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About The Coast mail. (Marshfield, Or.) 187?-1902 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1901)
J !Hl wfbimitomM&'umimit'AiWi . Try Hie COAST MAIL g CWtfcaiatffBltaS ReJ ,r CMMly Job Office ft r"" ' ---- wjp VVjl.k3 Jl l WW W i WW',ll7n 'JipT.v'W W, '-, ?;("te'w'5ir,mBws!.' aaameumi im in ji nmiii ii n nitmrwsrirfami iiiw nwraemmattii OL XX11 1. MAR3HFIELD, OOOS COUNTY, OREGON, AUGUST 31. 1001. NO. 35 Si, fAo .Mh mail; MuMdMaMMMMMP "' J i ' " K FIIO.M KHIIAri IIAII.Y CLAIM WHIM1 ships DliING LOADED COSTA AT PORT mo o jiw ii FOUR liljjht Hundred Men try to 'like I'lnce of 7vclvc y'liotisntul KlBlit with Sttikcis HN Fiunuimii, Auk. 30 Leudlng frrulii nurcliiiiilH nwiort today Unit tho docHadnof wheat Hhlptnonta hate liven ffTfrtiiully hiid.wi. Twenty-live unu-iiiili.u grain handler won hIiIiihiI In I'urt t'tMii lixlay, and morn will follow tuiiiiirniw. "All talk nliiiiit IiihIiioh-i mining muonthly mi tint water fruiit U limi ne iif." declared Andrew ForunctJi, hocio tiiry uf tlm rlty front federation, 'I here are, ul iihmI him men at wnrk mi the viator front today, and the niiloy rrn an- Irylng wllli llil untrained force tiuriniiilltli tliiMviitkiif J2.'M cxii'rl rnrril men wlm are mi ntrike, ! limit Hcrlniiii itlNtiiilmuri nf tho nfleriinnn vitH ii tlrrr (U'lit hi'tweon tlio (miIIcii Hint n kuiilt nf about V iiiiIiiii men, 'I ln ttouhlo totik phire at Ihe mi ner nf Stewart mid FiiImiiii MtreetH. A rrnwil hiul gnlliored around n truck that limt broken ilnwii ami Jcvriil tin' drhor. Tlirv nutated the attempt of tin- mllco todtalier' them mnl would nut l'Ii'o wav until a ilmou or niiirc had been oeelcly fliililait. DOLLARS PliR WlifiK UNIiMPLOVIil). TOR Mrlivv.'ih iriiciiiii'i'iiifil Kfivut ..... ....-. j.. line I'or Arbitration is Punt Kiel: nt Slmllcr. NkwYoiik. Ante. Id! It N rcpnrleil licrit limt rrcHlileiit KflialfiT, nf tlu Aiuiilcauiiitcil ai-oclalloii, lnm prefeiiteil Prenlili'iil Hi-lnvnli nf (lie Hlcel Trunin mIiiImiiii'iii nf uiihlineil teriux mi Wlllfll till' KtrlklTH Mill li'lnrn In wiirL- Hcliwali ri'cehe.,liliu coolly ritnl wim i-ry iiiuiiiireriuii. nayniK tuill tin irnll IiId liml iMwetl tlii hilut wlierc arldtra trtithm wiik priti-t Irulih. SUCCESSFUL WEEK'S FAIR. I FINE WF.ATIIER AND A GOOD AT- I'lTTHIIUIIII. AllLP. :l After next M uny tlie AiualKiiiuaUil AoclalLui. will Im'KIII ilMiUrxeiui'llt nf filllili to t lit mi euiilnyi'il iiieinl.eM at tin rule of four ilollama Week. I.urct ilouatloiM Iiiim lieeii rerelitl ly tlm necrrtiiry. An itlltoriul In the l.alior Word! at tarkn rreclilenl Heliafler of the Auuili;n uiatiHl AHsorlalloii ami ileinaiuli hli iiu lienrhiuelit. TENDANCE-. Good 1'fivilron IJxliibit imb Some Interesting Knees Ilrcnktij) Todny rumliiy. the limt ilny of the fair wim like all llrtl tlny-4 of a cmintry fair. 'I lllllUH. ni far IH I'.xlllliltX Mere ronrern ul. were III a itenerally rlinotlr iitnte. mnl llieie wan uiiich liiirrylmr to ami fro of t'X I hlltim who were hlrUlnir In t;ei iueiruiiiayH lino niiiihii. The iiinilloii wmi IIIIimk lift ulrely ami the unity iirmul-eH to rcllHeall irevlntm yearn hy tlm Hum entrlen rloo llilrtiiixiii. 'I'lli. ..Iltvu l.irl u ........... ...!. ...I II. ..I fll . .ii- i ii.i i i it-i r.p ii L'iiTr.1 I uiirti Limt iiirv ... uiim .in ..).).. i., i.,,i- ,.ii ii, .. ...r.n.i.:. ' iMHiiinii. ... .. II....I.II' ... rin .. .ill ..Allllfill ..., a. r. JIIP. J . n, Vnimil lliirrl". wni timrr titillnNii)ilcnl mnl fink tliliiRf iiilitly, Finally a Hlnrt miH iiimh' vliliulit nriiriui ninl Hid niilinlKKiilloiu'il ftnllniitlv for guile a way,., .lei-ey mrk nut liM ine anil too), the lenil In tlmv ilyle. iitteiiilliit Htrlttly In liiifiliicHi. 0i Hie Imck ntretch Ha iiiiIiiiiiIm elmvcil to u trot ami Dewey Knt well up to the froiitliut win iiiiatilii tii keep up hi tick. Then Hrhley inaili u fpurt ami tool, lint Irailnt tlm linlf, hut .lerm-y panHil III in iiKnifi mnl lliey caiiir Into Ihe Iinme Ktretcli at n (jowl tmt. Alioul half way down the linitio stretch. iunvi'i-r iney mi rtunvcu to n wniif in cplto of thn wrniM nf their rlilviv, .KTH'y mnl he 1 1 ley iukiiik ii cotircc hIouk the fence on I lie uutxiile of tlm truck. Here Hchley ntaile n Kplrl hut Jerwy alw hI ruck a trot ami citum in, Tlinit :i.-os. Dewey ninrliiileil he hint cnoujli rui'Iiiir. heforu h" rcnclicd the vlre, nml tiirucil hark, hut hi rliler ilUnjoiintiil mnl ilrore lilin in. It U iui-iIIini tneny Hint the nice wni (-rently euJo)iil hy tlm HH'Ctllt(irH. 'Hie bicycle race nml footrace fulled to materialize, not bclnjc flllnl. Wiiliiwl y, the third ilny nf tin' fair wa uuirkcd ly K"l weather mnl a larae attendance. People from all partnuf tlio county were nu tlio crnum! in goodly nuinlier uml rcviiicd pleuwd with the ex Weaver took flrt nn loaf rake, Aire. Jaw Kolan.liou Pfimaf)' l.nnwi.i.r, 'U. Au. :m. I'rlimirlei tr Muk lioM iiNlny for rcprifciitntlw-i lo till tlm Micancy caii-rd hy the drath of 'iiiKretnaii JohliMUi Judk'o (i. W. Umri'11,.1. Kruuk lVntoii ainl'l, II. Jnhn hiii uro ronteitatiij). A iiiiiiilmitlou ut tlm priumriiM In eiiiltalciit to nu elec tlnii. Etaniliiiiijr Two Gunners. U'lSII I MITllS'. II. t Allir. UU k'ninrlri JinMliiandJnm'pli Hill, kuiiiicih In the nu? urn imiiik rxniiiiinii tmiay for pro- iiiiiiiMi iii lilt' comilllifiiouetl crime of ciikIkii. TIiomo ate tlm Hint warrant ntllrrrn (n npply fur rxiiuilmitinu. The iw niiiiritt tlial unrli nnuvrn diall Ih under tlilrty-lhe iarn nf iiko nml they nut t luiMcxaiulimtlnn lit miilcntloii. riiRluierliiK. fi'ainniiihlp, uiuicry, dec Irlrlly nml military lawn. Guns Seized fiit-os'. Auk. : An iiuuritiinlrett In Hirtrcnl fnrro It rrimrted lo ho t)or3ti:!K iu the lclnlty of tlm I'niKima rallrnniV. Tlm riii riiiuout Iim kiiIuI at lliirmu-iiillaAlnrriiiuarillyiifarmii'bcl(nii-lni; to tlio rrbrlrf. Silkuni Items Afn.O.A. I.ntnt lull thin morn 5 , ly prlvutn conveyuiiLn for Itoncluir Z wlioriieliu will take tliu train for J of- - Irrion to viell lur until father nu" filter fur n few wicLi. Ocorjjn IColilhne.eii pnimcd thrnti'li Ilia vnllry oil liin way to Itoacburg yeitoriluy. John CldiTcll nml his koh (Irorce. of Myriln l'oliil, cninpod at J, I). l.nlntV Tucmliiy uiclil on their wiy to l-.nitirn Omjcoii In unri Ii ol n new lioiue. Won lull tlicumuccci. Jnmra I.niril hruiiKlil in a men iimtl of ponched fiuiii Civil llciul and 1I1-- j'OMiit ul them on Ills way to Cuqinllu Blow at Kailroads. H..NVMC, I'iiM). Au..:i'l. Tin riilluaM iiinr inn jcv recovereu iriuu ino comuer iintlnii caiifeil hy thn iiiiiiiiuiiceiuent tllllt the Htllto Ixnilil nf iillliillr.illnti liml decliletl to ritnlliiti) nil the rnilriunln fur defeating the le.i'iine lilnlalli'li nf the iiiiriccii.ii L-ciiemiaweiiiiiiy. ihe iMiard Columbus Pair. olferiil. ami Ihe lime for entry wan ex-1 i IiiHiIji.1 llifll I'D (! I.uImii 1 Many lailleH'uMtcd ll.o i.avlllon with !"'n"n nml Mlw Mzrle Uawltmi ill lev to iifcerlalnliii; whether coiidi-J,'lrt ""'"" ,. ... lir. iiav raelnc; on imkcil on Imp Ituce No. I Trottlnc nml 'J:inchiin:iJiiC: pnrm fa.' Kntripn; w. n. nubile h uiiiiKiniM. f. i: minoh'm I. ('., Win. .Mc.Miillcirn (Jrniid itoinlc, W. ii. .Minion Hiomiikc. All the hnrnoH entered Martetl in thh rnco which wim decldoil In four heat. HiiukIiw tiHik the tlrxt heat In 'J:iU: I. ('. Hccnml Klondike. thtrdaiiiirirnumt Kouml fniirth. Tlm other thrro licuU wero taken tiyHraml Itumhi In 2,'I7, J:I2 -." mid 'J:ll. I. ('. wat n-cM In tlio FCfond ,11ml fourth aim nml took itirond money, i kiiiikiui liiKiuir uiirii HotiK were llkily to ho nn I ml In I ho mat lor nf duit nu they wire Innt year, It Hiemi that the diitt iiuiaiio wmi quit deittrnctho of delicate HitccliueiMof am and fancy wnrk, hut thin )cnr It wil ho dllferciit The imnuiKfiiiciit nru ImvliiK the ernuii'U well Hpriukletl, ami the nprlnk ier riiiti fomo hundred of ynnN out mi llioriiid, mi that in Mdlo of tlm wind i,ntiL,Mi.-j i i... i ',.,.... . ..i.... inero win no icry nine imihi n vine. linn of railroad nronorly in Cohirailn ' . 'Ilmilny wih not iillnuethor dowild of kki per cent. .inienvi in cpno m uicir neiii nu wt 1 . . nice iirw-rniii. I 'I'tl .1 .llf.tMll tllNlkl ll' V.IK I.I llln hll. , iiiiiiiituuiiiiri., I. .. ., -, , ... ... noon. iiiicn .in. -. Hniinmc oue-iian nine Cui.fJtnfH, (I. Auk. Wi IIiUImOiIiimi- 'Hi" tlritt waiono fourth mllo dash Nu ''" i; -"'.'I!!,? ' , ' I',,r,.'?,: , v' "!; .. .i..r.. ..nil.. ,.V.K.i . ...1:.".. VS. twwn nmlillii li..rN.N lieltiiiflntf t.i ill 'iih Slary U.. A. H. Keiifn DuraiiRo, P. tnumrriiw will w ('..liiinhiiK maiiufac-, WrlclitniiiK'. lltiyntoii. It wiw, urn er turorrt'day. 'I hero In friendly rivalry hi- ?.,Hr,,,.,ial!,.(,,"rM,"i.J''i:iv'.? ""' '"J". twiTii theitti two hraiichoN nf trade iw ti) i "JLV"! I'tti"JX H IS nml lloynton $0. whlchfluill makotlm iiiiHieni intul.l.t . riie$IO homo won, kecplnir u Iclictli ilUpliiyn nml routrlliiito iiiihI to tlm "J 'll,, ,,'l", " ' w' llirmiKli. i Miirt tuiMt ime miK ii.rt.iie i'iUiu in n mile, fnr t'i a Hide, Mwccii two horMM of unknown itiitecedeiitn. 'I ho end the nice wltui"t-ied a narrow eiicnpo fur JuliiiH Kl.iiuIii.IT, the rider of one of the horiMtt. Ihe ciiitau ovldotitly thought i.iui liner no nan i'iivmii iiimer nm wiro tho ruco wnx over nml ho miulit as well VESSEL ASHORE BELOW BANDON BRITISH BARK PROM CALLAO FOR PORTLAND. Lies on the Jicnch Where she Will Probably stay No Lives Lost Carried Coal and Ballast Word reached hero Wednesday that there wa a onkcI ashnro Ih-Iuw tho t:i nullle. It was Icatiiiil that nlm was the llrlthdi hark llnloda, from Callao and Imum! for Portland for n load of Wheat. Sim carried 1(0 torn of coal forward ami bailout aft. Him went tuhori it mllen lelow the mouth nf tlm Comillle river at I a. in. Wednesday inuri.lrijr, In n thick fog, ntlcklue Imw on, hut later working around with her bow to the ea. The eea wm nmooth nml the crew got ruthoro without dltTlculty. iuccitn of the fair. All iiiiiIo)ith and linn rieiKNtii iiioHiures union nun noi. day for tlm purpofo nf vliitluu tlm fair. LAND GRABBERS IN THE FAR NORTH HKATTI.K, Auk. .". lUspatcliM Junt ro colnsl from .Nome loll of mi un.snccrNi fill ntteiupl nt laud-Krnl.l.liiK. Sixty Iho immkisl men nttemptisl to take hy fnrnti Mime niluahlti iiiIuIuk land near Niniio, l.ut worn Hiicpwufully rmlntnl. Much nhiNitliiK tiKik place, tint few I lieu wore lout. ThlrtiS'ti n( tlio InvndorH were captur ed liyllm Nct.ind lirniiulit Into courC where they were relcuetl umler IO,UV ball IleiinoNM'y'N .Matt. a. Dlxon'i (Jnldle UiiriuiKo. Mnh nml Jnry D ntarted in this nice nml came under tho wire In the order mentioned. Time CI Itacn No. :..- dash. KutriM. II. Iliirn Police. K. P. NyrtonV Ti'iiiieM- Maid, ('has. NohleV Jessie, U.J. Hecley'ri Hilly Iv. Urn. Mxini'ii finlille. (.(.Idle, Teniiciti' Maid and JomiIc ran nml en me in an named. Time .W. In the trot mid pace, Keuatnr T. M. Dliumlck nct.ul nu one of tlm judgeri iu ' plnco of I.. M. Nohlo wlui wn-i iliiiua!i Travel by Sea Arrival froniKurokn on Alli.incoWi J D Cnrdinell.O A Clmrjuottc, Bert CWIrc. and Jfark Kay, .in n a AK(tnlcr,uiin tjmilcy.J.Mrfl Mary nmiioy, .nurnii Wallace, mt Kdnn Pierre, J P Jarobon. MIm J C Jolinron, MUt A'.Iolunon , X J b'churr nml 0 It Tiioiiipsou. The Alliance i nilrcrtited to anil for Portland this afternoon. The Old Way. Smith, Wilfred L. Wirtli , Ar.ton Wirlli anil Murk D.yulllp nil of Mnr. llohl, OrcKou. Any and all pomona claiming' nd vnraely thn nbovo ilercribed Innda nro rrilllpnlcd tofilo their clnlnm in Hit njlfce on or Iwforo aid 12lh day of Nuvninbcr. 1001. 8:U J. T. Tlumors, Kteiiter. TIM3KK LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878, NOTICK I'OIt PUIJLIOATION. UnltrJ Sutes Ind Office, Koiebur;. Oregon. Aur. 37 1901. Notice la hereby given that In com pliance with the povisiomi of tlio act of Congreaeof Juno 'J, 1878, entitled "Annctforthoanlo of timber landa in tho Htntcs nf California. Oregon, Norndn, ami Wailiington Territoiy." aa extended to nil tho Public Land Statca by net of Augut-i, 1892. Akto.v ivwiTU. 01 .Mnrsnoeltl, county of (Joos Statu lor Territory) of Oregon, hw this day filed in thin oMco Ins eworn Biatcniont No. ISW, for thn purchaio of tho BEi of Hectliin No. M in Townahip No. 25 d . Knngo No. 11 Wct, and will oiler proof to dhow that tlio land sought is rnoro valuablo for it tirnberorstouo than for agrN culturul purposes, nnd to establish his claim to said land before the Iteirliter and Itccciverof this office at Roseburg Oregon, on Tuesday, the 12th day of November, 1001. ile names as witnesses: Jcss.o A. .Sniitli, Wilfred L. Wirtli. Edward I). Cutlln nil nf iia re 11 ticlu, Oregon. v Any and all persons claiming) nd- eneiy nie auove-ocscrioou lands are criucstcd to fllo their claima in this ofllcoon orbeforo said 12:h day of November 1001. 8-CI J. T. UnioaKH, Register. TIMIIKIt LAND, ACT JUNK s) iv4. NOTICK FOR PUItUdATIOA. Unltnl St.U liixlonlce, Rocbiirg, Oregon, Auftut 71b, lyet. Notiox Is (trrctiv tWrn dial In cnianllaneril with Ihij provlitonn ol Iho net of Conj(r'M &t June 3, 1S7S, tnlltfil "Anoctror tlio nxle ol tlmlwr landi (n Iho Sulci of California, Oregon, NA(!a, nml Wntnlngion Terrltorr," alextentl ed tool the Publc Land Suinbr act of Au gmt 4. i8?, Chaslm E. Knox, of Us EV county oflwU, State (or Terrltond of Wah Ingion, h this tUjr filed In ihlj oinctrlil swom statement No. 177J. for the purtluta of tin NB i( of Section No, a6 In Townihlp No, & South, Range No. 11 Weit.mitl wilt offer proof to" ihow tht Ihe land sought is mora raluattU fof Iti timber or ttono than foragrlcnltnrapurro'. and to rttabliih hit claim to uld Und Ix-foro" the Hrgbtcr and Rreehei of this office at Kolo oarg. ortgoo, on Krltte, the 351)1 bj of Octob. eT, root, k , He names as wlinrues: Egan RatMowtM, Anztut Marer. Stanter (llnta nf IV Kit. W.. Ingion, lwlt Oirliten, of Kancli.Waahlnftoni1 Anr and aI prnons claiming ndtrerstlr UnT abotre-desvribed lands are requeued to file thea claims In thit ofhee on or before said atth iky of October, 1001. ' 8-io J.T. flalocrj, Register. SELBY WORKS WILL NOT PAY REWARD '.Six Kiuncihco, Aug. 2l Tint presl dent of tlm Kelhy. Smelling Works mivs go In tho barn whlln ho had headway nu tocirry I1I111 up tho elmrt hill, nn ho lmlted through tlm gnto. hut ho fell In going up tho pitch and throw his rider, fortunately without material Injury to either. Tho aernnil day of tho fnlr more than fiilllllcdiillexH'Ctatloun. iu tlm matter of nttrnililuce.uiid tliticnwd-cciuHl-U enjoy themnelieri imiueuaely. There wan un reamiu why they tdmuldu't. Tho day was lino nml thero wero plenty nf Interfiling mid amusing thing to reo mid hear. Tho MaridiuVM lra.s I..1111I, under tho leaderelilp of Dr. . A. Inyo, dlhctmrmsl liisl to net. The ntteiidauco nt the fair Friday wan larger than on IliunMay, when It wan much lnrger llinu tin the corn-npond-lug day Inst) ear. '1 ho day wnn lino nmt a ery ono seem ed toenJoythenirH'lveK. The day without atH'cinl Inel- dent or nccldeuUTlm bsi ot order-Im ik-vii iiiaiiiiaiueii nirinrgnnni nm inir, for which tho niauaKcmeut fliou Id re ceive tlienppreciiitlon of tho iKsinle, A feature or the day wan tlio baby nhow In the afternoon. The prize for tho bent looking baby Imy wan taken by young W. A. Nashurg. aged II) 1111111 thn, nm nt Mr. mid Mrx. Wm. .Nanhurg: while NEWDERHT, 8. C. Aug. 30. Plea 011 Inu wan hanged here today for the mur der of a Mr. Ahranifl wmie month ngo. The crime wan without any mitigating circutastancei and there wajninavmnathr for Hie criminal. Launching' at North Bend. The three-masted bald-headed schooner, which has been build ing at North Head, will' be Kal .....sic throughout Iho ar.ern.N.n V , rt Iu Si n h 3 " ... liidiUsl much to tho enjoyment of the iU" V.n.l Mr'jL. Kllirby cffil oil the girw prize. TIMriKHLANI), ACT JUNE 3, 1878 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. .UaHed Suics IxjjU office, Roxburg, Oregon, 1 Alimiil . la-j otlec is hereby given that in com- r-i.-'iBCo wnn tlie provision ol tho act otCmgiessof Juno 3, 1678, entitled 'An act for tho aalo of timber lands ir tlio fatntes nf California. Oregon. 1 Nevada, and Wailiington Territory," mtiif.iucu 10 an iuo rubiic J.anU Slates by act of August 4, 1802, SIai.k D. TiTur, of Marshfield, county of Ok State (or Territory) of Oregon. )ui tins tiny tiled in this dike his swrn statement No. 1603, for iho pinchiM of the SE.1., of section No. :Mi Township No. 25 8, Range No. 11 Veal, ami will offer proof to show that the Inndsotichl is moro valuablo Miuc im im'cuTitnrIror,,l!mboror tono than for ogri IIAYfc AN ADfcnTURE cultural purposes, and to establish his ,,, . , claim to Mid land beforo tho Register Alfred Snndcr 8nj Receiver of this oOloo nntabure liner inuniiCH i, ..t 1... .1.. m.i. .1... -. .viacWtoBklHtf.ti&.eniH.eJiJo.rl.urAua. v X.VJSiaWSi-."K, nJJlCii " Ci,,,h'"n V,"r th " '"" witneea : Jessie A. TllC Will the launched this afternoon. I'lycr on her nftcmoou trip reach North Bcud beforti launching. TWO MARSHFIELD BOYS Herbert Wolcott nml werv aboard ol .tlm nteamer Ibun Hens TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1378. .NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Slam Land office, Kbieberg, Oregon, Aoguii 7th. 1901. Notice Is hereby gl-en that In compliance with the protritiont of the act ofCongrruof Inn 3 1878, entilletl "An act far the sale of timber lands la the States of California, nmren. Xr. da, and Washington Trnltorjr," ai extended to all Ihe Public (And States by act of Aagast 4 lEVn.ALaraT MAtirauAMM. oTPbKII. mm. of Uwii. Stale (or Terrilory) of WaaMogteW has ihU day filed In this office hh sworn state mentNo. 1770, for the purcbaie of the NE V en Sectfea No. n In Townihlp No a6 South.' of Range No. it West, and will offer proof to show that Ihe land sought h more rateable for Iu timber or tione than lor aarlcullilral DftrrxMea. ' and to ejtiblith his claim to said land be fere tho RecUter and Reorirer of thli office at Roaeburv. Oregon, on Thursday, the 34th W f October, 1901. 1 He names as witnesses: J'aoI Mayer, Aaroo.' Allen, Charles E. Knox, Sunley OluLo, of I'e s ED. Washington. ' Anr and all persons claiming adrenelr the aboTe-describedlAndsarereouesteTllonr their'' claims (n this office on or before said 24th clay of October, 1901. . " u. b-io j. 1, hsidou, KefjMer. i'OMIll Jiiy. 1I.U- ttracliou one AI Deer of Oakland, wan in thn vnL ley one day this week loukiuu lor cattle. Stuvn Minnrd hern tip to ry'a again. Wl.nt'a thu ntli rilevoT K, N. Harry uoar loosing in ma viiiiiuiiiii cows 11 snort ii.uu iiko by being mired In thu ewninp, foriu nntulv shu wiih found in timo to ho anved . Tcnniilc Items and I'.nlu Krikson of Marsh Held and Krik Nygron of North llciul woro vislllug hero hut week. Iu rcsiOimo to a telegram from Cal ifornia W. V. llowrou visited Mnrnh flcld Huiulay tn meet A. Alinnut who nrrlvcd on tlio Areata and jirocuudeil toTetin.ilu In look at Innd, Martin llokluenn has eoloeted 11 cnndidato fnr 11 Letter hall among tho fiilrduughlerHnf rnnith rivur, anil in making propariitiono for joining tlm blessed lienediuts. Leoulliln BiiiHlreoni being sorinuslv ill waataksn lo town Huiulay, whoro alio in oared for by lior n.otlior and vlster. Helena AVoasoMi of tho north Lnkn ohnol Iiiih goim In tho fniraccoinpnn. icd by Frank llowron'a family, Allorn fow days atnv with II. F, Atlam'n, Dr. Auoln left for Mmshlluld Tuesday Kmil 11. Pnlorou hna resigned hla jmnition at Coloiuau'n mid wool to town Tuuvday in company with Jim Jtoliorln. Mara MaDonnld tho popular fcl.ooN teaclior lias used up 11 uliort vhention with his parents on their Greenwood creek farm ami departed for tlio bav Tliurmhiy. Mrs. K. Jlniiibridgo Iiiih roturnod from 11 protractoil visit with Mrs. (Jen, Ilaldorroo 011 Kolindold. .Mrs. Wntorn of North slough, who iiaa boon staying boiuo tln.n witli hor aUtor, MrH. Hiiistreem roturncd homo Thtirtiday. Stophon Jolinsnn , John Ston.loch nor nml Nola Mniicon started for MnrHhlleld Thtirriday. Mre. William Rieliarda of (lardlner is Htorlnghor hoiiHohold goods nwny preparatory to moving to the Oolo !an ostnto wlmrn nhu is oxnoutod to nrrlvo boou nftor Mis Ooloniiui ro tuma from tho Murshlklil fain. Hint tho lf3,UO reward nirensl nrrent mid coiivlellou of the nai rublied Iho worknof irnld hrfekn worth fSMUim win not ho pniii, iiie excuno given In thai the at reel of Intern oc curred before tho reward was oITeJed. lie eayn however that tho tifllcem who afTertist the capturn of tho thief will be remunerated. TRIENNIALCONCLAVE KNIGHT TEMPLARS crowd. Ilin pavilion exhibit much heller than Inst in pronounced ar, nml tho il IS Ui'll IIII11I Willi tt tur. nrront and coiivlcllon of iho party who.letvnf obiorln of lnterei.t and l.euntv. for the j building in well lllled u jea with a Thirty Thousand Assembled iu Louisville, Grand Parade Takes Place Today. Special to,thc Coast Mail. Loiimvn.i.K, Ky., Ant. 27. Comiumt derlenot Kulght'lcmplom haioliceu ar riving heroin, every train finro Satur day morning, Today they are coming iu In nt 111 greater iiuiuficm. All will halo nirhod before Iho evening, mid It In noweHtlinated that not lees than .10, I xi will bo In attendance upon tho run elm 0. Among the notable arrivals in Columbia, No. 2, nf Washington, of which Admiral Schley is n member nml who In with his cniniiiaudory. Tho hit tor brink' witli It tho celebrated Marino Hand. Tlio city of Loiilnvlllo hits mixed $ IU,(VO for tlm proper entertainment nf tho vlrtltorn. iW.uui nf which has been (hunted tn deeoratioiin iiTid llluii.iuntloii. An ohilHiriitoiiuadiiipIo electric arch, Hi feet high, with n.(M) sixteen caudle ixiw'er liiraiidoiceiit lamiis, erected nt a cost of H.00O, In (iuo of tho featuren. Tomorrow will occur tho grand parade In which :MKMKUghtH will bo In lino In their resplendent uniforms mid it In entabllnlied that it will remilro four hourn for the procession to pans n given Point. Louisville in cimvdliur with Kpcctntorn tn view tho un iney enter 1110 city tuny, LORD MILNER OVATED. BOERS KILL A FEW ('APirrowN. Aim. 27. Lord Mlliier linn 11st returned from Kughiml ami wan re reived with a groat mutton, Ho kiivh Hint (Ireat llrlilon In ho iiilhmen to tho war policy, London, Ami, 27. Kitchener ronnrtu that tho lloern at tacked a convoy near ltoolkohje. Nino of tho Yoeinuuy wore killed mid 20 wounded. An Interested Judge. Wasiiiniiton, Aud. 27 Adinlrnl Siuu pnou heads tho court of Inquiry Iu tho Schley mnttor. The two tihiiti.irimliie exhlbltn nro . . . . " F iiiiereniiug, eiiowiug a great varle very tv of with Cikw county i-rouen repristurctl muni iiriiciicii.nit aim accuracy. 'I ho display of I'mm county wood In 11I0110 worth n visit to the fnlr. The hluh Hlil. In equal to u mirror, nmt NKlhy that explains why tho ladles ni miicli admire that particular corner of tho pavilion, Tho stock exhibit wan nuginentcd WcdiiCMlny hy the anlvlal uf hoiiio nf II. SeiiBhtacko'n Hue Jersey's from his South Hiougi. iia.ry iiiriu, cniupristiig one mill. two cows. 11 cut ami avoarnng. rl... in.n M 1.. ...!:. ItaroNo. I Trotting; 2:50 clans; 3 In C: puri-o 2Xi, Kntrlen; Buzz. Win. Me Mullen; Ihnner Oak, F. P. .Norton; Dewey. F. Hetty; Fannie 1IC. A. Metlln. Fannie II. wnn not started. Buzz took toot: three heats nmt the race. Timo 2uV.i, 2:37 and 2: .VI, Bonner D.ik came second Iu the llrst heat.Dewey Iu the second nnd third. itnro No, 2 Itunnlng; nuo-lialt mile nnd lepent; purse $lua Kutrles: Mnry I)., Norton; Mali, P.llcmictoy;llllly Lee, 0..I. Seeley; Diirnngo. A. K. hent. Iu tnith heats Duningii came in first. Mnt rccoud, Mary II. third uml Billy Lee fourth. lluitiM and & 2-S. Tint last 1 1 anied horse wnn a very bad actor ami Tin1 Indies woro out iu strung force I hN nt Icn caused mueli delay iu starting Horse Injured. K. F.itc, of Douijl.u county, who drove In with his fatuity, and is camped nt Iho f.ilrgiuuml, had ono of his horws Utdly Injured 'I luirnl.iy, The horses ttcte tied IJo by side, and while no ono wuilirAr one of the linrsus licked his in.Mo umiait'r of tliiiosand beluK rough thod culhlni tip vrrpludly, mid In their summer toggery nml the giiiml stand shone resplendent In nil thu colors of tho rainlxiw. One notable feature of the fair is tlio number of devices for shearing sheep, mid there seems to bo the usual number of sheep willing to be sheared. One liiilhld.ial wanoliscMed to drop 10 on one round of 11 skin game, leaving him $2 with which In iitiirliUMi the where withal to drown his sorrow. Tin: kicks. The speed prngiam, while not long, went nil with tho greatest success. Tho nlllclaln woro F. M. Friodhorg, L. M. Nohlo uml . F. Calhigher, Judges; P. L. Phelnii ami I'.F. McKiiight, timers; S.B. llerinan, welglirr and clerkof thorourse, ltnre No. 1 - Saddle horse nice, one half mile: nurno i'0. Kutrles: J. L. Hockley's I'loud, A. Ogren's Fiinnlo Til den, F. P. Norton's Kinl.leiu. K. A. Amler- soirn roiice. k. m. llutlierfonrs Wlilto Stocklngn, Jess Norton's Tom l.oiiln. 1 nero wero live sinners 111 tills rare, all but Fm.uio Tilden showing up. The horses started promptly, at the second score, and made a very n.etty race, coin ing under tho wire with Tom Louis In the lend, Polieo second, ('loud third, Km Idem fourth and White Stockings iltth. Time, r.l. .Special ss" dnsli; purso (175. Kutrles, fleo. Tin pen's Midget. McKay Bros. Sox, Will Dixon's tioldic. Chan. Noble's Jessie. All four horses started Iu thin race, which wan 11 scramble all tho way through. Midget took the held And held it to the turn, but wan then obliged to relinquish It tn (loldle, who lead It tn tho-wlro, Midget second, Sox third mid Jessto roiirth. Timo 20 Hat. Tlio event of tho day wnn thn bull rare, and Iu thin were entered W. II. Noble's Schley nml Dewey nml I'apt. Han is' Jersey. TI icy wero assigned pimttioiia iu order named. When brought on tho track the animals evinced a decided ills taste for tho excitement nf 11 life 111. the turf mid gave their Joeklos no end of trouble. Dewey broke down thu gate and rah out Into tho center field, but a crowd went nut and hemlod htm In iigulit. Then Dewey and Schley both objected to their saddles nml the latter took 11 leclluiiig position iu front of tho grandstand. When Dewey'sridernimtnt ed ho did some bucking but was too clumsy to unseat his rider. W. K. Doln.ul, .and i;ao It up, Schley wan ridden by Ciias, Noble ami wan in clined to sulk, lie refused to como to his. position m number, t, but tho othors wero herded mound on tlu outNldo nf him, accomplishing tho desired result. Jersey,, who was riddou baiebncU by throwing the last race very late. Sporfiil trot 2 iu 3; purse $75. 'Kntrlen: Boui.ln Lav, ft. , Hughes; Jasper N, F. P, Norton: Hood. l A. Metlln. Hood look the that heat nnd Jasper N. tho second uml third. Time 3:002-5, 3:02 uml 2:51). Iu tho UK) yards footrace llacue. Sned don uml (ioodman, (iooduiuu fulled to Mart when the pistol cracked, and llngt.e took the race easily, TOIUVri it ICES, T. ottlng, 3 minute class -3 in 5, purso loi. Kutrles; Hetty's Dewey, Norton's Homier Oak, 0. F. McKuiglil's Fannie II. Trotting and pacing, free tor nil 3 iu 5. nurse $200. Kutrles: Mo.MiilIen'stirnnd Hondo, N01 ton's I. ('., Hughes' Douglas. itunnlng, novelty, purse $150. Ku trles: Chan. Noble's .lessle, P. Hennes sey's Mnb, Win. lJlxon's (ioldie, A. K. Kent's Durmigo. Theio are six entries iu tlio mule race which taken place this afternoon, ami the blooded stuck of Lihhy in matched against that of Beaver Hill. Tho names ot the aulumln are given as Fannie, Minnie. Siilllvan.n'eaiiut.s. Jennie ami Stranger. Tills pTomtses to equal or eclipse Wedii0i!day'.n;bull race as a source ot entertainment ami mirth. And the Foreman Swore. Wo wM. to explain to tlnv-o who may have noticed many typogrnpjileal errors on pages 2 and 15 of yesterday's lssuo that wo were all duly snber.but ,wo pled n form nt 3 o'clock yesterday morning and tu the hurry incident to getting the stuff together again to get the papqr out on timo Home errors crept In. Printers will umlcntnud the situation. Oven Killed I'reJ Noah, a north Toos ritrr bggrr had a plccn of tud I111A this week in n nUvup on .1 hill killing two of ihe oven In his team nnd badly crippling Iuo more, For Safe or Trade. A secondhand buggy will be" sold cheap" or exchanged for hay, Apply M Coast JA1M office. Bljr Timber Deal The Nashurg, Hacker and Hirst tract of line bctbnd north of ihe Umpqua river, containing 10,000 acres, has been told to Minneapolis par ies, nnd It Is understood 111 il Ihcy w Ul patup n largirmllti The accident occurred nlmut niMnli;h t the (iarrett ramming n ln.Ie iu the Dauntless nbout nnildshlp. Sim sank tn 20 minutes, but in tho mean timo the pnvengern wero all safely transferred to the fiarrett. Young Wolcott writes to his father. A. I). Wolcott that ho just had time to dress and put 011 his hat. but ntter he was rarely aboard the (intrett ho discov ered that ho was wcarlutronlv tlm brim of his hat. tho crown having mysterious ly disappeared, North Bend. L,J. Simpson and wife returned from the Nona Thursday morning. The schooner ,'ehfooi is now almost kxitl with lumber. The mill started to .run again, Wednesday morning, QuUe a number of the "North Tendlles went to the fair Thursday. Dora Items. F. K. Scofield recently received from the east a pair of O. I. C pigs or the north S. R Nlver stork, Cleveland Ohio. They are beauties and luuljfTiey reached Dora few weeks rarUcr douttless thsy would hate made gtad the eyes o he "Ciintes' by ling placed mi exibition at our county fair. Mrs Carrie Durness and family uho hate ucen riuting wnn ner parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abemethy of this place, returned to her nome in jvuourn, vji. last 1 uesaayv Miss Ida Miller who has been teaching at Dora returned to her home this week, K. E. Scofielil Is hauling dour from Roseburg. Tho stigrs are now runnlnc on rood time snd securing the large part of the trniel.Any one wishing to go either toward Koseburg or Morshf neiu snouia ceruiniy tnttel thn way. The Dora photogmphcr has quite an exibition 01 rKiurrsai ino i.ur. Mr. Mark Munson lilted the Dora Sunday viivut .tu. 4(suit ursK. J. Scolield has returned from A vjsit to her baugfitrr, Mrs. W. K. Fargo, of Wrownnille uregen. There will tie n box supper at Plcsant IHU school house Sept, 6th. A fine program is be ns prep.uvu, all are conlialy Invited. Iowa Fire Dim MorXES, Aug. 30 -Tlio business section ot Scrauton. 10 miles north ot hero was burned to the ground last night. The loss In about $('.0,000, 1 ,. Row an Tour Kidney Dr. Hobbt' Bparagus Pilltanro all kldi tT I1U. Sam. ale tree. AJa.btDrliu.- Utuiakr COh Ctuio or N, V. T1.MUKU LAND, ACTJUNK3, 1878. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United Suites UAid Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Aug, 37. 1901, Notice la liurobv eivun that in com- phanco tvill. the provision of thn not of Congress of Juno 3, 1S7S, entitled ''An net lor lliu salu 01 timber lauds In the State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory ." ni extended to all thn Public Land Stntes by act of August -1, 181)2, KiinMiiD W. WiKKS.of Marslitleld. county of Coos Statu (or Torrilory) o( Ougou, has tl.ia day tiled in thiaollioo ma m win 11 simuiiiuiiv iu. aoiv, lur tue mirotiase ol the Lots 1 and 2 nnd S, ol NK4 of Seotiou No. in Township .mi. .no ruuigo. .o, 11 west, anil will ofrur proof to show ttiut tho laud sought is more valuablo for its timber or stonn thau for agricultural pur poaes.atnl to establish his claim to said land bofore tho Hegistor nd Ueceiver ot this ollice at Roseburg , Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 12th day of November, Ho uanioj as-wit nesees v Jcscio At Smith Aoton Wirtli, Edward Wires, nml Clinrlpa I,. Smith, nil nf M.r.l.. j lirl'f, Oregon. Ati and all persons claiming ad versely the above-described lands nro roruestcd to lllo tholr claims in this office on or beforo said 12:li day of November, 1001. , 8-31 J. T. BntDOEs, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNK 3, 1878. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. . United Stales Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, August 27th, 1901. Notice Is hereby glen that In compliance with Ire protritlons of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands in the States of CuAfonila, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,"' as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4, 189a, Robi.ut B.L. Haytmi, p, xiatshticld, county of Coos, Slate of Oregon, has this day filed In this cfricr his sworn state, ment Na iSor, for the purchase of the Lots 3 J.SJi .NW ofhecUonNo. a. In Township No. s6S, Ranre No. 11 West, and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more val uat for its timber or stone than for agricultur al purposes, nnd to establish his cltim to said land before tle Register and Receiver of this ofliceat Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, the ta day of November, l)or. He names as witnesses: Mark D. Cutlip, Anton Winh. Edwnrd W Wires. Charles E. Smith, of Marshfield, Oregon. Any and all persons cUlnilau adversely the above-described lands axe requested to file their claims in this ofhee on or before sold 12th day of November, 1901, S-31 J. T. BihdoiS, Register. .1. f. TIMBEULaND, ACT JUNli 3, J87S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ,., United Slates I-and ornce, RoMborg, oregoh, August 7th, 1901. 1 Notice Is hereby siren that In caaiDMnca ith. the protrUloBsof the act of Congress of Jme 3,' 1S78, entlted "An act for thn a&fe ol tknbtr ands in the States oj Caifsrnla,. . Oregon, Net trada. nnd Washington Territory," as extendeaV to af the Pubie land Slates by act of' Aofjp 4. tna, tilAM KATKOWSKI. Ol fs KM, of Lewls.Sute(or Terrlionr of Wasfc ou uus oar nieu in inu omce sa awora raenl No. 1773 for the purchase ol tfce NW if. or section no. 11 la Tewssftio No., a- SaMk: timber or Mee thanfer airiculnna nomMesL and to estabUh hlsciim tosaUAindbcferc'lh. Register and Receiver of this cflioo at Koseburgp Oregon, oa Friday, the 85th day of October, 1901. ' lie names as witnesses: August Mayers AI bert .taucrnunn. StanA-y Cuba, CtuuJcs E. Knox, of Pe YJl, Washington. Any and a Dersons- calmimr advervv (her abotc-described ands are requested to 67s Ihebr cAims In this office on or before said ajtb. day of October, loot. ' e-10 j, 1. nxiDCCi. Keguur. TIM BER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. , United States Land office, Roseburg. Oregon,. August 7th, 190C ., Notice Is hereby given that In compliance-' with the provisions of the act of Congress of ' June 3. 1878, cntUM "An act for the sole of' timber lands In the States of California, Oregoa. Nevada, and Washington Territory,' ar extendi' ed to all the Public Land States by nut el AiurtM 4, 189a. Aur.usT.IAYKU. of Pe til. county Lewis, State for Terrilory) of Washington, has this day filed In this office his sworn- statement No. 1770, for the purchase of the SE V of Scot lion No sa m Townshlu No. s(5 South, Range No. 11 West, and will offer proof to show that" the land sought is more valuable for its timber', or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to . establish his claim lo said land before tiie Reg., liter and Receiver of this office nt Rosebun. Oregon, on Thursday, the 34th day of October, 1901 He names as witnesses: Charles U. Knoxv , Aaron Allen. Paul Mayer, Lewis Chdsten, of i'e E.U, Washington. Any and au persons claiming adversely nm above-described lands are requested to file their.' claims in this office on or before said 34th day ,, of October, 1901. 8-io J.T. UairxiES, RegUter u We Have it. That is our a most invar iablo reply to inquiries for tho latest nov- e-i-tios and swell effects in Jiil Sicm vi 0 r (I r y good's, cloth if, furnislii i n s a 11 d shoes, goves, corsets, liose- ry,underiucar,. shirts, wrap pers and silt waists. Don't forget. -The R & G Corset, in all styles. Keco meuded by all who- Iravc worn them to be a perfeci article, - - - - - We curry and have the ex elusive sale of the WALK OVER SHOE for gentle men itnd theTATRTciAN7 a woman's shoe that's right Towels, Sheetings, Lace Curtaina- 51 ': S'i '! 81 , I I All Goods Guaranteed as IrealMenf. Right Prices. Ckieoirs' l Mi rii if 1 Sr aV Jsl af& .a a'aTMa AfsV b Bfc Jf JA MaTMsTM VaW' Hk V IVIMVSIINCO ilYi- I OKJIV. w... ,-- ,0i040 j-r 'X&$.r, 'St-"-, tHtL S --&&'