight. Ring phone 171, Ccnterville Dairy when you want milk or cream of the highest quality that the best dairy stock can produce. The motto in handling our dairy is cleanliness, promptness of delivery, and certainty of its not having been skimmed. Flana gan Sr.Barry. J. W. Simmons, State Deputy Head Consul Modern Woodmen . - ' - i of America came into this part of the State in the interest of the order, frhile here he went to'.P'0!? J ru fro"1 Corvallis - mi j ; -. ..j -i n 100 members. Coquille con )C proud of having so good a starter! for the most popular order in j America. Mr. Simmons went back Portlaud on the Alliance and speaks very flatteriugly of Coos county. VALISE FOUND A valise was left ou scow at Suoini picnic on Coos river. Own er call at this office and prove property. 9-14-21 CLO You will find our NEW FALL MNJv 01? CLOTHING to be the best that the skill ol mau has designed for men. Taylored in the latest style, aud dependable iu every way. All of our new garments are cut from durable wool fabrics, in neat Mixtures, Checkr, Stripes, New Greens, Plain Blues and Blacks. Drop in some time at your leasure aud see them. ' ' : : Hawes Hats ' , , , . Have had the preference ataoug fashion's votaries. umu Derby and soft hats way from' the east. N'ASBURG B ' va9s. fc.vs.tkfyfc xv&vwnvwfiAWA s2stv&nsi.TvQ3m. Tho Reliable Dry .Ill- III IIWIIII WlWMIIIIIIIlJ'WIIUWIIJ-nlM Jens Hansen is taking n vaca tion on llayncs slough. Mm. Mary Norrts, of Myrtle Point is visiting friends in town. Dade Hayncs has leased "The Aldcis" of II. Seugstacken for five years. The government steamer Manzinita spent a night at the Marshfiald docks this week. V. O. Mathews will move to. Pairview nud take up his resi dence on his farm there. j. Mahoucy will take R. 12. Shine's place as manager for the S. O. Co. during the hitter's nb scence. There is great probability that tomorrow will close Rev. R. C. I.cc's service as pastor of the M. 12. church of this city. Harry Waltcis went north on the Alliance on his way to Phila delphia, where he will continue his dental studies. Miss Klizabeth Hascltou ac companied by Miss Alice and Master Clifford Curtis have re turned from a pleasant visit at Coquille. The late showers remind resi dents in South Marshfield that sidewalks nud crossings in that part of town arc greatly iu need of attention. Phil Drain of Coquille City, shipped loo head ol hogs to the Union Meat Co. by the Alliance. This is the first lot of fat boss shipped to Portlaud from this place. The families of V. B. Curtis, 12. A. Audersou and Heury Holm drove to Rocky Point last Tues day and spent the day picnicking. The party Tcport spending a de lightful day. Robt. 12. Golden with his family and household goods left for Portland on the Alliance on his wav to Airlce Or., where he will take a medical course iu the college. K. S. Dow's driving horse is laid up as the result of putting one of her hind legs through the I'ourth street bridge. Much work has been done on this bridge lately, but more is needed. Mr. aud Mrs. John Flanagan, Mrs. G. V. Rcuuie and R. 12. Shine went to Portland on the Alliauce, on their way to visit the it? :.: ... i..(TiH m. c!.i..a ...ill t.vt.nr1 lite trm'j.lc nc fVlr flC his old home at Baudon, Ireland. Henry Holm received a scow lord ot beef cattle. from John Porter of AHcgancy" Thursday, aud a carload of fat hogs and mutton sheep from Roy Garrett of Myrtle Point, Friday. Well, Well! Corvallis Times, August 31: Engineers, surveying a line of railroad from Coos Bay to Cor vallis arrived Wednesday. They v.vwu.. ..... .......... . - are at work on the Hue that is south via Tunction. Monroe and other points, and that which at van0Ui t,mes Pa.st th:"r hns b, newspaper mention. A standard 8uaKe road ,s Proposed. FOR SALE Must be sold at once, owner leaving city. Fine Rosewood case piano an1 oak cased organ. Any one desiring either instru ment would do well to examine this offer. There is not a better organ iu the city. Both will be sold cheap. NEW FALL STYLES I2sT THING:' 'H'iiniftv,,rK,HffraKt''CT 0 , J? is certainly the most uncomfortable thing for a long time that can happen to a SHOli-BUYHR an The new Aut- t ill-fitted shoe is dear at any price We fit v your feet and your pocket-book as well in are now on the j FLORSIIEIM'S STYLISH AND COMFORTABLE SHOES, $3.50 Goods, Clothing anil Famishing Goods Jllen. WE HAVE ITS fag$rtto WW WWW iM A Hi A M '" in our storc fllcasc ask t0 ,,c sll0W" 1N' Cas,crn "iajc niAl AliL slices for Ladies, you will be pleased nltli the price and style MKNU'l'S YUfU MAIL AN'l) l'UONK OltDKU. I. O. O. V. HiilMlmS Miii'tU'ttctd, OrejJ"". Closing Out at Cost Tho ontiro Stock, Dry goods, Clothing, Furn ishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, Oar pots, Oil Cloths, Linol oum, Mattings. The entire stock must go at cost. Storo to let. Fixtures for sale. XLNT Storo. New Ribles The Presbyterian Church aud Sunday School are lejoicing iu the possession of three dozen new Bibles, secured thuauh-Uic ef forts of Dr. Holt, of Portland, who visited here a short tine ago iu his official character r.s Synod ical Missiouarv. The- new Bibles are 241110 iu flexible black Mor- rocco bunting, tine paper turn presswork. Lodge and Church As announced in the Mail, the Rev. S. B. McClelland of the Presbyterian church, preach ed ou the subject ot "the Lodge and the Church." Prom the fact that the Presbyterian church has put itsclt as an organization iu a position of antagonism to lodges, it was anticipated that Mr. McClelland migh say c harsh things of the lodges. rhi5, however he did not do. After pointing out sonic of the t,nnSs to be guarded against iu lodge 1 life, he conceded the good which lies iu it and then showed that! the lodge cannot properly taKc the place of the chhrch. His address was a thoughtful and con-, ....i j:....:.. f .1 i. :,...., hiiir-i.iif i 11 mi in j 1 1 11- 11-i.iiiini . .1 1 i 1 .1... l....1. ..Ji'lll'iiiusiui iuv; jiu wi ..ii.i Ul IIIC lUWgC .111(1 (IIC (.IKIII.ll, .((IU nottiing was said to which tlic most rabid jiner could reasonably take objections, Scott tlic Anarchist The incentive to these risks (trust speculations) would be largely destroyed by a vigorous income tax law, the removal of I tanffduties from all articles which are now being shipped to foreign countries regularly, and by the enforcement of an iron-clad anti-trust law. If the hundreds of millions which Carnegie atitl ( I'riiclilnis rvico. 11:00 A .M.mul Rockefeller aiidArmour and scores .," v.i' ' , r .,,, of otner millionaires ate trying tolll.,vw..wflfMiTiiir1iil.iv" .so I'M give away, because nicy ucituer need nor want them, and been added to the wages of the men who produced them, their wealth would ha'e remained at the fig. urn trr. it1r1i rlim nr.i tirktt trt'inif ... ...,.., ...v . ..w "7'"s (,,,, 11 j,. city. 1.11 Sept. i'Snl nml 2llh at to reduce it, and hunreds of . ' .. , , . ' ... thousands of workingiuen's homes , ,l" ( 1,rU,1,m d,"r1,1'' """"! M"' would have been the happier ,y!'UynrniN.ii. A.h. in-fsrounii lm it. The fact that so many in. 11 , Iwcn rMiiH. All Sunday kcIkhiI- an are giving away a large part oflH-dally linlti-il wwnl two r tlirn- their fortunes but proves that something should be done to pre- vent their accumalation. Har vey Scott's Labor Day address ' A TO 56.00. R A few Laities' Hhlrt VnUt left SUii mv llioken. Wnuipors t'hoy ru nt n jirleo to M thorn. : Militiery tfliitf I take pleasure in announcing to my patrons that on next Wed nesday Sept. 18th, 1 wilt display my stock o( lnll nud Winter Millinery, coiupiisiug the most stvlij.li nud uobbv line of Utess Hats, reproduced by the most skillful Portlaud nud Sail Prnu. cisco trimmers, lepteseuting the latest Kutopc.in and American styles. Cull nud examine. All are welcomed. Mus. l' A. Sacciu GAFF12Y At Beaver Hill, Or., Sept. 9, 1901, Patrick Galley aged 65 years. Marshall Nay Dead Just a? we go to pres, word reaches us that Jarshall Nay, nu old nud highly respected resident of Coos, died nt his home ou Kcnttick slough, yesterbay. He was taken sick while iu nt the fair here and' has steadily grown worse till death resulted. FOR SALE One half interest in the clam cannery. Apply to J. Roland- sou. For Road Improvement ("Ivor imi hn ht'H raised liv aubscr.)lillB for .,e improvement ;rif - ,,, M-r,i,fi,.i,ii.m;ri. ,,,n,t nud SHb3UllJal bettetments will be made. ' ' SETTLERS FINISH A ENGINEERING WORK The settlers ou North slough atv ". 1 ? ' , 1 1... ...1 ....:. ... WKing ill wic way 01 a drainage ai.i:.-i. . -... .1... !... t .......- f - , . . ... . . . . v, , , . ,. .1: . .... j"10.1 ..w ch ? ... . r ... .., naviiTiuion. 1 cu 01 nit .(.-1 1 it-1 have been at work for some time on a:, eight-foot ditch to drain the tipper lake into the lower one and lead the water off in another; way. The job was completed last Saturday, and the uprerlake uow j,as n ,lcw outlet. AT THE CHURCHES. I'ltiyilYTKItlAN CUUm II. (Survico.) Silihalli linol 10 .00 A M annuel is. .McCii-iianil, r.ntor. Sunday School Convention ti- uiiiiti it c.iiir.'i.tii.n it tin- OHM ICiiziiitySuiiilayhcliiwNwIlllH. h.-M at 'ii'JeKuti, Otcn Killed 1 hu light ruliMthN uwk nniMil V II. Nolilc iiiilii a lo. (In WhIiichIu)- 11 lo.nl nt li'K'i.rHii unto liU ti-mii, Lilting thrt'it lic.'ul iiimI erlpjilliiK thri-i inorr. MARSHFIELD STOOES WILL CLOSE EARLY Tin mVi.nMit for t'arlicr cIiwIiik "f . tlH'Mi.rw .if .M.irHhlichl mtiih lll.fly now to 11 t with mim-hsh. It U iiiiiIit- HtiMMl that. Im(,'IiiiiIii Momlav. all btorw, with onu iMMIhlc i.xci'ptloii will i-Iwo at 7SJI p m. " 'IhU U a KHI i'ha mnl itli to Lolloped that it will I .1 ponnaiifiit tliltiK. Hirth the nicu-hmiti (imt chTkH oiiuht to ham their ecitlii;n for Micial t-iijiiyiuviit ami relaxation, ami If nil will Htaml together thcrit will he no trnuhle. REVEREND 1. C. LEE MAY GO ELSEWHERE 'Iheltev. It.C. J,w i'XM'ctn to Htmt uii time next week for llillnhnro where tho miulialooiiferiiicttof tint M.K.ehurch coiirt'iiitH on the '21th of thlrf mouth. It Ib perliapii prolmhletlutt Mr. I.eu may hu trmisferreil to mhiiu other plate, hut Marxhflelil peoihi will hopo that Im may Htlll hu left here. .Mr. Leo him hreu here four yearH ami during that time has ilnm a nre.it work In the wny of milhl iiiK up h(H eliuieh, ami hnhan won tho renpect mnl Milhl eteem of thn hent l'eo pht ot tho uiiinmuiity, ami Inn taken IiIh placo us u man iinniiiu men in thu huxl HL'MllfDof.lho town. It ho ho talcNU Alfo a few iilxeti In lVioule .11 I Help out the cleiks and don't buy utter 7:30. Mnishnll Way, of Coquille City, was iu town Tuesbuy. Mis. I,. M. Noble has gone to Snu Ktnucibco for medical tieat meiit. Don't make the eletks work 14 hours when they can do a days wotk iu 12. :, Mr. aud Mrs. 12. S. Craig have gone to Ashland, Or., iu hopes of iuipiovemeut to Mm. Craig's health. The steamer Coos River is ou her run again after a thoiough ovet hauling, and looks ns good us new. W. J. Butler has opened nu office between the telegiaph office aud the Central hotel, as head. quarters for his life and fire itt- 'ituntu'e business. Should the Multifield clerks work uutil 9 p m, wheie iu nil other civilized towns the Motes cIom: at f p in? A. Matron's delivery train ran away yesterday and brought up gainst the coiner post of the I. K. saloon, demolishing the post but not doing any other senuus damage. Miss Beasott nud Miss Beuiuis, who wll te.ieh iu the Mni.slt Ik-Id .school came into town Thuisdny. Herbert I.ockhart, J. S. Coke, Jr., J. W. Beuiicl and Oe Nevue went to the sandhills yes. tctday for a few dns outing. P. M. Ptiedburg returned Weduesl.iy liotu a trip to .Salem. Rev. S. II. MoCIellaud will preach 011 the subject ''Our De puted Ruler" tomorrow evening at the Ptesbyteriau church. The public cordially invite I. Don't p.ttionize an unfair house, you to so when you buy 1, """ ' "' lllul" ""' "ous,c u,al " lKU aUvr 7:30. l For a bad taste in the mouth take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by John Preuss. "A Nation in Mofirning" will be Rev. R. C. I.cc's Mthject at the Methodist church tomorrow evening. The Southern Stock Co. had a crowded house last evening to witness their excellent presenta tion of the great emotional drama, Hazel Rirke. LADIES MEET WITH GRATIFYING SUCCESS In Tlicir Efforts to liaise Money for ...... r In.l.liolilnc II1W tilt n-inu'.iiiiMimgd Probably Wiped Out Tin friciiiN uf tlu Y.M.C. A. arc re joicing orr thi rfiirro u( tho Linllm' Auxiliary in raiiiiK niiiiny to p.iy nir (In-iiiili'litiHliii-Miiir tin1 ii'Miiciiitiiin hy w-r-in;; ri'(rnliiiii'iitM cwry cU'iiliiK IUU uci'l; in tlic nu nu iiinlcr I. I). 0. 1. hall. 'Ilii'p-druiiui,'!1 hax iuun thaiivxci'i'ili'il I'Xpi-ctathiiiH, mnl it U miiliTHtiMNl that miT l wi'ri' n-allziil tln llrnt four cu'iilii', 'I lie Mirk h:m lirrii iliWdnl """' "' 'Uiu-rciii, cmiruuv. inn iiimiw !f '" IUTTnt ili'iminiiiathiiH mtiIiik tuUimm Mtimluy. Kplhi-opal; Tmif 'liiy.Mftli.HllMtjWc.liiiwilay.Tri' - l.yti'rlaiij Krhlay, llaptlHt, Hatiir.lay, all i-liun-liw. ion 'Ihiirnlay tin ymiiiK Imllw of tint J t,,w'' l""1 "'" "",tu'r ,l,l,u'lr r"""N' 'tiw UMv "'" ll'" u, ll,,l,krt ot l"' .-iiiuuiiIly for their WTortH, ami tlii coiiKratulatloiiH of nil for lluilr mieoeiw. With tint huiileu ot ileht lilteil the Y. M. C. A. will take 11 new htnrt lu Itn car eer Of UHI'flllUI"H. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. A flu" hiiHineiMjot iln A Ht, 1(S00, l)iVollinK lioiiao oii'Juilht, 0 rouuiH (1W). A plot of laiul'218 ft. hy 100 ft. fiioluiron riieo true I; iu Koutli Mnrnli llclil, SIM, Will hell 111 hull; or hiilf. Four lots uoxl to I'ouIoIIIl'o on I'rou nt .fi-iOO. Jloti-o anil lot in WeH .Mnmhtlohl fllMX). limifo nu J 'lot in .Smith Mitrtilifiuhl Six lotu in Illk 10, Kouth Mnrilillohl )louk70 in Notlev'ri mhlitiou to Coqiullu Oity. Kiujulm of (J, Doiiws. FOR THE CHILD. Don't tot tin I'lilUlrvu MillVr in Out lint umliiO tlivo tliciii wlml tlliy iicimI In ilhcwiiy of liosulli(iii ulntiUM timt' will puiimi tli'6 lien iKDiit 1111114 anil vtt", mill dovi'lopniiMit of llm lioily. W11 Imvu noiiiu KloiiV 11 ml Hiirvloiiiililo (nil nom nml proHy lomly tiiiiilt'M nt rriulymilo jnlcrtt tlnvi tlmtilil iiitoriiHt you NORTH fa STAR. Bossio Richards, Proprietor. Cor. A mid Second Sts. ( n Lm ipv fell 1 A Distinoti Triumph Our mnlwul Uitlrilrt, ( llir iii'iilKtHlmi of rVo.lt kilv lu iiii) vut nl llir Ixxty In nml til II, ho" eviliinl n itinuicl Hluiiitli In tlik Imliuli of llir liAilmg Hhmrr. tit MlMtitlkm linr rtrr utnl iul Air rmloitnt tiy tvli)Wtii(. Ililtnkn (or Iwmr ue J tx) u'i Itirgrr obc fur olhtr iiii-, .) up. I ha vIhI It In ihr clnlik ciirrrnl not In tlir rK-r. Red Cross Drug Storo John Proussi Prop. MARSIiriELII MERCHANT ON SUNDAY CLOSING llic Knit ok Hfiir Sir' C.iri'fiil Ktml) uf iwx-iiiKed'iitMlriu'hi-i 11. Hint tlir IIiiip Iniint far iliftniit uhtii tit. man ln worki vith hralu mnl huh- I'll' Will itl'lllilllll 11 IHitHltlllllll' llllllllil'r of Iiihih fur hU ilayx toil. If the pulillt' will look lliionxli tin' ilitTi'ii'iit tiinli-. uiiil H'' tin' iiiiiiiUt of uorkliiK liour that ivnitltiitiw 11 WfckH tti. they will lie tirpriil that tin' tlriil, foot-ori' mnl wuriioiit ch'rk Ix'hlmt tlic rnmitir. Ii.ti liriir hl Imrili'ii nii'ltiel, o iatlniitl for xi 1 m k a time of coium' it l irnth lug hut imtiirnl Hint tin' tu-lm r. homn of tin iiii'trlmnt are nrrniMiil for tho nr romiNlatloii ami iiuiii'iilriii'i' f I1I1 rtii tonii'ri. Hut tu a iiuw country custom ' ottiii inakiH Imv. mnl lawn arc haiuhtl ilown tn rmiiini; Ki'iii'rntlniiM huiK nflcr the clrruiiiNtmirHn that riiiiliiil tin 111' oxM. I Midi I" juit tin' fH"" rliiht Iiiti' In ' Mur-lilli'hl. Our I'tirkx Inki tlu'lr Htmul ' lii'hliiit tln i'ouuIit, mnl wattwalt, wait. . uf lir b o'clock, tln'ii' art' iunii to wait on, ' mnl it Im tlu uiiMt ti'illoiH mnl tlrrwiuit' hour of tin' wlmli' ilay. Ami I rauimt M'i'aiiy kimhI rca-oii why our htonn ilo not cliKf at H o'clock. 7: ! Iihi nirly. it .lw iit Kli-tin r.,iry IIiiik after fUppiT. for ihi' iiimt who uoikx ilurlnj; lit ilay lu iimkii liU iiirrliiiMA If tliU early clnlnn U lo miiouut to aiiythlii);, ' let it he iloiie for the comfort ami cmi (ellli'iueof .ill. A MlMlllllNr. .MnrHlilU'lil. Kept. 1.1. IIkii. Stcelltcads for tlic Lakes DurliiK the piMt rour jc.irrt tin I lilteil Statert Fili CmuinMon tin mail.' Im- porliuit exK'rliiuiiN at the xtatlnu In Duliith. 'I hey hale reultcil lu the plautluK mnl iiccllmatizatiou iu Lake Superior of the fiiiuuiw uti'i'lheinl falmoii oftheraclllc.iiwilt-watei Hull exclusively heretofore. It win. hellme.1 that thin IMi woiihl thrlie in the mhl, f nt.li watern of Lake .Sup.rlor. where ko iiiiiiiv othvr H.iluioiihhie kpiw. Kewriil llum - Miml fry weru plauteil ou the north Mlime of the lake, near I'ort Arthur, mnl ut tfllwr I-ili't. Imtli points nu (he Ciuiii illaiiHiile, 'llm follimliiK year 11 larmT uuuiher was plmiteil olT Mo Itoyalo. mnl Milieu then the planting Iiiih heeii kept up. Now, from time tu time, the catch of mi occihIiiiiiiI Htoolheiul Is reported, ami from the Hlit t thuso fomnl It In evlileiit that they are rowln uhmit a pouml a year lu lheo frinli watem. It iHiilMimhloiit.rrouKTrlaluuioillih'atloiiH lu coiun of the hpecluimis eniiIil, that they lime Usu pinp.ij;allug ami lucreas liiU uaturiilly. 'lVeniiItlwaternteelhe.nl wiliiiiiiiiix niiMlilh'il hy his exliitauco lu Lake Huperlor, Isnahl to have 11 immt ilellenle lliiMir, to ho well nhupeil mnl llrm, mnl tohaioa Mesh of a liemitllul reil.- Arr.oimut. Stale Treasurer's Fifth Notice tfluto of Oregon, Treiihiiry Dcpt., Kiilmii.h'opt. IL'. 1001. Notieii Ih hmehv given that thorn urn fiiml iu Hie 'I'lxnHiiry with whloh in rodeem ulloiiutamliiig Mnlo wnr- iiiiiIh drawn on llm HtnliiKoalp hminty iiiinl ami oiiilurntd " J'rfeouteii aim not paid for want of fiinils" prior lo Jauuaiy 1, ltKU. All hiicIi varrauln, properly mulmned, will ho i.iid upon pnieiitntl(iii 111 this olllco, inlnreHt tl'ioaou ceualiik' from mid aftur llil dato. (JllAH, K, .MOOIIIJ, 0-U-2t State-Truiwuiur. V.I NT Prosorving Timo. V kfvp tin' U11 ftiitjr nf ilmliT fnilli uf Ml Uiiilt, ltli (nxii lln'Kmn, mill nii)one wlililiiK Iiiimii or I'lt-viu' ili'juM Ik; turn nml 14II on nt. Walt rim lull u of nil ihr nr(i4.ii)r luiicniiiltiiiilt (or full (nmlti. Onmpboll & Eiokworth. Sfl 'My.! v .1 K.yir,,o EWW "a ei M a ra m a ni h b a tn as m I N l I. A Y I N Till: RACES' f Had Judgment oficn lOfiiltA iii empty Kukot. Tim wiin ii.o of your niuiicy proviilc lor till' lllllpillfM (if tllll flltlllf. You unntit nolliini; dntii you ileal lirrtt. Yon cet tint lu'nt fur your c.i.li mnl thu iiunt untcliil iittenliiiii to your winhi'i ninl mvn IU per cent.tlUcntmt (orcnuli. Flanagan's Pioneer Market. u 5 w9i b h ci raw ta u m a u n n h J. iSr. A iCLSON. DI'.AI.KIt IN. I.atcnl DchIkik of Viirnirlii'H mnl Wall l',ipcr, llrimlirii. Mflnnn'q PllPR MlYnil PflilllQ . 11UUUUU llllU 1U1AUU tttiuiu A .Specialty. OnlerH (iromptly llleil. MtONT ST., MAIt.SliriKI.D, OU. RGmQmbor vou get fQ ur pQUnClS Of tllG bGSt 25 Ceill l'OaSteCl COfleO for 90 CGlltS fit tllO PioilOGl Mtll'lCOt, -- Coilllllllllicatlon M i.;mTOU Allow tile to s,,cn. n fcw words in favor of ' Cliuuilicrliiiii'.s Coimh Keuietly. 1 1 ,ufrel lor tluee years with the bronchitis nud could not .sleep uiclils. I tiied .several doctors and various patent medicines, but could ,et nothing to yive me any lelief uutill my wife got u bottle of this valuable medicine, which cnmpletly relieved me. W. S. Hiioi'.KMAN, Haguell Mo. This lemedy is for sale byjohn I'ruess. If you want tho best tlicro is iu tho. markot and at tho lowest pric es try tho Pioneer Mar kot and savo JLO por cent, Water Cure for Chronic Constipation Tnhe two cups of hot water halt u hour befoie each meal mid just before going to bed, also a drink of water, hot or cold,, about two hours nftcr each menh Take lots of outdoor exercise walk, ride, drive. Make a regular habit of this nud iu many cases chronic constipation may be cured with out the use of any medicine. When n purgative is icyuircu take .something mild and gentle, like Chamberlain's Stomach and U ver. Tablets. If or sale by John. Ureuts HilWvtr??;l'?,rf-' T7 ,-S from hero Iw will ho t'H.'utly.mlHi'od.. $j