UWl A ( fAl ba Wti wwMrw utnumiittm iii iiVrwau-wtW It M u IF OPERA HOUSE , . OME WEEK,, 4k- ihrnflfffantfayl'Septeinftef 55th. ' EFJh BUCHANAN, ' E. II.. MEAD?. '!, BRESMT'ING' THE , goutftern StpGk Company In a Repertoire of Standard Dramas, .Comedies and , Farce Comedies and up-to-date Specialties. :: :: "Strioken. Blind," "iMaud Muller," "East Eynne," Olo Oleson, uutcasu. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE. Ptfces,25,50and75 cents. Hescrrcd Scats on .1 .AJLT D LOCAL. Sbsday Oregonian at Norton's Santrf AtmawiH act as chief 'cook, on the newsch'ooner. David livans. i-, Dr. Frentis, Dentist. All work guaranteed. Telephone N6. 435. The residence of Mrs. Lydia Lang of South Marshfield is being treated to a fresh coat of paint. When yon want some extra nice cheese call on your grocer for Sumner creamery full cream cheese. 6 8 tf Rev. Father Donnelly left for down the coast, Tuesday, and r there 'will be no mass at the Cattiolic'chtHch4onwrovr The1 CoAs-rTMAiTAha? -loogbt the idea that Marsh field is" a tough town", but if the Y. M. Cj A. is allowed to die, onr con verts may backslide. 'The steamer Acme called here Swnday for fuel on her way to the Siuslaw. and ' took fifty tons of Beaver Hill 'coal. Miss Ella Anderson was elect ed- toTeceic the diamond ring giVed tiytne Wizard Oil Co. last week, receiving a majority of the 70,000 votes cast- It is only justice to Mr. F. A. McCall, secretary of the', Fair Association, to say that he repud iates all responsibility for the Iideusiftg of the thieves at the late fair, saying, that said licenses were issued by the president without 'hujikiiowledge. Seth Leavens wh'o h'as been secretary of the Y. M. C. A. for about five months, started AVed nesday morning for Oregon City, where he has been offered a much better-position as,secretary of the Y.' M. C A. there. Mr. Leavens-is- very pleasant young gentle man, and his management of the' YVM. C. Adhere showed mark ed abilfty. Hfe'is'snre of making pfmty of friends wherever he goes. 1SEW FALL STYLES TUT CLOTHING- Yfeu will find our NEW FAI.LWNEJOF CLOTHINC to be the best that the skill of inan has designed for men. Taylored in the latest style, and' dependable iu every .way. All . of our new garments are qut from durable wool fabrics, in neat Mixtures, Checkr, Stripes, New Greens, Plaiu Blues and Blacks. Drop in some ttrH'eVat your leasure and see them. : n r Hawes Hats t", tlave had the preference , among fashion's votaries. rumn Derby "and-'soft'liats .way from the east. ' ', W.v? a' d-i: r-i'' WA 2 D &VmMiM)1iA , , The, BelihUi Dry ' I r i.'a,W h Hazel Kirke," MTlie 8alo at Scholia's. Closing- Out at Cost The entire Stock, Dry goods, Clothing, Furn ishings, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Car- Dots. Oil Cloths, Linol eum, Mattings. The entire stock must go at cost. Store to let. Fixtures for sale. XLNOSStoro. Dr. Goble has river this week been up Coos improving the vision of the inhabitants. Coquille City is negotiating with Portland bankets for the sale of the water bonds recently voted. Miss Juliet Chandler, oueof the petite little soubrettes with the Southern Stock Company, is seen in all the latest step dances and entertaining character songs aud sketches. The tue Columbia towed the schooners Ivy and Volante to sea both heavily laden with lumber. The Volant loaded at the depot while the Ivy got her cargo fiom Dean & Co's. mill. J. A. Matson, W. H. Short, S.fc B. Cutlip, and Wtn.Ferry, started'for Roseburg last Satur day night and returned Wednes day. They drove out over the Middle Fork road and transacted business at the land office. T. Wyman, assistant keeper at the Cape Arago light, and Mrs. Wyman were in town Thursday. Air; wyman made tins omce a pleasant call and expressed him self as being unable to get along without the Coast Mail. The Centerville Dairy is furn ishiue milk to a larce circle of patrons who have nothing but praise for the satisfactory way in wliicn thev are served with milk and tream during the most try ing-season for the milk bnsiness. All patrons served morning or evening. King rnone 171. Flanagan & Barry. a. is certairtly the most nncomfortable thing that can happen to a SHOE-BUYER an Ill-fitted Shoe is dear at any price We fit your feet and your pocket-book as well in FLOKSIIEIM'S STYLISH AND COMFORTABLE SHOES, 5J.50 TO $6.00. for - a -long time Tne 'new Aut- arfenbw on'the r'r m' r U K ( D -swss, Good's; Glo'1M?l$ and Furnishing Goods Men. - ' . WE HAVE m PilUNE MADAM, WHEN In shoes for SKNO US YOUU MAIL AND Fishing tackle nt Murphy's. New Hue of Guns and Aimuii President London and Sccrc-, tiou at MmphyV tnry McCnll, of the Kntr Associa tion, left for their homes in Rose- burg the hrst of the week. Last Monday was Labor Day ami a legal hominy, but was not generally observed here as such, only the bank being closed. Cant. Harris received i : A cents a nound in Portland for some of the product of his Sum- tier cheese factory. . grades of Hour. A baker's dozen of boys in I Mr. E. S. Meade of the South swimming dress were having n cm Stock Company is one of the eood tune on tne tiiiitiuats oppo-.most site town Friday nftcmoou. Peter Johnson has charge work-in the shipyard during of E. Heuckcndorfl's absence.. One woman says: "I have scoured lite town for Spcrry's flour." I bought some of that which was said to be "Just as good as Spcrry's" and now we are all doing without bread wait ing for the Areata. The South Portlaud arrived Wednesday from Sau Francisco isco the and took a load of coal from Liubv mine. H. W. Dunham writes from' .Miss Jctiny McAIpiuc the ycrs Teller City, Alaska, in n strain atilc leading lady of the Southern which shows that he is not charm- Slock Company has to her credit ed by that countrv. He pro- a ver' loS -st of leading roles uouuecdit "a good country to stay away from." Tamt-m1v wmi trflf xuumumui j?1i u Z IUU1 UUU11USU1 tllO UCaU 25 Cent roasted COflfee compauics of Chicago, Mimic for 90 Cents at thO apolis, Dctroii, and many special Pioneer Market. productions, she is now enioyiue Harry Walters will go East nboiit the middle of this month to attend the Philadelphia Den tal college. Spreading rails derailed a pas senger train near Wall's Wednes day, but no great damage was done. KATrrnl volmnMof MacaulavV Hlftlnrr of Englnml anil onnolum- ot tliI,lfp of Hwchtr, are inlivlnr- frumtlie library nt the latp John A. Oray. Mrn Oray will (eel oblicetl for their return. Mr. E. H. Buchanan the com cdiau and one of the proprietors of the Southern Stock Company, has been connected with soue of the largest and best dramatic I companies in the United States, I aud has played comedy parts in mauy of the most successful com edies and comedy dramas with great success and it is impossible for you not to laugh, while the dramatic and emotional scenes will interest and succeed in caus ing you to go away feel ing that yon have tnorougniy enjoyea yourself commencing Monday Sep. 9. Tho 178hrep taken one night last week from the farm of John Heckanl. flvo mile fouth of Corrallls are ntlll uilsfllng. Hanby Hilton who mycterlomly ills- appeared at Xeivbere last weofc, has been found. The Iwxly u naked and it U vupiMfeeu he attempttd to .swim the river and drowned. The forest fires have driven peroral lantliorH into the vicinity of Barlow. A Misfit w K U L A few LmlW Slittt WaUt, left 81ro. nro Wrappers They B t a prleo to roll them. ltroken. ,! fap $ Sftkffo our store please ask, to be Ladies, you will be pleaded I'llONK OUDKH. Hi Wright shipped as cook on the Unuswick. "Just as good as Spcrry's." , On account of the strike Six-Try' s flour has become force in town ' aud owners of chenp brands have tried to use the chance to push ' their goods. Look out get the hest. 37 more loaves in a bbl. of Spcriy's than in the cheaper versatile ot entertainers, re fined itupeisonations including, "Bill Nye" and "Men aud Wo men of all Ages aud Nations" receiving most flattcrriug com ments iroui the press of lioston, New York, Butlalo and all the principle Eastern cities. His specialties alone are worth the price of admission. Don't lail to cc hi in as Rucbeti Hmkitis, Mon day Sep. 9th at the Opera House. The steamer Signal arrived "V," .,"" ... .' . . .-." .'; !,, uu mii: niiLkin uuuu, which was transferred to the Brunswick. "' , u '""' "' "" fc"B "" " lwe."lv waning anci emotion- " "."" ' . V""1- "" l'"i Having gamed an enviable rcp- Ittntinn .ns iMdiint ImU' n( ctrwl- season of pleasure 111 tha mouii- tains of the west. Sec "Maud Mullcr" House. Monday Sep. 9 Opera CIRCUIT COURT lN , SEPTEMBER TERM Judge Hamilton nrrhed at Coquille City Kriday forenoon and convened court at one o'clock p. nil . There are no cirll Jury rv?i. The Jury may lie dlcharced .Monday and jxN..lbly court may adjourn nlo. J. W. lleniiet, A. J. ShArvroHl and J. K. Hall wereappomieuoy tne court m iirnw up reMdiitlons of regret for tho death of the non. a. 11. unzani. At .'the Churches Kpl.-eopal church erricts tomorrow, 10:ia. m.nnd 730 p.m. Subject tmnrrrnw eenlnit nt tlie M. K. church. "MchteiilnK Out of 11 Clear Sky" Sricwat 8)p. m. Tomorrow at I'refbyterlnn church tho culiject will be 'The IxIl-c and tho Church." A cordial Invitation U k-i to nil meniltCM of' Iwtge to hear the dls cmirfe. MEN WANTED AT SAN FRANCISCO Teamsters: oOOTearmteri at l 00, II.GO and W 00 per day. Itnllroad fare ru fundtd to men working two weuku Longshoremen: JO cent per hour, 00 conta per hour overtime. Free houril and lodKiriR. I'eriuiuont work for Rood men at feRiilar wdkch. Xo fee, INDKI'KNDEKT IJill'LOY.MK.VT IMJHKAL'. Itoom .7, I0D California St., S. F. Carpenters, Bridjjremen, Pile Drivers: Foremen f.00. Uridgomen and experienced pi let Imtida 3 50. JUfUmen 1 1,00 per day of uino lioura. " Our aefoclation Includes all tho jirincipnl contracloru in SanFran oiDcn and vicinity and our work In tied up U-cniuo of tho Htriko. Wo want experienced men for work nt Mnio Itlaud and Jliintom Point Dry Dookrt, railroad work , wharves, piers and laud IoIh in San Frantiijco and for hrido and Rcncral weak throughout tho coast. Steady work and fair treat ment. Wo promise that all com petent men now coming to work for us will bu given ubsoluto pref erence in futuro work and that wo will never licliart'o a man to give place to u striker. Apply by letter or in ponon , immediately, nitlDOK &, WHAIlFUUILDKltS. EMPLOYMENT ASS'N., ltoom 8, -l California Streot, 8. F. J. -N. NELSON. DEALER IN. Latest Design of Varniijii' 'i.iuid. Wall Tapor, Drtishcs. Isoi's Pure Mixel Pits ' A' Spedalty. Orders promptly filcdr FRONT RT MAllRirniiLD. Oil. Alm n'fi'w Klti.i. In IVrcale shown lliosc Eastern made with the price and style I. O.O. V. tlulftllnji, Mnmliflclri, Oregon If you trade at Sacchi's you will have no dllliculty in wearing it pleasant smile. Steamer Areata will arrive with 3000 sacks of Spcrry's Hour. thi 'rimrndny iiIkIH, the resilience of Mri. Ito-uidrny w.m entered by Home iiue,iiiixiri'iitly with burtflarleui Intent. About - a in .M rx. limy was nwnked by henriuu Mime one iu the houie. She opeuisl her window mid mined an alarm which aroused the iielRhlKirhoml, mid the burKlnr decamped. IKyou want tho best tliovo is in tho markot and at tho lowost line- os try tho Pionoor Mur koc ana savo s.v por cons. Jim I.ockwood put an axe into ins foot hist Tuesday at Jas. Was son's South slouch pile camp. Mrn. John A. (Iray lint ilochleil to move imuieill.itly to California mid her printer ty here, lucliidln2 her resilience N for Mr. Herbert Uheiuhnrt has n( phcuuuieunl b.ist voice for a yoitni man and sini several of the best and latest bass solos dtit- inj; the weeks euKaemetit of the Southern Stock Couipauy com mencing Mmtdoy Sep. 9. "for 1ai.iT Owner leavini; city. Splendid oak case oran and Rosewood case piano will be sold chenp. CLOSING DAY OF THE DISTRICT FAIR The ntteinti'iire at the fair on Satur day, the lat day, was not t large as ex pectetl. but as near n could U Irarmtl irnm tne omcer nt uie rair tne iiKk'fe- gate attendance for the lite day was about the rum in last year. Whether or not the fair was n ilnaucial micce will probably develop later. 'lhe races on Saturday resulted as fol low: Trottliif. 3 minute, cla, .1 Iu ", pur' ISO. Iewey, lionner Oak uud Fannie II. came under the wire in the order named. Iu the three heal. Tlmn '.'ft!', jai.'-'SfJ. Trotting and pacing. II In 5, pur.se t-t' Drande Itointe tiKik flrnt and HnnuerO.ik M'coud In three lira In, Douglas dropping out. Time, as gheu out, II -'t I 2-S, 'iili, J: (. .Vou'lty running. puie $"ii. Hen nccyV Mali tiNik the llret ipiarter In S!0, Duranpi the other three In &l, l."JJ ami I :.'.. The mule race which win won by I'ea nut.s prolibsl cousilerabb eutertnlii inent, but was not mi much fun as c. lie:layH bull race. h or the last two day of the fair, the grounds were free from the deadly ur ray of tkln gamen which disgraced the tlrnt three d.i)n, Home of the Marthlleld lniiiiieH men lmlng had the uerte to make an effectual protest. Cholre canning nud dnlinr 1'rtiinvi ut W ceiitM per bushel F. O. II. CiNiullle city. French (Petit), Sep. 1st to i'.th. ItaliaiiN, Kali to -MU, onler early, It. I). Kau'urd. h Ml It FOR SALE Onchalfiutcre.it in the clam cannery. Ajiply to J. Roland sou. MARRIED SLKKP KINGSTON At the residence of D. II. Gauiblo on Willauch slouch, Sept. , 1901, Samuel J. Sleep uud Matilda Kingston. The knot was tied by Ilev. R. C. Lee iu the presence of a large number of friends. The home was handsomely decorated with flowers, and the ceremony took place under a beautiful ever green arch. C II A S K B A R R 1$ T T A t Marshfield, Or., Sept. 3, Rc' win Chase and Miss Mary Bar rett, Justice of the Peace Hyde officiatiuf'. Gcaulnc tUmped C. C. C. Never told In bulk. Ctwire of the dealer who trie to sell "lomcthlnj Just i good." DRESSMAKERS Evcsy woman uho iloes dreuiiuklntf ihould tuhsciir.e for I.'Akt nK i.a Modi;, tho finejt f.uhion Journjl published. ICvrry luhscrilx'r not only urts the nmRniine evrry monlbi l)Ut alio it large I'ANokama or wnll plate each Spring and lull, which nlv the very lateit Jejlgni lor nil cIaixtj u( Tailor, made work, 'fill beautiful panorama will to lent ihli I'all with the Noveniher num. lrandgoesto suinntllH'Ks only, IVART dk i.a Monit one year $3-5o ix moj. jj, tingle numbers 350. u nil newsdealer!. Send your mmu and a ac, (tamp foratamplc cony I'KEK. ' ' AlORSIMlltOWailTON COMPANY 3 Uat 191I1 .Situel, New York THE doca not and lias nut nUVctcd our nlillitv In iiideiH, liiri;e or ntnull, are promj September price list iu preparntioit, StiRiir is lower Grimulnted 5,15 and $5.35 per 100 Hw. llniiiH uud piovi.Mnus contlntie linn. Plentiful stocks of everything. With iucicnsed CAPITAL, iccently subset Ihcd, nil tlepatl incntsaie heavily stocked up with latest style.", larj'.cv variety .than ever, and our usual low prlce.i prevail. Smith's Cash No. fi5 Murkot St., .CCKMOVlSS5!3ri A Distinct Triumpli Our mvtbnil Imttritei, for die .i'i'lK-wllon of rltlllcll)f to AlljT Mlt nf llw tvd In IICVil vl II, luve tlnrd it I'.lillntl lilumpli In llili ln.ttn.li u( 1(1 li.dlnj( tclracr, )t tttn'.U'tloit whrm orr utnl nmt M rndcrvil bjr pliydiUm. Iltlcrlnt for home lite $5.00 up; UiRrr ourt foe olfue ii, oup. 'llii! IhkI It In ilia ctrvtik curtrnl not In llic pr.tr. Reel Cross Drug Store John Prouss.Prop. V&?0 tmm JJWf ,Vli-... H !l it A9 .V-. i POR THE CHILD. Don't nit llio children Miller iu tint hot wreathe (ilu them what they need in tho way u( In xetUUiitf clotties that will permi. tho (reo uu ot arms aud Ick.'i'.and dtivvloptucnt of thu body. Wn liavo nine Mont and orico.ihlo (nit neat aud pretty ready tuadeit ul readynalo price that tlimild 111 leret y on NORTH c STAR. Bossio Richards, P ropriotor. Cor. A and Second Sts. The University of liuudred caiirrcx in I.lterature, Kcicnco mid tho Arte, Hulouco aud Kiii nuerhiK and Mimic Now biiildlifK1" and ciiiipment, mivoii iuiw lntrui'l orit; nearly SlXX) voluiiien added to librury iu l!K)l Snminor rrliool uitli I'uiverhity credit; Kpecial courfen for teiuhuit, for l.mv nml M'slioal itudentn. Departineut of Ediicntiun for teachur, priiielp.iU ami Mipei iiitendeuti. Tuitiuu (ree, cost of livinu on Three rtmlenU (;ruulil rcholarnhipn iu larca eiutern univerritten 1P01. : ;: ;: Send iiamu to l'renldeut or Iteniittur fur uiroularM and catal!)KUo, Kusei.e, Oregon. c. 0. p. GROCERY A (nil lluonf elinii'o Krocerle, feed, Hour, hum and bacon nlwuj'K mi hand, freali frulu aud ve;ululileit received 1111 uvery Mcaincr. HIOHCST PHIOG PAID FOR PRODUCE. DUTTCR AND COOS UZBTTrSEJ cSc STiiUFP. TrccDtllwv Tl(plioi!fi ID.iln'M. iir in UNCLAIMED LliTTIIRS I.Ut of unelalined lettern reiualnliiK in the .Muridilleld, tlri'Koii, Iiwtollee, Sept. I, Itfil, l'erroiH nillliiK for the Mime will please nay "aihcrtlHcd:" .MrH.I II AiulerMiii, Win Arthur, (Minn lln-a-j fl W IVmiilnir Mm C1.11 CiMik. W II lliiike, .Mrn Krnnk llrnke. IV t Houy Icr, Frank Kill, .Mat llnlcksou, K J Harris Marin llaudeliii. Dan lliilpruuer, .MIhh Gertie Hale, .1 (' Marker, i'at lieu- diTsou. .Mm Chai IIoIiiiih, Cliiiit llolbunl, Mm Krtti'llu llolimi, Hornet k Ciirlfoii. Kiiiinii KriiHhtH, Win Idudley, MhH l.llllo Iiludney, Kid (J ,V .Martin, Mr .Meuoutn, Mlsrttiertle .Minlenbure;, I K MurrH, K Monroe, (leo I" Noiih '2, John Oduiiiu, MM WIIhoii IVlerwui, Wenfonl TiiKcnrl, V Valley, Frank Vorton, Mrn Charlotte S Verby. Mrn Chini Wiulc, Y T Wallace, Mr N W Webtter, Mrn It It Wlllinnw, W S WilkliH. W. II. CmtTiri, l. M. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A linn biiHinecH lot on A at, f lfi()0, DnolliiiK Iioubo 011 -ml Hi, (5 rooms (150. A plot of land i18 ft. by 100 ft. fucliiKou nion track in Ho 11 1 h, jiurHh lluld, 730, Will tull in hull; or hull. Four loti uoxt to I'oatollko on Fruu at :coo. Jlouto and lot In oat JiuiHlinold 1000. Homo undlot in Hontii Marnhllold ijiGGO. Kfx loU Iu illk 10, Hotith Mflrahflbld' UlookTO in Nolle v'fl nddition to Coquillo Oity. Kwjulro of ' W IJ.UouoiaH. mmimahittmmmvt STRIKE t kIiIii good iiuyivhero. AH pliy lllled, (dpt.) Store, San Franoisoo. Prosorving Timo. V Viri ilx ItiI Mi'itjr of rKokn fiulu of II lltnl, firsli Ifwu ihr trjxru, an. I 4ii)onf wijlunj; Incan is,linr ilisxiM l turn ml t.illontn. WVlirpn bill ilwk ot nil the iimofciiy ((MH-ttnUtnU fur fiul atrntli'i', Campboll & Eiokworth. Oregon. llli;lict .Stoudcril in tho t a t e T w -- A a - imnamm HHrarar-ataawtn I. A V I N (i 5 Till? R AC IIS-" 'q IN I m ( id ' 2 'O t a Dad Judgment M HI ofion rtuiillA in ompty poukoU, The wlnu- iito of your inuiiay provided for tho tiappIiiCM or tho lulu if. You wii'to notliliii; wlion you dual hero. You ot tlio bcttt for your caali and tho moat, unrein! ntteutiou to your wiahcn and oavo 10 por cunt, discount forcauli, Flanagan's Pioneer Jllarkcl. ! AT TM CIRCIIES. I'KKHIIYTKUIAN 01IUUOII. (Survlcuti.) BflbhatliBoliool 30:00 AM ProooliliiK Borvicos, 11 :0O A Jl", nml r:8orr. Christ an JOndeavor, 0'!.1 01 Jr, Mlil-wooksgrvlcos, Tliumlay 7:30 lat Bamuol II. Alt Olulland, Tastor. u s, u m -TTl J . I W . How jif o Tour Klilnrrt ! It w. Add. ttterDuv Uwuedr Cv.. CUU go or ft, ?, 4. , 1 is, . r.!j"Aigfe' Ji.,-. '. - - "' J'iki