The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 14, 1901, Image 3

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r7 f
rw .
alnil'i! l!"Wv!.' !'!.' r'i
tin; tlic Hi imiu! j .-Jul ljv.vI of
i 'i .i .-nolo I Ji..M !. C Iter r Pi 1 1
uw.t ml lieu .Oitl.ilus iwllkv
Oirtum.Nforpltlm' nor Mlncnil.
Not "Nauc otic.
Apetferl ll.-ncvlv ruToiMilhn
Him . Sum Sititnnrli. I )t rluxvt
urMdiull.OHMor Sl..'
Ic:.i'il.' Sn;i iirr T
in iniNiKunesE&zit
Coast flail.
M sill II I l IIKI (.'IS'
ramraa eaii
i act ecar or wamc P 11 n (0
M1rl!!l'll Hit I II -srit i""" ' t" ii'i iih rail) mini mini
J,jl(rill.(i 1 UK 311 A I w,f Kmmu to Iw their .n-HvLat milk-
I JK eowa. Tula ixtwrt ml vie wan right
Wlml rnrrfMl Sli-(lim unit llrc-nt-litK
! ISwHe lir itif HviiMiirk
IHil-r l'nrti IImiiit Hat unit
Mill. Vlelil-1'riiiur MmIIiik.
.Mr. John ripeir uf tin department of
narietilture for Ireland In n ivecnt mi
ll rew on the auhjei I. "Tim Feeding mill .f Milk ('!," drlUiiwI
III County iMiegnl. swid:
flf milk coin nf u (mid tyi. nn w
Nl ihkI imtwriy nsmtasL they will
fn n mwI rwtMra. Imt If tho ni tMt
It'pjpetly kept Use rMiilt mil bo dteap.
NHi.tlti Fanner caunat m tern uar
tkrttar Ih tlM wtiftlou rf eon-n fqr tlm
induction .,r milk, iwrtlcutatlx when
ItH. tullk I- ta I., m.v.i.ri.etuiv.1 Intn
li y a full prli-e fur n nm iiillkltitf l.t.,. .
Z!L?n u!VH ",:,"T,?"1,, ';"; J"r The l'-,.tU,u Uf the to ...nie u in.
" ?" " h"f,,r 'ttlvV, ' ,ut'.,,H, f"rtl - ketu w. .1. n iNilnt f llr.i
it .- i it iv Ml i !! 11111
lb U-.t lullUint; rtiwii, four unli(in tif
iniiaiiir imriuikiii n iwu l iiiii iiit UKtt
imlk mlulit If priHiiti-,1 at tln t or
very thne uv jiiMnl liy mmt licnla.
In that irafi't a MiltrnMu li'MMin wni
li-armil frimi their keenent iiioiia tlinrn,
tin liaiiea. win J.'i jrnr ium u-ri- imt
ilnlry fnrincrH ut nil, Imt crnln irntlue
"Som64tlilnj Kow Undor
Tho Sun '
AN Doctor hue un loittn i A I KIu h
ill me ol (xrn.lrn, arl.l ipvn, Inlnlrn Rn,
ikttg In ila (nun, I lirirXkil-i ih) tip Hi,.
HMtou. imiiiLKciuiiHic llinli.ifjcloHii!
ii ml laVil. 'I lir pourrful j, id. uacd In Ilia !
Wi' ( V, 'i.l in.. Jl Li'litniT''"!
hrtlar li iva mOidy mli-u awiy Ilia mhw iwih
hitMM Ikat lla-lr nuhrn hair alnarJ lii ciu.-,
ku paala nml iiinlwrau ranael imh-Ii III.
itawHW. Ail mII ami I'Mwia-ntwl hm HiIoiiit
tiki ha lor uirm jrurt mi.uh- h 1.jw- muly nml
i4clallyu ihr OiMiiiu in ol ( ATAHkll. Iu ,i(
hit la'tlvotril it I inUlilrlil whkli uln n Mlllifall)
laaal, not only iilwr al "inc. Ian rm in'inl
nilM C'AI'AKUll, h) umihuiiik iIh-miiim'. itup
iliig IkMiihWMiiKii, ami iiiniig all liill,iiiiin.i.
I Ml., ll il (Imenly Iflii.ily kixein In icIiikv
llWlHMUttlly icicJiaa llw nlilklwl pml. 'lliU
M,nltliil rmiMtilr U known a "iNl'l'I'l.l
tw (iuakanii:ki oai;kih- bum?
uud I kOtl Ml Hie eiliviiM-ly lim prica u( lie
IMUr, tatcli ii'kimu vonUlning Inlrrnd mil
oxtrriwl MiailL'liiaaiirtwMMil (or ,i hill moniliV
UiMlawal.iniJim-i) thing nm.iitiry id iu wr
a I ii.
, "SNUITUar ktlieoiilyciluvi('AT.KRII
CUHIC ma- nmile nuil In iuiw ivugiiliiil ,u tin
enlynlaHiiil hiiih' utuu fur llmt iiniin)liii;
nuil dkujitU'K illmw" 1 1 (una ull niliiiiin..
iKin iiiwkly nml iiiu.ii'iMiil nillnbo won
dfifnllyiukk luriiimi- IIAYIKVKKoriOI.D
Diilm lli:A!.
(-'AIAKUII wlun hi'ijl.oti'il Lulkin Ii-uiU tu
CONBUJII'll .--"..NUIM.rV will im
' 'n if.)iin iiwli aioiuv. It it no onlliury ium
rnhi jliltncoiiipklii tiuntiiH'ut which li wi.
lliy (jiutmiuul iDiiiiu (.'AI'AUKII In nny
Iiiihi (if ium- ll itl .iwiortllng lo tint illrutilonii
whlth mwnMiiy iMukin Don't ilokiy
Imi nf ml tor It il ona, nml rlla hill pnrllciiLira
IM In )eiir comllikwi, hiiiIJjuu will laavitu p tll
ntWIiM from iho dUemiirvr of llili wnnlufiil
rmnvly irn inline join v.ue nllliont i-oil in jon
latyoml the raipir pile or "SNUI'I'I.IW Ihu
Sam rri'iMld iu uny ,nliliu in ilm t'nlieil
Si iIm ur i ' in el i on moult of n l).tllitr. Ail-
Slra DapL IC6S7, KUWIN 11. Oll.liS S
f Ml'ANY, jjn .mil j.yj Maikat' Ktrvvt,
ill nnd OhiWron.
The Kind Yon Slave
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
T, cfcftfit ifOMfOir Mlw VllIM (llf.
1 initirjstv row
i rn rilxl nlni f.- iith. Httbri,tlciilly
tiny wi n- mhl'd by their eapertn to
, wrljiU the milk uf very iw lily lit and
I morning ami In keep record of It ninl
ntttl pt nihil, ttMiitflt iKmc thuuilit It
tmiHiinary. mhiI hi lli' prMtit tlmn
tliftf am few 1)iiiiIIi rnrinwt who
Miulil lint rIvp I Ih Btiiinol jrlclil lit tliclr
ItenU vitnl ri'rntliiiii Imrtc.
Tbf M'nult of It Nil won tlint pntl ably
im tiw :i nur iiuntrj' luul muoIi a
hli:li HM'-BK Jlflil Hhm In DlMI
tun 1 1;.
A nn example of wlmt lml Iktii
li'tie hy tt'lmtliui nuil lirti-'llMB tile tnt
.Mr. i:. (.'. Tlxlull tcl.l lilin Unit mini
lie whm ptirrlinaluv IIh Im'I lirlfTM In
raUl t their itTcrainr lvlJ wun -I'Jtl
IwIIim ir NBHtiw fr tint tlm tiu
j'imw f bit gJtl'Wt tu. IIlfr tnlrm
miru liffpt froth tlHi IhMt or tUne. nuil
In n Hlmft tltao tb Merat ot tnc
P" wit ui onlloni In the jenr
,"'"'" ''H.rM,7J,;!lft''M1';'
' KSrtJ.l!?,,.r.,,??L,"!l. J "5 ."5:
InilMiiiaiKi'. Thin wnn hKvtnlly hi In-.
raoai' of the faet tl.nt the hull winlil
rvciilni) not tli tullk of one 'w only,
Imt wonlil liului'iiee for khmI or hml
that of every tiiiliunl linil I nun him,
It wan therefore tmwt Importiiiit Unit
erry Mtuvk hull ln-pt for mtvIco In n
ilnlry in-ill hIiooIiI he nut of tho ery
tiet tullklmc eow proeuruhte.
i 'ilii'lf Htti'iitloti aluiiihl iiIko tie illni't
eil to keeplmt eoun only rliim milk
eut.talneil a IiIrIi perei'inoKi' of Imtti-r
fut. They fhoithl not ihlllile tlii'in
felvei with the hlen Unit If they hint
row i kIvIiij: ph'iity of milt; nil Hint
the) riiiilriil to do to p't plenty of
I'lltlir f.-tt won tn fivd them tell. My
nil metiiiN feed them well; hut they
1'iiKht text iisaureil thitt no iimomit of
frcilllik' would IllUe the pi reelllUKO of
frit III the milk of eow uhleli wiih
tmturnlly loti- to eijunl the milk of n
euw wIiuho pnxlure wiu luitumlly rich
I'J'tto court could unite etiHlly pnnliice
the winie ipinutlty of mill; In tho yenr.
yet when Unit milk umh turned Into
Iniltur the one eow mlKtit lime produe.
ed 100 pomiilM more hutter thiiu tho
other. That wim not nil. for tho cow
whlvh hud the KHi eMrit pound of
turner hud imt pnitmlily eot nny more
In J;eep thiiu the other. When tho eon-
eiime to within n fortnluht of enlvliu;,
jii,,, hiuld he brought Into tho house
nuil kept there till alio enlved. lliU
was pnrtleuhirly neecMinry If food vnn
nhtimliiui, mid eapeelully bo after mld
ammiii'i' and durlui: eatly autmnii.
After lielug (nought Into the luniso
tlm eow ahould reeelo two or three
iniihlit'H of limit nml trenele d.llly. with
n little hay and u hat water r-ho eureil
to drink. After the eow called he
should not he milked completely dry
for Kt'vi'inl ilnyH. A little milk could
he taken away mi often in one llkeil,
hut only Jiiht a little to rollco the ud
tier. I'lUll u week nfler calving the
tuliler hluiulil never he completely emp
tied. Tlm object of Ihlx wiih to pit
vent mill; fever. In winter when In
calf eowii hhoiild be put out every day
for u little eieivUe, air and what
gieen tood could be picked up on tho
ptihimvx. If any pass was to be had,
plenty of pood liny was all that wan
renulivd. If no grami wan available, a
few turnip, pounces or enhtumex nerv
ed to keep the bowels hi good order.
Ah to the relnthe merlin of erualicd
or gmutid ami whole grain Mr. Spelr
mild that If jtralim were tnctely ertialteil
they would bo found to ttlve ns good
focdlug ri'sulta nn If liner mid that at
the iiitiio time they would not inn Into
dough. In which condition they were
Komctluu'H daugcroiw. TcbtN Hindu at
varloiu tlmea had hhovrn that when
irriiln wan thoroughly i.oaked In water
lnforo being- used It gavo best result.
Menu) AVuralili.
The iiowseaalou of enoruioiw wealth,
lemlu to blind the eyen to the tlghtn
nml chtliim of otheiH. The paaulon for
pelf la one that rendem a man ery oli.
ttwe when great moral qtuwtlotis aro
brought before hlin.-Itev, Dr. I orlmcr,
Tremout Temple, Itosum.
Jjt M op
m r
a lft
Ifiilliiml In , J HIiiiikoji, inrrrl
of Iiiihi In nee w ii it, nee i tp 'i'l, ( ii '
lp l, fir :i:i I p n, ml In r I:', UB7I I W, I
Hut hi lliilliiml iiml wlf" In li .1 HIiiiji
wilt. uiri'il (if liiinl in iw .'II lp 'Z'i r U,
U in II Ni.liln mill wir to 1. .1 Hliiiimim,
loin 2 mill M.Mi'i i fuw't, iiinl xn'i of
jif.jM-i'R Ipicl r IS.$KiOi.
V, in niiMiint ninl wife In 1 .1 Hlinp
wiii, Inl l kit 'Mi lot H iwc VI hi Hi.', Int
l.imiililHwisipsSlr 12, iJIIHI.
I'llln T IIiiIIit lo I, .1 Hhiipom, loU !,
:i, , n, it mm li, roc :i In W r I'.', '."N.i.7it.
I'lllleilKlnll'ii In l,iillln llllltKelllii't'k,
jut ml nf IiiihI lii i-m1 'M tpU.1 r IL', imii'iit.
H' U liiini'li nuil wlln to Mm Kimim
Trllilii-y. w of Inl H lilitck 'J-H, Hi'Kii V
(V Kic.mhI mill In Murlilliil, .
I'nlliil HIiiIih In Krniiit Hrluiflilrr,
pnrtvl nt luml In Hvt 31, .11 ninl V tp 'in
r li!, poti'iil.
It A (Iriiliiim nml ulfc to I' I. I'liclan,
iHinernr ntt'inir)'.
Milium OriiliNiii ninl liiiNlminl tn F M
KrliillMiru, lulu I, u', :i, I, .'.I'.miil 7, anil
nVi of lot H lilucl.' VI, Ituilnmil mlil to
.Mnrlilli'lil, i:ii,
Miri!Ui (IrnliiiHi mtil liiHminl t.o J I''
Hull uml .IT Hall, lulx (Mil, ninl of
nit ii'iofK iu, Katiroini nun in .M.i miiv
A I'dwi'ii ninl wlli'lji I.. .1, SlmiNoii,
purri'l or mint in nw :il ami 'M tp'J'Jr lli, lllml iiinlMlfc lo I. .1 HIiiiimiiii,
IKitirl f limit In ki SlMp Ul r 1 1, s(.
llmryl''.ii.liliMiiiil wife tn I, .1 Simp-
m, ih ii :!! nml :c lp i r i:i, ;io.
Tli.i OiM I'i'IUhyh ami llelicknliH n(
1) iikIhh roiinty held u Kiirrewifiil ri'iin
imi at WlnrliiHiter.
The old I'lomera. IiiiIIhm War VeliTinni
unit NutiM' Siiiih ninl Ilaiililer4, lie til it
mill on nt the (UhIIii Iwttleroiiiiil in
Dunklin comity Ut M-ek,
Look Carefully
To Your Kidneys
Dr. Jenners
Kidney Pills
cause tlie kidneys to work as
untuie intendeil they should.
Tlicy btilli! up the shrunken
walls of the kidney, as no
known remedy lias been found
to do before.
Am a cure for urinary troubles
they have no equnl.
io, 25, so Cents
17 d CroGs'Druy Store
A f
rl . i
$ ro
f1 DjTjv'IiaJa U iiiireeog-ilreil In fffw
V '"''f he n. It dceviviM tho i?;
W mikmiHin Mifltavr. Iu many W
jffl 'ri.itioiwuurlinlungllieiTikait Urn
rfli liui-i of tho hyrtcui. To Uitllo
H III. I ilta nttn i I ttnttl ljttttn lA'
torti"" imiii i I lli all n (lll run
Our lMxklct ciplniiHltii :yni)v- jg2
toint. Our lyHx-iaTuMi'Uk'ive ifi
iinupli ! ;. i. I t-tu.g 'cluf. ri j
I'M . 1UC HOC.
VjJ u and toe
Rod CroHs Drusr Storo
Don't Force
Your Bowels
with h&rsh minerals which
filways Ifvc bad after-clfcctj
on the entire system, nnd where
their use ij persisted in, tend to
completely wreck the stonuch
And bowch.
Edgar s Cathartic
The only harmless, vegetable,
bowel regulator, and livor vitalirer
As pleasant to the taste, as
candy, and as positive as the harih
c:t mineral. No wipe or pain.
K9 JO, 25, 50 cents.
Rod CroHG Dwitr Storo.
XiKiil Cntarrli yields to treat
ment by JUy'a Oronra Halm, which in ngreo. nroinntlo. It i rocoived through tha
uohtrtU, clciumos mid hculatlio wliolo cur
lived over w Well it dlinuea itsolf. DruggUta
10II tho COo. Mzo Trbd bUo by mall, 10
coots. Teat It imd you aro t,uro to contluuo
To necoinnuhlnto thono who nro juirtlril
to tho use of ntouiuorn lu applying llmttda
into tbo iniMtl imsMigim for entarrlnl (ixi
Uti, tho proprietor" proian Cream llalm iu
liquid form, vWchwtUbo known us Uly'a
J.iipttd Crwvm llnlai, Vxl so including tho
prajjug tubo lu 7flccutii. DruggUU or by
mall. Tho liquid form cmbodleu tha uiod
ieluiil propottks of tho olld prcpnratiou.
Keep Out
the Wet
i:iMllr )lr4
Tl? bV. fajerrraiif unrmrnla In Ih.
wofl.t, M.t. from ih l.,l milarUli in4
irnrriiiflitti wn
inn TTRirrj.rnoi. mio to tttnA
rrprnnl. M
itirunii.iiioik nriitt.rr.
l.aak funic mark, ll-mf ,llr
n not liifa Ilj,m, niluor f itnlorna
I. r. Mlln mt Nillif (:, JU., Hii fnnlin,
II, Jl, AV Vlll A KOI.I'.I. Mfn,
r.l'..l.rUIr, M.m.
'lli't.iitiMy lu,' mnl J'miyMiriw n
Nilil mil liy Hi I'liirifT lit 'I lie Imlle ii
few iliiyn n, o.
Tlie in wllotirliiK mill nt Milcm Ioih
liejtiili lo k: fill vi lien I. Aln llio tM liltf
mill lini Irfxuit to Imy wIhjiJ hut U not
)ct K'lmlliiK.
A iiriir filllnj ctttifor pull, hurst, iculdi.
iiluM mimivI ami mum I l) Vti' Wjidi
lliHSiihe, A OMt WKHMrt kail hmlln
rriiM-ly for nil (Lin neUoK, Actrpt mfy I do
emilr. Mi-d Oow Ihug Slure atwl Sn.
ilArkm'i llu'iniiey.
MlwAliiry K.C. Jleveiier if Ahlninl,
lui Hi-rcptiil the prfticlpnllilp of the
eiiiiiiinfcl.'il di'imirtment of Hie Mulfunl
Aemli'iny, which will ojk-ii Sept. tilli.
II, W. Purull. KlnlMtitlr, P . M) Ik- mf-
irrwi ij jmn n M pe anil umihi iiWjm no
rrlkf limn Iks VHf Witch llaal Nil .(
fitirti a )rttiant cunr. Cmaln(in me
wnrthleM Hit ( ian Ding &lwi km)
icltn' I'hatiaacli,
A deKHlt of mineral. wax wnt fumid
rier.r linker City recently.
St'l Dtttllar, inn HoaHl M., Pbft lljron,
)Hh.. Milin: "I km 11W HtHjr palk ant
lai.Uuv. hul ."V W'lll'i Unit Ktrtjr Klfn air
(af tS lil pilt t ha tvr Had. Tkey tttsit
Rrip-. Kt(roM IHuc Slarc aail SK(41..
en ItiarmMy.
There U 11 iiiinciiiciit toatK'k Siiiiinilt
lake, ('arcade miHtutnliHi, with IlUek
IVw'l nalt witltyi
xipatl tin laaa IW Win' I jMfc rjtrty Rmri
now awl then. '1 hey wM kaap fa aVw ami
unl, in irowl ontor. Itaa) Mr take Safe pWt.
Knt ( to . Dius Xok and SrcasltackMi'i Itair
nuHy, Bran tin y? ! 'W Y ttw ttMrt Isffl
Krr.nk l.iilwell wun nrreatoil tunr
UUui'Ui elariiial wltli rolddiig Uie Iuik
glte riKim i.f tlw Southern l'aiiflic nt
Alhany taut Momlay nljht.
I'lter Hutiie.ef llroMivll!e, liw been
PMilutl to fill the iwiiry eaimert hy
the reeignation of Kriink I lurry m n
niemher of the ute Raaiiail of Immigra
tion. Henry l.a)Uvn llairta. ,V. C, a: "t
took MH-dkine jo cwra (or uuhma hut ona 11-
iwm une .Mi'.nie latid cwro Hal Mat iar
nmxl than any ikinf eb iktrnajr that limr.
Ilntt.aiglilwa. Ihal Cro. Dru ixore and
iHSitaiLni'k lltamwo)'.
Walter tVtlicr waa lnully injured by n
blind, In a tamtiel Iu tlKTOro Kino mine
Ilotli Icga and one arm were badly rl::tt
tired. N'ns Si'ier, No.lh Stiatford, N, II. : "I
pi icieil a ,lUi' of Ojw Minute Cough Cure
wl.C'i -ufieniig wuhacoucli ikHters toki me
w s iiKurnble. One tenle tcltrXecl me, the
s cund and llunl atnxHt ewed. '1 oilay I am n
we I man lt'i I toss thug Store nnd Stiig
itickin I'hariuny
For Infants nnd Children.
Tha Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of CctyfjcAi
Two ina-Kel iiu'ii cntorisl 11 khIihiii at
linker I'lly nnd commanded nil present
to throw uii their hainK They rerured
M.iny plumliiuaii' no pmsciiblng Uodol
H)-l'oetMi. iro hitiijrh I'uviiig (uihU tUil It
Is the iK'St pienili liou de' can write Ixvnuv;
il ik ilw one 1 lejii ration uliich conialna the ek
menls neceswt) toiliKnt nplunl sonio Limls
of fiHHl but all kiml nml it lliercfuio cure's Imll-
Kllon nnddyM'Ml.i no nutter what the cause
Ibil CroM Ding Store nnd Sciigiiuvkvir
liucy. sarstha x IM kl 1 IHU AIfS W3
ll.iker City pa-ed through the otdeal
of n street fair thUweck.
I'liiiie picking will begin next week
In .Marion county, ami it is expected
that one of the largest crops will be
louvcetcd that Im giowu in many
U0.1. W. l-iiie, I't'Hiumi, Mich., writes:
"Yo ir Kixlol Di .pepsin Cut is tlw IkV rem
il) for lnihi:eloii and stnumcji trouble th.11 1
ivri)H'd. t'tir)us 1 sullunxl fiom dytxpsl.i,
nt timet voiiiH'llmg hid to il.iy In Ih.iI nnd can.
lug 1111) tintokl uj;ony, 1 .1111 completely cutrd
by Kixlol ))pi'ivsti Cure. In lecoiniiiendlug
it to fik'iuls who Miller fiuiii bullgustlon I nlnatt
olb'ft(iv lur itifil f.iits, '1'luw far 1 Iwmi
ni'ver iaiil " ltd (.'roai prug Stoic nnd Sing
staikou's lluunucy. '
An able m in show lu .pirn by gentle ordt
and ii'solute uttloiis; ba Uuablir hot nor timid.
Fontiel Kouthoi'lin.of Oiiklamliyedon
ng. ilUth, aged 77. Ho win r prominent
n i "T'j ii
HopIiIckliiK li:. Ii'kiiii In tho Wlllam
cttf. vullcy mnl npurta jxilut i n tiitill
iiiii crop liiIftit if linvy it prisiloii'ly
Tim pilllor of Clivinnwn Atiicrlrnn,
tflljttli lliown illi-il Iiint week of llrlRlitu
ilNeoco. ,
A. J. fitllhveJI.OfDgonV riwieerTcnipl
itrnwiT of tlm I'nelUe oOaMl in ttriul nt
J. II. Htimiji of Hiivit, Oregon, illnl wry
-uilili'iily of liert failure Inut week.
Mr. Ktmiip wh the plnm-er AiiKrlit Ront
mini of Orefjnii. lie wni one of Oregon'
ettitllK'Ilcit pliini'iTH.
o v. 53 rr o onr. i xs. .
nr i iu ? lte KW Yw Km Alw Bovjfi
uzsyy. -eucJ&AC
TIhtp ii a lilti-lt in tlie Knlmon fMilnfr
for the TlllnmiMik cannery owing to
price. A henry rim l exper left.
The early Yw,v wn nrehelnnmar
li'tnl mid a good prion In helug paid fur
l'otiitoi-H are lieing nhipped ent from
fiiilem. Kiiiim. City In the market.
Ili'iiUm emiuty will make an exhibit
nt the Htnte fair.
The Or.'ind Itoinle Miar Leat crop Is
expected to Im- much larger thN K-awm
than eter before.
1'riine picking in on iu Duuglan coun-
lirlck Olcfou n penman fell overboard
and drowned from the liritbdi hark i'olt
olach lying at Aatoriu.
0. W. Tower, MD.
Othin In SeflCtUckin and Smith's Kdg,
Krnnt alrm. Mjithnrld, Orrctn.
J. W. Bennett,
OaVe over CM lUy Hank, front street
MrJifWlit. Oregon.
W. TJ. Douglas,
I 'rem tore., Mattb&eM, OrrRon.
John F. Hall,
Office In Hl.lorj.lo block, Front
Manlifnkl, Orrcon.
I. Hacker,
Coqulllo City, Ore.
Abstract of title of real property
it Coos county fiiriiUhed promptly.
Have n ot of almttnela.
notice roi: 1'i'ni.iCATiON.
United Sutes ltndOmve. HoMburg, Oregon.
Aug. 37. 1901.
Notice in hereby given Unit in com
plninco with thy jirovi.ion of the uet
of Cnngroet of Juno tl. 1S7S, entitled
"An net fur the rnlo of Umber lantU
In tht" Sinter of Cnlifnrniii, Oregon.'
rseviuiii. ami Washington lerritorv ," '
hh extciidid in nil tlm l'ulillis I.nnil '
tiito hy net of Auguat I, 1SW,
EiiUAiin V. Wutks.ol .Murliflclil,
county of Coon State (or Territory) of
Oitigou, limihia dnv tiled inilitaollice
Ilia Mvorit cluteiiiciit No. 1S00, fortlio
purehnse ol the Lota 1 aud - anil Sj
o( NK'4 of Stclinn In Townalupl
No. M S .. lUnco No. 11 West, nd
will oiler proof to almtv Unit tho land
nought ia more valiuhlo for ita '.UII her'
or atonii than for agricultural pur-1
potoa.titul to Ohtnhlli'll hiaclainitoaiiidl
1.....1 i...r..... ii... i'.....o.... .....i i.. ..,.
f I..-. ;. I :V ' " "..
:.. " .v ":" e .'"- ..
J ihmI.1), the ll'lll day of November,
l'.IOl. ,
HtMiamnsna witiiOP; Jeatie A.
u.,.,,1, 1. Wlrib irinn
-.V.i ... 1 i. . iw..,ii n'iu .
''" "- '"""p ""'-I
held, Oieeou
Any nnd all ponmna eiatining nd
verrely the above ilieerihed 'nlnls are
rci'iierled to lllo their eluims 111 this
nlhee 011 or heforu aaid 1-th day of
Nieiuher. 1001.
S:U J.T. UiiiiHUis, Jtegistt-r.
CfiTIlM' Vim 1'Ulll If!VTION
IStll IUI, I UK l UKI.IU.V t IW..
i:nilHlSuie, Koeburg. Oregon, 1
Aug. 37 1901.
Notice ia hereby given that in com
pliiiiiee with the poviaions"if the
of CongrcMut' Juno 3, 1S7S, intitled
" All act lor mo mho in iiliiucr liilioa
in tho Matea or California. Oregon,
Nevada, and Windiiiigtmi Torritot y,"
us extendi il to all the I'tiblio Laud
State by net of August l, ItsW. Antox
WtltiTi. o Marahlield, eouiity of (;ooa
Stuto tor Territory) of Oiegon, Ins-
I Ilia day tiled in this olllee his eworn
latemcnl No. ISOl', fur the purchase
ofiheSK'i ol Section No. 35 In
Townahip No. tlii .S. Itnngo No. 11
Yo.t, anil will oiler prooi to anow
that the hind ntiglil if moro vnUiahlo
for ita timberoretouo than for iigri
eultuiiil puiiiOM-a. ami locritahlUh Ilia
eliitiu In Mini l.iiul beloro the liugUter
and Kccetver of this olllee at ltoacburg
Oiegou.oiiTiicMluri tho day of
.Niiveinlifri 1WU.
Ho niinie!. aa ivitneaaea; Jei-sio A.
Sniiili, Uillicd L. Wirlh. Edwaul
Wiiea. and M.iik 1 Ciitlip all ol
Maibhllold, Oregon.
Any and all persona claiming ad
vereoly tho ahoo-oiiacribed lamia aro
requested to Hie their chimin lu thia
olllcuoii or Iiuloru anld ll!' tt day of
November MHII.
S-3 1 J . T. lluumiis, Kegltitor.
United Slates otVicc, Rosvbuig, Oiegon,
Auguft, 37, 1901.
Notice U hereby given that in com
phaiicu with Ihe provision ol tho nut
of Gongii'r-aof Juno i), lb7S, entitled
"An net for tho sale of timber lauda
iu the Stales of California, Oiogon,
'ovndn, ivnil Wailitngton Territory,"
nn cjionumi vi nu mo ruhlio J,nml
Htnlcs liy net of Atimnt-I. 18'.)2. SlAnu
I)., of Mrtfaliflolil, county of
UooaHtatu fur Territory) of f)rcjjoii,
una una uuy nieu in Una. ,JlC0 his
wnrii "titioinotil No. 18ft1, for tho
purchase of the HK'j of paction No.
-tl in Towiiihii No. IM 8, lUugo No.
II Went, mid will oiror proof to ahow
that tlm land sought In moro vnluulilc
forlta tlml'er or Hone than for n;rri
milturiil purpose, and to estnlillith Ida
r.lnlm to hhIiI Intid hefore tho ItegiNter
and Itaelver of thW ullien ut Itooolntrp
Oregon. in Tn'adijy, tho IL'tli day of
Noti-llltier, IIKIJ.
If iiitnibM a vitneoa; Jcodo A.
Smltli. Anton W'lrth, IMwnrd Vtre.,
mnl Clmrlcn L. Hnillli, nil of .Mnmhi
field, Oregon.
Any and nil pcro.i claiming nd
verrely the nloo dercrilicd lunila are
revuoatid to lllo lliuir rlalma in thin
oiiice on or hef
Niivetiitor. 1WJI
before anld 1U:J dnv of
(jit '
H-m J. T. Ilnifioea, Iteglnter,
TIAHtKlt LAND, ACT. IUNK 3, 1878
Unitrd Stitea Iind Office, Kottburg, Oregon,
tttpu 3, 1901.
Notice H lierelT ciren I hat In comnlkince
wun ine (irurnions 01 ine act ol Congress or
June 3. 1878, tntnW "An act for the Mle of
timlr linds In tlw Stairs tf California, Oregon,
erww, ann awington territory, as
lenilol 10 all the I'uI.Ik tnd SUles by act of
,iuut., 1892, William Ir.KxfcY, of Marsh
heWl, county of '.00s, Mate of Oregen, Ims this
iVijr fik-d In thb office Im smorn Statement No.
1818. for the puichase of the KK of NUis atxl
SWf ofNKK of Section No, 35 and .SKJf of
MvK Srttion aOln TomnJilp No. 3?. Kanee
No 11 West, od will offcy prool to show that
the tint sought is more valuable for Its timber
or stone than for agricultural purpov-s, and to
mUWIiIi Ms claim to Mid land before the Regis
ter nr,d Keceirer of this office at Rosehnrg, Ore
gon.un Monday, the nth diy of Nmemlr,
He names as Mltnesses: SI) Culllp, W 11
Short, J A Matscn. A Wirlh, of Msrshfield,
Any and all persons claiming adrcnety the
aliovelescribed Iinds are requested to file their
claims in this offue on or before sold ntti day of
NorenuVr, 1901,
q-7 J. T. tlxniGM,
United States I jnd Office, Roieburg. Oregon,
Stpt 3, 1901.
Notice Is hereby riven that In cosiDtiance
w ilh the provisions of the act of Conems of
June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lands in the States of California. Ore-
gon. Nevada, un.1 Waslungton Territery," as
esteaded to all the Public I-snd States by act
olAugmt4, 1893, Julius A. Matmi, of
Marthfitkl, countv olCoos. Stfx ol Oregon,
has this day filed In this office bis sworn state-,
ment No. 1U16. for the purchase 6t theSK)f of
Section No. 1 in Township No 34. Hanre No. I
. t West, and will offer pnlof to show .hS. the I
land sought is niere valiuMc for Its timber or
stone than for acncirfiofal Durnotes. and to
aReeeioMhHtnat'T&rg. oZ
gon, on Monday, the nth day of November,
1091. 1
lie names as Witnesses. S tl Cu.Ilo. W HI
Short, tt'm Ferrey, A Wirth, of Marshfiekl,
urejon .
Any and all persons clalmmr adverselr the
atiove-describedktndsaretenuestedtofile their vada. and Washington Territory.- as extended
claims in this ortice on cr before said nth day to all the Public Land States by act of August "
of November. 1501, 1 a. 1803. Chqiiok Vo Hattkx, of Mu Angel.
9-7 J. I. UKtocM, Register.
' 1-
. . .
United Sutes Land OfEcc.RoKbnrg, Oregon.
lulv toth iuii
Notice Is hereby given that In
with the provisions of the act of Conrrets
June 3, 187J, entitled 'An act for the saln of
I umber lands in the States of CallfornU. Oregon,
Neiaiia, .and W aihlngion 1 ernlory. ' as extend-
Kl to nil the llibnc Land Sut-s hy act of Aug.
una. i9a. iiiomas u orMI. Angel,
county of Mrn.uie (or rerrtuxil of Ore-
gon. Im. this day filed in this ctfiee his sworn
statement So. 1754, for the purchase of the :W
ofNrcilon No. 33 In Township Na 36 S.
Range No, it West, and wilt offer prcol to show
that the Und sought is more valuable for Its tlm-
ber or !ne than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said Und Wore the
Register nml Kxetvj-r of this otfice at Rnveburg,
Oregon, on Fridty, the iSlh day of October,
He nstnes as witnesses
Ceorce Von Hnlten.
John Schwab, of Ml Angvl, regon. Grotge
IUtein.ui, Albert Willis, of Rixebutg, Oregon.
Any ana an persons cuimlng adtrneiy ine
abote-describ'd bndsaic requested to file their
claims In this otfion on or before said tSth day
of October. 190,.
83 I. T., Register.
,.,.. , . ., . .......
United Sutes Lando'Tice, Rotcburg, Oregon,
August 7th, 1901.
Notice Is hereby given, that in compHance
with the twuitsionsof the net of Com-rcss of
Ju3,.8;..enlltWd-Anactfi.r ihe'sale of
liiiiiwr umli in live Mate 01 Lalilornia. o.vco.i.
Neta.ti. and Washington lemiory, ' as extend-'
cd to nil the lublic UndUtesby act of Augiut
- ioa. of IV Kll. county el
laeww. Mate tor Territory) of Waibtncton, his'
") hknl in this office his sworn statement
No itto. for tlw puretiase of the SE If of Sec-
, IIWI ,W -Id III UWU.d.lJ .U. -KJ UUIII, r,HdiB
No 11 West, and will offer proof 10 show that !
the land sought u more valuable for its timber ;
or stone than for ngnculiiual poipoaes, and lo
establish his clilni to slid land before the Reg-!
, iitiv and Rtceber of this ortkc at Roseburg, I
' Oregon, nn Thursday, the 34th day of October,
1 19
I tic names as witnesses. Charles li. Knov.
.... v' .. .. r.... ..u... ,. .x -... 1. t 1
Aaron AUen, Paul Mayer, l-swls Cliiutcn, of
Pe I-SII. Wiuhlngton. I
Any aasl all persoivs ciilmlng ndierwly the
almedescrHied x ate t.ou.wte,l lu tiU. lhr
1 Units in tins i-tlvo on or Uloiehild 34th day '
I of Ooloher, 1901.
,....... . ..
J.T. lltlivjas .Register.
K UND. ACT JUNE 3, 1878.
United Suites I-nid elticc, Roseburg, Oregon, 111 rv.
Notice Is hcrtby gben lliat in coinpuince with In umber or stone than for agricultural pur-th-
pioiUlona ef tlw net of longren of une 3. pow. and to establish his cUlin tos.ild land be-
iSml. rntilAil "An net for tlm We o( timbrr. "" the Regijternnd Receiver of this omce at.
findv in fie Mites of Cifornla. on-gon, Nc-'
vntkt ami Washington Temtoty," as extended
toniVthf Puliic l.iiul M.itt by act of August
4, 1894, Iw.AN RaikoWsKI. ol Ps i:, county
of Lewis, State (or Trrnlury) of Washington,
Ims this da OVed in this otbee his svium iuie
meni No. 1773 for the puichiseot the NV H
of Suction No. 13 in Township No, 36 South,
Rangt) No. 11 west, nnd wiZoHer proof to show
that the .mil sought is morn aliialiA for its
timlieror none than lor agriciiAum purposci,
nnd in est ibiIi his cAnin 10 saM and before the
RegUierand Roseburg,
Oregon, on Friday, the 331I1 day of October,
1901 . , ,-.
Ileiuiuesns wituesMs: Augmt M.ier, Af
liyrt .lAiucrmann, Slaney tiulu, Cluires li.
Knox, of IV I'M, Wavhlngton.
Any ami ,if wrsos cAilmmg tubsrsey the
abuio.ilt'Miib'il Airnl. ure rciueted to tio tltcir
1.11111. n thi otfice 011 or U'toru iaiil 351I1 n.iy
of oetolicr, noi,
8-io J.T, lluiiwus, RegUler.
United States l.ind office, Rosebuig, Oregon,
Augiut 7th. 1901
Notice l heiehy gben that in lonipllancc with
the Voisioiu ol'lluinct ol Congress of June 3,
1878. intilliil "Annctfjr tho sale of tiiuUr
Imd. in the Sutra ol Culilotnlt, Oregon, Neva
da, nnd Wuihington leiraory," as extended to
all Ihu Public Lind Slates by .vet of August 4,
i89:.ALia.K'i- Mauium.inn, of I'o UII, county
of 1.MW is, State (or Territory) of Washington,'
lias this day filed in this.oflice his anom state
ment No 1779. fr ,,u purchase of ihe NUjf
of Stitlou No. 11 Jn Township No s6 South,
of Mania No, tt Writ, and will offisr prf 'H'i ,
iliow ihu ttir land nought Li mora trdiwhta for '
ill tlmtier or t one tlirtn (of nf rlrdhttinlpnipeuM,
and to rtlihlMi hit tlilm In nkl hind helWrv tM
Kenton iiij'l KecHirrr of lhi Office, at Hotebwf t
Oiri;oii, on Tliurtd.-ty, the J(l!i il.iy of Ociobw,
Ilnnaniel mwlliifnti: Piitil Jtajrcr, Aarart
Allen, Ctwulcf I'. Knot, .suoley OUrtin, ef A
I'.ll, W.iihlr.aioti. ,
Anrnmlnll prrjonn cl.ilmlnr advrrwly tW
alKjvr-tlojrrlll l.inilinro trniietlril to flw thftf,
clAlmiln thhoditeotl or Wotejwld aili tUf '
ol Oetohcr, 1901,
8-lo J. T, itMtxiK, ftrcbtcr.
NOTici; i'on ruiii.icATioA.
United Slow Iind office, Kowbnrg, Oregon,
Augml 71 li, ryol. u
V.II.. 1. I.....I... -1 .1... I .-I,.'-
..w,n.i .,l(,.j K"cn "Mi in comriHnce
lih tlie jirnrljloni of tlm m of Cnnerms ,of
June 3. i8-(8, enlllcd "An u for the al of
llmlier landi In the Swtca of California, fnrjjonV
Nrad.i. ami Waihlnstnn Tenltotv." riMnimAi
I cd ,0 A, '"' "Wc Lncl Stairs liy net of A.
M. 189a, OiAHLMK. KNOX, of Pe EVI
counijr 01 iewu, Male (or lerrltoryl or Wash
Injtton, K,t this day filed in tills office hU saorrt
statement No. 1773, for .lie urchae of the NB
Jf of Section No ai in Towmtilp No, a6 SViuth, '
kanjeNo ti West, and wilt offer proof 10,
show that the land (ought Is more valuable .for
its timber ur stone than forngrlculturapufpottt, ,
and to rMaMUh his cljlm to said land before
the KeglttiT and Keorlrei of this office at Rose
bur. Oregon, on KrliUy, the ath day of Octob
er, loot. '
llen.uiMi ns wltnetrei- Kgan Katkowskr,
Aogmt, .Stanley (Jliilm, ol IV Kll, Wash
ington, lH Christen, of Fiancit, Washington.
Any arxld1 (a-rsons cl.iimlnic ndversely lh
alKjve-d-icltjril Unds are reqnesteit to ftle their
claims In tWi offce on or be ore said ajth day
ol octolr, tyoi.
8-io J.T, IIridgm. Hegltter.
Unlteit Slates luindORice, Koseburg, Oregon, '
August 37th, 1901
Notice Is hereby clren that In comptlanca
with the moriiions of thraet nt Cnnnm ol
June 3. 1878, entitled "An act for the s.ile of
umuer unus in the :Liies o( (jr,rornla, Ore
gon, Nrvada, and Wasliiogton Territory," ai
extended to all the I'ublle lyind Mates by ac.
ofAtigun. t8oj, RoacaTi:. L. IlArtKa, o1'
surshSeld, county of Coos, State of Oregon,
has this day filed In this office his sworn state,
ment No. t8or, for the purchase of the Lots -J
4. SH NW.'f of Section No. 3, in Township'
No. 86 S, Range No. ti West, and will otter
proof to show that the land sought Is more vap
table for iu timber or stone than for agriculture1
al purposes, and toesubllsh hh cLtim Id said.
unoDeroretiieKcgister and Kcceirrr o( tnH
I ofltceal Rotebunr. Orreon. onTuesiLiv. the .ta
day of November, loot. ' ts witnesses: M.ulc D. Cutllp,
Anton Wlrth, Edward W Wires, Charles L.
Smith, of Marshfi'td, Oregon.
Any and a.l persons claiming Mdversely the
above-described lands ore requested lo flie their
cl lms In this office on cr before said lath day
of November, 1901.
, m r, . .
8 31 J- T. ni!IDOW, Ttcgiatcr.
" ' ' --
nitjlstt'el Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon.
juij 30m, 1901.
N'nllr Il hr.l, vrn 1S.1I In rnmnlLinr i.llh
the provtrkms of the act of Congress of June 3,
,B;8. entitled "An act for the sale' of timber
Undi in the Slmm of CiliarnU. Ormn. Nn.
I county of.l.uion State (or Territorj) of Ore
I gon , has this day filed in this office bis sworn
ttatemtnl No. 1753. for the purchase of the NW
1 X of Section No. 11 In township No. 36 2V
Range N.u tt West, aud will offer proof ti
I show that lliebnd sought Is roorr valuable far'
I its limber or stone than for ngricukral 'purV,
forethe Rruister and Kiwlver of this office atf""
01 Koicbcrr. Oreircn. on t-rldar. the 18U1 dar or
October, toot.
ue n.ime as w Itncsses- Thomts L. Ambler. '
John Schwab of Ml Angel. Oregon. George
Ratrman, Albert WilHi, of Roteburr. Orrgon. "
An v and all prisons claiming adversely ilia'
above-described lands are requested to file their'
claims in this office on or belore said iBlh -day
of October, 100 1.
83 J. T. Dkidrm. Register.
timhi-i T ivn ict rirvi." n iutu
TIMHLlt LAM), ACT JUNE 3, 1878.
United Sutes Land Office, Roseburg.'Orrgon,
August ij. loot.
Norice is hereby given ('ut in oonlpliance,
with the provi-lonsef the act of Congress of'
June 3. 1878, cntitleit "An act for the sale of'
timber lands in ihe Stitea af California, Oregon.
1 , ,
1 " . '
1 V'
;svaii.i. nnd Washington 1 erniory, as extend-
no me iuiiic Lana mates uy act 01 au
1. 1801. W. Ions Flood, of Drrait. Courv--
Ijcwis. St-le (or Territool of Washington.
has this day filed in this ofhee his sworn state
ment No. 1788, for the purchase of the NE V
of Section No. 76. in Township No. a6 S, '
Range No. n.Weit, and will oiJcr proof to
show that ihe Isnd sought is more valuable for
Its timber or stone than for agricultural pur ,
notes, and to establish his claim tould land be-'
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at ;
Roseburg, Oregon, on Saturday the 36th day '
lof Ociohcr. ,90,
OcioMcr, 1901.
It n.iir... n. ultnMiAl T jitit. Tnnll tier-
nun Toepelt. AlUrt II. Toenelt. of Doty,
Wathington, Albert Willis, of Kcoeburg, , ore-(
go"- ,,, ,., , . .
Any and all persons claiming adversely the.
nbove-descritecl lands are requested to file their .
claims In this ollice on or before said 36tn aay
of October, 1901.
I. T. Driuum, Register.
United Sutes Iand oiTice, Roebnrg, Oregon,
August H. 1901.
V ... t l,VIS nllUH Is KAmnlliUMI
with the provisions ot tha net of Congress of '
June 3. 8;3. entitled "An uct for the sale of
Ti., jj ..,. I ,h. Shih nl I .il.feml. nn-mn.
Neiadi. and Washington Territory." ns extend-'
cd to nil uie ruuuc l.inu Mates uy net 01 su-
... .... . ... .'. ...
gUH4. t8Qa. ALHI.RTll. Tokl'Kl.T, Of Doty,
county of I -en Is, tite (or Territory) of Wnsb-i
ington. Ims this day filed in this office his sworn
..7. . o., ... k. .i..,..r,u vv'
, ftiiieiiicui vu. i,yi, .' "w .m.v.,.c v, ,,m .,
!f ol Section Nu. 37, in Township No. 36 S, '
Ranie No. 11 Wot. nnd will offer proof to'
show that the land sought is more vulunhlo for.
Roseburg. Oregon, on Saturday, tlie a&lli day o
October, loot.
lie names .is witnesses:
Itils Toepelt. W.
John Floo.1, llermiQ Toeiwlt, of Dryad, Wash
ington, Albert Willis, or Roseburg, Oregon.
An&nnd nil persons claiming adversely tho
nhove-tlekcnbed kinds nru rtqiiestcd to filo their,
claimj In this office on or belore said afilh day
of octolier, 1901,
8-17 J.T. lilitDOBJ, Register,
TIMllEK LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878.'
United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon,
August 7H1, Jpoi,
Notice Is hereby gnen that In compliance with
the provisions or the act orCongreol Juno -3,'
1678, entitled "An net for the sale of limber
lmd in the States or Caiifoinn. Oregon, Neva.'
da, and Washington Territory," us extended do
nil Ihe labile Und States by net of August 4,
1S93, Paui Maykk. of 1'e lill, county of ltwls,
St.ito (or 't'errilosy) of Washington, has this day
filed in this otfice his sworn statement No. 1769,
for the pmclmse of die NIC U of Section No. at
In Tomislni) No. 36 South, Range No. 11 West.
and will oiler proof 10 show that tlie land sought
is mom valuable for lis limber orstnne titan lot
ajiicultui,il purposes, nml lo establish fiis claim
to said land U'fotu Ihe Rrirbtrr nnd Hcceiver of
this ofiiv-e at Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday, tlie
35m o.iy 01 ociuner. 1901
lie n.iiiK's ns witnesses: August Mayer,
Aaron Allen, Albert Maucrniann, Charles X.
Knox, of Pe Kll, Washington. ,
Any nnd all persons claiming adversely tkaj
nlioie-lev.Tlbed lands are rt'ouesled to Me lhU
claims in this office 90 or before said jih day,
of October, 1901.
io J l . iiK(ixii:K, ttrfcuwr,