The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 14, 1901, Image 2

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-...-. i ni aaa. ! in I I jai -- ... -. ! hi ii.MM,,M , ., .. . ,.i, ,,..1 t. .ajkrVft i ----. . - -.- .- - V -. BV - - " - w-fc- - .. a ,b ., ,n - w -aaar .
Asthinhlcnt! lhiugs Instant Relief and Permanent Cute
" nit Cases.
Wnt your imiuii niut athlrvss' nlaiul y.
'. m tew
Tltarc is nothing like Atlunnliiic.
Ulirinj;s iiiMnnt reliof, men lit the vort
ense. It ottrt'ii when nil olso lull.
ThcRn.C. i-WVKM.S. efVltto RUr. IH
ja "Vwir trfatl NMtle of Aurrwdarx1 rwattwnt In
jtocj comUtton. I uanmx trUjettlxm thaafcfall
frr I lor the nxl tlomwl from It. t k
tliAlruM with putrid Mur thfiMt ami Atthm for ln
yrnr. I ttftrl of evrr hrrn cum). I m iw
niHTtlvnwnt foe the ere of thh ilmniftil ami lor
nwntini: rftti Ailbtn. ami thought jott had ov
rr'politi jourvlvrn, Imt iroIrrt to jtnv it ,i trial
Torn muxmliinwn, the irM tnl Ulv.xefomt, mo A full klanl bottle."
Rov, DlYlorriaWechsler,
KM4 of the Cong. llml lwwrl,
Nkw York, Jan. j. 1901.
Dm. T.rr rto'. MmitciNKC'o.,
Urnlkmrti: YourAKlinmWw It an rcrttrot
remedy for Auhrwi nad H.ty Ker. and it oottnw-
litlon llvats tit tumble which romUiw with
Aithmt. lt i aitonbhlnic r1 uemterfal.
After h.tMnj It carefully .uMiyrcd, w can tte that AsihtmWnc contains t.o opium, trior
Tihlnc, oUofofornt or c.hcr. Very truly yours, ,
ltr.;. dk. moukis vi:cusi.i:k
Avon SmiNtts, N. Y.. 1'eh. 1, 1901.
Ar. I111 l" tctxr ("a
Gnllmra: I write thh tutintofiwl from eoc of htty. IwWnc ttnl the woniktful rffrct
nrur AttkakiVmc. far Ike cure at Awtinwi Mv lf h Inn aMictnt llh uimOk AMhnu
for lltt rt 13 mws IKoW rrtrtl my own rtlll mcIIm nwtnyothrt. I chttnvcd to mv ',j. ,i... ,:.:,, .mtrniinim nf .
our;Kntipo)oir;ndownijolh nrrtt. Ne York. I t onre obunml a bottlr of Atthnwl lll- aUVCIUSlltK JllOnnj: 01 .
Irnc. .My ltc rammnrnl tkin Kaboat itr tt .onHBtwr. 1 -rty toon dooori a ruumu
improvrriMnt. All lti one botlV ber nMlmw hat dbopmtrnt ami the i eallrrlt free from all
tymptomi. I fret that I nut een:fcMtoHly rvesmmeatl the medMor 10 all who ore alltkivJ uilh
The Daily Review eatne out
Tuesilny evening onlnrjjctl fjotn t
five to u Six column folio. While
the fhruie effects an iinptovc
nicnt in its Appearance mul is t
step !6rvrl on the put of its
publishers, the ventlccw of the
pnpet are little, if any, benefited
by the change its the incmtin: itt
sue of the paper is fully taken up
with additional advettisinsj, .jjiv
inj the render oulv itbout the
same antount of news matter ns
formerly. Kosebury I'laiudenl
ef. The above i.s taken as a text,
for two teusous. l;irst, because it
i.s a curiosity, in the way of n
display of a littleness of spirit
with which few newspaper men
would publicly acknowledge
thcniselves to be aillicted. Second,
because it carries a false idea
which no newspaper man ought
to be guilty of disseminating,
even tor the sake of belittling a
The idea that an increase in
- ' W"-"KX"""""Ki
-n5' ' q
Cb C jlj
t toll lino f rlmii entonHra, foul, il.-r, Iikiii niitl Mrun
uIwh.v en limn!, (ro.-li fruita und vi j; .1 .1U nciwl nil
0oi', Mi'itutiir.
HWhb&T foRtca paid rant fnvtucr. aurrcn and coaa
TntDcHvciv Telephone-. Ulnln'M.
O. U. t'HEtJ'S. M. D.
I'M. $. loot.
dlttreuini: dkeiuc.
vours KwpccuaRy,
Dr.' T.vrr Hitos. Mrmcnk Co.
, GnlUmcn: I wm traahM kh Atthma tor m year. 1 !m trfctt nrnmroiH remvttas. Wot
thy have all failetl I ran acroat vmr adwttiwmcnt and Mailed with . trial bottle. I lovrxl ri
liefai oaee. t hare tlnco narcrMMl year fall itaid bottle aad I am evrr irratful. t hare fanll
of four cMMroa. ami for alx vaan w uaabla to work I .m bom In the bat of healtk and urn
dome bwtnew every day. ThM WeUatoay oa can male MKh ute of a u we lit
; liiiHuton miu h kawiaku
67 loth l City -
Home MMreM, ate 1
Tla1 bottlo scYVfobnotutoly froo tfn rocslpt of postal
Da iwtdeVy. Write at oaee. addroMiaK DR. TAFT HROS.1 MKUIC1NK Co.. 70
Eait 130th St.. N. V. City.
Saturday, - - .S?;. J4. 100 J
Published Every Saturday by the
Mail Publishing Co.
One )ear, (la adrasoe) .1 00
t . Six monthi.......... S.00
?" ' l1 roonlhs, ..... ... .30
The attempted assassination of
President McKinley coining like
lightning from a clear sky, has
given the country a painful
Of course the would-b murder
er was a foreign anarchist, aud
this brings up again the problem
of what to do with the anarchists.
It is uscles to talk of excluding
them, if European nations with
their systems of passports and
police espoinage fail, we would
b;tter try some other menus.
The intcrpetatiou of law under
which the Chicago anarchists
were hanged by the neck until
they were dead is justice aud good
common sense. The persons
who publicly advocate assassina
tion ought to be held equally
guilty with the actual assassin
who his committed the deed tin
der the influence of their teach
ings. Should President McKin
ley die from the effect of "his
wounds, every avowed auarchiut
within reach of the law of this
country ought to be rounded up
and hung, as accessory to the
Wc want uo press censorship or
abridgement of free speech in this
country but every man
held responsible for the effect of
his utterances. If he incites the
mob to arson or murder, he
should be held equally guilty
with the poor fool who becomes
the dupe of his teachings.
The mail who shot President
McKinley is no more guilty than
is Emma Goldman or Herr Most
or any other person who advo
cates the murder of the' heads ot
A- strict enforcement of this
principle would soon put a atop
to the abuse of free speech, and
do injustice to no end.
newspaper is of no benefit to the
subscribers is one which is al
ready too prevelaut among people
who have not thought the matter
As a matter oi fact, in a prop
erly conducted uewjpuper, every
increase in advertising patronage
results in direct benefits to the
readers. It cwts money to run a
newspaper, aud the better the
paper the more money it cost.
With a given income, the possib
ilities within reach of the publish
er are circumscribed at a certain
line. Increase the income aud
, . . . . h ..
tlocit not niM 1 not mlVctitl our aliilily slilp acini nneirlirrv. AH
otoVr, Ittigti tir ."inai!, hti- rotiii(iy num.
September price list in piepamiiou,
SuRnr islowet (itattulttted 5. 15 Uud $5.25 per 10 ills,
ltntusmul piovisiotis continue firm.
Plentiful stocks . fcwivihmu.
With uieuted CAPITAL, iecrnll subscribed, nil deput
ments are he.tvilv stockel up with latest style!, huvei vam v
3 than ever, aud our jimi.iI low prices p.ovail.
jLSmith's Cash (dpt.) Store,!
No. T.5 Market St.. San Francisco.
contained the latest up to uoou of . v 'cv t-c ": NKk." as they
Snturdey, when the pajr wrnt jpl U "wy r hudreil
-ejirs. " IV- oiy it wm this pity
that induced ti dranKcg in of
g qUBSOJKIPTIONS For all Papora- g
E -5 mul Mnguzinoa Kocoivod at S
1 F. P. Norton's
1 v
iiiymim 1 .. 11 . . .. . M f a
HCeieaville PainF"
Otvfrr wut milk tout ut m y niituiiutfr it itty imr
.iW ii'iiiW ltttitJ it im iliHi iih'intux oihl itt'itiii.
TCKMS .;, A ott.u t. P1 ).7:
prens; all this would htte been
minus quantity but for the tnottey
of the Coait Mail's alverti
The man who is trying to build
up a newspaper puts every dollar
he can into improvement of his
pnpcr.The ptopoMtion runs some
thing like this: increased ader-
tisiug receiiU', better paper; bet-'
better paper, more subscribers;
more subscribers, iucreed ad
vertising tuuutpts.
The MAIL jrropose. to keep
the field of his achievements is j swinging around the circ!e until
IEJ4A. . -r -
11 1 n crll ilay for the vife am!
mother when he scan her worn face
In the mirror, ami jk'isi thi- cueition,
"Does it pay? lot it pay to sacrifice
ner.iiu ami upi'.neM
tuwe!.Ute?" Hut
there is an 4htr(iui-
ltj... .. l.. I, M..' !..
' 'fltJiis: "hit nocei-
nary to sacrifice
hualth ami hauutnea
to weddrd Yje?"
Hal a million women
anitwer. So ' They
luive b-vii weaV atd
have been nnult
Krw b Dr. Herre'11
1 "a oriie 1'rt scrition
They were tick and
' I'uvorite I'reacrip
tion" 111 a (J c them
well. It will ilo the
s..ute for ali:iit every
wounn whu j-vcf it
a fair atui taithful
tr!al. It Uopi vieitl:.
cnii)( ilmins, huali
infUinuwlioit ami ulceration and cure
feuwle wf..k neat. It tranquillwR the
corvee anil eucoumse-. the nppcit.
i expecird to lrc;iiie a miihcr. and a
tlirpteue-J uiiMhcAcc utcullv wrakrue I me,M
writs air. K. A. N.iIIuik. u( Wliu hiriKi,
Hraim Co ArL., "n.l my ulil dikcax.' rilurnnt
SI lnnueat ot Hnnther i'.ocIw ht me Ixit 1
K'rmt to JUt drag atcMit; and l no Letter
Atlut I tola thr doctor tint r h luccu-inr tlit
u 01 lieiti iur I uuukt go bad. lu I)r fierce'
lunUduu. I 'll'l . and I'V tlie time I liad
taken U18IU oia mwitli I couki i!o my own
lluiiKMOrk, rxccf'wahlnj, and tended my
KHrdrutoa I wu stouter than t Iwl ever len
while tralllne Uiljy'n oaaiinK klnti my fitit
lby CAine Itlil one wan the ixt1i thlUI). Hlie
ia iipwcttkau iiiuiithtttUand It a healthy child,
M fr ntt, I feci a youoK now a I did at
elclitr -n yeat of ait , am thirty now. . I nui
chirrfiliv rccomiiiena Dr. Tlercca mcdlelnc to
nl (unVruif AuniacUnd.''
Doctor l'ierce'fl I'leasant Pellets cure
i(iou3tits utttl tick houlache,
A Communication
.mk. iiDiTou Allow me to
speak a few words in favor of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
I Miffered ior three years with the
bronchitis and could not sleep
mollis. 1 tried several doctors
and various patent medicines, but
could get nothing to give me any
relief untill my wife got a bottle
of this valuable medicine, which
completly relieved me. W. S.
Ukokkman, Kaguell Mo. This
remedy is for sale byjohu I'ruess.
Take this paper as an example.
Whcti the present management
took charge Inst December the
kMail was as good a paper na its
patronage justified, perhniK bet
ter. The improvement sine
then has been rendered ossible
mainly by the increase in adver
tising patronage.
The new type which now ap
pears in this paper has been paid
ior out of advertising receipts;
the iuci'eflte in the office force i
made possible only by increase in
advertising receipts; country cor
respondence is paid for out of ad
vertiMinjj icceipts; press disMitch
es brinjjiiiK the latest news cost
money which would not be avail
able but for the increase in
advertising patronage. The
cost of the Daily Coast Mail
during fair week was adver-
horo; jxms'k : wa sutnctliinp.
else, Xotr c.' re a struggle with
a little bareVnl having the nuut
en'ral dij;n:t 'a ttthf, ami this
peat KtiKltnl : helpless. It i.
not to le sr.pponed that Knjjlatnl
can retain its old reputation. It
will be looked upon as a bluster
er. It will no louucr be feared.
nor its fiat acceptetl os law. Its
resources, other than finanrial,
have Inreu strained. Kitcltener
comp' tins tint the troops now
sent to him ate cripples and,
uii'. .id p!. 1 td rrvice. If
this is u:i. l-'ti'dautl would Ik- in
iiiftf. wir-- Uii if to
:-r iiK-!.ii'4 a ical
Dyspepsia Gore
Diffcsb what you cat.
Tills i I'iriti n iv.nt-ji n all cf th
The Virginia constitutional
convention has tinder considera
tion a clause providing that when
a divorce is grunted for cruelty or
for any other act which is a vio
lation of law it shall be the du:
of the proper authorities to prose
cute the alleged offender in a
criminal court. It is believed
the clause would have the elfcci
of putting an cud to a good deal
of false sweaiiug in the way of
An attempt wus iimilo to wreck tho
down tiaiii from Portliiuil to Ahtculu win
lIllVllM WtUlk'. I IV lllllll"mlllli limii'i- Tim.
biTH on thu truek. '
tisiug money. The liberal bul
letin giving the particulars of thu
attempted assassination of Presi
dent McKinley which was pouted
around town at 5 o'clock last
Friday afternoon; the double col-
um of telegraphic news which
'ffi f$ ih&
Give them oil cod-liver oil.
It's curious to&cc the result.
Civj it to the peeio!i, frv;t
i.i child, ai.d he laughs. G!t
it to tho pale, anamic chi!U,
and his face )x:conics roby and
full of health. Take aflat
chested child, or a child that
lias stopped growing, give him
the oil, and he will grow big
and strong like the rest.
This is not a new scheme.
it nns oecn cione ior years.
ui cuurau you jiius.1 use lllc
right oil. Scott's limulsion
is the one.
ScotlVi Emulsion neither
looks nor tastes like oil because
we are so careful in making it
pleasant to take.
Sond for free sample.
it is the- liest country weekly on
the coar.t, if it isn't that already.
Walcr Cure tyr Chronic Constipation
Take twuicnui of hot water
half a hour before each meal and
just before going to bed, also i.
drink of water, hot m cold, ii'iki:!
two hours after each Taki
lots of outdoor exercise walk,
ride, drive. Make a ic -tilat habit
of this mid in maiiv rax-s ehron'o
constipation may b, cured it!,- it.fl
oik me use ui itiiy iiifiucmi
When a ptitslive icM
take somethitiK mild ami
like Chamberlain's btomuclt am. turel.ifur wryililtu cIho fnllud. It
Liver Tablets. Kor sale by John P""7,1, Inrtnatlotiof imsiui tlu btnm
,, J wh.rllfinjall tllstr'-siirtiroalitu.
ici.iiiKuiiiirri'iar. i'iu;vmau) laue.
Vi can't help
but i!o you rjood
rroarltin'rliy i: ' lift". itti"' ,ril.'w
Itn II. txitllo cunlaiuart muiwlliuioc. ia.
P . "i S M''kU
Fiirmcrs' Limy mill mul Sale Mais,
I i
.'Buvt Cnso Propriotor. Eosoburg Oregon S
... $
sra. Wkmyv SW"
. ?i '
Bust Rigs pjkI Teams in tho City.
,ty lH rti lit- Ini'lv I'tiii .'lit irii'l ami I I111VH aili'wl
rti 1 il if ' I'll '! mi I'i-Hci in'i.u,t lliitiM'Wr In
!itiilti V'U mhI .11111 xit
Tiaiik'iit stink ;ien jKrial .tttiMitmii. Cull and see uie.
Southern Oregon State Normal School.
1 - 1 "i
mwn EmMfflmm
mffi film fflu RlTlin F&zrJ'iz???!?' srrrKau """fr
- t - - J
Minna A, xlr iiic tuui l"o(rionl iriiniac
lie I iifltMl rt.rl'MKr. ll N)tuim Utnlottn
linttlaM iraining drMfllrti. la KaM ht
luinl ttachrr la awwd, itic Miripl,-, (UtUiuti
bair a cbsarc el pcna , WaamSal IbmMim, IUhI
Ibyijui M HI IHH r . Wrk' for
W. M. CI.AVTON', 1'ies.
... rw. Jf eitli'.i.iiiirt'.t rami 1.1 vrr u'Ti s.muvif iwwh n.r imak
edictne. j ,,,! f0 tun-. Iiull..vvjyni to ear nil is. mWrfi'll iinsiey wa ut Hi
retpiiic. jt(wf(.ih.iiw.nL 'JlioiiH.ta.iiiiivo iiikioii Iwl wn. a uiw faidnt.-l
c"Ul, thututnds i.f tlviipptles liavo u.. ""I'tit) Mnrlml. A. A. IWhiu
Aw h4r 11 hi roM I.' -'liil'- .ml u.'wl j
K'iur 111 hii.iII .. r.tiauti it 1. i.111 1 mi ii
llh-y Uir llu' .' Sullll.f Ml to I'm' V r
Uth Co., It'".it ..! .W' .. l1,itlr'4iM.
H. Ami) ui' lo' iMl.nm'.iH tofiL-rn-ln
r,iriijl' i .' . tig tl f 111 Ul. writ' 1" Hi'
W jl.iu'. il- ' u , Ijiiih.iI, I ! I.!' . t .
Xiii lr.irii.uiw, 1 ,il
ft! awl fAMti
KN G 1 , A X IV S MOST ,S V. R If V
(i ugcac Hrgitrri
Tciiiptaiiou to use the term
"opt! a boufle" (toticliinj; the
Iioer war) ariyes from Uie courat
of Kitchener in issuing proclam
atiuus tlireattuiny exile. The
Uocrs eaie nothing for the most
spirited output of the typewriter.
The threat ot exile must nub
them smile. It can have no ter
rors lor them. If conquered,
they would setl: exile, for tb-j
will i.evt-r lii wheie they had
a republic and lie the bubjecls ol
Kiiiilaiid. They may be worn
down, the mu vivinu remnant at
last defeated, but their fust im
pulse then wi'.l he to desert the
scene of tlitir blastetl e (forts and
the ashes oi their farmsteads.
They do not flinch before bayo-
nets, aud they are not to be tet -rifled
by illets of pnjier.
The effect on Knglaiid is more
serious than the mere cot in live
aud money, terrible as this has
been. The yicct effect' will be
in the dehtructim of Ilrilibh pres
ume. I'or some rcauon not ciear
ly defined Ivuxland had been re
garded as a military nation. Oul
a few yeais ajjo some of its citi
zens, cousins whom wc respect,
v,eie talkiiiK f waginy war with
the United Stutca over a question
ofljouudary, and the chief feeling
siuciiK them wai one of juty thu
this bright youujj people- should
r.t . -. .ino
AM !i: M IMI
ttiiK j iti;
r.Ijr'e Uteatn Balm
Yutf ai I 1 '-a 1 . '
III-. . . ' 4 Ul !
J r.oiiH t'.t , .
l ii, .1 k ihvl-l.
it m Hl fa' "I
It tv u II
ttl IS
A '.i.l I
II . fill I'r .'..!. I'.n Mj4i.i .1. I', i I' q
l N'fTt 1 n I - .. 'I, I tf o , I. 1 1 . ' 1. t
lr vi. ; 1 IK , 1 1.
fcLV i'ttu'i !'t.l -,i-. .. rfnii .-: .I..N.W i .rk.
I '. Lie ltntfilxiii Ik n(t In iiirk in
ll r llltlil lit Hi-ntltl nl'Higl), Mrur A-
tnriii. mul it l fwnil Hill nut K' t tiff.
uTj rmilvi iititnt fi.r making
MHS'llllKlMlt llfllilf Switlli'. 'Ill llll'll
and niiltlt vmi UVi'ii In Ihtkir City.
Klil Inlntiil, tllr tlVytMMilil mill uf W,
I. Iri'lmi.l Millmit IiiiiiIIiib lit-1 .Sun.
ility iirwr ili'liliiiilltli Ml na lie n nit-j
lliiK nt'er u fi'iu'i'. illM'lwruliitf III" nn,
ll.i- limil IiiI.Iuk ilfin'l In lilx left Iminl,
livrliiK "Il tlm lliiiiiib mul IiihI Uir.v
IHftuflW kHf litl'll Ittljllillnltl Ht
liuytiiM. I.tiifilu fiiiMily.
Coos Bay wtolNBlB Liipr
fVk ' A 1
X JknB
z?M x&, cii
C n
I Vv-.
stops p&m
Alh..n. l .1 m ft tit
TiThion. I1. 1 .,' ., ( ,.i.r,.i v i-r li.y
Ihir . 1 It. irular unit I
"vi'"i wait ,.,,at 4)u in my hliM,
liu.k, .iij-iiiiIi and fi-a-, wllh trrlfcl
bi.irn.i iinuii pilim h tl.a I'lluuwil.
.'.ii'iitf inn haul ninhtli I liivu
taan 4 '. mu . I I'knlul a ! TliMlfuni'a
Jllw K-tlr.iii.'M.nnd I p.i-i '1 1 1 1 n.ntii-
I h x l''lwllaouliaJn furlh.1 ll.i timo
;.uu.. -:.iaAVUi.
What f tits wciUi to ,-t Haatan sulfor-
Ing Ilk Naiir,l I.avit '.ulUruif? Yot
Ihcre iih wowtn in thouaunitt'I honiM
to-day vlio art Uuii Ihoto Urilblo
inantlrual paint In tllcnw. II )cu ro l
Dim ct 1-imo vm want to say (hit this
will bring you pernuncnl rrlUI. Con
sslo loimoll with Ilia knuwledr') IHui
1,000,000 yyernun havo litson ciimplfcloly
oured I7 Wir.o ol CitduU Thoio obi
0.1 SuHarad dom Ituwrrhum, Inagular
nuniei, lieadiclic, Ijaoktche, and
bearing down ialnt. Wlno ol Cardul
will tlop ell Ihoto aclicj and pslns
ior you. Purcfcuo a SI.C0 bolllo ol
Wlno ol Cardul lo-day nd take l In
tho privacy ol your homo,
l orwiliniii 1,1.., iiut(iUrH.ulrlniiiriaD-
iUI. '
ujullnLvug i, 71
An liiitritloiH 'I'ffitliiii'iii by wliicli
I'rilllKurilaiiiH Il.'iii; I 'iiicil l),iy
ill Hiiln nl 'rin-iii.'lvu.
Nn Ni.xiiiiia )fiav X11 Wi'MktilliliK 11
I In' Ni.rvi'a A ili'a'iMii hiii INi.l.
livi Ciii.j tor tlm l,Kuur IIhIhI.
It l iio liiiwrally I no a anl uudrruil
llnl IliinikrlilMlwIi .1 itlKJW iiihI not nik
nr. A Uai tillnl unit pam.ii, and nrtto
ioin.rirly ttMIH-itdlif rlfiilHMl or totiManl
uw l iiitotkdllaK IkUum, imiuIim an attliiiotu
.inl.W- i.l iiriilr.ilutiMn "'l tlatlir.uiiii; Ihu io.
.il. mul iliklmy my IbvuatiMf lor liiliiamiiili
1 Ileum 111.1v no uire lln.iirlo i,t Iimiik
mill). ut pulilull) or Iik u( tlHii'li(Miiliiiiiul.y "IIOHH-I.OI.IK I II.' Ml,,,.),
nv Um (Mtlrcliil allrr MMiiy )um ul iliaw .dm) irnitou mful tiirl.ilnlm. 'i fxlihlii
iiNi .tcionlingloilliicliuiuiil lliit hmiiImIiiI ill
i-uiy It (Mnillnly imrnnliril In 1 me la iinikt
.iImihmIi law, in iimller liow (i-iiil n ilrliiUr
Our irioiillH(W Ihu iiianloii liMHii umiIciii
( lliouatnidnur UiiinkatiU lulu anlwr, lmlu
I UMM Ullll tl.Vllll 11 11.
I hit irmetiy i in nu tuoce itiiotliiuii but a. 11
ImciIii. (01 IliN illMniM only, .iimI It mi klll(iill
I r-nl ami ii UkiI libit II U lni(Milil) miIu
le .ft 11 1 ikiitar,t lu Uw lir, nu 1I14I It cm !
;lv 11 III A 1 up (if leu or mffiii wlilw.ul tlw
.iiiwWdf ( llw 11 n 1 Inking II. 'Ihuimiiilt
a IliunkuiiU luve tiui.l lliuiiiUf Mil, illa
in. . 1-i.s 11 ii'i'ly. ml unii.iuy miMr Imm Urn I
I nui hi.iiIi- tiir,ili iiwii Iiy luiliu; iht
' WM ' .Hliuliiu.blmlU)' loving Ii.hiiIs .in,)
iluiUr Hiilii'Ul On r ki tmli'ilKi. In or
,l itti.l l-IMtii t'Ml-ty UiiiI Mi y iIIimiiiihmI
IniikiiiK uf llwir 1111 fun Hill. DO N'OT
AMI, ))u Mil la) iklintril by iiimiiii mill
niilrtiilliil! "Iiii.i9tiiii'l." Orliviuil iliu ilii-
i .,( (.!, mul for nil I Inn'. 'Ilm "IICiMK
iOI.IX ri'l."uw,li nl tin- Miiuy low
p.lci' il Omi liillal, lliu iUlinfi wllliln imiIi
r.f veijtMMly 14 Uftitiiittnt .""' iflecliul (Pan
blliviii Moling lii $S". I'uM clliitctiuna no
t(iniiiiy wuili uuknii. h,liil mlvku litMII-
-il .h)ltluli whwi Hiillml wllliuut iivlin
cli.v. Kt'nl meriMl In in y mii of thu Wdrlil
on r IH uf iw UaHnr. illri lWjil. l'7
I'.DWIN II. 011.1 & CMl'ANV, 3jo im.l
tjyt Mailiil HtlTM) lillailflplili,
iuili"Xt'l uounild n
iii:aih;autkkx I'ott niiiii
i-noifK msm mil:
Family Ordtir? Soliciicd.
sou. i,i..r r.jic tiii. ii:i.r
itTi:i) Ranier Beer.
nil ly ur,,'rt fir i,i, pin tn mill
iiiiiria,ili'inriii ,y ilm cuii.
Robert Aiarsden.
mkQ m m
t. WiTO?TL5sr3a)i!r yiL' f rasn
I'kiilynfi.i.litMllirii no room uniUtun
lt,r in. in i.upii, uKS ,0() , ....i..,,.
.iiliy, ili.iiiulii. p.uirrns, 111,1 i,'ifii,,,!,
New Designs In Sideboards.
New Designs In Dining Tables.
New Designs in Diniuj? Chairs,
'1 liu bHiM yl,l iLiiulsniiiitei pioiliicl of lli(
liol Uclniln- all nuvy i:oalt-m our mini
luw prletv.