xji-.EavcEisrT. V4pl a I - u'. i i A. MARKIEVITCH, Mciclmnt Tniloi Tltltd ilnor nt'itli n I'liiiinH'iii V Ikiint'lt Hunk, .Miii.ltlMil, SUITS TO OJDER, In Atfdt iiit If iiiiHnriin (irlcf . .iHiirimitni t'UHfliiiM til'itll tilt litiei IrnluuB amli'Ml- iit-Uiu of lnitiirlfil a Mil iluiiii-llc amlltUM1 Kin unpin A- Itaiii.d.t BANK. iiiitKci'oics -r it siii'H- I I It. it .til l . I'ltKS ; HI .1 II I'llllMU'lMI VII I) i'iti:- it. k wiiii.ni... nti 1 1 It Capital, $50,000. ihkiiiiki ii ii(i:uii,i THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN eoiiiiiiui nll&'tiic news of this htnlc, tin- events of llu'woiltl ii itl i-tlt trial uiiilincitl tit it'.s widely (llutr(l Take it. Road it. Tho Coast Mail and tho Wookly proouian One Yoar. $2.60 fj J. U- Ris. I Practical Photographor a ,"J Mlt.-lll IKI.H. i'lClvliUN. 3 The B only first fcj cluss (iiillery in Coo Comity. til W.it li Hiiri'MiHi'il. rrvrirT.iAii3riiiHiin'-'w' "WASTE NERVE" One "I iln' iiin-l lii'lillil Intuitu on nerve wi'iikni'i". vwr Imnii'd i llirtl iiilol"wiitiiii'ivi-," by Or rjiiweymf .-..III I'llllirftU, IKIW III II Mill llllll mill, I'M wmk nf mi i'.xt'rii'iiriil mill ii'tiniil'li' pliymcinii l mi iirn nliliM'iiri, liilln' v.munm of Intuit ifiii'liliitf wiilcli pii'viillii on IliU hie p.iiliinl ptiltjeri It hImmhhU in rnru ftillvfnni'iilried .mil pini'llenl uilvlri', mnl' lin tint two Kim. nii'il'H l wt il'Hii mihI pluui'iliy. li U .Miilnirnl livlmili lilt rrllgeoiiH null C'lhii pnn. lltil'nHiilin AH V ii'iiriivl ' .1 mill mitilli'illiiill will in- iiii lifn)ili,iniM him) limn I ii ..Ih.l-ill lU'.M llinl me lluW pll(fllllK iltinVb iii-i vmi; liiii'iilrini'iit. I'll. Imn.U i Uy lly' lipid o-l"M- () llll'tUHi'l illltri'lilll!tlllllll'li I'lmpli'i. .' N'i'iviilii' un' Ni-rvu T'lllil'P'-IlM" Im-VH printed rl'llTiHtly Up inin'rNliili'i'liiililv.i'.iiililKllM'M "111 to mil' iiilrV for li fiiill liy'lhe iiihiImIi fiy, Tim l'"i Itln I'iiIi. Co.; 1MX MKl, lw 4-.1.. Coast nail. MAUHHI'llil.l), wl.'lHII'N. A WORD FOR THE SILO. I Vlrlopp KiIiipi1 )T Prorpl l'priite. Tlterv nrc ahvnyn kicker nenlmt ttit ilu, Tlivjr are vo lecKcd kicker. My e!rr'wnili'iii of Tint Notlounj yock muu. I mytr '"'' hail n t,oW or "'T )r li(itf or mule ur Uok tv "!' nuy tiling lint ttt mimt fflcinlly n'!nltoo v.li my allii, nlli 'llllf I ilo nut T' nil in;1 invu JuiltfiiiiMii to put on in J r.i i'f iifnlllilllj- linvi oin' cowji C n In llii'lr IHif" "ml illtlki'p nr ro v ill I'htiitillflicil iiml I fct'l no Hindi J') mention f-i my fnl Hi In tlivlr rvllnlilll ly I Inn i.ii.'i ililnk nf ninl-.lni: mi np lii Cioiii (liflr Jiiituuii'iit- I 'rv i(it fmiii wln'if tin wliii mi.'!! coini. froio Die mi nr 'ii. in ti-ll mi tlii1 "llo u ii I. nl. i tut t hI'iiui Ik Miiii'rkritut: llmt It I- imnly MmiM' thut It l unwliolc inn' mill wilt iliftty tin- ctiw'p ii'fili tnl nil nut hiT ItiliTtml iroiiiiiny: lli.it nut uuly ilif nixie nf It. Inn tln miivll of II liliiilli in liortM'x: Hint tlii'ifUiititlf lint In ll Unit llii- itrliil fmlilvr iloi'i mn ciitiinlii Inn Miller, mnl tlmi t nm Imn itlln mi intiiiy tuii of llmi Ilitilil tli.'it inclil I Iirilply llllitlll III till) v'lutir. .Mil ulti'ii llii'.v Imii' liurlnl cnotipli rig ntfK mnl ptiilrlr nuil i'ltiionlnbi nt tin' in iimtuIii'Iiii I'Vi'ti it HtruiiKer mail llinii I nm I uliiiply irfcr tin- ivlioli Intillir In lit; niW'i, tunl tlii-y nlwnyp tnif In lli' nitlriimllvf. Win n i' "luill nrrlvi nt n pnMT up' piiilnlliiii uf tin' pnHUIIItti'i nf tlio tin mil oiilv n mi mljiiiu'i nf tin ilitlry. Iitii in. ii imppli'iiiiiii in tin f n rtn ui'll. (lii'ii mi' Mill iinili'rwtmiil tlini miiv !! In Itnlitlni fni in tin llr fn'lli. mnl tin ktrl.iT otiii'rw Im. 'I'lu'tt tttf IiikIiIi frliii'p will i;i. "Xm I In- tiiilliiillii) Kintliri. ririlit tlir mi Inrintilili Intnl. will In- n iiirimiry uf tin pint. Tlii'ii tlir pnxliirt nf "i." nrnni will kivp tin '..' iiiwm tnurr iimifiirt nlil.i mnl prniltiilily llinii tin too iirrrn ili hum. mnl linn' will ! " iicnti tu ili'iiitr tu utliiT lliM- of iiurlc'iiltiin or In ituhIih: tin protrlii fur tin ilnlry tu I lif wliiili-piitiir iiittliii: ilufii of tin fnil mnl frrlllUir lillN. Tl'i'tt tin pinri'pHlu rnrmrr will nut Hluli tu nun nil tin I. nut Joining tilm. Inn nitlirr n-rrt llmt In nlrrntljr lino lliulr tliuil In mil fiinu u It xl.oulil ! llolll'. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm0 TUB AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS It Itw one ImpoiUnt tuiilo la the wottd glvlnj la II pictures IU Uxt, (a It cootrlbuUd tttkla. edltocll tad drpirtmtnU, comprt btiulvf. tlmdy record ol lb world' current history, Not the enumeration ol mer bire ficU. but a comprebetutv picture ol the month, IU eclMllte, IU nottbla pertooiUUe. and ootibte utterance. The best Informed roea and women In the world Had It Indlipenuble. There re mny retdert la your lociUly who hv yet to leirn ol IU utelulaeu. We wUh to nUblltb active agent la every city and towiuhlp In lb country. We will pay liberally foe eoer getlc elfort In the lubtcrlptlon ileld. Leisure mocaenU can t utlUted with (ubttintUI Increau of Income. Make a Ut ol tit petton la your locality who ehould bare the " Review ol Revtewt," and tenet to u lor tnt' terrnt, umple coplet, and working outHU Then (oltclt their tubtcrlpUon. It U a compliment to approacb a pcrtoa with a tubtcrlptlon proportion (or the "Review of Rarltwaj" and contequently order f faiily secured. Thl it lha acttv (ubecrrp Don tenon. Make appltcttloo at once, naming your rclcfencca, Prloa, 23 cente e number. 32.30 . yr, TIC REVIEW Or REVIEWS COMPANY, 13 Aetor Pl.o. New York City. EDUCATINQ THE MONKEY. If Tfilp Should Be Dont, Tr-tubl ' Would 8urly R.twlt. A Korurmucnt biologist vho it a Icnrni'd jirofwpo'r lim cxpruiied the belle flint it U entirely practicable tu brwd uud train the monkey bo as to make lilin very tucful to man. (Tho jirofi'inor, be it ptwnthetically reinurked, refer, to the denizen of I lie tree topx, not to tho hiimnn spc lien.) Anions other thlngfl, ho would iimkc of tho rlmlnn a hewer nf wood mid drawer of water. Tho iiropomil nliowH how iinpructienl u eiinuil nrofei'i'or imiinllv in. Whut would the vurioun Inlior iiuioiiH luivo to en) to the introduction of cheap ilioiikey Inbor? What etidleH strife would result if the monkey, when trained, iri'iiiiired unioiin iininng tlietiifelM-f! The propotitioti u, ut flrvt blindi, itnrtliii;. Ir.tt u little reflection will fhow tlmt we now manage to get along very well with it large number of iiionkeyri uniting lift. The thou-jlit occum that, before publishing hip idenii on tin fubject, the profeor may haw been actively cnga.-eil in lliouork of training the monkey to imitate mnn. Were that m it would account for lie conduct of many whom we meet w Idle tubing our walk abroad mt'py whom we have to clu?p n n men while feeling rpiciii',! that there i cnmetliiii;: ntrane about them: that between then, und tti u great gulf it fisiil. The MMliclliing m range may be hul u .ism of iirrSfi'C1 'PrP!nI?" t.icnt. or tne tniiniri; may no h'uvo been coiiijiU'ted. There nre many innnjucriitliii.: in men ulm might with mlvrtiita;-! be cnnir.iittcd to the iiriifcckorV cire to k fiuinlieil off. llettcr roniH. could be ei peeled thiiu from I'oinmeneitig with the raw material. It it) to be ferieiitly Imped that if the profctr doe train monkeys, an ho iiroMHct, ho will not try to teach the luilinnln to do all that men do, or manv men mbjht hang their head in iliume. Philadelphia Telegraph. H.Sengstacken "-Wholesale and Retail Druggist-. oiui.im i. imi;-.m a. i lai-iiiHii, .tii:H'iiA.iMt' .Miindiliold nnd Ktnjiire City, Orcuon. Pr,-pilB Mkllirnllr .'aiMpaMMi1rd nt nil Unmrn. Atcent tor U'rll. I'nrRn Ac 'oM Hid the jle-Nilinai I'lrr. l.tr nrael Acrl. ! .'uiinMlr. IIIIICI t YOU CAN Aciptiro a llioruughly practical knowlrdgoof tlio celebrated I'khm.v HlioiiniANti by Mail, without inierferlnR with your prerriililiitifn. Bcntl 1'oiial for a Fito Trlol Lffeon anil Id lull pnrtlcnliirn of uur ConiiEiiroNiiEKCR OouiwtK. aIo opin ion of piouiiiifiildliiciitori1, liu.Inet men, Hlenograpbert nuil othiTK, In rcgiirtl to title method. Text book, 2.6o. 'IVrnm (nr Mail InHriieiion, 43.00 per month. Louons cor rrcliil mnl returnrd on day ol rccrlpl. Addrc, BEHNKE'S LAW & COMMERCIAL SCHOOL SPortlsoaLca., Oxs. i KMmmnatm atrnmammmmmm nn YMI KNOW .iwcl.mcri end r DONT W KAR OUT lunmt In labour eftrr Ictripi. RrniiiljCT e employ white Uhor only. Follow. Ihr rr tonir ui our nirntt ( tnni, lUndon; N. Uorrni, CojullV"; E, A. Dodge. Mjrilr rnl Ms llanon. Noiih llrndi J. Morgen, Kmplie. COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY AMSTFJN AND JOHNSON, ProDs. BU1WBNIIUIMSrilHBIp1BMMVTManm ' . . LUMBER That is what we have to sell, and we can till oU orders "for aijy and fill Hmds. ffHQTJA-luy is fenarahfeed and the -price is right. :r "OTJR STOCK INCLUDES anything required in .FifjSpruoe, Red and White Cedar. "' SIMPSON -- Phone Main 15 1, K KB.' VBKBKKt ! paBIBptlHr THAT e ut nn Iniarioui tlwnlcab end lr.tnrrrtclor op nnd e rurn tw oar wotk. We u! perlecled modern THh CtJTHES. laundry work can be re- -..- JJ- . M-M.M..MM tuiu.aniiiiiiiiii LUMBER CO. ":" North Bend, Ore : i '