toe ,, t,,H. 'V, m. 4lK- ,: iMtiriM MM , H .IsT D LOOAL . A' I Dr. Prcntis, TJei.tist. Allwoik While tltc sptinkliug tiuk at'Rwawuttccd. Telephone Np. 435, the fair grounds was being hauled Sunday Oagoniau at Norton's' If you are in a position to dc- "P V'0 S.,CC, P- , ! fr,m lhc n,CC benefit or.cntertaiumcut from track ,0. sPk1 - grounds live benefit or.cntertaiumcut from taking 0 good live local pajxjr, Me woiibl'be glad to receive your subscription, nud the special offers we arc making this week wiU rave you money over the uHtiaJ. oost of cither the Mail rdonc or a combination of Mail ajad other papers. The tug Columbia brought iu two schooners Tuesday nftciuoou. D. R. Toy, nn old-time print or, but now a merchant of Myrtle j'oini, came over tor a short visit with Marshfield friends and iu- adcutly to take in the lair. The Emma Utter and Kliza Miller were towed to sea Tuesday, Afternoon. Milo Sumner will act askdcptK ty postmaster iu, place of Robt. Golden, resigned.' E. E Johnson of Coquille was in town Tuesday. W. O. Matthews andJohnRyan of the Alders, wcic in towuTucs day, briuging some of H. Seng stacker's fine Jcrsy stock to th Jj D. Sunderland has had his House in South Marshfield ic . shingled and papered Cfiitrrvillp Dairy Is fast Incoming famuiiA for the superior manner hi which they serve their rut huh wltli the purest of milk. Ciill tip phone 171 ami order Towrhillkntiil creniu. Scout a quart. KlMmgan & Harry. Mrs. J. Hammill, who has been . visiting Mrs. Capt. Roberts of Empire City, returned home last week,. Tf W Ditucan traveling rep resentative of the San Francisco Examiner, is in town in the in terests oi his paper. Trout are now biting a troll in good shape on Coos river and Isthmus slough and Sunday fish ing parties report good success. around the prnnd stand nml pavilion Monday afternoon one of the axles broke, makiug a delay iu the sprinkling opera tions. A Good Aquisition i-iiarics isonic uouatcct a scow 50 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 3 feet fleet) to the Y. M C. A. to be used by the younger nieuibejs and those who cannot swim, for a batlmie nlacc. This affords a safe natatoriuin, and good-healthful sport to ttuiuy who otherwise would not take advantage of the vigorous sport of n dash in the briny, bay and probably teach many to swim who would other wise never learn. BORN COrxVEROn Cntchinc slou-h Aug. nth to the wife of T. M. (.Oliver, a iou. TAFT Iu Marshfield, Aug 20th, to the wife of Alex Tuft, n daughter; .MARRIED JOHNSON BOREE At Co quille City, Saturday, August 24th, Alfred Johnoti and Miss Flo Boree. Choice canning am! drying Prone at CO rent per bushel K. 0. H. Oinllle city. French (Petit), Son. 1st to 25th. Italians 10th to 2oth. order early, R. D. 'SanfonU S-31-2t O. H. Merchant hsa had a 'new sidewalk constructed around Iris place in South Marshfield, ap improvement highly apprecia ted by foot passengers. CLOSE CALL. A fire set by E. P. Mast to burn his slashing, uearMcMinlcy, got beyond control and came near cleaning tin the lumber van! at me uusk portable null ncarbv. It took the best efforts of the mill crew and all the neighbors to tivp me nun .-ma lumber, but alter a hard day's work the flames were got under control before any ma terial damage was done. Forest Fires The fires which are workiug in the umbered part of the countrv. cause many interuptions ou the telephone lines and it keeps one man busy repairing breaks. Gasoline Famine Thete has been a gasoline famine on the bay caused by the strike, and it has threatened to reach the acute stage and cause a tie-UD of pasoline launches. F. S. Dow. local inanaper for the Standard Oil Co., has been staying awake nights devising soon. The I. O. O. F. grand officers so far recovered from the hn ouct Frirf.nv nt'titit rW i 'staying awake ui able to proceed on their rounds , clve the situation next day and they went to the and W,U Probably Set m a supply Coquille. Saturday. The party consists of J. H. Nelson, grand master, E. E. Sharon, grand secretary, and T. F. Ryan, grand cjiief patriarch of the encamp ment. Clarence Harris of Sumner, killed two bears near that place a few day? ago. It was the boy's first experience as a bear hunter But he shot them both through the head. W. F. Bowron has burned a slashing of30,acrcsaud will sow it; iu orchard and brome grass. He has demonstrated the fact that the Orepon alfalfa fiimich by the experiment station at the F. R Taylor of Fairview, is in the city and attending the fair Z. T Siglin of the Isthmus, "was in the city Tuesday. WJnyi you want some extra nice cheese call on your grocer fqr Sumner creamery full cream cheese. g 8 tf Broke Phone Cabie. When the steamer South Port. land grounded on the middle ground, opposite town Monday she took out about 200 feet of the telephone cable, cutti ng off puone communication with Coos river subscribers. Mauaeer Rob- ertson put a crew at work at once to repair the break aud closed the gap Wednesday noou. EMPIRE ARRIVES AT SAN FRANCISCO The steamer Empire arrived safely in San Francisco Tuesday .Vow I'chivl Hook ut the Hod Crww Drug Storv, ijavc you noticed the sour look ou our people lately? The Empire will brighten things by bringing n full supply of Spcrry's flour. The creamery at Gardiner is is rcixrtcd as doinc a ilourishiui .cheese mid butter busiuet-s. 15 (cents a pound is patd lor butter int. Mrs. Mortou I. Tower and her mother, Mrs. Smith, were shopping iu town Tuesday. Mrs. tester, of Gardiner, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Dolau. Sherman Gamble, brother o Wm. Gamble of Kentucksloui?h. died at Tuscon, Arizona, on July a 1st. He left a wife and three children who are at Gtiavmns. Mexico. He was well known here. G. A. Gould came in Monday front his Elkhor.i ranch on Coos river, bringing iu a very fine lot of comb honey. Fred Chapman of Roseburu is .. . visiting at tnc Home ot senator Dimtuick and iucidcntly takiug in the fair. The crew for Timnn's canncrv on the Coquille arrived on the Alliaue and proceed over to their destination. Among the pretty things at the fair is a display of native woods. A large piece of polish ed Myrtle is worthy of a place nt the Pan-American or any other man's exposition. Coos county may be a little out of the world, but the display of paintings at the fair contains more really first-class work than the whole collection usually seen at the state fair iu Salem. The finest disolav of fruits and vegetables ever brought to a coos oounty fair, was brought down by E. J. Coffelt Tuesday from his Coos river farm. It made a full truckload when hauled out. The Tenmile creamer, after being nearly blocked uu by the accumulation of something over three tons of butter, on account of the strike, succeeded in getting u all on ou the last Areata. Chas. Heller, of McKiulev started out with his threshim? machine Motiday for the season's run. 1 he cratn crop is reported as being very good, the oat crop especially being better thau for mauy years past. L. M. Noble closed down his Coos river Logging camp Wed nesday to civc his crew a chance to attend the fair. Maud, daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. R. J. Coke is the happiest girl in town, having taken first prize for quilt made by girl under twelve. W. R. Hurst of upper Elk River, has demonstrated that fies can be succefully grown iu this county, where sheltered from the raw coast winds. He now has ripe figs on his trees, which NOBODY SELLS BETTER SHOES. Than we do Our taintcc Goes.Wilh Them V PHONO IJ6 lflWyiWl Mr. )imlon'l Inxnlu limn upnny briny lo kkly il or lit,imc )ouin'll lor liti)lii)j tlu-m rlynlirir---HrlHK lt'itr kicks Kuk M l Moir w umVo kosI miy iwiMHMMr iiiitlilnl In ; j ' Slock, Make of Wear-- PUH SIlOKS ItANUi; IN '"'UUMO'lMl.M QuoTEs $1.50 to $U)0 cents UUil In imko )tm tine of our ciMoiihti, ES2SE3IP MftwnMjIMtf..J --..i.,. 1 1 . . "" - -'s I. 0. J). P. BuIMinjr. lutirshfield. SCHOONER SENNET ASHORE ON SAND BEACH Was Built Hete Last Winter Will Piobably Be l-'loat-cd Again. Word has been received bv Mr. C. II. Merchant, tht the line four masted schooner, lames Sennet. which was launched here last spring, had gone ashore ou one ot the Aleutian islands. But inengcr particulars were received, but it seems that she was from St. Michaels bound for Sail Finn cisco, in ballast, and that she lies high aud dry 011 a sand beach. The steamer Brunswick at rived this morninn to take north a crew of men under E. Heuckendorir. who will have charge of the attempt to get the schooner off the beach. The Brunswick will wait for the steamer Signal which left Sail Frau&co yester day with the wrecking apparatus aboard. Needless Excitement. The body of an infant was ilis. covered floating in a box in mill rreck at Salem, one day this week and much excitement resulted; but 011 inquest dcveloned the fnet that no crime had been com- mittccd. Notice lo Exhibitors . pttrtit's niring exhib it at (n air wilt it cast bring tivirnrtiicntiw when tlirtj iri.s'lito rcinoi'fi their exhibits. vYone can be re main! before ti p.m. lotUty. Restaurant Sold. The Popular lest.iurant h.v nguin changed hands, Mr. Gab riels having been bought out by Win. audjas. Glover, two enter prising young men from Gatdiuer. CANNERV READY TOR OPERATION. The crew Tor the Coos Bay Rnluion Ceutieiy arrived from the north on the last Alliance, and the cannery is now ready for op pcration. The tun of fish is ins now light, h,it a uood huge pack exacted. IKE STRIKE lilors no! ntul lnii 11.1t mreala-l our nblllly lo hl,, R00IU anvil ui ml.tM, taw) r MI11.1II, r, proniptVy ililmi, ,uro' AU fccptcuiber price list iu preparation, tfugnr is lowcr-Giaijulated $5.x5 im Si,- lams nud ptuvlslona continue fin... 5 5 l l U' PleUtllltl StoCKS of evervllitn.. With ineiensed CAPITAL, ic'cenllv itibierllm.1 .... t meutsiue heavily stocked up with Bt ty ,C, 'r ' ' vTrie alum ever, and our usual low prices prevail. vnrle.y Smith's Cash (dpt) 5tore, No. 5 Market St., San Fra noisoo. 1 w - A Distinot Triumph Our iikiIiihI Uuirilo, foi ili rippUcntinM nf rtrtuklly lu any Mtt ol llm lutl? In niv,l of , liuaCAlnalAiiltiliict triumph In n,i, ii)t, of thflioillng tcleiuv, jjlvo Mlltf.ictlon .liri rr u ml ami mr rmtorM-il dy i!ijl-l,in, lUtlriirs for homa uc u.wi up; Lumr onc for udice iiw, 1 to up. '1 tie th,,.!, , ,),, ,1,, curtcnl not In lite prkc. Red Cross Drug Storo John Preuss.Prop. ioi-yimcmt lH5ci 7 just run aud IC3UUY . " . I . ' ' morning iu tow of the Crace we "ave sapi ana onu well Dollar. Her freight will probably "a'u-cli perfectly ripe and of be transferred to the Areata. 8ood flavor. Port Orford Tri- ..,i ,..:., oune. which left here Tuesdav tnorniiif and will be due here iu about a week. I Narrow Escape One of the workmen iu Hi Kings Daniels creek logging camp whose name was not learned had a close call Saturday. A piece of flying steel lioiu a .ilcdgc .struck him iu the thtoat, cutting his windpipe, and burying itself deep iu his neck, He war brought to town an 1 Dr. Tower dreved his wounds, front which no serious results are anticipated. GoofTwiiir Capt. H. !:. Wilcox, of Mc Kinley, with n force of JJmcn, is cutting the timber nway ftoin each .side of the Coos Ilav wagon road on the North Kork 'hill, to let the miii .shine ou the road. This is the kind of work which results in real improvement to the road. It uives two mouths mum of wheeling, letting the road ihy up a mouth earlier in the snriiu aud remain good a mouth loiiyer in the fall. A izAiBhM'Au ilS ttr ;sw -'. - s WhSn S Prosorving Timo. Wr trrp llic Uu ,,,,r ( K,oUr fiulli of tl limit, fmli fiom crimm. uml unyoiir tklilnciumniirpfMrni-tlM.iiM I .uic unit nil on ut. Wrlirpn f . f a( , iirtirtut rnncuiiilMtilt for fiul tunning. Cnmpboll & Eickworth. Albert Almont of San Jose, Cal., came up on the last Areata aud went out to the Tenmile Mn.MartlmU.llw..ttaeked bya "H wenl..?Ul l0. Ule le,"K qmto overo illniM AVcdnccday night ,I:ouuiry w," a ve,w t0 Prclias- but was much better yeHtcrday. Mng a stock lann in that section. HEW FALL STYLES CLOTHING. You will find our NEW PAW, LINE OF CLOTHINC to be the best that the skill of man has designed for men. Taylored in the latest style, and dependable iu everyway. All of our new garments axe cut from durable wool fabrics, in ueat Mixtures, Checkr, Stripes, New Greens, Plain Blues aud Blacks. Drop in some time at your leasure and see them. : : : : Hawes Hats Have had the preference for a long time among fashion's votaries. The new Aut- L umu Derby- and soft hats are now on the 'if way from the east A Misfit is certainly the most uncomfortable thing that can happen to a SHOE-BUYER an ill-fitted shoe is dear at any price We fit your feet and your pocket-book as well in FLORSIIEIM'S STYLISH AND COMFORTABLE SHOES, $3.50 TO $6.00. NASBURG BROS. tv The Reliable Dry Goods, Clothing and Famishing Goods Men. ItllV Climnbcll. Wlm n ni'nrnlf injortMi (i short tunc a-o by cattinc into n. biirninj: clnekpilo. but ro fur rcfiovttred nit 10 ho ublo to uttund tliu fair WcilnfMhty. A petition bfinp cirrulntott ast hiK tho Rorcrnnr for n unlon nf PomlnlcU Korvrln. Tim princlplo rxilnt mndo U that ho l lc.ivo for Italy nt onco. Arthur Dtly nnd John K'ontiick cnucht .15 fino Chinook snlmoii on wio imr tnurnuay nigsit, John Yonkam, Albert IlrMyi and Fred .M:lHt rnmnlll frnm ',,1. ...'.. " , ft.Atlll) B cnii to attend tliofalr Friday. TIhto will bn n school rntorlain nmnl at Myrtlo Hunk, north Cooh river. Sent. 7th. Iiofltmiiu. i a .mi p m.nt tlir clneor n flvn innntlm titnn, taught by Mm Jlronto Coll'elt Oieat paint" hnvp brcn talcon to Imiii tliu children nud all who nt tond aro proimrcd a npcoial treat. SllOritrSlCllllnn flnlllnr Ij nv, (.. tho fair, li'ivinc ilinoini'n in chariro of Ilia brother Kil- deputy hnrlfT. I. Hacker nml wifn. nf nm.i.nin City aro ainonR the vltiiors tlim week. Taylor Dcniont nnd wifo, of Afyrtlu Point wuro nmniu U'.Mli.ailt,)u .. . rlynls. Oeo. . Sooloy, of tho Umpriim MfoSivins.Stiitlcn i taking a vnr-a-tfon, nttoiidinc tho fair nnd crcctui" old fricndB. J. O. KnvnpH. nf fvrlln Tl.. I. attending tho fair. ' Tl... T ll.l... ..f .!. i.- . .10 iimu) 1 r,.i iiniiu nag reniirnru 1 , , "- ' in: is uu oporatioiiM thU ivcnk nnd tho niino able to serve coffee and pastry as Will C OHoSntlirdnv to vlvn tl.n ..,l.l ....1... . '" ',: ployoi an opportunity to go to tliu fair. FOR THE CHILD. Don't iut the children miter in tliu hot weather Jio thrni nliNtlhry nml in tliu way of loo'efllting olothtM that will intrmi'. tho freo 11.0 of nrmit'rtnd !V,nnd d.ulnpincut of tho body. Wo bavo omu tout and "orvu'iinblo but ueat nud pretty rendy- 111 ndi'R il riiri)uln prices that .lioudl tiitrriity tin NORTH c STAR. B cssio Richards, Propriotor. Cor. A and Second Sis. HlKliv.l.Slnuiturilln t h u a t n t e T tv o Excursion Sunday There will be an excursions to Charleston or the j-overumeut works 0:1 sutiday, September 1st. Steamer Alert leaves AUct'atiey at 6.30 and Marshfield at 9:0. bare round trip 50 cents; chil dren 25 cents. Mrs. W."G." Perkins .started Friday to join hvr husband at Dayton Or., where he lint .mr chased a grocery business. Miss Annie I'lauugau, of Um pire City, und K. .Lout;, of Co qttille City have recently pur chased new piaues of Mr. Galla Rhcr, yho hak- a stock at the Gar field. Landlord Barzec, of the Gar- iieici, iiiicis hmi.self so over-crowded With other work that he is tin. Tlie University of Oregon. hundred coun.0, iu hito'raturo, Hciopco nnd tho Art,, Holenco nud K,,,i. necrlng nnd .Mu.Io-NViv bulldlnK and ,,,.,p,0I, MV0 llow ,1,rcU or.; nearly MNM voIiiih.m added to hbrnry lu IWl-Muinmor whool with I'Mlmr-lty credits Special coiiwm for teacher., for lMW Medical .tudenu. Department of Kducallon for teacher,, principal, and uper- "'" on,, T,.",l0 '". ..lof hvI..K mv-Thrm, ntudenU granted fchol.irhipinliirgt)eat(irniinivori.ltle i;ki. h s .: H.'i..l an, to PreMdeutor Jtegi,,er for circular, ...,d catalogue,, KB01.o', Oregon. . . T tdCAL I.ONGSIMJRI-MliN'S UNION IN OPERATION .Members Refuse lo Handle Frefjjlil; Irom Sleamers willi Scab Crews. IN PLAYING ; THE RACES' w'i' mi I, II. Koniratneken I1111I n linu. .....! llV II llllll lilHl U'Cf I- Tim I, ,..,,. .. I.. lud condition but will rccour, FIhIi Corntniwioncr Drown lmi found n Hiiitablo location for 11 linh hntohery Oil tlin liildln fnrL- nt 11,.. Coquillo river. Pat McCroory nn old rcttidnnt of t.'urry county fell from n wiinrf nt (Irfianuut rltu n.t.l !..!. l.t. .....I. -. wUu.. ,..j Mini.. ,,,n iiiiiiK. Ilo resided nt (lold Uoueh 'nnd 'Wed dcrhuru for .'!0 ycurn. .N'efL'or anil .folinsfin. nf tlm r.n. quillo bull team, wore hi tho oltv huh weok to nrrango for ft eaniu with tllO Marnhdelil ti.nm 'I'll.. ,.,,.. will bo phtyt d in tho near future Tho placo not having boon tleolileil upon Whero tho irainn will lm tilnun.l I.1.1 Ouy Ilosoof Afyrtlo Point has been bulcctcd (18 umpire. Closing Out al Cost Tho entire Stock, Dry KOOds. Cloth in p- PnTn ishmgs, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos, Car- TDOts. Oil OlnMia T.lnnV eum, Mattings.' xuu enure stocic must go at cost. StOrO to lfit. TTivfuna for sale. XLNT Store.. advertised in another column. uipiam Norman Nelson, of the CnpeAraj-o I.ifc SaviiiK Sta tion, wasoffou leave Pridnv. nurl attentlcd the Jair, accompanied by Mrs. -Nelson. They came up on the P'lycr and went back a wheel. Pour fish were received nt tlir. cannery Monday mornini', the nrst received this season' They were broujiht in bv Tolm Nm burg. II. B. I.ockhart, and family entertained a number of friends with a boat ride to the Maze, on Coos river ,Suti(lav. takimr mi.. 6f Holland Bros, jjasoliiie luiuiciies. The steamer South Portland came ( in Saturday from San Prancisco and took a load of coal from the Libbv bunkers. nri ing down the bay deeply loaded sue yoi out 01 nit channel oppo site the lower end of town and Monday was lvi'iio- nih-Ji ,.r. on the middle 'ground, but got off uiai evening ami proceeded on her way. Por some reason which dees not appear, every one seemed to be celebrating, lusl evening, aud the number of indivldnnl.q jIi i,...i all that was good fon- them;' wis mtusual,. ti .,-'' The Areata came to her berth at the Marshfield dock Smnlnv morning with cousidernlc freight, 1 win tnc local longshoremen did I not fall over each other in their ' haste to aid 111 the unloading. Iu fact the members of rtie locrl union declined to have anything to do with the froieht. nn th ground that the steamer carried a noii-uiiiou crew. The non-union crew on the steamer made rather awkward work oi getting the freight out f 11... i.i.i 1 .1... . . . . .iv. iiuiii, .11111 mc piCKCd UPjS gang of steveadores were not far'" OeilltKI IIICIII. but tht irnrlq wnm out into the ware-house, just the situie, SERIOUS ACCIDENT TO JOSEPH SMITH M Telephone Lineman Well Known Here Palls Thirty-Pivc Peel in Port laud., The Orcuouiau briiiim Uu nn count of accident nccnrUitt in Portland lost Monday, by wlfidi. joDcim omiiii, a lineinaii was probably fatally injured. Smith was well known here, having worked on the lines of the P. S. T.Co. iu iu this .section While working Monday, he lost liiu hold 011 a tall nolo nml fell n distance of r; feet strikimr nn Ma head, cutting n large gash iu his scaip mm auotiier gash inside of this. No injuries were found ou his body. There was' some chance of his' recovery. No tuHnes have been receiverl fnr cf.Uf.rn1 flntia fVjt... fcf .. r 111.. Merchant, who is ill at Rosslaud and Mr. Afcrchnn hopes it is n case, lywUibeiuE upo(l neivs... i- Oatl Judgment ofton rniultft In mnpty (Mickota. Thu wlo uiu of your money provlilon for tho Imppiiicm of tho future. You wmto nothliiK whoa you deal lioro. You got tho beat for your cutih nud tho moat careful uttoulinu to your wiahea and aavo 10 por cont.dlacount forcwli. Flanagan's Pioneer Market. 'a Coos Bar Wliolesi Lipor ; IIBAmjUAUTKItH 1'Olt II I O II (UtADK hKHJOltH CIIOICI. WINKH AND I'UItK llltANDlKH. LEADING BRANDS OF BOTTLED BEER Family" Order? SoIicikd. 1 HOLK AGKNT 1'Olt " TUj'.OKLK nUATKI) Ranier Beer. rinl)'' orders for Popa, piuld nnd qtinrta, delivered by tho ontio. MM: Mardec; . V" ii'1wv M