The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902, September 14, 1901, Image 1

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Try the COAST MAIL g
Job Office if
JwWWWWIMiI'M) w ,.. i
IMinwMmi WMnnwiiiuw
ol, xxin.
r?wwTfWff wiwi'l
--., i. in imin m niniirMinimwuimmn!
i..a,.W.jk..U,.tu..tb i ui ... ;;. .'.: .;j.r
, . jrtnzrrr.s. JUUfltHmMffift Mil Vni
J Read Our County
mi ,MI)Hili Pruss Inn Kx-Mlulnlor of
lliuilien was found thud III bid caused by Kriu i),.. ll(. dispatches (lie ftillnw
" " "' "KIH'l'ii'-. j ,lir lirrillinl f , ,,,,,. ,,,. . vml
I ho citizens nf lloiincv II ), lint,, niorl- ilfii tn life Is gleaned:
I'll tltll ll'lll'lllot. llf lllli'L- il'l,i,l. i. .1 '
i.MiH,ir..r turn... i.i. :.,....,...' ... llasarowniunu..lsurior I p. in.,
wiist'si-nited lulliKlriilii l.v armr.1 clil. Pv,,n 'W,l MeKlnli-y was holding
r.i'iix, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 o rri'oplluu In t lio Temple uf Music,
mi tlio PniMinerlcan grimmls, Hint the
Two liiimlml iiiniri'liUtH celebrate Me
Klulo)'s iissinvliuttliui nt (luiroy hollow,
Pa., out iat tukliiK tii-IUo pari.'
Mayor Harrison Iiiim tued iiii order i
tlu police nut lo allow iiiiy nunc ri'tulti'
tloiiniy meetings In Chlr-ugii.
Sept. 11.
ln I'rn. Itiici'lt Is protected liy
iiNtmiiK body Kimril nf w'lrt sen Ice
Tin' hearing nf lln iilnii Chicago amir
rliUlN wliii Mi' under arrest fur iiuiplr
nry In Ilii- McKlnloy iinwlnntlmi Inn
boon h( for Hrpt, IIHIi.
McKlulcy In practically nut nf danger.
Kiiima (iiililniiiii t Ik leader
Is rnlil to bo dltcetly responsible fur .Mo
Klnloy's assassination,
Kiiima (inldmiin called fur mall nt HI.
Isnils Saturday, mill iuiuicdliilcly led
fur Chicago.
(Irninl Army train nf i'xriirfliiiilli
was wnrkedut IIiiiMi, Wit Virginia.
A hmkcii lluiif! on I In- engine iMii-cil
the train In jump the trnrk nml turned
sideways ami rolled nter. The engineer
was pinned iiinli'r tin- i'iiIiic nml err
Sept. in.
Kiiiiiin linlilniNii wan nrrmtnt In Chi'
rac" today.
-...M.M....11Tr n.Trrrnminnn1jrTrir tnwi'iwwi Hiwnm j
death comb to
president Mckinley.
Passes Away Shortly After
NO. St
So Says an American Jiisl Returned
From Service In Tlielr
Our Wide-awake Reporters SIW
1 In' mwihI i'wratliiii U not iit'coiury
nml Mi'Ulnli'y will n-cntiT.
I'rifiiili'iit MrlCliili'y luii piuxiil the
rrlMx nml pritciit luillnitlnii arc tlml
In will Ih' nlnrcil tu lii'altli Mry raplilly,
Sit ii'lnry IIukc uj.1.m fur I1I1N mi IuuiiIk
In Ih pnlil nut nf tin' uliiltlii' tnml.
Si'pt. II.
All tin' Mi-htroimit fiiniiiriit luti
cn,il ami nn rnlil mitt mi Httlriin'iil
Iihh Imhii rwirlntt ly tin' AiualKiiiimtvil
Anii. nllUvri'.
The (iiru crnp will k tlu lnirt(it on
riTiint in Uuilfnltiil,iliiJ,fc&&.4ju.
Tli r ic tlioii4tunl .MiiHfi'liiiNn trooi"
wi'ri' throw it fiitu a jsiulr hy llin cxpln.
Imi nf aniiiiiiiiltlnii lii tin' linriarli.
Thin Im Im-Hi'TiiI to Ima riix for the uia
Nirri'nf AniifiilniiK,
'I lu t nlt.ilStMtc" Cniim-ll nt I'oliiiiilii,
ri'plh"i In iilii't nmiilfiftn; "MiniiM
I'aniuiia lolatn tn'iity rlKlilHthlH(;nM'rii.
nii'iit wonlil recent It." J
Tin' ImiiIut flinp nf Jnlin Tylor, nt
('rnpph'lrii'k, Colo., whh lilnwii up hy
il)iiiiuilt', window. wort' rlinitiTtil for
hi tckM. TyliT hai rrfii-uil to Join the
ImrlnTH iinloii, thiii tin' altark.
Ilmix Wiikmit nf Ciimimt, Wyii.. wai
tarrril i,mi fi.tthi'iiil nml ihlilrii nut nf
lowunii a ran an i wnriiisi ni'cr to re
turn for I'xprttMloii nf Nympalhy with
Kl-hrniii'ii mi' rt;milr.liii; a imlnii at
HinhI HltcrhiiHii iii'W Mainiilc Tcin
jili'. Tin' iii'W InilhlniL' Ih Imllt fmin the
prnm-iNiifn faun which wan v.illt'tt to
tin nnlcr iii thi'ili'uth nf A. II. Th'inan
of that iiiruniiil known iih Tli'inan
Tlini' Malhi'iir rminty I'X-roiintv nlll.
rialxnri'hliiirl in lln'lr aiYoiintx. K. It.
Murray, i-x-lmiMiin'r .Mil.'.li hlmrt, II. C.
Miirray.i'X-nlii'rlll ri7.".is ylmrt, (', K.
Ilimwi'il, cx-flu'rllf f.M:i.:tShlinrt.
AimlhiT ciiHiMif finall (mix law nppt'ar
nl nt Sah'in, llil limn it U Kit l.nmli,
nun nf tin rilalo 1'riiiliiiK nlllcn rnw,
l.liin I'onnty will niaki mi cxhililt at
thi'htnti' fair.
Jim I'liiil, a (ii'iiuan, cnimnllti'il hiiI
rhli at I'i'iiilh'ton .Siiinlay, hy liaui;liii;
' llllllHl'If.
An iitttinpl win mmlo to iniinlor a
family nt CnrMillNhy tho nii nf il)im
mill', Tin1 t.iloHiin wiih hcanl fi'rrul
. iiiili'M, iiiiili'iillri'lyilcinolUlii-it thn tent
ami ton' up IIik itroiiml ipiito hmlly, hut
iiniii' of tin' naMipantM nf thu tent wvrii
.IuiIko l.nwi'11 of IViiilli'tnii, luii an
iinitiici'il liliii.Hnir iih u vaiiillitali' fur k"
rriiiir. Auolhor ntti'iiipt wnx iiiinli' to huhl up
thi AKi'r-l.nki'vli'W itiiKi' riiiiulay nluhl.
Thi'ilrlMi' ii'riiKi'il to hall ami llw Nhols
wi'ii'llii'ilat him. Tlii'iliiMT nml llvn
liuly pa.vinii'iti israpoil without Injury.
An AhIiIiiiiiI waili'i' iiiiiikmI Jiiiiii'h Kill
xni), hiul'ii wlmlfall hy tho ihmth of u
hltlu'iloiiiiknow'H aunt in Switzerland
nuiiiiintim: to fiii.otm.
Tin' valiiatlniiH In Mariiui county Imvo
hfi'ii lui'it'iiM'd a l por rout, Tim ansius.
mi'iit loll Isi'iimph'tcil.
The pait wivkiif rainy wvatlu'r tor
mluali'il with a luay fin!n Miimlay
nlKlil at l.a (Iriiudo,
IM HithImi uf IViiilli'tnii, Im iimlcr ar
ri'.it, I'luiigi'il with I'limimil imault upon
thii iH'rcount Anna lli'iimiiiiiil, a whltn
Klrl lilyi'iiiHuld.
Tho I'liiiiiu'rii Jury who worn Impauncl
oil on tlu I'xnmiiiatlun uf thn hmly uf
Wlulor Kyk', nt Antoila, wIiiho hmly wan
fouml mi tho lioach near tlui Auii'iiniii
Can Ciiiiiiaiiy'ri wari'lioum. Tlio jury
In lu a vi'nlli't "niiiiu to lils ileal 1 1
at thn hauilM of nomu unknown pi'imii),"
(lily lleiiui'tt Ik uiidci' iini'Hl uu HUHpii'Iun,
It iHi'Mtliiut('dtliatn,(m) pi'nphi a r-!
rivi'd in l'nlk oimnly mi Humility In!
quoni or woiK in i ui' nop iii'iiih, mm
countyhopKiiiwci'iihavoiiii trouhln lu
M'ciirliifr pli'ltiw. Tho piicn iiahl for
tl'oltiiiK Iff 10 wilts pi'f lias of.ll linsla'lii,
Died With Calmness and Resignation, Af
ter faking Farewell of His Wife.
Immediate Cause Not Deter-
HtWAJ.o, Sept. i.. President iJcKinlcy died at 2:15 n.
in. Uu liad been unconscious since 7:50. During an hour
spent with his wife, the I'tcsident was reconciled to his fate, and
he died with the spirit of calmness which has marked his long
career. t
His lust conscious word's were: "Good-bye all. It is
God's way; His will be done.
ruwardly iittnrk wim miulc, with what
Mirror tluti' illonc ran tell.
'I tin I'rwlih'iit, tlintii'h well iruarili'il hy
I'lilh'il Htnti'M HTU't iiTtiri' iti'liTthi'K
wai rully i'xjmnpiI in Kuril mi utlark ih
orcurrril. IIchIoinI at thn nlno uf tin
rnliril itnN iiikiii whlrh cliuiiN the ;rcnt
pipe orpin, nt Itin en"! uhlc of Hie iiiiik-
iillh'i'iit Hrurturi'. TIihiikh uf pcnplc
rrnwihil In nt IIik arliiiiii iiitriwirm to
L'RZi' iiniii their I'XiTtillvi', nml niiilll
piled nt Hie pnlllll uf llinnw nlld ((reiw
to the Inillillnc.
'I ho l'rcHhlfiit w'.in In a rheirful innoil.
nml wai rnjoylnit to the full the hearty
I'tlili'iire nf (iknIvIII which i'irywlierr
iiict Iih jjnxe. I'ikiii hN rlhtfitiKH John
fl. Mllhurii, nf lluffalo, pnslitent uf Hie
rau-Auirlr(iii i'XHltlii, rlmttliiK with
the I'lechlrut nml IntroilurliiK him to
perHinxiif note who nppnmrliisl. Ikhi
the l'rt"Ment h ft hIimhI Mr. Cortelynu.
It wnM hlmrtly niter I p. in., when um
of the thnmc whlrh riirnnimleil the
I'rHddithil jwrly, n nuilliiiiilxnl innn
nf ordinary npprnrnnre, ami plainly
preeil In Mark, apptmirlicl ni If to
Kri''t the l'nliUnt. Itolh SiTrelnry
Cortelyoii nml IVilili'iit .Mllliuriiiintlwl
that the mnnV hand wnx nvittlirnl In a
IkiiiiIiiki' or handkerchief.
I'livldi-iit .Mrliluley Mulled, liwist and
extended hU hand III tlmt nplr(t uf cn-
Inllty the Anierirau peipK' t well know,
when Httddiiily the harp ctack of a n
uiher raiii'uut.
Then' wo" an luilnut uf nluiiMt rnm
plete ulleiiee. The Provident ntmul Htnrk
rtlll, n look of liMitnnry, nlmni'l nt )
wildermrut, on hU fare. Then ho ro
trciatcHln lpp, while a-pallur I'l'un'n tu
teal mrr hU feature.".
Then rame n romiiiotlou. Tlinc men
threw thiini'elvM forward, ni with one
linpul-e, nml fprniiR toward the would-
l-e afwln. Twiiufthetu were t'ulUi
States ceerel N'r Ice men, who were on
the lookout, and whiHi'ituty it wa to
Kiiitrd niilift Just nurh a ralnmity im
hid here hcfnllen the Pnldent nml the
Nation. The third wai a hyxtnmlor, u
iii'Km, who had only an liwtnut (irevlnu
ly KrH"x'd the hand of the I'rexldi'iit. In
a twIiiltlliiK, IheiiM'niHlii win Ixirue to
Hie urunnd. hi4 weaiKiu was wnlid
from IiIh cranp, nml utrmiR nrmx piuinu-LI
11I him down.
After the MrntidiiTk nf the nmiiu'M
flint the President retii'iilcd a ntcp. Then,
iiMllii'di'tci'tliis eaKil upon the iii'iil).
nut, he wnlkislHlnnly to it i-iuiir mid
M-atiil hluiM'lf, nt tho Mime time mum-
llur lild tmf iitnl lutilinp lild liitml III lila
' " ......'."'. ... ....... -
li'Ki.lij In tm liiudtiit, irv I'.i, '
..ui'... in i.i, i.-'tiiii, 'i .1 .... ....i 1 1 f
you and I'rwldent Mllhurii worMit hN iwior. After two bowel actions n! miilniolit 1ii.mii,i:n r n. J o wurlcof Huchauauand .Meade, tho
eide. I lis walxtcoat was hurriedly open, i ? proprietors uf the cumnauv. is oxceutlnn
All the relatives and cabinet officers were present except
Secretary Wilson. " '
Heart stimulants were employed 10 restore consciousucss
for the President's last farewell with his wife. ffiu
t'linrlei Henry KllnonfAltn, Inwn, In
Junt home from Koutli Africa where ho
mw wventeeii mmitirrt wrvlco under the
IhMT llaj;. He wrteil n n wnut for a
time nml then joineil a fnrco of 600 men
iimlcr Drnernl VIIJciiu, Ih-Iii captured
n few weeloi ngu with threo companions,
and taken to I'rctnrla, whero the liritlMi
furnlHliwI him trniiMjiorlattim home.
Kllmi wiyn hu notlccil tho other day
that Kitchener had Btuled that tho Doom
gnreimw "practically milxluwl from Hhecr,
. exhniistioii," hut U Jilt rrnoual know-
iMifn mere are. l,fO) well nrmed, well
i"iilppcd, and well fed int'ii in the
Hovr army who will never lay dawn their
nrnw until they cure iinJcpwutnice for
their eople. "Vim Juet watch tho din
patched am! you will mt war over there
forthe next l) yearn unices the Koere
nro iflH-n there frctshmi. They think
they nre right mid nro led hy tho Al-
nilnlity Himself. They can't Le whljH
petl.' Kline nay it is wonderful how
n vmnll hand nf lloerH will htmid oft and
whip an Kiigllsh forw uf much greater
mimherj', and tho South Africander In a
must remarkahlo fighter. Ho wyu:
Aflera ilny'n fighting yuu could count
our Iihss on your rtngers, hut tho rncts
until for nhelter would lie whlteiml nnd
W Hpllntorci! hy Ii(.l nro. At n rlile din-
timet' of ao yards, fur instance, w
U would cnmuoiit witlmutn ruau killed, n.
overyonenf the little flghtlngfurco would
he concealrd helilnd his own fortretrf of
Ftune, under cover. Kvery tlnm his
D rille crackul you could wo n llrltUhcr
ilrop. I tell you that the linen do nut
Alln Mary Quick, teacher of the Knlr
t low wIiimiI wan vlnltliur friends hero
Saturday and .Sunday.
Nov. Ktewart of Jtrdiiirg, pajunl
throiigli Humiier WoliiiMilny mi hl.s way
hume from L'mw rircr, where ho linn been
holding wrrlcm.
(Julto a nuinlier uf peoplo from Ilrewi
U'r valley attended tho hiwkct nodal nt.
1'le.vant Hill Friday, mid report ImvinK'
a uryenjoyalilc time.
J. 1). talnl, J. (.', t'ngglnrt and Joo!
Ulrd made a trip to Itosehurg for flour
and other provlnlnnn.
31m. II. 11. lingers of mirth Conn rher
A i.leRK,iit mtrprlM party wan given at ""!' " " l" 'EiJ""ng ,",? '."M'c
o rmlilencit of Cluw. Kelaruler Saturday If,!.h!r'. f0,,n ,hlmM .'' I'"n
niu.-r, iHuoint on ncr way mmio yenter
day, Rpciiillug a day with if ro." J. I).
Laird and old tlnm friend.
J. V. Hall mid family nf" CoqulHoCltyv
nro Tlxltlng tlielr daughter Mrn, Walter
Lnlrd at tho Half Way house.
MIi Kthel Duncan npent Tveek at
Jas. Laird, 8r., paoned gver tho roml
with wrae flae water rncfmw yeWrtiy;
tlio rrnIdeiico of Cluw. Kelnnde r Saturdav
evening. It wan well attended and tlio
young fnlfcu enjoyed thenwelveji until a
late hour.
Kred Wllfoii'rf new rcKldcnco l.i nearly
J. YV. Catching caught a large liear
lost week. Thin make tho fourth bear
kllhil here lu tlio few week, and
Ktlll there are wore prowling around the
woMo aiumunltiiiu.N At llnlniontl. just
Jis. .1cKiuley went through the scene w ith -.bravery aud HmatU "f l'rcl"r,!'' VlljeunV tK.k two
., , m Mf''rtswlthani!linmlcaptiirfit02prisou.
tr and peroral hlg guii!vlejplte tho fact
Au nutoiisy willprobably be rcpuh'cdIiVileterinliiathc cause' ltlm.ttl"'four
of dratli.
Roosevelt may take the oath of office wherever he linppsus
to be when he hears the news.
The cabinet will resign bodily aud a new oue will be form
ed in accordance with Roosevelt's desires.
to one, aud Kline 8ayH this In bui' mm
JiiRtauco of how the Ihwrs wage war.
Catching Slougfi
Janieii and l$d Stock nro making good
progress with the dike they arc making
on the AinlerHon uiarah. They have their
contract about half completed already.
Lester Smith and family have inoicd
Into the Kaliio reKidence. Mr. Smith
will commence cutting timbers ioon for
tliclieavcr Hill mine.
J. T. Collver received a largo raft of ' flebL .Mr. S. exnccU to tm to Han Kran
lumUT this week with which he will ' cluco on tho next Areata with liLidaugh-"
make extensive impruvemenU on IiLi ter.s Jane and Lcoullda in quest of meU
largefarm. ileal ad ice.
Kclitli Hnberti canto back front .Marxli-
Thoniai .McDermntt has JiLst returned:
from California where he has becii upend-
lug the Hummer.
Jeff OiblH of Jvckley, wImi brounht over
wmie sheep of choice breed iarXtU iton
non left for homo hut week.
C. A. Slentrecru leiit Sunday fti llarsh-
Held, Momlay, whero nlw haa been vLsIt-
Jug with friends the pant two week.
K.R.Illggtot Mamliflelil and J. K."
rctcrHon of May, are la-ro-armul to their
Albert Maton of JlarMifleld.was vlnlt-
Ing relathes here the Drat of the week.
W. II. Xorton brought up a large kcow
load of lumber Saturday with which ho
will build a neat residence on the nroo-
erty he hxs leaded of the Southern Ore- tcot"1' Kerly looking fur cliance to en-
gou Co, near CavanaghV farm. Mr. C0UIlt w'l'l leasU In tho Jungles, it U
Xorton took a large load of alder curd- to " "opl Hio young rilmrwU will
wikmI to Marehfleld Wednesday. J ",w-'t with unprecedentnl succew."
Mr. Murray of Kinplre, ha.s lieen here ' i"ary McDonald Is back home again-"
the iKwt week looking fur timber land. ! SI'0 wa'' tak '" town for ntnllcal treat-
Dr.Wm.Cana:iachhartUH'ii un Cw.s i ,nent n couc of wwfc aB"-
The Southern Stick Company has beeu
(The hour of death given above does not ngrcc with the SIl0,,,,"Bt'11' ,K,ar,u nt ''"' Mnwhfleld
fact that the Hewn reneliMl .1..ral.r.M.1 n n.4n U. .1..1. M ." """" "" " "V""'
- '-" i " "'" " !iirnwninlrlioiihes. though not
took plnce at 12:25, 5 minutes before.)
I1UWAI.O, Sept. 13. The President began siukiug at 2
o'clock this morning. Trouble began with the failure of the
digestive organs to act. The necessity for nourishment led to
the adoption of natural means of feeding through the mouth be
fore the stomach was ready. The first unfavorable symptoms
developed Thursday afternoon, when the President complained
of fatigue. He grew rapidly worse and heart action became
river tho pant week dolus dental work.
Mr. Caranagh Is making quite a reputa
tion fur hlmxolf as a flret-clatsdentirt.
Very urankey weather.
Mrn J. 8. Coke, who lion beeu ("pond-
ing u couple or mouth nt her homo In
Brewiitervalley returned tny ManAfleld
whereThe wIHppciHltJie wlaterw-itJ
Her foil. I 1'afOMmihr,'inilDirulii n.ll.
Al Deer posI through with four J ncr on btLsluifw Saturday,
hundred head of sheep for Heeburg and ; Dr. Horxfal made n professional call oa
will nhlji from there to Tortland market. 3,re. August Itxouen Fililay, laxt week."
Jaknk Stonelako who haa Ihtii boding;
a gaug of men doing road work on Scho-.
field during tho Rummer, was "doing".
Marehfleld thLs week in company with"
bin frleiid John Schetter.
Next Sunday will bo an oventfnt ilay,
for Tenmile. A meeting will then, take
place In tho Mhool bouM on Joiuuie
creek for the purptw ot giving the dancer
hall a lwme and wllcltteg f naiii f'r tW!
they dctvn c. This trouite of playem are
ladles mid gentleuien of ability iu their
line, nml while they do not profess to K
world-lK'nten', their performanris are of
a inucit higher order than we can expect
J to often i-co here. The weekM iirogram,
far has Utii, Maude Muller, Stricken
lllliid, Lynne, Ole and Hazel
Kirk. The comnanv haw mIiowii tln-m.
. . ... .......
j wives to bo at home iu all theft?, running
t' from the. I'liiotlnnal drama tit comedy.
ed, tlio President meanwhile itiluiolihli
lug those nbuiit him tu reiuaiu calm, and
telling them not to be alarmed,
"Hut you're wounded?" cried bis see
rotary. "Let me exninliie."
"No, 1 think not," nuHwoiiil the PreM
dent, "I am not badly hurt, I assure
Nowtlieloss, his garments wore hasti
ly loosened, mid when 11 trickliugMioam
nf crimson was seen to wind Its win
dow n his breast, spreading Its tell-tule
stain over his white linen, their worst
fears wvio conlliiued.
As tnnu as the crowd In the Temple of
Music hud been dlsprised sullkieiitlv.
the I'leslileut wauviunvi'd lu the unto
uinhtle miiliulaiii'o mid taken to the ex
Itosltluit hospital, where uu t'Minilnntlon
was made. The best medical skill was
summiiued, and within 11 brief period
several ot IliitTnln's best-known practi
tioners were at the patleut'it fide.
The President ii'talued the full omt-
else of htii fth'Ulllt'S until placed un the
operation table and subjected loan 111 1 es
thetic I'pim the first eMimlmiliuu it
was mce 1 tallied that nno bullet had tak
en ellcii lu the rluht luoast, just below
thu nipple, causing 11 "coiiipurntively
harinh''.' wound. The other took elleet
lu the aliiliimen, almut lour Inches he
low thn left nipple, four iuehea tn tho
left of thn naval, and about on 11 level
with It. I'puu nt the exposition
hospital tho second bullet wits probed for
but tho ball was not located aud it was
decided to remove the patient to the
homo nt President Mllhurn. This was
done, the automobile umbuhiuco being
used for the,
Ariiviug at the Mllburu residence, all
permus two tlio i.ttendants, .j jjiburu House, 9:33 p. m.-Dr. Jynter, who just left the
"iirri ": Si s, srs" sf"? i--, wmIm rJapptof dean, b
..mi.1.... r.i,. i, iiniiiw u'i,i,.i, i,n,i i..i.mi I evident, ns the body is getting cold. 1 he doctor says the prest-
in tho nlKlnmoii, was begun by )u llos- If ent iay hv,i. tll two o'clock in the uioruiug. Hardly auy
well-Purke. ' C Pise be telt,
patient was somewhat better, but later sinking spells came on.
(The following bulletins were received by the Mail last
llui'KAl.o, 5 p in. The President is uuconsciotts and the
end must come in n short time.
Uui-'FALO, 5:40 tu. The physicians have annouueed that
Lj the President is dying. The President's family have been sum
moned. Col. Hrown says that there is no hope; he is dying.
Uui'i'ALO, 6:30 p iu. The President'? physician reports his U
condition most serious. Iu spite of vigorous treatment, the de
pression continues most profound. Unless tltc patient be reliev
ed the cud is only a matter of time.
Uui'i'ALO, 7:53 p m. Under the effect of -stiuutlcnts the
President revived 017:50 mid called for Mrs. McKiuley.
Wasiunctok. Gcn'l. Gillespie, acting secy, ot war, has
received the following from Capt. Scyuioiis an army officer:
lluflalo, 8:31 p 111. Just came from the Jilburn House. The K
President is extremely low nnd sinking rapidly, being only kept h
til i vis by artificial respiration. All hope is abandoned and the
end may come tit any time.
Milbuni House, 9:35 p. 111. The pulse has left the presi- gj
tletu's extremities. Ha may live until midnight. Conscious
ness .seems to have finally left him. In his most lucid moments
the President comforted Mrs. McKinley. Secretary Cortclyou
mill Mrt. Mflrlllli'V ltuv Iw.mi titll 41m trclrl,tlf crmtn I,,,.
I ...... .'.. ... ... , .,. wvv., ,,,., ... ....S.. .I'.I.V. ,,,V,
f -The president's last words addressed to his wife, were: "God's
f ...Ml . l. .1 II
, Will, 1IUI UIII9, UCtlUIIL, "
3 ally gixhl, and the youth aud nttractive-
jj ness of the three ladles pleasingly en
hances tint excellence ot their perform
mice. Herbert Iteiuhart has u flue voice
aud his work now, iu his teens, gives
promise of u bright career. The special
ties are good aud till the waits between
tho acts. The play tonight will bo "the
Knipassy Hall," and we advise our read
ers not to uiLss it. We commend this
company to our exchange as being '-.ill
right" mid nice people to deal with.
After a little preliminary work last
Friday, Judge lliiintllou cuuvenul the
September term nf ell cult court at Co
qulllo City Monday. There being no
jury onset., the jurymen were discharged,
nnd w Tmvday court adjourned.
.luck Kagitii pleaded guilty of larceny
and was sentenced tn two jcirs iu the
At a meeting of the Coos County Bar
Afssocintfoii nt Coquille City Tuesday, eu
logies were pronounced on the late S. II.
Hazard by Judce Hamilton, J. W. Ben
nett, A. J. Sherwood, John F. Hall, J. M.
L'pton uml Geo. JI. Brown, and tho fol
lowing resolutions were adopted.
Resolved, That the Bar of this county
has heurd with deep regret and profound
sorrow ot tho death nf llon.S. II. Hazard
late Its oldest uiemlier.
Hesolved, That In his death tho Bar
ot this state has lot one ot Its ablest and
most respected members, and the people
ot this community n highly houoiable
and beloved citizen.
Resolved, That us a further mark of
respect the Court do now adjourn.
Travel by Sea
Arrivals by Areata, Satunlay: M, Sy-
day, W Landers, F Kruno, K 0 fiuridel
flugcr, A II Salau, MLss K Ciubows, K
Boldeman, H It Reed, 0 S Clinton! Guo'
PrentbsS IrentLs MIw Nctfier, A A
I N'osler, 0 W Jones, and 5 steerage.
Arrivals by Alliance from, Kureka,'
Wednesday: 0 Holbrook, Miss K T But
ler, Mrs Holland, A Malumej and .wife.,
W D Simpson, It S Tyrrell. T Itoidusoa. .
MrsL.. Woodward. r
Departures by Alliance Thursday for.
Portland: It II Walter, John Flanagan.!
Mrs Ronnie, Clias W Merchant, E 8 Craig '
and wife, Mrs Win Hiukmau.C Todd, T
J McNamee, Miss Kfllo R Collier, Gti II
Stauff, A Mecmu, J V Simmons, Mlsn K
A Krrickson, Mrs Maria Flanagan, J O ,
Oberemlo nnd wife, I Chandler, W Chand
ler, Miss M Italton, ltobt K Oolden, MrsC .
iGqtty, Miss Getty, Capt Roberis, and 3 in',
A Certain Cure for Dyssenlcry and
"Sumo years mro I was one of n tmrtv
that Intended making n long bicycle
trip," says F. L. Taylor, of New Albany,
iirauioru coiiuij r.i. "i was tnuen tstni
ileuly with diarrhoea, uml was about tu
give im tho trip, when editor Wind uf the
Laeyville Messenger, suggested that 1
take n doso of Cheanberlaln's Colic. Chol
era and Dlatrhoeu Remedy, 1 puuiutsed
a bottles aud took two doses, one before
startlui' and one on tho route. I made
the trip suceesfully, and neer felt any
HI cftects. Amtln last Rummer 1 was uf-
nuvst run down by unttackot dysentery.
T l..u,1it . li.i ,!..... .1.1.. -H it.
. I'tnipiiv u ,'i,,,iu it una rtjilllt' ll'lliru-,
mid tilts time oue doso cured me. Fur
salo by Jolm Prelum.
Every Department in this Convenient
Shopping place- is brim full of Aids
season's daintiest creations. Tho
most beautiful conceptions' of tho
World's artistic designers the accepted-
styles for the datum season
1901. Wo lake pleasure in intro
ducing our new lines and carncsily
invito your inspection.
The Leading Outfitters , and Furnishers.
. -ft
' V